Commit 0d7efc7e authored by Smile's avatar Smile

bug214 【(app/h5)首页/我的订单各个tab】查询订单接口status字段返回32时,前端无状态值显示

parent b027cb4e
......@@ -1711,6 +1711,60 @@ public interface OrderMapper extends AbstractMapper<OrderDO> {
"<when test = 'query.customerId != null'>",
"AND o.`customer_id` = #{query.customerId}",
"<when test='query.dynamicStatusList != null and query.dynamicStatusList.size()>0'>",
"AND (1 != 1",
"<foreach item='status' index='index' collection='query.dynamicStatusList'>",
"<when test='status == 12325'>",
" or (o.`status` = 12 and o.`shipment_State` = 325)",
"<when test='status == 10501'>",
" or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and o.abnormal_state = 0 and o.audit_type = 0 and o.transport_id = 3)",
"<when test='status == 10502'>",
" or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and o.abnormal_state = 0 and o.audit_type = 0 and o.transport_id = 3)",
"<when test='status == 10503'>",
" or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4 and o.transport_id = 3)",
"<when test='status == 10504'>",
" or (",
" o.`status` = 5 and o.abnormal_state = 0 and o.audit_type = 0",
" and (",
" (o.transport_id = 3 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4))",
" or",
" (o.transport_id = 1 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4))",
" )",
" )",
"<when test='status == 132411'>",
" or (o.`status` = 32 AND o.shipment_State = 411 and o.transport_id = 3)",
"<when test='status == 132412'>",
" or (o.`status` = 32 AND o.shipment_State = 412 and o.transport_id = 3)",
"<when test='status == 132409'>",
" or (o.`status` = 32 AND o.shipment_State = 409 and o.transport_id = 3)",
"<when test='status == 118428'>",
" or (o.`status` = 32 AND o.shipment_State = 428 and o.transport_id = 3)",
"<when test='status == 16'>",
" or (o.`status` = #{status} AND o.`pick_state` = 0)",
"<when test='status == 20'>",
" or o.`pick_state` = 2",
"<when test='status == 21'>",
" or o.`pick_state` = 1",
" or o.`status` = #{status}",
" </choose>",
IPage<OrderBackPageVO> dynamicOrderPage(@Param("mpPage") IPage<OrderBackPageVO> mpPage, @Param("query") OrderQueryVO query);
......@@ -2429,6 +2483,60 @@ public interface OrderMapper extends AbstractMapper<OrderDO> {
"<when test = 'query.containerNumber != null and query.containerNumber != \"\" '>",
"AND o.`container_number` = #{query.containerNumber}",
"<when test='query.dynamicStatusList != null and query.dynamicStatusList.size()>0'>",
"AND (1 != 1",
"<foreach item='status' index='index' collection='query.dynamicStatusList'>",
"<when test='status == 12325'>",
" or (o.`status` = 12 and o.`shipment_State` = 325)",
"<when test='status == 10501'>",
" or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and o.abnormal_state = 0 and o.audit_type = 0 and o.transport_id = 3)",
"<when test='status == 10502'>",
" or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and o.abnormal_state = 0 and o.audit_type = 0 and o.transport_id = 3)",
"<when test='status == 10503'>",
" or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4 and o.transport_id = 3)",
"<when test='status == 10504'>",
" or (",
" o.`status` = 5 and o.abnormal_state = 0 and o.audit_type = 0",
" and (",
" (o.transport_id = 3 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4))",
" or",
" (o.transport_id = 1 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4))",
" )",
" )",
"<when test='status == 132411'>",
" or (o.`status` = 32 AND o.shipment_State = 411 and o.transport_id = 3)",
"<when test='status == 132412'>",
" or (o.`status` = 32 AND o.shipment_State = 412 and o.transport_id = 3)",
"<when test='status == 132409'>",
" or (o.`status` = 32 AND o.shipment_State = 409 and o.transport_id = 3)",
"<when test='status == 118428'>",
" or (o.`status` = 32 AND o.shipment_State = 428 and o.transport_id = 3)",
"<when test='status == 16'>",
" or (o.`status` = #{status} AND o.`pick_state` = 0)",
"<when test='status == 20'>",
" or o.`pick_state` = 2",
"<when test='status == 21'>",
" or o.`pick_state` = 1",
" or o.`status` = #{status}",
" </choose>",
IPage<OrderBackPageVO> receivedOrderPage(@Param("mpPage") IPage<OrderBackPageVO> mpPage, @Param("query") OrderQueryVO query);
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