@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ public interface OrderWarehouseInMapper extends AbstractMapper<OrderWarehouseInD
@Select("select t.*,t1.prod_title_en,t1.prod_title_zh,t1.brand,t1.warehouse_in_prod_attr_ids as prodAttrIds,t1.material,t1.usage_ids,(SELECT 1"+
" FROM ecw_product_brand_empower a "+
" LEFT JOIN ecw_order_consignor b on b.order_id = t1.order_id "+
" LEFT JOIN ecw_order_consignee c on c.order_id = t1.order_id "+
" LEFT JOIN ecw_order_consignor b on b.customer_id= a.customer_id and b.order_id = t1.order_id "+
" LEFT JOIN ecw_order_consignee c on c.customer_id = a.customer_id and c.order_id = t1.order_id "+
" WHERE a.product_brand_id = t1.brand and (b.customer_id is not null OR c.customer_id is not null) "+
" AND (date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN date_format(a.start_time,'%Y-%m-%d') AND date_format(a.end_time,'%Y-%m-%d')OR start_time IS NULL) AND a.deleted = 0 LIMIT 1) AS brandTag from ecw_order_warehouse_in t LEFT JOIN ecw_order_item t1 on t.order_item_id=t1.order_item_id where t.order_id=#{orderId} and t.deleted=0")
@@ -376,8 +376,8 @@ public interface ProductBrandEmpowerMapper extends AbstractMapper<ProductBrandEm
" SELECT 1 "+
" FROM ecw_product_brand_empower a "+
" LEFT JOIN ecw_order_consignor b on b.order_id = #{orderId} "+
" LEFT JOIN ecw_order_consignee c on c.order_id = #{orderId} "+
" LEFT JOIN ecw_order_consignor b on b.customer_id= a.customer_id and b.order_id = #{orderId} "+
" LEFT JOIN ecw_order_consignee c on c.customer_id= a.customer_id and c.order_id = #{orderId} "+
" WHERE a.product_brand_id = #{brand} and (b.customer_id is not null OR c.customer_id is not null) "+
" AND (date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN date_format(a.start_time,'%Y-%m-%d') AND date_format(a.end_time,'%Y-%m-%d')OR start_time IS NULL) AND a.deleted = 0 LIMIT 1",