Commit 11d9dfbc authored by wux's avatar wux

Revert "会员等级配置,同等级相同顺序报错"

This reverts commit c1506b2a.
parent 976157fe
......@@ -73,5 +73,4 @@ public interface ErrorCodeConstants {
ErrorCode SCORE_RULE_CUSTOMERSIDE_ERROR = new ErrorCode(1004008028, "score.rule.customer.side.error");
ErrorCode LEVEL_RULE_NOT_EXISTS = new ErrorCode(1004008028, "level.rule.not.exists");
ErrorCode LEVEL_DETAILs_NOT_EXISTS = new ErrorCode(1004008028, "level.details.not.exists");
ErrorCode LEVEL_Order_REPEAT = new ErrorCode(1004008029, "level.order.repeat");
......@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ public class OrderBackPageVO {
private void getOrderDesc() {
// TODO 这里的文案国际化现在只支持两种语言,如果需要支持更多的语言,需要优化
Integer lang = Objects.nonNull(this.lang) ? this.lang : I18nMessage.getLang();
if (null != this.status && this.status.equals(OrderStatusEnum.CANCEL.getValue()) && this.userType != null) {
if (null != this.status && this.status.equals(OrderStatusEnum.CANCEL.getValue()) && this.userType != null) {
String message = this.userType == 2 ? OrderStatusMsgEnum.CANCEL.getAdminSourceName() : OrderStatusMsgEnum.CANCEL.getCustomerSourceName();
this.statusMsg = lang == 0 ? I18nMessage.getZhMessage(message) : I18nMessage.getEnMessage(message);
} else if (null != this.abnormalState && this.abnormalState > 0) {
......@@ -1058,10 +1058,7 @@ currency.not.exist = currency not exist
date.format.error = date format error, for example : 2024-01-01 12:11:11
redeem.cancel.status.error = record status must be redeeming
level.bound.range.error = upper count must greater than lower count
level.bound.range.conflict = score range exist conflict'
level.rule.not.exists = Membership level rule does not exist
level.details.not.exists = Membership level details do not exist
level.order.repeat = Membership level configuration order repeats
level.bound.range.conflict = score range exist conflict
score.operate.idempotent.error = idempotent key conflict
score.rule.not.exists = score rule not exists
......@@ -1138,5 +1135,3 @@ order [{}] has approval in progre
msg.code.not.exist=The verification code does not exist verification code is in use verification code is incorrect
msg.sent.too.often=Text messages are sent too often number of short messages sent per day exceeded
......@@ -1057,9 +1057,6 @@ date.format.error=Format de date incorrect, format correct : 2024-01-01 12:11:11
redeem.cancel.status.error=Seules les enregistrements avec un statut "en \u00E9change" peuvent \u00EAtre annul\u00E9s
level.bound.range.error=La valeur sup\u00E9rieure doit \u00EAtre sup\u00E9rieure \u00E0 la valeur inf\u00E9rieure
level.bound.range.conflict=Conflit dans la plage des points de fid\u00E9lit\u00E9
level.rule.not.exists = La r\u00E8gle du niveau de membre n'existe pas
level.details.not.exists = Les d\u00E9tails du niveau de membre n'existent pas
level.order.repeat = L'ordre de configuration du niveau d'adh\u00E9sion se r\u00E9p\u00E8te
score.operate.idempotent.error=Conflit de cl\u00E9 idempotente
score.rule.not.exists=La r\u00E8gle de points n'existe pas
......@@ -1132,5 +1129,3 @@ commande li\u00E9e [{}] est en cours d
msg.code.not.exist=Le captcha n\u2019existe pas d\u00E9j\u00E0 utilis\u00E9 captcha est incorrect
msg.sent.too.often=Les SMS sont envoy\u00E9s trop souvent nombre de messages courts envoy\u00E9s par jour d\u00E9pass\u00E9
......@@ -1061,7 +1061,6 @@ level.bound.range.error = \u4E0A\u754C\u6570\u503C\u5FC5\u987B\u5927\u4E8E\u4E0B
level.bound.range.conflict = \u79EF\u5206\u8303\u56F4\u5B58\u5728\u51B2\u7A81
level.rule.not.exists = \u4F1A\u5458\u7B49\u7EA7\u89C4\u5219\u4E0D\u5B58\u5728
level.details.not.exists = \u4F1A\u5458\u7B49\u7EA7\u8BE6\u60C5\u4E0D\u5B58\u5728
level.order.repeat = \u4F1A\u5458\u7B49\u7EA7\u89C4\u5219\u91CD\u590D
score.operate.idempotent.error = \u5E42\u7B49key\u51B2\u7A81
score.rule.not.exists = \u79EF\u5206\u89C4\u5219\u4E0D\u5B58\u5728
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