Commit 20bfd710 authored by's avatar

bugfix: 汇率金额8位小数

parent b04d17c5
ALTER TABLE `ecw_currency_rate` MODIFY `source_amount` DECIMAL(18, 8) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `ecw_currency_rate` MODIFY `target_amount` DECIMAL(18, 8) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `ecw_currency_rate_log` MODIFY `source_amount1` DECIMAL(18, 8) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `ecw_currency_rate_log` MODIFY `source_amount2` DECIMAL(18, 8) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `ecw_currency_rate_log` MODIFY `target_amount1` DECIMAL(18, 8) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `ecw_currency_rate_log` MODIFY `target_amount2` DECIMAL(18, 8) NOT NULL;
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