Commit 235c4fd9 authored by zhengyi's avatar zhengyi


parent 62f240ff
......@@ -165,13 +165,12 @@ public interface ProductMapper extends BaseMapperX<ProductDO> {
"<when test='query.attrId != null and query.attrId.size()>0'>" ,
"<when test=' query.attrId.size()==1 '>" ,
"<when test='query.attrId.size()==1 '>" ,
"<foreach item='attrId' index='index' collection='query.attrId' >" ,
"AND t.`attr_id` = #{attrId}" ,
"<when test='and query.attrId.size()>1 '>" ,
"<when test='query.attrId.size()>1 '>" ,
"AND (1!=1 " ,
" <foreach item='attrId' index='index' collection='query.attrId'>" ,
" OR FIND_IN_SET(t.`attr_id`, #{attrId})",
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