Commit 2b502b55 authored by Smile's avatar Smile


parent a5068173
......@@ -725,10 +725,12 @@ public class OrderServiceImpl extends AbstractService<OrderMapper, OrderDO> impl
if (!Objects.equals(createReqVO.getStatus(), DRAFT.getValue())) {
//customerType 发货人-1 收货人 2
int customerType = this.checkOrderSalesman(order, createReqVO.getOfferId(), null, null, orderConsignorDO, orderConsigneeDO);
// 更新所属客户经理(业务员)
if (!DRAFT.getValue().equals(order.getStatus()) && Objects.nonNull(order.getIsChargeCustomer()) && order.getIsChargeCustomer()) {
// if (!DRAFT.getValue().equals(order.getStatus()) && Objects.nonNull(order.getIsChargeCustomer()) && order.getIsChargeCustomer()) {
// addOrderCustomerService(order,orderConsignorDO,customerType);
// }
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