Commit 31eb5ef1 authored by's avatar


parent 32e33865
......@@ -3833,7 +3833,7 @@ public interface OrderMapper extends AbstractMapper<OrderDO> {
// "</when>",
// "</script>"
// })
StatisticsOrderVO statisticsMyOrder(@Param("query") OrderQueryDTO query);
StatisticsOrderVO statisticsMyOrder(@Param("query") OrderQueryVO query);
......@@ -4844,38 +4844,38 @@ public interface OrderMapper extends AbstractMapper<OrderDO> {
// "where whl.dest_warehouse_id = #{query.destWarehouseId} ",
// "))",
// "</when>",
" <if test=\"query.startWarehouseId !=null and query.destWarehouseId !=null \">\n" +
" <if test=\"query.startWarehouseIds !=null and query.destWarehouseIds !=null \">\n" +
" and (o.line_id in(\n" +
" select\n" +
" from ecw_warehouse_line whl\n" +
" where whl.start_warehouse_id in\n" +
" <foreach item='warehouseId' collection='query.startWarehouseId' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>\n" +
" <foreach item='warehouseId' collection='query.startWarehouseIds' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>\n" +
" #{warehouseId}\n" +
" </foreach>\n" +
"\n" +
" and whl.dest_warehouse_id in\n" +
" <foreach item='destWarehouseId' collection='query.destWarehouseId' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>\n" +
" <foreach item='destWarehouseId' collection='query.destWarehouseIds' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>\n" +
" #{destWarehouseId}\n" +
" </foreach>\n" +
"\n" +
" ))\n" +
" </if>\n" +
" <if test=\"query.startWarehouseId !=null and query.destWarehouseId==null\">\n" +
" <if test=\"query.startWarehouseIds !=null and query.destWarehouseIds==null\">\n" +
" and (o.line_id in(\n" +
" select\n" +
" from ecw_warehouse_line whl\n" +
" where whl.start_warehouse_id in\n" +
" <foreach item='warehouseId' collection='query.startWarehouseId' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>\n" +
" <foreach item='warehouseId' collection='query.startWarehouseIds' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>\n" +
" #{warehouseId}\n" +
" </foreach>\n" +
" ))\n" +
" </if>\n" +
" <if test=\"query.startWarehouseId ==null and query.destWarehouseId !=null \">\n" +
" <if test=\"query.startWarehouseIds ==null and query.destWarehouseIds !=null \">\n" +
" and (o.line_id in(\n" +
" select\n" +
" from ecw_warehouse_line whl\n" +
" where whl.dest_warehouse_id in\n" +
" <foreach item='destWarehouseId' collection='query.destWarehouseId' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>\n" +
" <foreach item='destWarehouseId' collection='query.destWarehouseIds' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>\n" +
" #{destWarehouseId}\n" +
" </foreach>\n" +
"\n" +
......@@ -4919,7 +4919,7 @@ public interface OrderMapper extends AbstractMapper<OrderDO> {
StatisticsOrderVO statisticsMyWarehouseIn(@Param("query") OrderQueryDTO query);
StatisticsOrderVO statisticsMyWarehouseIn(@Param("query") OrderQueryVO query);
......@@ -5766,38 +5766,38 @@ public interface OrderMapper extends AbstractMapper<OrderDO> {
// "where whl.dest_warehouse_id = #{query.destWarehouseId} ",
// "))",
// "</when>",
" <if test=\"query.startWarehouseId !=null and query.destWarehouseId !=null \">\n" +
" <if test=\"query.startWarehouseIds !=null and query.destWarehouseIds !=null \">\n" +
" and (o.line_id in(\n" +
" select\n" +
" from ecw_warehouse_line whl\n" +
" where whl.start_warehouse_id in\n" +
" <foreach item='warehouseId' collection='query.startWarehouseId' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>\n" +
" <foreach item='warehouseId' collection='query.startWarehouseIds' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>\n" +
" #{warehouseId}\n" +
" </foreach>\n" +
"\n" +
" and whl.dest_warehouse_id in\n" +
" <foreach item='destWarehouseId' collection='query.destWarehouseId' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>\n" +
" <foreach item='destWarehouseId' collection='query.destWarehouseIds' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>\n" +
" #{destWarehouseId}\n" +
" </foreach>\n" +
"\n" +
" ))\n" +
" </if>\n" +
" <if test=\"query.startWarehouseId !=null and query.destWarehouseId==null\">\n" +
" <if test=\"query.startWarehouseIds !=null and query.destWarehouseIds==null\">\n" +
" and (o.line_id in(\n" +
" select\n" +
" from ecw_warehouse_line whl\n" +
" where whl.start_warehouse_id in\n" +
" <foreach item='warehouseId' collection='query.startWarehouseId' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>\n" +
" <foreach item='warehouseId' collection='query.startWarehouseIds' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>\n" +
" #{warehouseId}\n" +
" </foreach>\n" +
" ))\n" +
" </if>\n" +
" <if test=\"query.startWarehouseId ==null and query.destWarehouseId !=null \">\n" +
" <if test=\"query.startWarehouseIds ==null and query.destWarehouseIds !=null \">\n" +
" and (o.line_id in(\n" +
" select\n" +
" from ecw_warehouse_line whl\n" +
" where whl.dest_warehouse_id in\n" +
" <foreach item='destWarehouseId' collection='query.destWarehouseId' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>\n" +
" <foreach item='destWarehouseId' collection='query.destWarehouseIds' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>\n" +
" #{destWarehouseId}\n" +
" </foreach>\n" +
"\n" +
......@@ -5841,7 +5841,7 @@ public interface OrderMapper extends AbstractMapper<OrderDO> {
StatisticsOrderVO statisticsMyPickUp(@Param("query") OrderQueryDTO query);
StatisticsOrderVO statisticsMyPickUp(@Param("query") OrderQueryVO query);
......@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ public interface OrderQueryService {
List<OrderDO> getOrderChildren(List<Long> orderIds);
StatisticsOrderVO statisticsOrder(OrderQueryVO query);
StatisticsOrderVO statisticsMyOrder(OrderQueryDTO query) ;
StatisticsOrderVO statisticsMyOrder(OrderQueryVO query) ;
void exportOrderExcel(HttpServletResponse response, OrderQueryVO query) throws IOException;
......@@ -1767,8 +1767,8 @@ public class OrderQueryServiceImpl implements OrderQueryService {
public StatisticsOrderVO statisticsMyOrder(OrderQueryDTO query) {
caseStatus(query.getStatus(), query);
public StatisticsOrderVO statisticsMyOrder(OrderQueryVO query) {
// caseStatus(query.getStatus(), query);
StatisticsOrderVO vo = orderMapper.statisticsMyOrder(query);
if (Objects.nonNull(vo)) {
vo.setTotalVolume(new BigDecimal(vo.getTotalVolume()).setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).toString());
......@@ -563,6 +563,12 @@ public class OrderQueryVO {
@ApiModelProperty(value = "产品备案属性:1有牌,2无牌,3中性,4混牌")
private List<Integer> productRecords;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "客户经理ids")
private List<Long> salesmanIds;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "渠道ids")
private List<Long> channelIds;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "审核类型(字典 order_approval_type) 0 为正常")
private List<Integer> auditTypeList;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "订单状态详情见字典:order_status")
......@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ public class OrderController {
public CommonResult<StatisticsOrderVO> statisticsDeptOrder(OrderQueryDTO query) {
public CommonResult<StatisticsOrderVO> statisticsDeptOrder(OrderQueryVO query) {
LoginUser loginUser = SecurityFrameworkUtils.getLoginUser(); // 获取当前登录用户ID
// query.setSalesmanId(salesmanId);
......@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ public class OrderController {
public CommonResult<StatisticsOrderVO> statisticsMyOrder(OrderQueryDTO query) {
public CommonResult<StatisticsOrderVO> statisticsMyOrder(OrderQueryVO query) {
Long salesmanId = SecurityFrameworkUtils.getLoginUserId(); // 获取当前登录用户ID
// query.setSalesmanId(salesmanId);
......@@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ public class OrderController {
public CommonResult<StatisticsOrderVO> statisticsOrder(OrderQueryDTO query) {
public CommonResult<StatisticsOrderVO> statisticsOrder(OrderQueryVO query) {
return success(orderQueryService.statisticsMyOrder(query));
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