"IF(o.order_type != 2 and (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ecw_order_exception hoe WHERE hoe.order_id = o.order_id AND hoe.deleted = 0 AND hoe.order_exception_status = 0 AND hoe.order_exception_type ='order_heavy_cargo_exception') = 0, IFNULL(oi.warehouse_in_info ->> '$.volume', oi.volume), oi.w_volume ) as we_volume,",
"IF(o.order_type != 2 and (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ecw_order_exception hoe WHERE hoe.order_id = o.order_id AND hoe.deleted = 0 AND hoe.order_exception_status = 0 AND hoe.order_exception_type ='order_heavy_cargo_exception') = 0, IFNULL(oi.warehouse_in_info ->> '$.volume', oi.volume), oi.w_volume ) as we_volume,",
"IF(o.order_type != 3 and (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ecw_order_exception boe WHERE boe.order_id = o.order_id AND boe.deleted = 0 AND boe.order_exception_status = 0 AND boe.order_exception_type ='order_bulky_cargo_exception') = 0, IFNULL(oi.warehouse_in_info ->> '$.weight', oi.weight), oi.v_weight ) as vo_weight,",
"IF(o.order_type != 3 and (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ecw_order_exception boe WHERE boe.order_id = o.order_id AND boe.deleted = 0 AND boe.order_exception_status = 0 AND boe.order_exception_type ='order_bulky_cargo_exception') = 0, IFNULL(oi.warehouse_in_info ->> '$.weight', oi.weight), oi.v_weight ) as vo_weight,",
"IF(#{lang} = 0, pd.title_zh, pd.title_en) as brand_name ",
"IF(#{lang} = 0, pd.title_zh, pd.title_en) as brand_name, ",
"IF(#{lang} = 0, pdc.title_zh, pdc.title_en) as brand_name ",
// new OrderLocationMergeVO(orderLocationBackVO.getWareId(), orderLocationBackVO.getAreaId(), orderLocationBackVO.getLocationId())).collect(Collectors.toList());
// for (OrderLocationMergeVO orderLocation : mergeList) {
// // 过滤
// if (orderLocationMergeVOSet.stream().noneMatch(t -> t.equals(orderLocation))) {