Commit 3b047f21 authored by Smile's avatar Smile Committed by wux


parent 66b57117
SELECT @parentId := (SELECT id FROM system_menu WHERE name LIKE '重泡货操作权限');
INSERT INTO jiedao.system_menu (name, permission, menu_type, sort, parent_id, `path`, icon, component, status, creator, create_time, updater, update_time, deleted, is_show_in_menu_bar, name_en, keepalive, redirect, badge_field) VALUES('设为免泡', 'ecw:weight_deal:all_process', 3, 1, @parentId, '', '', '', 0, '1', '2025-01-03 15:48:57', '1', '2025-01-03 15:48:57', 0, 1, '设为免泡', 0, NULL, NULL);
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