Commit 43732161 authored by's avatar

Merge branch 'test' into release

parents 34c4537e 8a679bff
......@@ -121,19 +121,19 @@ public interface ProductMapper extends BaseMapperX<ProductDO> {
"AND t.`type_id` = #{query.typeId}",
"<when test=\"query.typeId != null and query.typeId.size()>0\">" +
" <when test=\"query.typeId != null and query.typeId != '' and query.typeId.size()==1 \">" +
" AND t.`type_id` =\n" +
" <foreach item='typeId' index='index' collection='query.typeId' >\n" +
" #{typeId}" +
" </foreach>" +
" </when>" +
" <when test=\"query.typeId != null and query.typeId != '' and query.typeId.size()>1 \">" +
" AND t.`type_id` in " +
" <foreach item='typeId' index='index' collection='query.typeId' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>" +
" #{typeId}" +
" </foreach>" +
" </when>" +
"<when test='query.typeId != null and query.typeId.size()>0'>",
" <when test=' query.typeId.size()==1 '>",
" AND t.`type_id` = ",
" <foreach item='typeId' index='index' collection='query.typeId' >",
" #{typeId}",
" </foreach>" ,
" </when>",
" <when test=' query.typeId.size()>1 '>",
" AND t.`type_id` in ",
" <foreach item='typeId' index='index' collection='query.typeId' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>" ,
" #{typeId}" ,
" </foreach>" ,
" </when>" ,
"<when test = 'query.status != null'>",
......@@ -144,16 +144,16 @@ public interface ProductMapper extends BaseMapperX<ProductDO> {
"AND t.`audit_status` = #{query.auditStatus}",
"<when test='query.auditStatusList != null and query.auditStatusList.size()>0 '>" ,
"<when test='query.auditStatusList.size()==1 '>" +
"<foreach item='auditStatus' index=\"index\" collection='query.auditStatusList' >" +
"AND t.`audit_status` = #{auditStatus}" +
"</foreach>" +
"<when test='query.auditStatusList.size()==1 '>",
"<foreach item='auditStatus' index='index' collection='query.auditStatusList' >",
"AND t.`audit_status` = #{auditStatus}",
"<when test='query.auditStatusList.size()>1 '>",
" AND t.`audit_status` in ",
" <foreach item='auditStatus' index='index' collection='query.auditStatusList' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>",
" #{auditStatus}",
" </foreach>" ,
"</foreach>" ,
"</when>" ,
"<when test = 'query.packaging != null'>",
......@@ -164,22 +164,20 @@ public interface ProductMapper extends BaseMapperX<ProductDO> {
"AND (t.`title_zh` like concat('%',concat(#{query.titleZh},'%')) or t.`title_en` like concat('%',concat(#{query.titleZh},'%')))",
// "<when test = 'query.attrId != null and query.attrId != \"\" '>",
"<when test='query.attrId != null and query.attrId.size()>0'>" ,
"<when test='query.attrId != null and query.attrId != '' and query.attrId.size()==1 '>" ,
"<foreach item='attrId' index=\"index\" collection='query.attrId' >" ,
"<when test=' query.attrId.size()==1 '>" ,
"<foreach item='attrId' index='index' collection='query.attrId' >" ,
"AND t.`attr_id` = #{attrId}" ,
"<when test='query.attrId != null and query.attrId != '' and query.attrId.size()>1 '>" ,
"AND (1!=1 " +
"<when test='and query.attrId.size()>1 '>" ,
"AND (1!=1 " ,
" <foreach item='attrId' index='index' collection='query.attrId'>" ,
" OR FIND_IN_SET(t.`attr_id`, #{attrId})",
"</foreach>" ,
" )" ,
// "AND FIND_IN_SET(t.`attr_id`, #{query.attrId})",
"<when test='query.materialTypes != null and query.materialTypes.size()>0'>" ,
......@@ -190,7 +188,7 @@ public interface ProductMapper extends BaseMapperX<ProductDO> {
"<when test= 'query.materialTypes != null and query.materialTypes.size()>1 '>",
" AND t.`material_type` in " ,
" <foreach item='materialType' index='index' collection='query.materialTypes' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>",
"<foreach item='materialType' index='index' collection='query.materialTypes' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>",
" #{materialType}" ,
" </foreach>" ,
"</when>" ,
......@@ -203,23 +201,23 @@ public interface ProductMapper extends BaseMapperX<ProductDO> {
"AND <![CDATA[ t.create_time <= #{query.endCreateTime} ]]> ",
"<when test=\"query.creator != null and query.creator != '' \">" +
"<when test='query.creator != null and query.creator != \"\" '>" +
"AND c.`nickname` like concat('%',concat(#{query.creator},'%'))",
"<when test=\"query.titleZhKey != null and query.titleZhKey != '' \">" +
"<when test='query.titleZhKey != null and query.titleZhKey != \"\" '>" +
"AND t.`title_zh` like concat('%',concat(#{query.titleZhKey},'%'))",
"<when test=\"query.notTitleZhKey != null and query.notTitleZhKey != '' \">" +
"<when test='query.notTitleZhKey != null and query.notTitleZhKey != \"\" '>" +
"AND t.`title_zh` not like concat('%',concat(#{query.notTitleZhKey},'%'))",
"<when test=\"query.eqTitleZhKey != null and query.eqTitleZhKey != '' \">" +
"<when test='query.eqTitleZhKey != null and query.eqTitleZhKey != \"\" '>" +
"AND t.`title_zh` = #{query.eqTitleZhKey} ",
"<when test=\"query.notEqTitleZhKey != null and query.notEqTitleZhKey != '' \">" +
"<when test='query.notEqTitleZhKey != null and query.notEqTitleZhKey != \"\" '>" +
"AND t.`title_zh` != #{query.notEqTitleZhKey} ",
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