Commit 46c357ef authored by huyf's avatar huyf


parent 80193911
......@@ -69,3 +69,6 @@ alter table `ecw_order`
-- 2024-07-25 刷新订单业绩客户新老客户状态冗余参数
update ecw_order o left join ecw_customer c on = o.customer_id set o.yeji_type = IFNULL(c.is_new, 1);
-- 2027-08-07 仓库路线新增落款信息和图章名称
alter table ecw_warehouse_line add column lk_left varchar(600) COMMENT '左侧落款',add column lk_right varchar(600) COMMENT '右侧落款',add column tz_name varchar(255) COMMENT '图章名称';
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