Commit 5b556dff authored by zhengyi's avatar zhengyi


parent 9ecc84db
......@@ -2897,11 +2897,11 @@
<if test="query.warningOrder != null and query.warningOrder == 1 ">
AND (o.type is null or o.type = '' or NOT FIND_IN_SET(2, o.type))
<!-- AND (o.type is null or o.type = '' or NOT FIND_IN_SET(2, o.type))-->
AND o.`is_cargo_control` = 1
AND o.unload_time is not null
AND ((select IFNULL(sum(p.pick_num), 0) from `ecw_order_cargo_control_pick` p where p.order_id = o.order_id and p.status = 3) &lt; o.`sum_num`
AND (select IFNULL(sum(p.pick_num), 0) from `ecw_order_cargo_control_pick` p where p.order_id = o.order_id and p.status = 3 and p.deleted = 0) &lt; o.`sum_num`
AND ((select count(1) from `ecw_order_cargo_control_pick` p where p.order_id = o.order_id and p.status = 3 and p.deleted = 0) &lt;= 3 or
DATE_ADD(o.unload_time, INTERVAL (
IFNULL(ew_dest.rent_free_days, 0)
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