Commit 717846cc authored by zhengyi's avatar zhengyi


parent 135b618a
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public interface OfferMapper extends BaseMapperX<OfferDO> {
"<when test = 'pageVO.objectiveIds != null and pageVO.objectiveIds.size() > 0'>",
"AND dst.objective_id IN",
"AND dst.shi IN",
"<foreach item='objectiveId' collection='pageVO.objectiveIds' open='(' close=')' separator=','> #{objectiveId} </foreach>",
......@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ public interface OfferMapper extends BaseMapperX<OfferDO> {
"<when test = 'pageVO.objectiveIds != null and pageVO.objectiveIds.size() > 0'>",
"AND dst.objective_id IN",
"AND dst.shi IN",
"<foreach item='objectiveId' collection='pageVO.objectiveIds' open='(' close=')' separator=','> #{objectiveId} </foreach>",
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