Commit 811de315 authored by zhengyi's avatar zhengyi


parent 63e5f9e1
......@@ -3102,765 +3102,8 @@ public interface OrderMapper extends AbstractMapper<OrderDO> {
Long getOrderConsigneeMemberInfo(@Param("orderId") Long orderId);
// @ResultType(StatisticsOrderVO.class)
// @Select({
// "<script>",
// "select ",
// "SUM(IFNULL(IF(it.warehouse_in_info is null, 0, it.warehouse_in_info->>'$.cartonsNum'), 0)) as total_num, ",
// "SUM(IFNULL(IF(it.warehouse_in_info is null, 0, it.warehouse_in_info->>'$.volume'), 0)) as total_volume, ",
// "SUM(IFNULL(IF(it.warehouse_in_info is null, 0, it.warehouse_in_info->>'$.weight'), 0)) as total_weight, ",
// "SUM(IFNULL(IF(it.warehouse_in_info is null, 0, it.warehouse_in_info->>'$.quantityAll'), 0)) as order_quantity, ",
// "SUM(IFNULL(it.w_volume,0)) as total_w_volume, ",
// "SUM(IFNULL(it.v_weight,0)) as total_v_weight, ",
// "SUM(IFNULL(IF(it.warehouse_in_info is null, 0, IF(it.charge_weight > it.min_metering_weight ,it.charge_weight,it.min_metering_weight)), 0)) as total_charge_weight, ",
// "SUM(IFNULL(IF(it.warehouse_in_info is null, 0, IF(it.charge_volume > it.min_metering_volume,it.charge_volume,it.min_metering_volume)), 0)) as total_charge_volume,",
// "SUM(IFNULL(IF(it.warehouse_in_info is null, 0, IF(it.charge_quantity > it.min_metering_quantity,it.charge_quantity,it.min_metering_quantity)), 0)) as total_charge_quantity",
// "from ecw_order_item it ",
// "left join ecw_order o ",
// "ON it.order_id = o.order_id and it.deleted = 0",
// "left join ecw_order_departure de on de.order_id = o.order_id ",
// "left join ecw_order_objective ob on ob.order_id = o.order_id ",
// "left join ecw_order_consignor nor on nor.order_id = o.order_id ",
// "left join ecw_order_consignee nee on nee.order_id = o.order_id ",
// "left join ecw_channel channel on channel.channel_id = o.channel_id ",
// "where o.deleted = 0 and o.in_warehouse_state != 211 and o.in_warehouse_state != 208 and o.status != 10 ",
// "<when test = 'query.deptId != null '>",
// "AND o.dept_id = #{query.deptId} ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test= 'query.deptIdList != null and query.deptIdList.size() > 0'>",
// "AND (o.dept_id IN",
// "<foreach item='deptId' collection='query.deptIdList' open='(' close=')' separator=','> #{deptId} </foreach>",
// " or ",
// "(SELECT u.dept_id FROM system_user u WHERE = o.creator) IN",
// "<foreach item='deptId' collection='query.deptIdList' open='(' close=')' separator=','> #{deptId} </foreach>)",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.pdaStartWareIds != null and query.pdaStartWareIds != \"\" '>",
// "AND FIND_IN_SET(ew_start.`id`, #{query.pdaStartWareIds})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.pdaDestWareIds != null and query.pdaDestWareIds != \"\" '>",
// "AND FIND_IN_SET(ew_dest.`id`, #{query.pdaDestWareIds})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.packageType != null and query.packageType != \"\" '>",
// "AND CONCAT(',',o.package_type,',') REGEXP CONCAT(',',REPLACE(#{query.packageType},',',',|,'), ',')",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.isExternalWarehouse != null'>",
// "AND o.`is_external_warehouse` = #{query.isExternalWarehouse}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.status != null'>",
// "AND o.`status` = #{query.status}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.abnormalState != null'>",
// "<choose>",
// "<when test = 'query.abnormalState != 0'>",
// "<choose>",
// "<when test = 'query.abnormalState != -1'>",
// "AND o.`abnormal_state` = #{query.abnormalState}",
// "</when>",
// "<otherwise>",
// "AND o.`abnormal_state` != 0",
// "</otherwise>",
// "</choose>",
// "</when>",
// "<otherwise>",
// "AND o.`abnormal_state` = 0",
// "</otherwise>",
// "</choose>",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.inWarehouseState != null'>",
// "AND o.`in_warehouse_state` = #{query.inWarehouseState}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.shipmentState != null'>",
// "AND o.`shipment_State` = #{query.shipmentState}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.auditType != null'>",
// "<choose>",
// "<when test = 'query.auditType != 0'>",
// "<choose>",
// "<when test = 'query.auditType != -1'>",
// "AND o.`audit_type` = #{query.auditType}",
// "</when>",
// "<otherwise>",
// "AND o.`audit_type` != 0",
// "</otherwise>",
// "</choose>",
// "</when>",
// "<otherwise>",
// "AND o.`audit_type` = 0",
// "</otherwise>",
// "</choose>",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.salesmanId != null '>",
// "AND (o.`salesman_id` = #{query.salesmanId} or o.`customer_id` in(select from ecw_customer cus where cus.is_customer_service_confirmed = 1 and cus.customer_service = #{query.salesmanId} ))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.customsType != null'>",
// "AND o.`customs_type` = #{query.customsType}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.productRecord != null'>",
// "AND o.`product_record` = #{query.productRecord}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.transportId != null'>",
// "AND o.`transport_id` = #{query.transportId}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.channelId != null'>",
// "AND o.`channel_id` = #{query.channelId}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.warehouseType != null'>",
// "AND o.`warehouse_type` = #{query.warehouseType}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.number != null and query.number != \"\" '>",
// "AND (o.`number` like concat('%',concat(#{query.number},'%')) ",
// "or ",
// "o.order_id in ",
// "(select distinct oi.order_id from ecw_order_item oi ",
// "where oi.deleted = 0 and",
// "((oi.warehouse_in_info is null and oi.express_no like concat('%',concat(#{query.number},'%')))",
// " or ",
// "(oi.warehouse_in_info is not null and oi.warehouse_in_info ->> '$.expressNo' like concat('%',concat(#{query.number},'%'))))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notNumber != null and query.notNumber != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`number` not like concat('%',concat(#{query.notNumber},'%')) ",
// "AND ",
// "o.order_id not in ",
// "(select distinct oi.order_id from ecw_order_item oi ",
// "where oi.deleted = 0 and",
// "((oi.warehouse_in_info is null and oi.express_no like concat('%',concat(#{query.notNumber},'%')))",
// " or ",
// "(oi.warehouse_in_info is not null and oi.warehouse_in_info ->> '$.expressNo' like concat('%',concat(#{query.notNumber},'%')))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.marks != null and query.marks != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`marks` like concat('%',concat(#{query.marks},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.departureId != null '>",
// "AND de.`departure_id` = #{query.departureId}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.objectiveId != null '>",
// "AND ob.`objective_id` = #{query.objectiveId}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.consignorId != null '>",
// "AND nor.`customer_id` = #{query.consignorId} ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.consignorPhone != null and query.consignorPhone != \"\" '>",
// "AND nor.`phone` = #{query.consignorPhone} ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.consigneeId != null '>",
// "AND nee.`customer_id` = #{query.consigneeId}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.consigneePhone != null and query.consigneePhone != \"\" '>",
// "AND nee.`phone` = #{query.consigneePhone} ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.isCargoControl != null '>",
// "AND o.`is_cargo_control` = #{query.isCargoControl}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.orderNo != null and query.orderNo != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`order_no` like concat('%',concat(#{query.orderNo},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.orderIdList != null and query.orderIdList.size() != 0'>",
// "AND o.`order_id` in ",
// "<foreach item='orderId' index='index' collection='query.orderIdList' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>#{orderId}</foreach> ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.tidanNo != null and query.tidanNo != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`tidan_no` like concat('%',concat(#{query.tidanNo},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.customerId != null'>",
// "AND o.`customer_id` = #{query.customerId}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginRucangTime != null and query.endRucangTime != null '>",
//// "AND o.`rucang_time` between #{query.beginRucangTime} and #{query.endRucangTime}",
// "AND o.order_id in(select distinct wi.order_id from ecw_order_warehouse_in wi where wi.deleted = 0 and wi.`in_time` between #{query.beginRucangTime} and #{query.endRucangTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginQingguanTime != null and query.endQingguanTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`qingguan_time` between #{query.beginQingguanTime} and #{query.endQingguanTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginDaogangTime != null and query.endDaogangTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`daogang_time` between #{query.beginDaogangTime} and #{query.endDaogangTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginPreLoadTime != null and query.endPreLoadTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`status` > 5 AND o.`pre_load_time` between #{query.beginPreLoadTime} and #{query.endPreLoadTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginOutboundTime != null and query.endOutboundTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`status` > 5 AND o.container_number in(select distinct b.self_no from ecw_box_air_checkout bc join ecw_box b ON bc.shipment_id =",
// "where b.deleted = 0 and bc.deleted = 0 and bc.`checkout_time` between #{query.beginOutboundTime} and #{query.endOutboundTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginLoadTime != null and query.endLoadTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`load_time` between #{query.beginLoadTime} and #{query.endLoadTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginUnloadTime != null and query.endUnloadTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`unload_time` between #{query.beginUnloadTime} and #{query.endUnloadTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginTakeTime != null and query.endTakeTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`status` > 19 AND o.`take_time` between #{query.beginTakeTime} and #{query.endTakeTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginSplitTime != null and query.endSplitTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`split_time` between #{query.beginSplitTime} and #{query.endSplitTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginCreateTime != null and query.endCreateTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`create_time` between #{query.beginCreateTime} and #{query.endCreateTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginPickTime != null and query.endPickTime != null '>",
// "AND o.order_id in(select distinct op.order_id from ecw_order_cargo_control_pick op where op.deleted = 0 and op.status in(1,3) and op.`create_time` between #{query.beginPickTime} and #{query.endPickTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginPickUpTime != null and query.endPickUpTime != null '>",
// "AND o.order_no in(select distinct op.order_id from ecw_order_pickup op where op.deleted = 0 and op.`create_time` between #{query.beginPickUpTime} and #{query.endPickUpTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginWarehouseInTime != null and query.endWarehouseInTime != null '>",
// "AND o.order_id in(select distinct wi.order_id from ecw_order_warehouse_in wi where wi.deleted = 0 and wi.`update_time` between #{query.beginWarehouseInTime} and #{query.endWarehouseInTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.creator != null and query.creator != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`creator` = #{query.creator} and (o.user_id is null or o.user_id = 0)",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.searchKey != null and query.searchKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND concat(IFNULL(o.`order_no`,''), IFNULL(o.`old_numbers`,'') ,IFNULL(o.`marks`,''),IFNULL(o.`tidan_no`,''),IFNULL(o.`container_number`,''),IFNULL(nee.`name`,''),IFNULL(nee.`phone`,'')) like concat('%',concat(#{query.searchKey},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.consignorKey != null and query.consignorKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (concat(IFNULL(nor.`name`,''),IFNULL(nor.`name_en`,''),IFNULL(nor.`phone`,'')) like concat('%',concat(#{query.consignorKey},'%'))",
// "OR nor.customer_id in (select from ecw_customer c where c.number like concat('%',concat(#{query.consignorKey},'%'))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notConsignorKey != null and query.notConsignorKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (concat(IFNULL(nor.`name`,''),IFNULL(nor.`name_en`,''),IFNULL(nor.`phone`,'')) not like concat('%',concat(#{query.notConsignorKey},'%'))",
// "AND nor.customer_id not in (select from ecw_customer c where c.number like concat('%',concat(#{query.notConsignorKey},'%'))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.consigneeKey != null and query.consigneeKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (concat(IFNULL(nee.`name`,''),IFNULL(nee.`name_en`,''),IFNULL(nee.`phone`,'')) like concat('%',concat(#{query.consigneeKey},'%'))",
// "OR nee.customer_id in (select from ecw_customer c where c.number like concat('%',concat(#{query.consigneeKey},'%'))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notConsigneeKey != null and query.notConsigneeKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (concat(IFNULL(nee.`name`,''),IFNULL(nee.`name_en`,''),IFNULL(nee.`phone`,'')) not like concat('%',concat(#{query.notConsigneeKey},'%'))",
// "AND nee.customer_id not in (select from ecw_customer c where c.number like concat('%',concat(#{query.notConsigneeKey},'%'))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.numberKey != null and query.numberKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND concat(IFNULL(o.`order_no`,''), IFNULL(o.`old_numbers`,''), IFNULL(o.`parent_number`,''), IFNULL(o.`initial_parent_order_no`,'') ,IFNULL(o.`marks`,''),IFNULL(o.`tidan_no`,''),IFNULL(o.`container_number`,''),IFNULL(o.`no_charge_record`,'')) like concat('%',concat(#{query.numberKey},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notNumberKey != null and query.notNumberKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND concat(IFNULL(o.`order_no`,''), IFNULL(o.`old_numbers`,''), IFNULL(o.`parent_number`,''), IFNULL(o.`initial_parent_order_no`,'') ,IFNULL(o.`marks`,''),IFNULL(o.`tidan_no`,''),IFNULL(o.`container_number`,''),IFNULL(o.`no_charge_record`,'')) not like concat('%',concat(#{query.notNumberKey},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.eqNumberKey != null and query.eqNumberKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (o.`order_no` = #{query.eqNumberKey}",
// "or (o.`old_numbers` is not null and o.`old_numbers` != '' and o.`old_numbers` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`parent_number` is not null and o.`parent_number` != '' and o.`parent_number` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`marks` is not null and o.`marks` != '' and o.`marks` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`tidan_no` is not null and o.`tidan_no` != '' and o.`tidan_no` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`container_number` is not null and o.`container_number` != '' and o.`container_number` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`no_charge_record` is not null and o.`no_charge_record` != '' and o.`no_charge_record` = #{query.eqNumberKey})",
// "or (o.`initial_parent_order_no` is not null and o.`initial_parent_order_no` != '' and o.`initial_parent_order_no` = #{query.eqNumberKey}))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notEqNumberKey != null and query.notEqNumberKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`order_no` != #{query.notEqNumberKey}",
// "AND (o.`old_numbers` is null or o.`old_numbers` = '' or o.`old_numbers` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`parent_number` is null or o.`parent_number` = '' or o.`parent_number` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`marks` is null or o.`marks` = '' or o.`marks` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`tidan_no` is null or o.`tidan_no` = '' or o.`tidan_no` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`container_number` is null or o.`container_number` = '' or o.`container_number` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`no_charge_record` is null or o.`no_charge_record` = '' or o.`no_charge_record` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`initial_parent_order_no` is null or o.`initial_parent_order_no` = '' or o.`initial_parent_order_no` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.prodKey != null and query.prodKey != \"\" '>",
// "and (o.order_id in(",
// "select oi.order_id ",
// "from ecw_order_item oi ",
// "left join ecw_product p ",
// "on oi.prod_id = ",
// "left join ecw_product_type pt ",
// "on = oi.prod_type ",
// "left join ecw_product_brank pb",
// "on = oi.brand",
// "where oi.deleted = 0 ",
// "and concat(IFNULL(oi.`prod_title_zh`,''),IFNULL(oi.`prod_title_en`,''),IFNULL(pt.`title_zh`,''),IFNULL(pt.`title_en`,''),IFNULL(pb.`title_zh`,''),IFNULL(pb.`title_en`,''))",
// "like concat('%',concat(#{query.prodKey},'%'))",
// "))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notProdKey != null and query.notProdKey != \"\" '>",
// "and (o.order_id not in(",
// "select oi.order_id ",
// "from ecw_order_item oi ",
// "left join ecw_product p ",
// "on oi.prod_id = ",
// "left join ecw_product_type pt ",
// "on = oi.prod_type ",
// "left join ecw_product_brank pb",
// "on = oi.brand",
// "where oi.deleted = 0 and concat(IFNULL(oi.`prod_title_zh`,''),IFNULL(oi.`prod_title_en`,''),IFNULL(pt.`title_zh`,''),IFNULL(pt.`title_en`,''),IFNULL(pb.`title_zh`,''),IFNULL(pb.`title_en`,'')) " ,
// "like concat('%',concat(#{query.notProdKey},'%'))",
// "))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.eqProdKey != null and query.eqProdKey != \"\" '>",
// "and (o.order_id in(",
// "select oi.order_id ",
// "from ecw_order_item oi ",
// "left join ecw_product p ",
// "on oi.prod_id = ",
// "left join ecw_product_type pt ",
// "on = oi.prod_type ",
// "left join ecw_product_brank pb",
// "on = oi.brand",
// "where oi.deleted = 0 " ,
// "and (oi.`prod_title_zh` = #{query.eqProdKey} or oi.`prod_title_en` = #{query.eqProdKey} " ,
// "or pt.`title_zh` = #{query.eqProdKey} or pt.`title_en` = #{query.eqProdKey}",
// "or pb.`title_zh` = #{query.eqProdKey} or pb.`title_en` = #{query.eqProdKey})",
// "))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notEqProdKey != null and query.notEqProdKey != \"\" '>",
// "and (o.order_id not in(",
// "select oi.order_id ",
// "from ecw_order_item oi ",
// "left join ecw_product p ",
// "on oi.prod_id = ",
// "left join ecw_product_type pt ",
// "on = oi.prod_type ",
// "left join ecw_product_brank pb",
// "on = oi.brand",
// "where oi.deleted = 0" ,
// "and (oi.`prod_title_zh` = #{query.notEqProdKey} or oi.`prod_title_en` = #{query.notEqProdKey} " ,
// "or pt.`title_zh` = #{query.notEqProdKey} or pt.`title_en` = #{query.notEqProdKey}",
// "or pb.`title_zh` = #{query.notEqProdKey} or pb.`title_en` = #{query.notEqProdKey})",
// "))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.startWarehouseId != null and query.destWarehouseId != null '>",
// "and (o.line_id in(",
// "select ",
// "from ecw_warehouse_line whl ",
// "where whl.start_warehouse_id = #{query.startWarehouseId} and whl.dest_warehouse_id = #{query.destWarehouseId} ",
// "))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.startWarehouseId != null and query.destWarehouseId == null '>",
// "and (o.line_id in(",
// "select ",
// "from ecw_warehouse_line whl ",
// "where whl.start_warehouse_id = #{query.startWarehouseId} ",
// "))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.startWarehouseId == null and query.destWarehouseId != null '>",
// "and (o.line_id in(",
// "select ",
// "from ecw_warehouse_line whl ",
// "where whl.dest_warehouse_id = #{query.destWarehouseId} ",
// "))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 1'>",
// "AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0 ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 2'>",
// "AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 3'>",
// "AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 4'>",
// "AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 10'>",
// "AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 11'>",
// "AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0 ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 12'>",
// "AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0 ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 20'>",
// "AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0 ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.isNeat == false '>",
// " AND o.sum_num <![CDATA[ < ]]> o.cost->>'$.totalNum' ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.isNeat == true '>",
// " AND o.sum_num = o.cost->>'$.totalNum' ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.type != null and query.type != \"\" and query.type == 0 '>",
// "AND (o.type is null or o.type = '' or o.type = '0')",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.type == 1 '>",
// "AND FIND_IN_SET(1, o.type)",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.type == 2 '>",
// "AND FIND_IN_SET(2, o.type)",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.customerDetailId != null'>",
// "AND (o.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId} or nor.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId} or nee.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.userType == 2 '>",
// "</when>",
// "</script>"
// })
StatisticsOrderVO statisticsOrder(@Param("query") OrderQueryVO query);
// @ResultType(StatisticsOrderVO.class)
// @Select({
// "<script>",
// "select ",
// "SUM(IFNULL(IF(it.warehouse_in_info is null, 0, it.warehouse_in_info->>'$.cartonsNum'), 0)) as total_num, ",
// "SUM(IFNULL(IF(it.warehouse_in_info is null, 0, it.warehouse_in_info->>'$.volume'), 0)) as total_volume, ",
// "SUM(IFNULL(IF(it.warehouse_in_info is null, 0, it.warehouse_in_info->>'$.weight'), 0)) as total_weight, ",
// "SUM(IFNULL(IF(it.warehouse_in_info is null, 0, it.warehouse_in_info->>'$.quantityAll'), 0)) as order_quantity, ",
// "SUM(IFNULL(it.w_volume,0)) as total_w_volume, ",
// "SUM(IFNULL(it.v_weight,0)) as total_v_weight, ",
// "SUM(IFNULL(IF(it.warehouse_in_info is null, 0, IF(it.charge_weight > it.min_metering_weight ,it.charge_weight,it.min_metering_weight)), 0)) as total_charge_weight, ",
// "SUM(IFNULL(IF(it.warehouse_in_info is null, 0, IF(it.charge_volume > it.min_metering_volume,it.charge_volume,it.min_metering_volume)), 0)) as total_charge_volume,",
// "SUM(IFNULL(IF(it.warehouse_in_info is null, 0, IF(it.charge_quantity > it.min_metering_quantity,it.charge_quantity,it.min_metering_quantity)), 0)) as total_charge_quantity",
// "from ecw_order_item it ",
// "left join ecw_order o ",
// "ON it.order_id = o.order_id and it.deleted = 0",
// "left join ecw_order_departure de on de.order_id = o.order_id ",
// "left join ecw_order_objective ob on ob.order_id = o.order_id ",
// "left join ecw_order_consignor nor on nor.order_id = o.order_id ",
// "left join ecw_order_consignee nee on nee.order_id = o.order_id ",
// "left join ecw_channel channel on channel.channel_id = o.channel_id ",
// "where o.deleted = 0 and o.in_warehouse_state != 211 and o.in_warehouse_state != 208 and o.status != 10 ",
// "<when test = 'query.deptId != null '>",
// "AND o.dept_id = #{query.deptId} ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test= 'query.deptIdList != null and query.deptIdList.size() > 0'>",
// "AND (o.dept_id IN",
// "<foreach item='deptId' collection='query.deptIdList' open='(' close=')' separator=','> #{deptId} </foreach>",
// " or ",
// "(SELECT u.dept_id FROM system_user u WHERE = o.creator) IN",
// "<foreach item='deptId' collection='query.deptIdList' open='(' close=')' separator=','> #{deptId} </foreach>)",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.pdaStartWareIds != null and query.pdaStartWareIds != \"\" '>",
// "AND FIND_IN_SET(ew_start.`id`, #{query.pdaStartWareIds})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.pdaDestWareIds != null and query.pdaDestWareIds != \"\" '>",
// "AND FIND_IN_SET(ew_dest.`id`, #{query.pdaDestWareIds})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.packageType != null and query.packageType != \"\" '>",
// "AND CONCAT(',',o.package_type,',') REGEXP CONCAT(',',REPLACE(#{query.packageType},',',',|,'), ',')",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.isExternalWarehouse != null'>",
// "AND o.`is_external_warehouse` = #{query.isExternalWarehouse}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.status != null'>",
// "AND o.`status` = #{query.status}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.abnormalState != null'>",
// "<choose>",
// "<when test = 'query.abnormalState != 0'>",
// "<choose>",
// "<when test = 'query.abnormalState != -1'>",
// "AND o.`abnormal_state` = #{query.abnormalState}",
// "</when>",
// "<otherwise>",
// "AND o.`abnormal_state` != 0",
// "</otherwise>",
// "</choose>",
// "</when>",
// "<otherwise>",
// "AND o.`abnormal_state` = 0",
// "</otherwise>",
// "</choose>",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.inWarehouseState != null'>",
// "AND o.`in_warehouse_state` = #{query.inWarehouseState}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.shipmentState != null'>",
// "AND o.`shipment_State` = #{query.shipmentState}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.auditType != null'>",
// "<choose>",
// "<when test = 'query.auditType != 0'>",
// "<choose>",
// "<when test = 'query.auditType != -1'>",
// "AND o.`audit_type` = #{query.auditType}",
// "</when>",
// "<otherwise>",
// "AND o.`audit_type` != 0",
// "</otherwise>",
// "</choose>",
// "</when>",
// "<otherwise>",
// "AND o.`audit_type` = 0",
// "</otherwise>",
// "</choose>",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.salesmanId != null '>",
// "AND (o.`salesman_id` = #{query.salesmanId} or o.`customer_id` in(select from ecw_customer cus where cus.is_customer_service_confirmed = 1 and cus.customer_service = #{query.salesmanId} ))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.customsType != null'>",
// "AND o.`customs_type` = #{query.customsType}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.productRecord != null'>",
// "AND o.`product_record` = #{query.productRecord}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.transportId != null'>",
// "AND o.`transport_id` = #{query.transportId}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.channelId != null'>",
// "AND o.`channel_id` = #{query.channelId}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.warehouseType != null'>",
// "AND o.`warehouse_type` = #{query.warehouseType}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.number != null and query.number != \"\" '>",
// "AND (o.`number` like concat('%',concat(#{query.number},'%')) ",
// "or ",
// "o.order_id in ",
// "(select distinct oi.order_id from ecw_order_item oi ",
// "where oi.deleted = 0 and",
// "((oi.warehouse_in_info is null and oi.express_no like concat('%',concat(#{query.number},'%')))",
// " or ",
// "(oi.warehouse_in_info is not null and oi.warehouse_in_info ->> '$.expressNo' like concat('%',concat(#{query.number},'%'))))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notNumber != null and query.notNumber != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`number` not like concat('%',concat(#{query.notNumber},'%')) ",
// "AND ",
// "o.order_id not in ",
// "(select distinct oi.order_id from ecw_order_item oi ",
// "where oi.deleted = 0 and",
// "((oi.warehouse_in_info is null and oi.express_no like concat('%',concat(#{query.notNumber},'%')))",
// " or ",
// "(oi.warehouse_in_info is not null and oi.warehouse_in_info ->> '$.expressNo' like concat('%',concat(#{query.notNumber},'%')))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.marks != null and query.marks != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`marks` like concat('%',concat(#{query.marks},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.departureId != null '>",
// "AND de.`departure_id` = #{query.departureId}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.objectiveId != null '>",
// "AND ob.`objective_id` = #{query.objectiveId}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.consignorId != null '>",
// "AND nor.`customer_id` = #{query.consignorId} ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.consignorPhone != null and query.consignorPhone != \"\" '>",
// "AND nor.`phone` = #{query.consignorPhone} ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.consigneeId != null '>",
// "AND nee.`customer_id` = #{query.consigneeId}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.consigneePhone != null and query.consigneePhone != \"\" '>",
// "AND nee.`phone` = #{query.consigneePhone} ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.isCargoControl != null '>",
// "AND o.`is_cargo_control` = #{query.isCargoControl}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.orderNo != null and query.orderNo != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`order_no` like concat('%',concat(#{query.orderNo},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.orderIdList != null and query.orderIdList.size() != 0'>",
// "AND o.`order_id` in ",
// "<foreach item='orderId' index='index' collection='query.orderIdList' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>#{orderId}</foreach> ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.tidanNo != null and query.tidanNo != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`tidan_no` like concat('%',concat(#{query.tidanNo},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.customerId != null'>",
// "AND o.`customer_id` = #{query.customerId}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginRucangTime != null and query.endRucangTime != null '>",
// "AND o.order_id in(select distinct wi.order_id from ecw_order_warehouse_in wi where wi.deleted = 0 and wi.`in_time` between #{query.beginRucangTime} and #{query.endRucangTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginQingguanTime != null and query.endQingguanTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`qingguan_time` between #{query.beginQingguanTime} and #{query.endQingguanTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginDaogangTime != null and query.endDaogangTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`daogang_time` between #{query.beginDaogangTime} and #{query.endDaogangTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginPreLoadTime != null and query.endPreLoadTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`status` > 5 AND o.`pre_load_time` between #{query.beginPreLoadTime} and #{query.endPreLoadTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginOutboundTime != null and query.endOutboundTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`status` > 5 AND o.container_number in(select distinct b.self_no from ecw_box_air_checkout bc join ecw_box b ON bc.shipment_id =",
// "where b.deleted = 0 and bc.deleted = 0 and bc.`checkout_time` between #{query.beginOutboundTime} and #{query.endOutboundTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginLoadTime != null and query.endLoadTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`load_time` between #{query.beginLoadTime} and #{query.endLoadTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginUnloadTime != null and query.endUnloadTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`unload_time` between #{query.beginUnloadTime} and #{query.endUnloadTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginTakeTime != null and query.endTakeTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`status` > 19 AND o.`take_time` between #{query.beginTakeTime} and #{query.endTakeTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginSplitTime != null and query.endSplitTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`split_time` between #{query.beginSplitTime} and #{query.endSplitTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginCreateTime != null and query.endCreateTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`create_time` between #{query.beginCreateTime} and #{query.endCreateTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginPickTime != null and query.endPickTime != null '>",
// "AND o.order_id in(select distinct op.order_id from ecw_order_cargo_control_pick op where op.deleted = 0 and op.status in(1,3) and op.`create_time` between #{query.beginPickTime} and #{query.endPickTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginPickUpTime != null and query.endPickUpTime != null '>",
// "AND o.order_no in(select distinct op.order_id from ecw_order_pickup op where op.deleted = 0 and op.`create_time` between #{query.beginPickUpTime} and #{query.endPickUpTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginWarehouseInTime != null and query.endWarehouseInTime != null '>",
// "AND o.order_id in(select distinct wi.order_id from ecw_order_warehouse_in wi where wi.deleted = 0 and wi.`update_time` between #{query.beginWarehouseInTime} and #{query.endWarehouseInTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.creator != null and query.creator != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`creator` = #{query.creator} and (o.user_id is null or o.user_id = 0)",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.searchKey != null and query.searchKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND concat(IFNULL(o.`order_no`,''), IFNULL(o.`old_numbers`,'') ,IFNULL(o.`marks`,''),IFNULL(o.`tidan_no`,''),IFNULL(o.`container_number`,''),IFNULL(nee.`name`,''),IFNULL(nee.`phone`,'')) like concat('%',concat(#{query.searchKey},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.consignorKey != null and query.consignorKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (concat(IFNULL(nor.`name`,''),IFNULL(nor.`name_en`,''),IFNULL(nor.`phone`,'')) like concat('%',concat(#{query.consignorKey},'%'))",
// "OR nor.customer_id in (select from ecw_customer c where c.number like concat('%',concat(#{query.consignorKey},'%'))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notConsignorKey != null and query.notConsignorKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (concat(IFNULL(nor.`name`,''),IFNULL(nor.`name_en`,''),IFNULL(nor.`phone`,'')) not like concat('%',concat(#{query.notConsignorKey},'%'))",
// "AND nor.customer_id not in (select from ecw_customer c where c.number like concat('%',concat(#{query.notConsignorKey},'%'))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.consigneeKey != null and query.consigneeKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (concat(IFNULL(nee.`name`,''),IFNULL(nee.`name_en`,''),IFNULL(nee.`phone`,'')) like concat('%',concat(#{query.consigneeKey},'%'))",
// "OR nee.customer_id in (select from ecw_customer c where c.number like concat('%',concat(#{query.consigneeKey},'%'))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notConsigneeKey != null and query.notConsigneeKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (concat(IFNULL(nee.`name`,''),IFNULL(nee.`name_en`,''),IFNULL(nee.`phone`,'')) not like concat('%',concat(#{query.notConsigneeKey},'%'))",
// "AND nee.customer_id not in (select from ecw_customer c where c.number like concat('%',concat(#{query.notConsigneeKey},'%'))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.numberKey != null and query.numberKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND concat(IFNULL(o.`order_no`,''), IFNULL(o.`old_numbers`,''), IFNULL(o.`parent_number`,''), IFNULL(o.`initial_parent_order_no`,'') ,IFNULL(o.`marks`,''),IFNULL(o.`tidan_no`,''),IFNULL(o.`container_number`,''),IFNULL(o.`no_charge_record`,'')) like concat('%',concat(#{query.numberKey},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notNumberKey != null and query.notNumberKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND concat(IFNULL(o.`order_no`,''), IFNULL(o.`old_numbers`,''), IFNULL(o.`parent_number`,''), IFNULL(o.`initial_parent_order_no`,'') ,IFNULL(o.`marks`,''),IFNULL(o.`tidan_no`,''),IFNULL(o.`container_number`,''),IFNULL(o.`no_charge_record`,'')) not like concat('%',concat(#{query.notNumberKey},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.eqNumberKey != null and query.eqNumberKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (o.`order_no` = #{query.eqNumberKey}",
// "or (o.`old_numbers` is not null and o.`old_numbers` != '' and o.`old_numbers` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`parent_number` is not null and o.`parent_number` != '' and o.`parent_number` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`marks` is not null and o.`marks` != '' and o.`marks` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`tidan_no` is not null and o.`tidan_no` != '' and o.`tidan_no` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`container_number` is not null and o.`container_number` != '' and o.`container_number` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`no_charge_record` is not null and o.`no_charge_record` != '' and o.`no_charge_record` = #{query.eqNumberKey})",
// "or (o.`initial_parent_order_no` is not null and o.`initial_parent_order_no` != '' and o.`initial_parent_order_no` = #{query.eqNumberKey}))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notEqNumberKey != null and query.notEqNumberKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`order_no` != #{query.notEqNumberKey}",
// "AND (o.`old_numbers` is null or o.`old_numbers` = '' or o.`old_numbers` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`parent_number` is null or o.`parent_number` = '' or o.`parent_number` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`marks` is null or o.`marks` = '' or o.`marks` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`tidan_no` is null or o.`tidan_no` = '' or o.`tidan_no` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`container_number` is null or o.`container_number` = '' or o.`container_number` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`no_charge_record` is null or o.`no_charge_record` = '' or o.`no_charge_record` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`initial_parent_order_no` is null or o.`initial_parent_order_no` = '' or o.`initial_parent_order_no` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.prodKey != null and query.prodKey != \"\" '>",
// "and (o.order_id in(",
// "select oi.order_id ",
// "from ecw_order_item oi ",
// "left join ecw_product p ",
// "on oi.prod_id = ",
// "left join ecw_product_type pt ",
// "on = oi.prod_type ",
// "left join ecw_product_brank pb",
// "on = oi.brand",
// "where oi.deleted = 0 ",
// "and concat(IFNULL(oi.`prod_title_zh`,''),IFNULL(oi.`prod_title_en`,''),IFNULL(pt.`title_zh`,''),IFNULL(pt.`title_en`,''),IFNULL(pb.`title_zh`,''),IFNULL(pb.`title_en`,''))",
// "like concat('%',concat(#{query.prodKey},'%'))",
// "))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notProdKey != null and query.notProdKey != \"\" '>",
// "and (o.order_id not in(",
// "select oi.order_id ",
// "from ecw_order_item oi ",
// "left join ecw_product p ",
// "on oi.prod_id = ",
// "left join ecw_product_type pt ",
// "on = oi.prod_type ",
// "left join ecw_product_brank pb",
// "on = oi.brand",
// "where oi.deleted = 0 and concat(IFNULL(oi.`prod_title_zh`,''),IFNULL(oi.`prod_title_en`,''),IFNULL(pt.`title_zh`,''),IFNULL(pt.`title_en`,''),IFNULL(pb.`title_zh`,''),IFNULL(pb.`title_en`,'')) " ,
// "like concat('%',concat(#{query.notProdKey},'%'))",
// "))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.eqProdKey != null and query.eqProdKey != \"\" '>",
// "and (o.order_id in(",
// "select oi.order_id ",
// "from ecw_order_item oi ",
// "left join ecw_product p ",
// "on oi.prod_id = ",
// "left join ecw_product_type pt ",
// "on = oi.prod_type ",
// "left join ecw_product_brank pb",
// "on = oi.brand",
// "where oi.deleted = 0 " ,
// "and (oi.`prod_title_zh` = #{query.eqProdKey} or oi.`prod_title_en` = #{query.eqProdKey} " ,
// "or pt.`title_zh` = #{query.eqProdKey} or pt.`title_en` = #{query.eqProdKey}",
// "or pb.`title_zh` = #{query.eqProdKey} or pb.`title_en` = #{query.eqProdKey})",
// "))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notEqProdKey != null and query.notEqProdKey != \"\" '>",
// "and (o.order_id not in(",
// "select oi.order_id ",
// "from ecw_order_item oi ",
// "left join ecw_product p ",
// "on oi.prod_id = ",
// "left join ecw_product_type pt ",
// "on = oi.prod_type ",
// "left join ecw_product_brank pb",
// "on = oi.brand",
// "where oi.deleted = 0" ,
// "and (oi.`prod_title_zh` = #{query.notEqProdKey} or oi.`prod_title_en` = #{query.notEqProdKey} " ,
// "or pt.`title_zh` = #{query.notEqProdKey} or pt.`title_en` = #{query.notEqProdKey}",
// "or pb.`title_zh` = #{query.notEqProdKey} or pb.`title_en` = #{query.notEqProdKey})",
// "))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.startWarehouseId != null and query.destWarehouseId != null '>",
// "and (o.line_id in(",
// "select ",
// "from ecw_warehouse_line whl ",
// "where whl.start_warehouse_id = #{query.startWarehouseId} and whl.dest_warehouse_id = #{query.destWarehouseId} ",
// "))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.startWarehouseId != null and query.destWarehouseId == null '>",
// "and (o.line_id in(",
// "select ",
// "from ecw_warehouse_line whl ",
// "where whl.start_warehouse_id = #{query.startWarehouseId} ",
// "))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.startWarehouseId == null and query.destWarehouseId != null '>",
// "and (o.line_id in(",
// "select ",
// "from ecw_warehouse_line whl ",
// "where whl.dest_warehouse_id = #{query.destWarehouseId} ",
// "))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 1'>",
// "AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0 ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 2'>",
// "AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 3'>",
// "AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 4'>",
// "AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 10'>",
// "AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 11'>",
// "AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0 ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 12'>",
// "AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0 ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 20'>",
// "AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0 ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.isNeat == false '>",
// " AND o.sum_num <![CDATA[ < ]]> o.cost->>'$.totalNum' ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.isNeat == true '>",
// " AND o.sum_num = o.cost->>'$.totalNum' ",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.type != null and query.type != \"\" and query.type == 0 '>",
// "AND (o.type is null or o.type = '' or o.type = '0')",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.type == 1 '>",
// "AND FIND_IN_SET(1, o.type)",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.type == 2 '>",
// "AND FIND_IN_SET(2, o.type)",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.customerDetailId != null'>",
// "AND (o.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId} or nor.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId} or nee.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.userType == 2 '>",
// "</when>",
// "</script>"
// })
StatisticsOrderVO statisticsMyOrder(@Param("query") OrderQueryVO query);
......@@ -6861,7 +6861,7 @@
op.`create_time` between #{query.beginPickUpTime} and #{query.endPickUpTime})
<if test="query.beginWarehouseInTime != null and query.endWarehouseInTime != null ">
AND o.order_id in(select distinct wi.order_id from ecw_order_warehouse_in wi where wi.deleted = 0 and
AND o.order_id in (select distinct wi.order_id from ecw_order_warehouse_in wi where wi.deleted = 0 and
wi.`update_time` between #{query.beginWarehouseInTime} and #{query.endWarehouseInTime})
<if test="query.salesmanId != null ">
......@@ -7405,10 +7405,10 @@
left join ecw_order_consignee nee on nee.order_id = o.order_id and nee.deleted = 0
left join ecw_channel channel on channel.channel_id = o.channel_id
<if test="query.beginWarehouseInTime != null and query.endWarehouseInTime != null ">
left join ecw_order_warehouse_in wi ON wi.order_id = o.order_id and wi.deleted = 0
left join ecw_order_warehouse_in wi ON wi.order_item_id = it.order_item_id and wi.deleted = 0
<if test="query.beginRucangTime != null and query.endRucangTime != null ">
left join ecw_order_warehouse_in wi ON wi.order_id = o.order_id and wi.deleted = 0
left join ecw_order_warehouse_in wi ON wi.order_item_id = it.order_item_id and wi.deleted = 0
where o.deleted = 0 and o.in_warehouse_state != 211 and o.in_warehouse_state != 208 and o.status != 10
<if test = "query.deptId != null ">
......@@ -7466,22 +7466,22 @@
left join ecw_order_consignee nee on nee.order_id = o.order_id
left join ecw_channel channel on channel.channel_id = o.channel_id
<if test="query.beginWarehouseInTime != null and query.endWarehouseInTime != null ">
left join ecw_order_warehouse_in wi ON wi.order_id = o.order_id and wi.deleted = 0
left join ecw_order_warehouse_in wi ON wi.order_item_id = it.order_item_id and wi.deleted = 0
<if test="query.beginRucangTime != null and query.endRucangTime != null ">
left join ecw_order_warehouse_in wi ON wi.order_id = o.order_id and wi.deleted = 0
left join ecw_order_warehouse_in wi ON wi.order_item_id = it.order_item_id and wi.deleted = 0
where o.deleted = 0 and o.in_warehouse_state != 211 and o.in_warehouse_state != 208 and o.status != 10
<if test = "query.deptId != null ">
AND o.dept_id = #{query.deptId}
<if test = "query.deptIdList != null and query.deptIdList.size() > 0">
AND (o.dept_id IN
<foreach item='deptId' collection='query.deptIdList' open='(' close=')' separator=','> #{deptId} </foreach>
(SELECT u.dept_id FROM system_user u WHERE = o.creator) IN
<foreach item='deptId' collection='query.deptIdList' open='(' close=')' separator=','> #{deptId} </foreach>)
<if test = "query.deptId != null ">
AND o.dept_id = #{query.deptId}
<if test = "query.deptIdList != null and query.deptIdList.size() > 0">
AND (o.dept_id IN
<foreach item='deptId' collection='query.deptIdList' open='(' close=')' separator=','> #{deptId} </foreach>
(SELECT u.dept_id FROM system_user u WHERE = o.creator) IN
<foreach item='deptId' collection='query.deptIdList' open='(' close=')' separator=','> #{deptId} </foreach>)
<include refid="orderQuery"/>
<select id="statisticsWarehouseIn" resultType="cn.iocoder.yudao.module.order.vo.order.StatisticsOrderVO">
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