// "<when test = 'query.tidanNo != null and query.tidanNo != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`tidan_no` like concat('%',concat(#{query.tidanNo},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.customerId != null'>",
// "AND o.`customer_id` = #{query.customerId}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginRucangTime != null and query.endRucangTime != null '>",
//// "AND o.`rucang_time` between #{query.beginRucangTime} and #{query.endRucangTime}",
// "AND o.order_id in(select distinct wi.order_id from ecw_order_warehouse_in wi where wi.deleted = 0 and wi.`in_time` between #{query.beginRucangTime} and #{query.endRucangTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginQingguanTime != null and query.endQingguanTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`qingguan_time` between #{query.beginQingguanTime} and #{query.endQingguanTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginDaogangTime != null and query.endDaogangTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`daogang_time` between #{query.beginDaogangTime} and #{query.endDaogangTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginPreLoadTime != null and query.endPreLoadTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`status` > 5 AND o.`pre_load_time` between #{query.beginPreLoadTime} and #{query.endPreLoadTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginOutboundTime != null and query.endOutboundTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`status` > 5 AND o.container_number in(select distinct b.self_no from ecw_box_air_checkout bc join ecw_box b ON bc.shipment_id = b.id",
// "where b.deleted = 0 and bc.deleted = 0 and bc.`checkout_time` between #{query.beginOutboundTime} and #{query.endOutboundTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginLoadTime != null and query.endLoadTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`load_time` between #{query.beginLoadTime} and #{query.endLoadTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginUnloadTime != null and query.endUnloadTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`unload_time` between #{query.beginUnloadTime} and #{query.endUnloadTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginTakeTime != null and query.endTakeTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`status` > 19 AND o.`take_time` between #{query.beginTakeTime} and #{query.endTakeTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginSplitTime != null and query.endSplitTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`split_time` between #{query.beginSplitTime} and #{query.endSplitTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginCreateTime != null and query.endCreateTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`create_time` between #{query.beginCreateTime} and #{query.endCreateTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginPickTime != null and query.endPickTime != null '>",
// "AND o.order_id in(select distinct op.order_id from ecw_order_cargo_control_pick op where op.deleted = 0 and op.status in(1,3) and op.`create_time` between #{query.beginPickTime} and #{query.endPickTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginPickUpTime != null and query.endPickUpTime != null '>",
// "AND o.order_no in(select distinct op.order_id from ecw_order_pickup op where op.deleted = 0 and op.`create_time` between #{query.beginPickUpTime} and #{query.endPickUpTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginWarehouseInTime != null and query.endWarehouseInTime != null '>",
// "AND o.order_id in(select distinct wi.order_id from ecw_order_warehouse_in wi where wi.deleted = 0 and wi.`update_time` between #{query.beginWarehouseInTime} and #{query.endWarehouseInTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.creator != null and query.creator != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`creator` = #{query.creator} and (o.user_id is null or o.user_id = 0)",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.searchKey != null and query.searchKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND concat(IFNULL(o.`order_no`,''), IFNULL(o.`old_numbers`,'') ,IFNULL(o.`marks`,''),IFNULL(o.`tidan_no`,''),IFNULL(o.`container_number`,''),IFNULL(nee.`name`,''),IFNULL(nee.`phone`,'')) like concat('%',concat(#{query.searchKey},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.consignorKey != null and query.consignorKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (concat(IFNULL(nor.`name`,''),IFNULL(nor.`name_en`,''),IFNULL(nor.`phone`,'')) like concat('%',concat(#{query.consignorKey},'%'))",
// "OR nor.customer_id in (select c.id from ecw_customer c where c.number like concat('%',concat(#{query.consignorKey},'%'))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notConsignorKey != null and query.notConsignorKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (concat(IFNULL(nor.`name`,''),IFNULL(nor.`name_en`,''),IFNULL(nor.`phone`,'')) not like concat('%',concat(#{query.notConsignorKey},'%'))",
// "AND nor.customer_id not in (select c.id from ecw_customer c where c.number like concat('%',concat(#{query.notConsignorKey},'%'))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.consigneeKey != null and query.consigneeKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (concat(IFNULL(nee.`name`,''),IFNULL(nee.`name_en`,''),IFNULL(nee.`phone`,'')) like concat('%',concat(#{query.consigneeKey},'%'))",
// "OR nee.customer_id in (select c.id from ecw_customer c where c.number like concat('%',concat(#{query.consigneeKey},'%'))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notConsigneeKey != null and query.notConsigneeKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (concat(IFNULL(nee.`name`,''),IFNULL(nee.`name_en`,''),IFNULL(nee.`phone`,'')) not like concat('%',concat(#{query.notConsigneeKey},'%'))",
// "AND nee.customer_id not in (select c.id from ecw_customer c where c.number like concat('%',concat(#{query.notConsigneeKey},'%'))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.numberKey != null and query.numberKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND concat(IFNULL(o.`order_no`,''), IFNULL(o.`old_numbers`,''), IFNULL(o.`parent_number`,''), IFNULL(o.`initial_parent_order_no`,'') ,IFNULL(o.`marks`,''),IFNULL(o.`tidan_no`,''),IFNULL(o.`container_number`,''),IFNULL(o.`no_charge_record`,'')) like concat('%',concat(#{query.numberKey},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notNumberKey != null and query.notNumberKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND concat(IFNULL(o.`order_no`,''), IFNULL(o.`old_numbers`,''), IFNULL(o.`parent_number`,''), IFNULL(o.`initial_parent_order_no`,'') ,IFNULL(o.`marks`,''),IFNULL(o.`tidan_no`,''),IFNULL(o.`container_number`,''),IFNULL(o.`no_charge_record`,'')) not like concat('%',concat(#{query.notNumberKey},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.eqNumberKey != null and query.eqNumberKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (o.`order_no` = #{query.eqNumberKey}",
// "or (o.`old_numbers` is not null and o.`old_numbers` != '' and o.`old_numbers` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`parent_number` is not null and o.`parent_number` != '' and o.`parent_number` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`marks` is not null and o.`marks` != '' and o.`marks` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`tidan_no` is not null and o.`tidan_no` != '' and o.`tidan_no` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`container_number` is not null and o.`container_number` != '' and o.`container_number` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`no_charge_record` is not null and o.`no_charge_record` != '' and o.`no_charge_record` = #{query.eqNumberKey})",
// "or (o.`initial_parent_order_no` is not null and o.`initial_parent_order_no` != '' and o.`initial_parent_order_no` = #{query.eqNumberKey}))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notEqNumberKey != null and query.notEqNumberKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`order_no` != #{query.notEqNumberKey}",
// "AND (o.`old_numbers` is null or o.`old_numbers` = '' or o.`old_numbers` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`parent_number` is null or o.`parent_number` = '' or o.`parent_number` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`marks` is null or o.`marks` = '' or o.`marks` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`tidan_no` is null or o.`tidan_no` = '' or o.`tidan_no` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`container_number` is null or o.`container_number` = '' or o.`container_number` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`no_charge_record` is null or o.`no_charge_record` = '' or o.`no_charge_record` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`initial_parent_order_no` is null or o.`initial_parent_order_no` = '' or o.`initial_parent_order_no` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.prodKey != null and query.prodKey != \"\" '>",
// "<when test = 'query.tidanNo != null and query.tidanNo != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`tidan_no` like concat('%',concat(#{query.tidanNo},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.customerId != null'>",
// "AND o.`customer_id` = #{query.customerId}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginRucangTime != null and query.endRucangTime != null '>",
// "AND o.order_id in(select distinct wi.order_id from ecw_order_warehouse_in wi where wi.deleted = 0 and wi.`in_time` between #{query.beginRucangTime} and #{query.endRucangTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginQingguanTime != null and query.endQingguanTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`qingguan_time` between #{query.beginQingguanTime} and #{query.endQingguanTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginDaogangTime != null and query.endDaogangTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`daogang_time` between #{query.beginDaogangTime} and #{query.endDaogangTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginPreLoadTime != null and query.endPreLoadTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`status` > 5 AND o.`pre_load_time` between #{query.beginPreLoadTime} and #{query.endPreLoadTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginOutboundTime != null and query.endOutboundTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`status` > 5 AND o.container_number in(select distinct b.self_no from ecw_box_air_checkout bc join ecw_box b ON bc.shipment_id = b.id",
// "where b.deleted = 0 and bc.deleted = 0 and bc.`checkout_time` between #{query.beginOutboundTime} and #{query.endOutboundTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginLoadTime != null and query.endLoadTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`load_time` between #{query.beginLoadTime} and #{query.endLoadTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginUnloadTime != null and query.endUnloadTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`unload_time` between #{query.beginUnloadTime} and #{query.endUnloadTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginTakeTime != null and query.endTakeTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`status` > 19 AND o.`take_time` between #{query.beginTakeTime} and #{query.endTakeTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginSplitTime != null and query.endSplitTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`split_time` between #{query.beginSplitTime} and #{query.endSplitTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginCreateTime != null and query.endCreateTime != null '>",
// "AND o.`create_time` between #{query.beginCreateTime} and #{query.endCreateTime}",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginPickTime != null and query.endPickTime != null '>",
// "AND o.order_id in(select distinct op.order_id from ecw_order_cargo_control_pick op where op.deleted = 0 and op.status in(1,3) and op.`create_time` between #{query.beginPickTime} and #{query.endPickTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginPickUpTime != null and query.endPickUpTime != null '>",
// "AND o.order_no in(select distinct op.order_id from ecw_order_pickup op where op.deleted = 0 and op.`create_time` between #{query.beginPickUpTime} and #{query.endPickUpTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.beginWarehouseInTime != null and query.endWarehouseInTime != null '>",
// "AND o.order_id in(select distinct wi.order_id from ecw_order_warehouse_in wi where wi.deleted = 0 and wi.`update_time` between #{query.beginWarehouseInTime} and #{query.endWarehouseInTime})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.creator != null and query.creator != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`creator` = #{query.creator} and (o.user_id is null or o.user_id = 0)",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.searchKey != null and query.searchKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND concat(IFNULL(o.`order_no`,''), IFNULL(o.`old_numbers`,'') ,IFNULL(o.`marks`,''),IFNULL(o.`tidan_no`,''),IFNULL(o.`container_number`,''),IFNULL(nee.`name`,''),IFNULL(nee.`phone`,'')) like concat('%',concat(#{query.searchKey},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.consignorKey != null and query.consignorKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (concat(IFNULL(nor.`name`,''),IFNULL(nor.`name_en`,''),IFNULL(nor.`phone`,'')) like concat('%',concat(#{query.consignorKey},'%'))",
// "OR nor.customer_id in (select c.id from ecw_customer c where c.number like concat('%',concat(#{query.consignorKey},'%'))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notConsignorKey != null and query.notConsignorKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (concat(IFNULL(nor.`name`,''),IFNULL(nor.`name_en`,''),IFNULL(nor.`phone`,'')) not like concat('%',concat(#{query.notConsignorKey},'%'))",
// "AND nor.customer_id not in (select c.id from ecw_customer c where c.number like concat('%',concat(#{query.notConsignorKey},'%'))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.consigneeKey != null and query.consigneeKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (concat(IFNULL(nee.`name`,''),IFNULL(nee.`name_en`,''),IFNULL(nee.`phone`,'')) like concat('%',concat(#{query.consigneeKey},'%'))",
// "OR nee.customer_id in (select c.id from ecw_customer c where c.number like concat('%',concat(#{query.consigneeKey},'%'))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notConsigneeKey != null and query.notConsigneeKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (concat(IFNULL(nee.`name`,''),IFNULL(nee.`name_en`,''),IFNULL(nee.`phone`,'')) not like concat('%',concat(#{query.notConsigneeKey},'%'))",
// "AND nee.customer_id not in (select c.id from ecw_customer c where c.number like concat('%',concat(#{query.notConsigneeKey},'%'))))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.numberKey != null and query.numberKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND concat(IFNULL(o.`order_no`,''), IFNULL(o.`old_numbers`,''), IFNULL(o.`parent_number`,''), IFNULL(o.`initial_parent_order_no`,'') ,IFNULL(o.`marks`,''),IFNULL(o.`tidan_no`,''),IFNULL(o.`container_number`,''),IFNULL(o.`no_charge_record`,'')) like concat('%',concat(#{query.numberKey},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notNumberKey != null and query.notNumberKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND concat(IFNULL(o.`order_no`,''), IFNULL(o.`old_numbers`,''), IFNULL(o.`parent_number`,''), IFNULL(o.`initial_parent_order_no`,'') ,IFNULL(o.`marks`,''),IFNULL(o.`tidan_no`,''),IFNULL(o.`container_number`,''),IFNULL(o.`no_charge_record`,'')) not like concat('%',concat(#{query.notNumberKey},'%'))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.eqNumberKey != null and query.eqNumberKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND (o.`order_no` = #{query.eqNumberKey}",
// "or (o.`old_numbers` is not null and o.`old_numbers` != '' and o.`old_numbers` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`parent_number` is not null and o.`parent_number` != '' and o.`parent_number` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`marks` is not null and o.`marks` != '' and o.`marks` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`tidan_no` is not null and o.`tidan_no` != '' and o.`tidan_no` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`container_number` is not null and o.`container_number` != '' and o.`container_number` = #{query.eqNumberKey}) ",
// "or (o.`no_charge_record` is not null and o.`no_charge_record` != '' and o.`no_charge_record` = #{query.eqNumberKey})",
// "or (o.`initial_parent_order_no` is not null and o.`initial_parent_order_no` != '' and o.`initial_parent_order_no` = #{query.eqNumberKey}))",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.notEqNumberKey != null and query.notEqNumberKey != \"\" '>",
// "AND o.`order_no` != #{query.notEqNumberKey}",
// "AND (o.`old_numbers` is null or o.`old_numbers` = '' or o.`old_numbers` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`parent_number` is null or o.`parent_number` = '' or o.`parent_number` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`marks` is null or o.`marks` = '' or o.`marks` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`tidan_no` is null or o.`tidan_no` = '' or o.`tidan_no` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`container_number` is null or o.`container_number` = '' or o.`container_number` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`no_charge_record` is null or o.`no_charge_record` = '' or o.`no_charge_record` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "AND (o.`initial_parent_order_no` is null or o.`initial_parent_order_no` = '' or o.`initial_parent_order_no` != #{query.notEqNumberKey})",
// "</when>",
// "<when test = 'query.prodKey != null and query.prodKey != \"\" '>",