Commit 8e4bcc77 authored by huyf's avatar huyf


parent 9701c5f6
...@@ -18,3 +18,5 @@ alter table `ecw_order` ...@@ -18,3 +18,5 @@ alter table `ecw_order`
-- 批量刷新订单提货数量、提货率、提货状态 -- 批量刷新订单提货数量、提货率、提货状态
update ecw_order t LEFT JOIN (select a.order_id,sum(a.pick_num) as pickNum from ecw_order_pickup a where a.deleted=0 GROUP BY a.order_id) t1 on t.order_no=t1.order_id set t.pick_num=t1.pickNum,t.pick_ratio=ROUND(t1.pickNum/t.sum_num,2)*100,t.pick_state=(case when t1.pickNum is null then 0 when t1.pickNum=t.sum_num then 3 else 2 end); update ecw_order t LEFT JOIN (select a.order_id,sum(a.pick_num) as pickNum from ecw_order_pickup a where a.deleted=0 GROUP BY a.order_id) t1 on t.order_no=t1.order_id set t.pick_num=t1.pickNum,t.pick_ratio=ROUND(t1.pickNum/t.sum_num,2)*100,t.pick_state=(case when t1.pickNum is null then 0 when t1.pickNum=t.sum_num then 3 else 2 end);
-- 已提货和部分提货的订单批量刷新订单主状态
update ecw_order t set t.`status`=16 where t.`status` in (20,21);
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