Commit 9bb49ce1 authored by honghy's avatar honghy Committed by wux

需求95 报价单页面和列表调整

parent 88824eea
......@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ public interface OfferMapper extends BaseMapperX<OfferDO> {
"join ecw_customer_contacts cc on (o.relation = 1 and = o.consignor_id) or (o.relation = 2 and = o.consignee_id) ",
"left join system_user u on = o.follow_up_salesman_id ",
"where o.deleted = 0",
"AND o.`status` in(1,3,4,5,6)",
"AND o.`status` in(2,1,6,8,3)",
"AND (o.`order_id` is null or o.`order_id` = 0)",
"AND o.`end_time` > now()",
"AND (o.`consignor_id` = #{queryVO.consignorId}",
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public class OfferAssociationOrderListener {
if (Objects.isNull(offerDO)) {
throw exception(OFFER_NOT_EXISTS);
if (offerDO.getStatus() == 1) {
if (offerDO.getStatus() == 2) {
throw exception(OFFER_STATUS_ERROR);
if (Objects.nonNull(offerDO.getOrderId()) && offerDO.getOrderId() > 0L) {
......@@ -1504,18 +1504,20 @@ public class OfferServiceImpl extends AbstractService<OfferMapper, OfferDO> impl
} else {
customerContactsDOList = customerContactsService.getByPhone(queryVO.getConsignorCode(), queryVO.getConsignorPhone());
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(queryVO.getConsignorCode())) {
customerContactsDOList = customerContactsService.getByPhone(queryVO.getConsignorCode(), queryVO.getConsignorPhone());
if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(customerContactsDOList)) {
// 订单发货人客户档案不存在则抛错
} else {
if (!CollectionUtil.isEmpty(customerContactsDOList)) {
// 收货人信息
if (Objects.isNull(queryVO.getConsigneeId()) || queryVO.getConsigneeId() == 0) {
List<CustomerContactsDO> customerContactsDOList = customerContactsService.getByPhone(queryVO.getConsigneeCode(), queryVO.getConsigneePhone());
List<CustomerContactsDO> customerContactsDOList =new ArrayList<>();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(queryVO.getConsigneeCode())) {
customerContactsDOList = customerContactsService.getByPhone(queryVO.getConsigneeCode(), queryVO.getConsigneePhone());
// if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(customerContactsDOList)) {
// if (queryVO.getUserType() == 2) {
// // 管理端查询时,订单收货人客户档案不存在则抛错,客户端忽略
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