Commit a0ccb4a5 authored by honghy's avatar honghy Committed by wux


parent 382d89fb
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ public class SendChampSmsClient extends AbstractSmsClient {
List<String> messages = splitContent(content);
for (String message : messages) {
// 设置发送短信所需的参数
Map<String, Object> param = sendchampHttp.setParams(mobile, message, "Sendchamp");
Map<String, Object> param = sendchampHttp.setParams(mobile, message, "ECLogistics");
// 设置请求头,包含认证信息
Map<String, String> header = sendchampHttp.setHeader("Bearer " + properties.getApiSecret());
// 发送POST请求
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