Commit e11e9bea authored by honghy's avatar honghy Committed by wux

需求95 报价单页面和列表调整

parent 45b82e7e
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.mybatis.core.dataobject.BaseDO;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.FieldStrategy;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
......@@ -176,18 +177,21 @@ public class OfferDO extends BaseDO {
private Integer saleStage;
* 销售阶段 字典ecw_offer_customer_status
* 客户状态 字典ecw_offer_customer_status
@TableField(updateStrategy = FieldStrategy.IGNORED)
private Integer customerStatus;
* 销售阶段 字典ecw_offer_cargo_status
* 货物状态 字典ecw_offer_cargo_status
@TableField(updateStrategy = FieldStrategy.IGNORED)
private Integer cargoStatus;
* 销售阶段 字典ecw_offer_inquiry_source
* 询盘来源 字典ecw_offer_inquiry_source
@TableField(updateStrategy = FieldStrategy.IGNORED)
private Integer inquirySource;
......@@ -105,6 +105,18 @@ public interface OfferMapper extends BaseMapperX<OfferDO> {
"JOIN ecw_offer_prod op on op.offer_id = o.offer_id ",
"where o.deleted = 0 and op.deleted = 0",
"<when test = 'pageVO.transportList != null and pageVO.transportList.size() > 0'>",
"AND o.transport_id IN",
"<foreach item='item' collection='pageVO.transportList' open='(' close=')' separator=','> #{item} </foreach>",
"<when test = 'pageVO.reasonDictList != null and pageVO.reasonDictList.size() > 0'>",
"AND o.reason_dict IN",
"<foreach item='item' collection='pageVO.reasonDictList' open='(' close=')' separator=','> #{item} </foreach>",
"<when test = 'pageVO.customerStatusList != null and pageVO.customerStatusList.size() > 0'>",
"AND o.customer_status IN",
......@@ -299,6 +311,18 @@ public interface OfferMapper extends BaseMapperX<OfferDO> {
"left join ecw_channel l on o.channel_id = l.channel_id ",
"where o.deleted = 0",
"<when test = 'pageVO.transportList != null and pageVO.transportList.size() > 0'>",
"AND o.transport_id IN",
"<foreach item='item' collection='pageVO.transportList' open='(' close=')' separator=','> #{item} </foreach>",
"<when test = 'pageVO.reasonDictList != null and pageVO.reasonDictList.size() > 0'>",
"AND o.reason_dict IN",
"<foreach item='item' collection='pageVO.reasonDictList' open='(' close=')' separator=','> #{item} </foreach>",
"<when test = 'pageVO.customerStatusList != null and pageVO.customerStatusList.size() > 0'>",
"AND o.customer_status IN",
......@@ -475,6 +499,18 @@ public interface OfferMapper extends BaseMapperX<OfferDO> {
"left join ecw_channel l on o.channel_id = l.channel_id ",
"where o.deleted = 0",
"<when test = 'pageVO.transportList != null and pageVO.transportList.size() > 0'>",
"AND o.transport_id IN",
"<foreach item='item' collection='pageVO.transportList' open='(' close=')' separator=','> #{item} </foreach>",
"<when test = 'pageVO.reasonDictList != null and pageVO.reasonDictList.size() > 0'>",
"AND o.reason_dict IN",
"<foreach item='item' collection='pageVO.reasonDictList' open='(' close=')' separator=','> #{item} </foreach>",
"<when test = 'pageVO.customerStatusList != null and pageVO.customerStatusList.size() > 0'>",
"AND o.customer_status IN",
......@@ -1100,7 +1100,6 @@ public class OfferServiceImpl extends AbstractService<OfferMapper, OfferDO> impl
List<OfferRespVO> list = offerMapper.offerPage(pageReqVO, I18nMessage.getLang());
return new PageResult<>(list, total, mpPage.getSize(), mpPage.getCurrent(), (total + mpPage.getSize() - 1) / mpPage.getSize());
......@@ -221,6 +221,12 @@ public class OfferPageReqVO extends PageParam {
@ApiModelProperty(value = "货物状态")
private List<Long> cargoStatusList;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "输单原因")
private List<Long> reasonDictList;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "运输方式")
private List<Integer> transportList;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "联系人手机号")
private String relationPhone;
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