Commit e69d7857 authored by Smile's avatar Smile


parent c98688c7
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Clarance Documents', label_fr='Docu
UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Shipper', label_fr='Expéditeur' WHERE label='发货人异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Others', label_fr='Autres' WHERE label='其他异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Collect-on-Delivery', label_fr='Paiement à la livraison' WHERE label='代收货款异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Not Quoted', label_fr='Non offre' WHERE label='未报价' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Not Quoted(CN)', label_fr='Non offre' WHERE label='未报价' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='volume weight', label_fr='Le poids volumique' WHERE label='泡货异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Abnormal Pickup', label_fr='retire anormal' WHERE label='提货异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='No personnel follow-up', label_fr='Pas de suivi du personnel' WHERE label='未分配客户经理异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1;
......@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Customs inspection and seizure of g
UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Warehouse Counting Error', label_fr='Erreur de comptage en entrepôt' WHERE label='仓库清点失误' and dict_type='order_in_water_exception_result' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Chinese warehouse missed loading', label_fr='Oubli de chargement dans l''entrepôt chinois' WHERE label='中国仓库漏装' and dict_type='order_in_water_exception_result' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Manifest Discrepancy', label_fr='Discrépance dans le manifeste' WHERE label='manifest核对错误' and dict_type='order_in_water_exception_result' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Customs inspection and seizure of goods', label_fr='Inspection douanière et saisie des marchandises' WHERE label='封柜图与卸柜图不一致' and dict_type='order_in_water_exception_result' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='The images of the loaded and unloaded sea containers do not match', label_fr='Les images des conteneurs maritimes chargés et déchargés ne correspondent pas.' WHERE label='封柜图与卸柜图不一致' and dict_type='order_in_water_exception_result' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='unresolved', label_fr='Non résolu' WHERE label='待处理' and dict_type='not_customer_service_exception_result' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Assign', label_fr='Attribuer' WHERE label='分配客户经理' and dict_type='not_customer_service_exception_result' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='No need', label_fr='Pas nécessaire' WHERE label='无需客户经理' and dict_type='not_customer_service_exception_result' and deleted !=1;
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