Commit f0fe3503 authored by's avatar


parent 2691febe
......@@ -775,8 +775,12 @@ public class OrderQueryVO {
if (Objects.isNull(this.shipmentStateList)){
this.shipmentStateList = new ArrayList<>();
if (!this.statusList.contains(12)) {
if (!this.shipmentStateList.contains(325)) {
case 10501:
// 空运待出
......@@ -789,10 +793,18 @@ public class OrderQueryVO {
if (Objects.isNull(this.abnormalStateList)){
this.abnormalStateList = new ArrayList<>();
if (!this.statusList.contains(5)) {
if (!this.airShipmentList.contains(1)) {
if (!this.auditTypeList.contains(0)) {
if (!this.abnormalStateList.contains(0)) {
// this.transportId = 3; // 空运待出查询,只查空运的订单
case 10502:
......@@ -800,8 +812,12 @@ public class OrderQueryVO {
if (Objects.isNull(this.airShipmentList)){
this.airShipmentList = new ArrayList<>();
if (!this.statusList.contains(5)) {
if (!this.airShipmentList.contains(12)) {
// this.transportId = 3; // 空运待出查询,只查空运的订单
case 10503:
......@@ -809,8 +825,12 @@ public class OrderQueryVO {
if (Objects.isNull(this.airShipmentList)){
this.airShipmentList = new ArrayList<>();
if (!this.statusList.contains(5)) {
if (!this.airShipmentList.contains(4)) {
// this.transportId = 3; // 空运待出查询,只查空运的订单
case 10504:
......@@ -824,25 +844,38 @@ public class OrderQueryVO {
if (Objects.isNull(this.abnormalStateList)){
this.abnormalStateList = new ArrayList<>();
if (!this.statusList.contains(5)) {
if (!this.auditTypeList.contains(0)) {
if (!this.abnormalStateList.contains(0)) {
if (Objects.nonNull(transportId) && transportId == 3) {
// 空运无需判断备货状态 可出、备货中、已备货
if (!this.airShipmentList.contains(10)) {
}else {
// 兼容空运已入仓的可出、备货中、已备货,且无异常无审批,海运的已入仓无异常无审批
if (!this.airShipmentList.contains(20)) {
case 132411:
// 空运已出货
if (Objects.isNull(this.shipmentStateList)){
this.shipmentStateList = new ArrayList<>();
if (!this.statusList.contains(32)) {
if (!this.shipmentStateList.contains(411)) {
// this.transportId = 3; // 空运待出查询,只查空运的订单
case 132412:
......@@ -850,8 +883,12 @@ public class OrderQueryVO {
if (Objects.isNull(this.shipmentStateList)){
this.shipmentStateList = new ArrayList<>();
if (!this.statusList.contains(32)) {
if (!this.shipmentStateList.contains(412)) {
// this.transportId = 3; // 空运待出查询,只查空运的订单
case 132409:
......@@ -859,8 +896,12 @@ public class OrderQueryVO {
if (Objects.isNull(this.shipmentStateList)){
this.shipmentStateList = new ArrayList<>();
if (!this.statusList.contains(32)) {
if (!this.shipmentStateList.contains(409)) {
// this.transportId = 3; // 空运待出查询,只查空运的订单
case 118428:
......@@ -868,14 +909,20 @@ public class OrderQueryVO {
if (Objects.isNull(this.shipmentStateList)){
this.shipmentStateList = new ArrayList<>();
if (!this.statusList.contains(32)) {
if (!this.shipmentStateList.contains(428)) {
// this.transportId = 3; // 空运待出查询,只查空运的订单
if (!this.statusList.contains(asStatus)) {
public void setShipmentState(Integer shipmentState) {
......@@ -115,406 +115,38 @@
left join ecw_order_consignee nee on nee.order_id = o.order_id and nee.deleted = 0
left join ecw_channel channel on channel.channel_id = o.channel_id
where o.deleted = 0
<if test="query.pdaStartWareIds != null and query.pdaStartWareIds != '' ">
AND FIND_IN_SET(ew_start.`id`, #{query.pdaStartWareIds})
<if test="query.pdaDestWareIds != null and query.pdaDestWareIds != '' ">
AND FIND_IN_SET(ew_dest.`id`, #{query.pdaDestWareIds})
<if test="query.status != null">
AND o.`status` = #{query.status}
<if test="query.pickState != null">
AND o.`pick_state` = #{query.pickState}
<if test="query.pickStateList != null and query.pickStateList.size()>0">
<if test="query.pickStateList != null and query.pickStateList.size()==1 ">
AND o.`pick_state` =
<foreach item='pickState' index="index" collection='query.pickStateList' >
<if test="query.pickStateList != null and query.pickStateList.size()>1 ">
AND o.`pick_state` in
<foreach item='pickState' index="index" collection='query.pickStateList' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>
<if test="query.statusList != null and query.statusList.size()>0">
<if test=" query.statusList.size()==1 ">
AND o.`status` =
<foreach item='status' index="index" collection='query.statusList' >
<if test=" query.statusList.size()>1 ">
AND o.`status` in
<foreach item='status' index="index" collection='query.statusList' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>
<if test="query.abnormalStateList != null and query.abnormalStateList.size()>0">
<if test="query.abnormalStateList != null and query.abnormalStateList.size()==1 ">
<foreach item='abnormalState' index="index" collection='query.abnormalStateList' >
<when test="abnormalState != '0'">
<when test="abnormalState != '-1'">
AND o.`abnormal_state` = #{abnormalState}
AND o.`abnormal_state` != 0
AND o.`abnormal_state` = 0
<if test="query.abnormalStateList != null and query.abnormalStateList.size()>1 ">
AND (1!=1
<foreach item='abnormalState' index="index" collection='query.abnormalStateList'>
<when test="abnormalState != '0'">
<when test="abnormalState != '-1'">
OR o.`abnormal_state` = #{abnormalState}
OR o.`abnormal_state` != 0
OR o.`abnormal_state` = 0
<if test="query.abnormalState != null">
<when test="query.abnormalState != 0">
<when test="query.abnormalState != -1">
AND o.`abnormal_state` = #{query.abnormalState}
AND o.`abnormal_state` != 0
AND o.`abnormal_state` = 0
<if test="query.inWarehouseState != null">
AND o.`in_warehouse_state` = #{query.inWarehouseState}
<if test="query.inWarehouseStateList != null and query.inWarehouseStateList.size()>0">
<if test="query.inWarehouseStateList != null and query.inWarehouseStateList.size()==1 ">
AND o.`in_warehouse_state` =
<foreach item='inWarehouseState' index="index" collection='query.inWarehouseStateList' >
<if test="query.inWarehouseStateList != null and query.inWarehouseStateList.size()>1 ">
AND o.`in_warehouse_state` in
<foreach item='inWarehouseState' index="index" collection='query.inWarehouseStateList' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>
<if test="query.shipmentState != null">
AND o.`shipment_State` = #{query.shipmentState}
<if test="query.shipmentStateList != null and query.shipmentStateList.size()>0">
<if test="query.shipmentStateList != null and query.shipmentStateList.size()==1 ">
AND o.`shipment_State` =
<foreach item='shipmentState' index="index" collection='query.shipmentStateList' >
<if test="query.shipmentStateList != null and query.shipmentStateList.size()>1 ">
AND o.`shipment_State` in
<foreach item='shipmentState' index="index" collection='query.shipmentStateList' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>
<if test="query.auditType != null">
<when test="query.auditType != 0">
<when test="query.auditType != -1">
AND o.`audit_type` = #{query.auditType}
AND o.`audit_type` != 0
AND o.`audit_type` = 0
<if test="query.auditTypeList != null and query.auditTypeList.size()>0">
<if test="query.auditTypeList != null and query.auditTypeList.size()==1 ">
<include refid="orderQuery"/>
<foreach item='auditType' index="index" collection='query.auditTypeList' >
<when test="auditType != 0">
<when test="auditType != -1">
AND o.`audit_type` = #{auditType}
AND o.`audit_type` != 0
AND o.`audit_type` = 0
<if test="query.auditTypeList != null and query.auditTypeList.size()>1 ">
AND (1!=1
<foreach item='auditType' index="index" collection='query.auditTypeList'>
<when test="auditType != 0">
<when test="auditType != -1">
or o.`audit_type` = #{auditType}
or o.`audit_type` != 0
or o.`audit_type` = 0
<if test="query.salesmanId != null and query.creator != null ">
AND (o.`salesman_id` = #{query.salesmanId} or o.`customer_id` in(select from ecw_customer cus where cus.is_customer_service_confirmed = 1 and cus.customer_service = #{query.salesmanId} ) or o.`creator` = #{query.creator})
<if test="query.customsType != null">
AND o.`customs_type` = #{query.customsType}
<if test="query.productRecord != null">
AND o.`product_record` = #{query.productRecord}
<if test="query.transportId != null">
AND o.`transport_id` = #{query.transportId}
<if test="query.warehouseType != null">
AND o.`warehouse_type` = #{query.warehouseType}
<if test="query.number != null and query.number != '' ">
AND (o.`number` like concat("%",concat(#{query.number},"%")) or o.order_id in( select distinct oi.order_id
from ecw_order_item oi
where oi.deleted = 0 and
((oi.warehouse_in_info is null and oi.express_no like concat('%',concat(#{query.number},'%')))
or (oi.warehouse_in_info is not null and oi.warehouse_in_info ->> '$.expressNo' like concat("%",concat(#{query.number},"%"))))))
<if test="query.notNumber != null and query.notNumber != '' ">
AND o.`number` not like concat("%",concat(#{query.notNumber},"%"))
o.order_id not in
(select distinct oi.order_id from ecw_order_item oi
where oi.deleted = 0 and
((oi.warehouse_in_info is null and oi.express_no like concat("%",concat(#{query.notNumber},"%")))
(oi.warehouse_in_info is not null and oi.warehouse_in_info ->> '$.expressNo' like
<if test="query.marks != null and query.marks != '' ">
AND o.`marks` like concat("%",concat(#{query.marks},"%"))
<if test="query.departureId != null ">
AND de.`departure_id` = #{query.departureId}
<if test="query.objectiveId != null ">
AND ob.`objective_id` = #{query.objectiveId}
<if test="query.consignorId != null ">
AND nor.`customer_id` = #{query.consignorId}
<if test="query.consigneeId != null ">
AND nee.`customer_id` = #{query.consigneeId}
<if test="query.isCargoControl != null ">
AND o.`is_cargo_control` = #{query.isCargoControl}
<if test="query.orderNo != null and query.orderNo != '' ">
AND o.`order_no` like concat("%",concat(#{query.orderNo},"%"))
<if test="query.orderIdList != null and query.orderIdList.size() != 0">
AND o.`order_id` in
<foreach item='orderId' index='index' collection='query.orderIdList' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>
<if test="query.tidanNo != null and query.tidanNo != '' ">
AND o.`tidan_no` like concat("%",concat(#{query.tidanNo},"%"))
<if test="query.userId != null">
AND o.`user_id` = #{query.userId}
<if test="query.customerId != null">
AND o.`customer_id` = #{query.customerId}
<if test="query.beginRucangTime != null and query.endRucangTime != null ">
AND o.`rucang_time` between #{query.beginRucangTime} and #{query.endRucangTime}
<if test="query.beginQingguanTime != null and query.endQingguanTime != null ">
AND o.`qingguan_time` between #{query.beginQingguanTime} and #{query.endQingguanTime}
<if test="query.beginDaogangTime != null and query.endDaogangTime != null ">
AND o.`daogang_time` between #{query.beginDaogangTime} and #{query.endDaogangTime}
<if test="query.beginPreLoadTime != null and query.endPreLoadTime != null ">
AND o.`pre_load_time` between #{query.beginPreLoadTime} and #{query.endPreLoadTime}
<if test="query.beginOutboundTime != null and query.endOutboundTime != null ">
AND o.`status` > 5 AND o.container_number in(select distinct b.self_no from ecw_box_air_checkout bc join ecw_box b ON bc.shipment_id =
where b.deleted = 0 and bc.deleted = 0 and bc.`checkout_time` between #{query.beginOutboundTime} and #{query.endOutboundTime})
<if test="query.beginLoadTime != null and query.endLoadTime != null ">
AND o.`load_time` between #{query.beginLoadTime} and #{query.endLoadTime}
<if test="query.beginUnloadTime != null and query.endUnloadTime != null ">
AND o.`unload_time` between #{query.beginUnloadTime} and #{query.endUnloadTime}
<if test="query.beginTakeTime != null and query.endTakeTime != null ">
AND o.`take_time` between #{query.beginTakeTime} and #{query.endTakeTime}
<if test="query.beginSplitTime != null and query.endSplitTime != null ">
AND o.`split_time` between #{query.beginSplitTime} and #{query.endSplitTime}
<if test="query.beginCreateTime != null and query.endCreateTime != null ">
AND o.`create_time` between #{query.beginCreateTime} and #{query.endCreateTime}
<if test="query.lePickRatio != null ">
AND o.pick_ratio <![CDATA[ <= ]]> #{query.lePickRatio}
<if test="query.gePickRatio != null ">
AND o.pick_ratio <![CDATA[ >= ]]> #{query.gePickRatio}
<if test="query.eqPickRatio != null ">
AND o.pick_ratio = #{query.eqPickRatio}
<if test="query.leReleaseRatio != null ">
AND o.release_ratio <![CDATA[ <= ]]> #{query.leReleaseRatio}
<if test="query.geReleaseRatio != null ">
AND o.release_ratio <![CDATA[ >= ]]> #{query.geReleaseRatio}
<if test="query.eqReleaseRatio != null ">
AND o.release_ratio = #{query.eqReleaseRatio}
<if test="query.searchKey != null and query.searchKey != '' ">
AND concat(IFNULL(o.`order_no`,''),IFNULL(o.`parent_number`,''),IFNULL(o.`initial_parent_order_no`,''),
IFNULL(o.`old_numbers`,''),IFNULL(o.`marks`,''),IFNULL(nee.`name`,''),IFNULL(nee.`phone`,'')) like
<if test="query.numberKey != null and query.numberKey != '' ">
AND concat(IFNULL(o.`order_no`,''), IFNULL(o.`old_numbers`,''), IFNULL(o.`parent_number`,''), IFNULL(o.`initial_parent_order_no`,'')
,IFNULL(o.`marks`,''),IFNULL(o.`tidan_no`,''),IFNULL(o.`container_number`,'')) like concat("%",concat(#{query.numberKey},"%"))
<if test="query.prodKey != null and query.prodKey != '' ">
and (o.order_id in(
select oi.order_id
from ecw_order_item oi
left join ecw_product p
on oi.prod_id =
left join ecw_product_type pt
on = oi.prod_type
left join ecw_product_brank pb
on = oi.brand
where oi.deleted = 0 and
like concat("%",concat(#{query.prodKey},"%"))
<if test="query.notProdKey != null and query.notProdKey != '' ">
and (o.order_id not in(
select oi.order_id
from ecw_order_item oi
left join ecw_product p
on oi.prod_id =
left join ecw_product_type pt
on = oi.prod_type
left join ecw_product_brank pb
on = oi.brand
where oi.deleted = 0 and
like concat("%",concat(#{query.notProdKey},"%"))
<if test="query.eqProdKey != null and query.eqProdKey != '' ">
and (o.order_id in(
select oi.order_id
from ecw_order_item oi
left join ecw_product p
on oi.prod_id =
left join ecw_product_type pt
on = oi.prod_type
left join ecw_product_brank pb
on = oi.brand
where oi.deleted = 0 and (oi.`prod_title_zh` = #{query.eqProdKey} or oi.`prod_title_en` = #{query.eqProdKey}
or pt.`title_zh` = #{query.eqProdKey} or pt.`title_en` = #{query.eqProdKey}
or pb.`title_zh` = #{query.eqProdKey} or pb.`title_en` = #{query.eqProdKey})
<if test="query.notEqProdKey != null and query.notEqProdKey != '' ">
and (o.order_id not in(
select oi.order_id
from ecw_order_item oi
left join ecw_product p
on oi.prod_id =
left join ecw_product_type pt
on = oi.prod_type
left join ecw_product_brank pb
on = oi.brand
where oi.deleted = 0 and (oi.`prod_title_zh` = #{query.notEqProdKey} or oi.`prod_title_en` = #{query.notEqProdKey}
or pt.`title_zh` = #{query.notEqProdKey} or pt.`title_en` = #{query.notEqProdKey}
or pb.`title_zh` = #{query.notEqProdKey} or pb.`title_en` = #{query.notEqProdKey})
<select id="getOrderExceptionStatisticsList"
o.rucang_time AS warehouse_date,
o.order_no as warehouse_no,
o.status as order_status,
m.prod_title_zh as goods_name,
e.order_exception_type as exception_status, AS `consignor_phone`, AS `consignee_phone`
ecw_order_exception e
LEFT JOIN ecw_order o ON e.order_id = o.order_id
LEFT JOIN ecw_order_item m ON e.order_item_id = m.order_item_id
LEFT JOIN ecw_order_consignee c ON o.order_id = c.order_id
LEFT JOIN ecw_order_consignor r ON o.order_id = r.order_id
e.order_exception_status !=2 and o.deleted=0
<include refid="myOrderQuery">
<sql id="orderQuerySql">
<if test="query.isNeat == false ">
AND o.sum_num <![CDATA[ < ]]> o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<if test="query.airShipmentList != null and query.airShipmentList.size() > 0">
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() == 0">
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() == 1">
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
......@@ -549,28 +181,28 @@
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 2">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2)
<when test="airShipment == 3">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3)
<when test="airShipment == 4">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4)
<when test="airShipment == 10">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4))
<when test="airShipment == 11">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 12">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 20">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
......@@ -604,32 +236,6 @@
<if test="query.isNeat == true ">
AND o.sum_num = o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<select id="getOrderExceptionStatisticsList"
o.rucang_time AS warehouse_date,
o.order_no as warehouse_no,
o.status as order_status,
m.prod_title_zh as goods_name,
e.order_exception_type as exception_status, AS `consignor_phone`, AS `consignee_phone`
ecw_order_exception e
LEFT JOIN ecw_order o ON e.order_id = o.order_id
LEFT JOIN ecw_order_item m ON e.order_item_id = m.order_item_id
LEFT JOIN ecw_order_consignee c ON o.order_id = c.order_id
LEFT JOIN ecw_order_consignor r ON o.order_id = r.order_id
e.order_exception_status !=2 and o.deleted=0
<include refid="myOrderQuery">
<sql id="orderQuerySql">
<if test="query.hasConsignee != null ">
AND has_consignee = #{query.hasConsignee}
......@@ -1132,11 +738,15 @@
or pb.`title_zh` = #{query.notEqProdKey} or pb.`title_en` = #{query.notEqProdKey})
<sql id="myOrderQuerySql">
<if test="query.isNeat == false ">
AND o.sum_num <![CDATA[ < ]]> o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<if test="query.airShipmentList != null and query.airShipmentList.size() > 0">
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() == 0">
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() == 1">
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
......@@ -1171,28 +781,28 @@
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 2">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2)
<when test="airShipment == 3">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3)
<when test="airShipment == 4">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4)
<when test="airShipment == 10">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4))
<when test="airShipment == 11">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 12">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 20">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
......@@ -1226,9 +836,6 @@
<if test="query.isNeat == true ">
AND o.sum_num = o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<sql id="myOrderQuerySql">
<if test="query.hasConsignee != null ">
AND has_consignee = #{query.hasConsignee}
......@@ -1611,100 +1218,7 @@
<if test="query.isNeat == false ">
AND o.sum_num <![CDATA[ < ]]> o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<if test="query.airShipmentList != null and query.airShipmentList.size() > 0">
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() == 0">
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 2">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2
<when test="airShipment == 3">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3
<when test="airShipment == 4">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4
<when test="airShipment == 10">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)
<when test="airShipment == 11">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 12">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 20">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() > 1">
AND (1!=1
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 2">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2
<when test="airShipment == 3">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3
<when test="airShipment == 4">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4
<when test="airShipment == 10">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)
<when test="airShipment == 11">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 12">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 20">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 1">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 2">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 3">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 4">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 10">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 11">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 12">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 20">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.isNeat == true ">
AND o.sum_num = o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<select id="getHeavyOrderExcelList"
......@@ -1890,8 +1404,6 @@
-- (select ifnull(sum(ccp.pick_num),0) from ecw_order_cargo_control_pick ccp where ccp.order_id = o.order_id and
-- ccp.status in(1,2,3,4) ) as release_num,
......@@ -2178,6 +1690,100 @@
<sql id="myOrderQuery">
<if test="query.isNeat == false ">
AND o.sum_num <![CDATA[ < ]]> o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<if test="query.airShipmentList != null and query.airShipmentList.size() > 0">
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() == 1">
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 2">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2
<when test="airShipment == 3">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3
<when test="airShipment == 4">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4
<when test="airShipment == 10">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)
<when test="airShipment == 11">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 12">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 20">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() > 1">
AND (1!=1
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 2">
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2)
<when test="airShipment == 3">
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3)
<when test="airShipment == 4">
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4)
<when test="airShipment == 10">
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4))
<when test="airShipment == 11">
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 12">
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 20">
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 1">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 2">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 3">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 4">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 10">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 11">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 12">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 20">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.isNeat == true ">
AND o.sum_num = o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<if test="query.hasConsignee != null ">
AND has_consignee = #{query.hasConsignee}
......@@ -2868,12 +2474,23 @@
or pb.`title_zh` = #{query.notEqProdKey} or pb.`title_en` = #{query.notEqProdKey})
<if test="query.customerDetailId != null">
AND (o.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId} or nor.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId} or
nee.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId})
<if test="query.userType == 2 ">
AND ((o.user_id is not null AND o.user_id > 0 AND o.`status` != 0) or o.user_id is null or o.user_id = 0)
<sql id="orderQuery">
<if test="query.isNeat == false ">
AND o.sum_num <![CDATA[ < ]]> o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<if test="query.airShipmentList != null and query.airShipmentList.size() > 0">
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() == 0">
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() == 1">
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
......@@ -2908,28 +2525,28 @@
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 2">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2)
<when test="airShipment == 3">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3)
<when test="airShipment == 4">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4)
<when test="airShipment == 10">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4))
<when test="airShipment == 11">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 12">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 20">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
......@@ -2963,18 +2580,6 @@
<if test="query.isNeat == true ">
AND o.sum_num = o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<if test="query.customerDetailId != null">
AND (o.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId} or nor.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId} or
nee.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId})
<if test="query.userType == 2 ">
AND ((o.user_id is not null AND o.user_id > 0 AND o.`status` != 0) or o.user_id is null or o.user_id = 0)
<sql id="orderQuery">
<if test="query.type != null and query.type != '' and query.type == 0 ">
AND (o.type is null or o.type = '' or o.type = '0')
......@@ -3817,11 +3422,22 @@
<if test="query.customerDetailId != null">
AND (o.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId} or nor.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId} or
nee.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId})
<if test="query.userType == 2 ">
AND ((o.user_id is not null AND o.user_id > 0 AND o.`status` != 0) or o.user_id is null or o.user_id = 0)
<sql id="issuedOrderQuery">
<if test="query.isNeat == false ">
AND o.sum_num <![CDATA[ < ]]> o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<if test="query.airShipmentList != null and query.airShipmentList.size() > 0">
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() == 0">
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() == 1">
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
......@@ -3856,28 +3472,28 @@
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 2">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2)
<when test="airShipment == 3">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3)
<when test="airShipment == 4">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4)
<when test="airShipment == 10">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4))
<when test="airShipment == 11">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 12">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 20">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
......@@ -3910,17 +3526,7 @@
<if test="query.isNeat == true ">
AND o.sum_num = o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<if test="query.customerDetailId != null">
AND (o.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId} or nor.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId} or
nee.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId})
<if test="query.userType == 2 ">
AND ((o.user_id is not null AND o.user_id > 0 AND o.`status` != 0) or o.user_id is null or o.user_id = 0)
<sql id="issuedOrderQuery">
<if test="query.type != null and query.type != '' and query.type == 0 ">
AND (o.type is null or o.type = '' or o.type = '0')
......@@ -4680,100 +4286,6 @@
<if test="query.isNeat == false ">
AND o.sum_num <![CDATA[ < ]]> o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<if test="query.airShipmentList != null and query.airShipmentList.size() > 0">
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() == 0">
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 2">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2
<when test="airShipment == 3">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3
<when test="airShipment == 4">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4
<when test="airShipment == 10">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)
<when test="airShipment == 11">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 12">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 20">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() > 1">
AND (1!=1
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 2">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2
<when test="airShipment == 3">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3
<when test="airShipment == 4">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4
<when test="airShipment == 10">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)
<when test="airShipment == 11">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 12">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 20">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 1">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 2">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 3">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 4">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 10">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 11">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 12">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 20">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.isNeat == true ">
AND o.sum_num = o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<if test="query.customerDetailId != null">
AND (o.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId} or nor.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId} or
nee.`customer_id` = #{query.customerDetailId})
......@@ -5561,6 +5073,100 @@
<include refid="appOrderQurey"/>
<sql id="appOrderQurey">
<if test="query.isNeat == false ">
AND o.sum_num <![CDATA[ < ]]> o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<if test="query.airShipmentList != null and query.airShipmentList.size() > 0">
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() == 1">
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 2">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2
<when test="airShipment == 3">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3
<when test="airShipment == 4">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4
<when test="airShipment == 10">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)
<when test="airShipment == 11">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 12">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 20">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() > 1">
AND (1!=1
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 2">
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2)
<when test="airShipment == 3">
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3)
<when test="airShipment == 4">
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4)
<when test="airShipment == 10">
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4))
<when test="airShipment == 11">
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 12">
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<when test="airShipment == 20">
or (o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0)
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 1">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 2">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 3">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 4">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 10">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 11">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 12">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 20">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.isNeat == true ">
AND o.sum_num = o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<if test="query.type != null and query.type != '' and query.type == 0 ">
AND (o.type is null or o.type = '' or o.type = '0')
......@@ -6256,97 +5862,6 @@
<if test="query.isNeat == false ">
AND o.sum_num <![CDATA[ < ]]> o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<if test="query.airShipmentList != null and query.airShipmentList.size() > 0">
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() == 0">
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 2">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2
<when test="airShipment == 3">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3
<when test="airShipment == 4">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4
<when test="airShipment == 10">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)
<when test="airShipment == 11">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 12">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 20">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipmentList.size() > 1">
AND (1!=1
<foreach item='airShipment' index="index" collection='query.airShipmentList'>
<when test="airShipment == 1">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 2">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2
<when test="airShipment == 3">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3
<when test="airShipment == 4">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4
<when test="airShipment == 10">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)
<when test="airShipment == 11">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 12">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<when test="airShipment == 20">
or o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 1">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 1 and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 2">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 2
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 3">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 3
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 4">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment = 4
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 10">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3,4)
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 11">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(1,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 12">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(2,3) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.airShipment != null and query.airShipment == 20">
AND o.`status` = 5 AND o.air_shipment in(0,2,3,4) and abnormal_state = 0 and audit_type = 0
<if test="query.type != null and query.type != '' and query.type == 0 ">
AND (o.type is null or o.type = '' or o.type = '0')
......@@ -6390,9 +5905,6 @@
<if test="query.marks != null and query.marks != '' ">
AND o.`marks` like concat("%",concat(#{query.marks},"%"))
<if test="query.isNeat == true ">
AND o.sum_num = o.cost->>'$.totalNum'
<if test="query.containerNumber != null and query.containerNumber != '' ">
AND o.`container_number` = #{query.containerNumber}
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