Commit f18abcb6 authored by yanghao's avatar yanghao

chore: 客户列表返回添加字段

parent 09c113ee
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.ToString;
import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Date;
import static;
......@@ -97,4 +98,99 @@ public class CustomerRespVO extends CustomerBaseVO {
@ApiModelProperty(value = "是否被接收")
private Boolean isCustomerServiceConfirmed;
* 业务国家 逗号分隔
@ApiModelProperty(value = "业务国家 逗号分隔")
private String busiCountryIds;
* 常用提货网点
@ApiModelProperty(value = "常用提货网点")
private String pickupPoints;
* 竞争对手ID, 关联 customer_competitor 表主键
@ApiModelProperty(value = "竞争对手ID")
private String competitorIds;
* 竞争对手名称,多个以逗号分隔 可直接展示
@ApiModelProperty(value = "竞争对手名称,多个以逗号分隔 可直接展示")
private String competitorNames;
* 年度发货量
@ApiModelProperty(value = "年度发货量")
private BigDecimal weightYearly;
* 年度发货次数
@ApiModelProperty(value = "年度发货次数")
private Integer numYearly;
* 到仓确认
@ApiModelProperty(value = "到仓确认 1-是,0-否")
private Integer arrivalConfirm;
* 控货无收货人,1-是,0-否
@ApiModelProperty(value = "控货无收货人,1-是,0-否")
private Boolean noConsignee ;
* 默认付款,1-是,0-否
@ApiModelProperty(value = "默认付款,1-是,0-否")
private Boolean defaultPay ;
* 归属时间
@ApiModelProperty(value = "归属时间")
private Date customerServiceConfirmedTime;
* 首次成交时间
@ApiModelProperty(value = "首次成交时间")
private Date firstDealTime;
* 获取方式
* <p>
* 枚举 {@link TODO customer_get_method 字典}
@ApiModelProperty(value = "获取方式 customer_get_method 字典")
private Integer getMethod;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建人")
private String creator;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建人姓名")
private String createUsername;
* 最后更新时间
@ApiModelProperty(value = "最后更新时间")
private Date updateTime;
......@@ -74,7 +74,9 @@
c.social_number as default_social_number,
c.userid as contact_member_id,
su.nickname as customer_service_name,
su.dept_id as dept_id
su.dept_id as dept_id,
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(name) FROM ecw_customer_competitor n WHERE FIND_IN_SET(,(SELECT competitor_ids FROM ecw_customer WHERE AS competitor_names,
su.creator as create_username
from ecw_customer a
left join (select * from ecw_customer_contacts where is_default = 1 and deleted = 0) as c on = c.customer_id
left join system_user su on a.customer_service =
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