Commit f7b8f079 authored by zhengyi's avatar zhengyi


parent ea323250
-- 补充字典脚本
INSERT INTO system_dict_data (`sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `label_en`) VALUES ( 0, '取消审核', '4', 'audit_status', 0, 'default', '', NULL, '2702', '2024-11-06 22:19:48', '2702', '2024-11-06 22:19:48', b'0', 'Cancel audit');
-- 补充菜单脚本
INSERT INTO `system_menu`( `name`, `permission`, `menu_type`, `sort`, `parent_id`, `path`, `icon`, `component`, `status`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `is_show_in_menu_bar`, `name_en`, `keepalive`, `redirect`, `badge_field`) VALUES ('修改状态', 'ecw:customer:followup:batch-update-status', 3, 1, 2378, '', '', '', 0, '2379', '2024-11-10 00:08:01', '2702', '2024-11-10 00:52:36', b'0', b'1', 'Update Status', b'0', NULL, NULL);
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