Commit f7d539a4 authored by Smile's avatar Smile Committed by wux


parent d4b7fae2
......@@ -444,12 +444,12 @@ order.warehousein.update.canceled=order warehousein update canceled
order.warehousein.rollback.finished=order warehousein rollback finished
order.warehousein.rollback.rejected=order warehousein rollback rejected
order.warehousein.rollback.canceled=order warehousein rollback canceled
app.message.air.exception.warehousein.content=\u8BA2\u5355\u53F7\uFF1A%25s\uFF08\u551B\u5934\uFF1A%25s\uFF09\u5DF2\u5165\u4ED3\uFF0C\u5B58\u5728\u5F02\u5E38\uFF1A%25s \u8BF7\u8054\u7CFB\u552E\u524D\u5BA2\u670D\u534F\u52A9\u5904\u7406\u3002\u5982\u6709\u7591\u95EE\u8BF7\u4E8E\u5DE5\u4F5C\u65F6\u95F4\u5185\uFF089:00--18:00\uFF09\u4E0E\u6211\u53F8\u5BA2\u670D\u8054\u7CFB\uFF1A400-900-9962
app.message.warehousein.title=order No. "%s" has been entered into the warehouse.
app.message.warehousein.content=Dear %s,We inform you that your merchandise (shipping mark: %s, %s cartons, %s CBM, %s Kg, warehouse entry number: %s) was delivered on %s to %s (origin port warehouse).For any questions, please contact us during business hours (9:00\u201318:00) at 400-900-9962.
app.message.air.warehousein.title=order No. %s has been entered into the warehouse.
app.message.air.warehousein.content=Dear %s,We inform you that your merchandise (shipping mark: %s, %s cartons, %s CBM, %s kg, warehouse entry number: %s) was delivered on %s to %s (origin port warehouse).For any questions, please contact us during business hours (9:00\u201318:00) at 400-900-9962.
app.message.air.exception.warehousein.title=order No. %s has been entered into the warehouse, but there is an anomaly.
app.message.air.exception.warehousein.content=order No. %s (shipping mark: %s) has been entered into the warehouse, but an issue has been detected: %s. Please contact our pre-sales customer service for assistance.For any questions, please contact us during business hours (9:00\u201318:00) at 400-900-9962.\u5BA2\u6237\u6389\u5165\u516C\u6D77\u6C60\uFF0C\u53D6\u6D88\u5BA1\u6838
app.message.pick.title=Release notice
app.message.pick.content=Hello, order No. {0}: (shipping mark: {1}), put {3} boxes on {2}, if you have any questions, please contact our customer service at the working hours (9:00-18:00): 400-900-9962
......@@ -464,17 +464,17 @@ app.message.clearance.content=Order No.%s (shipping mark:%s)Customs cleared.If y
app.message.unload.title=order number\uFFFD\uFFFD%sUnloaded
app.message.unload.content=Order No.%s (shipping mark:%s)Unloaded.If you have any questions, please contact our customer service at 400-900-9962 during working hours (9:00-18:00)
app.message.unload.cargocontrol.content=Order No.%s (shipping mark:%s)Unloaded\uFFFD\uFFFDIn control of goods.If you have any questions, please contact our customer service at 400-900-9962 during working hours (9:00-18:00)
app.message.warehoused.title=Order No. %s has been sent to the international airport.
app.message.warehoused.content=Order No. %s (shipping mark: %s) has been sent to the international airport. Our internal reference number is %s, and the estimated departure time is %s.For any questions, please contact us during business hours (9:00\u201318:00) at 400-900-9962.
app.message.flying.title=Order No. %s (shipping mark: %s), reference number %s, has departed.
app.message.flying.content=Order No. %s (shipping mark: %s) has departed, our reference number is %s, and the estimated arrival time is %s. For any questions, please contact us during business hours (9:00\u201318:00) at 400-900-9962.
app.message.air.arrival.title=Order No. %s has arrived at the port.
app.message.air.arrival.content=Order No. %s (shipping mark: %s) has arrived at the port and is undergoing customs clearance. For any questions, please contact us during business hours (9:00\u201318:00) at 400-900-9962.
app.message.air.clearance.title=Order No. %s has been cleared through customs.
app.message.air.clearance.content=Order No. %s (shipping mark: %s) has been cleared through customs. For any questions, please contact us during business hours (9:00\u201318:00) at 400-900-9962. No. %s has arrived at the warehouse. No. %s (shipping mark: %s) has arrived at the warehouse. For any questions, please contact us during business hours (9:00\u201318:00) at 400-900-9962. No. %s (shipping mark: %s) has arrived at the warehouse and is under control. For any questions, please contact us during business hours (9:00\u201318:00) at 400-900-9962. line of commodity {} in {} has been taken off the shelf, please contact the administrator for handling
order.label.repeat=order label repeat
......@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ order.warehousein.rollback.finished=Retrait termin\u00E9
order.warehousein.rollback.rejected=Demande de retrait refus\u00E9e
order.warehousein.rollback.canceled=Demande de retrait annul\u00E9e
app.message.warehousein.title=La commande %s est entr\u00E9e en entrep\u00F4t.
app.message.warehousein.content=Cher(e) %s, Nous vous informons que votre marchandise (marque : %s, %d cartons, %s CBM, %s Kg, num\u00E9ro d'entr\u00E9e en entrep\u00F4t : %s) a \u00E9t\u00E9 livr\u00E9e le %s \u00E0 %s (entrep\u00F4t du port d'origine). Pour toute question, contactez-nous pendant les heures de travail (9:00\u201318:00) au 400-900-9962.
app.message.warehousein.content=Cher(e) %s, Nous vous informons que votre marchandise (marque : %s, %s cartons, %s CBM, %s Kg, num\u00E9ro d'entr\u00E9e en entrep\u00F4t : %s) a \u00E9t\u00E9 livr\u00E9e le %s \u00E0 %s (entrep\u00F4t du port d'origine). Pour toute question, contactez-nous pendant les heures de travail (9:00\u201318:00) au 400-900-9962.
app.message.air.warehousein.title=La commande %s est entr\u00E9e en entrep\u00F4t.
app.message.air.warehousein.content=Cher(e) %s, Nous vous informons que votre marchandise (marque : %s, %s cartons, %s cbm, %s kg, num\u00E9ro d'entr\u00E9e en entrep\u00F4t : %s) a \u00E9t\u00E9 livr\u00E9e le %s \u00E0 %s (entrep\u00F4t du port d'origine). Pour toute question, contactez-nous pendant les heures de travail (9:00\u201318:00) au 400-900-9962.
app.message.air.exception.warehousein.title=La commande %s est entr\u00E9e en entrep\u00F4t, maismais il a anormal.
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