-- 导入品牌 truncate table jiedao.ecw_product_brank; INSERT INTO jiedao.ecw_product_brank (title_zh, title_en, filing, aorder, creator, create_time, updater, update_time) SELECT title_zh, title_en, IF (shenhe = 'y', 1, 0), aorder, 1, now(), 1, now() FROM jiedao_old.ecw_product_brank; -- 123456 $2a$10$ZHEajc5Fhxrod7VLKjwSGufeLMPny/0Uc41zfY66CZefz9UGntemy -- 导入注册用户 INSERT INTO jiedao.member_user (id, nickname, english_name, mobile, email, area_code, status, register_ip,password) SELECT id, IFNULL(name_zh, phone), IFNULL(name_en, phone), phone, email, REPLACE(area_code, '+', ''), 0, IFNULL(regip, ''), '$2a$10$ZHEajc5Fhxrod7VLKjwSGufeLMPny/0Uc41zfY66CZefz9UGntemy' FROM jiedao_old.ecw_admin WHERE type = 'member'; update jiedao.member_user set password = '$2a$10$ZHEajc5Fhxrod7VLKjwSGufeLMPny/0Uc41zfY66CZefz9UGntemy'; -- 导入客户信息 INSERT INTO jiedao.ecw_customer (id, number, `name`, company, address, `level`, country, `status`, customer_service, department, invoice_title, license_number, bank, bank_number, project, billing_address, billing_tell, `type`, `source`, member_id, pickup_point,founder,creator,updater) SELECT id, number, `name`, company, address, `level`, country, `status`, customer_service, department, invoice_title, license_number, bank, bank_number, project, billing_address, billing_tell, `type`, `source`, member_id, pickup_point, 1,1,1 FROM jiedao_old.ecw_customer; -- 导入客户联系人 INSERT INTO `jiedao`.`ecw_customer_contacts` (`customer_id`, `department`, `position`, `name`, `social`, `social_number`, `email`, `is_default`, `userid`, `username`, `area_code`, `phone_new`, `is_auto`) SELECT `customer_id`, `department`, `position`, `name`, null, `social_number`, `email`, `default`, `userid`, `username`, REPLACE(`area_code`, '+', ''), `phone_new`, `is_auto` FROM jiedao_old.ecw_customer_contacts; -- 导入部门 INSERT INTO `jiedao`.`system_dept`(id, `name`, parent_id, sort, leader_user_id) SELECT id, title_zh, pid, aorder, admin_id from jiedao_old.ecw_department; -- 导入后台用户信息 INSERT INTO jiedao.SYSTEM_USER (id, username, nickname, mobile, email, dept_id) SELECT id, username, name_zh, phone, email, pid FROM jiedao_old.ecw_admin WHERE type = 'admin' AND username != 'admin' AND STATUS = 0 and username != ''; update jiedao.SYSTEM_USER set `password`='$2a$10$ZHEajc5Fhxrod7VLKjwSGufeLMPny/0Uc41zfY66CZefz9UGntemy' where username!='admin'; -- 授权 普通用户 insert into jiedao.sys_user_role(user_id, role_id) select id, 2 from jiedao.sys_user where username!='admin'; -- 导入银行账户信息 INSERT INTO `jiedao`.`ecw_bank_account` (`ba_account_name`, `ba_bank_name`, `ba_account_num`, `ba_swift_code`, `ba_bank_add`, `ba_type`, `source`) SELECT ba_account_name, ba_bank_name, ba_account_num, ba_swift_code, ba_bank_add, ba_type, `source` FROM `jiedao_old`.`ecw_bank_account`; INSERT INTO jiedao.ecw_customer (id, number, `name`, company, address, `level`, country, `status`, customer_service, department, invoice_title, license_number, bank, bank_number, project, billing_address, billing_tell, `type`, `source`, member_id, pickup_point) -----------------------------------------------------20221206------------------------------------------------------------- -- 插入客户联系人 INSERT INTO `ecw_customer_contacts` ( `customer_id`, `department`, `position`, `name`, `social`, `social_number`, `email`, `is_default`, `userid`, `username`, `area_code`, `phone_new`, `is_auto` ) SELECT `customer_id`, `department`, `position`, `name`, NULL, `social_number`, `email`, `default`, `userid`, `username`, REPLACE ( `area_code`, '+', '' ), `phone_new`, `is_auto` FROM ecw_customer_contacts_20221206 WHERE customer_id NOT IN ( SELECT t.id FROM ecw_customer t ) -- 插入客户 INSERT INTO jiedao.ecw_customer (id, number, `name`, company, address, `level`, country, `status`, customer_service, department, invoice_title, license_number, bank, bank_number, project, billing_address, billing_tell, `type`, `source`, member_id, pickup_point,transport_type,founder,creator,updater) SELECT id, number, `name`, company, address, `level`, country, `status`, customer_service, department, invoice_title, license_number, bank, bank_number, project, billing_address, billing_tell, `type`, `source`, member_id, pickup_point, ( case is_air when '0' then '1,3' when '1' then '1,3' when '2' then '1,3' when '3' then '4' end ),1,1,1 FROM ecw_customer_20221206 where id not in ( select t.id from ecw_customer t ) -- 增量时更新 udpate customer set is_customer_service_confirmed = 1, customer_service_assigned_time = now() where customer_service is not null and create_time='2022-10-15 22:05:02'; CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `update_customer_opensea`() begin DECLARE s INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE cid BIGINT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE cstatus tinyint DEFAULT 0; -- 定义游标,并将sql结果集赋值到游标中,report为游标名 DECLARE report CURSOR FOR select id,`status` from jiedao.ecw_customer t where t.id not in (select s.customer_id from jiedao_old.ecw_customer_sea s) and t.is_in_open_sea = 1; -- 非公海客户 -- 声明当游标遍历完后将标志变量置为某个值 DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET s = 1; -- 打开游标 OPEN report; -- 将游标中的值赋值给变量,注意:变量名不要与sql返回的列名相同,变量顺序要和sql结果列的顺序一致 FETCH report INTO cid,cstatus; -- 当s不等于1时,也就是未遍历完时,会一直循环 WHILE s <> 1 DO -- 计算出客户在老系统的最新下单时间 set @mtime = (select ifnull(FROM_UNIXTIME(max(t.rucangtime)),'2022-01-01 00:00:00.000000') from jiedao_old.ecw_order t where t.customer_id = cid); set @new_count = (select count(1) from jiedao.ecw_order t where t.deleted=0 and t.customer_id = cid); if @new_count > 0 then -- 以新系统最新下单时间为准 set @new_time=(select max(t.create_time) from jiedao.ecw_order t where t.deleted=0 and t.customer_id = cid); if @new_time > @mtime then -- 执行业务逻辑 if cstatus = 1 then update jiedao.ecw_customer set estimate_enter_open_sea_time=date_add(@new_time, interval 1 month) where id=cid; elseif cstatus = 2 then update jiedao.ecw_customer set estimate_enter_open_sea_time=date_add(@new_time, interval 3 month) where id=cid; elseif cstatus = 3 then update jiedao.ecw_customer set estimate_enter_open_sea_time=date_add(@new_time, interval 6 month) where id=cid; end if; else -- 执行业务逻辑 if cstatus = 1 then update jiedao.ecw_customer set estimate_enter_open_sea_time=date_add(@mtime, interval 1 month) where id=cid; elseif cstatus = 2 then update jiedao.ecw_customer set estimate_enter_open_sea_time=date_add(@mtime, interval 3 month) where id=cid; elseif cstatus = 3 then update jiedao.ecw_customer set estimate_enter_open_sea_time=date_add(@mtime, interval 6 month) where id=cid; end if; end if; else -- 以旧系统最新下单时间为准 -- 执行业务逻辑 if cstatus = 1 then update jiedao.ecw_customer set estimate_enter_open_sea_time=date_add(@mtime, interval 1 month) where id=cid; elseif cstatus = 2 then update jiedao.ecw_customer set estimate_enter_open_sea_time=date_add(@mtime, interval 3 month) where id=cid; elseif cstatus = 3 then update jiedao.ecw_customer set estimate_enter_open_sea_time=date_add(@mtime, interval 6 month) where id=cid; end if; end if; -- 获取客户的预计入公海时间 set @new_estimate_enter_open_sea_time = (select t.estimate_enter_open_sea_time from jiedao.ecw_customer t where t.id = cid); -- 预计入公海时间大于当前时间 更新为非公海客户 if @new_estimate_enter_open_sea_time > now() then -- 取得客户的客户经理 set @customer_server_id = (select t.customer_service from jiedao_old.ecw_customer t where t.id=cid); UPDATE jiedao.ecw_customer a SET a.is_in_open_sea = 0,a.is_customer_service_confirmed = 1,customer_service = @customer_server_id,a.customer_service_assigned_time = now() WHERE a.id = cid; else -- 预计入公海时间小于或等于当前时间 更新为公海客户 UPDATE jiedao.ecw_customer a SET a.is_in_open_sea = 1, a.customer_service_assigned_time = NULL,-- 跟进客服分配时间 a.is_customer_service_confirmed = 0, -- 确认接收置为false a.estimate_enter_open_sea_time = NULL,-- 预计进入公海池时间置为空 a.catch_time = NULL -- 捞取时间置为空 WHERE a.id = cid; end if; -- 当s等于1时代表遍历已完成,退出循环 FETCH report INTO cid,cstatus; END WHILE;-- 关闭游标 CLOSE report; end CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `update_customer_service`() begin DECLARE s INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE cid BIGINT DEFAULT 0; -- 定义游标,并将sql结果集赋值到游标中,report为游标名 DECLARE report CURSOR FOR select id from jiedao.ecw_customer t where t.customer_service is null; -- 非公海客户 -- 声明当游标遍历完后将标志变量置为某个值 DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET s = 1; -- 打开游标 OPEN report; -- 将游标中的值赋值给变量,注意:变量名不要与sql返回的列名相同,变量顺序要和sql结果列的顺序一致 FETCH report INTO cid; -- 当s不等于1时,也就是未遍历完时,会一直循环 WHILE s <> 1 DO set @new_count = (select count(1) from jiedao_old.ecw_customer_sea t where t.customer_id = cid); if @new_count > 0 then set @old_customer_service = (select old_customer_service from jiedao_old.ecw_customer_sea t where t.customer_id = cid); update jiedao.ecw_customer a set a.customer_service = @old_customer_service where a.id = cid; end if; -- 当s等于1时代表遍历已完成,退出循环 FETCH report INTO cid; END WHILE;-- 关闭游标 CLOSE report; end ------------------------------------------------- select b.old_customer_service from jiedao_old.ecw_customer_sea b where b.customer_id=33079 select * from jiedao.ecw_customer t where t.number= 'N15548' ; select * from system_user t where t.id=2758 -- 2662 select * from jiedao.system_user t where t.username='009' select * from jiedao.ecw_customer t where t.customer_service=2758 CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `update_customer_rescource`() begin DECLARE s INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE cid BIGINT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE cresource BIGINT DEFAULT 0; -- 定义游标,并将sql结果集赋值到游标中,report为游标名 DECLARE report CURSOR FOR select id,resource from jiedao_old.ecw_customer t ; -- 声明当游标遍历完后将标志变量置为某个值 DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET s = 1; -- 打开游标 OPEN report; -- 将游标中的值赋值给变量,注意:变量名不要与sql返回的列名相同,变量顺序要和sql结果列的顺序一致 FETCH report INTO cid,cresource; -- 当s不等于1时,也就是未遍历完时,会一直循环 WHILE s <> 1 DO -- 执行业务逻辑 if cresource = 0 then update jiedao.ecw_customer set resource_type=1 where id=cid; elseif cresource = 1 then update jiedao.ecw_customer set resource_type=2 where id=cid; end if; -- 当s等于1时代表遍历已完成,退出循环 FETCH report INTO cid,cresource; END WHILE;-- 关闭游标 CLOSE report; end -- 同步老系统的客户经理 CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `sync_old_customer_service`() begin DECLARE s INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE cid BIGINT DEFAULT 0; -- 定义游标,并将sql结果集赋值到游标中,report为游标名 DECLARE report CURSOR FOR select t.id from jiedao.ecw_customer t where t.customer_service = 0 or t.customer_service is null; -- 声明当游标遍历完后将标志变量置为某个值 DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET s = 1; -- 打开游标 OPEN report; -- 将游标中的值赋值给变量,注意:变量名不要与sql返回的列名相同,变量顺序要和sql结果列的顺序一致 FETCH report INTO cid; -- 当s不等于1时,也就是未遍历完时,会一直循环 WHILE s <> 1 DO -- 在老系统有这个用户才同步 set @old_count = (select count(1) from jiedao_old.ecw_customer t where t.id = cid); if @old_count > 0 then set @old_customer_service = (select customer_service from jiedao_old.ecw_customer t where t.id = cid); if @old_customer_service <> 0 then update jiedao.ecw_customer a set a.customer_service = @old_customer_service where a.id = cid; else set @old_customer_sea_count = (select count(1) from jiedao_old.ecw_customer_sea t where t.customer_id = cid); if @old_customer_sea_count > 0 then set @old_customer_sea_service = (select old_customer_service from jiedao_old.ecw_customer_sea t where t.customer_id = cid); update jiedao.ecw_customer a set a.customer_service = @old_customer_sea_service where a.id = cid; end if; end if; end if; -- 当s等于1时代表遍历已完成,退出循环 FETCH report INTO cid; END WHILE;-- 关闭游标 CLOSE report; end update ecw_customer t set t.enter_open_sea_time=FROM_UNIXTIME(1672364089) where t.number='Z1580'; update ecw_customer t set t.enter_open_sea_time=FROM_UNIXTIME(1672364089) where t.number='N2003'; update ecw_customer t set t.enter_open_sea_time=FROM_UNIXTIME(1672364089) where t.number='Z5035'; update ecw_customer t set t.enter_open_sea_time=FROM_UNIXTIME(1672364089) where t.number='D0012'; update ecw_customer t set t.enter_open_sea_time=FROM_UNIXTIME(1666774802) where t.number='N10664'; update ecw_customer t set t.enter_open_sea_time=FROM_UNIXTIME(1666609201) where t.number='N11168'; SELECT o.marks AS '唛头', m.prod_title_zh AS '货名', m.warehouse_in_info ->> '$.unit' AS '箱数', m.warehouse_in_info ->> '$.volumne' AS '立方数', m.warehouse_in_info ->> '$.weight' AS '重量', o.rucang_time AS '入仓日期', d.departure ->> '$.titleZh' AS '始发仓', o.order_no AS '系统单号', r.phone AS '发货人电话', m.worth AS '货值', c.phone AS '收货人电话', b.objective ->> '$.titleZh' AS '目的仓', IF ( o.is_cargo_control = 1, '是', '否' ) AS '是否控货', ( CASE e.order_exception_type WHEN 'order_no_quote_exception' THEN '未报价' WHEN 'order_pay_exception' THEN '需要预付异常' WHEN 'order_superfluous_box_exception' THEN '多箱' WHEN 'order_lack_box_exception' THEN '少箱' WHEN 'order_miss_exception' THEN '货物丢失' WHEN 'order_superfluous_goods_exception' THEN '货物增多' WHEN 'order_damage_exception' THEN '货物破损' WHEN 'order_in_water_exception' THEN '货物浸水' WHEN 'order_heavy_cargo_exception' THEN '重货异常' WHEN 'order_bulky_cargo_exception' THEN '泡货异常' WHEN 'order_doc_exception' THEN '单证异常' WHEN 'order_consignor_exception' THEN '发货人异常' WHEN 'order_cod_exception' THEN '代收货款' WHEN 'order_other_exception' THEN '其它异常' WHEN 'order_pick_up_exception' THEN '提货异常' END ) AS '异常类型' FROM ecw_order_exception e LEFT JOIN ecw_order o ON e.order_id = o.order_id LEFT JOIN ecw_order_item m ON e.order_item_id = m.order_item_id LEFT JOIN ecw_order_consignee c ON o.order_id = c.order_id LEFT JOIN ecw_order_consignor r ON o.order_id = r.order_id LEFT JOIN ecw_order_departure d ON o.order_id = d.order_id left join ecw_order_objective b on o.order_id = b.order_id WHERE e.order_exception_status !=2 and o.deleted=0