<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="cn.iocoder.yudao.module.infra.dal.mysql.logger.ApiErrorLogMapper"> <!-- 一般情况下,尽可能使用 Mapper 进行 CRUD 增删改查即可。 无法满足的场景,例如说多表关联查询,才使用 XML 编写 SQL。 代码生成器暂时只生成 Mapper XML 文件本身,更多推荐 MybatisX 快速开发插件来生成查询。 文档可见:https://www.iocoder.cn/MyBatis/x-plugins/ --> <select id="apiErrorLogList" resultType="cn.iocoder.yudao.module.infra.dal.dataobject.logger.ApiErrorLogDO"> select `id` , `trace_id`, `user_id`, `user_type`, `application_name`, `request_method`, `request_url`, `request_params`, `user_ip`, `user_agent`, `exception_time`, `exception_name`, `exception_message`, `exception_root_cause_message`, `exception_stack_trace`, `exception_class_name`, `exception_file_name`, `exception_method_name`, `exception_line_number`, `process_status` , `process_time`, `process_user_id`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted` from infra_api_error_log where deleted = 0 <if test="req.userId != null "> AND user_id = #{req.userId} </if> <if test="req.userType != null "> AND user_type = #{req.userType} </if> <if test="req.applicationName != null and req.applicationName != ''"> AND application_name = #{req.applicationName} </if> <if test="req.requestUrl != null and req.requestUrl != ''"> AND request_url like concat("%",concat(#{req.requestUrl},"%")) </if> <if test="req.beginExceptionTime != null and req.endExceptionTime != null"> AND exception_time BETWEEN #{req.beginExceptionTime} and #{req.endExceptionTime} </if> <if test="req.processStatus != null "> AND process_status = #{req.processStatus} </if> order by id desc limit #{start}, #{size} </select> <select id="apiErrorLogCount" resultType="long"> select count(1) from infra_api_error_log where deleted = 0 <if test="req.userId != null "> AND user_id = #{req.userId} </if> <if test="req.userType != null "> AND user_type = #{req.userType} </if> <if test="req.applicationName != null and req.applicationName != ''"> AND application_name = #{req.applicationName} </if> <if test="req.requestUrl != null and req.requestUrl != ''"> AND request_url like concat("%",concat(#{req.requestUrl},"%")) </if> <if test="req.beginExceptionTime != null and req.endExceptionTime != null"> AND exception_time BETWEEN #{req.beginExceptionTime} and #{req.endExceptionTime} </if> <if test="req.processStatus != null "> AND process_status = #{req.processStatus} </if> </select> </mapper>