<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="cn.iocoder.yudao.module.delivery.mapper.CustomerAnalysisMapper2"> <select id="getListPage" parameterType="cn.iocoder.yudao.module.delivery.entity.CustomerAnalysisReq" resultType="cn.iocoder.yudao.module.delivery.entity.CustomerAnalysisResp"> SELECT number,name,c.id,( SELECT nickname from system_user where id=c.customer_service ) as salesman,c.customer_service as salesmanid, (SELECT label from system_dict_data where dict_type='customer_source' and value=c.source) as sourcename, c.source,(u_d.dept_id) as deptid,(u_d.deptName) as deptname, 1 AS allsumvolume, 2 as allsumvolumeTb, 3 AS sumvolume1, 4 as sumvolumeTb1, 5 AS sumweight3, 6 as sumweightTb3, 7 as monthAvg, 8 as monthAvgTb, 9 as seaMonthAvg, 10 as seaMonthAvgTb, 11 as airMothAvg, 12 as airMothAvgTb, 13 as weightSumV, 14 as phSumV, 15 as khSumV, (CASE WHEN c.is_new = 1 THEN '是' ELSE '否' END) as isFirst, (if(c.is_new = 1,c.update_time,''))as firstDate, 16 as chargequantity, 17 as pickquantity, (CASE WHEN c.is_new = 1 THEN '新客户' ELSE '旧客户' END ) as cusYjType, (SELECT name_zh from ecw_country where deleted=0 and id=c.country) as country, c.country as countryID, c.type, c.create_time as createtime from ecw_customer c left join ( SELECT d.NAME as deptName,u.dept_id,u.id as userid FROM system_user u LEFT JOIN system_dept d ON u.dept_id = d.id ) AS u_d ON c.customer_service = u_d.userid <include refid="WherePage"/> </select> <sql id="WherePage"> <where> and c.deleted = 0 <if test="name!=null and name!=''"> <choose> <when test="searchtype =='in'.toString()"> and (name like concat('%',#{name},'%') or number like concat('%',#{name},'%')) </when> <when test="searchtype =='notin'.toString()"> and (name not like concat('%',#{name},'%') or number not like concat('%',#{name},'%')) </when> <when test="searchtype =='eq'.toString()"> and (name= #{name} or number=#{name}) </when> <when test="searchtype =='noeq'.toString()"> and (name != #{name} or number != #{name}) </when> <otherwise> and (name= #{name} or number=#{name}) </otherwise> </choose> </if> <if test="isnew!=null and isnew!=''"> and is_new= #{isnew} </if> <if test="source!=null and source!=''"> and source= #{source} </if> <if test="customerrole!=null and customerrole!=''"> and type= #{customerrole} </if> <if test="country!=null and country!=''"> and c.country= #{country} </if> <if test="salesmanid!=null and salesmanid!=''"> <!--有具体的客户经理,就不算掉入公海池客户--> and c.is_in_open_sea=0 and c.customer_service= #{salesmanid} </if> <if test="deptid!=null and deptid!=''"> and u_d.dept_id= #{deptid} </if> <if test="searchDataType4!=null and searchDataType4!=''"> <if test="sdate4!=null and sdate4!='' and edate4!=null and edate4!=''"> <choose> <when test="searchDataType4 =='1'"> and firstDate BETWEEN #{sdate4} AND #{edate4} </when> <when test="searchDataType4 =='0'"> and c.create_time BETWEEN #{sdate4} AND #{edate4} </when> </choose> </if> </if> </where> </sql> <select id="GetCount" resultType="java.lang.Long"> SELECT count(1) from ecw_customer <include refid="WherePage"/> </select> </mapper>