common.success=SUCCESS common.add.success=Added successfully common.update.success=Modification succeeded common.submitted.successfully=Submitted successfully common.submitted.examine=Submitted for review media type permission to operate not logged in common.delete.successfully=Deletion succeeded common.undo.successfully=Revocation successful common.internal.exception=System exception, please try again later common.request.error=request failed common.request.repeat=Repeat request, please try again later common.request.unknown=request failed, unknown error common.request.not.found=request not found common.request.not.found.format=request not found:%s common.request.method.error=request method error common.request.method.error.format=request method error:%s common.request.parameter.error=request parameter failed common.request.parameter.error.format=request parameter failed:%s common.request.parameter.defect.format=request parameter defect:%s common.request.parameter.type.error.format=request parameter type error:%s request data is too long request data repeat common.request.too.much=The request is too frequent. Please try again later anomaly server is busy. Please try again later cms.exception=CMS exception cms.template.not.exist=Template file does not exist to read template file cms.template.parse.failed=Template file parse failed cms.form.parameter.error=Form parameter error cms.file.not.exist=File does not exist cms.file.format.error=File format error does not exist or has been deleted column has subordinate columns, deletion failed cms.variable.exist=Variable name already exists cms.xss.sql.exception=There are elements in your request that violate security rules member.user.not.exist=user not exist number already exists code.not.null=The verification code cannot be empty member.user.pass.verify.failed=Password verification failed member.auth.login.bad=The account and password are incorrect member.auth.login.unknown=Login failed. Please try again later member.auth.login.account.disable=Login failed, account disabled member.auth.login.token.expired=Token Expired, please login again member.auth.third.not.bind=The account is not bound and needs to be bound member.user.auth.realname.not.blank=realname must be not blank member.user.auth.card.type.not.null=idcard type must be not null member.user.auth.idcard.number.not.blank=idcard number must be not blank member.user.auth.idcard.obverse.image.not.blank=idcard obverse image must be not blank member.user.auth.idcard.reverse.image.not.blank=idcard reverse image must be not blank name must be not blank legal name must be not blank member.user.auth.enterprise.number.not.blank=enterprise number must be not blank enterprise.not.exists=Enterprise information does not exist enterprise.logo.zh.not.null=Enterprise Chinese logo cannot be empty enterprise.logo.en.not.null=Enterprise English logo cannot be empty enterprise.title.zh.not.null=Enterprise Chinese Title cannot be empty enterprise.title.en.not.null=Enterprise English title cannot be empty coupon.not.exists=Coupon information does not exist coupon.content.not.exists=The credit information in the coupon site does not exist coupon.line.not.exists=Coupon line information does not exist product information does not exist coupon.customer.not.exists=Coupon customer information does not exist coupon.use.record.not.exists=Coupon usage record information does not exist coupon.reduce.amount.error=Discount amount of coupon must be greater than zero list cannot be empty coupon.type.error=Wrong coupon type activity full devaluation cannot be empty or less than zero coupon.full.reduce.currency.not.null=Discount coupon full minus currency cannot be empty coupon full discount cannot be empty and cannot be less than zero or greater than one coupon.special.offer.packing.not.null=Coupon special price package cannot be empty coupon.published=Coupon issued coupons cannot be used coupon.has.been.use=Coupon has been used prod.param.not.null=Commodity parameters cannot be empty cost.calculation.error=Expense calculation error channel.not.exists=Channel information does not exist channel.price.not.negative=Channel fee cannot be negative prod.line.price.not.set=The price of the product line was not set unit of measurement was not legal offer.not.exists=The price list didn't exist volume.unit.not.null=Volume unit cannot be empty weight.unit.not.null=Weight unit cannot be empty quantity.unit.not.null=Quantity unit cannot be empty licensed price is set for this line commodity product price not set warehousing.type.not.null=Warehousing type cannot be empty offer.special.apply.sea.freight.error=The basic freight of special price application must be lower than the original price offer.special.apply.clearance.freight.error=The basic customs clearance fee of special price application must be lower than the original price ID cannot be empty departure.not.exists=Origin does not exist objective.not.exists=Destination does not exist route product: {} is in the blacklist route of {} prod.not.exists=Product didn't exist city.not.set.label.code=Import City: {} no code set city.not.set.air.label.code=Import city: {} Air freight country code not set city.not.set.air.self.label.code=Import city: {} No air freight self number country code set channel.code.not.set=Channel [{}] has not set a shortcut code of quotation [{}] has ended item cannot be blank offer.start.end.time.not.null=Quotation start time and end time cannot be blank customer.contacts.not.exists=Customer contact does not exist transport.not.null=Transportation method cannot be empty offer.special.apply.form.details.not.exists=Quotation special price application form details do not exist offer.special.apply.form.approval.finish=Quotation special price application form has ended number cannot be empty channel setting error offer.consignor.error=Quotation shipper information exception offer.consignee.error=Quotation consignee information is abnormal commodity approval in progress offer.transport.not.exists=Quotation transportation method does not exist order.custom.drawee.not.null=Order custom payer information cannot be blank order.not.exists=Order does not exist order.consignor.not.exists=Order shipper does not exist order.consignee.not.exists=Order consignee does not exist information not found in order order.not.cancel.status=The order is not in cancellation status, and this operation cannot be performed order is cancellation status, and this operation cannot be performed order.not.cancel.or.draft.status=The order is not in canceled or draft status and cannot be deleted member.of.customer.not.exists=The contact method associated with the member does not exist order is not yours actual warehousing commodity information cannot be empty not.find.currency=No available currency units found warehouse in not exists warehouse in update data not exists order.warehouse.approval.not.exists=order warehouse approval not exists warehouse.adjust.not.exists=warehouse adjust not exists shipment.not.exists=Shipment does not exist shipment.order.exit.not.exists=Order exit information does not exist not open lading.template.not.set=lading template not set booking.not.exist=Booking does not exist box.warehouse.start.not.match=Order and container origin are different box.warehouse.dest.not.match=Order and container destination are different box.volume.exceed=Excessive volume box.weight.exceed=Excessive weight box.abnormal.not.exist=Shipment exception record does not exist box.load.exist=This box number has been packed box.load.not.exist=Case number does not exist box.install.not.match=The packed quantity is inconsistent with the planned quantity box.unload.not.match=The number of unloaded containers is inconsistent with the number of actual containers, and the unloading cannot be completed picture.not.exist=picture not exist not.find.available.line=No available lines found please.enter.length.width.height=Please enter length, width and height please.install.and.pass.audit=Please install the cabinet first and seal the cabinet after passing the audit order.split.not.exist=order split not exist order.split.item.not.exist=order split item not exist phone number cannot be empty area code of the consignee cannot be empty number.conflict=Number generation failed! Please resubmit! recurrent.nuclear.type.not.exists=Please select a repeating core type information does not exist phone number cannot be empty area code of the consignor cannot be empty not.find.controller=No controller found transport.line.not.exists=Transportation route does not exist order.cargo.controller.pick.not.exist=The release record of the control order does not exist order.cargo.controller.pick.status.error=The delivery record status of the control order is wrong order.cargo.control.not.exists=The order controller does not exist are not the controller of the order prod.num.not.null=The number of cases of commodity [{}] cannot be empty prod.quantity.not.null=Quantity of commodity [{}] cannot be blank prod.volume.not.null=Volume of commodity [{}] cannot be empty of commodity [{}] cannot be zero prod.weight.not.null=Weight of commodity [{}] cannot be empty of commodity [{}] cannot be zero volume of the warehouse record for product [{}] cannot be empty volume of the warehouse record for product [{}] cannot be zero weight of the warehouse record for product [{}] cannot be empty weight of the warehouse record for product [{}] cannot be zero prod.worth.not.null=Worth of commodity [{}] cannot be empty not read from packing list wealth.receipt_account_not_exists=A/R account cannot be blank cancel.order.not.placed=Only orders that have been placed and are to be warehoused can be cancelled order.external.warehouse.not.null=The external warehouse information of an external warehouse order cannot be empty external warehouse information of an external warehouse order cannot be empty name of the order shipper is not complete phone format of the order shipper is incorrect mobile information of order recipient name of the order recipient is incomplete phone format of the order recipient is incorrect phone format of the order controller is incorrect delivery time cannot be empty wealth.receivable.not.exists=Receivable does not exist wealth.receipt.not.exists=The collection document does not exist wealth.receipt.verification=Collection document has been written off wealth.receipt.verification.not=Collection document not written off wealth.payable.not.exists=Payable does not exist wealth.payment.not.exists=The payment document does not exist wealth.payment.not.status=Payment document is not in pending approval status wealth.payment.not.update=Payment document status cannot be modified wealth.payment.verification=The payment document is not in the status to be written off wealth.payment.verification.error=Payment document is not in written off status wealth.receivable.not.null=Receivables cannot be blank invoicing information wealth.this.receipt.not.stay.invoice.state=The collection document is not in the status of to be invoiced wealth.receipt.item.not.exists=The collection document details do not exist wealth.payment.export.type.not=Unknown bill type wealth.payment.verify.status.error=Payment document is not in approved status wealth.receiptitem.not.exists=Collection details do not exist wealth.receiptitem.verification=Collection details written off wealth.receipt.account.not.exists=The collection account number does not exist wealth.receipt.status.not.exists=Collection document has been written off wealth.write_off_status_not=The collection document is not in the status of to be written off and cannot be written off completely preferential information of receivables does not exist wealth.receivable_deleted=A/R has been deleted wealth.receivable_write_off_ing=This order has been written off in A/R details wealth.receipt_item_not_exists=Bank collection details do not exist wealth.currency_not_exists=A/R write off currency does not exist wealth.currency_diff_not_exists=Write off currency variance not maintained wealth.currency_diff_big=The collection order has not been 100% written off, and cannot be written off completely. If you need a discount, please go to Order Management - Special Price Application to apply for a discount wealth.receiptitem_verification=Collection details have been written off wealth.receipt_not_write_off_item_not_exists=The current collection document does not have bank collection details added and cannot be written off completely. Please add bank collection document details and write off all received details before all write off wealth.receipt_status_not_write_off=Collection documents in draft status cannot be written off wealth.receipt_status_not_add_item=Collection documents in draft status cannot be written off Collection documents in draft status cannot be added with collection details item ID not be empty order.status.draft=draft phone number cannot be empty mobile number format app.auth.password.not.blank=Password cannot be empty Code cannot be empty Password cannot be empty app.auth.old.password.not.blank=Old Password cannot be empty app.auth.password.len.err=Password length is 6~16 app.auth.captcha.not.blank=Mobile phone verification code cannot be empty app.auth.captcha.len.err=Mobile phone verification length 4 app.auth.captcha.pattern=The mobile phone verification code must be numeric app.sms.scene.not.blank=Sending scenario cannot be empty app.sms.scene.not.range=Must be within the specified range {value} type of social platform cannot be empty global number of social networking cannot be empty code cannot be empty cannot be empty be within the specified range {value} preload.goods.shipment.not.blank=shipment id cannot be empty preload.goods.section.not.blank=section id cannot be empty preload.goods.order.not.blank=order id cannot be empty preload.goods.order.item.not.blank=order item id list cannot be empty preload.approval.notice.user.not.blank=notice user cannot be empty coupon.title.zh.not.null=The Chinese title of the coupon cannot be blank coupon.title.en.not.null=The English title of the coupon cannot be blank coupon.type.not.null=Coupon type cannot be empty coupon.start.time.not.null=Start time of coupon cannot be blank coupon.end.time.not.null=End time of coupon cannot be blank extension time cannot be less than the original end time delay time must be greater than the current time ID cannot be empty coupon.puton.status.not.null=The promotion status cannot be empty coupon.set.validity.param.not.null=Set validity period parameter cannot be blank end time of the discount cannot be less than the current time order.type.not.null=Order attribute selection cannot be empty brand.type.not.null=Brand attribute selection cannot be empty is.cargo.control.not.null=Control goods cannot be empty document.declaration.not.null=Customs declaration type selection cannot be blank coupon.publish.status.not.null=Coupon publishing status cannot be empty list information cannot be empty line.not.null=Please select a line warehouse.approval.batch.adjust.applying=order {} is applying, please wait for result. app.message.reg.success.title=Registration success app.message.reg.success.content=You are welcome to register on the Jiedao International Freight Platform. If you have any questions, please contact our customers during working hours (9:00-18:00): 400-900-9962 app.message.kyc.submit.title=Your kyc already submit app.message.kyc.submit.content=We have received your application for kyc, please wait patiently for the results of the review, we will process it for you as soon as possible app.message.kyc.success.title=The real-name authentication audit was successful app.message.kyc.success.content=Your real-name authentication has been approved, please pay attention to it! app.message.kyc.failed.title=Real-name authentication audit failed app.message.kyc.failed.content=We are very sorry, your real-name authentication audit failed,please resubmit after modification!failure reason: app.message.update.password.title=The password was changed successfully app.message.update.password.content=Your password has been changed, please be careful to save! app.message.customer.complain.title=Customer Management "Customer Complaints" app.message.customer.complain.content=The content of your complaint has been processed, please pay attention to review! warehouse.approval.passed.cannot.cancel=warehouse approval passed can not cancel warehouse.approval.batch.cannot.cancel=warehouse approval batch cannot cancel approval info not find item name cannot be empty order.approval.status.not.correct=order approval status not correct warehouse.approval.applying=order is applying, cannot be submitted repeatedly. product.brand.update.feetype.error=Unauthorized customer to modify fee rate failed product.brand.update.feetype.not.exsit=Product Brand-Unauthorized Customer-Specified Fee Type Does Not Exist product.not.exsit=Product information does not exist product.brand.type.not.exsit=The association between the brand and the product category does not exist product.brand.already.authorized.customer=The brand has already authorized this customer, no need to re-authorize product.brand.authorization.does.not.exist=Product brand authorization does not exist product.brand.not.exist=Brand does not exist customer.not.null=Customer does not exist customer.contacts.not.null=Customer Contacts does not exist order.exception.not.exists=Order exception does not exist order.exception.result.not.exists=Exception handling record does not exist order.handler.exception.not.exists=Unknown exception handling result exception.not.exists=Unknown exception approval form id not exists warehouse.adjust.batch.not.same.out=warehouse adjust batch not same out adjust batch not same in order.exception.internalmessage.title=order exception order.exception.internalmessage.content=Order No.: {} (shipping mark: {}) has been warehoused, and there is an exception: {} Please contact pre-sales customer service for assistance. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service at 400-900-9962 during working hours (9:00-18:00) order.label.not.exists=order labe {} is not exists order.label.not.empty=warehouse in tag must not empty order.label.already.been.used=order label {} have already been used by other order number and quantity of cases must be equal to the total number of warehousing cases order.label.overlap=order label is overlap transfer.goods.order.not.null=The goods transfer order cannot be empty file format only supports excel of {} commodity exceeds the upper limit of acceptance of the warehouse on the current day full impairment of preferential activities cannot be greater than the original value full price of the promotional activities cannot be greater than the original price coupon.currency.or.unit.not.null=The currency unit or measurement unit of preferential activity conditions cannot be blank coupon.special.offer.line.not.null=The line for obtaining special price can't be empty activity - special price must be set for specified goods, not for all goods expired cancel.pick.type.not.null=The reason for canceling the release cannot be blank please.submit.order.update.approval=Please submit the order for modification and approval box.gauge.format.error=Box gauge format error warehouse entry data when creating an A/R document warehouse entry data during order splitting split.order.item.not.null=The order item for split order [{}] cannot be empty product name [{}] of the split order has not been split setting value for heavy goods discount cannot be empty setting value of bubble shop discount cannot be empty number of release boxes for control orders must be greater than 0 order.external.warehouse.address.and.loading.time.not.null=External warehouse order delivery address and delivery time cannot be empty application approval in progress split.order.has.order.exception=Unhandled abnormality in the split order cannot be split split.order.has.order.approval=Orders with unprocessed reviews cannot be split new amount for applying for discounted shipping fees for special orders cannot be equal to the original amount special offer application discount customs clearance fee new amount cannot be equal to the original amount price cannot be lower than 0 final sales price and customs clearance fee cannot be less than 0 commission.type.not.null=Commission type cannot be empty external.warehouse.and.concentrate.transport.not.parallel=External warehouse orders and consolidation orders cannot be parallel select the shipping channel for the order price requests for order items cannot be made simultaneously order.exception.bpm.not.exists=Abnormal process does not exist order.exception.bpm.approve=The abnormal process has been approved and cannot be canceled order.status.placed=Waiting for warehousing order.status.warehousing.progress=Warehousing in progress order.status.warehousing=Warehousing order.status.special.apply.progress=Special offer application in progress order.status.warehousing.update=Warehousing, being modified order.status.adjust=In warehouse adjustment order.status.withdrawal=Withdrawal application in progress admin.order.status.returned=Returned customer.order.status.returned=Returned admin.order.status.split=Document splitting application in progress customer.order.status.split=In order splitting order.status.combination=Combining application order.status.withdrawn.expense.not.cleared=Withdrawn, expense not cleared order.status.split.succeeded=Application for document splitting succeeded order.status.closed=Closed order order.status.adjust.wait.out.warehouse=Transfer warehouse to be out of warehouse warehouse to be warehoused order.status.adjust.arrived.warehouse=Warehouse transfer has arrived order.status.adjust.demobilized.warehoused=Demobilized and warehoused installation under review order.status.preinstalled=Preinstalled car has been dispatched, waiting to pick up the counter cabinet has been withdrawn and is to be returned order.status.returned=Returned order.status.cabinet.installed=Cabinet installed cabinet under review order.status.closed.cabinet.progress=The cabinet is approved and to be sealed order.status.closed.cabinet=Closed cabinet customs declaration order.status.under.inspection=Under inspection order.status.declared=Declared order.status.release.after.inspection=Release after inspection shipping order.status.arrived=Arrived order.status.cleared=Cleared order.status.two.way.arrival=Two way arrival order.status.two.way.takeoff=Two way takeoff order.status.unloaded.cabinet=Unloaded cabinet order.status.uncollected=Uncollected collection off, to be released order.status.picked.up=Picked up order.status.part.picked.up=Part picked up order.status.cancel=cancellation of order order.area.code=area code must be numeric order.status.update.progress=The order is being modified and approved discount.processing=Special price application - preferential price application in progress discount.pass=Special price application - preferential price application succeeded discount.reject=Special price application - preferential price application failed discount.cancel=Special price application - cancellation of preferential price application discount.batch.processing=Batch Special price application - preferential price application in progress discount.batch.pass=Batch Special price application - preferential price application succeeded discount.batch.reject=Batch Special price application - preferential price application failed discount.batch.cancel=Batch Special price application - cancellation of preferential price application order.merge.processing=Applying for a combined order order.merge.pass=Successful order combination application order.merge.reject=Failed to apply for consolidation order.merge.cancel=Cancellation of combined application fee.application.processing=Order fee application - application in progress fee.application.pass=Order fee application - application succeeded fee.application.reject=Order fee application - application failed fee.application.cancel=Order fee application - application be canceled quoted box box freight is required for products order.superfluous.goods.exception=superfluous goods order.damage.exception=damage exception soaking order.heavy.cargo.exception=Abnormal heavy cargo order.bulky.cargo.exception=Abnormal bulky cargo order.doc.exception=Abnormal documents order.consignor.exception=Shipper exception order.cod.exception=Abnormal collection of goods order.other.exception=Other abnormalities order.pick.up.exception=Abnormal picking not.customer.service.exception=not customer service exception order.multiple.exceptions=Multiple exceptions order.split.item.num.many.exception=Order product name [{}] has {} more split boxes than the original order order.split.item.num.few.exception=Order product name [{}] split boxes are {} fewer than the original order not.look.calculation.unit=Unable to recognize pricing unit calculation.unit.quantity.not.null=The quantity of pricing units cannot be empty order.split.item.quantity.many.exception=Order product name [{}] has {} more split quantities than the original order order.split.item.quantity.few.exception=The split quantity of order product name [{}] is {} fewer than the original order order has accounts receivable details that have been written off, and cannot be submitted for consolidation at the moment order.split.error=The order has accounts receivable details that have been written off, and cannot be submitted for splitting at the moment orders cannot be placed in warehouse order.draft.status.not.allowed.split=Draft orders cannot be split order.has.pending.exception=Order {} still has an unhandled exception, no other operations can be performed order.has.pending.approval=Order {} has yet to be processed and approved, and no other operations are allowed order.exception.or.processing.error=There are exceptions or review tasks in this order, and it is currently not possible to operate this order order.miss.exception=order miss exception order.split.rejected=order split apply rejected order.split.canceled=order split apply canceled order.split.finished=order split finished order.warehousein.adjust.canceled=order warehousein adjust canceled order.warehousein.adjust.wait.out=order warehousein adjust passed, wait out order.warehousein.adjust.rejected=order warehousein adjust rejected order.warehousein.update.finished=order warehousein update finished order.warehousein.update.rejected=order warehousein update rejected order.warehousein.update.canceled=order warehousein update canceled order.warehousein.rollback.finished=order warehousein rollback finished order.warehousein.rollback.rejected=order warehousein rollback rejected order.warehousein.rollback.canceled=order warehousein rollback canceled app.message.warehousein.title=\u8BA2\u5355\u53F7\uFF1A%s\u5DF2\u5165\u4ED3 app.message.warehousein.content=\u5C0A\u656C\u7684\u00A0%s\uFF08\u5148\u751F/\u5973\u58EB\uFF09\uFF0C\u6377\u9053\u8D27\u8FD0\u901A\u77E5\u60A8\uFF1A\u60A8\u7684\u551B\u5934\u4E3A%s\uFF0C\u00A0%d\u7BB1,\u00A0%sCBM,\u00A0%sKg,\u00A0\u5165\u4ED3\u53F7\u4E3A%s\u00A0\u7684\u8D27\u7269\u5DF2\u4E8E%s\u00A0\u9001\u5230%s\uFF08\u8D77\u8FD0\u6E2F\u4ED3\u5E93\uFF09\uFF0C\u5982\u6709\u7591\u95EE\u8BF7\u4E8E\u5DE5\u4F5C\u65F6\u95F4\u5185\uFF089:00--18:00\uFF09\u4E0E\u6211\u53F8\u5BA2\u670D\u8054\u7CFB\uFF1A400-900-9962 app.message.air.warehousein.title=\u8BA2\u5355\u53F7\uFF1A%25s\u5DF2\u5165\u4ED3 app.message.air.warehousein.content=\u5C0A\u656C\u7684%a0%25s\uFF08\u5148\u751F/\u5973\u58EB\uFF09\uFF0C\u6377\u9053\u8D27\u8FD0\u901A\u77E5\u60A8\uFF1A\u60A8\u7684\u551B\u5934\u4E3A%25s\uFF0C%25s\u7BB1,%a0%25scbm,%a0%25skg,%a0\u5165\u4ED3\u53F7\u4E3A%25s\u7684\u8D27\u7269\u5DF2\u4E8E%25s%a0\u9001\u5230%25s\uFF08\u8D77\u8FD0\u6E2F\u4ED3\u5E93\uFF09\uFF0C\u5982\u6709\u7591\u95EE\u8BF7\u4E8E\u5DE5\u4F5C\u65F6\u95F4\u5185\uFF089:00--18:00\uFF09\u4E0E\u6211\u53F8\u5BA2\u670D\u8054\u7CFB\uFF1A400-900-9962 app.message.air.exception.warehousein.title=\u8BA2\u5355\u53F7\uFF1A%25s\u5DF2\u5165\u4ED3\uFF0C\u5B58\u5728\u5F02\u5E38 app.message.air.exception.warehousein.content=\u8BA2\u5355\u53F7\uFF1A%25s\uFF08\u551B\u5934\uFF1A%25s\uFF09\u5DF2\u5165\u4ED3\uFF0C\u5B58\u5728\u5F02\u5E38\uFF1A%25s \u8BF7\u8054\u7CFB\u552E\u524D\u5BA2\u670D\u534F\u52A9\u5904\u7406\u3002\u5982\u6709\u7591\u95EE\u8BF7\u4E8E\u5DE5\u4F5C\u65F6\u95F4\u5185\uFF089:00--18:00\uFF09\u4E0E\u6211\u53F8\u5BA2\u670D\u8054\u7CFB\uFF1A400-900-9962\u5BA2\u6237\u6389\u5165\u516C\u6D77\u6C60\uFF0C\u53D6\u6D88\u5BA1\u6838 app.message.pick.title=Release notice app.message.pick.content=Hello, order No. {0}: (shipping mark: {1}), put {3} boxes on {2}, if you have any questions, please contact our customer service at the working hours (9:00-18:00): 400-900-9962 app.message.cabinet.title=order number\uFFFD\uFFFD%sCabinet installed app.message.cabinet.content=Order No.%s (shipping mark:%s) has been loaded in containers. Our self number is %s, and the estimated sailing time is %s. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service at 400-900-9962 during working hours (9:00-18:00) app.message.shipping.title=Order No.:%s Shipping mark:%s, from No.%s Shipping app.message.shipping.content=Order No.%s (shipping mark:%s) Shipped. Our self number is %s, and the estimated sailing time is %s. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service at 400-900-9962 during working hours (9:00-18:00) app.message.arrival.title=order number\uFFFD\uFFFD%sArrived app.message.arrival.content=Order No.%s (shipping mark:%s) Arrived. In customs clearance. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service at 400-900-9962 during working hours (9:00-18:00) app.message.clearance.title=order number\uFFFD\uFFFD%sCustoms cleared app.message.clearance.content=Order No.%s (shipping mark:%s)Customs cleared.If you have any questions, please contact our customer service at 400-900-9962 during working hours (9:00-18:00) app.message.unload.title=order number\uFFFD\uFFFD%sUnloaded app.message.unload.content=Order No.%s (shipping mark:%s)Unloaded.If you have any questions, please contact our customer service at 400-900-9962 during working hours (9:00-18:00) app.message.unload.cargocontrol.content=Order No.%s (shipping mark:%s)Unloaded\uFFFD\uFFFDIn control of goods.If you have any questions, please contact our customer service at 400-900-9962 during working hours (9:00-18:00) app.message.warehoused.title=\u8BA2\u5355\u53F7\uFF1A%s\u5DF2\u9001\u5F80\u56FD\u9645\u673A\u573A app.message.warehoused.content=\u8BA2\u5355\u53F7\uFF1A%s\uFF08\u551B\u5934\uFF1A%s\uFF09\u5DF2\u9001\u5F80\u56FD\u9645\u673A\u573A\uFF0C\u6211\u53F8\u81EA\u7F16\u53F7\u4E3A%s\uFF0C\u9884\u8BA1\u8D77\u98DE\u65F6\u95F4:%s\u3002\u5982\u6709\u7591\u95EE\u8BF7\u4E8E\u5DE5\u4F5C\u65F6\u95F4\u5185\uFF089:00--18:00\uFF09\u4E0E\u6211\u53F8\u5BA2\u670D\u8054\u7CFB\uFF1A400-900-9962 app.message.flying.title=\u8BA2\u5355\u53F7\uFF1A%s\u551B\u5934\uFF1A%s\uFF0C\u81EA\u7F16\u53F7%s\u5DF2\u8D77\u98DE app.message.flying.content=\u8BA2\u5355\u53F7\uFF1A%s\uFF08\u551B\u5934\uFF1A%s\uFF09\u5DF2\u8D77\u98DE\uFF0C\u81EA\u7F16\u53F7\u4E3A%s\uFF0C\u9884\u8BA1\u5230\u6E2F\u65F6\u95F4:%s\u3002\u5982\u6709\u7591\u95EE\u8BF7\u4E8E\u5DE5\u4F5C\u65F6\u95F4\u5185\uFF089:00--18:00\uFF09\u4E0E\u6211\u53F8\u5BA2\u670D\u8054\u7CFB\uFF1A400-900-9962 app.message.air.arrival.title=\u8BA2\u5355\u53F7\uFF1A%s\u5DF2\u5230\u6E2F app.message.air.arrival.content=\u8BA2\u5355\u53F7\uFF1A%s\uFF08\u551B\u5934\uFF1A%s\uFF09\u5DF2\u5230\u6E2F\uFF0C\u6E05\u5173\u4E2D\u3002\u5982\u6709\u7591\u95EE\u8BF7\u4E8E\u5DE5\u4F5C\u65F6\u95F4\u5185\uFF089:00--18:00\uFF09\u4E0E\u6211\u53F8\u5BA2\u670D\u8054\u7CFB\uFF1A400-900-9962 app.message.air.clearance.title=\u8BA2\u5355\u53F7\uFF1A%s\u5DF2\u6E05\u5173 app.message.air.clearance.content=\u8BA2\u5355\u53F7\uFF1A%s\uFF08\u551B\u5934\uFF1A%s\uFF09\u5DF2\u6E05\u5173\u3002\u5982\u6709\u7591\u95EE\u8BF7\u4E8E\u5DE5\u4F5C\u65F6\u95F4\u5185\uFF089:00--18:00\uFF09\u4E0E\u6211\u53F8\u5BA2\u670D\u8054\u7CFB\uFF1A400-900-9962\u8BA2\u5355\u53F7\uFF1A%s\u5DF2\u5230\u4ED3\u8BA2\u5355\u53F7\uFF1A%s\uFF08\u551B\u5934\uFF1A%s\uFF09\u5DF2\u5230\u4ED3\u3002\u5982\u6709\u7591\u95EE\u8BF7\u4E8E\u5DE5\u4F5C\u65F6\u95F4\u5185\uFF089:00--18:00\uFF09\u4E0E\u6211\u53F8\u5BA2\u670D\u8054\u7CFB\uFF1A400-900-9962\u8BA2\u5355\u53F7\uFF1A%s\uFF08\u551B\u5934\uFF1A%s\uFF09\u5DF2\u5230\u4ED3\uFF0C\u63A7\u8D27\u4E2D\u3002\u5982\u6709\u7591\u95EE\u8BF7\u4E8E\u5DE5\u4F5C\u65F6\u95F4\u5185\uFF089:00--18:00\uFF09\u4E0E\u6211\u53F8\u5BA2\u670D\u8054\u7CFB\uFF1A400-900-9962 line of commodity {} in {} has been taken off the shelf, please contact the administrator for handling order.label.repeat=order label repeat warehouse.adjustment.processing=Warehouse adjustment application in progress warehouse.adjustment.pass=Warehouse adjustment application passed warehouse.adjustment.reject=Warehouse adjustment application failed warehouse.adjustment.cancel=Cancellation of warehouse adjustment application order.update.processing=Warehousing, being modified order.update.pass=Order modification application passed order.update.reject=Order modification application failed order.update.cancel=Order modification application cancellation shipment.preload.processing=Pre installation review in progress shipment.preload.pass=Pre installation approved shipment.preload.reject=Pre installation audit failed shipment.preload.cancel=Cancel pre installation approval shipment.cabinet.processing=In the process of loading audit shipment.cabinet.pass=Cabinet installation approved shipment.cabinet.reject=Failed to pass the loading audit shipment.cabinet.cancel=Cancellation of loading audit shipment.unload.processing=Unloading audit in progress shipment.unload.pass=Unloading audit passed shipment.unload.reject=Unpacking audit failed shipment.unload.cancel=Cancellation of cabinet unloading audit warehouse.entry.processing=Warehousing modification in progress warehouse.entry.pass=Entry modification passed warehouse.entry.reject=Warehouse entry modification failed warehouse.entry.cancel=Modification and cancellation of warehousing warehouse.returning.processing=Returning warehouse.returning.pass=Withdrawal pass warehouse.returning.reject=Withdrawal failed warehouse.returning.cancel=Cancellation of withdrawal for booking space, to be preassembled shipment.status.peloading=Pre installed installation under review failed shipment.status.preload.success=Pre installed, ready for cabinet installation car has been dispatched, waiting to pick up the counter shipment.status.cabinet.withdrawn=The cabinet has been withdrawn and is to be returned shipment.status.cabinet.returned=The cabinet has been returned cabinet shipment.status.contained=Contained, to be sealed installation under review loading review rejected, in the process of loading installation is approved and to be sealed shipment.status.closed.cabinet=Closed cabinet shipment.status.customs=In customs declaration shipment.status.customs.part.exit=Customs declaration - inspection failed - partial exit shipment.status.customs.full.exit=Customs declaration - inspection failed - all exits shipment.status.customs.check.pass=Customs declaration - release after inspection shipment.status.customs.pass=Customs declaration - release shipment.status.shipping=Departure - shipping shipment.status.arrival=Arrived, to be unloaded shipment.status.unload=Discharged port to be cleared shipment.status.customs.cleared=Customs cleared under review approval failed approval succeeded shipment.status.unload.cabinet=Unloaded cabinet shipment.status.wait.settled=Container to be settled shipment.status.settling=Container settlement in progress shipment.status.settled=Container settled shipment.status.two.way.takeoff=Two way takeoff shipment.status.two.way.arrival=Two way arrival order.split.processing=Splitting application processing order.split.pass=splitting application pass order.split.reject=splitting application passed order.split.cancel=splitting application cancel coupon.fee.type.not.null=Preferential fee type cannot be empty customer.referrer.commission.already.exists=customer referrer commission already exists contact {}({}) already binding others message.leave.not.exists=message leave not exists country.not.exists=country not exists admin.client.type.not.exists=admin client type not exists admin.client.not.exists=admin client not exists admin.clienta.not.exists=admin clienta not exists admin.clienta.type.not.exists=admin clienta type not exists customer.commission.exists=customer commission exists commission info not exists customer.commission.not.exists=customer commission not exists customer.follow.not.exists=customer follow not exists customer.complaint.not.exists=customer complaint not exists cannot be catch in 24H public.catch.log.not.exists=public catch log not exists customer.catch.times.more.then.three=customer catch times more then three parameter.not.customer.service=parameter not customer service user.not.customer.service=user not customer service data is not from the open sea pool and cannot be catch customer.confirm.not.equals=Do not catch unless you follow up with the customer customer.line.not.exists=customer line not exists customer.contacts.already.bind=Customer contact number {} has been bound to other customers customer.contacts.multi.default=Only one default contact can be set for customer contacts Contact The default contact is not set customer.not.exists=customer not exists zhong.pao.line.config.exists=The heavy cargo configuration for this line already exists zhong.pao.not.exists=Heavy bubble configuration does not exist currency.not.exists=The currency unit does not exist unit.not.exists=Units of measurement do not exist dock.not.exists=Dock information does not exist bank.account.not.exists=The bank account doesn't exist region.not.exists=The locale does not exist node.not.exists=The service outlet does not exist express.not.exists=The configuration company does not exist pickup.loc.not.exists=The pickup point does not exist warehouse.not.exists=Warehouse does not exist supplier.not.exists=Supplier does not exist order.code.not.exists=The single number configuration does not exist cabinet.not.exists=The cabinet configuration does not exist product.type.not.exists=The product type does not exist product.attr.not.exists=The product attribute does not exist product.not.exists=\u4EA7\u54C1\u4E0D\u5B58\u5728 currency.ecash.not.exists=E-Cash unit does not exist product.price.not.exists=The product price does not exist shelf.not.exists=Shelf does not exist busi.pwd.not.exists=The service password does not exist password of the service type already exists. Change the password internal.message.not.exists=The station message does not exist message read information in the station does not exist lading.template.not.exists=Bill of lading template does not exist warehouse.area.not.exists=Warehouse Area Not Exists warehouse.area.position.not.exists=The space does not exist format of customer contact number is incorrect region.label.code.not.null=The country locale import city code cannot be empty format of import city code is -> Country (code)- City (code). format of the import city code for country and region settings is ->Country (code) ->City (code) ->Country (air freight code) time of entry to the open seas cannot be null extension is expected to last up to 180 days customer.approval.status.not.correct=The customer approval status is incorrect customer approval process instance ID does not exist approval details not found customer has entered the open sea pool and cannot extend discount processing discount pass discount not passed discount canceled Admin discount processing Admin discount pass Admin discount not passed Admin discount canceled commission.set.processing=Commission Set Processing commission.set.pass=Commission Set Pass commission.set.reject=Commission Set Reject commission.set.cancel=Commission Set Cancel Discount Processing Discount Pass Discount Reject Discount Cancel Discount Reject Discount Pass Discount Reject Discount Cancel order.cargo.control.pick.update.processing=The release of the control order is being modified order.cargo.control.pick.update.pass=Release modification of control order passed order.cargo.control.pick.update.reject=The release modification of the control order failed order.cargo.control.pick.update.cancel=Release, modification and cancellation of control order order.cargo.control.pick.anti.checking.processing=The control order is being checked repeatedly order.cargo.control.pick.anti.checking.pass=The control order is repeatedly approved order.cargo.control.pick.anti.checking.reject=The control order is not approved repeatedly order.cargo.control.pick.anti.checking.cancel=Control order is checked and cancelled repeatedly seasoning.condiments.processing=The release record of the control order is being transferred for approval seasoning.condiments.pass=The release record of the control order has been approved seasoning.condiments.reject=The release record of the control order is not approved seasoning.condiments.cancel=The release record of the control order has been cancelled order.cargo.control.cancel.pick.processing=The release record of the control order is being transferred for approval order.cargo.control.cancel.pick.pass=The release record of the control order has been approved order.cargo.control.cancel.pick.reject=The release record of the control order is not approved order.cargo.control.cancel.pick.cancel=The release record of the control order has been cancelled in item quantity required order.line.not.exist=Order line does not exist order.departure.objective.and.line.not.agreement=The order origin destination is inconsistent with the route transport.and.line.not.agreement=The shipping method of the order does not match the route information. Please reselect the route information prod.brand.not.null=brand is not null or zero preload.not.exist=Goods are not pre-loaded in the shipment order [{}] {} cannot be empty and zero. order has already been scheduled and warehouse data cannot be manipulated split.order.can.not.change.carton.num=Unmodifiable box count for split order split.order.can.not.change.order.label=Split order cannot change label box number orders cannot add products or add new inventory records split.order.can.not.rollback=Split orders cannot be returned param.customer.service.not=The customer or account manager is empty warehouse adjustment operations are not allowed during order warehouse adjustment add a new product after modification approval update or delete warehouse in after modification approval receiver's mobile phone number must be foreign already.picked.up=The order has picked up lading.not.make=bill of lading have not make yet file.not.upload=The file has not uploaded customer information is incomplete! Please contact the administrator! open.sea.customer.cannot.set.air=Customer [] can not set whether to air customer in the open sea order is in the process of approval and cannot be modified order.need.personal.kyc= order need personal kyc order need company kyc lading.bill.not.exist=lading bill not exist no.warehousing.can.not.pickup=The order have not warehouse in.Can not pick up in item expressNo length limit 0~1000 modification approval must be in the inventory status in order to proceed for warehouse modification must be in the warehouse status in order to proceed order.warehousein.update.apply.success=order warehousein update apply success order.exception_service_assigned=The customer has already been assigned a customer manager {}, please choose not to assign wealth.commission.payable.not.exists=Commission payable details do not exist wealth.commission.payment.not.exists=Commission payment form does not exist order.warehousein.update.nothing=order warehousein update nothing shipment.preload.back.processing=back Pre installation review in progress shipment.preload.back.pass=back Pre installation approved shipment.preload.back.reject=back Pre installation audit failed shipment.preload.back.cancel=Cancel back pre installation approval shipment.cabinet.back.processing=In the process of back loading audit shipment.cabinet.back.pass=back Cabinet installation approved shipment.cabinet.back.reject=Failed to pass the back loading audit shipment.cabinet.back.cancel=Cancellation of back loading audit shipment.unload.back.processing=back Unloading audit in progress shipment.unload.back.pass=back Unloading audit passed shipment.unload.back.reject=back Unpacking audit failed shipment.unload.back.cancel=Cancellation of back Unpacking audit customs.exit.processing=customs exit review in progress customs.exit.pass=customs exit audit approved customs.exit.reject=customs exit audit failed customs.exit.cancel=customs exit audit cancel order can be picked up three times at most, please pick up the third time pickup.number.more.than.un.pickup.number=The picked up quantity exceeds the unpicked quantity number of controlled containers in order [{}] is less than the number of released containers marks.length.max=The maximum number of 20 characters in the shipping mark maximum number of {} characters in the shipping mark marks.not.null=The shipping mark cannot be empty marks.format.incorrect=The format of the shipping mark is incorrect quotation contains goods that are not accepted. Please check [{}] contains goods [{}] that are not accepted. Please check contains goods that are not accepted. Please check split order [{}] is not in the warehouse status and cannot be cancelled order [{}] with accounts receivable details being written off or already written off order.applying.un.revoke.split=Order [{}] cannot be revoked during approval order.split.revoke.processing=Revoking split approval order.split.revoke.pass=Revoke split approval order.split.revoke.reject=Revoke split approval rejection order.split.revoke.cancel=Revoke Split Approval Cancel of special offer for bubble heavy goods is pending Heavy Special Offer Passed Heavy Special Offer Rejected of Bubble Heavy Special Offer split.order.log.not.find=No split order record found order.split.item.weight.many.exception=Order product name [{}] split weight is {} kilograms more than the original order order.split.item.weight.few.exception=Order product name [{}] split weight is {} kilograms less than the original order order.split.item.volume.many.exception=Order product name [{}] split volume is {} cubic meters more than the original order order.split.item.volume.few.exception=The split volume of order product name [{}] is {} cubic meters less than the original order order.split.item.charge.weight.many.exception=Order product name [{}] split fee weight is {} kilograms more than the original order order.split.item.charge.weight.few.exception=Order product name [{}] split fee weight is {} kilograms less than the original order order.split.item.charge.volume.many.exception=Order product name [{}] split charging volume is {} cubic meters more than the original order order.split.item.charge.volume.few.exception=Order product name [{}] split charge volume is {} cubic meters less than the original order order.split.item.worth.many.exception=The split order has a higher value than the original order {} order.split.item.worth.few.exception=The split value of the order is less than the original order {} order has no order splitting business and cannot be revoked catch counts out of range [{}] one day. customer.catch.counts.limit.of.month=customer catch counts out of range [{}] one month master.split.item.not.update=The main disassembly item cannot be modified order.split.success.and.cannot.split.again.order=The order has been successfully split and cannot be split again order.scheduling.un.revoke.split=Order [{}] is being arranged and cannot be cancelled or split master.spilt.item.not.exists=The main split order product [{}] has been fully split, and the data of this split order product cannot be modified anymore order.split.item.not.removable.num=There is no unpackable quantity for order disassembly order.split.master.order.item.not.null=The order item of the split main order cannot be empty one record can be split for the same warehouse entry record of an order split item not in stock guanlian.order.abnormalState=Associated order %s, %s guanlian.order.audit=Associated Order %s, %s order %s Not in stock goods.add.exception=add new product exception fee.exception=fee exception order.shipment.not.update=The order has started shipping and cannot be modified split.order.revoke.can.update=Modification can only be made after the split order is cancelled order.pick.antic.checking.error=Unable to release the goods for repeated verification, please cancel the pickup first cargo.control.order.pick.not.split=The control order has already been released. Please cancel the release and proceed with the order opening cargo.control.orders.pick.not.split=The control order [{}] has already been released. Please cancel the release and proceed with the order splitting public sea customer [{}] only fetch but cannot be transferred. split.order.not.skip.number.delete=Split sub orders cannot be deleted by skipping numbers split.order.can.not.update=Split orders cannot be updated association already exists cargo.control.order.pick.must.code.or.password=When releasing a control order, it is necessary to verify the SMS verification code or control password controller.user.not.set.control.password=The cargo control user has not set a cargo control password mobile.code.not.null=The international area code cannot be empty mobile.not.null=Phone cannot be empty channel.packaging.type.repeat=channel packaging type repeat.[{}] phone.format.error=Incorrect phone number format number of exit boxes cannot be greater than the actual number of loaded boxes work.flow.not.exits=Please configure the workflow template first this.order.not.part.refund.order=This order is not an exit order order cannot be partially withdrawn or split this.order.part.refund.pending=The order is currently undergoing partial withdrawal and splitting approval this.order.part.refund.finish=The partial withdrawal and dismantling of this order have been completed order data does not exist part.refund.order.num.not.correct=The number of exit boxes for some exit orders is incorrect order.exit.refund.num.not.null=The number of exit boxes for exit orders cannot be empty order.exit.refund.num.must.le.num=The number of boxes for order exit must be less than or equal to the actual shipment withdrawal and warehousing completed order has been withdrawn and stored. Please do not repeat the operation. If you need to modify the number of withdrawn and stored boxes, please directly modify the number of withdrawn and stored boxes order placed on the shipment order does not exist contacts phone [{}] repeated cannot delay approval because no customer service customer.cannot.delay.approval.with.customer.service.unconfirmed=customer cannot delay approval because customer service unconfirmed cannot delay approval because no estimate enter open sea time. recipient's mobile phone format is incorrect application value for the special discount on bubble weight cannot be empty weight special offer cannot be less than the warehouse weight select an order must be placed in the warehouse parent.order.not.exists=Parent order does not exist item.pack.log.not.exists=order item pack log not exists order.item.product.unpacked=product\uFF1A\u3010{}\u3011 unpacked line.loop.exception=line loop exception customs.fee.not.quote.exception=customs fee not quote exception goods.overweight.exception=goods overweight exception shipping channel exception goods.weight.exception=goods weight exception in.warehousing.diff.exception=in warehousing diff exception stock.up.exception=stock up exception wealth.receivable_write_off_ing_no_need_to_pack=This order has been written off in A/R details\uFF0Conly no need to pack choosed. channel.exception=Channel anomaly channel.packaging.overweight.exception=channel packaging overweight exception download.log.not.exists=Download log does not exist entry record contains an illegal original entry record ID original warehousing record ID of the warehousing record parameter cannot be empty exchange.rate.deletion=Missing currency conversion rate container.number.not.null=Container self numbering cannot be empty order.split.item.volume.error=The original order product name [{}] cannot have a volume of 0 order.split.item.weight.error=The weight of the original order product name [{}] cannot be 0 order.split.item.charge.volume.error=Charging volume units less than 0.01 cannot be split order.split.item.charge.weight.error=Charging weight units less than 0.01 cannot be split handover.customer.not.null=Transfer cutsomer list cannot be null handover.customer.service.dept.not.null=Transfer customer service's dept cannot be null handover.customer.approval.success=%s the customer manager does not belong to the same department as the current customer manager, Submitted for transfer and approval, please wait patiently. handover.customer.success=Transfer customer successfully handover.customer.approving=Customer transfer is approving and cannot be submitted repeatedly: {} batch.pickup.exist.three.times.order=The order has been picked up three times open.sea.customer.cannot.set.fcl=Customer [] can not set whether to fcl customer in the open sea handover.customer.unconfirmed=This transfer includes customers to be received by the account manager, and cannot be transferred again: {} recipient's mobile phone number cannot be a Chinese number number or bill of lading number cannot be empty order.status.cannot.pick.up=Order status cannot be picked up pick.number.more.than.order.number=The pickup quantity exceeds the order quantity pick.number.more.than.release.number=The quantity of goods picked up exceeds the quantity of goods released for review this.line.zhong.pao.set.not.null=The heavy foam configuration of this line cannot be empty order [{}] is delivery status and cannot be picked up currency.rate.exists=currency rate exists currency.rate.not.exists=currency rate not exists currency.rate.disable=Currency {} Exchange rate for currency {} has expired, please reset {} Exchange rate for currency {} not exists not.find.dest.region=Destination information not found dest.region.freight.currency.not.null=Destination [{}] cannot find freight related currency settings dest.region.clearance.currency.not.null=Destination [{}] cannot find currency settings related to customs clearance fees dest.region.main.other.currency.not.null=Destination [{}] cannot find additional fee related primary currency settings dest.region.assistant.other.currency.not.null=Destination [{}] did not find additional fee related sub currency settings conversion unit for total cost at destination [{}] not found country does not exist is no data in the self numbered report format of the new control phone number is incorrect order has been placed in the warehouse and cannot be applied for special needs batch.order.not.exists=[{}] orders does not exists shipment.air.status.sorting.success=sorting review passed, awaiting tallying shipment.air.status.tally.complete=Complete tally shipment.air.status.set.shipment=To be set for shipment shipment.air.status.wait.warehouse=Shipped and awaiting release from warehouse shipment.status.out.warehoused=Out of warehouse shipment.status.customs.abnormal.exam=Abnormal machine passing - deletion and exit review in progress shipment.status.customs.abnormal=Abnormal weight passing through the machine shipment.status.customs.abnormal.pass=Abnormal machine passing - delete order exit audit successful shipment.status.customsed=Declared warehouse review audit failed shipment.status.warehouse.pass=Warehouse audit pass shipment.status.warehoused=Received warehouse shipment.status.flying=flying order.status.tally.complete=tally complete order.status.wait.out.shipment=wait shipment order.status.out.shipment=shipment complete order.status.out.warehouse=Out of warehouse order.status.customs.abnormal.exam=Cancellation and exit review in progress order.status.customs.abnormal.weight=Abnormal weight passing through the machine order.status.customs.abnormal.exam.pass=Delete order and exit approval passed order.status.customs.finish=Declared warehouse review order.status.warehoused=Received warehouse shipment.sorting.processing=sorting processing shipment.sorting.pass=sorting pass shipment.sorting.reject=sorting reject shipment.sorting.cancel=sorting cancel shipment.sorting.back.processing=sorting back processing shipment.sorting.back.pass=sorting back pass shipment.sorting.back.reject=sorting back reject shipment.sorting.back.cancel=sorting back cancel shipment.warehoused.processing=warehoused processing shipment.warehoused.pass=warehoused pass shipment.warehoused.reject=warehoused reject shipment.warehoused.cancel=warehoused cancel shipment.warehoused.back.processing=warehoused back processing shipment.warehoused.back.pass=warehoused back pass shipment.warehoused.back.reject=warehoused back reject shipment.warehoused.back.cancel=warehoused back cancel with associated orders cannot be modified freight split sub orders cannot be applied for heavy cargo discounts sub orders without changing the transportation method or channel, cannot apply for discounts independent sub orders, cannot apply for discounts, waiting for sorting shipment.status.sorting=sorting review in progress review failed order.status.sortinged=Sorted do not resubmit after completing the order and entering the warehouse air.shipment.processing=air shipment processing air.shipment.pass=air shipment pass air.shipment.reject=air shipment reject air.shipment.cancel=air shipment cancel order.status.not.same=order status not same box.approval.exist=There is a process in the approval process for shipment air.shipment.back.processing=air shipment back processing air.shipment.back.pass=air shipment back pass air.shipment.back.reject=air shipment back reject air.shipment.back.cancel=air shipment back cancel shipment.air.status.wait.settled=wait settled shipment.air.status.settling=settling shipment.air.status.settled=settled warehouse.line.not.same=The order line is inconsistent and cannot be operated. box.dest.warehouse.not.same=Container destination is inconsistent and cannot be operated shipment.air.status.arrival=Arrived box.warehoused.not.match=The number of incoming boxes does not match the number of sorting boxes, and cannot be completed box.merge.pkg.status.can.not.finish=There are unsealed boxes, unable to complete packaging warehouse.adjust.apply.success=Warehouse transfer application submitted successfully, please be patient and wait for review transfer success warehouse.adjust.undo=No warehouse transfers were performed freight to be shipped out waiting for stocking in stock orders completed selected channel cannot be the same as the original channel of the order when changing the channel warehouse in picture cannot be empty customer is not assigned and not received, and cannot be recycled order is in a pending status splitting warehouse entry records, the number of boxes and volume must be greater than 0 order.can.not.finish.packed=This order status does not allow of finish package order.warehousein.details.update.finished=order warehousein details update finished order.warehousein.image.update.finished=order warehousein images update finished order.warehousein.image.and.details.update.finished=order warehousein images and details update finished channel.have.product.price.can.not.delete=product price exists under the channel and cannot be deleted is product route price data under this channel, and the destination country of the channel cannot be modified air freight order has been confirmed and cannot be split air freight order is ready and cannot be split air.clearance.back.processing=Revoking customs clearance review air.clearance.back.pass=Revoke customs clearance approval air.clearance.back.reject=Failed to revoke customs clearance review air.clearance.back.cancel=Cancel customs clearance review least two orders should be split for order splitting bill.of.lading.exist=The bill of lading has been made box.air.checkout.repeat.commit=Please do not duplicate shipments order's express number length too long order.fee.application.repeat.commit=Order fee request duplicate submission order has not been quoted and the price cannot be customized order customs clearance fee has not been quoted and cannot be customized box.air.checkout.num.error=The number of outgoing items does not match the planned number of outgoing items. Please check line channel repeat.[{}] line channel packaging repeat. [{}] line.weight.exception=line weight exception order.update.repeat.commit=Order modification duplicate submission order.bound.offer=The order has been bound to a quotation order have not warehouse in.Can not packed box.make.lading.repeat.commit=Repeated submission of bill of lading production box.air.load.exist=The container number has been released container number is not under the current self assigned number chinese name already exist. english name already exist. number has been tally order is not within this self number order box number label does not exist box has been packed, please scan the packing box number order has been placed under the packaging box current business type is {}, it's no change pre installed approval times more then one =Order not pre installed, unable to package together