-- 数据库字段添加 ALTER TABLE ecw_region ADD COLUMN title_fr VARCHAR(255) COMMENT '地区法文'; ALTER TABLE ecw_warehouse ADD COLUMN title_fr VARCHAR(500) COMMENT '法文名称'; ALTER TABLE ecw_warehouse ADD COLUMN address_fr VARCHAR(500) COMMENT '法文地址'; ALTER TABLE ecw_product ADD COLUMN title_fr VARCHAR(255) COMMENT '法文标题'; ALTER TABLE ecw_product_attr ADD COLUMN attr_name_fr VARCHAR(255) COMMENT '属性法文'; ALTER TABLE system_help_doc ADD COLUMN title_fr VARCHAR(500) COMMENT '标题法文'; ALTER TABLE system_help_doc ADD COLUMN content_fr longtext COMMENT '内容法文'; ALTER TABLE system_need_know ADD COLUMN title_fr VARCHAR(500) COMMENT '标题法文'; ALTER TABLE system_need_know ADD COLUMN content_fr longtext COMMENT '内容法文'; ALTER TABLE ecw_unit ADD COLUMN title_fr VARCHAR(100) COMMENT '法文名称'; alter table ecw_currency add column title_fr VARCHAR(100) COMMENT '法文名称'; ALTER TABLE score_rule ADD COLUMN title_fr VARCHAR(255) COMMENT '规则标题法文'; ALTER TABLE score_rule ADD COLUMN desc_fr VARCHAR(255) COMMENT '规则说明法文'; alter table score_rule add COLUMN `cover_image_fr` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '封面图法文'; ALTER TABLE system_notice ADD COLUMN title_fr VARCHAR(255) COMMENT '公告标题法文'; ALTER TABLE system_notice ADD COLUMN content_fr text COMMENT '公告内容法文'; alter table ecw_order_item add COLUMN `prod_title_fr` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '产品法文标题'; alter table ecw_order_item add COLUMN `check_prod_title_fr` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '到仓产品法文英文标题'; alter table ecw_product_brank add COLUMN `title_fr` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '品牌法文标题'; alter table ecw_channel add COLUMN `name_fr` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '名称-法文'; alter table ecw_channel add COLUMN `internal_name_fr` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '内部名称-法文'; alter table ecw_channel add COLUMN `remarks_fr` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '备注-法文'; alter table ecw_order_time add COLUMN `title_fr` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '名称-法文'; alter table ecw_order_time add COLUMN `remarks_fr` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '法文备注'; alter table ecw_country add COLUMN `name_fr` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '法文名称'; ALTER table ecw_banner ADD COLUMN `title_fr` varchar(255) COMMENT '法文标题'; ALTER table ecw_banner ADD column `content_fr` text COMMENT '法文内容'; -- 渠道表法语内容添加 UPDATE ecw_channel SET name_fr ='Vols préférentiels' WHERE name_zh ='尼特惠'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET name_fr ='Marchandises spéciales (Hong Kong)' WHERE name_zh ='尼特货'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET name_fr ='Vols préférentiels' WHERE name_zh ='尼特惠航班'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET name_fr ='Marchandises normales du Ghana' WHERE name_zh ='加纳特惠'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET name_fr ='Marchandises spéciales du Ghana' WHERE name_zh ='加纳特货'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET name_fr ='vol express-NIG' WHERE name_zh ='尼特快'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET name_fr ='Offre préférentiels-Onitsha' WHERE name_zh ='尼特惠-Onitsha'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET name_fr ='Marchandises spéciales-Kano' WHERE name_zh ='尼特货-kano'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET name_fr ='Marchandises spéciales-Onitsha' WHERE name_zh ='尼特货-Onitsha'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET name_fr ='Offre préférentiels-Kano' WHERE name_zh ='尼特惠-kano'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET name_fr ='transport aérien Tanzanie' WHERE name_zh ='坦桑尼亚空运'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET name_fr ='transport aérien marchandises spéciales Tanzanie' WHERE name_zh ='坦桑特货'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET name_fr ='transport aérien Kenya' WHERE name_zh ='肯尼亚空运'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET name_fr ='transport aérien Kenya' WHERE name_zh ='肯尼亚特货'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET name_fr ='transport maritime & aérien' WHERE name_zh ='海空联运'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET internal_name_fr ='Vols préférentiels' WHERE name_zh ='尼特惠'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET internal_name_fr ='Marchandises spéciales (Hong Kong)' WHERE name_zh ='尼特货'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET internal_name_fr ='Vols préférentiels' WHERE name_zh ='尼特惠航班'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET internal_name_fr ='Marchandises normales du Ghana' WHERE name_zh ='加纳特惠'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET internal_name_fr ='Marchandises spéciales du Ghana' WHERE name_zh ='加纳特货'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET internal_name_fr ='vol express-NIG' WHERE name_zh ='尼特快'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET internal_name_fr ='Offre préférentiels-Onitsha' WHERE name_zh ='尼特惠-Onitsha'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET internal_name_fr ='Marchandises spéciales-Kano' WHERE name_zh ='尼特货-kano'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET internal_name_fr ='Marchandises spéciales-Onitsha' WHERE name_zh ='尼特货-Onitsha'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET internal_name_fr ='Offre préférentiels-Kano' WHERE name_zh ='尼特惠-kano'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET internal_name_fr ='transport aérien Tanzanie' WHERE name_zh ='坦桑尼亚空运'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET internal_name_fr ='transport aérien marchandises spéciales Tanzanie' WHERE name_zh ='坦桑特货'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET internal_name_fr ='transport aérien Kenya' WHERE name_zh ='肯尼亚空运'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET internal_name_fr ='transport aérien Kenya' WHERE name_zh ='肯尼亚特货'; UPDATE ecw_channel SET internal_name_fr ='transport maritime & aérien' WHERE name_zh ='海空联运'; -- 品牌表法语内容添加 update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='Nokia',title_fr ='Nokia' where title_zh= '诺基亚'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='samsung',title_fr ='samsung' where title_zh= '三星'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='apple',title_fr ='apple' where title_zh= '苹果'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='blackeberry',title_fr ='blackeberry' where title_zh= '黑莓'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='TECNO',title_fr ='TECNO' where title_zh= 'TECNO'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='lenovo',title_fr ='lenovo' where title_zh= '联想'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='VIVO',title_fr ='VIVO' where title_zh= 'VIVO'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='ZTE',title_fr ='ZTE' where title_zh= '中兴'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='huawei',title_fr ='huawei' where title_zh= '华为'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='xiaomi',title_fr ='xiaomi' where title_zh= '小米'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='OPPO',title_fr ='OPPO' where title_zh= 'OPPO'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='sony',title_fr ='sony' where title_zh= '索尼'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='motorola',title_fr ='motorola' where title_zh= '摩托罗拉'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='sharp',title_fr ='sharp' where title_zh= '夏普'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='philips(PHG)',title_fr ='philips(PHG)' where title_zh= '飞利浦'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='Fujitsu',title_fr ='Fujitsu' where title_zh= '富士通'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='HP(hewlett-packard)',title_fr ='HP(hewlett-packard)' where title_zh= '惠普'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='siemens',title_fr ='siemens' where title_zh= '西门子'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='dell',title_fr ='dell' where title_zh= '戴尔'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='toshiba',title_fr ='toshiba' where title_zh= '东芝'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='Mitsubishi ',title_fr ='Mitsubishi ' where title_zh= '三菱'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='Panasonic',title_fr ='Panasonic' where title_zh= '松下'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='MIRROSOFT',title_fr ='MIRROSOFT' where title_zh= '微软'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='Hermes',title_fr ='Hermes' where title_zh= '爱马仕'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='LV',title_fr ='LV' where title_zh= 'LV路易威登'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='chanel',title_fr ='chanel' where title_zh= '香奈儿'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='Prada',title_fr ='Prada' where title_zh= '普拉达'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en =' Bottega Veneta',title_fr =' Bottega Veneta' where title_zh= '葆蝶家'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='FENDI',title_fr ='FENDI' where title_zh= '芬迪'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='GUCCI',title_fr ='GUCCI' where title_zh= '古驰'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='dior',title_fr ='dior' where title_zh= '迪奥'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='BALENCIAGA',title_fr ='BALENCIAGA' where title_zh= '巴黎世家'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='COACH',title_fr ='COACH' where title_zh= '蔻驰'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='ARMANI',title_fr ='ARMANI' where title_zh= '阿玛尼'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='MICHAEL KORS',title_fr ='MICHAEL KORS' where title_zh= 'MICHAEL KORS'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='MCM',title_fr ='MCM' where title_zh= 'MCM'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='Rebecca',title_fr ='Rebecca' where title_zh= '瑞贝卡'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='Phillip Lim',title_fr ='Phillip Lim' where title_zh= '菲利林'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='KATE SPADE NEWYORK ',title_fr ='KATE SPADE NEWYORK ' where title_zh= 'KATE SPADE NEWYORK '; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='Marc by Marc Jacobs',title_fr ='Marc by Marc Jacobs' where title_zh= 'Marc by Marc Jacobs'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='Tory Burch',title_fr ='Tory Burch' where title_zh= 'Tory Burch'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='FURLA',title_fr ='FURLA' where title_zh= '芙拉'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='Diane von Furstenberg',title_fr ='Diane von Furstenberg' where title_zh= 'DVF'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='SAINT LAURENT',title_fr ='SAINT LAURENT' where title_zh= '圣罗兰'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='GIVENCHY',title_fr ='GIVENCHY' where title_zh= '纪梵希'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='CELINE',title_fr ='CELINE' where title_zh= '赛琳'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='LONGCHAMP',title_fr ='LONGCHAMP' where title_zh= '珑骧'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='MONTAGUT',title_fr ='MONTAGUT' where title_zh= '梦特娇'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='GUTTICASA',title_fr ='GUTTICASA' where title_zh= '古缇'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='valentino',title_fr ='valentino' where title_zh= '华伦天奴'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='DAMBOLO',title_fr ='DAMBOLO' where title_zh= '丹比奴'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='MEXICAN',title_fr ='MEXICAN' where title_zh= '稻草人'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='NUCELLE',title_fr ='NUCELLE' where title_zh= '纽芝兰'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='PIERRERkangaroo',title_fr ='PIERRERkangaroo' where title_zh= '皮尔袋鼠'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='FOXER',title_fr ='FOXER' where title_zh= '金狐狸'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='LACOSTE',title_fr ='LACOSTE' where title_zh= 'LACOSTE'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='LTWFRANE',title_fr ='LTWFRANE' where title_zh= '老人头'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='DUNHILL',title_fr ='DUNHILL' where title_zh= '登喜路'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='HUGOBOSS',title_fr ='HUGOBOSS' where title_zh= '波士'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='POWERLAND',title_fr ='POWERLAND' where title_zh= '保兰德'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='camel',title_fr ='camel' where title_zh= '骆驼'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='BALENO',title_fr ='BALENO' where title_zh= '班尼路'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='OCHIRILY',title_fr ='OCHIRILY' where title_zh= '欧时力'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='JEANSWEST',title_fr ='JEANSWEST' where title_zh= '真维斯'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='JACK&JONES',title_fr ='JACK&JONES' where title_zh= '杰克琼斯'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='Nike',title_fr ='Nike' where title_zh= '耐克'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='SUPREME',title_fr ='SUPREME' where title_zh= 'SUPREME'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='AIR JORDAN',title_fr ='AIR JORDAN' where title_zh= 'AIR JORDAN'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='Puma',title_fr ='Puma' where title_zh= '彪马'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='adidas',title_fr ='adidas' where title_zh= '阿迪达斯'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='UNDER ARMOUNR',title_fr ='UNDER ARMOUNR' where title_zh= '安德玛'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='FILA',title_fr ='FILA' where title_zh= '斐乐'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='REEBOK',title_fr ='REEBOK' where title_zh= '锐步'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='VANS',title_fr ='VANS' where title_zh= '范思'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='BAPE',title_fr ='BAPE' where title_zh= '猿人头'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='BOY LONDON',title_fr ='BOY LONDON' where title_zh= '伦敦男孩'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='STUSSY',title_fr ='STUSSY' where title_zh= '斯图西'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='CHOPARD',title_fr ='CHOPARD' where title_zh= '肖邦'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='Rolex',title_fr ='Rolex' where title_zh= '劳力士'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='IWC',title_fr ='IWC' where title_zh= '万国'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='CARTIER',title_fr ='CARTIER' where title_zh= '卡地亚'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='BVLGARI',title_fr ='BVLGARI' where title_zh= '宝格丽'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='PANERAI',title_fr ='PANERAI' where title_zh= '沛纳海'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='OMEGA',title_fr ='OMEGA' where title_zh= '欧米伽'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='CORUM',title_fr ='CORUM' where title_zh= '昆仑'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='BREITLING',title_fr ='BREITLING' where title_zh= '百年灵'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='HUBLOT',title_fr ='HUBLOT' where title_zh= 'HUBLOT'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='BELL&ROSS',title_fr ='BELL&ROSS' where title_zh= '柏莱士'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='ZENITH',title_fr ='ZENITH' where title_zh= '真力时'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='MONBTLANC',title_fr ='MONBTLANC' where title_zh= '万宝龙'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='LONGINES',title_fr ='LONGINES' where title_zh= '浪琴'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='TAGHEUER',title_fr ='TAGHEUER' where title_zh= '泰格豪雅'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='TUDOR',title_fr ='TUDOR' where title_zh= '帝驼'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='MAURICE LACROIX',title_fr ='MAURICE LACROIX' where title_zh= '艾美'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='雷达',title_fr ='雷达' where title_zh= '雷达'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='NOMOS',title_fr ='NOMOS' where title_zh= '诺莫斯'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='BAUME&MERCIER',title_fr ='BAUME&MERCIER' where title_zh= '名士'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='MOVADO',title_fr ='MOVADO' where title_zh= '摩凡陀'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='BALL',title_fr ='BALL' where title_zh= '波尔'; update ecw_product_brank set title_en ='CONSTANT',title_fr ='CONSTANT' where title_zh= '康思登'; -- 字典表法语添加 UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Groupage(LCL)', label_fr='Groupage (LCL)' WHERE label='海运拼柜' and dict_type='transport_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='FCL', label_fr='Conteneur complet (FCL)' WHERE label='海运整柜' and dict_type='transport_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Air freight', label_fr='Fret aérien' WHERE label='专线空运' and dict_type='transport_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Special line', label_fr='Ligne spéciale' WHERE label='专线双清' and dict_type='transport_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Local transportation', label_fr='Transport local' WHERE label='全境派送' and dict_type='transport_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='warehousing', label_fr='Entreposage' WHERE label='仓储服务' and dict_type='transport_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Sea-Air Cargo', label_fr='Cargaison mer-air' WHERE label='海空联运' and dict_type='transport_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Approved', label_fr='Approuvé' WHERE label='审核通过' and dict_type='audit_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Rejected', label_fr='Rejeté' WHERE label='审核不通过' and dict_type='audit_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Pending', label_fr='En attente' WHERE label='审核中' and dict_type='audit_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Unsubmitted', label_fr='Non soumis' WHERE label='未提交审核' and dict_type='audit_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Delayed Release', label_fr='Délai de libération' WHERE label='未及时放货' and dict_type='customer_complaint_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Abnormal Pickup', label_fr='branche anormal' WHERE label='提货点异常' and dict_type='customer_complaint_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Failure to on hold', label_fr='échec du contrôle' WHERE label='控货失败' and dict_type='customer_complaint_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Misloading/omission in warehouse', label_fr='Mauvais chargement/omission en entrepôt' WHERE label='仓库误装/漏装' and dict_type='customer_complaint_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Not Receiving packing list', label_fr='packing list non reçue' WHERE label='收不到提货单' and dict_type='customer_complaint_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Customer Service', label_fr='Service client' WHERE label='客服服务' and dict_type='customer_complaint_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Goods Soaked', label_fr='Marchandises trempées' WHERE label='货物浸水' and dict_type='customer_complaint_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='shipping time', label_fr='Temps d''expédition' WHERE label='空运时效' and dict_type='customer_complaint_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='sea - shipping delayed', label_fr='Mer - retard d''expédition' WHERE label='海运时效-到港慢' and dict_type='customer_complaint_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='sea - clearing delayed', label_fr='Mer - retard de dédouanement' WHERE label='海运时效-清关慢' and dict_type='customer_complaint_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Damaged', label_fr='Endommagé' WHERE label='货物破损' and dict_type='customer_complaint_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Lost', label_fr='Perdu' WHERE label='货物丢失' and dict_type='customer_complaint_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Air Freight Price', label_fr='Prix du fret aérien' WHERE label='空运价格' and dict_type='customer_complaint_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Sea Freight Price', label_fr='Prix du fret maritime' WHERE label='海运价格' and dict_type='customer_complaint_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Mistaken transportation mode', label_fr='Mode de transport anormal' WHERE label='货运方式异常' and dict_type='customer_complaint_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Size(CBM)', label_fr='Taille (CBM)' WHERE label='方数异常' and dict_type='customer_complaint_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Heavy goods', label_fr='Marchandises lourdes' WHERE label='重量异常' and dict_type='customer_complaint_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Pending', label_fr='En attente' WHERE label='待处理' and dict_type='customer_complaint_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Processing', label_fr='En cours de traitement' WHERE label='处理中' and dict_type='customer_complaint_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Processed', label_fr='Traité' WHERE label='已处理' and dict_type='customer_complaint_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Cancelled', label_fr='Annulé' WHERE label='已取消' and dict_type='customer_complaint_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Plastic', label_fr='Plastique' WHERE label='塑料' and dict_type='product_material' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Iron', label_fr='Fer' WHERE label='铁' and dict_type='product_material' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Plastic/Iron', label_fr='Plastique/Fer' WHERE label='塑料/铁' and dict_type='product_material' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Rubber', label_fr='Caoutchouc' WHERE label='橡胶' and dict_type='product_material' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Leather', label_fr='Cuir' WHERE label='皮革' and dict_type='product_material' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Fabric', label_fr='Tissu' WHERE label='布' and dict_type='product_material' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Glass', label_fr='Verre' WHERE label='玻璃' and dict_type='product_material' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Wood', label_fr='Bois' WHERE label='实木/木头' and dict_type='product_material' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Ceramics', label_fr='Céramique' WHERE label='陶瓷' and dict_type='product_material' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Sponge', label_fr='Éponge' WHERE label='海绵' and dict_type='product_material' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Paper', label_fr='Papier' WHERE label='纸' and dict_type='product_material' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Resin', label_fr='Résine' WHERE label='树脂' and dict_type='product_material' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Dacron', label_fr='Dacron' WHERE label='涤纶' and dict_type='product_material' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Alloy', label_fr='Alliage' WHERE label='合金' and dict_type='product_material' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Box', label_fr='Boîte' WHERE label='箱' and dict_type='packaging_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Woven Bag', label_fr='Sac tissé' WHERE label='编织袋' and dict_type='packaging_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Wooden Frame', label_fr='supporte en bois' WHERE label='木架' and dict_type='packaging_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Wooden Box', label_fr='Caisse en bois' WHERE label='木箱' and dict_type='packaging_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Pallet', label_fr='Palette' WHERE label='托' and dict_type='packaging_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='flight case', label_fr='Valise de transport' WHERE label='航空箱' and dict_type='packaging_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Drum', label_fr='Tonneau' WHERE label='桶' and dict_type='packaging_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Compressed', label_fr='Comprimé' WHERE label='压缩包' and dict_type='packaging_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Iron frame', label_fr='Cadre en fer' WHERE label='铁架' and dict_type='packaging_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Overage', label_fr='dépasse' WHERE label='多箱异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Shortage', label_fr='Manque' WHERE label='少箱异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Prepaid', label_fr='Prépayé' WHERE label='产品需要预付异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Lost', label_fr='Perdu' WHERE label='货物丢失异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Overage in destination', label_fr='dépasse à destination' WHERE label='货物增多异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Soaked', label_fr='Trempé' WHERE label='货物浸水异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Damaged', label_fr='Endommagé' WHERE label='货物破损异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Heavy Goods', label_fr='Marchandises lourdes' WHERE label='重货异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Clarance Documents', label_fr='Documents de dédouanement' WHERE label='单证异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Shipper', label_fr='Expéditeur' WHERE label='发货人异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Others', label_fr='Autres' WHERE label='其他异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Collect-on-Delivery', label_fr='Paiement à la livraison' WHERE label='代收货款异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Not Quoted(CN)', label_fr='Non offre' WHERE label='未报价' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='volume weight', label_fr='Le poids volumique' WHERE label='泡货异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Abnormal Pickup', label_fr='retire anormal' WHERE label='提货异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='No personnel follow-up', label_fr='Pas de suivi du personnel' WHERE label='未分配客户经理异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='new product', label_fr='Nouveau produit' WHERE label='新增商品异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='route inquiry', label_fr='Demande de ligne' WHERE label='线路单询异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Not Quoted', label_fr='Non prix de dedouaner' WHERE label='清关费未报价异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='overweight', label_fr='Surcharge de poids' WHERE label='重量超限异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Shipping method mismatch', label_fr='Inadéquation du mode de transport' WHERE label='不可出渠道异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Weight Difference', label_fr='Différence de poids' WHERE label='货物重量异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Attributes', label_fr='Attributs' WHERE label='入仓特性不符异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='verification', label_fr='Vérification' WHERE label='备货异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='channel exception', label_fr='Exception de canal' WHERE label='渠道异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='charges', label_fr='Frais' WHERE label='费用异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='package', label_fr='Colis' WHERE label='渠道包装重量超限异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Overweight in Route', label_fr='Surcharge sur la route' WHERE label='路线重量超限异常' and dict_type='order_error_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='declaration by EC', label_fr='Déclaration par EC' WHERE label='我司全代' and dict_type='customs_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='declaration by sender', label_fr='Déclaration par l''expéditeur' WHERE label='自单代报' and dict_type='customs_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en=' by sender+EC', label_fr='Par l''expéditeur + EC' WHERE label='混合报关' and dict_type='customs_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='ID Card', label_fr='Carte d''identité' WHERE label='身份证' and dict_type='certificate_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Passport', label_fr='Passeport' WHERE label='护照' and dict_type='certificate_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='clearing By receiver', label_fr='Dédouanement par le destinataire' WHERE label='客户自清' and dict_type='double_clear' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Clearing by EC', label_fr='Dédouanement par EC' WHERE label='我司双清' and dict_type='double_clear' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Pending', label_fr='En attente' WHERE label='待处理' and dict_type='order_exception_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Processing', label_fr='En traitement' WHERE label='处理中' and dict_type='order_exception_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Processed', label_fr='Traité' WHERE label='已处理' and dict_type='order_exception_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Wooden Crate', label_fr='Caisse en bois' WHERE label='打木架' and dict_type='order_special_needs' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en=' Transportation Fee(China)', label_fr='Frais de transport (Chine)' WHERE label='内陆运输费垫付' and dict_type='order_special_needs' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Carton Packaging', label_fr='Emballage en carton' WHERE label='纸箱打包' and dict_type='order_special_needs' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Bagged', label_fr='Emballé dans un sac' WHERE label='袋装' and dict_type='order_special_needs' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en=' Pallet', label_fr='Palette' WHERE label='打木托' and dict_type='order_special_needs' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Wooden Box', label_fr='Caisse en bois' WHERE label='木箱' and dict_type='order_special_needs' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Flight case', label_fr='Valise de transport' WHERE label='航空箱' and dict_type='order_special_needs' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='One-Time', label_fr='Une fois' WHERE label='一次入仓' and dict_type='warehousing_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Warehouse in batches', label_fr='Entrepôt par lots' WHERE label='分批入仓' and dict_type='warehousing_type' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='N', label_fr='N' WHERE label='无品牌' and dict_type='is_brand' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Y', label_fr='Y' WHERE label='有品牌' and dict_type='is_brand' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Draft', label_fr='Brouillon' WHERE label='草稿' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Unquoted', label_fr='Non prix' WHERE label='未设置产品价格' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Pending delivery', label_fr='Livraison en attente' WHERE label='待入仓' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Unquoted', label_fr='Non offre' WHERE label='未报价' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Warehousing in Progress', label_fr='Stockage en cours' WHERE label='入仓中' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Expense application', label_fr='Demande de frais' WHERE label='费用申请' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Received', label_fr='Reçu' WHERE label='已入仓' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='sent out', label_fr='Envoyé' WHERE label='已出货' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='needs to reconfirm', label_fr='Nécessite une reconfirmation' WHERE label='订单异常' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Warehouse Returned', label_fr='Retour à l''entrepôt' WHERE label='已退仓' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Cancel Order', label_fr='Annuler la commande' WHERE label='取消订单' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='departed in transit station', label_fr='Départ de la station de transit' WHERE label='二程起飞' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='paid', label_fr='Payé' WHERE label='已付款' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Collected', label_fr='Collecté' WHERE label='已提货' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Warehouse Transfer', label_fr='Transfert d''entrepôt' WHERE label='调仓中' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='canceled', label_fr='Annulé' WHERE label='已取消' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='application', label_fr='Demande' WHERE label='调仓申请中' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Arrived at Destination', label_fr='Arrivé à destination' WHERE label='二程到目的港' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Verified', label_fr='Vérifié' WHERE label='已核销' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Partial delivery', label_fr='Livraison partielle' WHERE label='部分提货' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='application', label_fr='Demande' WHERE label='调仓申请中' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Consolidated', label_fr='Consolidé' WHERE label='已合单' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='order mergering', label_fr='Fusion de commandes' WHERE label='合单申请中' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='not approved', label_fr='Non approuvé' WHERE label='合单申请未通过' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Split Completed', label_fr='La commande a été divisée' WHERE label='已拆单' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='splitting', label_fr='divisé de commande est en cours' WHERE label='拆单申请中' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='not approved', label_fr='Non approuvé' WHERE label='拆单申请未通过' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='cancelled', label_fr='Annulé' WHERE label='拆单申请已取消' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Preloaded', label_fr='Préchargé' WHERE label='已预装' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Customs declaration', label_fr='Déclaration en douane' WHERE label='已装柜/报关' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='departed', label_fr='Départ' WHERE label='航运中/已起飞' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Arrived at Port', label_fr='Arrivé au port' WHERE label='已到港' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Cleared out', label_fr='Dédouané' WHERE label='已清关' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Arrived warehouse', label_fr='Arrivé à l''entrepôt' WHERE label='已卸柜/已到仓' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Unloaded', label_fr='Déchargé' WHERE label='已卸柜' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Cleared out', label_fr='Dédouané' WHERE label='已清关' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Warehouse Return -unpaid', label_fr='Retour à l''entrepôt - non payé' WHERE label='已退仓-费用未清' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Partial collectted', label_fr='Collecté partiellement' WHERE label='部分提货' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Special offer application', label_fr='Demande d''offre spéciale' WHERE label='特价申请中' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='stocking', label_fr='Mise en stock' WHERE label='理货' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='shipment', label_fr='Expédition' WHERE label='出货' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='stocking', label_fr='Mise en stock' WHERE label='理货' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='shipment', label_fr='Expédition' WHERE label='已出货' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='declared', label_fr='Déclaré' WHERE label='已报关' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Pending preload', label_fr='Préchargement en attente' WHERE label='待排单' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='pending confirmation', label_fr='Confirmation en attente' WHERE label='空运待出' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='confirmed', label_fr='Confirmé' WHERE label='空运可出' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Checked', label_fr='Vérifié' WHERE label='已理货' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='sent out', label_fr='Envoyé' WHERE label='已出仓' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Dispatched', label_fr='Expédié' WHERE label='空运已到港' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='ready', label_fr='Prêt' WHERE label='已备货' and dict_type='order_status' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Freight', label_fr='Fret' WHERE label='运费' and dict_type='custom_drawee' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='clearing fee', label_fr='Frais de dédouanement' WHERE label='清关费' and dict_type='custom_drawee' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Other Charges', label_fr='Autres frais' WHERE label='其他费用' and dict_type='custom_drawee' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Declaration Fee', label_fr='Frais de déclaration' WHERE label='报关费' and dict_type='custom_drawee' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='valuation premium', label_fr='frais d''insurrance' WHERE label='保价费' and dict_type='custom_drawee' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en=' Declaration Fee', label_fr='Frais de déclaration' WHERE label='单证报关费' and dict_type='custom_drawee' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='storage fee', label_fr='Frais de stockage' WHERE label='仓租费' and dict_type='custom_drawee' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en=' Packaging Fee', label_fr='Frais d''emballage' WHERE label='纸箱打包费' and dict_type='custom_drawee' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en=' Transportation Fee(China)', label_fr='Frais de transport (Chine)' WHERE label='内陆运输费' and dict_type='custom_drawee' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Unloading Fee', label_fr='Frais de déchargement' WHERE label='卸货费' and dict_type='custom_drawee' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Forklift Fee', label_fr='Frais de chariot fourche' WHERE label='叉车费' and dict_type='custom_drawee' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Telex release BL', label_fr='BL libéré par télex' WHERE label='电放' and dict_type='suing_method' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Original BL', label_fr='BL original' WHERE label='正本' and dict_type='suing_method' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='self-collection', label_fr='Collecte à stock' WHERE label='自提' and dict_type='harvest_method' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Door to Door', label_fr='Porte à porte' WHERE label='送货上门' and dict_type='harvest_method' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='unresolved', label_fr='Non résolu' WHERE label='待处理' and dict_type='order_no_quote_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='unresolved', label_fr='Non résolu' WHERE label='待处理' and dict_type='order_superfluous_box_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='misdelivery', label_fr='Mauvaise livraison' WHERE label='确认送错' and dict_type='order_superfluous_box_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='customer approved to ship', label_fr='Client approuvé pour l''expédition' WHERE label='已通过客户来/去电确认' and dict_type='order_superfluous_box_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Correct', label_fr='Correct' WHERE label='送货数量准确' and dict_type='order_superfluous_box_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='unresolved', label_fr='Non résolu' WHERE label='待处理' and dict_type='order_lack_box_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Completed', label_fr='Terminé' WHERE label='确认为已齐' and dict_type='order_lack_box_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Incomplete', label_fr='Incomplet' WHERE label='确认为未齐' and dict_type='order_lack_box_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='confirm correct', label_fr='Confirmer correcte' WHERE label='送货数量准确' and dict_type='order_lack_box_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='unresolved', label_fr='Non résolu' WHERE label='待处理' and dict_type='order_pay_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='no prepayment', label_fr='Pas de prépaiement' WHERE label='不需要预付' and dict_type='order_pay_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='The prepaid amount exceeds 80% of sea freight', label_fr='Le montant prépayé dépasse 80 % du fret maritime' WHERE label='已核销预付商品应收明细,超过订单总运费的80%' and dict_type='order_pay_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='The value of the goods exceeds 33% of the total freight and clearing fees', label_fr='La valeur des marchandises dépasse 33 % du fret total et des frais de dédouanement' WHERE label='货值三分之一大于运费和清关费总和' and dict_type='order_pay_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='The value of goods accounts for less than 33% of the total freight and clearing fees', label_fr='La valeur des marchandises représente moins de 33 % du fret total et des frais de dédouanement' WHERE label='预付商品总入仓方数小于订单所有商品总方数33%' and dict_type='order_pay_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='The total cbm of prepaid goods is less than 0.5cbm', label_fr='Le volume total des marchandises prépayées est inférieur à 0,5 m³' WHERE label='订单下预付商品总方数小于0.5cbm' and dict_type='order_pay_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='normal volume', label_fr='Volume normal' WHERE label='设为普货' and dict_type='order_heavy_cargo_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Weight CBM', label_fr='Poids / Volume (m³)' WHERE label='设为已处理' and dict_type='order_heavy_cargo_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Approved', label_fr='Approuvé' WHERE label='已通过' and dict_type='order_doc_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Not Eligible, Please Re-upload', label_fr='Non éligible, veuillez re-télécharger' WHERE label='不符合重新上传' and dict_type='order_doc_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Confirmed with Shipper', label_fr='Confirmé avec l''expéditeur' WHERE label='已和发货人核对' and dict_type='order_consignor_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Collection on Delivery', label_fr='Collecte à la livraison' WHERE label='代收货款' and dict_type='order_cod_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='No Collection on Delivery Required', label_fr='Pas de collecte à la livraison nécessaire' WHERE label='不需要代收货款' and dict_type='order_cod_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='customer approved to ship', label_fr='Client approuvé pour l''expédition' WHERE label='已跟客户确认可发' and dict_type='order_other_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='can not be shipped(Return to sender)', label_fr='Ne peut pas être expédié (Retour à l''expéditeur)' WHERE label='已跟客户确认该货品不可发(退仓)' and dict_type='order_other_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Gross weight', label_fr='Poids brut' WHERE label='设为普货' and dict_type='order_bulky_cargo_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='100% Volume weight', label_fr='Poids volume 100 %' WHERE label='设为已处理' and dict_type='order_bulky_cargo_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='50% volume weight', label_fr='Poids volume 50 %' WHERE label='设为半抛' and dict_type='order_bulky_cargo_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Free Door-to-door', label_fr='Livraison porte-à-porte gratuite' WHERE label='免费送货上门' and dict_type='order_pick_up_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Chargeable', label_fr='Facturable' WHERE label='需要收费' and dict_type='order_pick_up_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Customs inspection and seizure of goods', label_fr='Inspection douanière et saisie des marchandises' WHERE label='海关查验扣货' and dict_type='order_miss_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Warehouse Counting Error', label_fr='Erreur de comptage en entrepôt' WHERE label='仓库清点失误' and dict_type='order_miss_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Chinese warehouse missed loading', label_fr='Manque de chargement en entrepôt chinois' WHERE label='中国仓库漏装' and dict_type='order_miss_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Manifest Discrepancy', label_fr='Discrépance dans le manifeste' WHERE label='manifest核对错误' and dict_type='order_miss_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='diagrams are inconsistent', label_fr='Incohérence des diagrammes' WHERE label='封柜图与卸柜图不一致' and dict_type='order_miss_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Customs inspection and seizure of goods', label_fr='Inspection douanière et saisie des marchandises' WHERE label='海关查验扣货' and dict_type='order_superfluous_goods_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Warehouse Counting Error', label_fr='Erreur de comptage en entrepôt' WHERE label='仓库清点失误' and dict_type='order_superfluous_goods_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Chinese warehouse missed loading', label_fr='Oubli de chargement dans l''entrepôt chinois' WHERE label='中国仓库漏装' and dict_type='order_superfluous_goods_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Manifest Discrepancy', label_fr='Discrépance dans le manifeste' WHERE label='manifest核对错误' and dict_type='order_superfluous_goods_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='diagrams are inconsistent', label_fr='Les diagrammes sont incohérents' WHERE label='封柜图与卸柜图不一致' and dict_type='order_superfluous_goods_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Customs inspection and seizure of goods', label_fr='Inspection douanière et saisie des marchandises' WHERE label='海关查验扣货' and dict_type='order_damage_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Warehouse Counting Error', label_fr='Erreur de comptage en entrepôt' WHERE label='仓库清点失误' and dict_type='order_damage_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Chinese warehouse missed loading', label_fr='Oubli de chargement dans l''entrepôt chinois' WHERE label='中国仓库漏装' and dict_type='order_damage_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Manifest Discrepancy', label_fr='Discrépance dans le manifeste' WHERE label='manifest核对错误' and dict_type='order_damage_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='diagrams are inconsistent', label_fr='Les diagrammes sont incohérents' WHERE label='封柜图与卸柜图不一致' and dict_type='order_damage_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Customs inspection and seizure of goods', label_fr='Inspection douanière et saisie des marchandises' WHERE label='海关查验扣货' and dict_type='order_in_water_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Warehouse Counting Error', label_fr='Erreur de comptage en entrepôt' WHERE label='仓库清点失误' and dict_type='order_in_water_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Chinese warehouse missed loading', label_fr='Oubli de chargement dans l''entrepôt chinois' WHERE label='中国仓库漏装' and dict_type='order_in_water_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Manifest Discrepancy', label_fr='Discrépance dans le manifeste' WHERE label='manifest核对错误' and dict_type='order_in_water_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='The images of the loaded and unloaded sea containers do not match', label_fr='Les images des conteneurs maritimes chargés et déchargés ne correspondent pas.' WHERE label='封柜图与卸柜图不一致' and dict_type='order_in_water_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='unresolved', label_fr='Non résolu' WHERE label='待处理' and dict_type='not_customer_service_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='Assign', label_fr='Attribuer' WHERE label='分配客户经理' and dict_type='not_customer_service_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='No need', label_fr='Pas nécessaire' WHERE label='无需客户经理' and dict_type='not_customer_service_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='unresolved', label_fr='Non résolu' WHERE label='待处理' and dict_type='goods_add_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='The product name already exists in the system, please modify', label_fr='Le nom du produit existe dans le système, veuillez le modifier' WHERE label='系统已有商品,修改入仓信息' and dict_type='goods_add_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='The product name does not exist in the system, please add.', label_fr='Le nom du produit n''existe pas dans le système, veuillez l''ajouter' WHERE label='系统没有此商品,去新增' and dict_type='goods_add_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='unresolved', label_fr='Non résolu' WHERE label='待处理' and dict_type='fee_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='confirmed and ship', label_fr='Confirmé et expédié' WHERE label='已跟客户确认可出' and dict_type='fee_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='don''t be shipped', label_fr='Ne pas expédier' WHERE label='客户不同意发出' and dict_type='fee_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='unresolved', label_fr='Non résolu' WHERE label='待处理' and dict_type='fee_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='confirmed and ship', label_fr='Confirmé et expédié' WHERE label='已跟客户确认可出' and dict_type='fee_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='don''t be shipped', label_fr='Ne pas expédier' WHERE label='客户不同意发出' and dict_type='fee_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='confirmed and ship', label_fr='Confirmé et expédié' WHERE label='已跟客户确认可发' and dict_type='line_loop_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='confirmed return', label_fr='Retour confirmé' WHERE label='已跟客户确认不可发(退货)' and dict_type='line_loop_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='confirmed and ship', label_fr='Confirmé et expédié' WHERE label='已跟客户确认可发' and dict_type='customs_fee_not_quote_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='confirmed return', label_fr='Retour confirmé' WHERE label='已跟客户确认不可发(退货)' and dict_type='customs_fee_not_quote_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='confirmed and ship', label_fr='Confirmé et expédié' WHERE label='已跟客户确认可发' and dict_type='overweight_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='confirmed return', label_fr='Retour confirmé' WHERE label='已跟客户确认不可发(退货)' and dict_type='overweight_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='accept', label_fr='Accepter' WHERE label='允许超出上限' and dict_type='overweight_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='update weight limit', label_fr='Mettre à jour la limite de poids' WHERE label='修改商品重量上限' and dict_type='overweight_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='reject', label_fr='Rejeter' WHERE label='不允许超出上限' and dict_type='overweight_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='unresolved', label_fr='Non résolu' WHERE label='待处理' and dict_type='not_shipping_channel_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='continue', label_fr='Continuer' WHERE label='继续不可出渠道' and dict_type='not_shipping_channel_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='change channel', label_fr='Changer de canal' WHERE label='变更出货渠道' and dict_type='not_shipping_channel_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='weight reason', label_fr='Raison de poids' WHERE label='重量原因' and dict_type='goods_weight_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='other reason', label_fr='Autre raison' WHERE label='其它原因' and dict_type='goods_weight_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='processing', label_fr='En traitement' WHERE label='处理中' and dict_type='in_warehousing_diff_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='processed', label_fr='Traité' WHERE label='已处理' and dict_type='in_warehousing_diff_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='confirmed send', label_fr='Envoi confirmé' WHERE label='已跟客户确认可发' and dict_type='stock_up_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='confirmed return', label_fr='Retour confirmé' WHERE label='已跟客户确认不可发(退货)' and dict_type='stock_up_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='unresolved', label_fr='Non résolu' WHERE label='待处理' and dict_type='channel_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='set shipment channel', label_fr='Définir le canal d''expédition' WHERE label='设置出货渠道' and dict_type='channel_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='confirmed send', label_fr='Envoi confirmé' WHERE label='已跟客户确认可发' and dict_type='channel_packaging_overweight_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='confirmed return', label_fr='Retour confirmé' WHERE label='已跟客户确认不可发(退货)' and dict_type='channel_packaging_overweight_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='accept', label_fr='Accepter' WHERE label='允许超出上限' and dict_type='channel_packaging_overweight_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='update weight limit', label_fr='Mettre à jour la limite de poids' WHERE label='修改渠道重量上限' and dict_type='channel_packaging_overweight_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='reject', label_fr='Rejeter' WHERE label='不允许超出上限' and dict_type='channel_packaging_overweight_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='accept', label_fr='Accepter' WHERE label='允许超出上限' and dict_type='line_weight_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='change limit of route', label_fr='Modifier la limite de la route' WHERE label='修改路线重量' and dict_type='line_weight_exception_result' and deleted !=1; UPDATE jiedao.system_dict_data SET label_en='reject', label_fr='Rejeter' WHERE label='不许超出' and dict_type='line_weight_exception_result' and deleted !=1;