-- 地区表添加法语
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Europe'	where title_zh='欧洲(Europe)'	and title_en='Europe';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Asie'	where title_zh='亚洲(Asia)'	and title_en='Asia';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Afrique'	where title_zh='非洲(Africa)'	and title_en='Africa';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Amérique du Sud'	where title_zh='南美洲'	and title_en='South America';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Amérique du Nord'	where title_zh='北美洲(North America)'	and title_en='North America';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Océanie'	where title_zh='大洋洲(Oceania)'	and title_en='Oceania';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Antarctique'	where title_zh='南极洲(Antarctica)'	and title_en='Antarctica';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Chine'	where title_zh='中国'	and title_en='China';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Pékin'	where title_zh='北京'	and title_en='Beijing';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Tianjin'	where title_zh='天津'	and title_en='Tianjin';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Hebei'	where title_zh='河北省'	and title_en='Hebei Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Shanxi'	where title_zh='山西省'	and title_en='Shanxi Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Région autonome de la Mongolie intérieure'	where title_zh='内蒙古自治区'	and title_en='Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Liaoning'	where title_zh='辽宁省'	and title_en='Liaoning Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Jilin'	where title_zh='吉林省'	and title_en='Jilin Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Heilongjiang'	where title_zh='黑龙江省'	and title_en='Heilongjiang Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Shanghai'	where title_zh='上海'	and title_en='Shanghai';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Jiangsu'	where title_zh='江苏省'	and title_en='Jiangsu Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Zhejiang'	where title_zh='浙江省'	and title_en='Zhejiang Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province de l''Anhui'	where title_zh='安徽省'	and title_en='Anhui Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Fujian'	where title_zh='福建省'	and title_en='Fujian Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Jiangxi'	where title_zh='江西省'	and title_en='Jiangxi Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Shandong'	where title_zh='山东省'	and title_en='Shandong Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Henan'	where title_zh='河南省'	and title_en='Henan Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Hubei'	where title_zh='湖北省'	and title_en='Hubei province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Hunan'	where title_zh='湖南省'	and title_en='Hunan Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Guangdong'	where title_zh='广东省'	and title_en='Guangdong Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Région autonome Zhuang du Guangxi'	where title_zh='广西壮族自治区'	and title_en='Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Hainan'	where title_zh='海南省'	and title_en='Hainan';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Chongqing'	where title_zh='重庆'	and title_en='Chongqing';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Sichuan'	where title_zh='四川省'	and title_en='Sichuan Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Guizhou'	where title_zh='贵州省'	and title_en='Guizhou Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Yunnan'	where title_zh='云南省'	and title_en='Yunnan Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Région autonome du Tibet'	where title_zh='西藏自治区'	and title_en='Tibet Autonomous Region';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Shaanxi'	where title_zh='陕西省'	and title_en='Shaanxi Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Gansu'	where title_zh='甘肃省'	and title_en='Gansu Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Province du Qinghai'	where title_zh='青海省'	and title_en='Qinghai Province';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Région autonome Hui du Ningxia'	where title_zh='宁夏回族自治区'	and title_en='Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Région autonome ouïghoure du Xinjiang'	where title_zh='新疆维吾尔自治区'	and title_en='Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Taïwan'	where title_zh='台湾'	and title_en='Taiwan';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Région administrative spéciale de Hong Kong'	where title_zh='香港特别行政区'	and title_en='Hong Kong Special Administrative Region';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Région administrative spéciale de Macao'	where title_zh='澳门特别行政区'	and title_en='Macao Special Administrative Region';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Outre-mer'	where title_zh='海外'	and title_en='overseas';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Pékin'	where title_zh='北京市'	and title_en='Beijing';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Tianjin'	where title_zh='天津市'	and title_en='Tianjin';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Shijiazhuang'	where title_zh='石家庄市'	and title_en='Shijiazhuang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Tangshan'	where title_zh='唐山市'	and title_en='Tangshan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Qinhuangdao'	where title_zh='秦皇岛市'	and title_en='Qinhuangdao City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Handan'	where title_zh='邯郸市'	and title_en='Handan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Xingtai'	where title_zh='邢台市'	and title_en='Xingtai City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Baoding'	where title_zh='保定市'	and title_en='Baoding City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zhangjiakou'	where title_zh='张家口市'	and title_en='Zhangjiakou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Chengde'	where title_zh='承德市'	and title_en='Chengde City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Cangzhou'	where title_zh='沧州市'	and title_en='Cangzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Langfang'	where title_zh='廊坊市'	and title_en='Langfang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Hengshui'	where title_zh='衡水市'	and title_en='Hengshui City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Taiyuan'	where title_zh='太原市'	and title_en='Taiyuan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Datong'	where title_zh='大同市'	and title_en='Datong City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yangquan'	where title_zh='阳泉市'	and title_en='Yangquan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Changzhi'	where title_zh='长治市'	and title_en='Changzhi City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jincheng'	where title_zh='晋城市'	and title_en='Jincheng City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Shuozhou'	where title_zh='朔州市'	and title_en='Shuozhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jinzhong'	where title_zh='晋中市'	and title_en='Jinzhong';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yuncheng'	where title_zh='运城市'	and title_en='Yuncheng City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Xinzhou'	where title_zh='忻州市'	and title_en='xinzhou';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Linfen'	where title_zh='临汾市'	and title_en='Linfen City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Luliang'	where title_zh='吕梁市'	and title_en='Luliang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Hohhot'	where title_zh='呼和浩特市'	and title_en='Hohhot';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Baotou'	where title_zh='包头市'	and title_en='Baotou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Wuhai'	where title_zh='乌海市'	and title_en='Wuhai City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Chifeng'	where title_zh='赤峰市'	and title_en='Chifeng City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Tongliao'	where title_zh='通辽市'	and title_en='Tongliao City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville d''Ordos'	where title_zh='鄂尔多斯市'	and title_en='ordos city';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Hulun Buir'	where title_zh='呼伦贝尔市'	and title_en='Hulun Buir City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Bayannur'	where title_zh='巴彦淖尔市'	and title_en='Bayannur City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville d''Ulanqab'	where title_zh='乌兰察布市'	and title_en='Ulanqab City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ligue de Xing''an'	where title_zh='兴安盟'	and title_en='Xing''an League';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ligue de Xilingol'	where title_zh='锡林郭勒盟'	and title_en='Xilingol League';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ligue d''Alxa'	where title_zh='阿拉善盟'	and title_en='alxa league';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Shenyang'	where title_zh='沈阳市'	and title_en='Shenyang';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Dalian'	where title_zh='大连市'	and title_en='Dalian';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Anshan'	where title_zh='鞍山市'	and title_en='Anshan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Fushun'	where title_zh='抚顺市'	and title_en='Fushun City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Benxi'	where title_zh='本溪市'	and title_en='Benxi City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Dandong'	where title_zh='丹东市'	and title_en='Dandong City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jinzhou'	where title_zh='锦州市'	and title_en='Jinzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yingkou'	where title_zh='营口市'	and title_en='Yingkou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Fuxin'	where title_zh='阜新市'	and title_en='Fuxin City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Liaoyang'	where title_zh='辽阳市'	and title_en='Liaoyang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Panjin'	where title_zh='盘锦市'	and title_en='Panjin City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Tieling'	where title_zh='铁岭市'	and title_en='Tieling City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Chaoyang'	where title_zh='朝阳市'	and title_en='Chaoyang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Huludao'	where title_zh='葫芦岛市'	and title_en='Huludao City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Changchun'	where title_zh='长春市'	and title_en='Changchun City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jilin'	where title_zh='吉林市'	and title_en='Jilin City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Siping'	where title_zh='四平市'	and title_en='Siping City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Liaoyuan'	where title_zh='辽源市'	and title_en='Liaoyuan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Tonghua'	where title_zh='通化市'	and title_en='Tonghua City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Baishan'	where title_zh='白山市'	and title_en='Baishan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Songyuan'	where title_zh='松原市'	and title_en='Songyuan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Baicheng'	where title_zh='白城市'	and title_en='Baicheng City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome coréenne de Yanbian'	where title_zh='延边朝鲜族自治州'	and title_en='Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Harbin'	where title_zh='哈尔滨市'	and title_en='Harbin City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Qiqihar'	where title_zh='齐齐哈尔市'	and title_en='Qiqihar City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jixi'	where title_zh='鸡西市'	and title_en='Jixi City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Hegang'	where title_zh='鹤岗市'	and title_en='Hegang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Shuangyashan'	where title_zh='双鸭山市'	and title_en='Shuangyashan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Daqing'	where title_zh='大庆市'	and title_en='Daqing City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yichun'	where title_zh='伊春市'	and title_en='Yichun City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jiamusi'	where title_zh='佳木斯市'	and title_en='Jiamusi City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Qitaihe'	where title_zh='七台河市'	and title_en='Qitaihe City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Mudanjiang'	where title_zh='牡丹江市'	and title_en='Mudanjiang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Heihe'	where title_zh='黑河市'	and title_en='Heihe City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Suihua'	where title_zh='绥化市'	and title_en='Suihua City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Monts du Grand Khingan'	where title_zh='大兴安岭地区'	and title_en='Greater Khingan Mountains';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Shanghai'	where title_zh='上海市'	and title_en='Shanghai';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Nanjing'	where title_zh='南京市'	and title_en='Nanjing City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Wuxi'	where title_zh='无锡市'	and title_en='Wuxi City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Xuzhou'	where title_zh='徐州市'	and title_en='Xuzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Changzhou'	where title_zh='常州市'	and title_en='Changzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Suzhou'	where title_zh='苏州市'	and title_en='Suzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Nantong'	where title_zh='南通市'	and title_en='Nantong City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Lianyungang'	where title_zh='连云港市'	and title_en='Lianyungang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Huai''an'	where title_zh='淮安市'	and title_en='Huai''an City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yancheng'	where title_zh='盐城市'	and title_en='yancheng';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yangzhou'	where title_zh='扬州市'	and title_en='Yangzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zhenjiang'	where title_zh='镇江市'	and title_en='Zhenjiang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Taizhou'	where title_zh='泰州市'	and title_en='Taizhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Suqian'	where title_zh='宿迁市'	and title_en='Suqian City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Hangzhou'	where title_zh='杭州市'	and title_en='Hangzhou';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Ningbo'	where title_zh='宁波市'	and title_en='Ningbo City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Wenzhou'	where title_zh='温州市'	and title_en='Wenzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jiaxing'	where title_zh='嘉兴市'	and title_en='Jiaxing City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Huzhou'	where title_zh='湖州市'	and title_en='Huzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Shaoxing'	where title_zh='绍兴市'	and title_en='Shaoxing City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jinhua'	where title_zh='金华市'	and title_en='Jinhua City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Quzhou'	where title_zh='衢州市'	and title_en='Quzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zhoushan'	where title_zh='舟山市'	and title_en='Zhoushan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Taizhou'	where title_zh='台州市'	and title_en='Taizhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Lishui'	where title_zh='丽水市'	and title_en='Lishui City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Hefei'	where title_zh='合肥市'	and title_en='Hefei';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Wuhu'	where title_zh='芜湖市'	and title_en='Wuhu City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Bengbu'	where title_zh='蚌埠市'	and title_en='Bengbu City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Huainan'	where title_zh='淮南市'	and title_en='Huainan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Ma''anshan'	where title_zh='马鞍山市'	and title_en='Ma''anshan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Huaibei'	where title_zh='淮北市'	and title_en='Huaibei City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Tongling'	where title_zh='铜陵市'	and title_en='tongling';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville d''Anqing'	where title_zh='安庆市'	and title_en='Anqing City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Huangshan'	where title_zh='黄山市'	and title_en='Huangshan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Chuzhou'	where title_zh='滁州市'	and title_en='Chuzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Fuyang'	where title_zh='阜阳市'	and title_en='Fuyang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Suzhou'	where title_zh='宿州市'	and title_en='Suzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Lu''an'	where title_zh='六安市'	and title_en='Lu''an City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Bozhou'	where title_zh='亳州市'	and title_en='Bozhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Chizhou'	where title_zh='池州市'	and title_en='chizhou';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Xuancheng'	where title_zh='宣城市'	and title_en='Xuancheng City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Fuzhou'	where title_zh='福州市'	and title_en='Fuzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Xiamen'	where title_zh='厦门市'	and title_en='Xiamen';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Putian'	where title_zh='莆田市'	and title_en='Putian City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Sanming'	where title_zh='三明市'	and title_en='Sanming City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Quanzhou'	where title_zh='泉州市'	and title_en='Quanzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zhangzhou'	where title_zh='漳州市'	and title_en='Zhangzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Nanping'	where title_zh='南平市'	and title_en='Nanping City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Longyan'	where title_zh='龙岩市'	and title_en='Longyan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Ningde'	where title_zh='宁德市'	and title_en='Ningde City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Nanchang'	where title_zh='南昌市'	and title_en='Nanchang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jingdezhen'	where title_zh='景德镇市'	and title_en='Jingdezhen City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Pingxiang'	where title_zh='萍乡市'	and title_en='Pingxiang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jiujiang'	where title_zh='九江市'	and title_en='Jiujiang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Xinyu'	where title_zh='新余市'	and title_en='Xinyu City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yingtan'	where title_zh='鹰潭市'	and title_en='Yingtan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Ganzhou'	where title_zh='赣州市'	and title_en='Ganzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Ji''an'	where title_zh='吉安市'	and title_en='Ji''an City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yichun'	where title_zh='宜春市'	and title_en='Yichun City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Fuzhou'	where title_zh='抚州市'	and title_en='Fuzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Shangrao'	where title_zh='上饶市'	and title_en='Shangrao City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jinan'	where title_zh='济南市'	and title_en='Jinan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Qingdao'	where title_zh='青岛市'	and title_en='Qingdao';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zibo'	where title_zh='淄博市'	and title_en='Zibo City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zaozhuang'	where title_zh='枣庄市'	and title_en='Zaozhuang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Dongying'	where title_zh='东营市'	and title_en='Dongying City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yantai'	where title_zh='烟台市'	and title_en='Yantai City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Weifang'	where title_zh='潍坊市'	and title_en='Weifang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jining'	where title_zh='济宁市'	and title_en='Jining City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Tai''an'	where title_zh='泰安市'	and title_en='Tai''an City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Weihai'	where title_zh='威海市'	and title_en='Weihai City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Rizhao'	where title_zh='日照市'	and title_en='Rizhao City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Laiwu'	where title_zh='莱芜市'	and title_en='Laiwu';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Linyi'	where title_zh='临沂市'	and title_en='Linyi City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Dezhou'	where title_zh='德州市'	and title_en='Dezhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Liaocheng'	where title_zh='聊城市'	and title_en='LiaoCheng';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Binzhou'	where title_zh='滨州市'	and title_en='Binzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Heze'	where title_zh='菏泽市'	and title_en='HeZe';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zhengzhou'	where title_zh='郑州市'	and title_en='Zhengzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Kaifeng'	where title_zh='开封市'	and title_en='Kaifeng City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Luoyang'	where title_zh='洛阳市'	and title_en='Luoyang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Pingdingshan'	where title_zh='平顶山市'	and title_en='Pingdingshan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville d''Anyang'	where title_zh='安阳市'	and title_en='Anyang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Hebi'	where title_zh='鹤壁市'	and title_en='Hebi City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Xinxiang'	where title_zh='新乡市'	and title_en='Xinxiang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jiaozuo'	where title_zh='焦作市'	and title_en='Jiaozuo City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Puyang'	where title_zh='濮阳市'	and title_en='Puyang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Xuchang'	where title_zh='许昌市'	and title_en='Xuchang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Luohe'	where title_zh='漯河市'	and title_en='Luohe City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Sanmenxia'	where title_zh='三门峡市'	and title_en='Sanmenxia City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Nanyang'	where title_zh='南阳市'	and title_en='Nanyang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Shangqiu'	where title_zh='商丘市'	and title_en='Shangqiu City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Xinyang'	where title_zh='信阳市'	and title_en='Xinyang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zhoukou'	where title_zh='周口市'	and title_en='Zhoukou';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zhumadian'	where title_zh='驻马店市'	and title_en='Zhumadian City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Wuhan'	where title_zh='武汉市'	and title_en='Wuhan';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Huangshi'	where title_zh='黄石市'	and title_en='Huangshi City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Shiyan'	where title_zh='十堰市'	and title_en='Shiyan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yichang'	where title_zh='宜昌市'	and title_en='Yichang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Xiangyang'	where title_zh='襄阳市'	and title_en='Xiangyang';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville d''Ezhou'	where title_zh='鄂州市'	and title_en='Ezhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jingmen'	where title_zh='荆门市'	and title_en='Jingmen City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Xiaogan'	where title_zh='孝感市'	and title_en='Xiaogan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jingzhou'	where title_zh='荆州市'	and title_en='jingzhou';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Huanggang'	where title_zh='黄冈市'	and title_en='Huanggang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Xianning'	where title_zh='咸宁市'	and title_en='Xianning';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Suizhou'	where title_zh='随州市'	and title_en='suizhou';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome Tujia et Miao d''Enshi'	where title_zh='恩施土家族苗族自治州'	and title_en='Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Changsha'	where title_zh='长沙市'	and title_en='Changsha City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zhuzhou'	where title_zh='株洲市'	and title_en='Zhuzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Xiangtan'	where title_zh='湘潭市'	and title_en='Xiangtan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Hengyang'	where title_zh='衡阳市'	and title_en='Hengyang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Shaoyang'	where title_zh='邵阳市'	and title_en='Shaoyang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yueyang'	where title_zh='岳阳市'	and title_en='Yueyang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Changde'	where title_zh='常德市'	and title_en='Changde City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zhangjiajie'	where title_zh='张家界市'	and title_en='Zhangjiajie City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yiyang'	where title_zh='益阳市'	and title_en='Yiyang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Chenzhou'	where title_zh='郴州市'	and title_en='Chenzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yongzhou'	where title_zh='永州市'	and title_en='Yongzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Huaihua'	where title_zh='怀化市'	and title_en='huaihua';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Loudi'	where title_zh='娄底市'	and title_en='Loudi City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome Tujia et Miao de Xiangxi'	where title_zh='湘西土家族苗族自治州'	and title_en='Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Guangzhou'	where title_zh='广州市'	and title_en='Guangzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Shaoguan'	where title_zh='韶关市'	and title_en='Shaoguan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Shenzhen'	where title_zh='深圳市'	and title_en='Shenzhen City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zhuhai'	where title_zh='珠海市'	and title_en='Zhuhai City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Shantou'	where title_zh='汕头市'	and title_en='Shantou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Foshan'	where title_zh='佛山市'	and title_en='Foshan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jiangmen'	where title_zh='江门市'	and title_en='Jiangmen City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zhanjiang'	where title_zh='湛江市'	and title_en='Zhanjiang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Maoming'	where title_zh='茂名市'	and title_en='Maoming City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zhaoqing'	where title_zh='肇庆市'	and title_en='Zhaoqing City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Huizhou'	where title_zh='惠州市'	and title_en='Huizhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Meizhou'	where title_zh='梅州市'	and title_en='Meizhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Shanwei'	where title_zh='汕尾市'	and title_en='Shanwei City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Heyuan'	where title_zh='河源市'	and title_en='Heyuan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yangjiang'	where title_zh='阳江市'	and title_en='Yangjiang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Qingyuan'	where title_zh='清远市'	and title_en='Qingyuan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Dongguan'	where title_zh='东莞市'	and title_en='Dongguan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zhongshan'	where title_zh='中山市'	and title_en='zhongshan';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Îles Dongsha'	where title_zh='东沙群岛'	and title_en='the Dongsha Islands';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Chaozhou'	where title_zh='潮州市'	and title_en='Chaozhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jieyang'	where title_zh='揭阳市'	and title_en='Jieyang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yunfu'	where title_zh='云浮市'	and title_en='Yunfu City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Nanning'	where title_zh='南宁市'	and title_en='Nanning City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Liuzhou'	where title_zh='柳州市'	and title_en='Liuzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Guilin'	where title_zh='桂林市'	and title_en='Guilin City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Wuzhou'	where title_zh='梧州市'	and title_en='Wuzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Beihai'	where title_zh='北海市'	and title_en='Beihai City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Fangchenggang'	where title_zh='防城港市'	and title_en='Fangchenggang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Qinzhou'	where title_zh='钦州市'	and title_en='Qinzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Guigang'	where title_zh='贵港市'	and title_en='Guigang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yulin'	where title_zh='玉林市'	and title_en='Yulin City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Baise'	where title_zh='百色市'	and title_en='Baise City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Hezhou'	where title_zh='贺州市'	and title_en='Hezhou';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Hechi'	where title_zh='河池市'	and title_en='Hechi City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Laibin'	where title_zh='来宾市'	and title_en='Laibin City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Chongzuo'	where title_zh='崇左市'	and title_en='Chongzuo City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Haikou'	where title_zh='海口市'	and title_en='Haikou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Sanya'	where title_zh='三亚市'	and title_en='The city of Sanya';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Sansha'	where title_zh='三沙市'	and title_en='Sansha';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Chongqing'	where title_zh='重庆市'	and title_en='Chongqing City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Chengdu'	where title_zh='成都市'	and title_en='Chengdu';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zigong'	where title_zh='自贡市'	and title_en='Zigong City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Panzhihua'	where title_zh='攀枝花市'	and title_en='Panzhihua City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Luzhou'	where title_zh='泸州市'	and title_en='Luzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Deyang'	where title_zh='德阳市'	and title_en='deyang';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Mianyang'	where title_zh='绵阳市'	and title_en='Mianyang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Guangyuan'	where title_zh='广元市'	and title_en='Guangyuan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Suining'	where title_zh='遂宁市'	and title_en='Suining City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Neijiang'	where title_zh='内江市'	and title_en='Neijiang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Leshan'	where title_zh='乐山市'	and title_en='Leshan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Nanchong'	where title_zh='南充市'	and title_en='Nanchong City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Meishan'	where title_zh='眉山市'	and title_en='Meishan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yibin'	where title_zh='宜宾市'	and title_en='Yibin City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Guang''an'	where title_zh='广安市'	and title_en='Guang''an City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Dazhou'	where title_zh='达州市'	and title_en='Dazhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Ya''an'	where title_zh='雅安市'	and title_en='Ya''an City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Bazhong'	where title_zh='巴中市'	and title_en='Bazhong City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Ziyang'	where title_zh='资阳市'	and title_en='Ziyang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome tibétaine et qiang de Aba'	where title_zh='阿坝藏族羌族自治州'	and title_en='Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome tibétaine de Ganzi'	where title_zh='甘孜藏族自治州'	and title_en='Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome Yi de Liangshan'	where title_zh='凉山彝族自治州'	and title_en='Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Guiyang'	where title_zh='贵阳市'	and title_en='Guiyang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Liupanshui'	where title_zh='六盘水市'	and title_en='liupanshui city';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zunyi'	where title_zh='遵义市'	and title_en='Zunyi City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville d''Anshun'	where title_zh='安顺市'	and title_en='Anshun City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Tongren'	where title_zh='铜仁市'	and title_en='Tongren';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome Buyei et Miao de Qianxinan'	where title_zh='黔西南布依族苗族自治州'	and title_en='Qianxinan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Bijie'	where title_zh='毕节市'	and title_en='Bijie City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome Miao et Dong de Qiandongnan'	where title_zh='黔东南苗族侗族自治州'	and title_en='Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome Buyei et Miao de Qiannan'	where title_zh='黔南布依族苗族自治州'	and title_en='Qiannan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Kunming'	where title_zh='昆明市'	and title_en='Kunming';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Qujing'	where title_zh='曲靖市'	and title_en='Qujing';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de YuXi'	where title_zh='玉溪市'	and title_en='YuXi';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Baoshan'	where title_zh='保山市'	and title_en='baoshan';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zhaotong'	where title_zh='昭通市'	and title_en='zhaotong';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Lijiang'	where title_zh='丽江市'	and title_en='lijiang';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Pu''er'	where title_zh='普洱市'	and title_en='Pu''er City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Lincang'	where title_zh='临沧市'	and title_en='Lincang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome Yi de Chuxiong'	where title_zh='楚雄彝族自治州'	and title_en='Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome Hani et Yi de Honghe'	where title_zh='红河哈尼族彝族自治州'	and title_en='Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome Zhuang et Miao de Wenshan'	where title_zh='文山壮族苗族自治州'	and title_en='Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome Dai de Xishuangbanna'	where title_zh='西双版纳傣族自治州'	and title_en='Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome Bai de Dali'	where title_zh='大理白族自治州'	and title_en='Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome Dai et Jingpo de Dehong'	where title_zh='德宏傣族景颇族自治州'	and title_en='Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome Lisu de Nujiang'	where title_zh='怒江傈僳族自治州'	and title_en='Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome tibétaine de Diqing'	where title_zh='迪庆藏族自治州'	and title_en='Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Lhasa'	where title_zh='拉萨市'	and title_en='Lhasa City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Changdu'	where title_zh='昌都市'	and title_en='Changdu';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Région de Shannan'	where title_zh='山南地区'	and title_en='Shannan region';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Shigatse'	where title_zh='日喀则市'	and title_en='Shigatse City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Région de Naqu'	where title_zh='那曲地区'	and title_en='Naqu region';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Région d''Ali'	where title_zh='阿里地区'	and title_en='Ali region';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Linzhi'	where title_zh='林芝市'	and title_en='Linzhi City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Xi''an'	where title_zh='西安市'	and title_en='Xi''an City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Tongchuan'	where title_zh='铜川市'	and title_en='Tongchuan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Baoji'	where title_zh='宝鸡市'	and title_en='Baoji City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Xianyang'	where title_zh='咸阳市'	and title_en='Xianyang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Weinan'	where title_zh='渭南市'	and title_en='Weinan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yan''an'	where title_zh='延安市'	and title_en='Yan''an City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Hanzhong'	where title_zh='汉中市'	and title_en='Hanzhong City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yulin'	where title_zh='榆林市'	and title_en='Yulin City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville d''Ankang'	where title_zh='安康市'	and title_en='Ankang City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Shangluo'	where title_zh='商洛市'	and title_en='shangluo';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Lanzhou'	where title_zh='兰州市'	and title_en='Lanzhou City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jiayuguan'	where title_zh='嘉峪关市'	and title_en='Jiayuguan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jinchang'	where title_zh='金昌市'	and title_en='Jinchang';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Baiyin'	where title_zh='白银市'	and title_en='Baiyin City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Tianshui'	where title_zh='天水市'	and title_en='Tianshui City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Wuwei'	where title_zh='武威市'	and title_en='Wuwei City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zhangye'	where title_zh='张掖市'	and title_en='Zhangye City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Pingliang'	where title_zh='平凉市'	and title_en='Pingliang';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jiuquan'	where title_zh='酒泉市'	and title_en='jiuquan';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Qingyang'	where title_zh='庆阳市'	and title_en='qingyang';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Dingxi'	where title_zh='定西市'	and title_en='dingxi';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Longnan'	where title_zh='陇南市'	and title_en='Longnan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome Hui de Linxia'	where title_zh='临夏回族自治州'	and title_en='Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome tibétaine de Gannan'	where title_zh='甘南藏族自治州'	and title_en='Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Xining'	where title_zh='西宁市'	and title_en='Xining City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Haidong'	where title_zh='海东市'	and title_en='Haidong City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome tibétaine de Haibei'	where title_zh='海北藏族自治州'	and title_en='Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome tibétaine de Huangnan'	where title_zh='黄南藏族自治州'	and title_en='Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome tibétaine de Hainan'	where title_zh='海南藏族自治州'	and title_en='Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome tibétaine de Golog'	where title_zh='果洛藏族自治州'	and title_en='Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome tibétaine de Yushu'	where title_zh='玉树藏族自治州'	and title_en='Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome Mongole et tibétaine de Haixi'	where title_zh='海西蒙古族藏族自治州'	and title_en='Haixi Mongol and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Yinchuan'	where title_zh='银川市'	and title_en='Yinchuan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Shizuishan'	where title_zh='石嘴山市'	and title_en='Shizuishan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Wuzhong'	where title_zh='吴忠市'	and title_en='Wuzhong City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Guyuan'	where title_zh='固原市'	and title_en='Guyuan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Zhongwei'	where title_zh='中卫市'	and title_en='Zhongwei City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville d''Urumqi'	where title_zh='乌鲁木齐市'	and title_en='Urumqi';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Karamay'	where title_zh='克拉玛依市'	and title_en='Karamay City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Turpan'	where title_zh='吐鲁番市'	and title_en='Turpan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Région de Hami'	where title_zh='哈密地区'	and title_en='Hami region';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome Hui de Changji'	where title_zh='昌吉回族自治州'	and title_en='Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome mongole de Bortala'	where title_zh='博尔塔拉蒙古自治州'	and title_en='Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome mongole de Bayingolin'	where title_zh='巴音郭楞蒙古自治州'	and title_en='Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Région d''Aksu'	where title_zh='阿克苏地区'	and title_en='Aksu region';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome kirghize de Kizilsu'	where title_zh='克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州'	and title_en='Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Région de Kashgar'	where title_zh='喀什地区'	and title_en='Kashgar region';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Région de Hotan'	where title_zh='和田地区'	and title_en='Hotan Region';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Préfecture autonome kazakhe d''Ili'	where title_zh='伊犁哈萨克自治州'	and title_en='Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='District de Tacheng'	where title_zh='塔城地区'	and title_en='Tacheng District';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Région d''Altay'	where title_zh='阿勒泰地区'	and title_en='Altay region';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Taipei'	where title_zh='台北市'	and title_en='Taipei City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Kaohsiung'	where title_zh='高雄市'	and title_en='Kaohsiung City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Tainan'	where title_zh='台南市'	and title_en='Tainan City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Taichung'	where title_zh='台中市'	and title_en='Taichung City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Comté de Jinmen'	where title_zh='金门县'	and title_en='Jinmen County';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Comté de Nantou'	where title_zh='南投县'	and title_en='Nantou County';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Keelung'	where title_zh='基隆市'	and title_en='Keelung City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Hsinchu'	where title_zh='新竹市'	and title_en='Hsinchu City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Jiayi'	where title_zh='嘉义市'	and title_en='Jiayi City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ville de Xinbei'	where title_zh='新北市'	and title_en='Xinbei City';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Comté de Yilan'	where title_zh='宜兰县'	and title_en='Yilan County';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Comté de Xinzhu'	where title_zh='新竹县'	and title_en='Xinzhu County';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Comté de Taoyuan'	where title_zh='桃园县'	and title_en='Taoyuan County';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Comté de Miaoli'	where title_zh='苗栗县'	and title_en='Miaoli County';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Comté de Changhua'	where title_zh='彰化县'	and title_en='Changhua County';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Comté de Jiayi'	where title_zh='嘉义县'	and title_en='Jiayi County';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Comté de Yunlin'	where title_zh='云林县'	and title_en='Yunlin County';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Comté de Pingdong'	where title_zh='屏东县'	and title_en='Pingdong County';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Taitung'	where title_zh='台东县'	and title_en='Taitung';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Comté de Hualien'	where title_zh='花莲县'	and title_en='Hualien County';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Comté de Penghu'	where title_zh='澎湖县'	and title_en='Penghu County';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Comté de Lianjiang'	where title_zh='连江县'	and title_en='Lianjiang County';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Île de Hong Kong'	where title_zh='香港岛'	and title_en='Hong Kong Island';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Kowloon'	where title_zh='九龙'	and title_en='Kowloon';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Nouveaux Territoires'	where title_zh='新界'	and title_en='New Territories';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Péninsule de Macao'	where title_zh='澳门半岛'	and title_en='Macau Peninsula';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Îles périphériques'	where title_zh='离岛'	and title_en='Outlying islands';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Outre-mer'	where title_zh='海外'	and title_en='overseas';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Yiwu'	where title_zh='义乌市'	and title_en='yiwu';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Nigeria'	where title_zh='尼日利亚(Nigeria)'	and title_en='Nigeria';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Ghana'	where title_zh='加纳(Ghana)'	and title_en='Ghana';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Mozambique (Maputo)'	where title_zh='莫桑比克(Maputo)'	and title_en='Mozambique (Maputo)';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Kenya'	where title_zh='肯尼亚(Kenya)'	and title_en='Kenya';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Émirats Arabes Unis (CGU)'	where title_zh='阿联酋(CGU)'	and title_en='United Arab Emirates (CGU)';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Lagos'	where title_zh='拉各斯 (Lagso)'	and title_en='Lagso';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Onitsha'	where title_zh='奥尼查 (Onitsha)'	and title_en='Onitsha';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Lagos (Nigeria)'	where title_zh='拉各斯 (Lagos)'	and title_en='Lagos (Nigeria)';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Onitsha, Nigeria'	where title_zh='奥尼查 (Onitsha)'	and title_en='Onitsha, Nigeria';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Capitale (Accra)'	where title_zh='首都(Acrra )'	and title_en='Capital (Acrra)';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Accra'	where title_zh='阿克拉(加纳)(Accra)'	and title_en='Accra';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Maputo'	where title_zh='马普托(Maputo)'	and title_en='Maputo';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Maputo'	where title_zh='马普托(莫桑比克)(Maputo)'	and title_en='Maputo';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Nairobi'	where title_zh='内罗毕(Nairobi)'	and title_en='Nairobi';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Nairobi'	where title_zh='内罗毕(肯尼亚)(Nairobi)'	and title_en='Nairobi';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Dubaï'	where title_zh='迪拜(阿联酋)(Dubai)'	and title_en='Dubai';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Dubaï'	where title_zh='迪拜(Dubai)'	and title_en='Dubai';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Côte d''Ivoire'	where title_zh='科特迪瓦(Cote D’lvoire)'	and title_en='Cote D’lvoire';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Abidjan'	where title_zh='阿比让(Abidjan)'	and title_en='Abidjan';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Abidjan'	where title_zh='阿比让(Abidjan)'	and title_en='Abidjan';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Beira'	where title_zh='贝拉(Beira)'	and title_en='Beira';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Beira'	where title_zh='贝拉(Beira)'	and title_en='Beira';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Chimoio'	where title_zh='希莫尤(Chimoio)'	and title_en='Chimoio';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Chimoio'	where title_zh='希莫尤(Chimoio)'	and title_en='Chimoio';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Quelimane'	where title_zh='克利马纳'	and title_en='Quelimane';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Quelimane'	where title_zh='克利马纳(Quelimane)'	and title_en='Quelimane';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Nampula'	where title_zh='楠普拉'	and title_en='Nampula';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Nampula'	where title_zh='楠普拉(Nampula)'	and title_en='Nampula';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Kumasi'	where title_zh='库马西(Kumasi)'	and title_en='Kumasi';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Kumasi'	where title_zh='库马西(Kumasi)'	and title_en='kumasi';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Kano'	where title_zh='卡诺(Kano)'	and title_en='Kano';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Kano (Nigeria)'	where title_zh='卡诺(Kano)'	and title_en='Kano (Nigeria)';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Tanzanie'	where title_zh='坦桑尼亚(Tansania)'	and title_en='Tansania';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Dar es Salaam'	where title_zh='达累斯萨拉姆(Dar es Salaam)'	and title_en='Dar es Salaam';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_region SET title_fr='Dar es Salaam'	where title_zh='达累斯萨拉姆(Dar es Salaam)'	and title_en='Dar es Salaam';

-- 计量单位表
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_unit SET title_fr='une colis petie taille compression' , title_en='une colis petie taille compression'	where title_zh='小压包';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_unit SET title_fr='kilogramme' , title_en='kilogramme'	where title_zh='千克';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_unit SET title_fr='mètre cube' , title_en='mètre cube'	where title_zh='立方米';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_unit SET title_fr='une colis grande taille compression' , title_en='une colis grande taille compression'	where title_zh='大压包';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_unit SET title_fr='individuel' , title_en='individuel'	where title_zh='个';

-- 区号表
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Émirats Arabes Unis'	where name_zh='阿拉伯联合酋长国'	and name_en='UnitedArabEmirates' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Nigeria'	where name_zh='尼日利亚'	and name_en='Nigeria' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Pakistan'	where name_zh='巴基斯坦'	and name_en='Pakistan' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Chine'	where name_zh='中国'	and name_en='China' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Ghana'	where name_zh='加纳'	and name_en='Ghana' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Bénin'	where name_zh='贝宁'	and name_en='Benin' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='États-Unis'	where name_zh='美国'	and name_en='America' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Mozambique'	where name_zh='莫桑比克'	and name_en='Mozambique' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Kenya'	where name_zh='肯尼亚'	and name_en='Kenya' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Corée'	where name_zh='韩国'	and name_en='Korea' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Sénégal'	where name_zh='塞内加尔'	and name_en='Senegal' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Angleterre'	where name_zh='英国'	and name_en='England' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Italie'	where name_zh='意大利'	and name_en='Italy' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Les Émirats Arabes Unis'	where name_zh='阿拉伯联合酋长国'	and name_en='The United Arab Emirates' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Tchad'	where name_zh='乍得'	and name_en='Chad' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Congo'	where name_zh='刚果共和国'	and name_en='Congo' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Zimbabwe'	where name_zh='津巴布韦'	and name_en='Zimbabwe' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Dubaï'	where name_zh='迪拜'	and name_en='Dubai' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Côte d''Ivoire'	where name_zh='科特迪瓦'	and name_en='Côte d''Ivoire' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Belgique'	where name_zh='利比亚'	and name_en='Belgium' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Allemagne'	where name_zh='德国'	and name_en='Germany' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Niger'	where name_zh='尼日尔'	and name_en='Niger' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Togo'	where name_zh='多哥'	and name_en='Togo' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Suède'	where name_zh='瑞典'	and name_en='Sverige' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Afrique du Sud'	where name_zh='南非'	and name_en='South Africa' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Kazakhstan'	where name_zh='哈萨克斯坦'	and name_en='Kazakhstan' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Guinée'	where name_zh='几内亚'	and name_en='Guinea' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Cap-Vert'	where name_zh='佛得角'	and name_en='Cabo Verde' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Ouganda'	where name_zh='乌干达'	and name_en='Uganda' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Gambie'	where name_zh='冈比亚'	and name_en='Gambia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Français'	where name_zh='法国'	and name_en='French' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Gabonais'	where name_zh='加蓬'	and name_en='Gabonese' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Philippines'	where name_zh='菲律宾'	and name_en='Philippines' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Nouvelle-Zélande'	where name_zh='新西兰'	and name_en='New Zealand' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Ghana'	where name_zh='加纳'	and name_en='Ghana' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Côte d''Ivoire'	where name_zh='科特迪瓦'	and name_en='IvoryCoast' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Arabie Saoudite'	where name_zh='沙特阿拉伯'	and name_en='SaudiArabia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Singapour'	where name_zh='新加坡'	and name_en='Singapore' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Rwanda'	where name_zh='卢旺达'	and name_en='Rwanda' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Cameroun'	where name_zh='喀麦隆'	and name_en='Cameroun' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Qatar'	where name_zh='卡塔尔'	and name_en='Qatar' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Tunisie'	where name_zh='突尼斯'	and name_en='Tunisia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Norvège'	where name_zh='挪威'	and name_en='Norway' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Mali'	where name_zh='马里国'	and name_en='Mali' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Turquie'	where name_zh='土耳其'	and name_en='TURKEY' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Malaisie'	where name_zh='马来西亚'	and name_en='Malaysia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Tanzanie'	where name_zh='坦桑尼亚'	and name_en='Tanzania' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Japon'	where name_zh='日本'	and name_en='Japan' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Burkina Faso'	where name_zh='布基纳法索'	and name_en='Burkina Faso' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Afghanistan'	where name_zh='阿富汗'	and name_en='Afghanistan' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Albanie'	where name_zh='阿尔巴尼亚'	and name_en='Albania' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Algérie'	where name_zh='阿尔及利亚'	and name_en='Algeria' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Samoa américaines'	where name_zh='美属萨摩亚'	and name_en='American Samoa' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Andorre'	where name_zh='安道尔'	and name_en='Andorra' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Angola'	where name_zh='安哥拉'	and name_en='Angola' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Anguilla'	where name_zh='安圭拉'	and name_en='Anguilla' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Antigua-et-Barbuda'	where name_zh='安提瓜和巴布达'	and name_en='Antigua and Barbuda' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Argentine'	where name_zh='阿根廷'	and name_en='Argentina' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Arménie'	where name_zh='亚美尼亚'	and name_en='Armenia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Aruba'	where name_zh='阿鲁巴'	and name_en='Aruba' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Australie'	where name_zh='澳大利亚'	and name_en='Australia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Autriche'	where name_zh='奥地利'	and name_en='Austria' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Azerbaïdjan'	where name_zh='阿塞拜疆'	and name_en='Azerbaijan' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Bahamas'	where name_zh='巴哈马群岛'	and name_en='Bahamas' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Bahreïn'	where name_zh='巴林'	and name_en='Bahrain' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Bangladesh'	where name_zh='孟加拉国'	and name_en='Bangladesh' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Barbade'	where name_zh='巴巴多斯'	and name_en='Barbados' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Biélorussie'	where name_zh='白俄罗斯'	and name_en='Belarus' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Belgique'	where name_zh='比利时'	and name_en='Belgium' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Belize'	where name_zh='伯利兹'	and name_en='Belize' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Bermudes'	where name_zh='百慕大群岛'	and name_en='Bermuda' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Bhoutan'	where name_zh='不丹'	and name_en='Bhutan' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Bolivie'	where name_zh='玻利维亚'	and name_en='Bolivia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Bosnie-Herzégovine'	where name_zh='波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那'	and name_en='Bosnia and Herzegovina' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Botswana'	where name_zh='博茨瓦纳'	and name_en='Botswana' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Brésil'	where name_zh='巴西'	and name_en='Brazil' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Territoire britannique de l''océan Indien'	where name_zh='英属印度洋领地'	and name_en='British Indian Ocean Territory' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Îles Vierges britanniques'	where name_zh='英属维尔京群岛'	and name_en='British Virgin Islands' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Brunei'	where name_zh='文莱'	and name_en='Brunei' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Bulgarie'	where name_zh='保加利亚'	and name_en='Bulgaria' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Burundi'	where name_zh='布隆迪'	and name_en='Burundi' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Cambodge'	where name_zh='柬埔寨'	and name_en='Cambodia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Antilles néerlandaises'	where name_zh='荷兰加勒比区'	and name_en='Caribbean Netherlands' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Îles Caïmans'	where name_zh='开曼群岛'	and name_en='Cayman Islands' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='République Centrafricaine'	where name_zh='中非共和国'	and name_en='Central African Republic' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Chili'	where name_zh='智利'	and name_en='Chile' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Île Christmas'	where name_zh='圣诞岛'	and name_en='Christmas Island' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Cocos'	where name_zh='科科斯(基林)群岛'	and name_en='Cocos' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Colombie'	where name_zh='哥伦比亚'	and name_en='Colombia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Comores'	where name_zh='科摩罗'	and name_en='Comoros' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Congo'	where name_zh='刚果'	and name_en='Congo' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Îles Cook'	where name_zh='库克群岛'	and name_en='Cook Islands' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Costa Rica'	where name_zh='哥斯达黎加'	and name_en='Costa Rica' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Croatie'	where name_zh='克罗地亚'	and name_en='Croatia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Cuba'	where name_zh='古巴'	and name_en='Cuba' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Curaçao'	where name_zh='库拉索'	and name_en='Curaçao' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Chypre'	where name_zh='塞浦路斯'	and name_en='Cyprus' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='République tchèque'	where name_zh='捷克共和国'	and name_en='Czech Republic' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Danemark'	where name_zh='丹麦'	and name_en='Denmark' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Djibouti'	where name_zh='吉布提'	and name_en='Djibouti' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Dominique'	where name_zh='多米尼克'	and name_en='Dominica' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Équateur'	where name_zh='厄瓜多尔'	and name_en='Ecuador' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Égypte'	where name_zh='埃及'	and name_en='Egypt' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Salvador'	where name_zh='萨尔瓦多'	and name_en='El Salvador' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Guinée équatoriale'	where name_zh='赤道几内亚'	and name_en='Equatorial Guinea' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Érythrée'	where name_zh='厄立特里亚'	and name_en='Eritrea' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Estonie'	where name_zh='爱沙尼亚'	and name_en='Estonia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Éthiopie'	where name_zh='埃塞俄比亚'	and name_en='Ethiopia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Îles Malouines'	where name_zh='福克兰群岛'	and name_en='Falkland Islands' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Îles Féroé'	where name_zh='法罗群岛'	and name_en='Faroe Islands' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Fidji'	where name_zh='斐济'	and name_en='Fiji' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Finlande'	where name_zh='芬兰'	and name_en='Finland' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Guyane française'	where name_zh='法属圭亚那'	and name_en='French Guiana' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Polynésie française'	where name_zh='法属波利尼西亚'	and name_en='French Polynesia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Gambie'	where name_zh='冈比亚'	and name_en='Gambia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Géorgie'	where name_zh='佐治亚州'	and name_en='Georgia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Gibraltar'	where name_zh='直布罗陀'	and name_en='Gibraltar' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Grèce'	where name_zh='希腊'	and name_en='Greece' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Groenland'	where name_zh='格陵兰岛'	and name_en='Greenland' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Grenade'	where name_zh='格林纳达'	and name_en='Grenada' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Guadeloupe'	where name_zh='瓜德罗普岛'	and name_en='Guadeloupe' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Guam'	where name_zh='关岛'	and name_en='Guam' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Guatemala'	where name_zh='危地马拉'	and name_en='Guatemala' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Guernesey'	where name_zh='根西岛'	and name_en='Guernsey' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Guinée-Bissau'	where name_zh='几内亚比绍'	and name_en='Guinea-Bissau' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Guyane'	where name_zh='圭亚那'	and name_en='Guyana' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Haïti'	where name_zh='海地'	and name_en='Haiti' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Honduras'	where name_zh='洪都拉斯'	and name_en='Honduras' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Hong Kong'	where name_zh='香港'	and name_en='Hong Kong' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Hongrie'	where name_zh='匈牙利'	and name_en='Hungary' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Islande'	where name_zh='冰岛'	and name_en='Iceland' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Inde'	where name_zh='印度'	and name_en='India' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Indonésie'	where name_zh='印度尼西亚'	and name_en='Indonesia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Iran'	where name_zh='伊朗'	and name_en='Iran' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Irak'	where name_zh='伊拉克'	and name_en='Iraq' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Irlande'	where name_zh='爱尔兰'	and name_en='Ireland' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Île de Man'	where name_zh='马恩岛'	and name_en='Isle of Man' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Israël'	where name_zh='以色列'	and name_en='Israel' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Jamaïque'	where name_zh='牙买加'	and name_en='Jamaica' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Jersey'	where name_zh='泽西'	and name_en='Jersey' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Jordanie'	where name_zh='约旦哈希姆王国'	and name_en='Jordan' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Kazakhstan'	where name_zh='哈萨克斯坦'	and name_en='Kazakhstan' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Kiribati'	where name_zh='基里巴斯'	and name_en='Kiribati' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Kosovo'	where name_zh='科索沃'	and name_en='Kosovo' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Koweït'	where name_zh='科威特'	and name_en='Kuwait' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Kirghizistan'	where name_zh='吉尔吉斯斯坦'	and name_en='Kyrgyzstan' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Laos'	where name_zh='老挝'	and name_en='Laos' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Lettonie'	where name_zh='拉脱维亚'	and name_en='Latvia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Liban'	where name_zh='黎巴嫩'	and name_en='Lebanon' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Lesotho'	where name_zh='莱索托'	and name_en='Lesotho' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Libéria'	where name_zh='利比里亚'	and name_en='Liberia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Liechtenstein'	where name_zh='列支敦士登'	and name_en='Liechtenstein' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Lituanie'	where name_zh='立陶宛'	and name_en='Lithuania' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Luxembourg'	where name_zh='卢森堡'	and name_en='Luxembourg' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Macau'	where name_zh='澳门'	and name_en='Macau' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Macédoine'	where name_zh='马其顿'	and name_en='Macedonia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Madagascar'	where name_zh='马达加斯加'	and name_en='Madagascar' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Malawi'	where name_zh='马拉维'	and name_en='Malawi' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Maldives'	where name_zh='马尔代夫'	and name_en='Maldives' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Malte'	where name_zh='马耳他'	and name_en='Malta' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Îles Marshall'	where name_zh='马绍尔群岛'	and name_en='Marshall Islands' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Martinique'	where name_zh='马提尼克'	and name_en='Martinique' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Mauritanie'	where name_zh='毛里塔尼亚'	and name_en='Mauritania' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Île Maurice'	where name_zh='毛里求斯'	and name_en='Mauritius' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Mayotte'	where name_zh='马约特'	and name_en='Mayotte' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Mexique'	where name_zh='墨西哥'	and name_en='Mexico' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Micronésie'	where name_zh='密克罗尼西亚'	and name_en='Micronesia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Moldavie'	where name_zh='摩尔多瓦'	and name_en='Moldova' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Monaco'	where name_zh='摩纳哥'	and name_en='Monaco' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Mongolie'	where name_zh='蒙古'	and name_en='Mongolia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Monténégro'	where name_zh='黑山'	and name_en='Montenegro' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Montserrat'	where name_zh='蒙特塞拉特'	and name_en='Montserrat' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Maroc'	where name_zh='摩洛哥'	and name_en='Morocco' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Myanmar'	where name_zh='缅甸'	and name_en='Myanmar' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Namibie'	where name_zh='纳米比亚'	and name_en='Namibia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Nauru'	where name_zh='瑙鲁'	and name_en='Nauru' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Pays-Bas'	where name_zh='荷兰'	and name_en='Netherlands' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Nouvelle-Calédonie'	where name_zh='新喀里多尼亚'	and name_en='New Caledonia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Nicaragua'	where name_zh='尼加拉瓜'	and name_en='Nicaragua' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Niger'	where name_zh='尼日尔'	and name_en='Niger' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Niue'	where name_zh='纽埃'	and name_en='Niue' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Île Norfolk'	where name_zh='诺福克岛'	and name_en='Norfolk Island' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Corée du Nord'	where name_zh='朝鲜'	and name_en='North Korea' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Îles Mariannes du Nord'	where name_zh='北马里亚纳群岛'	and name_en='Northern Mariana Islands' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Oman'	where name_zh='阿曼'	and name_en='Oman' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Palaos'	where name_zh='帕劳'	and name_en='Palau' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Palestine'	where name_zh='巴勒斯坦'	and name_en='Palestine' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Panama'	where name_zh='巴拿马'	and name_en='Panama' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée'	where name_zh='巴布亚新几内亚'	and name_en='Papua New Guinea' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Paraguay'	where name_zh='巴拉圭'	and name_en='Paraguay' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Pérou'	where name_zh='秘鲁'	and name_en='Peru' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Pologne'	where name_zh='波兰'	and name_en='Poland' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Portugal'	where name_zh='葡萄牙'	and name_en='Portugal' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Réunion'	where name_zh='留尼旺'	and name_en='Réunion' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Roumanie'	where name_zh='罗马尼亚'	and name_en='Romania' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Russie'	where name_zh='俄罗斯'	and name_en='Russia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Saint-Barthélemy'	where name_zh='圣巴塞勒米'	and name_en='Saint Barthélemy' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Sainte-Hélène'	where name_zh='圣赫勒拿'	and name_en='Saint Helena' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis'	where name_zh='圣基茨和尼维斯'	and name_en='Saint Kitts and Nevis' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Sainte-Lucie'	where name_zh='圣卢西亚'	and name_en='Saint Lucia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Saint-Martin'	where name_zh='圣马丁岛'	and name_en='Saint Martin' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon'	where name_zh='圣皮埃尔和密克隆'	and name_en='Saint Pierre and Miquelon' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines'	where name_zh='圣文森特和格林纳丁斯'	and name_en='Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Samoa'	where name_zh='萨摩亚'	and name_en='Samoa' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Saint-Marin'	where name_zh='圣马力诺'	and name_en='San Marino' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='São Tomé-et-Príncipe'	where name_zh='圣多美和普林西比'	and name_en='São Tomé and Príncipe' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Serbie'	where name_zh='塞尔维亚'	and name_en='Serbia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Seychelles'	where name_zh='塞舌尔'	and name_en='Seychelles' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Sierra Leone'	where name_zh='塞拉利昂'	and name_en='Sierra Leone' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Sint Maarten'	where name_zh='荷属圣马丁'	and name_en='Sint Maarten' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Slovaquie'	where name_zh='斯洛伐克'	and name_en='Slovakia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Slovénie'	where name_zh='斯洛文尼亚'	and name_en='Slovenia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Îles Salomon'	where name_zh='所罗门群岛'	and name_en='Solomon Islands' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Somalie'	where name_zh='索马里'	and name_en='Somalia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Soudan du Sud'	where name_zh='南苏丹'	and name_en='South Sudan' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Espagne'	where name_zh='西班牙'	and name_en='Spain' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Sri Lanka'	where name_zh='斯里兰卡'	and name_en='Sri Lanka' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Soudan'	where name_zh='苏丹'	and name_en='Sudan' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Suriname'	where name_zh='苏里南'	and name_en='Suriname' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Svalbard et Jan Mayen'	where name_zh='斯瓦尔巴和扬马延'	and name_en='Svalbard and Jan Mayen' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Eswatini'	where name_zh='斯威士兰'	and name_en='Swaziland' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Suisse'	where name_zh='瑞士'	and name_en='Switzerland' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Syrie'	where name_zh='叙利亚'	and name_en='Syria' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Taïwan'	where name_zh='台湾'	and name_en='Taiwan' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Tadjikistan'	where name_zh='塔吉克斯坦'	and name_en='Tajikistan' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Thaïlande'	where name_zh='泰国'	and name_en='Thailand' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Timor-Oriental'	where name_zh='东帝汶'	and name_en='Timor-Leste' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Tokelau'	where name_zh='托克劳'	and name_en='Tokelau' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Tonga'	where name_zh='汤加'	and name_en='Tonga' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Trinité-et-Tobago'	where name_zh='特立尼达和多巴哥'	and name_en='Trinidad and Tobago' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Turkménistan'	where name_zh='土库曼斯坦'	and name_en='Turkmenistan' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Îles Turques-et-Caïques'	where name_zh='特克斯和凯科斯群岛'	and name_en='Turks and Caicos Islands' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Tuvalu'	where name_zh='图瓦卢'	and name_en='Tuvalu' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Îles Vierges des États-Unis'	where name_zh='美属维尔京群岛'	and name_en='U.S. Virgin Islands' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Ukraine'	where name_zh='乌克兰'	and name_en='Ukraine' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Uruguay'	where name_zh='乌拉圭'	and name_en='Uruguay' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Ouzbékistan'	where name_zh='乌兹别克斯坦'	and name_en='Uzbekistan' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Vanuatu'	where name_zh='瓦努阿图'	and name_en='Vanuatu' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Vatican'	where name_zh='梵蒂冈城'	and name_en='Vatican City' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Venezuela'	where name_zh='委内瑞拉'	and name_en='Venezuela' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Viêt Nam'	where name_zh='越南'	and name_en='Vietnam' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Wallis-et-Futuna'	where name_zh='瓦利斯和富图纳'	and name_en='Wallis and Futuna' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Sahara occidental'	where name_zh='西撒哈拉'	and name_en='Western Sahara' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Yémen'	where name_zh='也门'	and name_en='Yemen' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Zambie'	where name_zh='赞比亚'	and name_en='Zambia' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Îles Åland'	where name_zh='奥兰群岛'	and name_en='Åland Islands' and deleted !=1;
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_country SET name_fr='Canada'	where name_zh='加拿大'	and name_en='Canada' and deleted !=1;

-- 修改币别表
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_currency
SET title_fr = title_en
where deleted !=1;

-- 仓库表
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Foshan'	where title_zh='佛山仓'	and title_en='Foshan';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Alaba'	where title_zh='Alaba'	and title_en='Alaba';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Yiwu'	where title_zh='义乌仓'	and title_en='Yiwu';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Tradefair'	where title_zh='Tradefair'	and title_en='Tradefair';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Island'	where title_zh='Island'	and title_en='Island';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Oshodi'	where title_zh='Oshodi'	and title_en='Oshodi';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Accra'	where title_zh='Accra'	and title_en='Accra';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Onitsha'	where title_zh='Onitsha'	and title_en='Onitsha';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Maputo'	where title_zh='Maputo'	and title_en='Maputo';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Nairobi'	where title_zh='Nairobi'	and title_en='Nairobi';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Dubaï'	where title_zh='Dubai'	and title_en='Dubai';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Beira'	where title_zh='Beira'	and title_en='Beira';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Chimoio'	where title_zh='Chimoio'	and title_en='Chimoio';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Quelimane'	where title_zh='Quelimane'	and title_en='Quelimane';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Abidjan'	where title_zh='Abidjan'	and title_en='Abidjan';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Nampula'	where title_zh='Nampula'	and title_en='Nampula';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Kumasi'	where title_zh='Kumasi'	and title_en='Kumasi';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Kano'	where title_zh='Kano'	and title_en='Kano';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Dar es Salaam'	where title_zh='Dar es Salaam'	and title_en='Dar es Salaam';
update ecw_warehouse set title_fr='Odunade'	where title_zh='Odunade'	and title_en='Odunade';

-- 产品属性表
update ecw_product_attr set attr_name_fr='produit normal'	where attr_name='普货'	and attr_name_en='Common goods';
update ecw_product_attr set attr_name_fr='Électricité pure'	where attr_name='纯电'	and attr_name_en='Pure electricity';
update ecw_product_attr set attr_name_fr='produit non acceptés'	where attr_name='不接受货物'	and attr_name_en='Goods not accepted';
update ecw_product_attr set attr_name_fr='Cosmétiques'	where attr_name='化妆品'	and attr_name_en='cosmetics';
update ecw_product_attr set attr_name_fr='Poudre/liquide'	where attr_name='粉末液体'	and attr_name_en='powder/liquid';
update ecw_product_attr set attr_name_fr='Aliments'	where attr_name='食品'	and attr_name_en='food';
update ecw_product_attr set attr_name_fr='Électricité'	where attr_name='带电'	and attr_name_en='Electricity';
update ecw_product_attr set attr_name_fr='Grandes machines et dynamo'	where attr_name='机器类及发电机'	and attr_name_en='Large machines and dynamo';
update ecw_product_attr set attr_name_fr='Magnétisme'	where attr_name='带磁'	and attr_name_en='magnetism';
update ecw_product_attr set attr_name_fr='Produits chimiques quotidiens'	where attr_name='日化品'	and attr_name_en='Daily Chemical Products';
update ecw_product_attr set attr_name_fr='Marchandises Dangereuses'	where attr_name='危险品'	and attr_name_en='Dangerous Goods';

-- 产品表
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ensemble d''écouteurs'	where title_zh='耳机套装'	and title_en='earphone set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='étui en cuir pour portable'	where title_zh='手机皮套'	and title_en='phone leather cover';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coque de téléphone'	where title_zh='手机壳'	and title_en='phone case';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pack d''accessoires pour téléphone'	where title_zh='手机配件包装'	and title_en='phone accessories package';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Trancheuse alimentaire'	where title_zh='切片机'	and title_en='food slicer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lecteur DVD'	where title_zh='DVD机'	and title_en='DVD Player';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Télévision'	where title_zh='电视机'	and title_en='TV set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte en fer'	where title_zh='铁门'	and title_en='Iron Gate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fondations (maquillage)'	where title_zh='粉底'	and title_en='FOUNDATIONS';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Canapé'	where title_zh='沙发'	and title_en='SOFA';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ensemble de chargeur de téléphone'	where title_zh='充电器套装(头加线)'	and title_en='phone charger set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coque de téléphone'	where title_zh='手机套'	and title_en='PHONE CASE';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Additifs alimentaires (sucre sodium)'	where title_zh='食品添加剂(糖精钠)'	and title_en='Food additives (sugar sodium)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Huile comestible'	where title_zh='食用油'	and title_en='Edible oil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Thé'	where title_zh='茶叶'	and title_en='Tea ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Nourriture'	where title_zh='食品'	and title_en='food';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bonbons'	where title_zh='糖果'	and title_en='candy';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Conservateur alimentaire'	where title_zh='食品防腐剂'	and title_en='food preservative';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Thé au ginseng américain'	where title_zh='美国花旗参茶'	and title_en='American ginseng tea';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Film de protection pour écran'	where title_zh='手机钢化膜'	and title_en='Screen guard';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Autocollant'	where title_zh='自拍杆'	and title_en='Self-stick';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Kit MP3 pour voiture'	where title_zh='车载MP3套装'	and title_en='Car MP3 set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Kit batterie de téléphone'	where title_zh='手机电池套装'	and title_en='Phone Battery set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Kit carte mémoire'	where title_zh='内存卡套'	and title_en='Memory card set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chargeur de voiture'	where title_zh='车载充电器'	and title_en='Car charger';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Outils de réparation de téléphone'	where title_zh='手机维修工具'	and title_en='Phone repair tools';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coupeur de carte SIM'	where title_zh='剪卡器'	and title_en='Sim Card Cutter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Antenne de téléphone mobile'	where title_zh='手机天线'	and title_en='Mobile phone antenna';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lecteur DVD'	where title_zh='DVD 机'	and title_en='DVD Player';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Télécommande de télévision'	where title_zh='电视遥控器 '	and title_en='TV remote control';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Électronique'	where title_zh='电子'	and title_en='electron';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Talkie-walkie'	where title_zh='对讲机 '	and title_en='walkie-talkie';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Câble audio'	where title_zh='音频线'	and title_en='audio line';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='LNB (réception du signal haute fréquence)'	where title_zh='高频头'	and title_en='LNB (Receive high frequency signal)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe LED'	where title_zh='led灯'	and title_en='led light';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces d''ordinateur'	where title_zh='电脑配件'	and title_en='Computer parts';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Amplificateur'	where title_zh='音响功放机'	and title_en='Amplifier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Récepteur satellite'	where title_zh='卫星接收器'	and title_en='satellite receiver';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='RÉCEPTEUR SATELLITE NUMÉRIQUE'	where title_zh='机顶盒'	and title_en='DIGITAL SATELLITE RECEIVER';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Répartiteur TV'	where title_zh='电视的分配器'	and title_en='TV distributor ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Montre'	where title_zh='手表'	and title_en='Watch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Miroir avec LED'	where title_zh='LED镜子'	and title_en='mirror with LED';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Détecteur infrarouge'	where title_zh='红外线探测器'	and title_en='Infrared detector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Batterie de stockage'	where title_zh='普通蓄电池'	and title_en='Storage battery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boussole'	where title_zh='指南针'	and title_en='Compass';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Caméra'	where title_zh='相机'	and title_en='camera ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Caméra'	where title_zh='摄像头'	and title_en='camera';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Caméra vidéo'	where title_zh='摄像机'	and title_en='Video camera';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à montres'	where title_zh='手表盒'	and title_en='watch box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fours'	where title_zh='烤箱'	and title_en='Ovens';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventilateur'	where title_zh='风扇'	and title_en='fan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Climatisation'	where title_zh='空调'	and title_en='air conditioner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à laver'	where title_zh='洗衣机'	and title_en='Washing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Distributeur d''eau'	where title_zh='饮水机'	and title_en='Water dispenser';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Réfrigérateur'	where title_zh='冰箱'	and title_en='refrigerator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cuisinière à riz'	where title_zh='电饭煲'	and title_en='Rice cooker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces de Hotte d''extraction'	where title_zh='抽油烟机配件'	and title_en='Exhaust Hood';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support mural pour télévision'	where title_zh='靠墙电视支架'	and title_en='TV Wall Stand';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sonnette'	where title_zh='门铃'	and title_en='door bell';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cuisinières à gaz'	where title_zh='煤气灶'	and title_en='Gas stoves';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support d''antenne'	where title_zh='天线架'	and title_en='Antenna rack';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Étagères'	where title_zh='货架'	and title_en='Shelves';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Roulement'	where title_zh='轴承'	and title_en='bearing';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rampes'	where title_zh='不锈钢扶手'	and title_en='Handrails';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Barre de douche'	where title_zh='淋浴杆'	and title_en='shower rod';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Clous en fer'	where title_zh='铁钉'	and title_en='Iron nails';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil de fer barbelé'	where title_zh='铁丝网'	and title_en='Barbed Wire';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ressort en fer'	where title_zh='铁弹簧'	and title_en='Iron Spring ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vis'	where title_zh='螺丝'	and title_en='screw';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bande en aluminium'	where title_zh='铝带'	and title_en='Aluminum strip';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Appareil de mesure de pression'	where title_zh='测水压器'	and title_en='Measuring the pressure device';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Robinet'	where title_zh='水龙头'	and title_en='water tap';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaîne pour chien'	where title_zh='狗链'	and title_en='dog chain';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aimant'	where title_zh='磁铁'	and title_en='magnet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vanne'	where title_zh='阀门'	and title_en='valve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Filet élastique'	where title_zh='弹力网'	and title_en='Elastic net';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque métallique'	where title_zh='挂饰品的铁板'	and title_en='Metal Plate ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Barre de cuivre'	where title_zh='铜条'	and title_en='copper bar';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de rampe en acier inoxydable'	where title_zh='不锈钢扶手配件'	and title_en='stainless steel handrail accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poubelle'	where title_zh='垃圾桶(铁制)'	and title_en='Dustbin';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bassin en acier inoxydable'	where title_zh='不锈钢盆'	and title_en='Stainless Steel Basin';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chariot'	where title_zh='手推车'	and title_en='Cart';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brancard'	where title_zh='担架'	and title_en='Stretcher';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouteille en aluminium'	where title_zh='铝瓶'	and title_en='Aluminum bottle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Interrupteur électrique'	where title_zh='开关'	and title_en='Eletrical Switch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Prise'	where title_zh='插座'	and title_en='socket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Éclairage'	where title_zh='灯饰'	and title_en='Lighting';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Briquet'	where title_zh='打火机'	and title_en='lighter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventilateur d''extraction'	where title_zh='排气扇'	and title_en='Exhaust fan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Connecteur Amphenol'	where title_zh='接线端子 '	and title_en='amphenol connector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte électrique'	where title_zh='电箱'	and title_en='Electric Box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte de distribution'	where title_zh='配电箱'	and title_en='Distribution Box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Disjoncteur'	where title_zh='跳闸器'	and title_en='Tripper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Interrupteur principal'	where title_zh='总闸'	and title_en='main switch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stylos de lecture'	where title_zh='点读笔'	and title_en='reading pens ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe à eau'	where title_zh='水泵'	and title_en='water pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panneaux solaires'	where title_zh='太阳能板'	and title_en='solar panels';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ampoule'	where title_zh='电灯泡'	and title_en='Light Bulb';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Échelle'	where title_zh='梯子'	and title_en='ladder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stratifié compact'	where title_zh='抗倍特板'	and title_en='Compact Laminate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carte de câble'	where title_zh='电线卡'	and title_en='wire card';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires électriques'	where title_zh='电气配件'	and title_en='Electrical fittings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tube de chauffage'	where title_zh='加热管'	and title_en='Heating Tube';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe solaire'	where title_zh='太阳能台灯'	and title_en='Solar lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Perceuse'	where title_zh='钻头'	and title_en='drill';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à percer'	where title_zh='凿岩机'	and title_en='Drilling machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carte de circuit imprimé'	where title_zh='电路板'	and title_en='circuit board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ligne téléphonique'	where title_zh='电话线'	and title_en='telephone line';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Appareil de spa pour les pieds'	where title_zh='足疗仪'	and title_en='Foot spa machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lit d''hôpital'	where title_zh='医疗床'	and title_en='hospital bed';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque de puissance'	where title_zh='甩脂机'	and title_en='power plate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ciseaux'	where title_zh='剪刀'	and title_en='Scissors';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Horloge murale'	where title_zh='挂钟'	and title_en='wall clock';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à lunettes'	where title_zh='眼镜盒'	and title_en='Glasses box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Kit de test rapide'	where title_zh='快速检测试剂盒'	and title_en='rapid test kit';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement médical'	where title_zh='医疗设备'	and title_en='medical equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fauteuil dentaire'	where title_zh='牙科椅'	and title_en='dental chair';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lunettes'	where title_zh='眼镜'	and title_en='glasses';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aspirateur de voiture'	where title_zh='汽车吸尘器'	and title_en='Car Vacuum Cleaner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Véhicule électrique'	where title_zh='电动车'	and title_en='electromobile';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vélo'	where title_zh='自行车'	and title_en='Bicycle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Autocollant de voiture'	where title_zh='汽车贴纸'	and title_en='Car sticker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='TROTTINETTE AUTOBALANCANTE'	where title_zh='平衡车'	and title_en='SELF BALANCE SCOOTER';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chariot à pousser'	where title_zh='手推购物车'	and title_en='Push cart';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces de moteur'	where title_zh='摩托车配件'	and title_en='Motor parts';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Alarme de moto'	where title_zh='摩托车防盗器'	and title_en='Motorcycle alarm';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gonfleur de voiture'	where title_zh='汽车冲气机'	and title_en='Car inflator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='PIÈCES DE VOITURE'	where title_zh='汽车配件'	and title_en='CAR PARTS';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='chaîne de moto'	where title_zh='摩托车链条'	and title_en='Motor parts';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coussin de moto'	where title_zh='摩托车坐垫'	and title_en='Motorcycle cushion';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moto'	where title_zh='摩托车'	and title_en='motor-bike';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Housse de siège de voiture (tissu)'	where title_zh='汽车座椅套'	and title_en='Car seat cover (cloth)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tricycle à moteur'	where title_zh='三轮摩托车 预付'	and title_en=' Motor tricycle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pneu de voiture'	where title_zh='汽车轮胎'	and title_en='car tyre';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料管'	and title_en='Plastic pipe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料门'	and title_en='Plastic door';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Évier industriel en inox'	where title_zh='不锈钢工业水槽'	and title_en='stainless steel industrial sink';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Toit'	where title_zh='屋顶'	and title_en='Roof';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de porte'	where title_zh='门配件'	and title_en='Door accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carreaux de sol'	where title_zh='地板砖'	and title_en='floor tiles';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support de scène'	where title_zh='舞台架'	and title_en='Stage stand';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Serrure de porte'	where title_zh='门锁'	and title_en='Door lock';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cadre de porte'	where title_zh='门框'	and title_en='Door frame';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fumée de scène'	where title_zh='舞台烟雾水'	and title_en='Stage Smoke';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Colle pour sol PVC'	where title_zh='PVC 地板胶'	and title_en='PVC Floor glue';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Colle AB'	where title_zh='AB胶'	and title_en='AB GLUE';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte arquée'	where title_zh='拱门'	and title_en='Arch Door';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Décor de scène'	where title_zh='舞台背景布'	and title_en='Stage set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Planche à clip'	where title_zh='夹木板'	and title_en='Clip board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte en acrylique'	where title_zh='亚克力箱子'	and title_en='Acrylic box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau tressé'	where title_zh='编织油管'	and title_en='Braided tubing';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fermoir de foulard'	where title_zh='丝巾扣'	and title_en='Scarf clasp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Film de studio'	where title_zh='影楼膜'	and title_en='studio film';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rubans adhésifs'	where title_zh='封箱胶'	and title_en='Sealing tapes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Colle pour tuyau PVC'	where title_zh='PVC水管夹'	and title_en='PVC pipe clamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac non tissé'	where title_zh='无纺布袋'	and title_en=' Non-woven bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à mou tissues en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料纸巾盒'	and title_en='Plastic Tissue Box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Élastique'	where title_zh='橡皮筋'	and title_en='Rubber band';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à bijoux en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料饰品盒'	and title_en='Plastic Jewelry Box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Étiquette de bijou en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料饰品标签'	and title_en='Plastic  Jewelry label ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vaisselle en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料餐具'	and title_en='Plastic tableware';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque de coupe en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料切割版'	and title_en='Plastic Cutting Plate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Masterbatch plastique'	where title_zh='塑料色母粒'	and title_en='Plastic Masterbatch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gobelet plastique jetable'	where title_zh='一次性塑料杯'	and title_en='Disposable Plastic Cup';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cadre photo en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料相框'	and title_en='Plastic photo frame';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Piscine gonflable'	where title_zh='充气泳池'	and title_en='Inflatable pool';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventilateur en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料扇子'	and title_en='plastic fan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rideau de bain en plastique'	where title_zh='浴帘'	and title_en='plastic bath curtain';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac de shopping'	where title_zh='购物包装袋'	and title_en='shopping bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Filet de pêche'	where title_zh='渔网'	and title_en='Fishing Net';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventilateur'	where title_zh='扇子'	and title_en='fan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac en plastique polyéthylène'	where title_zh='聚乙烯塑料袋'	and title_en='polyethylene plastice bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Colonne en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料柱'	and title_en='Plastic column';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gobelet en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料杯'	and title_en='plastic cup';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouteilles en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料瓶'	and title_en='Plastic bottles';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouteille en aluminium pour huile essentielle'	where title_zh='精油铝瓶'	and title_en='Essential oil aluminum bottle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac express'	where title_zh='快递袋子'	and title_en='Express bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sacs en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料袋'	and title_en='Plastic bags';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Emballage DVD/nylon'	where title_zh='DVD包装袋'	and title_en='DVD package/nylon';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tête ionique'	where title_zh='离子头'	and title_en='Ion head  ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ceinture'	where title_zh='腰带'	and title_en='belt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='SAC À MAIN FEMME'	where title_zh='女士钱包'	and title_en='LADIES PURSE ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac à main pour femme'	where title_zh='女士手提包'	and title_en='Ladies Hand Bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac à dos avec trolley'	where title_zh='拉杆箱'	and title_en='backpack luggage trolley';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gants en cuir'	where title_zh='皮手套'	and title_en='lether gloves';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cuir pour coussin'	where title_zh='垫子'	and title_en='Leather for Cushion';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Matériel en cuir'	where title_zh='皮革'	and title_en='leather materail';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Natte en paille'	where title_zh='草编垫子'	and title_en='Straw mat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Assiettes'	where title_zh='竹节盘'	and title_en='plates';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cadre photo'	where title_zh='相框'	and title_en='photo frame';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lime à pieds en bois'	where title_zh='木脚搓'	and title_en='Wooden Eooden foot file';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Peigne en bois'	where title_zh='木梳子'	and title_en='Wooden comb';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panier en rotin'	where title_zh='藤条吊篮'	and title_en='Rattan basket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Éventails (en bois)'	where title_zh='扇子(木制)'	and title_en='fans (wooden)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte en bois'	where title_zh='木盒'	and title_en='wooden box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rangement domestique'	where title_zh='木质储物柜'	and title_en='household storage';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Colle'	where title_zh='衣领'	and title_en='Collor ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouton'	where title_zh='纽扣'	and title_en='button';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil à coudre'	where title_zh='缝纫线'	and title_en='Sewing Thread';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bavoir'	where title_zh='小孩围兜/口水肩'	and title_en='Bib';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tissu à broder'	where title_zh='绣布'	and title_en='embroidery cloth';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lingette humide'	where title_zh='湿巾'	and title_en='Wet tissue';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gobelet éponge'	where title_zh='海绵罩杯'	and title_en='Sponge cup';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussette'	where title_zh='袜子'	and title_en='sock';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ceinture suspendue (le matériau est le terylene)'	where title_zh='涤纶挂带'	and title_en='hanging belt (material is terylene)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac d''école'	where title_zh='书包'	and title_en='School Bag ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Housse de chaise'	where title_zh='椅套'	and title_en='chair cover';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couverture'	where title_zh='毛毯'	and title_en='Blanket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Duvet'	where title_zh='棉被'	and title_en='DUVET';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poils de chèvre'	where title_zh='山羊毛'	and title_en='Goat hair';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bache'	where title_zh='遮雨布'	and title_en='tarpaulin';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Feuille plastique'	where title_zh='塑料布'	and title_en='plastic sheet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tente'	where title_zh='帐篷'	and title_en='tent';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Étiquette'	where title_zh='标签'	and title_en='Label';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Serviette'	where title_zh='毛巾'	and title_en='Towel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac d''ordinateur (compressé)'	where title_zh='电脑包(压缩包)'	and title_en='Computer bag(compressed';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac d''ordinateur'	where title_zh='电脑包'	and title_en='Computer bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vêtements'	where title_zh='衣服'	and title_en='Clothes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tissu'	where title_zh='布料'	and title_en='fabric ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dentelle'	where title_zh='蕾丝'	and title_en='lace';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Outils de barbier'	where title_zh='理发工具'	and title_en='Barber tools';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ciseaux à ongles'	where title_zh='指甲剪'	and title_en='nail scissors';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coupe-ongles'	where title_zh='指甲钳'	and title_en='nail clipper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lime à ongles'	where title_zh='指甲锉 '	and title_en='nail file';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Outils de maquillage'	where title_zh='化妆工具'	and title_en='Makeup Tools';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fard à paupières'	where title_zh='眼影'	and title_en='Eye shadow';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bandeau'	where title_zh='发夹'	and title_en='hair band';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à maquillage'	where title_zh='化妆箱'	and title_en='Cosmetics box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mannequin'	where title_zh='模特'	and title_en='Manikin';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Produits cosmétiques'	where title_zh='化妆品'	and title_en='Cosmetics';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Peigne'	where title_zh='梳子'	and title_en='comb';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Perles de verre'	where title_zh='玻璃珠子'	and title_en='glass beads';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-lampe en céramique'	where title_zh='陶瓷灯头'	and title_en='ceramic lampholder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vase'	where title_zh='空的花瓶'	and title_en='vase';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plat en verre'	where title_zh='玻璃碟子'	and title_en='glass dish';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carrelage en céramique'	where title_zh='瓷砖'	and title_en='Ceramic tile';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fenêtres'	where title_zh='窗'	and title_en='Windows';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil de laine'	where title_zh='毛线'	and title_en='Wool yarn';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balance électronique'	where title_zh='电子称'	and title_en='Electronic scale';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier peint'	where title_zh='墙纸'	and title_en='wall  paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Verre'	where title_zh='玻璃'	and title_en='glass';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mug en céramique'	where title_zh='陶瓷杯 '	and title_en='ceramic Mug';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Assiettes en céramique'	where title_zh='陶瓷碟子'	and title_en='Celamics plates';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouteille en verre'	where title_zh='玻璃瓶'	and title_en='glass bottle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poubelle'	where title_zh='垃圾桶'	and title_en='dustbin';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe de table'	where title_zh='台灯'	and title_en='table lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à déjeuner électronique'	where title_zh='电子饭盒'	and title_en='Electronic lunch box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lanceur de fête'	where title_zh='派对礼炮'	and title_en='party popper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Œuvre d''art en aluminium'	where title_zh='铝工艺品'	and title_en='Aluminum artwork';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Batterie de stockage solaire'	where title_zh='太阳能蓄电池'	and title_en='Solar storage battery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gobelet thermique'	where title_zh='保温杯'	and title_en='Vacuum cup';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Étagères de rangement murales'	where title_zh='挂墙木制工艺品'	and title_en='Wall storage shelves';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coffre-fort'	where title_zh='保险柜'	and title_en='safety box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Peinture à l''huile'	where title_zh='油墨画'	and title_en='oil paint';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Arbre artificiel'	where title_zh='假树'	and title_en='Artificial tree';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panier de courses de supermarché'	where title_zh='超市购物篮'	and title_en='Supermarket shopping basket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fleur artificielle'	where title_zh='假花'	and title_en='Artificial flower';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cure-dent'	where title_zh='牙签'	and title_en='toothpick';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pantoufle'	where title_zh='拖鞋'	and title_en='slipper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Parasol en papier'	where title_zh='纸伞'	and title_en='Paper umbrella';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Parapluie'	where title_zh='雨伞'	and title_en='Umbrella';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chapeau'	where title_zh='帽子'	and title_en='hat ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussures'	where title_zh='鞋子'	and title_en='Shoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Contrôleur de courant'	where title_zh='电流控制器'	and title_en='Current controller';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Onduleur'	where title_zh='逆变器'	and title_en='inverter ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Économiseur d''énergie'	where title_zh='节电器'	and title_en='power saver';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Imprimante'	where title_zh='打印机 '	and title_en='Printer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de salle de réunion'	where title_zh='会议厅设备'	and title_en='Meeting room equiment ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Graveur CD'	where title_zh='刻录机'	and title_en='CD writer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Modem'	where title_zh='调制解调器'	and title_en='Modem';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de presse à peinture'	where title_zh='绘画媒体机'	and title_en='Painting Press Machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Distributeur automatique de dentifrice'	where title_zh='自动牙膏机'	and title_en='Automatic toothpaste machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de pelage'	where title_zh='去皮机'	and title_en='peeling machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de soins capillaires'	where title_zh='头发护理机'	and title_en='Hair Care Machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gonfleur'	where title_zh='充气机'	and title_en='inflator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Générateur'	where title_zh='发电机'	and title_en='Generator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tableau de commande'	where title_zh='交换机'	and title_en='Switchboard';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à tricoter plate'	where title_zh='针织横机'	and title_en='Flat knitting machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Condensateur'	where title_zh='电容器'	and title_en='Capacitor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cuisinière à induction'	where title_zh='电磁炉'	and title_en='induction cooker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Incubateur'	where title_zh='孵化器'	and title_en='incubator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stabilisateur'	where title_zh='稳定器'	and title_en='Stabilizer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Amplificateur de signal'	where title_zh='信号放大器'	and title_en='Signal amplifier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Contrôleur solaire'	where title_zh='太阳能控制器'	and title_en='Solar controller';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Trouveur d''étoiles'	where title_zh='寻星仪'	and title_en='star finder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Déchiqueteuse (aliments)'	where title_zh='粉碎机(食物)'	and title_en='Shredder (Food)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coupe-légumes'	where title_zh='切菜机'	and title_en='Vegetable Cutter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cabinet d''isolation alimentaire'	where title_zh='食品保温柜'	and title_en='Food insulation cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à glaçons'	where title_zh='制冰机'	and title_en='Ice maker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à crème glacée'	where title_zh='冰淇淋机'	and title_en='Ice Cream Maker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bijoux'	where title_zh='饰品'	and title_en='Jewelry';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chapeau en papier'	where title_zh='纸帽子'	and title_en='Paper hat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rouleau de papier thermique'	where title_zh='热敏纸'	and title_en='thermal paper roll';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Reçu'	where title_zh='超市小票'	and title_en='receipt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Autocollant'	where title_zh='贴纸'	and title_en='Sticker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Jeu de cartes'	where title_zh='扑克牌'	and title_en='Playing card';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carton vide'	where title_zh='纸皮纸箱'	and title_en='empty Carton';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier publicitaire'	where title_zh='广告纸'	and title_en='advertising paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Emballage en carte papier'	where title_zh='纸卡包装'	and title_en='Paper card packaging';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Emballage en carton'	where title_zh='纸盒包装'	and title_en='carton package';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vitrine pour gâteaux'	where title_zh='蛋糕展示柜'	and title_en='Cake display cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vitrine en verre'	where title_zh='玻璃展示柜'	and title_en='Glass display cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cabinet à vin en acrylique'	where title_zh='亚克力酒柜'	and title_en='Acrylic wine cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Table en verre & accessoires'	where title_zh='玻璃台+配件'	and title_en='Glass table & accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Table basse'	where title_zh='茶几'	and title_en='tea table';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Armoire'	where title_zh='衣柜'	and title_en='Wardrobe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Meuble de cuisine'	where title_zh='橱柜'	and title_en='Kitchen cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lit'	where title_zh='床'	and title_en='bed';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Jouets de jardin pour enfants'	where title_zh='小孩玩具'	and title_en='Garden toys for kids';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fournitures pour animaux'	where title_zh='宠物用品'	and title_en='Pet suppliers';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poussette'	where title_zh='婴儿车'	and title_en='baby car';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cage pour animaux'	where title_zh='宠物笼'	and title_en='pet cage';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Craie'	where title_zh='粉笔'	and title_en='Chalk';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Test de grossesse (papier)'	where title_zh='测孕纸'	and title_en='Pregnancy test paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Masque facial'	where title_zh='口罩'	and title_en='Face Mask';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couches pour bébé'	where title_zh='纸尿裤'	and title_en='baby diaper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='EXTINCTEUR À POUDRE SÈCHE'	where title_zh='干粉灭火器'	and title_en='DRY POWDER FIRE EXTINGUISHER';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-clés'	where title_zh='钥匙扣'	and title_en='keyring';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaise pliante'	where title_zh='折叠椅'	and title_en='Folding Chair';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tueur de moustiques'	where title_zh='灭蚊器'	and title_en='Mosquito killer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte de déshumidification'	where title_zh='除湿盒'	and title_en='Dehumidification box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aerosols de poivre'	where title_zh='胡椒粉喷雾器'	and title_en='peper sprays';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tapis en PVC pour bar'	where title_zh='pvc杯垫'	and title_en='pvc bar mat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Préventeur de soufflage pour microphone'	where title_zh='麦克风防喷网'	and title_en='Microphone blowout preventer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dentifrice'	where title_zh='牙膏'	and title_en='Toothpaste';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brosse à dents'	where title_zh='牙刷'	and title_en='toothbrush';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cure-dent'	where title_zh='牙线'	and title_en='toothpick';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Marqueur'	where title_zh='大头笔'	and title_en='marker pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Souris'	where title_zh='鼠标'	and title_en='mouse';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Détecteur de billets'	where title_zh='验钞机'	and title_en='currency detector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papeterie'	where title_zh='文具'	and title_en='Stationery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gomme'	where title_zh='橡皮擦'	and title_en='Eraser';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carte de pointage'	where title_zh='考勤卡'	and title_en='time card';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ordinateur portable'	where title_zh='笔记本电脑'	and title_en='laptop';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Conteneur pour stylos'	where title_zh='笔筒'	and title_en='pen container';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Relieur de livres'	where title_zh='订书机 '	and title_en='book sewer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dossier'	where title_zh='夹子(夹文件)'	and title_en='Folder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Housse en papier'	where title_zh='纸封面'	and title_en='paper cover';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ruban adhésif double face'	where title_zh='双面胶'	and title_en='double-sided tape';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dossier'	where title_zh='文件夹'	and title_en=' folder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Scanner'	where title_zh='扫描仪'	and title_en='scanner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carnet'	where title_zh='笔记本'	and title_en='notebook';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Agenda'	where title_zh='日记本'	and title_en='diary';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Livres'	where title_zh='书籍'	and title_en='books';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier A4'	where title_zh='打印纸'	and title_en='A4 paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stylo'	where title_zh='笔'	and title_en='Pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crayon'	where title_zh='铅笔'	and title_en='Pencil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Armoire à dossiers'	where title_zh='文件柜'	and title_en='file cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tableau d''écriture en fer'	where title_zh='写字板(铁)'	and title_en='Iron writing board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tableau d''écriture en plastique'	where title_zh='写字板(塑料)'	and title_en='Plastic writing board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Battledore (raquette)'	where title_zh='羽毛球拍'	and title_en='battledore';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ballon de football'	where title_zh='足球'	and title_en='football';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Trophée'	where title_zh='奖杯'	and title_en='trophy';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Corde à sauter'	where title_zh='跳绳'	and title_en='skipping rope';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Table'	where title_zh='乒乓球'	and title_en='table';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Basketball'	where title_zh='篮球'	and title_en='basketball';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Raquettes de tennis de table'	where title_zh='乒乓球拍'	and title_en='bats of  table tennis';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brassard'	where title_zh='袖标'	and title_en='armband';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Volley-ball'	where title_zh='排球'	and title_en='volleyball';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Véhicule électrique'	where title_zh='电瓶车'	and title_en='electromobile';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Masque de protection'	where title_zh='劳保口罩'	and title_en='Labor protection mask';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Genouillère'	where title_zh='护膝'	and title_en='Kneepad';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vêtements de protection'	where title_zh='护具'	and title_en='protective clothing';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cadre de feu'	where title_zh='火架'	and title_en='Fire frame';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Paratonnerre'	where title_zh='避雷针'	and title_en='lightning rod';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stylo de mesure électrique'	where title_zh='测电笔'	and title_en='Electric measuring pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Commutateur à flotteur'	where title_zh='浮球开关'	and title_en='Float Switch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-cigarettes en acrylique'	where title_zh='亚克力烟架'	and title_en='Acrylic cigarette rack';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Matelas'	where title_zh='床垫'	and title_en='mattress';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bateaux pneumatiques'	where title_zh='橡皮艇'	and title_en='rubber boats';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='But de football'	where title_zh='足球门'	and title_en='football goal';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fécule de maïs'	where title_zh='玉米淀粉(变性淀粉)'	and title_en='corn starch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couvercle de regard'	where title_zh='沙井盖'	and title_en='manhole cover';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Toner d''imprimante'	where title_zh='打印机碳粉'	and title_en='printer toner ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fauteuil de massage'	where title_zh='按摩椅'	and title_en='Massage armchair';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tapis de course'	where title_zh='跑步机'	and title_en='treadmill';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Échecs chinois'	where title_zh='象棋'	and title_en='chinese chess';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Kits de dessin artistique'	where title_zh='美术用品'	and title_en='artistic drawing sets';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Guitare'	where title_zh='吉他'	and title_en='Guitar';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Saxophone'	where title_zh='萨克风 '	and title_en='Saxphone';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Instrument de musique'	where title_zh='乐器'	and title_en='musical instrument';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Peau de tambour (pour musique)'	where title_zh='鼓皮'	and title_en='drum skin (for musical)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Violon'	where title_zh='小提琴'	and title_en='Violin';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='FILMS DVD'	where title_zh='歌碟'	and title_en='DVD MOVIES';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='FILMS AMÉRICAINS CD'	where title_zh='电影光盘'	and title_en='CD AMERICAN MOVIES';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Encre'	where title_zh='油墨'	and title_en='Ink';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Encre'	where title_zh='墨水'	and title_en='Ink';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre d''encre'	where title_zh='墨粉'	and title_en='Ink powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre de lavage'	where title_zh='洗衣粉'	and title_en=' Washing powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lessive douce'	where title_zh='洗面奶'	and title_en='mildy wash';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Déodorant anti-transpirant'	where title_zh='身体止汗露'	and title_en='Antipersprant Deodorant';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Shampooing'	where title_zh='洗发水'	and title_en='shampoo';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Savon pour les mains'	where title_zh='洗手液'	and title_en='hand washing';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lotion pour le corps'	where title_zh='身体乳'	and title_en='body lotion';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Désodorisant'	where title_zh='空气清新剂(固体)'	and title_en='air fresher';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Répulsif contre les moustiques'	where title_zh='蚊怕水'	and title_en='Mosquito repellent';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Elastine pour les cheveux'	where title_zh='头发弹力素'	and title_en='Elastin for hair';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Huile d''olive pour les cheveux'	where title_zh='护发橄榄油'	and title_en='olive oil for hair';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crème pour les mains'	where title_zh='护手霜'	and title_en='Hand cream';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gel douche'	where title_zh='沐浴露'	and title_en='Shower gel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Savon'	where title_zh='香皂'	and title_en='Soap';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre'	where title_zh='粉末'	and title_en='powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Nettoyant pour DVD'	where title_zh='DVD 清洁剂'	and title_en='DVD CLEANER';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Épices'	where title_zh='香料'	and title_en='spices';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac à alcool'	where title_zh='酒精袋'	and title_en='Alcohol Bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Colle pour verre'	where title_zh='玻璃胶'	and title_en='Glass glue';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Colle'	where title_zh='胶水'	and title_en='glue';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Essence'	where title_zh='香精'	and title_en='essence';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tueur de cafards'	where title_zh='灭蟑螂药'	and title_en='cockroach killer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Époxy'	where title_zh='环氧树脂'	and title_en='Epoxy';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Colle à base d''amidon'	where title_zh='淀粉粘合剂'	and title_en='Starch adhesive';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cire de soja'	where title_zh='大豆蜡'	and title_en='Soy Wax';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cire verte'	where title_zh='绿蜡'	and title_en='Green wax';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bonnet de perruque'	where title_zh='头帽'	and title_en='wig cap';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Laque capillaire liquide'	where title_zh='发胶'	and title_en='liquid Hair spray ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bonnet de douche'	where title_zh='浴帽'	and title_en='Shower hats';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Perruque'	where title_zh='假发'	and title_en='Wig';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Parfum'	where title_zh='香水'	and title_en='Perfume';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Masque facial'	where title_zh='膏状面膜'	and title_en='Facial mask';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine d''aromathérapie'	where title_zh='香薰机'	and title_en='Aromatherapy machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='CD vierge'	where title_zh='空白CD'	and title_en='empty CD';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte en bois d''ingénierie'	where title_zh='复合实木门'	and title_en='engineer wood door';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte en bois massif'	where title_zh='实木门'	and title_en='solid wood door';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte écologique'	where title_zh='生态门'	and title_en='Ecological door';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte en bois plastique'	where title_zh='木塑门'	and title_en='Wood plastic door';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte en MDF'	where title_zh='MDF门'	and title_en='MDF door';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte en acier inoxydable'	where title_zh='不锈钢门'	and title_en='stainless steel door';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte en aluminium'	where title_zh='铝合金门'	and title_en='aluminum door';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte de sécurité'	where title_zh='防盗门'	and title_en='Security door';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte blindée'	where title_zh='装甲门'	and title_en='Armored door';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte à rainure profonde'	where title_zh='深槽油漆门'	and title_en='Deep Groove Door';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte en UPVC'	where title_zh='UPVC门'	and title_en='UPVC door';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Portes coupe-feu'	where title_zh='防火门'	and title_en=' fire doors';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cuvette de toilette'	where title_zh='马桶'	and title_en='Toilet bowl';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cabine de douche'	where title_zh='淋浴房'	and title_en='shower room';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Baignoire'	where title_zh='浴缸'	and title_en='bathtub';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plateau'	where title_zh='澡盆'	and title_en='tray';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Marbre'	where title_zh='大理石'	and title_en='Marble';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Granit'	where title_zh='花岗岩'	and title_en='granite';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Robinet'	where title_zh='龙头'	and title_en='tap';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Drainage'	where title_zh='去水器'	and title_en='drainage';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pommeau de douche'	where title_zh='花洒'	and title_en='shower head';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rampe'	where title_zh='扶手'	and title_en='handrail';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fenêtre en UPVC'	where title_zh='UPVC 窗'	and title_en='UPVC window';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte en aluminium'	where title_zh='铝合金窗'	and title_en='Aluminm door';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Armoire de salle de bain'	where title_zh='浴室柜'	and title_en='bathroom cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Portefeuille'	where title_zh='钱包'	and title_en='Wallet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ciseaux électriques pour coupe de cheveux'	where title_zh='电动理发剪'	and title_en='electric haircutting scissors';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mixeur (domestique)'	where title_zh='搅拌机(家用)'	and title_en='Blender (household)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lame'	where title_zh='刀片'	and title_en='blade';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Raccords pour tuyaux PPR'	where title_zh='RRP管件'	and title_en='PPR pipe fittings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Batterie de voiture'	where title_zh='汽车电池'	and title_en='Car battery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plastiques expansés'	where title_zh='泡沫塑料'	and title_en='Foamed Plastics';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pneu OTR (tout terrain)'	where title_zh='工程机械轮胎'	and title_en='OTR tire';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau en caoutchouc'	where title_zh='橡胶管'	and title_en='Rubber tube';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Feuille PVC'	where title_zh='塑料片'	and title_en='PVC sheet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau PVC'	where title_zh='PVC管'	and title_en='PVC pipe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau PA'	where title_zh='PA管'	and title_en='PA pipe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau PP'	where title_zh='PP管'	and title_en='PP pipe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau PPR'	where title_zh='PPR管'	and title_en='PPR pipe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau ondulé'	where title_zh='波纹管'	and title_en='Corrugated pipe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau en silicone'	where title_zh='硅胶管'	and title_en='Silicone tube';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque PVC'	where title_zh='PVC板'	and title_en='PVC board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Film plastique'	where title_zh='塑料薄膜'	and title_en='plastic film';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Produit en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料制品'	and title_en='Plastic product';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Produit en caoutchouc'	where title_zh='橡胶制品'	and title_en='Rubber product';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coque en plastique'	where title_zh='塑胶外壳'	and title_en='Plastic shell';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces en plastique'	where title_zh='塑胶零配件'	and title_en='Plastic parts';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Produit en plexiglas'	where title_zh='有机玻璃制品'	and title_en='Plexiglass product';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Produit d''étanchéité'	where title_zh='密封制品'	and title_en='Sealing product';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Conteneur en plastique'	where title_zh='塑胶容器'	and title_en='Plastic Container';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Matériau en pierre'	where title_zh='石材'	and title_en='Stone material';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Matériau en bois'	where title_zh='木材'	and title_en='Wood material';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Échafaudage'	where title_zh='脚手架'	and title_en='Scaffolding';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Grès'	where title_zh='沙石'	and title_en='Sandstone';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Auvent'	where title_zh='顶篷'	and title_en='Canopy';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Produit tubulaire'	where title_zh='管状产品'	and title_en='Tubular product';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plafond suspendu'	where title_zh='吊顶'	and title_en='Suspended ceiling';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Matériaux de maçonnerie'	where title_zh='砌筑材料'	and title_en='Masonry materials';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Matériaux de conservation thermique'	where title_zh='保温材料'	and title_en='Heat preservation materials';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Matériau étanche'	where title_zh='防水材料'	and title_en='Waterproof material';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mur-rideau'	where title_zh='幕墙'	and title_en='Curtain wall';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Acier spécial'	where title_zh='优特钢'	and title_en='Special steel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tôle en inox'	where title_zh='不锈钢板'	and title_en='Stainless steel plate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau en inox'	where title_zh='不锈钢管'	and title_en='Stainless steel pipe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau sans soudure'	where title_zh='无缝管'	and title_en='Seamless pipe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Alliage d''aluminium'	where title_zh='铝合金'	and title_en='Aluminium alloy';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil métallique'	where title_zh='金属丝'	and title_en='Metal wire';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Charge de four'	where title_zh='炉料'	and title_en='Furnace Charge';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Produits revêtus'	where title_zh='涂镀产品'	and title_en='Coated products';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Maille métallique'	where title_zh='金属网'	and title_en='Metal mesh';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Acier plat'	where title_zh='扁钢'	and title_en='Steel flat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil de fer'	where title_zh='线材'	and title_en='Wire rod';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tôle d''étain'	where title_zh='马口铁'	and title_en='Tinplate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tôle d''acier galvanisé'	where title_zh='镀锌钢板'	and title_en='Galvanized steel sheet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Acier rond'	where title_zh='普通圆钢'	and title_en='Round steel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Seau de recyclage'	where title_zh='环卫垃圾桶'	and title_en='Recycle bucket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pots de fleurs'	where title_zh='花盆容器'	and title_en='Flower pots';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Outils de jardinage'	where title_zh='园艺用具'	and title_en='Gardening tools';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement pharmaceutique'	where title_zh='制药设备'	and title_en='Pharmaceutical equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Outils médicaux'	where title_zh='医疗器械'	and title_en='Medical tools';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement solaire'	where title_zh='太阳能设备'	and title_en='Solar equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement pour gaz naturel'	where title_zh='天然气设备'	and title_en='Natural Gas Equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement pour biogaz'	where title_zh='沼气设备'	and title_en='Biogas equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement pour charbon'	where title_zh='煤炭设备'	and title_en='Coal equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pinces'	where title_zh='夹具'	and title_en='Clamps';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de séparation'	where title_zh='分离设备'	and title_en='Separation equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de mélange'	where title_zh='混合设备'	and title_en='Mixing equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moule en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料模'	and title_en='Plastic mould';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Soupape hydraulique'	where title_zh='液压阀'	and title_en='Hydraulic valve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de mélange'	where title_zh='混合机'	and title_en='Mixing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de séchage'	where title_zh='干燥机'	and title_en='Drying machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Réducteur'	where title_zh='减速机'	and title_en='Reduction box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine-outil'	where title_zh='机床'	and title_en='Machine tool';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Compresseur'	where title_zh='压缩机'	and title_en='Compressor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couteau'	where title_zh='刀具'	and title_en='Knife';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de soudage'	where title_zh='焊接设备'	and title_en='Welding equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Broyeur'	where title_zh='破碎机'	and title_en='Crusher';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tour'	where title_zh='车床'	and title_en='Lathe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Compresseur d''air'	where title_zh='空压机'	and title_en='Air compressor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de soudage'	where title_zh='排焊机'	and title_en='Welding Machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de découpe'	where title_zh='切割机'	and title_en='Cutting machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Barre de soudage'	where title_zh='焊条'	and title_en='Welding rod';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de revêtement'	where title_zh='涂装设备'	and title_en='Coating equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Attache'	where title_zh='紧固件'	and title_en='Fastener';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Élément d''étanchéité'	where title_zh='密封件'	and title_en='Sealing element';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Milieu de conduite'	where title_zh='传动件'	and title_en='Driving medium';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ressort'	where title_zh='弹簧'	and title_en='Spring';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Courroie métallique'	where title_zh='网带'	and title_en='Mesh belt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Écrou de pompe'	where title_zh='泵螺母'	and title_en='Pump Nut';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boulon'	where title_zh='螺栓'	and title_en='Bolt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Joint d''huile'	where title_zh='油封'	and title_en='Oil seal';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bande d''étanchéité'	where title_zh='密封条'	and title_en='Sealing strip';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Joint'	where title_zh='垫圈'	and title_en='Gasket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Engrenage'	where title_zh='齿轮'	and title_en='Gear';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaudière'	where title_zh='锅炉'	and title_en='Boiler';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machines alimentaires'	where title_zh='食品机械'	and title_en='Food Machinery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machines textiles'	where title_zh='纺织机械'	and title_en='Textile machinery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machines pour vêtements'	where title_zh='服装机械'	and title_en='Garment Machinery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de protection de l''environnement'	where title_zh='环保设备'	and title_en='Environmental Protection Equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chariot de snacks'	where title_zh='小吃车'	and title_en='Snack Cart';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Hachoir à viande'	where title_zh='绞肉机'	and title_en='Meat grinder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à broder'	where title_zh='绣花机'	and title_en='Embroidery machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à coudre'	where title_zh='缝纫机'	and title_en='Sewing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de moulage par injection'	where title_zh='注塑机'	and title_en='Injection molding machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de moulage par aspiration'	where title_zh='吸塑机'	and title_en='Suction molding machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de conditionnement'	where title_zh='打包机'	and title_en='Packing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de scellage'	where title_zh='封口机'	and title_en='Sealing Machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Imprimante à jet d''encre'	where title_zh='喷码机'	and title_en='Inkjet printer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Imprimante tampon'	where title_zh='移印机'	and title_en='Pad printer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Grue'	where title_zh='起重机'	and title_en='Crane';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chargeur'	where title_zh='装载机'	and title_en='Loader';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crible vibrant'	where title_zh='振动筛'	and title_en='Vibrating screen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Presse à huile'	where title_zh='榨油机'	and title_en='Oil press';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tracteurs'	where title_zh='拖拉机'	and title_en='Tractors';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipements miniers'	where title_zh='矿业设备'	and title_en='Mining equipments';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machines agricoles'	where title_zh='农业机械'	and title_en='Agricultural Machinery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machines à caoutchouc'	where title_zh='橡胶机械'	and title_en='Rubber machinery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machines à plastique'	where title_zh='塑料机械'	and title_en='Plastic machinery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Installation d''impression'	where title_zh='印刷设备'	and title_en='Printing facility';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Serrurerie'	where title_zh='锁具'	and title_en='Lockset';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de quincaillerie'	where title_zh='五金配件'	and title_en='Hardware accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poignée'	where title_zh='拉手'	and title_en='Handle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Radiateur'	where title_zh='散热器'	and title_en='Radiator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carte de circuit intégré (CI)'	where title_zh='IC线路板'	and title_en='IC circuit board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carte de circuit LED'	where title_zh='LED线路板'	and title_en='LED circuit board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Diode'	where title_zh='二极管'	and title_en='Diode';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Connecteur'	where title_zh='连接器'	and title_en='Connector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dispositif électroacoustique'	where title_zh='电声器件'	and title_en='Electroacoustic device';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Transformateur'	where title_zh='变压器'	and title_en='Transformer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Terminal'	where title_zh='端子'	and title_en='Terminal';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Résistance'	where title_zh='电阻'	and title_en='Resistance';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Inductance'	where title_zh='电感'	and title_en='Inductance';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Triode'	where title_zh='三极管'	and title_en='Triode';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Redresseur à silicium'	where title_zh='可控硅'	and title_en='Silicon controlled rectifier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Potentiomètre'	where title_zh='电位器'	and title_en='Potentionmeter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Convertisseur de fréquence'	where title_zh='变频器'	and title_en='Frequency converter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dispositif laser'	where title_zh='激光器'	and title_en='Laser device';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Redresseur'	where title_zh='整流器'	and title_en='Rectifier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Klaxon'	where title_zh='喇叭'	and title_en='horn';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Écran LED'	where title_zh='LED显示屏'	and title_en='LED screen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Écran LCD'	where title_zh='LCD液晶屏'	and title_en='LCD screen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Microcontrôleurs'	where title_zh='单片机'	and title_en='Microcontrollers';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Élément de commutation'	where title_zh='开关元件'	and title_en='Switch element';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil électrique'	where title_zh='电线'	and title_en='Electric wire';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Électromoteur'	where title_zh='电动机'	and title_en='Electromotor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pile sèche'	where title_zh='干电池'	and title_en='Dry battery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de chauffage électrique'	where title_zh='电热设备'	and title_en='Electric heating equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Appareils basse tension'	where title_zh='低压电器'	and title_en='Low-voltage apparatus';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Matériaux d''isolation'	where title_zh='绝缘材料'	and title_en='Insulation Materials';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Relais'	where title_zh='继电器'	and title_en='Relay';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Disjoncteur'	where title_zh='断路器'	and title_en='Circuit breaker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Produit antistatique'	where title_zh='防静电产品'	and title_en='Anti-static product';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Produits de protection contre la foudre'	where title_zh='防雷避雷产品'	and title_en='Lightning protection products';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Instrumentation'	where title_zh='仪器仪表'	and title_en='Instrumentation';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Instrument optique'	where title_zh='光学仪器'	and title_en='Optical instrument';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Instrument analytique'	where title_zh='分析仪器'	and title_en='Analytical instrument';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de test'	where title_zh='试验机'	and title_en='Testing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Télescope'	where title_zh='望远镜'	and title_en='Telescope';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Thermomètre médical'	where title_zh='医用温度计'	and title_en='Medical thermometer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Contrôleur de température'	where title_zh='温控器'	and title_en='Temperature controller';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Multimètre'	where title_zh='万用表'	and title_en='Multimeter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balance'	where title_zh='衡器'	and title_en='Weighing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Téléphone fixe'	where title_zh='固定电话'	and title_en='Fixed-line telephone';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Câble réseau'	where title_zh='网线'	and title_en='Network cable';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de commutation'	where title_zh='交换设备'	and title_en='Switching equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Matériel photographique'	where title_zh='摄像器材'	and title_en='Photography equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Matériel de scène'	where title_zh='舞台设备'	and title_en='Stage equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de transmission'	where title_zh='传输设备'	and title_en='Transmission equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Système audio automobile'	where title_zh='车载音响'	and title_en='Vehicular audio system';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moniteur'	where title_zh='监控器'	and title_en='Monitor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de lutte contre l''incendie'	where title_zh='消防器材'	and title_en='Fire equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Protection de sécurité'	where title_zh='防护网'	and title_en='Protective screening';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Housse en cuir pour tablette'	where title_zh='平板皮套'	and title_en='Tablet leather cover';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Casque Bluetooth'	where title_zh='蓝牙耳机'	and title_en='Blue-tooth earphone';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Casque audio'	where title_zh='大耳机'	and title_en='Headphone';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Haut-parleur'	where title_zh='音箱'	and title_en='Speaker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de traitement de l''huile de cuisson'	where title_zh='食用油加工设备'	and title_en='Cooking oil process equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Masque facial'	where title_zh='面膜'	and title_en='Facial mask';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Émulsion'	where title_zh='乳液'	and title_en='Emulsion';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Huile essentielle'	where title_zh='精油'	and title_en='Essential oil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lotion tonique'	where title_zh='爽肤水'	and title_en='Toner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crème pour les yeux'	where title_zh='眼霜'	and title_en='Eye cream';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rouge à lèvres'	where title_zh='唇膏/口红'	and title_en='Lipstick';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre pressée'	where title_zh='粉饼'	and title_en='Pressed powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gloss pour lèvres'	where title_zh='唇彩'	and title_en='Lip gloss';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crème mascara'	where title_zh='睫毛膏'	and title_en='Mascara cream';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crayon à sourcils'	where title_zh='眉笔'	and title_en='Eyebrow pencil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fard à joues'	where title_zh='腮红'	and title_en='Cheek color';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crème BB'	where title_zh='BB霜'	and title_en='BB cream';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Après-shampoing'	where title_zh='护发素'	and title_en='Hair conditioner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mousse de bain'	where title_zh='沐浴液'	and title_en='Bath foam';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Set de manucure'	where title_zh='修甲套'	and title_en='Manicure set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Horloge'	where title_zh='钟表'	and title_en='Clock';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crochet de porte'	where title_zh='挂钩'	and title_en='Pothook';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cire pour sol'	where title_zh='地板蜡'	and title_en='Floor wax';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couverture'	where title_zh='毯子'	and title_en='Blanket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tissu pour canapé'	where title_zh='沙发布'	and title_en='Sofa fabric';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Traversin'	where title_zh='抱枕'	and title_en='Bolster';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coussin'	where title_zh='坐垫'	and title_en='Cushion';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier ménager'	where title_zh='生活用纸'	and title_en='Household paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coton sanitaire'	where title_zh='卫生棉'	and title_en='Sanitary cotton';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coussin de protection'	where title_zh='护垫'	and title_en='Protective pad';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier d’emballage'	where title_zh='包装纸'	and title_en='Wrapping paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier pour photocopie'	where title_zh='复印纸'	and title_en='Copy paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poupée'	where title_zh='公仔'	and title_en='Doll';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bloc de construction'	where title_zh='积木'	and title_en='Building block';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Modèle'	where title_zh='模型'	and title_en='Model';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac pour bébé'	where title_zh='妈咪包'	and title_en='Baby bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lit pour bébé'	where title_zh='婴儿床'	and title_en='Baby bed';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tétine'	where title_zh='奶嘴'	and title_en='Nipple';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Éclairage'	where title_zh='灯具'	and title_en='lighting';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sol'	where title_zh='地板'	and title_en='Floor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe à économie d''énergie'	where title_zh='节能灯'	and title_en='Energy saving lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier peint'	where title_zh='壁纸'	and title_en='Wallpaper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bureau pour ordinateur'	where title_zh='电脑桌'	and title_en='Computer desk';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Calendrier de bureau'	where title_zh='台历'	and title_en='Desk calendar';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chauffe-eau'	where title_zh='热水器'	and title_en='water heater';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Clavier'	where title_zh='键盘'	and title_en='Keyboard';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vêtements pour femmes'	where title_zh='女装'	and title_en='Woman''s clothing';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vêtements pour enfants'	where title_zh='童装'	and title_en='Children''s clothing';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vêtements pour hommes'	where title_zh='男装'	and title_en='Man''s clothing';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='T-shirt'	where title_zh='T恤'	and title_en='T-shirt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Polaire'	where title_zh='卫衣'	and title_en='Fleece';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Jupe'	where title_zh='裙装'	and title_en='Skirt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Jeans'	where title_zh='牛仔裤'	and title_en='Jeans';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Manteau'	where title_zh='外套'	and title_en='Coat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Veste'	where title_zh='上衣'	and title_en='Jacket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Manteau en tweed'	where title_zh='呢大衣'	and title_en='Tweed coat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Robe'	where title_zh='连衣裙'	and title_en='Dress';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Leggings'	where title_zh='打底裤'	and title_en='Leggings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Costume'	where title_zh='西装'	and title_en='Suit';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pantalon fuselé'	where title_zh='铅笔裤'	and title_en='Pencil pants';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pantalon décontracté'	where title_zh='休闲裤'	and title_en='Casual pants';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vêtements matelassés'	where title_zh='棉衣'	and title_en='Cotton-padded clothes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Polo'	where title_zh='polo衫'	and title_en='Polo shirt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pull'	where title_zh='毛衣'	and title_en='Sewater';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chemise'	where title_zh='衬衫'	and title_en='Shirt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Veste matelassée'	where title_zh='童棉袄'	and title_en='Cotton-padded jacket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vêtements pour bébé'	where title_zh='婴儿装'	and title_en='Babywear';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Robe de maternité'	where title_zh='孕妇装'	and title_en='Maternity dress';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pardessus'	where title_zh='双排扣大衣'	and title_en='Pea coat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pantalon suspendu'	where title_zh='背带裤'	and title_en='Suspended trousers';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='T-shirt couple'	where title_zh='情侣T恤'	and title_en='Couple T-shirt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chemise couple'	where title_zh='情侣衬衫'	and title_en='Couple shirt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sous-vêtements couple'	where title_zh='情侣内衣'	and title_en='Couple underwear';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sous-vêtements'	where title_zh='内衣'	and title_en='Underwear';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Culotte pour femmes'	where title_zh='女式内裤'	and title_en='Woman''s underpants';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Soutien-gorge'	where title_zh='文胸'	and title_en='Bra';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Culotte pour hommes'	where title_zh='男式内裤'	and title_en='Man''s underpants';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pyjama'	where title_zh='睡衣'	and title_en='Pajamas';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac à main'	where title_zh='休闲包'	and title_en='Swagger bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac à dos'	where title_zh='背包'	and title_en='Knapsack';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac à dos militaire'	where title_zh='挎包'	and title_en='Haversack';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac de sport'	where title_zh='运动包'	and title_en='Sports bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac de soirée'	where title_zh='宴会包'	and title_en='Party bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac de randonnée'	where title_zh='登山包'	and title_en='Hiking bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussures pour enfants'	where title_zh='童鞋'	and title_en='Children''s shoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussures pour bébé'	where title_zh='婴儿鞋'	and title_en='Baby''s shoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussures décontractées'	where title_zh='休闲鞋'	and title_en='Casual shoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussures en cuir'	where title_zh='皮鞋'	and title_en='Leather shoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussures en tissu'	where title_zh='布鞋'	and title_en='Cloth shoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Acier à découper'	where title_zh='模具钢'	and title_en='Die steel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Acier à filets'	where title_zh='螺纹钢'	and title_en='Thread Steel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bottes pour enfants'	where title_zh='童靴'	and title_en='Children''s boot';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussures chaudes'	where title_zh='保暖鞋'	and title_en='Warm shoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussures à semelles compensées'	where title_zh='增高鞋'	and title_en='Height increasing shoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Escarpins'	where title_zh='高跟鞋'	and title_en='High-heeled shoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bottes de neige'	where title_zh='雪地靴'	and title_en='Snow boot';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bottines'	where title_zh='短靴'	and title_en='Ankle boot';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sandales ouvertes'	where title_zh='鱼嘴鞋'	and title_en='Peep-toe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussures de course'	where title_zh='跑步鞋'	and title_en='Running shoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussures de randonnée'	where title_zh='登山鞋'	and title_en='Hiking shoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussures de basket-ball'	where title_zh='篮球鞋'	and title_en='Basketball shoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Baskets'	where title_zh='帆布鞋'	and title_en='Plimsolls';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussures classiques'	where title_zh='复古鞋'	and title_en='Classic shoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussures à semelle en bois'	where title_zh='板鞋'	and title_en='Board shoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Écharpe'	where title_zh='围巾'	and title_en='Scarf';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Emballage métallique'	where title_zh='金属包装'	and title_en='Metal wrapping';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Emballage en céramique'	where title_zh='陶瓷包装'	and title_en='Ceramic packaging';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Foulard en soie'	where title_zh='丝巾'	and title_en='Silk scarf';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gants'	where title_zh='手套'	and title_en='Glove';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cappa (Cape)'	where title_zh='披肩'	and title_en='Cappa';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Casquette à visière'	where title_zh='鸭舌帽'	and title_en='Peaked cap';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussettes montantes'	where title_zh='高筒袜'	and title_en='Knee-high socks';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Collier'	where title_zh='项链'	and title_en='Necklace';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boucles d''oreilles'	where title_zh='耳环'	and title_en='Earrings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bague'	where title_zh='戒指'	and title_en='Ring';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Décoration en argent'	where title_zh='银饰'	and title_en='Sliver decoration';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Broche'	where title_zh='胸针'	and title_en='Brooch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaîne pour pull'	where title_zh='毛衣链'	and title_en='Sweater chain';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tableau de conseil'	where title_zh='会议桌'	and title_en='Council board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaise de conférence'	where title_zh='会议椅'	and title_en='Conference chair';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Table de bureau'	where title_zh='办公台'	and title_en='Office table';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Écran'	where title_zh='屏风'	and title_en='Screen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaise pour personnel'	where title_zh='职员椅'	and title_en='Staff chair';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Casier à bagages'	where title_zh='行李柜'	and title_en='Luggage locker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Commode'	where title_zh='梳妆台'	and title_en='Dresser';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Banc TV'	where title_zh='电视柜'	and title_en='TV bench';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Table de chevet'	where title_zh='床头柜'	and title_en='Bedside table';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Meuble TV'	where title_zh='视听柜'	and title_en='TV cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lit gonflable'	where title_zh='充气床'	and title_en='Airbed';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Canapé gonflable'	where title_zh='充气沙发'	and title_en='Air sofa';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Oreiller gonflable'	where title_zh='充气枕'	and title_en='Air pillow';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Comptoir de bar'	where title_zh='酒吧台'	and title_en='Bar counter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cabinet à chaussures'	where title_zh='鞋柜'	and title_en='Shoe cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cuisoeuf'	where title_zh='煮蛋器'	and title_en='Egg-boiler';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouilloire électrique'	where title_zh='电热壶'	and title_en='Electric kettle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tasse électrique'	where title_zh='电热杯'	and title_en='Electric cup';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à café'	where title_zh='咖啡机'	and title_en='Coffee maker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à lait de soja'	where title_zh='豆浆机'	and title_en='Soybean milk machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cuillère'	where title_zh='勺子'	and title_en='Spoon';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fouet'	where title_zh='打蛋器'	and title_en='Whisk';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couteau à fruits'	where title_zh='水果刀'	and title_en='Fruit knife';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couteau de cuisine'	where title_zh='厨用刀'	and title_en='Kitchen knife';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tire-bouchon'	where title_zh='开瓶器'	and title_en='Corkscrew';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Planche à raboter'	where title_zh='刨子'	and title_en='Plane';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Planche à découper'	where title_zh='砧板'	and title_en='Cutting board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Extracteur de jus'	where title_zh='榨汁机'	and title_en='Juicer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moule à gâteau'	where title_zh='蛋糕模'	and title_en='Cake mould';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Filtre à eau domestique'	where title_zh='家用净水器'	and title_en='Household water filter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bol'	where title_zh='碗'	and title_en='Bowl';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plat'	where title_zh='碟'	and title_en='Dish';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Baguette'	where title_zh='筷子'	and title_en='Chopstick';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Assiette'	where title_zh='盘子'	and title_en='Plate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à déjeuner'	where title_zh='餐盒'	and title_en='Lunch box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couteau et fourchette'	where title_zh='刀叉'	and title_en='Knife and fork';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cuiseur vapeur'	where title_zh='蒸笼'	and title_en='Food steamer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Grille-pain'	where title_zh='多士炉'	and title_en='Toaster';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à pain'	where title_zh='烤面包机'	and title_en='Bread maker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Thermos'	where title_zh='保温壶'	and title_en='Thermo jug';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouteille isotherme'	where title_zh='保温瓶/热水瓶'	and title_en='Thermos bottle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Barils isolants'	where title_zh='保温桶'	and title_en='Insulation barrels';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouillotte'	where title_zh='热水袋'	and title_en='Hot-water bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac à glace'	where title_zh='冰袋'	and title_en='Ice-bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crisper (Boîte de conservation des légumes)'	where title_zh='保鲜盒'	and title_en='Crisper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Film plastique'	where title_zh='保鲜膜'	and title_en='Plastic wrap';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Emballage de protection de fraîcheur'	where title_zh='保鲜袋'	and title_en='Freshness protection package';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Essence nettoyante'	where title_zh='洗洁精'	and title_en='Cleanser essence';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Nettoyant de cuisine'	where title_zh='厨房清洁剂'	and title_en='Kitchen cleaner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Nettoyant pour toilettes'	where title_zh='卫生间清洁剂'	and title_en='Toilet cleaner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Produit anti-moustiques'	where title_zh='驱蚊用品'	and title_en='Mosquito ejector product';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Produit anti-mouches'	where title_zh='驱蝇用品'	and title_en='Flies ejector product';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Produit tue-cafards'	where title_zh='杀蟑用品'	and title_en='Cockroach killer product';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Produits anti-mites'	where title_zh='防蛀用品'	and title_en='Moth-proofing supplies';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tue-rats'	where title_zh='杀鼠用品'	and title_en='Rat Killer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Éliminateur de pollution'	where title_zh='装修污染清除剂'	and title_en='Pollution Remover';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Parfum'	where title_zh='熏香'	and title_en='Fragrance';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Parfums'	where title_zh='香膏'	and title_en='Perfumes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Eau florale'	where title_zh='花露水'	and title_en='Floral water';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cirage à chaussures'	where title_zh='鞋用油蜡'	and title_en='Shoe wax oil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balai'	where title_zh='拖把'	and title_en='Swob';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poussière'	where title_zh='扫帚'	and title_en='Sweep';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ramasse-poussière'	where title_zh='畚箕'	and title_en='Dustpan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac poubelle'	where title_zh='垃圾袋'	and title_en='Trash bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plumeau'	where title_zh='鸡毛掸'	and title_en='Duster';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Nettoyant pour fenêtres'	where title_zh='擦窗器'	and title_en='Window cleaner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à chaussures'	where title_zh='鞋套机'	and title_en='Shoes machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Emballeur de chaussures'	where title_zh='擦鞋机'	and title_en='Shoe shiner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Métaux scrap'	where title_zh='废金属'	and title_en='Scrap metals';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brosse à chaussures'	where title_zh='鞋刷'	and title_en='Shoe bursh';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brosse à pot'	where title_zh='锅刷'	and title_en='Pot brush';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Étui à clés'	where title_zh='钥匙包'	and title_en='key case';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brosse à bouteille'	where title_zh='瓶刷'	and title_en='Bottle brush';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac de courses'	where title_zh='购物袋'	and title_en='Shopping bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brosse de toilettes'	where title_zh='厕所刷'	and title_en='Toilet brush';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pochette à cartes'	where title_zh='卡包'	and title_en='Card bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ceinture'	where title_zh='皮带'	and title_en='Belt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Banderole'	where title_zh='眼罩'	and title_en='Blinder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brosse de baignoire'	where title_zh='浴缸刷'	and title_en='Bathtub brush';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balle de nettoyage'	where title_zh='清洁球'	and title_en='Cleaning ball';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tapis grattoir'	where title_zh='百洁布'	and title_en='Scouring pad';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tirelire'	where title_zh='储蓄罐'	and title_en='Money-box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sablier'	where title_zh='沙漏'	and title_en='Sand clock';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Puzzle'	where title_zh='拼图'	and title_en='Puzzle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cube Rubik'	where title_zh='魔方'	and title_en='Rubik''s cube';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balle de bain'	where title_zh='沐浴球'	and title_en='Bath ball';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à musique'	where title_zh='音乐盒'	and title_en='Music box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Clochettes éoliennes'	where title_zh='风铃'	and title_en='Aeolian bells';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à savon'	where title_zh='肥皂盒'	and title_en='Soap box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Clé USB'	where title_zh='U盘'	and title_en='USB disk';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-brosse à dents'	where title_zh='牙刷架'	and title_en='Toothbrush holder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tapis antidérapant'	where title_zh='防滑垫'	and title_en='Non-slip mat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rideau de douche'	where title_zh='浴帘'	and title_en='Shower curtain';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tapis de souris'	where title_zh='鼠标垫'	and title_en='Mouse pad';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='MP3'	where title_zh='MP3'	and title_en='MP3';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-manteau'	where title_zh='衣架'	and title_en='Coat hanger';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='MP4'	where title_zh='MP4'	and title_en='MP4';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cadre photo numérique'	where title_zh='数码相框'	and title_en='Digital photo frame';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stylo enregistreur'	where title_zh='录音笔'	and title_en='Recording pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Enrouleur'	where title_zh='绕线器'	and title_en='Winder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cintre en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料衣架'	and title_en='Plastic hanger';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boule en cristal'	where title_zh='玻璃球'	and title_en='Crystal ball';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Arbre à vêtements en bois'	where title_zh='木衣架'	and title_en='Wooden clothes tree';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cintre en métal'	where title_zh='金属衣架'	and title_en='Metal hanger';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Émail coloré'	where title_zh='琉璃'	and title_en='Coloured glaze';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Modèle en verre'	where title_zh='玻璃模型'	and title_en='Glass model';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Photophore en verre'	where title_zh='玻璃烛台'	and title_en='Glass candleholder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vase en verre'	where title_zh='玻璃花瓶'	and title_en='Glass vase';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cadre photo'	where title_zh='镜框'	and title_en='Picture frame';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cadre'	where title_zh='画框'	and title_en='Frame';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Décoration de cadre'	where title_zh='框饰配件'	and title_en='Frame''s decoration';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cadre photo acrylique'	where title_zh='亚克力相框'	and title_en='Acrylic photo frame';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cadre photo magnétique'	where title_zh='磁性相框'	and title_en='Magnetic photo frame';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cadre photo en papier'	where title_zh='纸相框'	and title_en='Paper photo frame';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cadre photo en métal'	where title_zh='金属相框'	and title_en='Metal photo frame';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cintre en velours'	where title_zh='植绒衣架'	and title_en='Flocked hanger';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cintre pliant'	where title_zh='折叠衣架'	and title_en='Folding hanger';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-pantalon'	where title_zh='裤架'	and title_en='Trousers rack';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Presse à pantalons'	where title_zh='裤夹'	and title_en='Trousers press';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Séchoir à linge'	where title_zh='晾衣架'	and title_en='Laundry rack';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panier suspendu'	where title_zh='晾晒篮'	and title_en='Hang basket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brosse de récurage'	where title_zh='洗衣刷'	and title_en='Scrubbing brush';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panier à linge'	where title_zh='洗衣篮'	and title_en='Laundry basket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac à linge'	where title_zh='洗衣袋'	and title_en='Laundry bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à enlever les peluches'	where title_zh='毛球修剪器'	and title_en='Fuzz removing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Planche à repasser'	where title_zh='熨烫衣板'	and title_en='Ironing board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte de rangement'	where title_zh='收纳箱'	and title_en='Containing case';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tabouret de rangement'	where title_zh='收纳凳'	and title_en='Storage stool';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte de rangement'	where title_zh='收纳盒'	and title_en='Containing box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte cadeau'	where title_zh='礼品盒'	and title_en='Gift box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panier de rangement'	where title_zh='收纳篮'	and title_en='Containing basket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac de rangement'	where title_zh='收纳袋'	and title_en='Containing bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac sous vide'	where title_zh='真空压缩袋'	and title_en='Vacuum Bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bijoux en bois'	where title_zh='木制首饰盒'	and title_en='Wooden jewelry';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à mouchoirs'	where title_zh='纸巾盒'	and title_en='Tissue box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Remontoir'	where title_zh='机械表'	and title_en='Stem-winder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料盒'	and title_en='Plastic Box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Montre en quartz'	where title_zh='石英表'	and title_en='Quartz watch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Montre radio commandée'	where title_zh='电波表'	and title_en='Radio conrtolled watch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Argile colorée'	where title_zh='彩泥'	and title_en='Colored clay';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Montre à ions négatifs'	where title_zh='负离子表'	and title_en='Negative ion watch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Réveil'	where title_zh='闹钟'	and title_en='Alarm';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Minuteur'	where title_zh='定时器'	and title_en='Timer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil de soie'	where title_zh='丝线'	and title_en='Silk thread';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de montre'	where title_zh='钟表配件'	and title_en='Clock accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Argile'	where title_zh='粘土'	and title_en='Clay';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tensiomètre domestique'	where title_zh='家用血压计'	and title_en='Household sphygmomanometer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Résine'	where title_zh='树脂'	and title_en='Resin';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plume'	where title_zh='羽毛(服装辅料)'	and title_en='Feather';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Glucomètre domestique'	where title_zh='家用血糖仪'	and title_en='Household glucometer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Appareil de circulation sanguine Qi'	where title_zh='气血循环机'	and title_en='Qi-blood circulation machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventilateur sur pied'	where title_zh='落地扇'	and title_en='Floor fan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventilateur de plafond'	where title_zh='吊扇'	and title_en='Ceiling fan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventilateur mural'	where title_zh='壁扇'	and title_en='Wall fan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventilateur de climatiseur'	where title_zh='空调扇'	and title_en='Air conditioner fan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pages intérieures de carnet'	where title_zh='笔记本内页'	and title_en='Notebook''s inside pages';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Appareil thérapeutique à impulsions électroniques'	where title_zh='电子脉冲治疗仪'	and title_en='Electronic pluse therapeutic apparatus';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Installation d''oxygène'	where title_zh='氧气机'	and title_en='Oxygen setup';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sèche-cheveux électrique'	where title_zh='电吹风'	and title_en='Electric hair drier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carnet à spirale libre'	where title_zh='活页本'	and title_en='Loose spiral notebook';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fer à repasser électrique'	where title_zh='电熨斗'	and title_en='Electric iron';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-cartes'	where title_zh='名片盒'	and title_en='Cardcase';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rasoirs'	where title_zh='剃须刀'	and title_en='Razors';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Album en papier'	where title_zh='纸面相册'	and title_en='Paper album';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Épilateur'	where title_zh='除毛器'	and title_en='Hair remover';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aspirateur domestique'	where title_zh='家用吸尘器'	and title_en='Household vacuum cleaner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mini album'	where title_zh='迷你相册'	and title_en='Mini album';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Broyeur de déchets'	where title_zh='垃圾处理机'	and title_en='Garbage disposer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pochette porte-documents'	where title_zh='档案袋'	and title_en='Portfolio';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Réfrigérateur de voiture'	where title_zh='车载冰箱'	and title_en='Car refrigerator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Trousse de premiers secours'	where title_zh='急救箱'	and title_en='First-aid case';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Climatisation automobile'	where title_zh='汽车空调'	and title_en='Automotive air conditioner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Paquet de premiers secours'	where title_zh='急救包'	and title_en='First-aid packet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Kiosque à journaux'	where title_zh='报刊架'	and title_en='Newsstand';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Perforatrice'	where title_zh='打孔机'	and title_en='Perforating machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Agrafes'	where title_zh='订书针'	and title_en='Staples';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pince'	where title_zh='回形针'	and title_en='Clip';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fenêtre moustiquaire'	where title_zh='纱窗'	and title_en='Screen window';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Punaise'	where title_zh='图钉'	and title_en='Thumbtack';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe à grille'	where title_zh='格栅灯'	and title_en='Grille lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Épingle'	where title_zh='大头针'	and title_en='Pin';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe murale'	where title_zh='壁灯'	and title_en='Wall lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe sur pied'	where title_zh='落地灯'	and title_en='Floor lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plafonnier'	where title_zh='吸顶灯'	and title_en='Ceiling light';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Spot lumineux'	where title_zh='筒灯'	and title_en='Downlight';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe de nuit'	where title_zh='小夜灯'	and title_en='Night lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Distributeur de papier toilette'	where title_zh='手纸架'	and title_en='Toilet paper dispensers';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support'	where title_zh='置物架'	and title_en='Supporter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-serviettes'	where title_zh='毛巾架'	and title_en='Towel rack';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-savon'	where title_zh='肥皂架'	and title_en='Soap rack';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-gobelet'	where title_zh='杯架'	and title_en='Cup holder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Robinet de baignoire'	where title_zh='浴缸龙头'	and title_en='Bathtub faucet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chauffe-eau à gaz'	where title_zh='燃气热水器'	and title_en='gas water heater';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chauffe-eau électrique'	where title_zh='电热水器'	and title_en='electric water heater';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chauffe-eau solaire'	where title_zh='太阳能热水器'	and title_en='solar water heater';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chauffe-eau à air'	where title_zh='空气热水器'	and title_en='Air water heater';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chauffe-eau central'	where title_zh='中央热水器'	and title_en='central water heater';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour chauffe-eau'	where title_zh='热水器配件'	and title_en='Water heater fittings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Enveloppe à bulles'	where title_zh='气泡信封'	and title_en='Bubble bag envelope';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Enveloppe en Kraft'	where title_zh='牛皮纸信封'	and title_en='Kraft envelope';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Note'	where title_zh='便签'	and title_en='Note';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Parasol de plage'	where title_zh='太阳伞'	and title_en='Beach umbrella';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Post-it'	where title_zh='告示贴'	and title_en='Post-it';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Impermeable'	where title_zh='雨衣'	and title_en='Raincoat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carnet à spirale'	where title_zh='线圈本'	and title_en='Spiral notebook';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pages intérieures d''album'	where title_zh='相册内页'	and title_en='Album inside pages';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pages intérieures de CD'	where title_zh='CD内页'	and title_en='CD inside pages';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pages intérieures en PVC'	where title_zh='PVC内页'	and title_en='PVCs inside pages';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sèche-mains'	where title_zh='干手机'	and title_en='Hand drier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Album de timbres'	where title_zh='集邮簿'	and title_en='Stamp album';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine adoucissante pour serviettes'	where title_zh='柔巾机'	and title_en='Towel Softening Machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Distributeur de savon'	where title_zh='皂液器'	and title_en='Soap dispenser';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carnet d''adresses'	where title_zh='通讯录'	and title_en='Address book';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventilateur de ventilation'	where title_zh='换气扇'	and title_en='Ventilating fan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Marque-page magnétique'	where title_zh='磁性书签'	and title_en='Magnetic bookmark';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Marque-pages en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料书签'	and title_en='Plastic bookmarks';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chauffage de bain'	where title_zh='浴霸'	and title_en='Bath heater';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sèche-linge'	where title_zh='干衣机'	and title_en='Clothes dryer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussures de pluie'	where title_zh='雨鞋'	and title_en='Rainshoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Parasol publicitaire'	where title_zh='广告伞'	and title_en='Advertising umbrella';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à laver à rouleaux'	where title_zh='滚筒洗衣机'	and title_en='Roller washing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à laver pulsateur'	where title_zh='波轮洗衣机'	and title_en='Pulsator washing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lave-linge à double cuve'	where title_zh='双桶洗衣机'	and title_en='Twin-tub washer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mini machine à laver'	where title_zh='迷你洗衣机'	and title_en='Mini washing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Déshydrateur'	where title_zh='脱水机'	and title_en='Dehydrator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour machine à laver'	where title_zh='洗衣机配件'	and title_en='Washing machine accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Marque-pages électroniques'	where title_zh='电子书签'	and title_en='Eletronic bookmarks';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fluide de correction'	where title_zh='修正液'	and title_en='Correction fluid';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Marque-pages en bois'	where title_zh='木书签'	and title_en='Woodeng bookmarks';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Marque-pages en caoutchouc souple'	where title_zh='软胶书签'	and title_en='Soft rubber bookmarks';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balance de cuisine'	where title_zh='厨房秤'	and title_en='Kitchen scale';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Taille-crayon'	where title_zh='卷笔刀/削笔器'	and title_en='Pencil sharpener';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Taille-crayon manuel'	where title_zh='手摇削笔器'	and title_en='Hand pencil sharpener';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Taille-crayon électronique'	where title_zh='电动卷笔刀'	and title_en='Eletronic pencil sharpener';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ruban correcteur'	where title_zh='修正带'	and title_en='Correction tape';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Étui à fournitures'	where title_zh='文具盒'	and title_en='stationery case';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Étui à fournitures en plastique'	where title_zh='塑胶文具盒'	and title_en='plastic stationery case';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ruban adhésif d''emballage'	where title_zh='胶带'	and title_en='Packaging tape';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Étui à crayons en bois'	where title_zh='木制笔盒'	and title_en='Wooden pencil case';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support pour ruban adhésif'	where title_zh='胶带座'	and title_en='Packaging tape stand';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Étui à crayons en tôle'	where title_zh='马口铁笔盒'	and title_en='Tinplate pencil case';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gomme solide'	where title_zh='固体胶'	and title_en='Solid gum';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-stylo'	where title_zh='笔架'	and title_en='Penholder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-stylo en bois'	where title_zh='木制笔架'	and title_en='Wooden penholder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-stylo en métal'	where title_zh='金属笔架'	and title_en='Metal penholder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couteau à papier'	where title_zh='裁纸刀'	and title_en='Paper knife';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ciseaux de bureau'	where title_zh='办公剪刀'	and title_en='Office scissors';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-stylo en verre'	where title_zh='玻璃笔座'	and title_en='Glass pen stand';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couteau d''art'	where title_zh='美工刀'	and title_en='Art knife';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Calculatrice'	where title_zh='计算器'	and title_en='Calculator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Calculatrice de poche'	where title_zh='卡片计算器'	and title_en='Card calculator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Calculatrice claire'	where title_zh='透明计算器'	and title_en='Lucid calculator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Calculatrice en gel de silice'	where title_zh='硅胶计算器'	and title_en='Silica gel calculator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-stylo en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料笔座'	and title_en='Plastic pen stand';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à stylos en fer'	where title_zh='铁笔筒'	and title_en='Iron pen canister';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à stylos en bambou'	where title_zh='竹笔筒'	and title_en='Bamboo pen canister';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à stylos pliable'	where title_zh='折叠笔筒'	and title_en='Folding pen canister';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac scolaire en nylon'	where title_zh='尼龙书包'	and title_en='Nylon schoolbag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac scolaire en toile'	where title_zh='帆布书包'	and title_en='Canvas schoolbag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fours électriques'	where title_zh='电热炉'	and title_en='Electric Furnace';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac scolaire en Dacron'	where title_zh='涤纶书包'	and title_en='Dacron schoolbag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moule à gâteau électrique'	where title_zh='电饼铛'	and title_en='Electric Cake Pan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Hotte aspirante'	where title_zh='抽油烟机'	and title_en='cooker hood';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac à dos pour les épaules'	where title_zh='双肩书包'	and title_en='Shoulders schoolbag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Armoire de désinfection'	where title_zh='消毒柜'	and title_en='Disinfection cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac à stylos'	where title_zh='笔袋'	and title_en='Pen bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lave-vaisselle'	where title_zh='洗碗机'	and title_en='dishwasher';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Yaourtière'	where title_zh='酸奶机'	and title_en='Yogurt Maker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Concasseur à glace'	where title_zh='刨冰机'	and title_en='Ice crusher';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chauffe-eau plongeant'	where title_zh='热得快'	and title_en='Immersion heater';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Purificateur d''air'	where title_zh='空气净化器'	and title_en='Air purifier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Régulateur d''humidité'	where title_zh='湿度调节器'	and title_en='Humidity regulator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Humidificateur'	where title_zh='加湿器'	and title_en='Humidifier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Déshumidificateur'	where title_zh='除湿机'	and title_en='Dehumidifier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couverture électrique'	where title_zh='电热毯'	and title_en='Electric blanket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Calculatrice solaire'	where title_zh='太阳能计算器'	and title_en='Solar calculator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chauffage d''air'	where title_zh='暖风机'	and title_en='Air Heater';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventilateur électrique'	where title_zh='电风扇'	and title_en='Eletric fan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Calendrier mural'	where title_zh='挂历'	and title_en='Wall calendary';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventilateur de bureau'	where title_zh='台扇'	and title_en='Desk fan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Calendrier en plastique à prise'	where title_zh='吸塑挂历'	and title_en='Plastic uptake calendary';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Calendrier en peluche'	where title_zh='毛绒挂历'	and title_en='Plush calendary';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Trousse à crayons en toile'	where title_zh='帆布笔袋'	and title_en='Canvas pen bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Calendrier de bureau en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料台历'	and title_en='Plastic desk calendar';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Trousse à crayons en Dacron'	where title_zh='涤纶笔袋'	and title_en='Dacron pen bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Calendrier de bureau en acrylique'	where title_zh='亚克力台历'	and title_en='Acrylic desk calendar';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chemise transparente'	where title_zh='透明书套'	and title_en='Lucid slipcase';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chemise en caoutchouc souple'	where title_zh='软胶书套'	and title_en='Soft rubber slipcase';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Calculatrice de bureau en cristal'	where title_zh='水晶台历'	and title_en='Crystal desk calculation';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chemise en PVC'	where title_zh='PVC书套'	and title_en='PVC slipcase';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chemise en PP'	where title_zh='PP书套'	and title_en='PP slipcase';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac pour CD'	where title_zh='CD包'	and title_en='CD bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à CD'	where title_zh='CD盒'	and title_en='CD box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Armoire à dossiers de bureau'	where title_zh='桌上文件柜'	and title_en='Desk file cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à encre'	where title_zh='墨盒'	and title_en='Ink box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à compter l''argent'	where title_zh='点钞机'	and title_en='Cash-counting machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour TV'	where title_zh='电视机配件'	and title_en='TV accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balance de corps'	where title_zh='人体秤'	and title_en='Body scale';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balance à bijoux'	where title_zh='珠宝秤'	and title_en='Jewelry scale';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balance portable'	where title_zh='手提秤'	and title_en='Portable scale';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Instrument de calcul de prix'	where title_zh='计价秤'	and title_en='Price-computing instrument';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Thermomètre domestique'	where title_zh='家用温度计'	and title_en='Househlod thermometer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe de poche'	where title_zh='手电筒'	and title_en='flashlight';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe frontale'	where title_zh='头灯'	and title_en='Head lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lanterne manuelle'	where title_zh='提灯'	and title_en='Hand lantern';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Projecteur'	where title_zh='探照灯'	and title_en='Searchlight';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cendrier'	where title_zh='烟灰缸'	and title_en='Ashtray';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Housse de couette'	where title_zh='被套'	and title_en='Quilt cover';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Jeté de lit'	where title_zh='床罩'	and title_en='Bedspread';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Taie d''oreiller'	where title_zh='枕套'	and title_en='Pillowslip';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coussin dorsal'	where title_zh='靠垫'	and title_en='Back cushion';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moustiquaire'	where title_zh='蚊帐'	and title_en='Mosquito net';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tapis'	where title_zh='席子'	and title_en='Mat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Serviette pour oreiller'	where title_zh='枕巾'	and title_en='Pillow towel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Literie'	where title_zh='被褥'	and title_en='Beddings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Drap de lit'	where title_zh='床单'	and title_en='Bedsheet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couverture'	where title_zh='被单'	and title_en='Coverlet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Prise d''adaptateur'	where title_zh='转换插座'	and title_en='Adaptor socket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Prises et accessoires'	where title_zh='插座及配件'	and title_en='Sockets and accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Télécommande'	where title_zh='遥控器'	and title_en='Remote control';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Connecteur PLCC'	where title_zh='PLCC连接器'	and title_en='PLCC connector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lecteur DVD pour voiture'	where title_zh='车载影碟机'	and title_en='Car DVD player';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Compresseur'	where title_zh='滴管'	and title_en='Dropper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Creuset'	where title_zh='坩埚'	and title_en='Crucible';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cylindre de mesure'	where title_zh='量筒'	and title_en='Measuring cylinder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tasse de mesure'	where title_zh='量杯'	and title_en='Measuring Cup';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Verre'	where title_zh='烧杯'	and title_en='Beaker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Flacon'	where title_zh='烧瓶'	and title_en='Flask';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Appareil de distillation'	where title_zh='蒸馏器'	and title_en='distilling apparatus';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cuve'	where title_zh='比色皿'	and title_en='Cuvette';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ballon de volumétrie'	where title_zh='容量瓶'	and title_en='Volumetric flask';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier de test expérimental'	where title_zh='实验试纸'	and title_en='Experimental test paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouteille à large bouche'	where title_zh='广口瓶'	and title_en='Wild-mouth bottle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Entonnoir'	where title_zh='漏斗'	and title_en='Funnel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouteille pour réactifs'	where title_zh='试剂瓶'	and title_en='Reagent bottle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pipette'	where title_zh='移液管'	and title_en='Pipette';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouteille de lavage'	where title_zh='洗瓶'	and title_en='Washing bottle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte de culture'	where title_zh='培养皿'	and title_en='Culture dish';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Instrument chromatographique'	where title_zh='色谱仪'	and title_en='Chromatographic instrument';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coupeur'	where title_zh='裁纸机'	and title_en='Trimmer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à écrire'	where title_zh='打字机'	and title_en='Typewriter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de gravure'	where title_zh='刻字机'	and title_en='Engraving machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Télécopieur'	where title_zh='传真机'	and title_en='Fax machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de pointage'	where title_zh='考勤机'	and title_en='Attendance machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Déchiqueteuse'	where title_zh='碎纸机'	and title_en='Paper shredder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Projecteur'	where title_zh='投影机'	and title_en='Projector machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dupliqueur'	where title_zh='复印机'	and title_en='Duplicator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Laminateur'	where title_zh='过塑机'	and title_en='Laminator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stylo laser'	where title_zh='激光笔'	and title_en='Laser pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Amplificateur audio'	where title_zh='扩音机'	and title_en='Audio power amlifier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Oreiller intérieur'	where title_zh='枕芯'	and title_en='Pillow inner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tube à essai'	where title_zh='试管'	and title_en='Test tube';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rideau'	where title_zh='门帘'	and title_en='Portiere';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Appareil de distillation'	where title_zh='实验仪器装置'	and title_en='Distillation apparatus';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Anneau de cheveux'	where title_zh='发圈'	and title_en='Hair ring';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Barrette'	where title_zh='发箍'	and title_en='Hair clasp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Clou d''oreille'	where title_zh='耳钉'	and title_en='Ear stud';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boucle d''oreille'	where title_zh='耳坠'	and title_en='Eardrop';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bracelet'	where title_zh='手链'	and title_en='Bracelet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boucles d''oreilles en métal'	where title_zh='金属耳环'	and title_en='Metal earrings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Épaulettes'	where title_zh='肩章'	and title_en='Shoulder mark';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tissu décoratif'	where title_zh='装饰布'	and title_en='Decorative fabric';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pendentif'	where title_zh='吊坠'	and title_en='Pendant';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Anneau ombilical'	where title_zh='脐环'	and title_en='Annulus umbilicalis';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Anneau nasal'	where title_zh='鼻环'	and title_en='Nose ring';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Labret'	where title_zh='唇钉'	and title_en='Labret';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Clou de sourcil'	where title_zh='眉钉'	and title_en='Eyebrow nail';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Épingle de langue'	where title_zh='舌钉'	and title_en='Tongue pin';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de clés'	where title_zh='钥匙配饰'	and title_en='Key accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-clés'	where title_zh='钥匙链'	and title_en='Key chain';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tapis'	where title_zh='地毯'	and title_en='Carpet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-clés LED'	where title_zh='LED钥匙扣'	and title_en='LED key ring';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-clés'	where title_zh='钥匙圈(环)'	and title_en='Keyring';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-clés en métal'	where title_zh='金属钥匙扣'	and title_en='Metal keyring';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-clés en résine'	where title_zh='树脂钥匙链'	and title_en='Resin key chain';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventilateur USB'	where title_zh='usb风扇'	and title_en='USB fan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Podomètre'	where title_zh='计步器'	and title_en='Pedometer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Seau pliable'	where title_zh='折叠水桶'	and title_en='Folding bucket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ionisé'	where title_zh='离子球'	and title_en='Lonized';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Horloge de projection'	where title_zh='投影钟'	and title_en='Projection clock';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couverture en coton'	where title_zh='棉毯'	and title_en='Cotton blanket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-cartes'	where title_zh='名片夹'	and title_en='Cardcase';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lecteur CD pour voiture'	where title_zh='车载CD机'	and title_en='Car CD player';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tapisserie'	where title_zh='挂毯'	and title_en='Tapestry';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour lecteur CD'	where title_zh='碟机配件'	and title_en='CD player accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour haut-parleur'	where title_zh='音响配件'	and title_en='Speaker accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Magnétoscope'	where title_zh='录像机'	and title_en='VCR';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Manchon de protection'	where title_zh='袖套'	and title_en='Oversleeve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lecteur haute définition'	where title_zh='高清播放机'	and title_en='High definition player';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tablier'	where title_zh='围裙'	and title_en='Apron';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lecteur cassette'	where title_zh='卡带机'	and title_en='Cassette player';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Microphone'	where title_zh='麦克风'	and title_en='Microphone';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chiffon de nettoyage'	where title_zh='揩布'	and title_en='Wiping cloth';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Câble vidéo'	where title_zh='视频线'	and title_en='Video Line';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Nappe'	where title_zh='台布'	and title_en='Tablecloth';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crayon de couleur'	where title_zh='彩色铅笔'	and title_en='Colour pencil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crayon en bois'	where title_zh='木制铅笔'	and title_en='Wooden pencil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crayon automatique'	where title_zh='写不断铅笔'	and title_en='Auto-lead pencil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crayon entièrement automatique'	where title_zh='全自动铅笔'	and title_en='Fully automatic pencil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crayon écologique'	where title_zh='环保铅笔'	and title_en='Enviorment-protected pencil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stylo bille'	where title_zh='圆珠笔'	and title_en='Ball-point pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stylo en métal'	where title_zh='金属笔'	and title_en='Metal pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stylo'	where title_zh='钢笔'	and title_en='Pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stylo à gel'	where title_zh='中性笔'	and title_en='Gel pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stylo marqueur'	where title_zh='签字笔'	and title_en='Sign pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stylo Nite Writer'	where title_zh='荧光笔'	and title_en='Nite writer pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stylo de marquage'	where title_zh='记号笔'	and title_en='Mark pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stylo de peinture'	where title_zh='油漆笔'	and title_en='Painting pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stylo effaçable à l''eau'	where title_zh='水溶笔'	and title_en='Water erasable pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Marqueur permanent'	where title_zh='唛头笔'	and title_en='Permanent marker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stylo pour meubles'	where title_zh='家具笔'	and title_en='Furniture pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Torchons'	where title_zh='茶巾'	and title_en='Tea cloth';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tapis de table'	where title_zh='餐具垫'	and title_en='Placemat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gant pour four à micro-ondes'	where title_zh='微波炉手套'	and title_en='Microwave oven glove';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couvre-aliment'	where title_zh='食物罩'	and title_en='Food cover';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gant de toilette'	where title_zh='面巾'	and title_en='Facecloth';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Serviette de bain'	where title_zh='浴巾'	and title_en='Bath towel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Serviette de plage'	where title_zh='沙滩巾'	and title_en='Beach towel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Serviette'	where title_zh='手巾'	and title_en='Towel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tapis de bain'	where title_zh='地巾'	and title_en='Bath mat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tissu en organza'	where title_zh='纱面料'	and title_en='Organza fabric';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tissu en satin'	where title_zh='色丁面料'	and title_en='Satin fabric';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tissu en soie'	where title_zh='蚕丝面料'	and title_en='Silk fabric';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Broderie au point de croix'	where title_zh='十字绣'	and title_en='Cross-stitch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ouvrages de couture'	where title_zh='刺绣'	and title_en='Stitchwork';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Décoration intérieure en cristal'	where title_zh='水晶家饰'	and title_en='Crystal domestic decoration';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Décoration intérieure en céramique'	where title_zh='陶瓷家饰'	and title_en='Ceramic domestic decoration';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cadre'	where title_zh='相框'	and title_en='Rahmen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cadre photo'	where title_zh='相架'	and title_en='Photo frame';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Image artisanale'	where title_zh='工艺画'	and title_en='Craft picture';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aimant de réfrigérateur'	where title_zh='磁性冰箱贴'	and title_en='Fridge magnet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Parquet en bambou'	where title_zh='竹地板'	and title_en='Bamboo flooring';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Parquet en bois massif'	where title_zh='实木地板'	and title_en='Solid wood floor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Parquet en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料地板'	and title_en='Plastic floor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Parquet en caoutchouc'	where title_zh='橡胶地板'	and title_en='Rubber floor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Parquet composite'	where title_zh='复合地板'	and title_en='Composite floor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Parquet antistatique'	where title_zh='防静电地板'	and title_en='Anti-static floor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carrelage antidérapant'	where title_zh='防滑砖'	and title_en='Anti-slip tile';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carrelage mural'	where title_zh='墙面砖'	and title_en='Wall tile';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brique abrasive'	where title_zh='耐磨砖'	and title_en='Abrasive brick';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carrelage émaillé'	where title_zh='釉面砖'	and title_en='Glazed tile';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carrelage poli'	where title_zh='抛光砖'	and title_en='Polished tile';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carrelage en mosaïque'	where title_zh='马赛克砖'	and title_en='Mosaic tile';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brique traversante'	where title_zh='通体砖'	and title_en='Through brick';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fenêtre métallique'	where title_zh='金属窗'	and title_en='Metal window';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fenêtre en bois'	where title_zh='木窗'	and title_en='Wooden window';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fenêtre en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料窗'	and title_en='Plastic window';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fenêtre composite'	where title_zh='复合窗'	and title_en='Composite window';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fenêtre en acier plastique'	where title_zh='塑钢窗'	and title_en='Plastic steel window';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fenêtre coulissante'	where title_zh='推拉窗'	and title_en='Sliding window';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pistolet à huile'	where title_zh='加油枪'	and title_en='Oil gun';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tête de four'	where title_zh='炉头'	and title_en='Furnace head';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe à perfusion'	where title_zh='输液泵'	and title_en='Infusion Pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe à seringue'	where title_zh='注射泵'	and title_en='Syringe pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampadaire'	where title_zh='路灯'	and title_en='Street Light';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rasoir électrique'	where title_zh='电动剃须刀 '	and title_en='Electric Shaver';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Batterie au plomb-acide'	where title_zh='铅酸蓄电池'	and title_en='Lead acid battery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tissu pour rideaux'	where title_zh='窗帘面料'	and title_en='curtain fabric ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tête de pompe'	where title_zh='泵头'	and title_en='pump head';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moteur électrique'	where title_zh='电机'	and title_en='electric motor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Anneau de téléphone'	where title_zh='指环扣'	and title_en='phone ring';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fermenteuse électrique'	where title_zh='发酵箱'	and title_en='electric proofer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Farine'	where title_zh='面粉'	and title_en='flour';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe de station-service'	where title_zh='油站灯'	and title_en='Gas station light';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accouplement'	where title_zh='联轴器'	and title_en='Coupling';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Détecteur de fumée'	where title_zh='烟雾报警器'	and title_en='Smoke alarm';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Démarreur'	where title_zh='汽配(起动机)'	and title_en='Starter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Interrupteur électrique'	where title_zh='电器开关'	and title_en='Eletrical Switch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de voiture'	where title_zh='汽车香水座'	and title_en='car accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier à gâteau'	where title_zh='蛋糕纸'	and title_en='Cake paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouton de manchette'	where title_zh='袖扣'	and title_en='sleeve button';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lumières enterrées'	where title_zh='地埋灯'	and title_en='Buried lights';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Comptoir'	where title_zh='计数器'	and title_en='counter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement photo'	where title_zh='监控设备'	and title_en='camera  equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe de direction'	where title_zh='助力泵'	and title_en='steering pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mélangeur'	where title_zh='调音台'	and title_en='mixer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ruban'	where title_zh='扎带'	and title_en='ribbon';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Perceuse pour accessoires de vêtement'	where title_zh='服装辅料线钻'	and title_en='Clothing accessories line drill';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Composants pneumatiques'	where title_zh='气动元件'	and title_en='Pneumatic components';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bielle'	where title_zh='连杆'	and title_en='connecting rod';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Direction'	where title_zh='方向机'	and title_en='STEERING';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tige de terre'	where title_zh='接地棒'	and title_en='Earth Rod';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tasse à café'	where title_zh='咖啡杯'	and title_en='coffee cup';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Table'	where title_zh='桌子'	and title_en='table';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pot'	where title_zh='锅'	and title_en='pot   ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaise'	where title_zh='椅子'	and title_en='chair    ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Voiture pour enfants'	where title_zh='儿童车'	and title_en='chidren car';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carte de sourcil'	where title_zh='眉卡'	and title_en='Eyebrow card';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crème de masque'	where title_zh='面膜膏'	and title_en='Mask cream';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Kit de beauté'	where title_zh='美容套装'	and title_en='Beauty set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crayon'	where title_zh='蜡笔'	and title_en='crayon';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe de frein'	where title_zh='刹车泵'	and title_en='Brake pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Projecteur à inondation'	where title_zh='投光灯'	and title_en='FLOOD LIGHT';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Set de câbles USB'	where title_zh='数据线套装'	and title_en='usb cable set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièce automobile'	where title_zh='气囊游丝'	and title_en='auto part ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Enrouleur de câble'	where title_zh='电缆卷筒'	and title_en='Cable reel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ceinture de levage'	where title_zh='吊装带'	and title_en='Lifting belt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil de soudure'	where title_zh='电焊机线'	and title_en='Welding line';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cire rouge'	where title_zh='红蜡片'	and title_en='Red Wax';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Projecteur'	where title_zh='GU10 射灯'	and title_en='spotlight';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mélangeur (industriel)'	where title_zh='搅拌机(工业用)'	and title_en='Mixer (industrial)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chapeau d''anniversaire'	where title_zh='生日帽'	and title_en='birthday hat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tranches de cire rouge'	where title_zh='红蜡片'	and title_en='Red wax slices';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Traitement réfléchissant'	where title_zh='反光条'	and title_en='Reflective Treatment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement d''emballage'	where title_zh='包装设备'	and title_en='Packaging equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ampoules LED'	where title_zh='Led灯泡'	and title_en='LED Bulbs';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vilebrequin'	where title_zh='曲轴'	and title_en='crankshaft';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Driver LED'	where title_zh='LED驱动'	and title_en='LED DRIVER';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Verre en verre'	where title_zh='玻璃杯'	and title_en='glass cup';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Four de friture'	where title_zh='炸炉'	and title_en='Fried furnace';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de imprimante (toner)'	where title_zh='打印机配件(调色剂)'	and title_en='Printer accessories (toner)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Corde en nylon'	where title_zh='尼龙绳'	and title_en='Nylon rope';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crochet de ventilateur de plafond'	where title_zh='吊扇挂钩'	and title_en='Ceiling fan hook';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Feux de voiture'	where title_zh='汽车灯'	and title_en='Car lights';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ampoules de voiture'	where title_zh='汽车灯泡'	and title_en='Car bulbs';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuile en résine synthétique'	where title_zh='合成树脂瓦'	and title_en=' Synthetic resin tile';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces automobiles (plaquettes de frein)'	where title_zh='汽配(刹车片)'	and title_en='Auto parts (brake pads)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil de cuisson'	where title_zh='烘焙铁丝'	and title_en='Baking Wire';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brûleur'	where title_zh='燃烧器'	and title_en='The burner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe à carburant'	where title_zh='燃油泵'	and title_en='fuel pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe de secours'	where title_zh='应急灯'	and title_en='EMERGENCY LIGHT';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces en cuivre'	where title_zh='铜配件'	and title_en='COPPER PARTS';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces automobiles (composants de frein)'	where title_zh='汽配(制动器元件)'	and title_en='Auto parts (brake components)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Barre latérale'	where title_zh='面棒'	and title_en='Side bar';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ballon'	where title_zh='气球'	and title_en='ballon';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Strass'	where title_zh='烫钻'	and title_en='rhinestone';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carafe sous vide en inox'	where title_zh='保温壶'	and title_en='stainless steel vacuum jug';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Four à gaz'	where title_zh='燃气烘炉'	and title_en='Gas oven';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pétrin'	where title_zh='和面机'	and title_en='Dough Maker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vêtements réfléchissants'	where title_zh='反光衣'	and title_en='Reflective clothes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ampoule de lampe médicale sans ombre'	where title_zh='医用无影灯泡'	and title_en='Medical shadowless lamp bulb';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chemise de cylindre'	where title_zh='钻井泵用缸套'	and title_en='Cylinder liner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de rideau'	where title_zh='窗帘配件'	and title_en='curtain accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Incubateur pour nourrissons'	where title_zh='婴儿保温箱'	and title_en='Infant Incubator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pistolet à colle pour verre'	where title_zh='玻璃胶枪'	and title_en='Glass glue gun';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau à gaz'	where title_zh='煤气软管'	and title_en='Gas hose';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Segment de piston'	where title_zh='活塞环'	and title_en='Piston ring';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Téléphone de table'	where title_zh='电话机'	and title_en='table phone';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Baril de mesure'	where title_zh='计量桶'	and title_en='Metering barrel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Piston'	where title_zh='活塞'	and title_en='piston';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac à crème'	where title_zh='奶油袋'	and title_en='Cream Bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couteau de coupe'	where title_zh='切面刀'	and title_en='Cut knife';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cylindre maître d''embrayage'	where title_zh='离合总泵'	and title_en='Clutch master cylinder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tournevis'	where title_zh='螺丝刀'	and title_en='screwdriver';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vêtements (compressés)'	where title_zh='服装(压缩包)'	and title_en='clothes(Compressed)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balance de mise en conserve de gaz liquéfié'	where title_zh='液化气罐装称'	and title_en='Liquefied gas canning scale';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fusible'	where title_zh='熔断器'	and title_en='Fuse';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Abat-jour de lampe de table'	where title_zh='台灯罩'	and title_en='Table lampshade';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poignée de porte'	where title_zh='门拉手'	and title_en='Door handle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Récolteuse de maïs'	where title_zh='玉米收获机'	and title_en='Corn harvester';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de bulking'	where title_zh='膨化机'	and title_en='bulking machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Perceuse à fil de coton'	where title_zh='线卡'	and title_en='ply-yarn drill';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poulies'	where title_zh='滑轮'	and title_en='Pulleys';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tapis en caoutchouc'	where title_zh='橡胶垫'	and title_en='Rubber Pad';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fer hexagonal'	where title_zh='六角马铁'	and title_en='Hexagon iron';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crochet de suspension'	where title_zh='碗头'	and title_en='Hanging Hook';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Clip de fil'	where title_zh='线夹'	and title_en='wire clip';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe pneumatique'	where title_zh='气动泵'	and title_en='pneumatic pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-batterie'	where title_zh='电瓶夹'	and title_en='Battery holder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Supports pour téléphone mobile'	where title_zh='手机支架'	and title_en='Mobile phone stents';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Amplificateur'	where title_zh='放大器'	and title_en='amplifier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vêtements de protection contre le plomb'	where title_zh='铅防护衣'	and title_en='Lead protective clothing';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gants de protection contre le plomb'	where title_zh='铅防护手套'	and title_en='Lead protective gloves';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Compteur d''eau'	where title_zh='水表'	and title_en='Water meter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau d''eau'	where title_zh='水管'	and title_en='Water pipe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Raccordement d''eau'	where title_zh='水管接头'	and title_en='Water connection';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau de drainage'	where title_zh='排水管'	and title_en='Drainage Pipe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ustensiles de cuisine'	where title_zh='厨具'	and title_en='Kitchenware';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Clip de fil'	where title_zh='线卡'	and title_en=' wire clip';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe halogène'	where title_zh='卤素灯管'	and title_en='Halogen lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Alarme électrique'	where title_zh='电动报警器'	and title_en='Electric alarm';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Contrôleur d''alarme incendie'	where title_zh='消防报警控制器'	and title_en='Fire alarm controller';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Régulateur'	where title_zh='调速器'	and title_en='governor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de tondeuse'	where title_zh='割草机配件'	and title_en='Mower accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte de contrôle de pompe'	where title_zh='水泵控制盒'	and title_en='Pump control box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Nettoyeur de lunettes'	where title_zh='眼镜清洗剂'	and title_en='Eyeglasses cleaner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poulailler'	where title_zh='鸡笼'	and title_en='Chicken coop';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Protecteur de puissance'	where title_zh='电源保护器'	and title_en=' Power protector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Filtre automobile'	where title_zh='汽车过滤器'	and title_en='Automobile filter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Kit de réparation automobile'	where title_zh='汽车修理包'	and title_en='Car repair kit';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Anneau de voiture'	where title_zh='汽车O型圈'	and title_en='car ring';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Grue élévatrice'	where title_zh='吊机葫芦'	and title_en='Crane hoist';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Voitures jouets'	where title_zh='玩具车'	and title_en='Toy Cars';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Disjoncteur à boîtier moulé'	where title_zh='塑壳断路器'	and title_en='Molded case circuit breaker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rail de guidage'	where title_zh='导轨'	and title_en='Guide rail';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Contacteur'	where title_zh='接触器'	and title_en='contactor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Embrayage'	where title_zh='离合器'	and title_en='clutch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Astuces de tonte'	where title_zh='割草线(设备)'	and title_en='Mowing tricks';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stérilisateur de bouchons de bouteille'	where title_zh='瓶盖杀菌机'	and title_en='  Bottle cap sterilizer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pare-soleil'	where title_zh='晴雨挡'	and title_en='Sunny visor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Grille-pain'	where title_zh='吐司面包机'	and title_en='Toasters';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Base'	where title_zh='底座'	and title_en='Base';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Filtre'	where title_zh='滤清器'	and title_en='filter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe à bande DC'	where title_zh='直流带线灯'	and title_en='DC strip lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Serre métallique'	where title_zh='金属夹子'	and title_en='Metal Clamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Convertisseur de capuchon de lampe'	where title_zh='灯头转换器'	and title_en='Lamp cap converter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil de pêche'	where title_zh='鱼线'	and title_en='Fishing Line';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de découpe de pneus'	where title_zh='轮胎切割机'	and title_en='Tyre cutting machine ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Électrodes ECG jetables'	where title_zh='一次性使用心电电极'	and title_en='Disposable ecg electrodes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moniteur'	where title_zh='监护仪'	and title_en='The monitor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Radio'	where title_zh='收音机'	and title_en='Radio';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Outil de broyage de ciment'	where title_zh='水泥磨具'	and title_en='Cement grinding tool';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Transat'	where title_zh='躺椅'	and title_en='Deck chair';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Protecteur de tension'	where title_zh='电压保护器'	and title_en='Voltage Protector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boule de camphre'	where title_zh='樟脑丸'	and title_en='Camphor ball';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fournitures d''impression'	where title_zh='印刷耗材'	and title_en='Printing supplies';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Affaires personnelles'	where title_zh='私人物品'	and title_en='   Personal belongings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de clôture électronique'	where title_zh='电子围栏配件'	and title_en='Electronic fence accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à porte'	where title_zh='移动门机'	and title_en='door machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaques de cuisson à gaz'	where title_zh='灶盘'	and title_en='gas hobs';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vernis à ongles'	where title_zh='指甲油'	and title_en='Nail polish';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Faux ongles'	where title_zh='假指甲'	and title_en='Fake nails';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Set de pièces de téléphone'	where title_zh='手机指环扣套装'	and title_en='phone parts set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaquette de frein'	where title_zh='刹车蹄'	and title_en='Brake shoe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Jeu électronique'	where title_zh='电子游戏机'	and title_en='electronic game';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pistolet à eau'	where title_zh='水枪'	and title_en='Water gun';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Matériaux de couture'	where title_zh='花边'	and title_en='tailoring material';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Seau à glace'	where title_zh='冰桶'	and title_en='Ice bucket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe solaire'	where title_zh='太阳能灯'	and title_en='Solar lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bracelet'	where title_zh='手环'	and title_en='bracelet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Purificateur d''eau domestique'	where title_zh='家用净水器'	and title_en='Household water purifier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à air vide / fil en maille'	where title_zh='空的航空箱+网线'	and title_en='Empty Air Box / net wire';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Meubles'	where title_zh='家具'	and title_en='furniture';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tête électrique'	where title_zh='电脑袋'	and title_en='Electric head';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièce automobile'	where title_zh='汽配'	and title_en='auto part';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque d''aluminium'	where title_zh='铝板'	and title_en='Aluminum plate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Multiprise'	where title_zh='电源板'	and title_en='Power Strip';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Composants électriques'	where title_zh='电动元件'	and title_en='  Electric components';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pinceau'	where title_zh='油漆刷'	and title_en='The paint brush';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rouleau'	where title_zh='滚筒'	and title_en='roller';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à lunch'	where title_zh='塑料饭盒'	and title_en='Lunch box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Paille'	where title_zh='吸管'	and title_en='straw';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='SACS OPP'	where title_zh='OPP袋子'	and title_en='OPP BAGS';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Meule abrasive'	where title_zh='砂轮片'	and title_en='Grinding wheel piece';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Planche à découper en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料菜板'	and title_en='Plastic Cutting Board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de machine à coudre'	where title_zh='缝纫机配件'	and title_en='Sewing machine accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre de soudage'	where title_zh='焊粉'	and title_en='Welding powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Appareils ménagers'	where title_zh='家用电器'	and title_en='Household appliances';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Kit de lecteur de carte'	where title_zh='读卡器套装'	and title_en='Card reader set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tubes'	where title_zh='拉力器'	and title_en='tubing';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ceinture ventrale'	where title_zh='收腹腰带'	and title_en='Belly in belt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Montures de lunettes'	where title_zh='眼镜框'	and title_en='glasses frames';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cartouche de toner'	where title_zh='硒鼓'	and title_en='Toner Cartridge';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à bijoux'	where title_zh='饰品盒'	and title_en='jewelry box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires d''interphone'	where title_zh='对讲机配件'	and title_en='Intercom accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Câble'	where title_zh='电缆线'	and title_en='Cable Wire';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Préinstallé'	where title_zh='装机'	and title_en='The installed';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='CAM'	where title_zh='凸轮'	and title_en='CAM';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tirelire'	where title_zh='存钱罐'	and title_en='Money box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier de transfert thermique'	where title_zh='热转印纸'	and title_en='Thermal transfer paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Corde de pain'	where title_zh='面包扎绳'	and title_en='Bread tied the rope';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Alarme'	where title_zh='报警器'	and title_en='alarm';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Briquet'	where title_zh='点火器'	and title_en='lighter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sceau'	where title_zh='印章'	and title_en='seal';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='COUVRE-CHAUSSURES'	where title_zh='鞋套'	and title_en='SHOES COVER';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support de panneau'	where title_zh='展板支架'	and title_en='Panel bracket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Amplificateur de haut-parleur'	where title_zh='扩音器 功放'	and title_en='Loudspeaker Amplifier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Prise'	where title_zh='插头'	and title_en='plug';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Raccord de cuisinière à gaz'	where title_zh='炉灶配件'	and title_en='Gas stove fitting';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panneau publicitaire'	where title_zh='广告牌'	and title_en='Billboard';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tige de mélange'	where title_zh='搅拌杆'	and title_en='Stirring rod';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Testeur'	where title_zh='测试仪'	and title_en='Tester';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Haut-parleur Bluetooth'	where title_zh='蓝牙音响'	and title_en='Bluetooth speaker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Joint d''huile automobile'	where title_zh='汽配 油封'	and title_en='Auto oil seal';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à eau distillée'	where title_zh='蒸馏水机'	and title_en='Distilled water machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à eau distillée portable'	where title_zh='便携式蒸馏水机'	and title_en=' Portable distilled water machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bougie d’allumage'	where title_zh='火花塞'	and title_en='Spark plug';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bobines d''allumage'	where title_zh='点火线圈'	and title_en='Ignition coils';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Batterie de téléphone'	where title_zh='手机电池'	and title_en='phone battery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe à voiture'	where title_zh='汽车充气泵'	and title_en='car pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de remplissage'	where title_zh='灌装机'	and title_en='Filling machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à film rétractable'	where title_zh='收缩膜机'	and title_en='Shrink film machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Refroidisseur d''air'	where title_zh='冷风机'	and title_en='Air cooler';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poêle à bois'	where title_zh='火炉'	and title_en='fire stove';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à bonbons'	where title_zh='糖果机'	and title_en='Candy machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chariot de restauration à étages'	where title_zh='层餐车'	and title_en='layer dining car';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à fumée'	where title_zh='烟雾机'	and title_en='Smoke machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Épilateur'	where title_zh='脱毛机'	and title_en='Depilator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe de moto'	where title_zh='摩托车车灯'	and title_en='Motorcycle lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à barbecue'	where title_zh='烤肉机'	and title_en='Barbecue machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Scie à os'	where title_zh='锯骨机'	and title_en='bone saw';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Congélateur'	where title_zh='冰淇淋柜'	and title_en='freezer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Antenne TV'	where title_zh='电视天线'	and title_en='TV antenna';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coupe-verre'	where title_zh='玻璃刀'	and title_en='Glass cutter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Monture de lunettes'	where title_zh='眼镜架'	and title_en='Spectacle Frame';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Turbine électrique'	where title_zh='电轮机'	and title_en='Electric turbine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Marteau'	where title_zh='铁锤'	and title_en='Hammer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Haut-parleur sans fil'	where title_zh='无线扬声器'	and title_en='Wireless speaker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Éventail en papier'	where title_zh='纸扇'	and title_en='Paper fan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Arroseur d''irrigation'	where title_zh='灌溉喷头'	and title_en='Irrigation sprinkler';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lingette humide'	where title_zh='除湿剂'	and title_en='Wet tissue';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouchon de bouteille'	where title_zh='瓶盖'	and title_en='bottle cap';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Débitmètre de gaz liquide'	where title_zh='液化气流量计'	and title_en='Liquid gas flowmeter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Séchoir'	where title_zh='烘干机'	and title_en='dryer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gypse médical'	where title_zh='医用石膏'	and title_en='Medical gypsum';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe anti-moustiques'	where title_zh='灭蚊灯'	and title_en='Mosquito lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Conditionneur de sol microbien'	where title_zh='微生物土壤调节剂'	and title_en='Microbial soil conditioner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bobine électromagnétique'	where title_zh='螺线管'	and title_en='Solenoid coil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lame de polisseur'	where title_zh='抹光机刀片'	and title_en='Polisher Blade';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Évier'	where title_zh='水槽'	and title_en='Sink';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Outils manuels'	where title_zh='手动工具 '	and title_en='Hand tools';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires en fer'	where title_zh='铁艺配件'	and title_en='Iron accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moulin à riz'	where title_zh='碾米机 '	and title_en='Rice mill';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coupe-brosse'	where title_zh='割灌机'	and title_en='Brush cutter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Semeuse'	where title_zh='播种机'	and title_en='seeder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil de coupe'	where title_zh='割草线'	and title_en='Trimmer Line';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chambre noire'	where title_zh='暗箱'	and title_en='Camera obscura';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Amalgamateur'	where title_zh='调和机'	and title_en='Amalgamator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='RÉGULATEUR'	where title_zh='减压阀'	and title_en='REGULATOR';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier pour caisse enregistreuse'	where title_zh='收银纸'	and title_en='Cash register paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Allume-cigare pour voiture'	where title_zh='车载点烟器'	and title_en='Car cigarette lighter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à popcorn'	where title_zh='爆谷机'	and title_en='Popcorn machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à barbe à papa'	where title_zh='棉花糖机'	and title_en='cotton candy machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à smoothie'	where title_zh='沙冰机'	and title_en='Smoothie machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vitrine à gâteaux'	where title_zh='蛋糕柜'	and title_en='Cake cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Câble pour instruments'	where title_zh='分线器'	and title_en='Instrument line';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moteur de vibration pour béton'	where title_zh='混凝土振动电动机'	and title_en='Concrete vibration motor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac à lunch (sac non tissé)'	where title_zh='午餐包(无纺布袋)'	and title_en='Lunch bag (non-woven bag)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balance de plateforme'	where title_zh='台秤'	and title_en='Platform scale';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Marteau'	where title_zh='开孔器'	and title_en='tapper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Régulateur de tension'	where title_zh='稳压器'	and title_en='voltage regulator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Robinet à billes'	where title_zh='球阀'	and title_en='ball valve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fournitures médicales'	where title_zh='医疗用品'	and title_en='Medical supplies';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sommets de fenêtres'	where title_zh='毛条'	and title_en='window tops';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Diviseur de pâte'	where title_zh='面团分块机'	and title_en='dough divider';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Enregistreur de conduite'	where title_zh='行车记录仪'	and title_en='Driving recorder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier pour enregistrement'	where title_zh='记录纸'	and title_en='record paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe de visualisation'	where title_zh='观片灯'	and title_en='Viewing lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cassette'	where title_zh='暗盒'	and title_en='cassette';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cadre photographique'	where title_zh='摄影架'	and title_en='photographic frame';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tube PU'	where title_zh='PU管'	and title_en='PU TUBE';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Treuil manuel'	where title_zh='手拉葫芦'	and title_en='Hand Hoist';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Régulateur de chaîne'	where title_zh='链条'	and title_en='Chain regulator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à coudre'	where title_zh='平缝机'	and title_en='Sewing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à colle'	where title_zh='胶水机'	and title_en='glue machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Instrument d''affichage multifonction'	where title_zh='多功能显示仪表'	and title_en='Multi-function display instrument';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à vapeur'	where title_zh='蒸脸机'	and title_en='Steaming machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Clou en ciment'	where title_zh='水泥钉'	and title_en='Cement Nail';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sous-vêtements'	where title_zh='内裤'	and title_en='underwear';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chariot élévateur'	where title_zh='叉车'	and title_en='Forklift truck';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Composant de frein de châssis de camion'	where title_zh='卡车底盘制动器元件'	and title_en='Truck chassis brake component';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte de jonction'	where title_zh='接线盒'	and title_en='Junction box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fleur'	where title_zh='  花架'	and title_en='flower';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gazon'	where title_zh='草坪'	and title_en='Lawn';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bougie factice'	where title_zh='假蜡烛'	and title_en='Fake candle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Robe'	where title_zh='睡袍'	and title_en='A robe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Presse à chaud'	where title_zh='热压机'	and title_en='Hot press';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Nettoyeur d''écran de téléphone mobile'	where title_zh='手机屏幕清洗液'	and title_en='Mobile phone screen cleaner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fer à souder électrique'	where title_zh='电烙铁'	and title_en='Electric soldering iron ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à lissage'	where title_zh='抹光机'	and title_en='Troweling machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Barre de vibration'	where title_zh='振动棒'	and title_en='Vibrating rod';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vibreur'	where title_zh='振动器'	and title_en='vibrator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poupée Barbie'	where title_zh='芭比娃娃'	and title_en='Barbie doll';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sonde infrarouge'	where title_zh='红外探头'	and title_en='Infrared probe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Alliage d''aluminium'	where title_zh='铝合金型材'	and title_en='Aluminum alloy';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='LAVEUSE HAUTE PRESSION'	where title_zh='高压清洗机'	and title_en='HIGH PRESSURE WASHER';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau à fusion thermique'	where title_zh='热熔管'	and title_en='Hot melt pipe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cisaille à tuyaux'	where title_zh='管材剪'	and title_en='Pipe Shears';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Capteur de température et d''humidité'	where title_zh='温湿度传感器'	and title_en='Temperature Humidity Sensor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cylindre de roue'	where title_zh='刹车分泵'	and title_en='wheel cylinder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe signal'	where title_zh='信号灯'	and title_en=' signal lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Jauge à cadran'	where title_zh='板表'	and title_en='Dial gauge';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau hydraulique et raccords'	where title_zh='液压胶管及配件'	and title_en='Hydraulic hose and fittings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fraiseuse sculptée'	where title_zh='刻磨机'	and title_en='Carved mill';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Imprimante de code'	where title_zh='打码机'	and title_en='Code printer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carnet avec batterie externe'	where title_zh='笔记本带移动电源'	and title_en='notebook with power bank';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac en papier'	where title_zh='纸袋'	and title_en='paper bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Écran filtrant'	where title_zh='过滤网'	and title_en='Filter screen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte de jonction'	where title_zh='接线箱'	and title_en='Junction box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support d''exposition'	where title_zh='展示架'	and title_en='Showing stand';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Câble en acier'	where title_zh='钢丝绳'	and title_en='Steel wire rope';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de moteur'	where title_zh='发动机配件'	and title_en='Engine fittings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Onduleur de véhicule'	where title_zh='车载逆变器'	and title_en='Vehicle inverter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires automobiles'	where title_zh='汽车挂件'	and title_en='Auto accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Isolateur'	where title_zh='绝缘子'	and title_en='insulator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tombereau'	where title_zh='清洁车'	and title_en='Dumper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Démarreur'	where title_zh='启辉器'	and title_en='starter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Miroir d''inspection de véhicule'	where title_zh='车底检查镜'	and title_en='Vehicle inspection mirror';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Trachée'	where title_zh='气管'	and title_en='trachea';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='VANNE ÉLECTROMAGNÉTIQUE'	where title_zh='电磁阀'	and title_en='SOLENOID VALVE';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='RACCORDEMENTS D''AIR'	where title_zh='接头'	and title_en='AIR FITTINGS';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Champs'	where title_zh='理疗仪'	and title_en='fields';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bâton de massage'	where title_zh='按摩棒'	and title_en='Massage stick';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Film POF'	where title_zh='pof膜'	and title_en='POF film';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fond de teint liquide'	where title_zh='粉底液'	and title_en='Liquid foundation';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à briques'	where title_zh='制砖机'	and title_en='Brick machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à huile de friture'	where title_zh='炸油机'	and title_en='Frying oil machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier d''impression pour électrocardiogramme'	where title_zh='心电图打印纸'	and title_en='Electrocardiogram printing paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier d''impression ECG'	where title_zh='ECG打印纸'	and title_en='ECG printing paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Contrôleur de température'	where title_zh='温控仪'	and title_en='Temperature controller';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Emballage'	where title_zh='包装盒'	and title_en='packaging';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boulon'	where title_zh='插销'	and title_en='bolt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carte PVC'	where title_zh='PVC卡托'	and title_en='PVC card';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Amortisseur'	where title_zh='减震器'	and title_en='Shock absorber';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balance électronique'	where title_zh='电子秤'	and title_en='Electronic scale';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque d''emballage'	where title_zh='包装字牌'	and title_en='Packaging plate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Assemblage de pignon'	where title_zh='链轮总成'	and title_en='Sprocket assembly';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Contrôleur'	where title_zh='控制器'	and title_en='Controller';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chargeur de batterie'	where title_zh='电瓶充电器'	and title_en='Battery charger';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de réparation'	where title_zh='返修机'	and title_en='Repair machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe de transfert d''huile'	where title_zh='输油泵'	and title_en='Oil transfer pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Épaississant'	where title_zh='增稠剂'	and title_en='thickener';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Four à casserole'	where title_zh='煲仔炉'	and title_en='Casserole furnace';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à faire des clés'	where title_zh='配钥匙机'	and title_en='Key-making machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tige de fer'	where title_zh='铁杆'	and title_en='Iron Rod';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventilateur'	where title_zh='风机'	and title_en='fan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Conduit d''air'	where title_zh='风管'	and title_en='Air duct';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Broyeur domestique'	where title_zh='磨粉机'	and title_en='household Pulverizer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de nettoyage'	where title_zh='清洗机'	and title_en='Cleaning machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Nébuliseur'	where title_zh='雾化器'	and title_en='Nebulizer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料配件'	and title_en='Plastic accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Détecteurs de fumée'	where title_zh='烟雾探测器'	and title_en='Smoke Detectors';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Flasque'	where title_zh='酒壶'	and title_en='HIP FLASK';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crème colorante pour cheveux'	where title_zh='染发膏'	and title_en='Dye hair cream';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ciseau'	where title_zh='凿子'	and title_en='chisel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de vêtement'	where title_zh='服装辅料网管'	and title_en='garment accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Alimentation sans coupure'	where title_zh='ups电源'	and title_en='Uninterruptible Power Supply';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de conditionnement'	where title_zh='包装机'	and title_en='Packaging machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Alarme de voiture'	where title_zh='汽车防盗器'	and title_en='Car alarm';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Housses de lit'	where title_zh='床上用品'	and title_en='bed linings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Articles de première nécessité'	where title_zh='日用品'	and title_en='Daily necessities';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Enroulable'	where title_zh='易拉宝'	and title_en='Roll up';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à déjeuner'	where title_zh='饭盒'	and title_en='Lunch box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Membrane de scellage'	where title_zh='封杯膜'	and title_en='Sealing membrane';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Contrôleur de puissance'	where title_zh='电源控制器'	and title_en='Power controller';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Robot culinaire'	where title_zh='料理机'	and title_en='food processor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Article de test'	where title_zh='测试条'	and title_en='Test article';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aiguille de suivi'	where title_zh='采血针'	and title_en='In pursuance of the needle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Extrémité de liaison'	where title_zh='拉杆球头'	and title_en='Linkage end';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe d''alarme'	where title_zh='警灯'	and title_en='Alarm lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Colonne d''eau'	where title_zh='水柱'	and title_en='Water column';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte en tôle'	where title_zh='马口铁盒'	and title_en='Tinplate Box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moule'	where title_zh='模具'	and title_en='mould';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de régulation'	where title_zh='调理机'	and title_en='Regulate machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Huile pour compas'	where title_zh='指南针油'	and title_en='compass oil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Valve de frein'	where title_zh='制动阀'	and title_en='Brake valve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à pression'	where title_zh='压扣机'	and title_en='Pressure machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Con'	where title_zh='美瞳'	and title_en='con';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Faux cils'	where title_zh='假睫毛'	and title_en='False eyelash';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Correcteur'	where title_zh='遮瑕膏'	and title_en='concealer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de traction'	where title_zh='曳引机 '	and title_en='Traction machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Meules'	where title_zh='磨盘'	and title_en='Millstones';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Relais de temps'	where title_zh='时间继电器'	and title_en='Time relay';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Alarme'	where title_zh='警报器'	and title_en='alarm';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tête de pompe GPL'	where title_zh='液化气泵头'	and title_en='LPG pump head';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Objectif'	where title_zh='物镜'	and title_en='objective';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de désinfection'	where title_zh='消毒机'	and title_en='Disinfection machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lorsque rond serré'	where title_zh='涨紧轮'	and title_en='When tight round';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à granulés'	where title_zh='颗粒机'	and title_en='Pellet machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte étanche'	where title_zh='防水盒'	and title_en='Waterproof box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte en PU'	where title_zh='PU盒子'	and title_en='PU box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Imprimante textile'	where title_zh='纺织打印机'	and title_en='Textile printer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Matelas gonflable'	where title_zh='气垫'	and title_en='air mattress';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balance'	where title_zh='体重秤'	and title_en='weighing scale';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stérilisateur à vapeur portable sous pression'	where title_zh='灭菌器'	and title_en='portable pressure steam sterilizer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Filtre'	where title_zh='过滤器'	and title_en='Filter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support pour perfusion'	where title_zh='输液架'	and title_en='Iv stand';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bride'	where title_zh='法兰'	and title_en='The flange';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte artisanale'	where title_zh='工艺箱子'	and title_en='Craft box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac de riz'	where title_zh='大米袋子'	and title_en='Rice Bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier abrasif'	where title_zh='磨砂纸'	and title_en='Abrasive paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poids'	where title_zh='砝码'	and title_en='Weights';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bandelette de test rapide'	where title_zh='快速检测试纸'	and title_en='Quick test strip';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte à enroulement en alliage d''aluminium'	where title_zh='铝合金卷闸门'	and title_en='Aluminum Alloy Rolling Gate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Roulettes'	where title_zh='脚轮'	and title_en='Casters';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil de téléphone portable'	where title_zh='手机绳'	and title_en='Mobile phone line';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pinces'	where title_zh='钳子 '	and title_en='pliers';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pistolet à riveter'	where title_zh='拉铆枪'	and title_en='Riveting gun';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à filets'	where title_zh='圆角机'	and title_en='Fillet machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ceintures de sécurité'	where title_zh='安全带'	and title_en='Seat belts';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pulvérisateur'	where title_zh='喷雾器'	and title_en='Sprayer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balance suspendue'	where title_zh='吊秤'	and title_en='Hanging scale';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Jouets en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料玩具'	and title_en='Plastic toys';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Acier angulaire'	where title_zh='角钢'	and title_en='Angle steel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Outil de brossage pour application de lubrifiant'	where title_zh='涂刷工具 '	and title_en='Besmear to brush tool';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Disque de fil'	where title_zh='电线盘'	and title_en=' wire disc';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces de moteur'	where title_zh='电机配件'	and title_en='Motor parts';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Caisse à argent'	where title_zh='钱箱'	and title_en='cash box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crochet d''arc'	where title_zh='弧钩'	and title_en='Arc hook';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Kit de coupe-ongles'	where title_zh='指甲刀套装'	and title_en='Nail clipper set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de laminage'	where title_zh='贴合机'	and title_en='Laminating machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Album'	where title_zh='画册'	and title_en='Album';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires en acier inoxydable'	where title_zh='不锈钢配件'	and title_en='Stainless steel fittings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Feuille en caoutchouc'	where title_zh='橡胶板'	and title_en='Rubber sheet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Colonnes en acrylique'	where title_zh='亚克力立柱'	and title_en='Acrylic columns';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à décortiquer'	where title_zh='剥壳机'	and title_en='Shelling machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte en PU'	where title_zh='pu箱'	and title_en='PU box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brosse à vapeur'	where title_zh='蒸汽刷'	and title_en='Steam brush';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte d''intégration'	where title_zh='包埋盒'	and title_en='The embedding box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte métallique'	where title_zh='金属箱'	and title_en='Metal box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panier à magazines'	where title_zh='杂志篮'	and title_en='The magazine basket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='TABLE D''ASSURANCE'	where title_zh='保险桌'	and title_en='INSURANCE TABLE';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Manette de jeu'	where title_zh='游戏手柄'	and title_en='gamepad';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mur gonflable'	where title_zh='充气墙'	and title_en='Inflatable wall';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à scier le panneau de table'	where title_zh='裁板锯 '	and title_en=' Table Panel Saw Machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Douille'	where title_zh='衬套'	and title_en='bushing';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Set de boîte à outils'	where title_zh='工具箱套装'	and title_en='Tool box set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Joint de culasse de voiture'	where title_zh='汽车缸垫'	and title_en='Car cylinder head gasket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque de cuisson'	where title_zh='烤盘'	and title_en='Baking tray';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ballast'	where title_zh='镇流器'	and title_en='ballast';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe de surpression'	where title_zh='冷热水增压泵'	and title_en='Booster pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Voiture de restauration'	where title_zh='餐车'	and title_en='Dining Car';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tabliers en plomb'	where title_zh='铅围裙'	and title_en='Lead aprons';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vêtements en caoutchouc plombés'	where title_zh='铅胶衣'	and title_en='Lead rubber clothing';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à capuchon de cuisson numérique'	where title_zh='数码烤帽机'	and title_en=' Digital baking cap machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe à ongles'	where title_zh='美甲灯'	and title_en='Nail lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à suggestions'	where title_zh='意见箱'	and title_en='Suggestion box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Échelle en aluminium'	where title_zh='铝梯'	and title_en='Aluminum ladder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bande à haute pression'	where title_zh='高压条'	and title_en='High pressure strip';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Corde élastique'	where title_zh='松紧线'	and title_en='elastic cord';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Perceuse électrique'	where title_zh='电钻'	and title_en='Electric drill';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Siège de sécurité'	where title_zh='安全座椅'	and title_en='Safety seat ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Traceur'	where title_zh='绘图仪'	and title_en='Plotter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Développeur de film radiographique'	where title_zh='显影粉'	and title_en='X-ray Film Developer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre fixante'	where title_zh='定影粉'	and title_en='Fixer Powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Étiquette'	where title_zh='吊牌'	and title_en='tag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Palans'	where title_zh='提升机'	and title_en='Hoists';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Convoyeur'	where title_zh='输送带'	and title_en='Conveyor belt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventilateurs'	where title_zh='通风扇'	and title_en='Ventilation fans';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fauteuil roulant'	where title_zh='轮椅车'	and title_en='Wheelchair';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Miroir'	where title_zh='镜子'	and title_en='The mirror';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Badge de vêtement'	where title_zh='服装胸章'	and title_en='Clothing badge';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Canne'	where title_zh='柺杖'	and title_en='walking stick';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Verre trempé'	where title_zh='钢化玻璃'	and title_en='Toughened glass';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brosse cervicale'	where title_zh='宫颈刷'	and title_en='The cervical brush';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau pneumatique'	where title_zh='空压软管'	and title_en='Pneumatic hose';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Clé'	where title_zh='扳手'	and title_en='Spanner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuile de sable'	where title_zh='沙瓦'	and title_en='sand tile';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de forage'	where title_zh='打井机'	and title_en='Well drilling machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tondeuse à gazon'	where title_zh='割草机'	and title_en='lawn mower';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Oreilles suspendues'	where title_zh='吊穗'	and title_en='Hanging ear';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Diviseur de pâte hydraulique'	where title_zh='液压分块机'	and title_en='Hydraulic dough divider';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Système de surveillance CCTV'	where title_zh='CCTV 监控系统'	and title_en='CCTV monitoring system';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='DILUANT'	where title_zh='稀释液'	and title_en='DILUENT ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panneau de câblage'	where title_zh='接线板'	and title_en='Wiring board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moule en acier'	where title_zh='钢模'	and title_en='steel mould';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Microphone support'	where title_zh='麦克风支架'	and title_en='Mic stand';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plumes de bijoux'	where title_zh='饰品羽毛'	and title_en='Jewelry feathers';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau en caoutchouc'	where title_zh='胶管'	and title_en='Rubber Hose';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à écran de pression'	where title_zh='压屏机'	and title_en='Pressure screen machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coupe-poils de nez'	where title_zh='鼻毛器 '	and title_en='nose hair trimmer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Batteuse à maïs'	where title_zh='玉米脱粒机'	and title_en='Corn thresher';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='UPS (Alimentation sans coupure)'	where title_zh='不间断电源'	and title_en='UPS';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de camion-citerne'	where title_zh='油罐车配件'	and title_en='Tank car accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dessicant'	where title_zh='干燥剂'	and title_en='desiccant';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pales de ventilateur'	where title_zh='风扇叶片'	and title_en='Fan blades';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe à huile électrique'	where title_zh='电动油泵'	and title_en='Electric Oil Pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cric de levage'	where title_zh='千斤顶'	and title_en='lifting jack';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de traction manuelle'	where title_zh='手推拖地机'	and title_en='Hand towing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Surtension'	where title_zh='电涌'	and title_en='power surge';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Écran tactile'	where title_zh='触摸屏'	and title_en='touch screen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouilloire électrique'	where title_zh='电水壶'	and title_en='Electric kettle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Enlève-pierres'	where title_zh='去石机'	and title_en='Stone remover';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stylo de talc'	where title_zh='滑石笔'	and title_en='Talc Pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Four à barbecue'	where title_zh='烧烤炉'	and title_en='Barbecue oven';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement d''ascenseur'	where title_zh='电梯设备'	and title_en='Elevator equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Huile de refroidissement'	where title_zh='清凉油'	and title_en='Cool oil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Barre de balance'	where title_zh='平衡杆'	and title_en='Balance bar';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fermeture éclair'	where title_zh='拉链'	and title_en='zipper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Agent de chaulage'	where title_zh='清澈剂'	and title_en='Liming agent';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tamis de tri du riz blanc'	where title_zh='白米分级筛'	and title_en='White rice grading sieve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couteau d''épluchage'	where title_zh='瓜刨'	and title_en='paring knife';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bol en plastique dentaire'	where title_zh='牙科胶碗'	and title_en='Dental plastic bowl';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Meuleuse'	where title_zh='砂轮机 '	and title_en='grinder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier de verre'	where title_zh='砂纸'	and title_en='sandpaper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Acrylique pour prothèses dentaires'	where title_zh='牙托粉'	and title_en='Denture acrylic';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Palan électrique'	where title_zh='电动葫芦'	and title_en='Electric hoist';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Palan électrique'	where title_zh='吸头'	and title_en='Electric hoist';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Piquets à huile'	where title_zh='油镐'	and title_en='Oil picks';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque de blocage du piston'	where title_zh='挡夯板'	and title_en='Block ram plate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cotons-tiges'	where title_zh='棉签'	and title_en='Cotton swabs';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Manomètre'	where title_zh='压力表'	and title_en='Pressure gauge';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour scierie'	where title_zh='锯木机配件'	and title_en='Sawmill accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Valise'	where title_zh='行李包'	and title_en='luggage';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à jeux à pièce'	where title_zh='投币式游戏机'	and title_en='Coin-operated games machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Diffuseur d’arôme'	where title_zh='香气扩散器'	and title_en='aroma aiffuser';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rôtissoire à gaz'	where title_zh='气体切片烤肉机'	and title_en='Gas Rotisserie';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Citerne'	where title_zh='水缸'	and title_en='tank';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Décortiqueuse'	where title_zh='脱壳机'	and title_en='sheller';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pied à coulisse'	where title_zh='卡尺'	and title_en='caliper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte de disjoncteur'	where title_zh='断路器盒子'	and title_en='Circuit breaker box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque de friction'	where title_zh='摩擦片'	and title_en='Friction plate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Commutateur d’allumage'	where title_zh='点火开关'	and title_en='Ignition switch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Phares'	where title_zh='(车)前灯'	and title_en='headlight';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Séparateur de couleurs'	where title_zh='色选机'	and title_en='Color separator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Voiture hydraulique'	where title_zh='液压车'	and title_en='Hydraulic car';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='GRAINE'	where title_zh='种子'	and title_en='SEED';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Encens répulsif pour moustiques'	where title_zh='蚊香'	and title_en='Mosquito-repellent incense';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à pic'	where title_zh='风镐机'	and title_en='Air Pick Machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Four électrique'	where title_zh='电焗炉'	and title_en='Electric oven';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balance de remplissage de GPL'	where title_zh='液化气灌装秤'	and title_en='LPG filling scale';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Courroie triangulaire'	where title_zh='三角带'	and title_en='Triangular Belt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Toile de auvent'	where title_zh='雨棚布'	and title_en='Canopy cloth';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ruban'	where title_zh='织带 '	and title_en='ribbon';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Casque de sécurité'	where title_zh='安全帽'	and title_en='Hard Hat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à barres collectrices'	where title_zh='母线加工机器'	and title_en='Busbar machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Feuille acrylique'	where title_zh='亚克力板'	and title_en='Acrylic sheet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tambour d’huile'	where title_zh='油桶'	and title_en='Oil drum';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Film PVC'	where title_zh='PVC贴膜'	and title_en='pvc film';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Clés de gâchette'	where title_zh='钥匙胚'	and title_en='Keys embryo';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Manuel d''instructions'	where title_zh='说明书'	and title_en='Instruction manual';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sèche-mains'	where title_zh='干手器'	and title_en='Hand dryer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Outils'	where title_zh='工具'	and title_en='tools';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stérilisateur'	where title_zh='消毒器'	and title_en='sterilizer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Incubateur'	where title_zh='培养箱'	and title_en='incubator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lavabo'	where title_zh='洗手盆'	and title_en='wash basin';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Visière de protection'	where title_zh='防护面罩(工业)'	and title_en='Face shield';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Transformateur'	where title_zh='互感器'	and title_en='transformer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Artisanat en cristal'	where title_zh='水晶工艺品'	and title_en='Crystal handicraft';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Table de travail pour machine alimentaire'	where title_zh='工作台(食品加工机)'	and title_en='Working table for food machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pique électrique'	where title_zh='电镐'	and title_en='Electric pick';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fontaine en acier inoxydable'	where title_zh='不锈钢喷泉'	and title_en='Stainless steel fountain';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='PLAQUE CTP'	where title_zh='CTP版材'	and title_en='CTP PLATE';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque chauffante à gaz'	where title_zh='扒炉'	and title_en='Gas Griddle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support de climatiseur'	where title_zh='空调支架'	and title_en='Air conditioner bracket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à alimentation'	where title_zh='饲料机'	and title_en='Feed machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Maille en fibre de verre'	where title_zh='玻纤网格布'	and title_en='Glass fibre mesh';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à boutons de manchette'	where title_zh='袖扣盒子'	and title_en='Cufflinks box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Détecteur de métal'	where title_zh='金属探测仪'	and title_en='Metal detector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Glissières de tiroir'	where title_zh='抽屉滑轨'	and title_en='Drawer slides';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-chaussures'	where title_zh='鞋架'	and title_en='Shoe rack';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Film adhésif thermofusible'	where title_zh='热转化膜'	and title_en='Hot melt adhesive film';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte intérieure'	where title_zh='内盒'	and title_en='inner box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque de couverture'	where title_zh='盖板'	and title_en='Cover plate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe UV'	where title_zh='紫外线灯管'	and title_en='UV lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bague de cuisinière'	where title_zh='蚊香管'	and title_en='COOKER RING';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tube d''expansion'	where title_zh='膨胀管'	and title_en='Expansion tube';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Meule abrasive'	where title_zh='磨轮'	and title_en='Grinding wheel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Appareil de perçage'	where title_zh='铳子'	and title_en='Holing apparatus';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventilation en aluminium'	where title_zh='铝合金通风口'	and title_en='Aluminum Vent';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Capteur'	where title_zh='传感器'	and title_en='sensor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fusible'	where title_zh='保险丝'	and title_en=' fuse';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gel désinfectant pour les mains'	where title_zh='抗菌清洁凝胶'	and title_en='Hand Sanitizer ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier antiadhésif de libération'	where title_zh='离型不粘纸'	and title_en='Release non-stick paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vaisselle'	where title_zh='餐具'	and title_en='tableware';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Congélateur'	where title_zh='冷冰柜'	and title_en='Freezer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lanière pour téléphone portable'	where title_zh='手机挂绳'	and title_en='Cell Phone Lanyard';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Adaptateur pour ordinateur portable'	where title_zh='手提电脑的适配器'	and title_en='adapter for  laptop';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Séparateur magnétique'	where title_zh='磁选机'	and title_en='Magnetic separator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Règle d''angle'	where title_zh='钢角尺'	and title_en='Angle rule';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de laminage'	where title_zh='覆膜机'	and title_en='Laminating machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Alimentateur vibrant'	where title_zh='振动给料机'	and title_en='vibrating feeder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque de gravure'	where title_zh='印刷版'	and title_en='printing plate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Caisse enregistreuse'	where title_zh='收银机'	and title_en='Cash Register';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Protecteur'	where title_zh='保护器'	and title_en='protector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussons de massage'	where title_zh='按摩拖鞋'	and title_en='Massage slippers';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ceinture de massage'	where title_zh='按摩腰带'	and title_en='Massage belt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Éclairage extérieur'	where title_zh='户外灯'	and title_en=' Outdoor Lighting';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Parafoudre'	where title_zh='避雷器'	and title_en='Lightning arrester';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de jardin (coupe-paille)'	where title_zh='园林配件(打草头'	and title_en='Garden accessories (straw cutting';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de ensilage'	where title_zh='铡草机'	and title_en='Ensilage machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte de rangement'	where title_zh='储物箱'	and title_en='storage box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Turbo-compresseur'	where title_zh='涡轮增压器'	and title_en='turbocharger';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Règle de niveau'	where title_zh='水平尺'	and title_en='Level ruler';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Générateur de vapeur pour sueur'	where title_zh='汗蒸箱'	and title_en='Sweat steamer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ligne murale'	where title_zh='穿墙线'	and title_en='Wall line';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lame de scie'	where title_zh='锯条'	and title_en='Saw blade';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Acoustique de scène'	where title_zh='舞台音响'	and title_en='Stage acoustics';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte de mise à la terre'	where title_zh='接地盒'	and title_en='Earthing Box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pince CU-AL'	where title_zh='铜铝线夹'	and title_en='CU-AL CLAMP';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Téléphone portable'	where title_zh='手机'	and title_en='mobile phone';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Soupape pneumatique'	where title_zh='气动阀 '	and title_en='Pneumatic valve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouchonneuse semi-automatique'	where title_zh='半自动旋盖机'	and title_en='SEMI-AUTOMATIC CAPPER';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe de recharge de véhicule'	where title_zh='车载充气泵'	and title_en='Vehicle charging pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cuve de développement de films radiographiques'	where title_zh='洗片桶'	and title_en='X-ray Film Developing Tank';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lumière de chambre noire'	where title_zh='暗室灯'	and title_en='Darkroom Light';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à glaces'	where title_zh='冰棒机'	and title_en='Popsicle machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coque de membrane en acier inoxydable'	where title_zh='不锈钢膜壳'	and title_en='Stainless steel membrane shell';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Canal radiculaire dentaire'	where title_zh='牙科根管钉'	and title_en='Dental root canal';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Nettoyeur de matériel dentaire'	where title_zh='牙科钻机清洁剂'	and title_en='Dental rig cleaner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ceinture de strapping'	where title_zh='捆车带'	and title_en='Strapping Belt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Interrupteur isolant'	where title_zh='隔离开关'	and title_en='Isolating switch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte de jonction pour câble optique'	where title_zh='光缆交接箱'	and title_en='Optical cable junction box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Blouse chirurgicale'	where title_zh='手术服'	and title_en=' surgical gown';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Combinaison de travail'	where title_zh='防护服'	and title_en='coverall ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouteille'	where title_zh='奶瓶'	and title_en='bottle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de polissage'	where title_zh='抛光机 '	and title_en='Polishing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de sablage'	where title_zh='喷砂机 '	and title_en='Sandblasting machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Congélateur profond'	where title_zh='冰柜'	and title_en='deep freezer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vaisselle jetable'	where title_zh='一次性餐巾'	and title_en='DISPOSABLE DISSHWARE';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vase'	where title_zh='花瓶'	and title_en='The vase';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bougie'	where title_zh='蜡烛'	and title_en='The candle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bateau gonflable'	where title_zh='充气船'	and title_en='Inflatable boat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque perforée'	where title_zh='冲孔板'	and title_en='Perforated Plate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Compteur mécanique'	where title_zh='机械计数器'	and title_en='Mechanical counter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Débitmètre'	where title_zh='流量表'	and title_en='Flow meter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe à palettes pour GPL'	where title_zh='液化气叶片泵'	and title_en='LPG vane pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tube thermorétractable'	where title_zh='热缩管'	and title_en='Heat shrinkable tube';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Peinture ignifuge'	where title_zh='防火涂料 '	and title_en='Fireproof Paint';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à noir de fumée'	where title_zh='油烟机'	and title_en='Lampblack machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Amortisseur'	where title_zh='阻尼器'	and title_en='damper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Glycérine'	where title_zh='甘油'	and title_en='Glycerine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Imprimante de billets'	where title_zh='票据打印机'	and title_en='Notes Printer ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte de commande de pompe et accessoires'	where title_zh='水泵控制盒配件'	and title_en='Pump control box accPump Control Box & accessoriesessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gelée plastique'	where title_zh='塑料除水母粒'	and title_en='Plastic Jelly';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ressort de compensation d’air'	where title_zh='气囊游丝'	and title_en='Air balance spring';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires d’instruments de musique'	where title_zh='乐器配件'	and title_en='Musical instrument accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Microscope'	where title_zh='显微镜'	and title_en='microscope';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Trépied pour panneau d''avertissement'	where title_zh='三脚架警示牌'	and title_en='tripod warning board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Semelle en caoutchouc'	where title_zh='橡胶鞋底'	and title_en='Rubber sole';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau en cuivre'	where title_zh='铜管'	and title_en='copper pipe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support de télévision'	where title_zh='电视支架'	and title_en='television bracket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre de gypse dentaire'	where title_zh='牙科石膏粉'	and title_en='dental gypsum powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fontaine (acrylique)'	where title_zh='喷泉(亚克力)'	and title_en='Fountain (acrylic)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Écran de protection au plomb'	where title_zh='铅屏风'	and title_en='Lead screen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de désherbage'	where title_zh='除草机'	and title_en='weeding machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tambour de grillage pour fenêtres'	where title_zh='窗纱推轮'	and title_en='Window screen drum';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Eau de brouillard'	where title_zh='烟雾水'	and title_en='Smog water';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Développeur'	where title_zh='显影液'	and title_en='developer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tranches de diamant'	where title_zh='金刚石切片'	and title_en='Diamond slices';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à rideau d’air'	where title_zh='风幕机'	and title_en='Air curtain machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Raccords de tuyauterie'	where title_zh='管道配件'	and title_en='Pipe fittings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Convoyeur d''œufs'	where title_zh='鸡蛋输送机'	and title_en='Egg conveyor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fouet à œufs'	where title_zh='鸡蛋敲蛋机'	and title_en='Egg beater';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support en alliage d’aluminium'	where title_zh='铝合金支架(太阳能配件)'	and title_en='Aluminum alloy bracket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de levage'	where title_zh='举升机'	and title_en='Lifting machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de gravure'	where title_zh='雕刻机'	and title_en='Engraving machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mètre ruban'	where title_zh='卷尺 '	and title_en='Tape measure';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sapins de Noël'	where title_zh='圣诞树'	and title_en='christmas trees';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Agent d''hémolyse'	where title_zh='溶血剂 '	and title_en='Hemolysis agent';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Élément filtrant'	where title_zh='滤芯'	and title_en='filter element';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pince en verre'	where title_zh='玻璃夹'	and title_en='Glass clamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Déshydrateur de fruits'	where title_zh='水果烘干机'	and title_en='Fruit dryer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cadre en fer'	where title_zh='铁架子'	and title_en='Iron frame';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Béquille'	where title_zh='拐杖'	and title_en='Crutch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fabricant de plaques'	where title_zh='制版机'	and title_en='platemaker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à plaques'	where title_zh='冲版机'	and title_en='Plate machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pneu pneumatique'	where title_zh='手推车轮子'	and title_en='PNEUMATIC TYRE';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chariot utilitaire'	where title_zh='小推车'	and title_en='utility cart';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Perles en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料珠子'	and title_en='Plastic beads';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couvercle en bois'	where title_zh='木盖子'	and title_en='wood lid  ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Huile moteur'	where title_zh='机油'	and title_en='engine oil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de gravure sur verre'	where title_zh='玻璃刻花机'	and title_en='Glass engraving machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brosse'	where title_zh='刷子'	and title_en='brush';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à verrou'	where title_zh='锁管机'	and title_en='Lock machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de lutte'	where title_zh='格斗机'	and title_en='Fighting machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Console'	where title_zh='游戏机'	and title_en='console';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Jouets en bois'	where title_zh='木质玩具'	and title_en='wooden  toys';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Supports pour basketball'	where title_zh='篮球架'	and title_en='basketball stands';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rouleau compresseur'	where title_zh='压路机'	and title_en='road roller';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ligne d''angle pour carrelage en céramique en alliage d’aluminium'	where title_zh='铝合金瓷砖角线'	and title_en='Aluminum alloy ceramic tile Angle line';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ruban de signalisation'	where title_zh='警示带'	and title_en='Warning Tape';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Nutrilite pour le ventre rond'	where title_zh='健腹轮'	and title_en='Nutrilite abdomen round';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Étagère pour cassette radiographique'	where title_zh='暗盒架'	and title_en='X-ray Cassette Shelf';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fontaine à eau pour cochons en inox'	where title_zh='不锈钢猪饮水器'	and title_en='Stainless steel pig drinking fountain';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bande en acier galvanisé (Bobine d''acier)'	where title_zh='镀锌钢带'	and title_en='Galvanized steel strip(Steel Coil )';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de polissage'	where title_zh='磨光机'	and title_en='polishing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil en acier'	where title_zh='钢丝'	and title_en='Steel wire';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Investissement pour moulage dentaire'	where title_zh='牙科铸造包埋材料'	and title_en='dental casting investment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de revêtement'	where title_zh='包衣机'	and title_en='coating machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de loisir'	where title_zh='游乐设备'	and title_en='amusement equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tapis de yoga'	where title_zh='瑜伽垫'	and title_en='Yoga mat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coussin électrochirurgical'	where title_zh='中性电极'	and title_en='Electrosurgical pad';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Interrupteur à lame'	where title_zh='闸刀开关'	and title_en=' knife switch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier pour impression jet d''encre'	where title_zh='喷墨不干胶纸'	and title_en=' Inkjet paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chariot à linge'	where title_zh='布草车'	and title_en='Laundry Cart';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chariot multifonctionnel'	where title_zh='客房服务车'	and title_en='Multifunctional service cart';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à récurer'	where title_zh='刷地机'	and title_en='Scrubbing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Résine d''échange ionique'	where title_zh='离子交换树脂'	and title_en='Ion exchange resin';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Piston'	where title_zh='柱塞'	and title_en='plunger';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Presse à froid'	where title_zh='木工冷压机'	and title_en='Cold Press';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aspirateur'	where title_zh='木工吸尘器'	and title_en='vacuum cleaner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stabilisateur'	where title_zh='悬臂支架'	and title_en='outrigger ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ballast électronique'	where title_zh='电子镇流器'	and title_en='electronic ballast ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cabinet d''affichage pour téléphones'	where title_zh='手机展示柜'	and title_en='phone display cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carte mémoire'	where title_zh='内存卡'	and title_en='Memory card';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Emballage de carte mémoire'	where title_zh='内存卡包装'	and title_en='Memory card package';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Serrure par empreinte digitale'	where title_zh='指纹锁'	and title_en='fingerprint lock';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de contrôle d''accès de sécurité'	where title_zh='安防门禁设备'	and title_en='Security access control equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à crêper électrique'	where title_zh='电动起绉机'	and title_en='Electric creping machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Presse à huile'	where title_zh='榨油设备'	and title_en='Oil Press';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Modulateur'	where title_zh='调制器'	and title_en='Modulator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouteilles d''eau en acier inoxydable'	where title_zh='不锈钢水杯'	and title_en='stainless steel water bottles';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Escalier de piscine'	where title_zh='泳池扶梯'	and title_en='The pool escalator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Filtre à sable'	where title_zh='过滤沙钢'	and title_en='sand filter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Skimmer pour piscine en béton'	where title_zh='撇渣器'	and title_en='skimmer for concrete pool';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de piscine'	where title_zh='泳池配件'	and title_en='swimming pool accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Encre pour sérigraphie'	where title_zh='丝印油墨'	and title_en='Screen printing ink';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Travail du bois massif'	where title_zh='实木制品'	and title_en='Solid Woodwork';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pince hydraulique'	where title_zh='液压钳'	and title_en='Hydraulic Clamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accordeur à haute fréquence'	where title_zh='高频调谐器'	and title_en='high-frequency tuner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plateau de dégivrage'	where title_zh='解冻板'	and title_en='defrosting tray';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tables de ping-pong'	where title_zh='乒乓球台'	and title_en='table tennis tables';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Égouttoir à vaisselle'	where title_zh='沥水架'	and title_en='Dish Rack';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couvercle de casserole'	where title_zh='锅盖'	and title_en='pot cover';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Presse manuelle pour galettes de hamburger'	where title_zh='手动汉堡肉饼压榨机'	and title_en='Manual Burger Patty Press';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Centrifugeuse'	where title_zh='离心机'	and title_en='Centrifuge';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à traire'	where title_zh='挤奶机'	and title_en='milking machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Débitmètre'	where title_zh='流量计'	and title_en='Flow Meter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe à palettes'	where title_zh='叶片泵'	and title_en='VANE PUMP';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces automobiles (ceinture)'	where title_zh='汽车配件(皮带)'	and title_en='Auto parts (belt)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces automobiles (bol en cuir)'	where title_zh='汽车配件(皮碗)'	and title_en='Auto parts (leather bowl)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Condenseur'	where title_zh='冷凝器'	and title_en='condenser';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à lier avec ruban'	where title_zh='胶带捆扎机'	and title_en='tape binding machine  ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque chauffante'	where title_zh='发热盘'	and title_en='Heating Plate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Unité de radiographie à haute fréquence'	where title_zh='X射线机'	and title_en='High Frequency X-ray Unit';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bétonnière'	where title_zh='混凝土搅拌机'	and title_en='CONCRETE MIXER ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Distributeur de savon à induction'	where title_zh='感应皂液器 '	and title_en='Induction soap dispenser';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à pyrograver'	where title_zh='烫画机'	and title_en='Pyrograph machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pierre à aiguiser'	where title_zh='磨刀石 '	and title_en='SHARPENING STONE';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='PAPIER DE COU'	where title_zh='围脖纸'	and title_en='NECK PAPE';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Transformateur domestique'	where title_zh='家用变压器'	and title_en='Household Transformer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tondeuse à cheveux'	where title_zh='电动鼻毛剪'	and title_en='HAIR TRIMMER';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Presse à eau'	where title_zh='压水器'	and title_en='Water press';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aiguiseur de couteaux'	where title_zh='磨刀器'	and title_en='knife sharpener';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lavage à pression d''air'	where title_zh='疏通器'	and title_en='Air pressure flusher';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Flotteur à main'	where title_zh='大抹子'	and title_en=' bull float';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coque de téléphone portable'	where title_zh='手机背贴 '	and title_en='Mobile phone back';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Minuterie'	where title_zh='计时器'	and title_en='Timer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Four à micro-ondes'	where title_zh='微波炉'	and title_en='Microwave oven';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Agent de couplage ultrasonique'	where title_zh='超声耦合剂'	and title_en='Ultrasonic coupling agent';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Broyeur de noyaux de palmier'	where title_zh='棕榈核破碎机'	and title_en='Palm kernel crusher';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ruban d''irrigation goutte-à-goutte'	where title_zh='滴灌带'	and title_en='Drip irrigation tape';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Raccord d''irrigation goutte-à-goutte'	where title_zh='滴灌配件'	and title_en='Drip fitting';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gel d''Aloe Vera'	where title_zh='芦荟胶'	and title_en='Aloe Vera Gel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour tondeuse à cheveux - Adaptateur'	where title_zh='理发剪配件-适配器'	and title_en='Accessories for hair clipper- Adapter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pulvérisateur'	where title_zh='弥雾机'	and title_en='Fogger';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Contrôleur d''extinction à gaz'	where title_zh='气体灭火控制器'	and title_en='Gas extinguishing controller';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouée de sauvetage'	where title_zh='救生圈'	and title_en='life buoy';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Barrière routière'	where title_zh='路障'	and title_en='roadblock';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tourniquet à hauteur complète'	where title_zh='全高三棍闸'	and title_en='full height turnstile';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Barre de cuivre'	where title_zh='铜排'	and title_en='Copper Bar';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Clip en aluminium'	where title_zh='铝夹子'	and title_en='Aluminum clip';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe à diaphragme et diaphragme'	where title_zh='隔膜泵及隔膜'	and title_en='Diaphragm pump and diaphragm';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tube à poudre'	where title_zh='粉筒'	and title_en='Powder tube';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lit médical à eau'	where title_zh='医疗水床'	and title_en='Medical water bed';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panneaux muraux 3D'	where title_zh='3D墙板'	and title_en='3D wall panels';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rangée en aluminium'	where title_zh='铝排'	and title_en='Aluminum Row';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ceinture en carbone'	where title_zh='碳带'	and title_en='Carbon belt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Liquide de retrait ACF'	where title_zh='ACF去除液'	and title_en='ACF REMOVAL liquid';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bannière en PVC flexible'	where title_zh='灯箱布'	and title_en=' pvc flex banner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Étiquette adhésive'	where title_zh='不干胶贴'	and title_en='adhesive label';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Assemblage du boîtier de pompe'	where title_zh='泵壳总成'	and title_en='Pump housing assembly';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support pour pelle à pot'	where title_zh='锅铲架 '	and title_en='pot shovel holder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Instruments optiques'	where title_zh='光学仪器'	and title_en=' optical instruments';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Friteuse à air'	where title_zh='空气炸锅'	and title_en='Air fryer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aspirateur de voiture'	where title_zh='车载吸尘器'	and title_en='car vacuum cleaner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Écran de nettoyage primaire'	where title_zh='初清筛   '	and title_en='primary cleaning screen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Écran de classification'	where title_zh='分级筛 '	and title_en='Grading screen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Huile de lubrification'	where title_zh='润滑油'	and title_en='Lubricating oil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe infrarouge'	where title_zh='红外线灯'	and title_en='infrared lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poêle électrique'	where title_zh='电炒锅 '	and title_en='Electric Frying Pan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de test'	where title_zh='检测设备'	and title_en='Testing equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à découper le papier'	where title_zh='切纸机'	and title_en=' paper cutting machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de marquage'	where title_zh='压痕机  '	and title_en='creasing machine ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de reliure à colle'	where title_zh='胶装机 '	and title_en='glue binding machine ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à relier'	where title_zh='装订机 '	and title_en='binding machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à coins arrondis'	where title_zh='圆角机 '	and title_en=' round corner machine ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Décortiqueuse de riz'	where title_zh='砻谷机'	and title_en=' Rice huller';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stérilisateur UV'	where title_zh='UV灭菌机'	and title_en='UV sterilizer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Oscilloscope'	where title_zh='示波器'	and title_en='oscilloscope';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Hydroquinone'	where title_zh='对苯二酚'	and title_en='hydroquinone';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Onduleur pour pompe à eau solaire'	where title_zh='太阳能水泵逆变器'	and title_en='Solar Water Pump Inverter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Disjoncteur'	where title_zh='直流空开套装'	and title_en='Circuit Breaker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Testeur multifonctionnel de qualité de l''eau'	where title_zh='多功能水质测试笔 '	and title_en='Multifunctional water quality tester';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Alarme incendie principale'	where title_zh='消防报警主机'	and title_en='Fire alarm host';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Médaille'	where title_zh='奖牌'	and title_en='medal';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Loupe'	where title_zh='放大镜 '	and title_en='magnifying glass';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Câble de moniteur'	where title_zh='监控线'	and title_en='Monitor cable';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau hydraulique'	where title_zh='液压管'	and title_en='hydraulic hose';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Four de laboratoire'	where title_zh='干燥箱'	and title_en='LAB oven';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Table surplombante'	where title_zh='餐台'	and title_en='over head table';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Spectrophotomètre'	where title_zh='分光光度计'	and title_en='spectrophoto meter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Façonneuse à pâte'	where title_zh='起酥机'	and title_en='Dough Moulder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à dégraisser'	where title_zh='脱油机'	and title_en='Deoiling machine ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vin'	where title_zh='酒'	and title_en='wine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Réactif IVD (In vitro diagnostic)'	where title_zh='试剂'	and title_en='IVD REAGENT';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gaufrier'	where title_zh='华夫饼机'	and title_en='waffle maker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='KICK ABOUT'	where title_zh='踢桶(不锈钢)'	and title_en='KICK ABOUT';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Casque'	where title_zh='头盔'	and title_en='helmet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de file d''attente'	where title_zh='排队叫号机'	and title_en='Queuing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Talons'	where title_zh='鞋跟'	and title_en='HEELS ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panneau MDF'	where title_zh='中纤板'	and title_en='MDF board ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mixeur haute vitesse'	where title_zh='破壁料理机 '	and title_en='High Speed Blender';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Flux d''arc submergé'	where title_zh='埋弧焊剂'	and title_en='Submerged arc flux';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de balance électronique'	where title_zh='电子称配件'	and title_en='Electronic scale accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Charnière'	where title_zh='合页'	and title_en='HINGE';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Haut de porte'	where title_zh='门顶'	and title_en='Door top';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pot en aluminium'	where title_zh='铝锅'	and title_en='aluminium pot ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tracker GPS'	where title_zh='GPS跟踪器'	and title_en='GPS tracker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à lavement'	where title_zh='灌肠机'	and title_en='Enema machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de moulage de chips de pomme de terre'	where title_zh='卧式铝压铸薯条机'	and title_en='potato chips casting machine ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à boisson froide'	where title_zh='冷饮机'	and title_en='Cold drink machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre de perles comestibles'	where title_zh='可食用珠光粉'	and title_en='Edible pearl powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aérographe'	where title_zh='喷笔'	and title_en='Airbrush';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pansement rond à faire bouillir'	where title_zh='创可贴'	and title_en='round boil plaster';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Extracteur d''eau'	where title_zh='抽水器'	and title_en='Water Extractor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aspiration des mucosités'	where title_zh='吸引器'	and title_en='PHLEGM SUCTION';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Drapeau'	where title_zh='旗帜'	and title_en='flag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bande de cuivre'	where title_zh='铜带'	and title_en='Copper Strip';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Distributeur automatique'	where title_zh='自动售货机'	and title_en='vending machine ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Kit chirurgical'	where title_zh='手术包(无纺布)'	and title_en='surgical pack  ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Médicaments'	where title_zh='药品'	and title_en='Drugs';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tableau blanc électronique'	where title_zh='电子白板'	and title_en='Electronic whiteboard';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Micro-bêche'	where title_zh='微耕机   '	and title_en='Micro tiller';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à lunch jetable'	where title_zh='一次性饭盒'	and title_en='disposable lunch box ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Centrale éolienne'	where title_zh='风力发电设备'	and title_en='Wind Power Plant';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tour hydraulique'	where title_zh='液压塔架 '	and title_en=' Hydraulic tower ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Autoclave'	where title_zh='消毒炉'	and title_en='autoclave';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rayons X'	where title_zh='x光机'	and title_en='x ray ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Refroidisseur d''huile'	where title_zh='机油冷却器'	and title_en='oil cooler';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Voiturette de golf'	where title_zh='高尔夫车'	and title_en='Golf carts';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fermenteur à pain'	where title_zh='醒发箱  '	and title_en='Bread Fermenter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rapeuse à pommes de terre'	where title_zh='土豆切丝机 '	and title_en='Potato shredder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à couper les pommes de terre en quartiers'	where title_zh='土豆切块机'	and title_en='Potato wedge machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moule à béton'	where title_zh='砼试模'	and title_en='Concrete Mold';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Torche de soudage'	where title_zh='焊枪'	and title_en='Welding torch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Treuil électrique'	where title_zh='电动卷扬机'	and title_en='electric winch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bain-marie'	where title_zh='水浴锅'	and title_en='Water bath';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Oxygénérateur'	where title_zh='制氧机'	and title_en='Oxygenerator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tête de perceuse'	where title_zh=' 钻机头  '	and title_en='Drill head  ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de fitness'	where title_zh='健身器材'	and title_en='Fitness Equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Thermocouple'	where title_zh='热电偶'	and title_en='thermocouple';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cabinet de vapeur'	where title_zh='蒸饭柜'	and title_en='steaming cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de labellisation'	where title_zh='打标机'	and title_en='Labeling Machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Comptoir de caisse'	where title_zh='收银台'	and title_en='Cashier counter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Caissier'	where title_zh='刷卡机'	and title_en='cashier ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aligneur de roues laser'	where title_zh='轮台定位仪'	and title_en='Laser Wheel Aligner Guage';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à fusion thermique'	where title_zh='热熔机'	and title_en='Hot Melt Machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balance bébé'	where title_zh='婴儿秤'	and title_en='baby scale   ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Modeleur de grès'	where title_zh='砂岩造型器'	and title_en='Sandstone shaper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Convoyeur à vis'	where title_zh='螺旋输送机'	and title_en='Screw conveyor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Thermostat'	where title_zh='节温器'	and title_en='thermostat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ciment en sac'	where title_zh='袋装水泥'	and title_en='Bagged cement';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carte SIM de téléphone'	where title_zh='电话充值卡'	and title_en='phone sim card';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Peinture artistique'	where title_zh='颜料'	and title_en='Art paint';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Factures vierges'	where title_zh='空白支票'	and title_en='Blank invoices';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de tonification'	where title_zh='调色机'	and title_en='Toning machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Masseuse pour pieds'	where title_zh='足底按摩器'	and title_en='Foot massager';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-lampe'	where title_zh='灯座'	and title_en='lamp holder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Imprimante à tampon à deux couleurs'	where title_zh='双色移印机'	and title_en='Two Colour Pad Printer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine pneumatique de dorure à plat'	where title_zh='气动平曲烫金机'	and title_en='Pneumatic flat curve gilding machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier de dorure'	where title_zh='烫金纸'	and title_en='Gilding paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à faire fondre la neige'	where title_zh='融雪机'	and title_en='Snow melting machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Refroidisseur d''eau'	where title_zh='冷水机'	and title_en=' water chiller ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dibbler'	where title_zh='点播器'	and title_en='Dibbler';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mur végétal artificiel'	where title_zh='仿真植物墙'	and title_en='Artificial Plant Wall';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ligne en bois'	where title_zh='木线条'	and title_en='Wooden Line';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Protecteur de fuite'	where title_zh='漏电保护器'	and title_en='Leakage Protector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Membrane liquide'	where title_zh='液体膜'	and title_en='Liquid membrane';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Réservoir à sable'	where title_zh='沙缸'	and title_en='Sand tank';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sel industriel raffiné'	where title_zh='精制工业盐'	and title_en='refined industral salt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plateforme de levage'	where title_zh='升降作业平台'	and title_en='Lifting platform';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ordinateur portable'	where title_zh='手提电脑'	and title_en='laptop';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Trépied'	where title_zh='三脚架 '	and title_en='tripod';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fixation de trépied'	where title_zh='三脚架配件'	and title_en='Tripod fitting';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Armoire d''hôpital'	where title_zh='医用床头柜'	and title_en='Hospital cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Armoire de stérilisation'	where title_zh='灭菌柜'	and title_en='Sterilization cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tire-lait'	where title_zh='吸奶器'	and title_en='Breast pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-brosse'	where title_zh='刷架'	and title_en='BRUSH HOLDER';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de revêtement de sucre'	where title_zh='糖衣机'	and title_en='Sugar coating machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à glace frite'	where title_zh='炒冰机'	and title_en='Fried ice machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Articles de sport'	where title_zh='体育用品'	and title_en='sport goods';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cylindre d''oxygène'	where title_zh='氧气瓶'	and title_en='oxygen cylinder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires d''équipement minier / Impulseur'	where title_zh='矿山设备配件  叶轮 '	and title_en='Mine equipment fittings/ impeller';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ouverture de porte'	where title_zh='开门机'	and title_en='Door Opener';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Incinérateur'	where title_zh='焚烧炉'	and title_en='Incinerator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chariot plat'	where title_zh='平板车'	and title_en='Flat Car';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à pain cuit à la vapeur'	where title_zh='馒头机'	and title_en='Steamed Bread Machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pilons de poulet'	where title_zh='鼓棒  鼓槌'	and title_en='Drumsticks';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Théodolite'	where title_zh='经纬仪'	and title_en='theodolite';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Distributeur d''eau pour poulets'	where title_zh='鸡只饮水器'	and title_en='Chicken Water Dispenser';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Filtre de plafond'	where title_zh='汽车顶棉'	and title_en='ceiling filter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Filtre de sol'	where title_zh='汽车地棉'	and title_en='floor filter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ponceuse à sec'	where title_zh='干磨机 '	and title_en='dry sander';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chariot avec outils'	where title_zh='工具车'	and title_en='   trolley with tools ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de redressement de châssis de voiture'	where title_zh='大梁校正仪'	and title_en='  car frame machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Articles sanitaires'	where title_zh='卫浴产品'	and title_en='Sanitary ware';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panier suspendu'	where title_zh='吊篮'	and title_en='Hanging basket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bande lumineuse'	where title_zh='灯带'	and title_en='Light Strip';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier à rouler'	where title_zh='烟纸smoking paper'	and title_en='smoking paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Broyeur de nourriture'	where title_zh='研磨器'	and title_en='Food Grinder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cire pour voiture'	where title_zh='汽车蜡(固体)'	and title_en='Car WAX';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sonnette électrique'	where title_zh='电铃'	and title_en='Electric Bell';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chicha'	where title_zh='水烟'	and title_en='Hookah Shisha';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Batterie externe'	where title_zh='移动电源'	and title_en='Power bank';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Résistance chauffante'	where title_zh='加热电阻器'	and title_en='Heating resistor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Buse'	where title_zh='喷头'	and title_en='nozzle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Perceuse à terre'	where title_zh='地钻'	and title_en='Earth drill';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chariot à médicaments'	where title_zh='打药车'	and title_en='Medicine Cart';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rouleau à pâtisserie'	where title_zh='擀面杖'	and title_en='rolling pin';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ingrédients pour détergent à lessive'	where title_zh='洗衣液原料'	and title_en='Laundry detergent ingredients';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe haute pression'	where title_zh='高压泵'	and title_en='High pressure pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Compacteur à plaques'	where title_zh='平板压实机'	and title_en='plate compactor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Connecteur USB'	where title_zh='USB插头'	and title_en='USB connector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîtier de membrane FRP'	where title_zh='玻璃钢膜壳'	and title_en='FRP membrane housing';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Base de parafoudre'	where title_zh='避雷器底座'	and title_en='ARRESTER base';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Démarreur de lampe'	where title_zh='启动器'	and title_en='Lamp Starter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Protecteur de surtension'	where title_zh='浪涌保护器'	and title_en='Surge Protector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Protecteur de moteur'	where title_zh='电动机保护器'	and title_en='Motor Protector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouton poussoir'	where title_zh='按钮'	and title_en='Push Button';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ampèremètre'	where title_zh='电流表'	and title_en='AMMETER';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe dimmable'	where title_zh='光暗感应灯'	and title_en='Dim Lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine d''anesthésie'	where title_zh='麻醉机'	and title_en='Anesthesia machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Drones'	where title_zh='无人机'	and title_en='Drones';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac de voyage'	where title_zh='旅行包'	and title_en='Travel bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panneau de commutation'	where title_zh='开关展板'	and title_en='Switch panel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Seau en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料桶'	and title_en='Plastic bucket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de soudage et de découpe'	where title_zh='焊割机'	and title_en='Welding and cutting machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil de fer étain'	where title_zh='锡丝'	and title_en='Tin wire';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mélangeur à ciment'	where title_zh='水泥搅拌器'	and title_en='Cement Mixer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil tendu'	where title_zh='紧线器'	and title_en='  Taut wire';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement photographique'	where title_zh='摄影器材'	and title_en='Photographic equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Robinet PPR'	where title_zh='PPR阀门'	and title_en='PPR Valve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vaisseau de fusion à chaud'	where title_zh='热熔器'	and title_en='Hot Fusion vessel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Hauteur de haies'	where title_zh='跨栏'	and title_en='Hurdling';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Éponge d''insonorisation'	where title_zh='隔音海绵'	and title_en='Sound insulation sponge';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machines de travail du bois'	where title_zh='木工机械'	and title_en='Woodworking machinery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pistolet à clous pneumatique'	where title_zh='气动片钉枪'	and title_en='PNEUMATIC NAIL gun';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à souffler des bouteilles'	where title_zh='吹瓶机'	and title_en='Bottle blowing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine d''apprentissage'	where title_zh='学习机'	and title_en='learning machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cylindre en acier'	where title_zh='钢瓶'	and title_en='steel cylinder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Détartreur dentaire'	where title_zh='洁牙器'	and title_en='Dental scaler';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Huile de fumée'	where title_zh='烟油'	and title_en='Smoke oil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Batterie externe d''occasion'	where title_zh='二手移动电源'	and title_en='second hand powerbank';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte d''essai'	where title_zh='试光盘'	and title_en='trial box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de culture'	where title_zh='培养机'	and title_en='Culturing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sangle'	where title_zh='背带'	and title_en='strap';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Armoire'	where title_zh='碗柜'	and title_en='cupboard';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moteur à essence'	where title_zh='汽油机'	and title_en='Gasoline engine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moteur diesel'	where title_zh='柴油机'	and title_en='diesel engine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Patch pour pieds'	where title_zh='足贴'	and title_en='Foot Patch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panneau en papier'	where title_zh='烫板'	and title_en='PAPER BOARD';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Code PIN de carte'	where title_zh='手机卡针'	and title_en='card pin';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carte de vœux'	where title_zh='贺卡'	and title_en='Greeting card';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Table de traction'	where title_zh='医疗腰椎牵引床'	and title_en='traction  table';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lait en poudre'	where title_zh='奶粉'	and title_en='milk powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Engrais liquide'	where title_zh='液体肥料'	and title_en='liquid fertilizer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pistolet à fleurs'	where title_zh='礼花枪'	and title_en='gun flower ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='CD vierge'	where title_zh='非空白CD'	and title_en='Non-blank CD';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Peinture'	where title_zh='油漆'	and title_en='paint';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Riz'	where title_zh='大米'	and title_en='Rice';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Nicotine'	where title_zh='尼古丁'	and title_en='Nicotine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Drogues illégales'	where title_zh='非法药品'	and title_en='illegal drugs';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gaz lacrymogène'	where title_zh='催泪弹'	and title_en='Tear gas';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Consoles de jeux'	where title_zh='赌博性游戏机'	and title_en='Gaming consoles';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pistolet à impulsion'	where title_zh='电击棒'	and title_en='stun gun';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Menottes'	where title_zh='手铐'	and title_en='Handcuffs';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Véhicules neufs et d''occasion'	where title_zh='新旧车辆'	and title_en='Old and new vehicles';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Allumettes'	where title_zh='火柴'	and title_en='Match';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pneus rechapés ou d''occasion'	where title_zh='翻新的或旧轮胎'	and title_en='Retreaded or used tires';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Jus de fruits'	where title_zh='果汁'	and title_en='fruit juice';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pistolet à filet'	where title_zh='网枪'	and title_en='Net gun';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sabre'	where title_zh='军刀'	and title_en='Saber';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Journal vierge'	where title_zh='非空白日记本 '	and title_en='Non-blank diary';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Véhicule d''occasion'	where title_zh='二手机动车辆'	and title_en='Second-hand vehicle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Désinfectant'	where title_zh='消毒剂'	and title_en='Disinfectant';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bactéricide'	where title_zh='杀菌剂'	and title_en='Bactericide';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aérosol'	where title_zh='烟雾剂'	and title_en='aerosol';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Charbon actif'	where title_zh='活性炭'	and title_en='Activated carbon';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Insecticide gazeux'	where title_zh='气体杀虫剂'	and title_en='Gas insecticide';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Soufre'	where title_zh='硫磺'	and title_en='sulfur';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Iode'	where title_zh='碘酒'	and title_en='Iodine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre d''aluminium'	where title_zh='铝粉'	and title_en='Aluminum powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Produits pour adultes'	where title_zh='成人用品'	and title_en='Adult stuff';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Arbalète de chasse'	where title_zh='狩猎弩 '	and title_en='Hunting crossbow';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pneus d''occasion'	where title_zh='二手轮胎'	and title_en='Second-hand tires';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-batterie'	where title_zh='电池支架'	and title_en='Battery holder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Oreiller'	where title_zh='枕头'	and title_en='pillow';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panneau de patch fibre'	where title_zh='光纤终端盒'	and title_en='Fiber Patch panel ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Adaptateur fibre optique'	where title_zh='光纤适配器'	and title_en='Fiber optic adapter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Android Auto'	where title_zh='车载导航仪'	and title_en='Android Auto';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Écran'	where title_zh='摆件'	and title_en='display';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crème'	where title_zh='面霜'	and title_en='cream';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil en aluminium'	where title_zh='铝绞线'	and title_en='Aluminium wire';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gel'	where title_zh='超声波传播凝胶'	and title_en='gel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crème nettoyante en acier inoxydable'	where title_zh='不锈钢清洁膏'	and title_en='Strinless Steel cleansing cream';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Disque dur'	where title_zh='硬盘'	and title_en='hard disk';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Joint'	where title_zh='铅封'	and title_en='seal';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aides auditives'	where title_zh='助听器'	and title_en='Hearing aids';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Générateur de vapeur'	where title_zh='蒸汽发生器'	and title_en='Steam generator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sable de quartz'	where title_zh='石英砂'	and title_en='Quartz sand';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Voiture électrique pour enfants'	where title_zh='儿童电动玩具车'	and title_en='Children''s electric toy car';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Étang à poissons'	where title_zh='塑料养鱼池'	and title_en='fish pond';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fluide de travail pour coupe de fils'	where title_zh='线切割工作液'	and title_en='Wire cutting working fluid';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bande de velours'	where title_zh='绒带'	and title_en='Velvet strip';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Adaptateur secteur'	where title_zh='电源适配器'	and title_en='Power adapter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Levage à deux colonnes'	where title_zh='举升机'	and title_en='Two post lift';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équilibreuse de roues'	where title_zh='平衡机'	and title_en='Wheel Balancer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Démonte-pneus'	where title_zh='拆胎机'	and title_en='Tire changer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lunettes de protection'	where title_zh='护目镜'	and title_en='Goggles ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bloc de colle pour accouplement'	where title_zh='联轴器胶块'	and title_en='Coupling glue block';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Enrouleur de câble électrique'	where title_zh='绕线盘'	and title_en='electrical cable reel ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de rétraction de tube'	where title_zh='缩管机'	and title_en='Tube shrinking machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Logos automobiles'	where title_zh='车标'	and title_en='Auto Logos';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Réservoir d''eau'	where title_zh='水箱'	and title_en='water tank';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pierre ponce'	where title_zh='磨脚石'	and title_en='pumice stone';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de remplissage de bouteilles'	where title_zh='桶装水生产线'	and title_en='Bottle Filling Machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac de nourrissage'	where title_zh='喂食袋'	and title_en='Feeding bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carte de visite'	where title_zh='名片卡'	and title_en='Business card';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe d''aération pour aquarium'	where title_zh='鱼缸增氧泵'	and title_en='FISH TANK AERATION PUMP';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bracelet de montre'	where title_zh='手表带'	and title_en='Watch strap';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balais de charbon'	where title_zh='碳刷'	and title_en='Carbon Brushes ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lentilles de lunettes'	where title_zh='镜片'	and title_en='Eyeglass lenses';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gants en plastique jetables'	where title_zh='一次性塑料手套'	and title_en='disposable plastic gloves';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de fabrication de clous'	where title_zh='制钉机'	and title_en='Nail making machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussures d''occasion'	where title_zh='二手鞋子'	and title_en='Second-hand shoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Routeur'	where title_zh='路由器'	and title_en='Router';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine intégrée'	where title_zh='智能触控一体机'	and title_en='Integrated Machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Massager de soin de beauté'	where title_zh='美容按摩器'	and title_en='Beauty Care Massager';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour chaussures'	where title_zh='鞋扣 '	and title_en='shoe accessories ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Seau à beurre'	where title_zh='黄油桶'	and title_en='Butter bucket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coussin de scellage en aluminium'	where title_zh='铝箔封口垫'	and title_en='Aluminum foil seal pad';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Huile de cuisine'	where title_zh='食用油'	and title_en='Cooking oil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Oxymètre'	where title_zh='血氧仪 '	and title_en='Oximeter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fer à friser'	where title_zh='烫发器'	and title_en='hair curler';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Baril de riz'	where title_zh='米桶 '	and title_en='Rice barrel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces de ventilateur'	where title_zh='风机配件'	and title_en='Fan Parts';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coupeur de plâtre dentaire'	where title_zh='石膏修整机'	and title_en='Dental Plaster Trimmer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau de forage'	where title_zh='钻杆'	and title_en='Drill pipe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Raquette électrique anti-moustiques'	where title_zh='电蚊拍'	and title_en='Electric mosquito racket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces de rechange pour distributeur de carburant'	where title_zh='加油机配件'	and title_en='Fuel Dispenser Spare Parts';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ballon à bulles'	where title_zh='泡沫球'	and title_en='Bubble ball';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Camion-citerne'	where title_zh='油罐车'	and title_en='Tanker truck';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Souffleur'	where title_zh='鼓风机'	and title_en='blower';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pâte de remplissage pour murs'	where title_zh='补墙膏'	and title_en='Filling wall paste';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Réservoirs de stockage'	where title_zh='储气罐'	and title_en='Storage tanks';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de remplissage de coton'	where title_zh='充棉机'	and title_en='cotton-filling machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coffret cadeau'	where title_zh='礼品套装'	and title_en='gift set ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Nourriture pour poissons'	where title_zh='鱼粮'	and title_en='Fish food';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='CABINET DE BIOSÉCURITÉ'	where title_zh='生物安全柜'	and title_en='BIOSAFETY CABINET';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='RÉFRIGÉRATEUR PORTABLE'	where title_zh='便携式冷藏箱'	and title_en='PORTABLE REFRIGERATOR';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sangle d''emballage'	where title_zh='打包带'	and title_en='packing strap';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de montre'	where title_zh='手表配件'	and title_en='Watch accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces auto d''occasion'	where title_zh='二手汽配'	and title_en='Second-hand auto parts';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de générateur'	where title_zh='发电机配件'	and title_en='Generator fittings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pâte à souder'	where title_zh='焊锡膏'	and title_en='Solder paste';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ensemble de gel de silice'	where title_zh='硅胶套'	and title_en='Silica gel set  ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Table d''opération'	where title_zh='手术台'	and title_en='Oprating Table';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe sans ombre'	where title_zh='无影灯'	and title_en='shadowless lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Emballage pour détergent à lessive'	where title_zh='洗衣液包装袋'	and title_en='package for laundry detergent';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Combinaison de plongée'	where title_zh='潜水服'	and title_en='Diving suit';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chiffon pour lunettes'	where title_zh='眼镜布'	and title_en='Glasses cloth';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de dorure à chaud'	where title_zh='热转印机'	and title_en='Hot stamping machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Appareil de beauté'	where title_zh='美容仪器'	and title_en='beauty apparatus';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Granules de café'	where title_zh='咖啡冲剂'	and title_en='Coffee granule';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à beurre'	where title_zh='黄油枪'	and title_en='Butter machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour machine à smoothies'	where title_zh='沙冰机配件'	and title_en='Smoothie machine accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ceinture de garrot'	where title_zh='止血带'	and title_en='tourniquet  belt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coussin de sueur'	where title_zh='汗垫'	and title_en='Sweat pad';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Outils de pâtisserie'	where title_zh='烘焙工具'	and title_en='Baking tools';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier thermique'	where title_zh='烫纸'	and title_en='Hot paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Barrière de poteau'	where title_zh='迎宾柱'	and title_en='stanchion barrier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ligne de télévision'	where title_zh='电视线'	and title_en='TV line';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe de jardin'	where title_zh='庭院灯'	and title_en='Garden light';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bande de bord en PVC'	where title_zh='封边条'	and title_en=' PVC EDGE BANDING';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tableau blanc'	where title_zh='会议白板'	and title_en='whiteboard';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe de scène'	where title_zh='舞台灯'	and title_en='stage lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bateau à pagaie en fibre de verre'	where title_zh='游乐船'	and title_en='Fiberglass paddle boat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pont bascule'	where title_zh='地磅'	and title_en='weighbridge';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Batterie Ni-MH'	where title_zh='镍氢电池'	and title_en='NI-MH battery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à fumer'	where title_zh='烟熏炉'	and title_en='Smoker Machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Toboggan pour enfants'	where title_zh='儿童滑梯'	and title_en='children''s slide';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cape de coupe'	where title_zh='围布'	and title_en='cutting cape';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Détecteur de métaux à passage'	where title_zh='安检门'	and title_en='Walk Through Metal Detector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Scanner de bagages à rayons X'	where title_zh='X-光安检机'	and title_en='X-Ray Baggage';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ligne d''angle'	where title_zh='边角线'	and title_en='Corner Line';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coffre de vol'	where title_zh='航空箱'	and title_en='Flight case';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tissu haute température'	where title_zh='高温布'	and title_en='High temperature cloth';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Additif alimentaire'	where title_zh='饲料添加剂'	and title_en='Feed additive';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Feuille antidérapante'	where title_zh='衬纸'	and title_en='slip sheet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Corde pour lunettes'	where title_zh='眼镜绳'	and title_en='Glasses rope';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Service à thé'	where title_zh='茶具'	and title_en='Tea set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cigarettes électroniques'	where title_zh='电子烟'	and title_en='Electronic cigarettes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour machine à extruder'	where title_zh='颗粒机配件'	and title_en='Accessories of extruder machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de thermoformage'	where title_zh='真空成型机'	and title_en='Vacuum forming machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plieuse de tuyaux'	where title_zh='弯管器'	and title_en='Pipe bender';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dosseret de vitesse'	where title_zh='减速带'	and title_en='Speed bump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chambre à air de moto'	where title_zh='摩托车内胎'	and title_en='Motorcycle inner tube';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Armoire'	where title_zh='机柜'	and title_en='Cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Protection pour cuisinière à gaz'	where title_zh='灶片'	and title_en='gas range protector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Feuille de plomb'	where title_zh='铅板'	and title_en='lead sheet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Verre plombé'	where title_zh='铅玻璃'	and title_en='lead glass';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Étui pour téléphone'	where title_zh='手机套(带电)'	and title_en='PHONE CASE';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Baril en acier inoxydable'	where title_zh='不锈钢桶'	and title_en='Stainless steel barrel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Adaptateur de ligne USB'	where title_zh='数据线转接头'	and title_en='USB line adapter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Batterie au lithium'	where title_zh='锂电池'	and title_en='lithium battery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de porte en verre'	where title_zh='玻璃门配件'	and title_en='Glass door accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coude en acier'	where title_zh='钢管弯头'	and title_en='Steel elbow';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Presse à carreaux'	where title_zh='压瓦机'	and title_en='Tile press';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Massager de spa pour pieds'	where title_zh='足浴盆'	and title_en='FOOT SPA MASSAGER';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panneau solaire'	where title_zh='太阳能电池板'	and title_en='solar panel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouteille de drainage thoracique'	where title_zh='胸腔引流瓶'	and title_en='Chest drainage bottle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à assaisonnement type tambour'	where title_zh='调味机'	and title_en='Drum-type seasoning machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac cadeau'	where title_zh='礼品袋'	and title_en='Gift bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de diagnostic automobile'	where title_zh='汽车诊断仪'	and title_en='automobile diagnosis equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Téléprompteur'	where title_zh='提词器'	and title_en='teleprompter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Prise multiple'	where title_zh='排插'	and title_en='extension socket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Emballage de shampooing'	where title_zh='洗发水包装袋'	and title_en='Shampoo package';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panneau d''amiante'	where title_zh='石棉板'	and title_en='Asbestos board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de convertisseur'	where title_zh='逆变器配件'	and title_en='Inverter accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sauce soja'	where title_zh='酱油'	and title_en='the soy sauce';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Nouilles sèches fines'	where title_zh='挂面'	and title_en='fine dried noodles';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vin de cuisine'	where title_zh='料酒'	and title_en='Cooking wine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Thé noir glacé'	where title_zh='冰红茶'	and title_en='ice black tea';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Saucisse de jambon'	where title_zh='火腿肠'	and title_en='the ham sausage';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Essence de poulet'	where title_zh='鸡精'	and title_en='Chicken essence';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bâton de tofu'	where title_zh='腐竹'	and title_en='Bean curd stick';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boissons'	where title_zh='饮料'	and title_en='drinks';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de mixeur (domestique)'	where title_zh='搅拌机配件'	and title_en='Blender (household) accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Étui pour téléphone'	where title_zh='手机壳(带液体)'	and title_en='phone case';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à aplatir'	where title_zh='压扁机'	and title_en='Flattening machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Égaliseur'	where title_zh='均衡器'	and title_en='equalizer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil de cuivre'	where title_zh='铜线'	and title_en='Copper wire';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre thermofusible'	where title_zh='热熔粉'	and title_en='Hot melt powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Film de impression'	where title_zh='打印胶片'	and title_en='Print film';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fixatif'	where title_zh='定香剂'	and title_en='fixative';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à azote'	where title_zh='氮气机'	and title_en='Nitrogen machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Piège à mouche'	where title_zh='粘蝇板'	and title_en='fly glue board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Graines de melon'	where title_zh='瓜子'	and title_en='Melon seeds';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Nouilles instantanées'	where title_zh='方便面'	and title_en='The instant noodles';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vinaigre blanc'	where title_zh='白醋'	and title_en='White vinegar';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pois à vache'	where title_zh='豇豆'	and title_en='cowpeas';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Soie de varech'	where title_zh='海带丝'	and title_en='Kelp silk';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Huile de piment de rotin'	where title_zh='藤椒油'	and title_en='Rattan chilli oil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Huile de Zanthoxylum'	where title_zh='花椒油'	and title_en='Zanthoxylum oil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Riz noir'	where title_zh='黑米'	and title_en='Black rice';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Haricot rouge'	where title_zh='红小豆'	and title_en='Red bean';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Millet'	where title_zh='小米'	and title_en='millet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Nouilles de riz'	where title_zh='米粉'	and title_en='Rice noodles';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Forage de blocs magnétiques'	where title_zh='磁座钻'	and title_en='Magnetic block drilling';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chargeur'	where title_zh='充电器'	and title_en='charger';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='VTT (véhicule tout-terrain)'	where title_zh='沙滩车'	and title_en='ATV(all terrain vehicle)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac de sable'	where title_zh='沙袋'	and title_en='Sandbag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Glutamate monosodique (MSG)'	where title_zh='食品味精'	and title_en='Food MSG';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces de rechange pour l''enregistrement'	where title_zh='计数器配件'	and title_en=' REGISTER SPARE PARTS';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces de rechange pour le compteur'	where title_zh='流量计配件'	and title_en='METER SPARE PARTS';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lien de câble'	where title_zh='转接线'	and title_en='tieline';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Grille de refroidissement'	where title_zh='散热架'	and title_en='cooling rack';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Manomètre de décompression à oxygène'	where title_zh='氧气减压表'	and title_en='Oxygen decompression gauge';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe péristaltique'	where title_zh='蠕动泵'	and title_en='Peristaltic pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Distributeur de carburant'	where title_zh='加油机'	and title_en='Fuel Dispenser';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moteur'	where title_zh='马达'	and title_en='motor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sérigraphie'	where title_zh='丝印机'	and title_en='silk screen printer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de durcissement UV'	where title_zh='UV光固机'	and title_en='UV curing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de traitement à la flamme'	where title_zh='火焰处理机'	and title_en='Fire flame treatment machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de sérigraphie'	where title_zh='晒版机'	and title_en='Printing-down machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fluide de barbe Elite'	where title_zh='胡子精华液'	and title_en='beard Elite fluid';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour purificateur d''eau'	where title_zh='净水器配件'	and title_en='Water purifier accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sèche-cheveux'	where title_zh='烘发机'	and title_en='HAIR DRYER MACHINE';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Corde en tissu'	where title_zh='布绳'	and title_en='cloth rope';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Shisha / Hookah'	where title_zh='水烟壶'	and title_en='Shisha hookah';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Contrôle de la tension'	where title_zh='调压电源'	and title_en='voltage controlled';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lait en conserve'	where title_zh='罐装牛奶'	and title_en='Canned milk';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Housse pour écouteurs'	where title_zh='耳机套'	and title_en='earphone sleeve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Batterie de talkie-walkie'	where title_zh='对讲机电池'	and title_en='Walkie-talkie battery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Filet de basket'	where title_zh='防晒网'	and title_en='Bask net';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brise-roches'	where title_zh='劈石机'	and title_en=' Rock breaker machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Processeur de guitare'	where title_zh='吉他处理器'	and title_en='Guitar processor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe de chauffage'	where title_zh='烤灯'	and title_en='heating lamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dessicant en gel de silice'	where title_zh='硅胶干燥剂'	and title_en='Silica gel desiccant';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rétracteur cervical'	where title_zh='颈椎牵引器'	and title_en='Cervical retractor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Courroie cantilever'	where title_zh='悬臂带'	and title_en='Cantilever belt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Protège-poignets'	where title_zh='手腕护具'	and title_en='Wrist guards';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gilet de sauvetage'	where title_zh='救生衣'	and title_en='life jacket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panneau à cristaux liquides'	where title_zh='液晶主板'	and title_en='Liquid crystal board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Détecteur de gaz'	where title_zh='气体探测仪'	and title_en='Gas detector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lait d''arachide'	where title_zh='花生牛奶'	and title_en='Peanut milk';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Congee mélangé'	where title_zh='八宝粥'	and title_en='mixed congee';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cire de polissage'	where title_zh='抛光蜡(固体)'	and title_en='Polishing wax';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Réfractomètre'	where title_zh='验光仪'	and title_en='refractometer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Appareil d''électrophorèse'	where title_zh='电泳仪'	and title_en='electrophoresis apparatus';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balançoire'	where title_zh='秋千'	and title_en='swing';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de pulpage'	where title_zh='磨浆机'	and title_en='Pulping machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil à souder'	where title_zh='焊锡丝'	and title_en='Solder wire';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dispositif de seau'	where title_zh='提桶器'	and title_en='Pail device';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rouleau de meuleuse'	where title_zh='磨辊'	and title_en='grinder roll';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Planche à roulettes'	where title_zh='滑板'	and title_en=' Skateboards';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rétro-réfléchisseur'	where title_zh='反光镜'	and title_en='retroreflector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Disque de frein'	where title_zh='刹车盘'	and title_en='The brake disc';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Emballage de Beth'	where title_zh='贝斯包'	and title_en='Beth package';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour fauteuil dentaire'	where title_zh='牙科椅配件'	and title_en='Dental chair accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gobelet en papier'	where title_zh='纸杯'	and title_en='Paper cup';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dispositif de bec cassé'	where title_zh='断喙设备'	and title_en=' Broken beak device';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Seringue'	where title_zh='注射器'	and title_en=' syringe ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ressort à barre de torsion'	where title_zh='稳定杆'	and title_en='Torsion-Bar Spring';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pâte de haricot'	where title_zh='豆瓣酱'	and title_en='Bean paste ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Levier de démarrage'	where title_zh='起动杆'	and title_en=' Starting lever  ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces de rechange pour pompe'	where title_zh='泵用配件'	and title_en='PUMP SPARE PARTS';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pieds de canapé'	where title_zh='沙发脚'	and title_en='sofa feet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Meuleuse de sol'	where title_zh='地坪研磨机'	and title_en='Floor Grinder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Table à turbine'	where title_zh='涡轮表'	and title_en='Turbine table';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Broyeur colloïdal'	where title_zh='胶体磨'	and title_en='colloid mill';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque de porte électronique'	where title_zh='电子门牌'	and title_en='Electronic doorplate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac tissé'	where title_zh='编织袋'	and title_en='Woven bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Secoueur de poudre'	where title_zh='抖粉机'	and title_en='powder shaker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carte d''interface multimédia'	where title_zh='多媒体接口板'	and title_en='Multimedia Interface Board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mât de drapeau'	where title_zh='旗杆'	and title_en='flagpole ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gestion de câbles'	where title_zh='理线架'	and title_en='cable management';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Appareil de mesure de l''humidité à halogène'	where title_zh='卤素水分测定仪'	and title_en='Halogen Moisture Meter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de succion de crachats'	where title_zh='吸痰机'	and title_en='Sputum suction machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sels de réhydratation orale'	where title_zh='口服补液盐'	and title_en='Oral rehydration salts';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tricycle'	where title_zh='三轮车'	and title_en='tricycle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chambre à air de vélo'	where title_zh='自行车轮胎'	and title_en='bicycle tyre';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tête de tronçonneuse'	where title_zh='链锯工作头'	and title_en='Chainsaw head ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couvre-volant'	where title_zh='方向盘套'	and title_en='Steering wheel covers';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Article décoratif'	where title_zh='装饰条'	and title_en='Article decoration';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tube en aluminium'	where title_zh='铝管'	and title_en='Aluminum tube';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Échomètre'	where title_zh='听诊器'	and title_en='echometer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Affichage de téléphone mobile'	where title_zh='手机显示屏'	and title_en='Mobile phone display';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Trottinette pour bébé'	where title_zh='婴儿学步车'	and title_en='Baby walker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='TERMINAL DE RECONNAISSANCE FACIALE'	where title_zh='人脸识别机'	and title_en='FACE RECOGNITION TERMINAL';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tourniquet'	where title_zh='人行通道(旋转栅门)'	and title_en='Turnstile';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Protection d''écran pour montre'	where title_zh='手表镜面保护膜 '	and title_en='watch screen protector ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Liquides de forage'	where title_zh='钻井助剂'	and title_en='Drilling Fluids';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Illustration d''arbre simulée'	where title_zh='仿真树插画'	and title_en='Simulation tree illustration ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Câble de pièces automobiles'	where title_zh='汽车拉索(线)'	and title_en='auto parts cable';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à brume d''eau'	where title_zh='水雾机'	and title_en='Water mist machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Étagère en acier inoxydable'	where title_zh='不锈钢架子'	and title_en='stainless steel shelf';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Presse'	where title_zh='压榨机'	and title_en='Press';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour presse'	where title_zh='压榨机配件'	and title_en='Accessories for the press';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Capteur'	where title_zh='感应器'	and title_en='sensor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussures pour hommes'	where title_zh='男鞋'	and title_en='Men''s shoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaussures pour femmes'	where title_zh='女鞋'	and title_en='Women''s shoes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chemises pour hommes'	where title_zh='男士上衣'	and title_en='Men''s shirts';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Réhydratation automatique de pneu'	where title_zh='轮胎自补液'	and title_en='  tire self-rehydration';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Emballage d''accessoires de téléphone'	where title_zh='手机配件包装袋'	and title_en='phone accessories packaging  bags';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chargeur d''occasion'	where title_zh='二手充电器'	and title_en='Second hand charger';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Limiteur de vitesse de véhicule'	where title_zh='车辆限速器'	and title_en='vehicle speed limiter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pantalons de pêche'	where title_zh='捕鱼裤'	and title_en='Fishing trousers';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Écran de téléphone mobile'	where title_zh='手机屏幕'	and title_en='Mobile phone screen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='PISTOLET FASCIA'	where title_zh='筋膜枪'	and title_en='FASCIA GUN ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Trottinette électrique'	where title_zh='电动滑板车'	and title_en='Electric scooter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ballon de yoga'	where title_zh='瑜伽球'	and title_en='Yoga ball';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre de protéines'	where title_zh='蛋白粉'	and title_en='Protein powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Antenne monopôle omnidirectionnelle intérieure pour plafond'	where title_zh='室内全向单极化吸顶线 '	and title_en='Indoor omnidirectional monopole ceiling antenna';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Antenne de plafond'	where title_zh='吸顶天线'	and title_en='ceiling antenna';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque de plâtre'	where title_zh='石膏板'	and title_en='Gypsum board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chemin de câbles'	where title_zh='电缆桥架'	and title_en='Cable Tray ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Simulateur de conduite de véhicule'	where title_zh='汽车驾驶模拟器'	and title_en='Vehicle driving simulator ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bordures lumineuses'	where title_zh='发光边条'	and title_en='luminous edgings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Soupape de pneu'	where title_zh='轮胎气门嘴'	and title_en='tyre valve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Solution de nettoyage'	where title_zh='清洗液'	and title_en='cleaning solution';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Régulateur d''oxygène'	where title_zh='氧气调节器'	and title_en='oxygen regulator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de pliage'	where title_zh='折弯机'	and title_en='Bending machine ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tube de collecte de sang'	where title_zh='采血管'	and title_en='blood collection tube';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fluide de réparation des ongles'	where title_zh='指甲修复液'	and title_en='Nails repair fluid';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Produit de soin de la peau'	where title_zh='护肤品'	and title_en='skin care product';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mouchoirs'	where title_zh='纸巾'	and title_en='tissue';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Presse hydraulique'	where title_zh='液压机'	and title_en='Hydraulic Press';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Projecteur'	where title_zh='投影仪'	and title_en='projector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Électron'	where title_zh='电子'	and title_en='electron';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Batterie d''ordinateur portable'	where title_zh='笔记本电池'	and title_en='Laptop battery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tissu batik'	where title_zh='蜡染布'	and title_en='batik fabric';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à pâtisserie'	where title_zh='烘烤机'	and title_en='Baking machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Découpeuse plasma CNC'	where title_zh='数控等离子切割机'	and title_en='CNC plasma cutter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gazéificateur à bois'	where title_zh='生物质燃烧机'	and title_en='wood gasifier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires d''éclairage'	where title_zh='灯具配件'	and title_en='lighting fittings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lames de microscope'	where title_zh='显微镜载波片'	and title_en='Microscope slides';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Caméra solaire'	where title_zh='太阳能摄像头'	and title_en='solar camera';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Appareil électrocardiogramme'	where title_zh='心电图机'	and title_en='Electrocardiogram machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Barre de guide'	where title_zh='导板'	and title_en='Guide bar';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Galet'	where title_zh='鹅卵石'	and title_en='pebble';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Montre intelligente'	where title_zh='智能手表'	and title_en='smart watch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte pliante'	where title_zh='折叠鞋盒'	and title_en='Folding box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Armoire en tissu'	where title_zh='布衣柜'	and title_en='Cloth wardrobe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Serrure de porte intelligente'	where title_zh='智能门锁'	and title_en='Smart door lock';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoire de pompe hydraulique'	where title_zh='液压泵配件'	and title_en='Hydraulic pump fitting';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Manteau pour femme'	where title_zh='女士上衣'	and title_en='Female coat';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîtier de montre'	where title_zh='手表壳'	and title_en='watch case';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à poinçonner les empreintes digitales'	where title_zh='指纹打卡机'	and title_en='Fingerprint punch machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac à main'	where title_zh='手提包'	and title_en='handbag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Objectif grand angle'	where title_zh='广角镜'	and title_en='Wide Angle Lens';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pelle'	where title_zh='铁锹'	and title_en='  Spade';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cravate'	where title_zh='领带'	and title_en='tie';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine combinée'	where title_zh='复合机'	and title_en='Compound machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vis'	where title_zh='螺杆'	and title_en='screw';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Câble HDMI'	where title_zh='数据连接线'	and title_en='HDMI Cable';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de soudage électrique'	where title_zh='电焊机'	and title_en='electric welding machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Collier de tuyau'	where title_zh='喉箍'	and title_en='Hose clamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau d''aspiration de sable'	where title_zh='吸砂管'	and title_en='Sand suction pipe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Planche à dessin'	where title_zh='画板'	and title_en='Drawing board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balayeuse'	where title_zh='扫地机'	and title_en='Sweeper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Niveleur'	where title_zh='水平仪'	and title_en='Gradienter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dépouilleur'	where title_zh='剥线钳'	and title_en='Stripper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cisailles à câbles'	where title_zh='电缆剪'	and title_en='Cable shears';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bobine de marquage de câbles'	where title_zh='电缆标记卷'	and title_en='Cable marking reel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fleurs artificielles'	where title_zh='仿真花'	and title_en='Fake flowers';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Housse de voiture'	where title_zh='汽车罩衣'	and title_en='car cover';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Armature'	where title_zh='电枢'	and title_en='armature';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de broyeur'	where title_zh='粉碎机配件'	and title_en='Crusher accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Savon'	where title_zh='肥皂'	and title_en='Soap';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support de téléphone pour voiture'	where title_zh='车载手机支架'	and title_en='car phone holder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balance électronique'	where title_zh='电子汽车衡'	and title_en='Electronic scale';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe de gaz liquéfié'	where title_zh='液化气泵'	and title_en='liquefied gas pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cloueur pneumatique'	where title_zh='气动打钉机'	and title_en='Pneumatic nailing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bobine chauffante'	where title_zh='发热圈'	and title_en='Heating coil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Truelle à plâtre'	where title_zh='抹泥刀'	and title_en='Plastering Trowel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Émetteur vidéo'	where title_zh='视频传输器'	and title_en='video transmitter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Récepteur de signal'	where title_zh='信号接收器'	and title_en='signal receiver';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces de pelle hydraulique'	where title_zh='挖掘机配件'	and title_en='Excavator Parts';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bocal anaérobie'	where title_zh='厌氧罐'	and title_en='Anaerobic jar';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mangeoires'	where title_zh='喂食器'	and title_en='Feeders';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Adoucisseur d''eau'	where title_zh='软水机'	and title_en='Water Softener';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Décorations de gâteaux'	where title_zh='蛋糕装饰品'	and title_en='cake decorations';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de cocotte-minute'	where title_zh='高压锅配件'	and title_en='Pressure cooker accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de scellage thermique'	where title_zh='热封机'	and title_en='Heat sealing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Soupape multi-port'	where title_zh='多通阀'	and title_en='Multi-port valve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pédale de frein'	where title_zh='刹车踏板'	and title_en='Brake pedal';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stérilisateur'	where title_zh='灭菌器'	and title_en='Sterilizer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chariot mortuaire'	where title_zh='尸体推车'	and title_en='Corpse cart';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dispositif de cercueil inférieur'	where title_zh='下棺木装置'	and title_en='lower coffin device';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Émulsifiant'	where title_zh='乳化机'	and title_en='Emulsifier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de point de vente (POS)'	where title_zh='POS机器'	and title_en='POS machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de tricycle'	where title_zh='三轮车配件'	and title_en='Tricycle Accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Masque pour nébuliseur'	where title_zh='雾化器面罩'	and title_en='Nebulizer mask';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouteille en plastique pour huile'	where title_zh='塑料油瓶'	and title_en='plastic oil bottle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier sulfurisé'	where title_zh='烘焙硅油纸'	and title_en='baking paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à gâteau'	where title_zh='蛋糕打包盒'	and title_en='Cake box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Alimentation électrique commutée'	where title_zh='开关电源'	and title_en='switch power supply';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Costume de poupée'	where title_zh='玩偶服装'	and title_en='Doll costume';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bâton en bambou'	where title_zh='竹签'	and title_en='Bamboo stick';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à sandwich'	where title_zh='三文治机'	and title_en='sandwich machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à granuler'	where title_zh='切粒机'	and title_en='Granulating machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Alimentation sans interruption'	where title_zh='门禁专用电源'	and title_en='Uninterrupted power supply';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Produits de santé'	where title_zh='保健品'	and title_en='Health products';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pistolet à haute pression'	where title_zh='高压喷枪'	and title_en='High pressure spray gun';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Objectif de caméra'	where title_zh='手机镜头膜'	and title_en='camera lens';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Douille de suspension'	where title_zh='悬架衬套'	and title_en='suspension bushing';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tour de refroidissement'	where title_zh='冷却塔'	and title_en='cooling tower';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rouleau anti-peluches'	where title_zh='粘毛器'	and title_en='lint roller';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Film PET'	where title_zh='PET薄膜'	and title_en='PET film';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Assemblage de levier'	where title_zh='操纵杆总成'	and title_en='Lever assembly';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à récurer'	where title_zh='洗地机'	and title_en='scrubber machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Appareil de diagnostic par ultrasons'	where title_zh='B超机'	and title_en='ultrasound diagnostic machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à cônes de glace'	where title_zh='雪糕皮机'	and title_en='Ice cream cone machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bandelettes de test de glucose sanguin'	where title_zh='血糖试纸'	and title_en='blood glucose test strips';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Analyseur de glucose sanguin'	where title_zh='血糖分析仪'	and title_en='blood glucose analyzer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Miroir de porte'	where title_zh='门镜/猫眼'	and title_en='Door mirror';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rouleau de gaze'	where title_zh='纱布卷'	and title_en='gauze roll';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coton absorbant'	where title_zh='药棉'	and title_en='absorbent cotton';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dispositif de perfusion'	where title_zh='输液器'	and title_en='Infusion device';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carton électrique'	where title_zh='电工纸板'	and title_en='Electrical cardboard';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de rainurage'	where title_zh='切槽机'	and title_en='Grooving machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Liquide d''échappement diesel'	where title_zh='柴油机尾气处理液'	and title_en='Diesel Exhaust fluid';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à canne à sucre'	where title_zh='甘蔗机'	and title_en='Sugarcane machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour tracteur'	where title_zh='拖拉机配件'	and title_en='Tractor Accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cire émulsifiante'	where title_zh='乳化蜡'	and title_en='emulsifying wax';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fil'	where title_zh='纱线'	and title_en='yarn';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Élément d''osmose inverse'	where title_zh='反渗透膜滤芯'	and title_en='Reverse osmosis element';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Valise'	where title_zh='行李箱'	and title_en='suitcase';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour jouets gonflables'	where title_zh='充气玩具配件'	and title_en='Inflatable Toy Accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Trépied pour lumière annulaire'	where title_zh='补光灯支架'	and title_en='ring light tripod';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Valve pneumatique à trois voies'	where title_zh='气动三通调节阀'	and title_en='Pneumatic Three- Way Valve ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Réservoir agitateurs'	where title_zh='搅拌罐'	and title_en='Agitator tank';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Armoire métallique'	where title_zh='金属柜'	and title_en='metal cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Globe terrestre'	where title_zh='地球仪'	and title_en='Terrestrial globe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau isolé en aluminium'	where title_zh='铝箔保温软管'	and title_en='Aluminum foil insulated hose.';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à petit déjeuner'	where title_zh='早餐机'	and title_en='breakfast machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine publicitaire verticale'	where title_zh='立式广告机'	and title_en='Vertical advertising machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour sacs'	where title_zh='包包配件'	and title_en='Bag accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Répéteur'	where title_zh='中继台'	and title_en='Repeater';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte coulissante'	where title_zh='滑动门'	and title_en='Sliding Door';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Robinet à bille trois pièces'	where title_zh='三片式球阀'	and title_en='Three piece ball valve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Robinet à globe à soufflet'	where title_zh='波纹管截止阀'	and title_en='Bellows globe valve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces de rechange pour photocopieur'	where title_zh='复印机配件'	and title_en='Copier machine spare parts';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventilateur solaire'	where title_zh='太阳能风扇'	and title_en='solar fan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Franges de vêtements'	where title_zh='服装辅料(流苏)'	and title_en='clothing tassels';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bicarbonate'	where title_zh='血液透析干粉'	and title_en='Bicarbonate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cylindre pneumatique'	where title_zh='汽缸'	and title_en='pneumatic cylinder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lève-magnétique permanent'	where title_zh='永磁起重器'	and title_en='Permanent Magnetic Lifter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Reçu'	where title_zh='收据本'	and title_en='receipt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rainure de ligne'	where title_zh='行线槽'	and title_en='Line groove';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Récepteur de télévision'	where title_zh='电视接收器'	and title_en='TV RECEIVER';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Film de lettrage'	where title_zh='刻字膜'	and title_en='lettering film';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coque arrière de téléphone'	where title_zh='手机后盖'	and title_en='Phone back cover ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Alimentation LED'	where title_zh='LED电源'	and title_en='LED power supply';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équerre d''angle'	where title_zh='角码'	and title_en='corner brace';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier filtre'	where title_zh='过滤纸'	and title_en='Filte paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pneumatique moto'	where title_zh='摩托车外胎'	and title_en='motorcycle tire';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Film gaufré'	where title_zh='压印箔'	and title_en='Embossed foil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Serre-tie'	where title_zh='铅封条'	and title_en='sealing tie';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cheville'	where title_zh='脚链'	and title_en='anklet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Scie circulaire pour le travail du bois'	where title_zh='木工圆锯'	and title_en='Woodworking circular saw';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Raboteuse'	where title_zh='压刨机'	and title_en='Thicknesser';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Scie à bras radial'	where title_zh='摇臂锯'	and title_en='Radial arm saw';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Meuleuse de coupe'	where title_zh='磨刀机'	and title_en='Cutter grinder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coupeur de fibres'	where title_zh='光纤切割刀'	and title_en='Fiber cutter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Oxyde de fer'	where title_zh='氧化铁(非危)'	and title_en='Ferric oxide';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac médical'	where title_zh='医用药袋'	and title_en='Medical bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Compteur quantique'	where title_zh='量子仪'	and title_en='Quantum meter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support de tablette'	where title_zh='平板电脑支架'	and title_en='Tablet stand';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Scelleuse de sacs'	where title_zh='封包机'	and title_en='Bag sealer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Presse manuelle'	where title_zh='手压机'	and title_en='Manual press';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventilateur'	where title_zh='呼吸机'	and title_en='Ventilator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Film d''impression'	where title_zh='打印膜'	and title_en='Print film';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Valve en zinc'	where title_zh='锌阀'	and title_en='zinc valve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Méthacryloxypropyltriméthoxysilane'	where title_zh='甲基丙烯酰氧基丙基三甲氧基硅烷'	and title_en='methacryloxy propyl trimethoxyl silane';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Film adhésif thermofusible'	where title_zh='热熔胶膜'	and title_en='Hot melt adhesive film';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre adhésive thermofusible'	where title_zh='热熔胶粉'	and title_en='Hot melt adhesive powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac PVC'	where title_zh='PVC袋'	and title_en='PVC bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ensemble compas et règle'	where title_zh='圆规尺子套装'	and title_en='Compass and ruler set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Marqueur pour tableau blanc'	where title_zh='白板笔'	and title_en='Whiteboard pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Conducteur'	where title_zh='驱动器'	and title_en='Driver';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Palette en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料托板'	and title_en='Plastic pallet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brassard de tension artérielle'	where title_zh='血压计袖带'	and title_en='blood pressure cuff';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Avion pliant'	where title_zh='折叠飞行器'	and title_en='Folding aircraft';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Charnière'	where title_zh='铰链'	and title_en='Hinge';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour machine à Mahjong'	where title_zh='麻将机配件'	and title_en='Mahjong machine accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panneaux solaires usagés'	where title_zh='二手太阳能板'	and title_en='Used Solar Panels';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tronçonneuse'	where title_zh='电锯'	and title_en='Chainsaw';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Housse pour tablette'	where title_zh='平板保护套'	and title_en='Tablet case';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bâton à bulles'	where title_zh='泡泡棒'	and title_en='Bubble wand';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Meule diamantée'	where title_zh='碗磨'	and title_en='Diamond grinding wheel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lame de scie diamantée'	where title_zh='金刚石锯片'	and title_en='Diamond saw blade';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de rainurage'	where title_zh='开槽机'	and title_en='Slotting machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carte de gardien d''entrée'	where title_zh='门禁卡'	and title_en='Entrance guard card';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tige de nettoyage d''oreilles'	where title_zh='采耳棒'	and title_en='Ear picking rod';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tampon de coton'	where title_zh='化妆棉'	and title_en='Cotton pad';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poutre terminale'	where title_zh='端梁'	and title_en='End beam';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de découpe'	where title_zh='模切机'	and title_en='Die-cutting machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vêtements d''occasion'	where title_zh='二手衣服'	and title_en='second hand clothes';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine photo'	where title_zh='写真机'	and title_en='Photo machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Appareil de blanchiment des dents'	where title_zh='牙齿美白仪'	and title_en='Teeth whitening instrument';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bonde de sol'	where title_zh='地漏'	and title_en='Floor drain';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bâton de sucette glacée'	where title_zh='冰棒棍'	and title_en='popsicle stick';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='TWEEN-20'	where title_zh='聚山梨醇酯-20'	and title_en='TWEEN-20';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Insère de lit'	where title_zh='床插'	and title_en='bed insert';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Armoire à cigares'	where title_zh='雪茄柜'	and title_en='Cigar cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour tronçonneuse'	where title_zh='油锯配件'	and title_en='Chainsaw accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour brûleur'	where title_zh='燃烧机配件'	and title_en='Burner accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carte son'	where title_zh='声卡'	and title_en='sound card';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour mouvement d''horloge murale'	where title_zh='挂钟机芯配件'	and title_en='Wall Clock Movement Accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac à sucettes glacées'	where title_zh='冰棒袋'	and title_en='popsicle bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour rideau roulant'	where title_zh='卷帘门配件'	and title_en='ROLLER SHUTTER ACCESSORIES';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gomme arabique'	where title_zh='阿拉伯胶'	and title_en='Gum arabic';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pince ampèremètre'	where title_zh='钳形表'	and title_en='Clamp Meter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Casque anti-bruit'	where title_zh='耳罩'	and title_en='EAR MUFF';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lampe de plafond ventilateur'	where title_zh='吊扇灯'	and title_en='ceiling fan light';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Connecteur vidéo'	where title_zh='视频接头'	and title_en='video connector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Convoyeur alimentaire'	where title_zh='食物传送机'	and title_en='Food conveyor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour échangeur de chaleur'	where title_zh='换热器配件'	and title_en='Heat exchanger accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Colle en éponge'	where title_zh='海绵胶'	and title_en='Sponge glue';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Feuille de tenon de biscuit'	where title_zh='饼干榫片'	and title_en='biscuit tenon sheet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièce de haut-parleur'	where title_zh='扬声器配件'	and title_en='SPEAKER PART';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carburateur'	where title_zh='化油器'	and title_en='Carburetor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tranches de melon amer'	where title_zh='苦瓜片'	and title_en='Bitter melon slices';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre à faible fusion'	where title_zh='弱熔粉'	and title_en='Weak melting powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ruban isolant'	where title_zh='电工胶带'	and title_en='Electrical tape';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Filtre à onde'	where title_zh='滤波器'	and title_en='wave filter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Taille-haie électrique'	where title_zh='电动修剪器'	and title_en='Electric trimmer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Appareil de massage domestique'	where title_zh='家用按摩仪'	and title_en='Home use massage machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panneaux de signalisation'	where title_zh='警示牌'	and title_en='Warning signs';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tête en acier au carbone'	where title_zh='碳钢封头'	and title_en='Carbon steel head';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Regard'	where title_zh='人孔'	and title_en='Manhole';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rideau'	where title_zh='幕布(投影仪)'	and title_en='curtain';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Haltère'	where title_zh='哑铃'	and title_en='Dumbbel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac à oxygène'	where title_zh='氧气袋'	and title_en='oxygen bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque de cuisson électrique'	where title_zh='电烤盘'	and title_en='Electric griddle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte de convergence'	where title_zh='汇流箱'	and title_en='Convergence box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Joint de cylindre'	where title_zh='汽缸垫'	and title_en='Cylinder gasket ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac de bain de pieds'	where title_zh='泡脚包'	and title_en='Foot bath bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Câble de casque'	where title_zh='耳机线'	and title_en='Headphone cable';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Micropipette'	where title_zh='移液器'	and title_en='micropipette';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support pour micropipette'	where title_zh='移液器架'	and title_en='micropipette stander';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe de perfusion'	where title_zh='营养泵'	and title_en='feeding pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Capot à oxygène pour bébé'	where title_zh='婴儿输氧头罩'	and title_en='Baby oxygen hood';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Défibrillateur'	where title_zh='除颤仪'	and title_en='defibrillator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dépisteur auditif'	where title_zh='听力筛查计'	and title_en='hearing screener';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Otoscope'	where title_zh='检耳镜'	and title_en='otoscope';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine EEG'	where title_zh='脑电图机'	and title_en='EEG machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Éponge enroulante'	where title_zh='卷发海绵'	and title_en='CURL SPONGE ';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de défoamage'	where title_zh='除泡机'	and title_en='Defoaming machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carraghénane'	where title_zh='卡拉胶'	and title_en='Carrageenan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Table de levage pour optométrie'	where title_zh='验光升降台'	and title_en='Optometry lifting table';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pupitre en acrylique'	where title_zh='亚克力讲台'	and title_en='Acrylic lectern';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dioxyde de titane'	where title_zh='钛白粉'	and title_en='Titanium dioxide';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre de transfert thermique'	where title_zh='烫画粉'	and title_en='Heat transfer powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Décorations de vacances'	where title_zh='节日饰品'	and title_en='Holiday decorations';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machines à nourrir'	where title_zh='饲料机械'	and title_en='Feed machinery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Kit de cirage de chaussures'	where title_zh='鞋油套装'	and title_en='Shoe polish set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rail de rideau'	where title_zh='窗帘轨道'	and title_en='Curtain track';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre NPK'	where title_zh='氮磷钾复合肥'	and title_en='NPK POWDER';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Set de clubs de golf'	where title_zh='高尔夫球杆套杆'	and title_en='Golf club set';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de liaison ACF'	where title_zh='ACF绑定机'	and title_en='ACF Bonding machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de réparation au laser'	where title_zh='液晶屏镭射维修机'	and title_en='Laser repair machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à noix de coco'	where title_zh='椰子机'	and title_en='Coconut machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Hotocell'	where title_zh='光控器'	and title_en='Hotocell';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Interrupteur de volume'	where title_zh='音量控制器'	and title_en='Volume switch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ventouse'	where title_zh='吸盘'	and title_en='Sucker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lumière de remplissage en direct'	where title_zh='直播补光灯'	and title_en='Live fill light';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à fileter'	where title_zh='套丝机'	and title_en='Threading machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Climatisation solaire'	where title_zh='太阳能空调'	and title_en='Solar air conditioner';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Table de travail'	where title_zh='工作台'	and title_en='Working table';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Testeur de dureté Brinell, Rockwell et Vickers analogique'	where title_zh='布洛维硬度计'	and title_en='Analogue Brinell Rocwell & Vickers Hardness Tester';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine universelle d''essai électronique à affichage numérique'	where title_zh='数显式电子万能试验机'	and title_en='Digital Display Electronic Universal Testing Machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Guirlande'	where title_zh='手拉花'	and title_en='garland';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vêtement anti-choc'	where title_zh='非气动防休克服'	and title_en='Anti-Shock Garment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Anneau interne de denture'	where title_zh='内齿圈'	and title_en='Inner gear ring';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte en verre'	where title_zh='玻璃门'	and title_en='Glass door';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chargeur sans fil'	where title_zh='无线充电器'	and title_en='Wireless charger';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aiguilles de tatouage pour sourcils'	where title_zh='纹眉针'	and title_en='eyebrow tattoo needles';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuile de toiture en métal revêtue de pierre'	where title_zh='彩石金属瓦'	and title_en='Stone Coated Metal Roofing Tile';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pick-up (guitare)'	where title_zh='吉他拾音器'	and title_en='(Guitar)Pick-Up';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac pour guitare'	where title_zh='吉他包'	and title_en='guitar bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Hemocytomètre'	where title_zh='血球仪'	and title_en='Hemocytometer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Analyseur d''immunodosage par fluorescence'	where title_zh='荧光免疫分析仪'	and title_en='Fluorescence Immunoassay Analyzer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à outils pour perceuse électrique (avec batterie)'	where title_zh='电钻工具箱(配套电池)'	and title_en='Electric drill tool box (matching battery)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='PC de bureau'	where title_zh='台式电脑(带主机)'	and title_en='Desktop PC';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support de chaussure'	where title_zh='鞋托'	and title_en='Shoe support';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Joint d''étanchéité à l''eau'	where title_zh='水封'	and title_en='Water seal';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Adaptateur pour ordinateur'	where title_zh='电脑转接头'	and title_en='Computer adapter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque d''identification pour chien'	where title_zh='狗牌'	and title_en='Dog tag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de distribution'	where title_zh='分装机'	and title_en='Dispensing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Manchon conique de verrouillage'	where title_zh='锁紧锥套'	and title_en='Locking taper sleeve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Outils hydrauliques de sertissage'	where title_zh='液压压接工具'	and title_en='Hydraulic crimping tools';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Semelle intérieure'	where title_zh='鞋垫'	and title_en='insole';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ensemble de pédales'	where title_zh='脚踏总成'	and title_en='Pedal assembly';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Broyeur de cigarettes'	where title_zh='磨烟器'	and title_en='Cigarette grinder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Microphone sans fil'	where title_zh='无线麦克风'	and title_en='Wireless microphone';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Corde en chanvre'	where title_zh='麻绳'	and title_en='Hemp rope';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poulie de courroie'	where title_zh='皮带轮'	and title_en='Belt pulley';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tourne-gâteau'	where title_zh='蛋糕转盘'	and title_en='cake turntable';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Kit de manucure'	where title_zh='美甲工具包'	and title_en='Manicure kit';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aromathérapie'	where title_zh='香薰'	and title_en='Aromatherapy';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Jupon'	where title_zh='裙撑'	and title_en='Bustle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Appareil de gaufrage'	where title_zh='压花器'	and title_en='Embossing device';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe de test de pression électrique'	where title_zh='电动试压泵'	and title_en='Electric pressure test pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tige de support'	where title_zh='支撑杆'	and title_en='Support rod';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Serviette hygiénique'	where title_zh='卫生巾'	and title_en='Sanitary Napkin';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Noyau d''embrayage'	where title_zh='离合线芯'	and title_en='Clutch core';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Four à séchage de plaque d''écran'	where title_zh='网版烘箱'	and title_en='Screen plate drying oven';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-vêtements pour séchage'	where title_zh='干燥架'	and title_en='Drying racks';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dispositif d''affichage'	where title_zh='显示器'	and title_en='Display device';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dentellière'	where title_zh='编织机'	and title_en='dentellier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pile bouton'	where title_zh='纽扣电池'	and title_en='Button Battery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moteur de voiture'	where title_zh='汽车发动机'	and title_en='Car Engine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support de douche'	where title_zh='花洒支架'	and title_en='Shower bracket';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Courge'	where title_zh='壁球'	and title_en='Squash';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balle lestée'	where title_zh='负重球'	and title_en='Weighted ball';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Majordome de chargement'	where title_zh='充电管家 (不含电池)'	and title_en='Charging butler';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carnet de dessin'	where title_zh='绘画本'	and title_en='Drawing book';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Grand support pour casque'	where title_zh='大耳机支架'	and title_en='Large headphone stand';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac de scellage en papier kraft'	where title_zh='牛皮纸密封袋'	and title_en='Kraft paper seal bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cabinet à miroir'	where title_zh='镜柜'	and title_en='mirror cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de robot portable'	where title_zh='穿戴机器人道具'	and title_en='Wearable robot props';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bureau d''infirmière'	where title_zh='护理台'	and title_en='Nursing desk';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boucle'	where title_zh='卡扣'	and title_en='Buckle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couture'	where title_zh='针线'	and title_en='sewing';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plantes artificielles'	where title_zh='仿真绿植'	and title_en='Artificial plants';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pantalon en cuir'	where title_zh='皮裤'	and title_en='leather pants';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bécher à ragoût'	where title_zh='焖烧壶'	and title_en='Stew beaker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Manchons de glace'	where title_zh='冰袖'	and title_en='Ice sleeves';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fente de positionnement pour carte de circuit imprimé'	where title_zh='电路板定位槽'	and title_en='Circuit board positioning slot';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Clavier électronique'	where title_zh='电子琴'	and title_en='Electronic keyboard';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces de presse-paille'	where title_zh='打捆机配件'	and title_en='BALER PARTS';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine d''exposition'	where title_zh='曝光机'	and title_en='Exposure machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ceinture de transport'	where title_zh='捆绑带'	and title_en='CARGO BELT';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Capsules de détergent pour linge'	where title_zh='洗衣凝珠'	and title_en='Laundry Detergent Capsules';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Couvercle à vis'	where title_zh='螺丝盖子'	and title_en='Screw cover';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Spatule'	where title_zh='锅铲'	and title_en='Spatula';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour offin'	where title_zh='棺材配件'	and title_en='offin accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Matériel pédagogique'	where title_zh='教学器材(普货)'	and title_en='Teaching equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pot à épices'	where title_zh='调味罐'	and title_en='Spice jar';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Décorations murales'	where title_zh='墙壁装饰品'	and title_en='Wall decorations';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cage pour lapin'	where title_zh='兔笼'	and title_en='Rabbit cage';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vis d''extrudeuse'	where title_zh='膨化机螺杆'	and title_en='Extruder screw';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Encens'	where title_zh='香(拜神)'	and title_en='Incense';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gastro-entéroscopie'	where title_zh='胃肠镜'	and title_en='Gastroenteroscopy';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Endoscopie'	where title_zh='内窥镜摄像机'	and title_en='Endoscopy';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support de piscine'	where title_zh='支架水池'	and title_en='Bracket pool';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Agent actif multi-effet pour aiguilles'	where title_zh='针状多效活性剂'	and title_en='Needle multi-effect active agent';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Four à porcelaine dentaire'	where title_zh='牙科烤瓷炉'	and title_en='Dental porcelain oven';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cabinet à vapeur'	where title_zh='蒸汽柜'	and title_en='Steam cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Autocollant en verre dépoli'	where title_zh='玻璃磨砂贴'	and title_en='Glass frosted sticker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Station de soudure'	where title_zh='焊台'	and title_en='Soldering Station';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Caméra d''endoscope'	where title_zh='内窥镜摄像头'	and title_en='Endoscope camera';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac plastique scellé'	where title_zh='塑料密封袋'	and title_en='Plastic sealed bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à nourriture pour bébé'	where title_zh='婴儿辅食机'	and title_en='Baby food machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Unité centrale de moniteur'	where title_zh='监控主机'	and title_en='Monitor host';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Armoire de rangement pour endoscope'	where title_zh='内镜储存柜'	and title_en='Endoscope storage cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stérilisateur plasma'	where title_zh='过氧化氢低温等离子体灭菌器'	and title_en='plasma sterilizer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machines de nettoyage et désinfection pour lentilles souples'	where title_zh='软镜清洗消毒机'	and title_en='Soft lens cleaning and disinfecting machines';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chiffon'	where title_zh='抹布'	and title_en='rag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Zircon artificiel'	where title_zh='人造锆石'	and title_en='Artificial zircon';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Treuil électrique à chaîne'	where title_zh='电动吊链'	and title_en='electric chain hoist';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre pour masque facial'	where title_zh='面膜粉'	and title_en='Facial mask powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Matières premières cosmétiques'	where title_zh='化妆品原料'	and title_en='Cosmetic raw materials';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Distributeur de riz'	where title_zh='饭铲'	and title_en='rice server';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Entraîneur de rééducation'	where title_zh='康复训练器'	and title_en='Rehabilitation trainer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de dialyse vasculaire'	where title_zh='血管透析仪'	and title_en='Vascular dialysis machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de soudage à l''arc'	where title_zh='电弧焊机'	and title_en='arc welding machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Récepteur audio sans fil'	where title_zh='蓝牙转接器'	and title_en='wireless audio receiver';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Velcro'	where title_zh='魔术贴'	and title_en='Velcro';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Garde-corps'	where title_zh='护杠'	and title_en='Guardrail';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Collier de tuyau d''eau'	where title_zh='水管夹'	and title_en='Water pipe clamp';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Maillot de bain'	where title_zh='泳衣'	and title_en='swimsuit';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tondeuse à sourcils (électrique)'	where title_zh='修眉刀(电动)'	and title_en='Eyebrow trimmer (electric)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stick en poudre pour ligne capillaire'	where title_zh='发际线粉棒'	and title_en='Hairline powder stick';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dispositif d''aspiration des expectorations'	where title_zh='吸痰器'	and title_en='sputum suction device';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bonnet d''infirmière'	where title_zh='护士帽'	and title_en='nurse cap';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ceinture en acier pour ascenseur'	where title_zh='电梯钢带'	and title_en='Elevator steel belt';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cocotte-minute'	where title_zh='高压锅'	and title_en='pressure cooker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pantalon'	where title_zh='裤子'	and title_en='pants';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='T-shirt'	where title_zh='短袖'	and title_en='Short sleeve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-bijoux'	where title_zh='饰品架'	and title_en='Jewelry rack';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à fabriquer des crayons'	where title_zh='铅笔制造机'	and title_en='pencil making machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Uniforme de baseball'	where title_zh='棒球服'	and title_en='Baseball  uniform';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Chaise à bascule pour bébé'	where title_zh='婴儿摇椅'	and title_en='baby rocking chair';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Oreiller pour bébé'	where title_zh='婴儿枕头'	and title_en='baby pillow';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Outils de soins pour bébé'	where title_zh='婴儿护理工具'	and title_en='baby care tools';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Outils de filtration'	where title_zh='滤器'	and title_en='Filter tools';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Membrane de filtration'	where title_zh='滤膜'	and title_en='filter membrane';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mesure de pH'	where title_zh='酸度计'	and title_en='PH meter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mesure de l''oxygène dissous'	where title_zh='溶氧仪'	and title_en='Dissolved oxygen meter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Colle sans clou'	where title_zh='免钉胶'	and title_en='nail-free glue';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carte mère'	where title_zh='主板'	and title_en='mainboard';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Livre d''échantillons'	where title_zh='样品册'	and title_en='Sample book';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crayon à souder électrique'	where title_zh='电焊笔'	and title_en='Electric welding pencil';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Feux arrière de voiture'	where title_zh='汽车尾灯'	and title_en='Car tail lights';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Essoreuse'	where title_zh='榨水车'	and title_en='Wringer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料板'	and title_en='plastic plate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moissonneuse à riz'	where title_zh='水稻收割机'	and title_en='Rice harvester';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sandales'	where title_zh='凉鞋'	and title_en='sandal';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Masque à gaz'	where title_zh='防毒面具'	and title_en='Gas mask';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Convertisseur vidéo'	where title_zh='视频转换器'	and title_en='video converter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Réchaud à gaz portable à butane'	where title_zh='卡式炉'	and title_en='portable butane gas stove';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poisson en conserve'	where title_zh='罐头鱼'	and title_en='tinned fish';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vanne à gaz'	where title_zh='燃气阀'	and title_en='gas valve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cahier'	where title_zh='字帖'	and title_en='copybook';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Enrouleur de film étirable'	where title_zh='缠绕膜复卷机'	and title_en='Stretch film rewinder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lustre'	where title_zh='吊灯'	and title_en='The chandelier';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Récepteur sans fil'	where title_zh='无线接收器'	and title_en='wireless receiver';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Étui en cuir'	where title_zh='皮套'	and title_en='leather sheath';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Égouttoir'	where title_zh='下水器'	and title_en='drainer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bol en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料碗'	and title_en='plastic bowl';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vanne à soupape SW'	where title_zh='闸阀'	and title_en='SW gate valve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Vanne à soupape à couteau'	where title_zh='刀闸阀'	and title_en='knife gate valve';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de protection par relais'	where title_zh='继电保护装置'	and title_en='relay protection equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Câble de machine'	where title_zh='机器通讯线'	and title_en='MACHINE CABLE';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires de verrouillage de porte'	where title_zh='门锁配件'	and title_en='Door lock fittings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Station de change pour bébé'	where title_zh='尿布台'	and title_en='Baby Changing Station';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Four à boîte'	where title_zh='马弗炉'	and title_en='box furnace';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Piège à souris collant'	where title_zh='粘鼠板'	and title_en='Sticky mouse board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre de nutrition'	where title_zh='营养粉'	and title_en='Nutrition powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoire pour machine d’emballage'	where title_zh='包装机配件'	and title_en='packing machine accessory';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lavage oculaire'	where title_zh='洗眼器'	and title_en='eye washer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Palettes en bois'	where title_zh='木托盘'	and title_en='Wooden pallets';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pistolet thermique'	where title_zh='热风枪'	and title_en='heat gun';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de torréfaction de tasses'	where title_zh='烤杯机'	and title_en='Cup roasting machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Clous pneumatiques'	where title_zh='气动钉'	and title_en='Pneumatic nails';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tablette graphique'	where title_zh='数位板'	and title_en='Graphics tablet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ligne électrique'	where title_zh='电源线'	and title_en='power line';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Câble à fibres optiques'	where title_zh='光纤线'	and title_en='fiber optic cable';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crème pour verrues'	where title_zh='克疣膏'	and title_en='wart cream';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Porte-cure-dents'	where title_zh='牙签盒'	and title_en='Toothpick Holder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bouclier thermique'	where title_zh='暖气罩'	and title_en='Heat shield';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lumière laser'	where title_zh='激光灯'	and title_en='laser light';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tissu de contrôle des mauvaises herbes'	where title_zh='除草垫'	and title_en='weed control cloth';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Système de stationnement'	where title_zh='停车场系统'	and title_en='parking system';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Surveillant'	where title_zh='服务器'	and title_en='Surver';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Suture d''opération'	where title_zh='缝合线'	and title_en='Operationsuture';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Coque de clé'	where title_zh='钥匙壳'	and title_en='key shell';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Désinfectant à base d''iodophore'	where title_zh='碘伏消毒液'	and title_en='Iodophor disinfectant';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Perles parfumées'	where title_zh='留香珠'	and title_en='fragrance beads';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe à air'	where title_zh='打气泵'	and title_en='air pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre flash'	where title_zh='闪光粉'	and title_en='Flash powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pot en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料罐'	and title_en='lastic jar';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Balai d''essuie-glace'	where title_zh='雨刮器'	and title_en='windscreen wiper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poteau en fibre dentaire'	where title_zh='牙科纤维桩'	and title_en='Dental fiber post';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces de climatisation'	where title_zh='空调配件'	and title_en='Air Conditioning Parts';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Clip pour lampe'	where title_zh='灯夹'	and title_en='lamp clip';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Démarreur de voiture'	where title_zh='汽车应急启动电源'	and title_en='Car Jump Starter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lame de scalpel'	where title_zh='手术刀片'	and title_en='scalpel blade';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ginseng'	where title_zh='人参'	and title_en='Ginseng';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Panneaux réfléchissants'	where title_zh='反光标牌'	and title_en='Reflective signs';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Meule à sable'	where title_zh='砂磨机'	and title_en='sand mill';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Réservoir en acier inoxydable'	where title_zh='不锈钢拉缸'	and title_en='Stainless Steel Tank';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Solubilisant'	where title_zh='增溶剂'	and title_en='solubilizer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plieuse de tuyaux électrique'	where title_zh='电动弯管机'	and title_en='electric pipe bender';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bassin de toilette'	where title_zh='马桶盆'	and title_en='Toilet basin';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Outil en verre'	where title_zh='玻璃工具'	and title_en='glass tool';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipement de distillation d''huiles essentielles'	where title_zh='精油蒸馏设备'	and title_en='Essential oil distillation equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Prise de lumière pour voiture'	where title_zh='汽车灯插头'	and title_en='car light plug';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Clé de voiture'	where title_zh='车钥匙'	and title_en='car kay';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de meulage de béton'	where title_zh='混凝土磨平机'	and title_en='Concrete grinding machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Collecteur de données'	where title_zh='数据采集器'	and title_en='data collector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Encodeur'	where title_zh='编码器'	and title_en='encoder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Uniforme de chevalier'	where title_zh='骑士服'	and title_en='Knight uniform';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Outil de broderie au point de croix'	where title_zh='十字绣工具'	and title_en='cross stitch tool';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Prédateurs de mites'	where title_zh='除螨仪'	and title_en='Mite Predators';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='iPad'	where title_zh='平板电脑'	and title_en='ipad';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Écran de véhicule'	where title_zh='车载显示屏'	and title_en='vehicle display screen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boîte à livres'	where title_zh='书盒'	and title_en='book box';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires pour tête (coiffure)'	where title_zh='头饰'	and title_en='headwear';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fournitures pour ongles'	where title_zh='美甲用品(普)'	and title_en='Nail supplies';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bâton de mélange pour café'	where title_zh='咖啡搅拌棒'	and title_en='coffee stir stick';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bandes désodorisantes pour voiture'	where title_zh='车载香薰片'	and title_en='car air freshener strips';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Baril de cuisson'	where title_zh='蒸煮桶'	and title_en='Cooking barrel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pioche'	where title_zh='十字镐'	and title_en='Pickaxe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Flux'	where title_zh='助焊剂'	and title_en='flux';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cristal de roche'	where title_zh='水晶石'	and title_en='Rock Crystal';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Clé hexagonale'	where title_zh='六角扳手'	and title_en='hex wrench';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Fer à friser'	where title_zh='卷发棒'	and title_en='curling iron';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Unguent (pommade)'	where title_zh='药膏'	and title_en='unguent';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Doppler fœtal'	where title_zh='胎心仪'	and title_en='Fetal Doppler';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Puits d''observation'	where title_zh='观测井'	and title_en='observation well';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Antimousse'	where title_zh='消泡剂'	and title_en='antifoamer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Poudre à sourcils'	where title_zh='眉粉'	and title_en='Eyebrow powder';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Patch transdermique'	where title_zh='药贴'	and title_en='Transdermal patch';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Injecteur'	where title_zh='喷油器'	and title_en='Injector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tonique capillaire'	where title_zh='生发液'	and title_en='Hair tonic';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Diviseur de puissance'	where title_zh='功分器'	and title_en='Power divider';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Perceuse'	where title_zh='钻床'	and title_en='driller';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Louche'	where title_zh='水勺'	and title_en='ladle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Compteur d''énergie électrique'	where title_zh='电能表'	and title_en='electric energy meter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Casque audio filaire'	where title_zh='有线耳机'	and title_en='wired headphones';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de pressage de prototype'	where title_zh='压样机'	and title_en='Prototype pressing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rotor'	where title_zh='转子'	and title_en='Rotor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tampon de prélèvement'	where title_zh='采样棉签'	and title_en='Sampling swab';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Peigne de coiffure'	where title_zh='造型梳'	and title_en='styling comb';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Papier photographique'	where title_zh='相纸'	and title_en='Photographic paper';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de pulvérisation'	where title_zh='喷涂机'	and title_en='spraying machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à fondre le chocolat'	where title_zh='巧克力融化机'	and title_en='chocolate melting machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Crème éclaircissante'	where title_zh='美白霜'	and title_en='Whitening Cream';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Boule flottante en plastique'	where title_zh='塑料浮球'	and title_en='Plastic float ball';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Marqueur de câble'	where title_zh='号码管'	and title_en='Cable Marker';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Barre de protection anticollision'	where title_zh='防撞条'	and title_en='anticollision bar';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carte de protection contre les radiations'	where title_zh='防辐射卡'	and title_en='Radiation protection card';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Câble à haute température'	where title_zh='高温线'	and title_en='High temperature wire';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de clouage manuelle'	where title_zh='手动打钉机'	and title_en='Manual nailing machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac à sang unique'	where title_zh='血样袋'	and title_en='Single blood bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Capuchon de protection'	where title_zh='防尘帽'	and title_en='Dust cap';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac en maille'	where title_zh='网袋'	and title_en='Mesh bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Auvent'	where title_zh='遮阳棚'	and title_en='Awning';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Jauge de feeler'	where title_zh='塞尺'	and title_en='Feeler Gauge';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Jauge de contenu'	where title_zh='水位仪'	and title_en='Content gauge';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moteur'	where title_zh='发动机'	and title_en='engine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Friandises pour animaux'	where title_zh='宠物零食'	and title_en='pet snacks';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Planche'	where title_zh='木板'	and title_en='board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Carte SIM'	where title_zh='电话卡'	and title_en='Sim card';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Queue (pour billard)'	where title_zh='台球杆'	and title_en='Cue';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine de nettoyage (avec batterie)'	where title_zh='清洗机(配套电池)'	and title_en='Cleaning machine (with battery)';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plateau à fruits'	where title_zh='水果盘'	and title_en='Fruit tray';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Armoire de refroidissement'	where title_zh='冷却机柜'	and title_en='cooling cabinet';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tableau d''écriture'	where title_zh='手写板'	and title_en='writing board';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Régulateur automobile'	where title_zh='汽车调节器'	and title_en='Automobile regulator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Emballage'	where title_zh='盘根'	and title_en='packing';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Assemblage du moteur'	where title_zh='发动机总成'	and title_en='Engine assembly';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe à vide'	where title_zh='真空泵'	and title_en='Vacuum pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Assemblage de la pompe à carburant'	where title_zh='燃油泵总成'	and title_en='fuel pump assembly';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine Flex'	where title_zh='压排机'	and title_en='Flex machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à boucle'	where title_zh='扣管机'	and title_en='Buckle machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Sac de rangement pour écouteurs'	where title_zh='耳机包'	and title_en='Headphone Storage Bag';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Garniture en clous'	where title_zh='泡钉'	and title_en='nailhead trim';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Interprète simultané'	where title_zh='同声传译器'	and title_en='Simultaneous interpreter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aiguille en tungstène'	where title_zh='钨针'	and title_en='Tungsten needle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machines de fabrication de clous'	where title_zh='敲钉机'	and title_en='Nail making machinery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rouleau en caoutchouc pour imprimante'	where title_zh='打印机胶辊'	and title_en='Printer rubber roller';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lunettes VR'	where title_zh='VR眼镜'	and title_en='VR glasses';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Housse en velours d''eau'	where title_zh='水绒套'	and title_en='Water velvet cover';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Programmeur'	where title_zh='编程器'	and title_en='Programmer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pinces nasales'	where title_zh='鼻夹'	and title_en='Nose clip';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Liquide de remplissage pour film de téléphone'	where title_zh='手机膜填充液'	and title_en='Phone film filling liquid';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Moteur de bateau'	where title_zh='船发动机'	and title_en='Boat Engine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe immergée à huile'	where title_zh='潜油泵'	and title_en='Oil-submerged pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Accessoires d''embrayage'	where title_zh='离合器配件'	and title_en='Clutch accessories';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pompe submersible'	where title_zh='潜水泵'	and title_en='Submersible pump';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Ruban de verre'	where title_zh='玻璃纤维带'	and title_en='Glass tape';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tuyau en fer'	where title_zh='铁管'	and title_en='Iron pipe';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Support pour enroulement de tuyau'	where title_zh='绕管架'	and title_en='Pipe wrapping rack';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pelle de plantation d''arbres'	where title_zh='挖树铲'	and title_en='Tree digging shovel';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Batterie'	where title_zh='电池(DG)'	and title_en='Battery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Compresseur de segments de piston'	where title_zh='活塞环压缩器'	and title_en='Piston ring compressor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Paquets de soupe'	where title_zh='汤料包'	and title_en='Soup Packets';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Peintures architecturales'	where title_zh='建筑涂料(非危)'	and title_en='Architectural Coatings';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Aspiration nasale'	where title_zh='吸鼻器'	and title_en='Nasal Aspirator';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machines d''abattage'	where title_zh='屠宰设备'	and title_en='Slaughtering Machinery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Niveau'	where title_zh='水准仪'	and title_en='level';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Rattan plastique'	where title_zh='塑料藤条'	and title_en='plastic rattan';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Véhicule de transfert de patient'	where title_zh='医用转运车'	and title_en='Patient transfer vehicle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Cuisinière à manger'	where title_zh='餐炉'	and title_en='Dining stove';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pièces de véhicule électrique'	where title_zh='电动车配件'	and title_en='Electric vehicle parts';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Matières premières pharmaceutiques'	where title_zh='药品原材料'	and title_en='Pharmaceutical raw materials';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Collier pour animaux'	where title_zh='宠物项圈'	and title_en='pet collar';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Gamelle pour chien'	where title_zh='狗盆'	and title_en='dog bowl';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Brosse pour poils d''animaux'	where title_zh='宠物毛刷'	and title_en='pet hair brush';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Laisse pour animaux'	where title_zh='宠物牵引绳'	and title_en='pet leash';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Thermomètre industriel'	where title_zh='工业温度计'	and title_en='Industrial thermometer';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque de verre'	where title_zh='玻璃板'	and title_en='glass plate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tube en verre'	where title_zh='玻璃管'	and title_en='glass tube';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Liquide de réparation de batterie'	where title_zh='电池修复液'	and title_en='battery repair liquid';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Flacon pulvérisateur'	where title_zh='喷壶'	and title_en='spray bottle';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Contreplaqué'	where title_zh='胶合板'	and title_en='Plywood';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque chauffante électronique'	where title_zh='电子发热板'	and title_en='Electronic heating plate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Solution de nettoyage nasal'	where title_zh='鼻腔清洗液'	and title_en='nasal cleansing solution';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Tasse d''irrigation nasale'	where title_zh='鼻腔冲洗杯'	and title_en='Nasal irrigation cup';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Projecteur sans fil'	where title_zh='无线投屏器'	and title_en='Wireless screen projector';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stores de fenêtre'	where title_zh='百叶窗'	and title_en='Window shades';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Mouchoir'	where title_zh='手帕'	and title_en='handkerchief';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Équipements marins'	where title_zh='船外机'	and title_en='Marine Equipment';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Stylo de diagnostic'	where title_zh='诊断笔'	and title_en='Diagnostic pen';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Processeur vidéo'	where title_zh='视频处理器'	and title_en='Video Processor';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Agent de dégraissage'	where title_zh='除油剂'	and title_en='Oil removing agent';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Déodorant biologique'	where title_zh='生物除臭剂'	and title_en='Biological deodorant';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Disodium EDTA'	where title_zh='乙二胺四乙酸二钠'	and title_en='Disodium EDTA';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Jauge d''eau'	where title_zh='液位计'	and title_en='Water Gauge';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dispositif de synchronisation de transmission'	where title_zh='变速箱同步器'	and title_en='Transmission synchronization device';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Pachymètre cornéen'	where title_zh='角膜测厚仪'	and title_en='Corneal Pachymeter';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machines pour l''élevage de volaille'	where title_zh='家禽饲养用机器'	and title_en='Poultry-keeping machinery';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Plaque de fer'	where title_zh='铁板'	and title_en='iron plate';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Dispositif de ventouses sous vide'	where title_zh='真空拔罐器'	and title_en='Vacuum Cupping Device';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Lentille de contact'	where title_zh='隐形眼镜'	and title_en='contact lens';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Port de charge'	where title_zh='充电尾插 '	and title_en='Charge port';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Bandes nasales'	where title_zh='鼻贴'	and title_en='nasal strips';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Particules de colle thermofusible'	where title_zh='热熔胶粒'	and title_en='Hot melt glue particles';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Table de billard'	where title_zh='台球桌'	and title_en='pool table';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Machine à fabriquer des boules de coton'	where title_zh='棉球机'	and title_en='Cotton Ball Making Machine';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='Exception de demande de prix'	where title_zh='单询异常测试商品'	and title_en='price query exception';
update ecw_product set title_fr ='单询异常测试'	where title_zh='单询异常测试'	and title_en='单询异常测试';

-- 广告banner
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_banner SET  title_fr='Kumasi, Ghana branche', content_fr='<p>Le point de vente de Kumasi, au Ghana, a été ouvert le 1er août pour recevoir des marchandises maritimes et aériennes.</p>'  WHERE title_zh='库马西网点开通';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_banner SET   title_fr='KANO branche', content_fr='<p>La branche de Kano a été ouverte pour recevoir des marchandises maritimes et aériens.</p>'  WHERE title_zh='卡诺网点开通';
UPDATE jiedao.ecw_banner SET   title_fr='Odunade branche(Coker)', content_fr='<p>Odunade branche(Coker)</p>' WHERE title_zh='尼日利亚新网点:Odunade(Coker) Branch';