create.js 4.75 KB
export default {
  "create": "Shipping",
  "transport": "Transport",
  "type": "Serve",
  "service": "Consolidation",
  "oversears": "Overseas warehouse",
  "toRoom": "To door",
  "exception": "Collect anomaly",
  "noCotrol": "Collection of payment ",
  "startCity": "Departure City",
  "endCity": "Destination City",
  "dstCountry": "Destination Country",
  "method": " transport type",
  "channel": "Channel",
  "info": "Description",
  "addShop": "Add",
  "prodZh": "Chinese name",
  "brand": "Brand",
  "num": "Qtty",
  "yes": "Yes",
  "no": "No",
  "volume": "Volume",
  "works": "Value",
  "weight": "Weight",
  "material": "Material",
  "prodEn": "Description(Eng.)",
  "prodFr": "Description(Fr.)",
  "prodTitle": "Description(Eng.)",
  "form": "Form",
  "box": "Box",
  "prodAttr": "Nature",
  "packageUnit": "Packaging Type",
  "prepay": "Prepay",
  "is": "Yes",
  "fou": "No",
  "link": "Link",
  "editLink": "Edit",
  "addLink": "Add",
  "fee": " sea freight",
  "clearFee": "Clearing",
  "noPrice": "Quote",
  "edit": "Edit",
  "delete": "Delete",
  "feeInfo": "Expense  Details",
  "total": "Total",
  "sum": "Total CTNS",
  "sumVolume": "Total CBM",
  "sumWeight": "Total Weight",
  "sumWorks": "Amount",
  "proFee": "Valuation Premium",
  "sumFee": "Total Sea Freight",
  "sumClearFee": "Total Customs ClearanceFee",
  "rmb": "CNY(RMB)",
  "doller": "USD",
  "naira": "Naira",
  "quickNo": "Tracking number",
  "auto": "Autogeneration",
  "lined": "Route",
  "doubleClear": "Customs clearance by EC",
  "conClear": "ECB",
  "myClear": "ECP",
  "air": "Airline",
  "ship": "Shippingline",
  "clearCard": " Clearance Certificate",
  "clearRemark": " Clearance Certificate note",
  "unpack": "Split shipment",
  "nowChange": "The order  transfer immediately",
  "nowNotice": "Note: If there is only one Ctn, the goods will be ship out  when the goods arrive  warehouse immediately, select \"Yes\", If more Ctns  to be sent together, select \"No\".",
  "specialNote": "Special remarks",
  "special": "Special requests",
  "orderInfo": "General",
  "marks": "Shipping Mark",
  "isCargoControl": "On hold",
  "customsType": "Document declaration",
  "myCustoms": "By EC",
  "ownCustoms": "By sender",
  "allCustoms": "By sender+EC",
  "date": "Delivery date",
  "levite": "Entry Type",
  "payer": "Payer",
  "consignor": "Sender",
  "consignee": "Consignee",
  "consignorType": "Delivery method",
  "address": "Delivery Area",
  "addressInfo": "Delivery Address",
  "name": "Name",
  "nameEn": "English name",
  "choiceConsignee": "Consignee",
  "phone": "Contact number",
  "email": "Email box",
  "company": "Company name",
  "companyEn": "English name of company",
  "submit": "Submit",
  "cancel": "Cancel",
  "noSelect": "No match option",
  "unit": "Unit",
  "aunit": "Pieces",
  "confirm": "Confirm",
  "choice": "Select",
  "add": "Add",
  "addConsignee": "Add consignee",
  "idNotice": "According to the requirements of the Anti-Drug Office of the Police department, all goods arrive warehouse need to be registered with the \"Real- name\", please contact the customer service to upload your ID card",
  "issuingMethod": "Order mode",
  "dianfang": "Telex",
  "zhengben": "Bill of loading(BL)",
  "payment": "Collect on delivery",
  "money": "Collection amount",
  "busNotice": "According to the requirements of the Anti-Drug Office of thePolice department, all goods arrive warehouse need to be registered with the \"Real- name\", please contact the customer service to upload your ID card",
  "baojia": "Related quotation",
  "more": "Check out more",
  "paynotice": "Pls confirm the sea freight will be pay by you or not",
  "cnotice1": "If  need to our company help repack  , please check the corresponding option,  the payer and packaging requirements can be added",
  "cnotice2": "Refers to the sender  and consignee agreed in the process of international transport of goods, our company as a third party to on hold  the goods; A mode of transaction in which the consignee can pick up the goods only if the sender  authorizes us to release the goods.",
  "cnotice3": "Our company is the agent for the export of the goods",
  "cnotice4": "This goods  shall provide export documents and entrust our company to ship  it",
  "cnotice5": "The goods have the above two status",
  "overSeaWarehouseTips": "If you need overseas warehouse service, please contact with  customer service hotline: 400-900-9962",
  "other": "Other",
  "choose": "Select",
  "needCollectionAmount": "Collection amount",
  "needCollectionCurrency": "Currency",
  "customDrawee": "Customizable",
  "billLadingPrice": "Packing list show the price or not",
  "displayBillLadingPrice": "Yes",
  "hideBillLadingPrice": "No",
  "tips": "Tips",
  "areaCodeAndDestCountryCheckFail": "The location of the number is different from the destination country. Please check",