Commit 4901a3d2 authored by Smile's avatar Smile


parent 792fc503
import En from '@/static/lang/en.js'
import Zh from '@/static/lang/zh.js'
import Fr from '@/static/lang/fr.js'
// 定义一个对象来映射语言代码和对应的语言包
const languages = {
'zh': Zh,
'en': En,
'fr': Fr
const languageData = {
'zh': {
label: 'label',
title: 'titleZh',
name: 'nameZh',
guojiaName: 'guojiaName',
shiName: 'shiName',
startTitle: 'startTitleZh',
destTitle: 'destTitleZh',
attrName: 'attrName',
content: 'contentZh',
destCountryTitle: 'destCountryTitleZh',
prodTitle: 'prodTitleZh',
remarks: 'remarksZh',
desc: 'descZh',
coverImage: 'coverImageZh',
activityDesc: 'activityDescZh',
'en': {
label: 'labelEn',
title: 'titleEn',
name: 'nameEn',
guojiaName: 'guojiaNameEn',
shiName: 'shiNameEn',
startTitle: 'startTitleEn',
destTitle: 'destTitleEn',
attrName: 'attrNameEn',
content: 'contentEn',
destCountryTitle: 'destCountryTitleEn',
prodTitle: 'prodTitleEn',
remarks: 'remarksEn',
desc: 'descEn',
coverImage: 'coverImageEn',
activityDesc: 'activityDescEn',
'fr': {
label: 'labelFr',
title: 'titleFr',
name: 'nameFr',
guojiaName: 'guojiaNameFr',
shiName: 'shiNameFr',
startTitle: 'startTitleFr',
destTitle: 'destTitleFr',
attrName: 'attrNameFr',
content: 'contentFr',
destCountryTitle: 'destCountryTitleFr',
prodTitle: 'prodTitleFr',
remarks: 'remarksFr',
desc: 'descFr',
coverImage: 'coverImageFr',
activityDesc: 'activityDescFr',
function getAppLanguages(local = 'zh') {
return languages[local] || languages['zh']; // 默认返回中文语言包
function getLanguageData(local = 'zh') {
return {
label: languageData[local].label,
title: languageData[local].title,
name: languageData[local].name,
guojiaName: languageData[local].guojiaName,
shiName: languageData[local].shiName,
startTitle: languageData[local].startTitle,
destTitle: languageData[local].destTitle,
attrName: languageData[local].attrName,
content: languageData[local].content,
destCountryTitle: languageData[local].destCountryTitle,
prodTitle: languageData[local].prodTitle,
remarks: languageData[local].remarks,
desc: languageData[local].desc,
coverImage: languageData[local].coverImage,
export default {
lang: uni.getStorageSync('locale') ? (uni.getStorageSync('locale')=='zh'?Zh:En) : Zh,
locale:uni.getStorageSync('locale') ? uni.getStorageSync('locale') : 'zh',
lang: getAppLanguages(uni.getStorageSync("locale") || 'zh'),
locale: uni.getStorageSync('locale') || 'zh',
...getLanguageData(uni.getStorageSync('locale') || 'zh'),
setLang(msg) {
this.lang = msg=='zh'?Zh:En;
this.locale = msg
this.lang = languages[msg] || languages['zh']; // 默认返回中文语言包
this.locale = msg
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<view :class="index==talk.length-1?'set-2':'set-2 setline'">
<view :class="index==0?'line line_active':'line'">
<!-- <view class="dian">
</view> -->
<view class="tlak_o">
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
var label = ''
if(item.value == value){
label = item.label
......@@ -59,18 +59,10 @@
return label
return item.titleZh.split(" ")[0]
return item.titleEn.split(" ")[0]
return item[this.$lang.title]
return item.remarksZh
return item.remarksEn
return item[this.$lang.remarks]
getDate(time) {
const date = new Date(time);
......@@ -81,11 +73,11 @@
// let hour = date.getHours()
// let min = date.getMinutes()
// let sec = date.getSeconds()
// hour = hour > 9 ? hour : '0' + hour;
// min = min > 9 ? min : '0' + min;
// sec = sec > 9 ? sec : '0' + sec;
month = month > 9 ? month : '0' + month;
day = day > 9 ? day : '0' + day;
return `${year}-${month}-${day}`;
......@@ -100,7 +92,7 @@
hour = hour > 9 ? hour : '0' + hour;
min = min > 9 ? min : '0' + min;
sec = sec > 9 ? sec : '0' + sec;
return `${hour}:${min}:${sec}`;
<view class="activity_detail">
<view class="detail">
<view class="title">{{language=='zh' ?detailInfo.titleZh:detailInfo.titleEn }}</view>
<view class="title">{{detailInfo[$lang.title]}}</view>
<view class="container">
<img class="coverImg" :src="language=='zh' ?detailInfo.coverImageZh:detailInfo.coverImageEn" alt="" srcset="">
<view class="activityDesc" v-html="language=='zh' ?detailInfo.extraShare.activityDescZh:detailInfo.extraShare.activityDescEn"></view>
<img class="coverImg" :src="detailInfo[$lang.coverImage]" alt="" srcset="">
<view class="activityDesc" v-html="detailInfo.extraShare[$lang.activityDesc]"></view>
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ export default {
.get("/app-api/member/score-rule/trigger/share", {userId: this.memberCode, })
.then(({ code, data }) => {
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ export default {
// 时间范围返回
......@@ -5,21 +5,15 @@
<view class="img-box">
:src="locale === 'zh' ? detailInfo.coverImageZh : detailInfo.coverImageEn"
<view class="container-main">
<view class="activity-title">{{
locale === 'zh' ? detailInfo.titleZh : detailInfo.titleEn
<view class="activity-title">{{detailInfo[$lang.title]}}</view>
v-if="detailInfo.type == 4"
locale === 'zh'
? detailInfo.extraShare.activityDescZh
: detailInfo.extraShare.activityDescEn
<view class="activity-cell">
......@@ -69,7 +63,7 @@
<view class="activity-cell">
<view class="cell-label">{{ detail.rulesIllustrate }}</view>
<view class="cell-content">
{{ locale === 'zh' ? detailInfo.descZh : detailInfo.descEn }}
{{ detailInfo[$lang.desc]}}
......@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
<view class="start-bar"></view>
<view class="notice_info">
<view class="notice_title">
<view class="notice_tag">
<view class="notice_content">
<rich-text :nodes="$lang.locale=='zh'?noticeData.contentZh:noticeData.contentEn"></rich-text>
<rich-text :nodes="noticeData[$lang.content]"></rich-text>
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
day = day > 9 ? day : '0' + day;
min = min > 9 ? min : '0' + min;
sec = sec > 9 ? sec : '0' + sec;
return `${year}-${month}-${day} ${hour}:${min}:${sec}`;
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<view class="channel">
<text v-if="orderData.transportId==3||orderData.transportId==4">{{orderData.channelName}}</text>
<text>从【 {{orderData.logisticsInfoDto?($lang.locale=='zh'?orderData.logisticsInfoDto.startTitleZh:orderData.logisticsInfoDto.startTitleEn):''}} 】发往【{{orderData.logisticsInfoDto?($lang.locale=='zh'?orderData.logisticsInfoDto.destTitleZh:orderData.logisticsInfoDto.destTitleEn):''}}</text>
<text>从【 {{orderData.logisticsInfoDto?(orderData.logisticsInfoDto[$lang.startTitle]):''}} 】发往【{{orderData.logisticsInfoDto?(orderData.logisticsInfoDto[$lang.destTitle]):''}}</text>
<view class="11"><text>{{$lang.lang.boxException.form}}{{(orderData.costVO.totalNum||0)+$||0)+''+(orderData.costVO.totalWeight||0)+'kg'}}</text>
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
this.orderConfig('transport_type', 'transport')
methods: {
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
var indexs = ''
if(item == value){
indexs = index
......@@ -121,13 +121,13 @@
let that = this
that.$request.getConfig(field).then(res => {
if(res.code==0&& > 0){
var d =
var d =
for(var i in d){
......@@ -106,11 +106,7 @@
if(res.code == 0 && > 0){
for(let i in{
that.areaName.push('+'[i].tel + ' ' +[i].nameZh)
that.areaName.push('+'[i].tel + ' ' +[i].nameEn)
that.areaName.push('+'[i].tel + ' ' +[i][this.$])
<view class="consult">
<dHeader :title="$lang.lang.complaint.complaint"></dHeader>
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
<view class="bom">
<view class="" @click="$request.goPage('../complaint_add/complaint_add')">
<image src="../../static/img/feed.png" mode=""></image>
......@@ -105,11 +105,7 @@
var data = this.typeData.find(item=>item.value == value)
if(data) {
return data.label
return data.labelEn
return data[this.$lang.label];
......@@ -126,7 +122,7 @@
return data.label
return data.labelEn
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<view class="consult-item-put">
<input class="consolt_title" v-model="params.title" type="text" :placeholder="$lang.lang.notices.title">
<view class="consult-item">
<view class="consult-item-label">
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<view class="uni-input">{{typeData[typeIndex]}}</view>
<image src="../../static/img/rgt.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="consult-item">
<view class="consult-item-label">
......@@ -105,12 +105,7 @@
if(res.code == 0&& > 0){
let d =
for(let i in d){
that.params.type = that.typeValue[that.typeIndex]
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<view class="consult-item-put">
<view style="overflow: auto;height: 100%">{{params.title}}</view>
<view class="consult-item">
<view class="consult-item-label">
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<view class="consult-item-put">
<view class="consult-item">
<view class="consult-item-label">
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
<view class="footer">
<view class="footer">
<view class="apply_content" v-if="params.status&&params.status==3">
<text>{{$lang.lang.complaintAdd.status}} : {{getStaus(params.status)}}</text>
......@@ -117,11 +117,7 @@
var arr = this.typeData.find(itme=>itme.value==value)
return arr.label
return arr.labelEn
return ''
......@@ -129,11 +125,7 @@
var arr = this.statusData.find(itme=>itme.value==value)
return arr.label
return arr.labelEn
return ''
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ export default {
const old = this.value ? this.value.find(it => == item.value) : null
name: item.value,
label: this.$lang.locale === 'zh' ? item.label : item.labelEn,
label: item[this.$lang.label],
value: old ? old.value : 1
......@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
<view class="title">{{$lang.lang.create.consignee}}</view>
<radio-group @change="changeHasConsignee" class="flex items-center" v-if="noConsignee">
<label class="radio">
<radio value="1" :checked="hasConsignee" /><text></text>
<radio value="1" :checked="hasConsignee" /><text>{{$lang.lang.create.yes}}</text>
<label class="radio" style="margin-left: 10rpx">
<radio value="0" :checked="!hasConsignee" /><text></text>
<radio value="0" :checked="!hasConsignee" /><text>{{$}}</text>
......@@ -203,13 +203,13 @@
<view class="corder-gnums">{{index+1}}</view>
<view class="corder-goods-v" style="flex-direction: column">
<view class="corder-goods-v-item flex">
<view class="flex-1">
<!-- <view class="flex-1">-->
<!-- <text>{{$lang.lang.create.prodZh}}:</text>-->
<!-- <text>{{item.prodTitleZh}}</text>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<view class="flex flex-1">
<text class="flex-1">{{item.prodTitleEn}}</text>
<text class="flex-1">{{item.prodTitle}}</text>
<view class="action">
<image v-if="!item.showFull" @click="item.showFull = true" src="../../static/img/add.png" class="icon"></image>
<image v-else @click="item.showFull = false" src="../../static/img/sub.png" class="icon"></image>
......@@ -225,12 +225,12 @@
<view class="flex-1 flex">
<text class="flex-1">{{item.num}}{{$}}</text>
<view class="action flex">
<view class="btn" @click="open(index)">{{$lang.lang.create.edit}}</view>
<view class="btn" @click="delGoods(index)">{{$lang.lang.create.delete}}</view>
<view class="action flex">
<view class="btn" @click="open(index)">{{$lang.lang.create.edit}}</view>
<view class="btn" @click="delGoods(index)">{{$lang.lang.create.delete}}</view>
<view class="corder-goods-v" v-if="item.showFull">
<view class="corder-goods-v-item2">
......@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@
<view class="checkbox-item">
<checkbox :value="item.value+''" :checked="item.checked" style="transform:scale(0.8)"/>
......@@ -733,13 +733,13 @@
<view class="corder-tab1-item corder-picker">
<text>{{$lang.lang.create.prodZh}}<span class="redcolor">*</span></text>
<cuihai-combox :label="$lang.lang.notices.please" :emptyTips="$lang.lang.create.noSelect" :placeholder="$lang.lang.notices.please" :value="goodsModel.prodTitleZh" :candidates="config.productZh.label" @getValue="getValue"></cuihai-combox>
<view class="corder-tab1-item corder-picker">
<text>{{$lang.lang.create.prodEn}}<span class="redcolor">*</span></text>
<cuihai-combox :label="$lang.lang.notices.please" :emptyTips="$lang.lang.create.noSelect" :placeholder="$lang.lang.notices.please" :value="goodsModel.prodTitleEn" :candidates="config.productEn.label" @getValue="getValueEn"></cuihai-combox>
<text>{{$lang.lang.create.prodTitle}}<span class="redcolor">*</span></text>
<cuihai-combox :label="$lang.lang.notices.please" :emptyTips="$lang.lang.create.noSelect" :placeholder="$lang.lang.notices.please" :value="goodsModel.prodTitle" :candidates="config.product.label" @getValue="getValue"></cuihai-combox>
<!-- <view class="corder-tab1-item corder-picker">-->
<!-- <text>{{$lang.lang.create.prodTitle}}<span class="redcolor">*</span></text>-->
<!-- <cuihai-combox :label="$lang.lang.notices.please" :emptyTips="$lang.lang.create.noSelect" :placeholder="$lang.lang.notices.please" :value="goodsModel.prodTitleEn" :candidates="config.productEn.label" @getValue="getValueEn"></cuihai-combox>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<view class="corder-tab1-item">
<view class="corder-picker addGoods-item">
<text>{{$lang.lang.create.brand}}<span class="redcolor">*</span></text>
......@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@
<view class="checkbox-item">
<checkbox :value="''" :checked="isProductAttr(" :disabled="isdisable" style="transform:scale(0.8)"/>
......@@ -1023,17 +1023,23 @@
index: 0,
label: [],
value: [],
index: 0,
label: [],
value: [],
index: 0,
label: [],
value: [],
// productZh:{
// index: 0,
// label: [],
// value: [],
// data:[]
// },
// productEn:{
// index: 0,
// label: [],
// value: [],
// },
index: 0,
label: [],
......@@ -1123,8 +1129,8 @@
displayBillLadingPrice: true
// prodTitleEn:'',
......@@ -1251,25 +1257,25 @@
return this.harvestList.filter(item => item.value != 2)
return this.$lang.locale == 'zh' ? 'label' : 'labelEn'
return this.$lang.label;
return this.$lang.locale == 'zh' ? 'guojiaName' : 'guojiaNameEn'
return this.$lang.guojiaName;
return this.$lang.locale == 'zh' ? 'shiName' : 'shiNameEn'
return this.$lang.shiName;
return this.$lang.locale == 'zh' ? 'nameZh' : 'nameEn'
return this.$;
return 'showName'
return this.$lang.locale == 'zh' ? 'titleZh' : 'titleEn'
return this.$lang.title;
return this.$lang.locale == 'zh' ? 'label' : 'labelEn'
return this.$lang.label;
const currentRoute = this.currentRouteIndex !== null ? this.routerList[this.currentRouteIndex] : null
......@@ -1432,38 +1438,38 @@
getValue(e) {
var sindex = 0,index)=>{
if(item.titleZh == e){,index)=>{
if(item[this.$lang.title] == e){
sindex = index
this.goodsModel.prodTitleZh = e
this.goodsModel.prodTitleEn = this.config['productEn'].label[sindex]
this.goodsModel.prodTitle = e
// this.goodsModel.prodTitleEn = this.config['productEn'].label[sindex]
this.goodsModel.prodId = this.config['productZh'].data[sindex].id
this.goodsModel.prodAttrs = this.config['productZh'].data[sindex].attrId.split(',')
this.goodsModel.material = this.config['productZh'].data[sindex].materialType
this.goodsModel.unit = this.config['productZh'].data[sindex].packaging
this.goodsModel.prodId = this.config['product'].data[sindex].id
this.goodsModel.prodAttrs = this.config['product'].data[sindex].attrId.split(',')
this.goodsModel.material = this.config['product'].data[sindex].materialType
this.goodsModel.unit = this.config['product'].data[sindex].packaging
// this.goodsModel.volume = this.config['productZh'].data[sindex].square
getValueEn(e) {
var sindex = 0
if(item == e){
sindex = index
this.goodsModel.prodTitleEn = e
this.goodsModel.prodTitleZh = this.config['productZh'].label[sindex]
// getValueEn(e) {
// if(e){
// var sindex = 0
// this.config.productEn.label.forEach((item,index)=>{
// if(item == e){
// sindex = index
// }
// })
// this.goodsModel.prodTitleEn = e
// this.goodsModel.prodTitleZh = this.config['productZh'].label[sindex]
// this.goodsNameChange(sindex)
// }
// },
getIdcard () {
this.$request.get('/app-api/member/user/get-auth-idcard-info').then(res => {
......@@ -1631,7 +1637,7 @@
if(productArr.find(items => {return items ==})){
label+= item.attrName+' '
label+= item[this.$lang.attrName]+' '
return label
......@@ -2138,7 +2144,7 @@
return uni.showToast({
title: this.$lang.lang.notices.shopname,
icon: 'error',
......@@ -2366,16 +2372,16 @@
this.config.material.index = index
if(this.goodsModel.prodTitleEn == item){
this.config.productEn.index = index
if(this.goodsModel.prodTitleZh == item){
this.config.productZh.index = index
if(this.goodsModel.prodTitle == item){
this.config.product.index = index
// this.config.productZh.value.forEach((item,index)=>{
// if(this.goodsModel.prodTitleZh == item){
// this.config.productZh.index = index
// }
// })
......@@ -2533,8 +2539,9 @@
this.goodsModel = {
// prodTitleZh:'',
// prodTitleEn:'',
prodTitle: '',
......@@ -2549,8 +2556,8 @@
this.config.brandData.index = 0
this.config.unitData.index = 0
this.config.material.index = 0
this.config.productEn.index = 0
this.config.productZh.index = 0
this.config.product.index = 0
// this.config.productZh.index = 0
colsePopup (){
......@@ -2598,11 +2605,11 @@
if(res.code==0&& > 0){
let d =
for(let i in d){
that.config['countrySn'].label.push('+'[i].tel + ' ' +[i].nameZh)
that.config['countrySn'].label.push('+'[i].tel + ' ' +[i].nameEn)
// if(that.$lang.locale=='zh'){
that.config['countrySn'].label.push('+'[i].tel + ' ' +[i][this.$])
// }else{
// that.config['countrySn'].label.push('+'[i].tel + ' ' +[i].nameEn)
// }
// this.config['countrySn'].label.push(d[i].tel)
......@@ -2853,11 +2860,15 @@
let d =
this.productData =
for(let i in d){
// this.config['productEn'].label.push(d[i].titleEn)
// this.config['productEn'].value.push(d[i].titleEn)
// this.config['productZh'].label.push(d[i].titleZh)
// this.config['productZh'].value.push(d[i].titleZh)
// this.config['productZh'].data.push(d[i])
......@@ -2953,7 +2964,7 @@
this.routerList = => {
item.showName = this.$lang.locale == 'zh' ? `${item.startTitleZh} >> ${item.destTitleZh}` : `${item.startTitleEn} >> ${item.destTitleEn}`
item.showName = `${item[this.$lang.startTitle]} >> ${item[this.$lang.destTitle]}`
return item
......@@ -3052,24 +3063,15 @@
for(let i in d){
var server = that.config['openedRouter'].otherService[that.config['openedRouter'].index]
if(server.indexOf('2') > -1){
if (server.indexOf('2') > -1) {
} else {
if (i == 0) {
if(server.indexOf('10') > -1){
that.config[key].index = 1
that.params.harvestMethod = 2
......@@ -3080,12 +3082,8 @@
if(key == 'transport'){
......@@ -3357,11 +3355,14 @@
background: #ccc;
.corder-goods-v-item .action .icon{
.corder-goods-v .action{
justify-content: flex-end;
.corder-goods-v .action .icon{
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
.corder-goods-v-item .action .btn{
.corder-goods-v .action .btn{
background: #2A6cd9;
padding: 3px 10rpx;
......@@ -16,42 +16,42 @@
<view class="weight_style">
<view class="weight_style">
<view class="weight_style">
<view class="weight_style">
<view class="weight_style">
<view class="corder-goods-v-item">
<view class="weight_style">
<view class="weight_style">
<view class="weight_style">
<view class="weight_style">
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
this.orderConfig('transport_type', 'transport')
methods: {
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
var indexs = ''
if(item == value){
indexs = index
......@@ -168,13 +168,9 @@
let that = this
that.$request.getConfig(field).then(res => {
if( > 0){
var d =
var d =
for(var i in d){
......@@ -197,7 +193,7 @@
......@@ -13,17 +13,17 @@
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.exception.marks}}{{orderData.marks}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.exception.sum}}{{orderData.sumNum}}/{{orderData.costVO?orderData.costVO.totalNum:0}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.exception.orderStatus}}{{getStatusName(orderData.status)}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.exception.consignor}}{{orderData.consignorVO?''}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.exception.consignor}}{{orderData.consignorVO?''}}</view>
<view class="order-info-line-v">
<view class="" >{{$lang.lang.exception.transport}}{{getConfigLabel('transport',orderData.transportId)}}</view>
<view class="" >{{$lang.lang.exception.startCity}}{{orderData.logisticsInfoDto?($lang.locale=='zh'?orderData.logisticsInfoDto.startTitleZh:orderData.logisticsInfoDto.startTitleEn):''}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.exception.endCity}}{{orderData.logisticsInfoDto?($lang.locale=='zh'?orderData.logisticsInfoDto.destTitleZh:orderData.logisticsInfoDto.destTitleEn):''}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.exception.consignee}}{{orderData.consigneeVO?''}}</view>
<view class="" >{{$lang.lang.exception.startCity}}{{orderData.logisticsInfoDto?(orderData.logisticsInfoDto[$lang.startTitle]):''}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.exception.endCity}}{{orderData.logisticsInfoDto?(orderData.logisticsInfoDto[$lang.destTitle]):''}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.exception.consignee}}{{orderData.consigneeVO?''}}</view>
<view class="order-info-line">
<view class="order-info-line-v">
<view class="order-info-line-v">
<view class="">{{$}}{{orderData.consigneeVO?''}}</view>
<view class="">{{$}}{{orderData.consigneeVO?$request.checkAddIcon(orderData.consigneeVO.countryCode):''}}{{orderData.consigneeVO?''}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.consignorCom}}{{orderData.consignorVO?''}}</view>
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
<view class="">
<view class="">
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
<view class="corder-goods-v-item">
<view class="">
......@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@
<view v-if="item.orderExceptionType=='order_superfluous_box_exception'||item.orderExceptionType=='order_lack_box_exception'" class="link-btn" @click="toBoxExcetpion('../box_exception/box_exception',">{{$lang.lang.exception.toDeal}}</view>
<view v-if="item.orderExceptionType=='order_heavy_cargo_exception'" class="link-btn" @click="toBoxExcetpion('../weight_exception/weight_exception',">{{$lang.lang.exception.toDeal}}</view>
<view v-if="item.orderExceptionType=='order_doc_exception'" class="link-btn" @click="toBoxExcetpion('../doc_exception/doc_exception',">{{$lang.lang.exception.toDeal}}</view>
<view v-if="item.orderExceptionType=='order_bulky_cargo_exception'" class="link-btn" @click="toBoxExcetpion('../light_exception/light_exception',">{{$lang.lang.exception.toDeal}}</view>
<view v-if="item.orderExceptionType=='order_bulky_cargo_exception'" class="link-btn" @click="toBoxExcetpion('../light_exception/light_exception',">{{$lang.lang.exception.toDeal}}</view>
......@@ -134,12 +134,7 @@
let that = this
if(item.value == value){
label = item.label
label = item.labelEn
label = item[this.$lang.label]
return label
......@@ -149,11 +144,7 @@
let that = this
var status = that.statusData.find(item=>item.value == type)
if(status) {
return status.label
return status.labelEn
return status[that.$lang.label]
......@@ -184,7 +175,7 @@
orderConfig (field, key) {
this.$request.getConfig(field).then(res => {
if(res.code==0&& > 0){
this.config[key] =
this.config[key] =
......@@ -85,11 +85,7 @@
if(res.code == 0&& > 0){
for(let i in{
that.areaName.push([i].tel + ' ' +[i].nameZh)
that.areaName.push([i].tel + ' ' +[i].nameEn)
that.areaName.push([i].tel + ' ' +[i][that.$])
......@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
<dHeader :title="$"></dHeader>
<!-- <view class="start-bar"></view> -->
<view class="help">
<view class="help">
<view class="item" v-for="(item, index) in data" @click="itemClick(index)">
<view class="item-v">
<image :class="dataFlag[index].show == 0 ? '' : 'route'" src="../../static/img/rgt.png" mode=""></image>
<view v-if="dataFlag[index].show == 1" class="item-content" v-html="$lang.locale=='zh'?item.contentZh:item.contentEn" ></view>
<view v-if="dataFlag[index].show == 1" class="item-content" v-html="item[$lang.content]" ></view>
......@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@
this.totalPage =
itemClick (e) {
this.dataFlag[e].show = this.dataFlag[e].show == 0 ? 1 : 0
<view class="main">
<view class="login-top">
v-if="locale == 'en'"
v-if="locale == 'zh'"
<text v-if="loginType == 1" @click="loginChange">{{ $lang.lang.login.textLogin }}</text>
<text v-if="loginType == 2" @click="loginChange">{{ $lang.lang.login.psdLogin }}</text>
<picker class="languageCode" :range="languageName" :value="index" @change="changeLang">
<view class="uni-input">{{languageName[index]}}</view>
<!-- <image-->
<!-- v-if="locale == 'en'"-->
<!-- src="../../static/img/zh.png"-->
<!-- mode=""-->
<!-- @click="changeLang('zh')"-->
<!-- ></image>-->
<!-- <image-->
<!-- v-if="locale == 'zh'"-->
<!-- src="../../static/img/en.png"-->
<!-- mode=""-->
<!-- @click="changeLang('en')"-->
<!-- ></image>-->
<text v-if="loginType == 1" @click="loginChange" class="Top-text">{{ $lang.lang.login.textLogin }}</text>
<text v-if="loginType == 2" @click="loginChange" class="Top-text">{{ $lang.lang.login.psdLogin }}</text>
<view class="logo">
<image src="../../static/img/logo.png" mode=""></image>
......@@ -160,7 +163,14 @@ export default {
return {
leftTime: 60,
areaIndex: 0,
index: 0,
areaData: [],
languageName:['Chinese', 'English','French'],
languages: [
{ value: 'zh', text: "Chinese" },
{ value: 'en', text: "English" },
{ value: 'fr', text: "French" },
areaName: [],
loginType: 1,
......@@ -214,7 +224,9 @@ export default {
areaChange(e) {
this.areaIndex = e.detail.value
changeLang(data) {
changeLang(e) {
this.index = e.detail.value
const data = this.languages[e.detail.value].value;
this.locale = data
uni.setStorageSync('locale', data)
......@@ -134,10 +134,13 @@
<view class="order-info-txt">
<view class="mudi">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.startCity}}{{orderData.initialLogisticsInfoDto?($lang.locale=='zh'?orderData.initialLogisticsInfoDto.startTitleZh:orderData.initialLogisticsInfoDto.startTitleZh):''}}</view>
<view class="mudi">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.startCity}}{{orderData.initialLogisticsInfoDto?orderData.initialLogisticsInfoDto[$lang.startTitle]:''}}</view>
<!-- <view class="">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.address}}{{orderData.logisticsInfoDto?($lang.locale=='zh'?orderData.logisticsInfoDto.startAddressZh:orderData.logisticsInfoDto.startAddressEn):''}} </view> -->
<!-- <view class="begin">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.endCity}}{{orderData.initialLogisticsInfoDto?(orderData.initialLogisticsInfoDto[$lang.destCountryTitle]+'-'+(objectCity?objectCity[$lang.title]:'')+'-'+orderData.initialLogisticsInfoDto[$lang.destTitle]):''}}</view>-->
<view class="order-info-txt">
<view class="begin">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.endCity}}{{orderData.initialLogisticsInfoDto?(orderData.initialLogisticsInfoDto[$lang.destCountryTitle]+'-'+(objectCity?objectCity[$lang.title]:'')+'-'+orderData.initialLogisticsInfoDto[$lang.destTitle]):''}}</view>
<view class="order-info-txt">
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.transport}}{{getConfigLabel('transport',orderData.transportId)}}</view>
<view class="" v-if="['3','4'].indexOf(orderData.transportId+'') > -1">{{$}}{{getChannelName(orderData.channelId)}}</view>
......@@ -154,29 +157,29 @@
<view class="order-info-line">
<view class="order-info-line-v">
<view style="height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.marks}}{{orderData.marks}}</view>
<view style="height: 36px;">
<view style="min-height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.marks}}{{orderData.marks}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;">
<view style="height: 36px;" v-if="orderData.drawee==1">{{$lang.lang.create.payer}}{{$lang.lang.create.consignor}}</view>
<view style="height: 36px;" v-else-if="orderData.drawee==2">{{$lang.lang.create.payer}}{{$lang.lang.create.consignee}}</view>
<view style="height: 36px;" v-else @click="showCustomDrawee">{{$lang.lang.create.payer}}{{$lang.lang.create.customDrawee}}</view>
<view style="height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.objectport}}:{{orderData.productRecord==1?$lang.lang.orderInfo.ourUndertakes:$lang.lang.orderInfo.customerUndertakes}}</view>
<view style="height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.create.special}}:{{packageTypeName||''}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;" v-if="orderData.drawee==1">{{$lang.lang.create.payer}}{{$lang.lang.create.consignor}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;" v-else-if="orderData.drawee==2">{{$lang.lang.create.payer}}{{$lang.lang.create.consignee}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;" v-else @click="showCustomDrawee">{{$lang.lang.create.payer}}{{$lang.lang.create.customDrawee}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.objectport}}:{{orderData.productRecord==1?$lang.lang.orderInfo.ourUndertakes:$lang.lang.orderInfo.customerUndertakes}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.create.special}}:{{packageTypeName||''}}</view>
<view class="order-info-line-v">
<view style="height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.formInfo}}{{orderData.costVO?orderData.costVO.totalNum:0}}{{$}}
<view style="min-height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.formInfo}}{{orderData.costVO?orderData.costVO.totalNum:0}}{{$}}
<view style="height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.datas}}{{orderData.sumNum}}{{$}} {{orderData.vweight}}KG {{orderData.wvolume}}{{orderData.sumQuantity}}{{$lang.lang.create.aunit}}</view>
<view style="height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.customsType}}{{getConfigLabel('customsType',orderData.customsType)}}</view>
<view style="height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.isCargoControl}}{{orderData.isCargoControl?$lang.lang.orderInfo.yes:$}}</view>
<view style="height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.create.specialNote}}: {{orderData.packageRemarks||''}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.datas}}{{orderData.sumNum}}{{$}} {{orderData.vweight}}KG {{orderData.wvolume}}{{orderData.sumQuantity}}{{$lang.lang.create.aunit}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.customsType}}{{getConfigLabel('customsType',orderData.customsType)}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.isCargoControl}}{{orderData.isCargoControl?$lang.lang.orderInfo.yes:$}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.create.specialNote}}: {{orderData.packageRemarks||''}}</view>
<view class="addicon" @click="basicShowMore=!basicShowMore">
......@@ -186,30 +189,30 @@
<view :class="basicShowMore?'showInfoClass':'hideInfoClass'" >
<view class="order-info-line" >
<view class="order-info-line-v">
<view style="height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.time}}{{orderData.deliveryDate||$lang.lang.orderInfo.none}}</view>
<view style="height: 36px;" v-if="['3','4'].indexOf(orderData.transportId+'') > -1">
<view style="min-height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.time}}{{orderData.deliveryDate||$lang.lang.orderInfo.none}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;" v-if="['3','4'].indexOf(orderData.transportId+'') > -1">
<template v-if="orderData.customsClearCert !== null">
{{orderData.customsClearCert? $ : $}}
<template v-else>-</template>
<view style="height: 36px;" v-if="['3','4'].indexOf(orderData.transportId+'') > -1">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.unpack}}:{{orderData.isUnpack?$$}}</view>
<view style="height: 36px;">{{$}}:{{orderData.collectionProxy?($lang.lang.orderInfo.yes+' ('+orderData.collectionProxy+getType(orderData.collectionProxyCurrency)+')'):$}}</view>
<view style="height: 72px;" v-if="orderData.isExternalWarehouse&& orderData.externalWarehousedtolist && orderData.externalWarehousedtolist.length">
<view style="min-height: 36px;" v-if="['3','4'].indexOf(orderData.transportId+'') > -1">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.unpack}}:{{orderData.isUnpack?$$}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;">{{$}}:{{orderData.collectionProxy?($lang.lang.orderInfo.yes+' ('+orderData.collectionProxy+getType(orderData.collectionProxyCurrency)+')'):$}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 72px;" v-if="orderData.isExternalWarehouse&& orderData.externalWarehousedtolist && orderData.externalWarehousedtolist.length">
<view style="height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.creator}}:{{orderData.creatorName}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.creator}}:{{orderData.creatorName}}</view>
<view class="order-info-line-v">
<view style="height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.levite}}:{{getConfigLabel('warehouseType',orderData.warehouseType)}}</view>
<view style="height: 36px;" v-if="['3','4'].indexOf(orderData.transportId+'') > -1">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.clearRemark}}:{{orderData.remarks||$lang.lang.orderInfo.none}}</view>
<view style="height: 36px;" v-if="['3','4'].indexOf(orderData.transportId+'') > -1">{{$lang.lang.create.nowChange}}:{{orderData.isSingleTicketTransport?$$lang.lang.create.fou}}</view>
<view style="height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.tidanPrice}}:{{orderData.displayBillLadingPrice?$$lang.lang.orderInfo.noShow}}</view>
<view style="height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.create.quickNo}}:{{orderData.number}}</view>
<view style="height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.createTime}}:{{orderData.createTime|$parseTime}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.levite}}:{{getConfigLabel('warehouseType',orderData.warehouseType)}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;" v-if="['3','4'].indexOf(orderData.transportId+'') > -1">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.clearRemark}}:{{orderData.remarks||$lang.lang.orderInfo.none}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;" v-if="['3','4'].indexOf(orderData.transportId+'') > -1">{{$lang.lang.create.nowChange}}:{{orderData.isSingleTicketTransport?$$lang.lang.create.fou}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.tidanPrice}}:{{orderData.displayBillLadingPrice?$$lang.lang.orderInfo.noShow}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.create.quickNo}}:{{orderData.number}}</view>
<view style="min-height: 36px;">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.createTime}}:{{orderData.createTime|$parseTime}}</view>
......@@ -236,10 +239,10 @@
<view class="order-info-line" >
<view class="order-info-line-v">
<view class="order-table-v">
<view class="order-table-v">
<view class="order-table-v">
......@@ -251,13 +254,10 @@
<text v-if="item.brandName">{{item.brandName}}</text>
<text v-else>{{item.brandType?($lang.lang.orderInfo.have+$lang.lang.orderInfo.brand):($lang.lang.orderInfo.none+$lang.lang.orderInfo.brand)}}</text>
<view class="order-table-v">
<view class="order-table-v">
<text>{{ $lang.lang.orderInfo.inWarehouseInfo }}:&nbsp;{{ item.warehouseInInfoVO ? item.warehouseInInfoVO.cartonsNum : 0 }}{{ $ }}{{ item.warehouseInInfoVO ? item.warehouseInInfoVO.weight : 0 }}KG{{ item.warehouseInInfoVO ? item.warehouseInInfoVO.volume : 0 }}m³{{ item.warehouseInInfoVO ? item.warehouseInInfoVO.quantityAll : 0 }}{{ $lang.lang.create.aunit }}
<view class="order-table-v">
......@@ -347,10 +347,10 @@
<view class="order_info" v-for="(item,index) in orderData.orderItemVOList" :key="index">
......@@ -159,11 +159,13 @@
<!-- #endif -->
<view class="items-v" @click="changeLang(locale)">
<view class="items-v">
<image src=".../../static/img/earth.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="items-v-it">
<text>{{ $ }}</text>
<text>{{ locale == 'zh' ? 'English' : $ }}</text>
<picker class="languageCode" :range="languageName" :value="index" @change="changeLang">
<view class="uni-input">{{languageName[index]}}</view>
......@@ -238,6 +240,14 @@ export default {
data() {
return {
userInfo: {},
index: 0,
languageName:['Chinese', 'English','French'],
languages: [
{ value: 'zh', text: "Chinese" },
{ value: 'en', text: "English" },
{ value: 'fr', text: "French" },
noticeId: this.$,
statusData: [],
companyNotice: this.$,
......@@ -403,8 +413,9 @@ export default {
changeLang(data) {
data = data == 'zh' ? 'en' : 'zh'
changeLang(e) {
this.index = e.detail.value
const data = this.languages[e.detail.value].value;
this.locale = data
uni.setStorageSync('locale', data)
......@@ -473,11 +484,7 @@ export default {
getNoticeName(status) {
var arr = this.statusData.find((item) => item.value == status)
if (arr) {
if (this.$lang.locale == 'zh') {
return arr.label
} else {
return arr.labelEn
return arr[this.$lang.label]
} else {
return ''
......@@ -81,11 +81,7 @@
if(res.code == 0 && > 0){
for(let i in{
that.areaName.push('+'[i].tel + ' ' +[i].nameZh)
that.areaName.push('+'[i].tel + ' ' +[i].nameEn)
that.areaName.push('+'[i].tel + ' ' +[i][that.$])
......@@ -179,13 +175,13 @@
icon: 'none',
this.$'/app-api/member/reset-control-password', params).then(res => {
if(res.code == 0&&{
icon: 'none',
......@@ -282,7 +278,7 @@ page{
display: flex;
width: 80%;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
justify-content: space-between;
.set-btns view{
......@@ -13,17 +13,17 @@
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.light.marks}}{{orderData.marks}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.light.sum}}{{orderData.sumNum}}/{{orderData.costVO?orderData.costVO.totalNum:0}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.light.orderStatus}}{{getStatusName(orderData.status)}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.light.consignor}}{{orderData.consignorVO?''}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.light.consignor}}{{orderData.consignorVO?''}}</view>
<view class="order-info-line-v">
<view class="" >{{$lang.lang.light.transport}}{{getConfigLabel('transport',orderData.transportId)}}</view>
<view class="" >{{$lang.lang.light.startCity}}{{orderData.logisticsInfoDto?($lang.locale=='zh'?orderData.logisticsInfoDto.startTitleZh:orderData.logisticsInfoDto.startTitleEn):''}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.light.endCity}}{{orderData.logisticsInfoDto?($lang.locale=='zh'?orderData.logisticsInfoDto.destTitleZh:orderData.logisticsInfoDto.destTitleEn):''}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.light.consignee}}{{orderData.consigneeVO?''}}</view>
<view class="" >{{$lang.lang.light.startCity}}{{orderData.logisticsInfoDto?orderData.logisticsInfoDto[$lang.startTitle]:''}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.light.endCity}}{{orderData.logisticsInfoDto?orderData.logisticsInfoDto[$lang.destTitle]:''}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.light.consignee}}{{orderData.consigneeVO?''}}</view>
<view class="order-info-line">
<view class="order-info-line-v">
<view class="order-info-line-v">
<view class="">{{$}}{{orderData.consigneeVO?''}}</view>
<view class="">{{$}}{{orderData.consigneeVO?$request.checkAddIcon(orderData.consigneeVO.countryCode):''}}{{orderData.consigneeVO?''}}</view>
<view class="">{{$lang.lang.orderInfo.consignorCom}}{{orderData.consignorVO?''}}</view>
......@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@
<view class="weight_style">
<view class="weight_style">
<view class="weight_info">
<text>{{$lang.lang.light.num}}{{item.num||0}} </text>
......@@ -81,21 +81,21 @@
<view class="corder-goods-v corder-sum">
<view class="corder-goods-v corder-sum">
<text>{{$lang.lang.light.num}}{{shopSum.sumNum||0}} </text>
<text>{{$lang.lang.light.volume}}{{shopSum.sumVolume||0}}CBM </text>
<text> {{$lang.lang.light.weight}}{{shopSum.sumWeight||0}}KG</text>
<text>{{$lang.lang.light.num}}{{shopSum.warehouseNum||0}} </text>
<text>{{$lang.lang.light.volume}}{{shopSum.warehouseVolume||0}}CBM </text>
<text> {{$lang.lang.light.weight}}{{shopSum.warehouseWeight||0}}KG</text>
<view class="apply-btn">
<!-- <view @click="sumbit('general_cargo')">{{$lang.lang.light.common}}</view> -->
<view @click="sumbit('process')">{{$lang.lang.light.weightAgree}}</view>
......@@ -150,12 +150,8 @@
let that = this
if(item.value == value){
label = item.label
label = item.labelEn
label = item[that.$lang.label]
return label
......@@ -165,11 +161,7 @@
let that = this
var status = that.statusData.find(item=>item.value == type)
if(status) {
return status.label
return status.labelEn
return status[that.$lang.label]
......@@ -192,7 +184,7 @@
orderConfig (field, key) {
this.$request.getConfig(field).then(res => {
if(res.code==0&& > 0){
this.config[key] =
this.config[key] =
......@@ -218,7 +210,7 @@
that.shopSum.sumNum += item.num
that.shopSum.sumVolume += item.volume
that.shopSum.sumWeight += item.weight
that.shopSum.warehouseNum += item.warehouseInInfoVO.cartonsNum
that.shopSum.warehouseVolume += item.warehouseInInfoVO.volume
that.shopSum.warehouseWeight += item.warehouseInInfoVO.weight
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ radio{
color: var(--c6);
width: 20%;
width: 24%;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
......@@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ page{
width: 200upx;
.login-top view{
border: 4upx solid #fff;
width: 42upx;
color: #fff;
border-radius: 8upx;
height: 42upx;
font-size: 22upx;
text-align: center;
line-height: 42upx;
/*.login-top view{*/
/* border: 4upx solid #fff;*/
/* width: 42upx;*/
/* color: #fff;*/
/* border-radius: 8upx;*/
/* height: 42upx;*/
/* font-size: 22upx;*/
/* text-align: center;*/
/* line-height: 42upx;*/
.login-top image{
width: 50upx;
height: 50upx;
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ page{
padding: 0 50upx;
margin-top: 8%;
font-size: var(--f26) !important;
font-size: var(--f26) !important;
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......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ page{
color: var(--c0);
font-weight: 700;
margin-right: 20upx;
font-size: var(--f26) !important;
font-size: var(--f26) !important;
.login-vs image{
margin-right: 20upx;
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ page{
margin-top: 6upx;
font-size: var(--f26) !important;
font-size: var(--f26) !important;
......@@ -334,4 +334,14 @@ page{
width: 80%;
margin: 20upx auto;
\ No newline at end of file
position: relative;
right: 0;
color: var(--c0);
font-size: var(--f26);
top: 5px;
border: 1px solid var(--c0);
padding: 4px 9px;
border-radius: 14px;
......@@ -123,5 +123,6 @@ view {
justify-content: space-around;
line-height: 23px;
flex: 1;
......@@ -105,6 +105,13 @@ page{
color: var(--c6);
font-weight: 500;
word-break: break-all;
word-break: break-all;
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......@@ -298,3 +298,12 @@ page {
.items-v-it .text {
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font-size: var(--f26);
top: 5px;
border: 1px solid #d1d1d1;;
padding: 4px 9px;
border-radius: 14px;
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"info": "All addresses",
"addInfo": "New address for additional shipments",
"editInfo": "Edit the shipping address",
"consignee": "consignee",
"phone": "phone number",
"fullAddress": "Full address"
"info": "FullAddress",
"addInfo": "AddAddress",
"editInfo": "Edit",
"consignee": "Consignee",
"phone": "Phone NO",
"fullAddress": "FullAddress"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"auth": "Real-name certification",
"Id1": "Click to upload the ID card (Portrait side)",
"Id2": "Click to upload the ID card (National emblem side)",
"Idcard1": "Click Upload Passport 1",
"Idcard2": "Click Upload Passport 22",
"msg": "Please verify the identity information",
"auth": "Real-name authn",
"Id1": "Id1",
"Id2": "Id2",
"Idcard1": "Passport1",
"Idcard2": "Passport2",
"msg": "Please confirm the id information is correct",
"name": "Name",
"Idcode": "ID number",
"submit": "Submit for certification",
"auto": "Examining",
"Idcode": "Idcode",
"submit": "Submit",
"auto": "Under review",
"intNotice1": "num must be greater than 0 And must be an integer",
"intNotice2": "quantity must be greater than 0 And must be an integer",
"intNotice3": "volume must be greater than 0",
export default {
"exception": "excess cartons abormal",
"exceptionless": "Shortage abnormal",
"orderNo": "Order Number",
"prodZh": "Product name (zh)",
"prodEn": "Product name (en)",
"line": "Shipping route",
"form": "Form parameter",
"in": "warehousing parameter",
"describe": "Abnormal description",
"box": "Carton",
"result": "Processing result",
"exception": "Overage",
"exceptionless": "Shortage",
"orderNo": "OrderNo",
"prodZh": "Description",
"prodEn": "English name",
"line": "Transportation routes",
"form": "Form Filling",
"in": "Entry",
"describe": "Exception Type",
"box": "Box",
"result": "Process result",
"remark": "Remark",
"sumbit": "Submit",
"sumbit": "Sumbit",
"reset": "Reset",
"noshop": "Non forming goods"
"noshop": "Mismatch"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"edit": "Change the binding phone No",
"bind": "Bind",
"setpsd": "Set control password",
"code": "Verify Captcha"
"edit": "Change the bound phone No",
"bind": "Binding",
"setpsd": "On hold password",
"code": "Code"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"info": "Company information",
"name": "Company name",
"nameEn": "Company name (en)",
"address": "Company address",
"remark": "Company profile",
"web": "Conpamy website",
"name": "Name ",
"nameEn": "Name Co. English",
"address": "Address ",
"remark": "Profile",
"web": "Web",
"stall": "Stall",
"brand": "Brand name",
"brand": "Brand",
"edit": "Edit"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"complaint": "complaint list",
"complaint": "Complaint",
"name": "Complainant",
"orderNo": "order number",
"title": "title",
"type": "complaint type",
"time": "complaint time",
"status": "complaint staus",
"disposeTime": "Processing time",
"new": "new complaint",
"change": "switch inquiry"
"orderNo": "OrderNo",
"title": "Title",
"type": "Type",
"time": "Time",
"status": "State",
"disposeTime": "Processing Time",
"new": "Create",
"change": "Consult"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"title": "title",
"type": "type",
"name": "contact name",
"phone": "contact number",
"orderNo": "order number",
"content": "complaint content",
"sumbit": "submit",
"reset": "reset",
"complaint": "complaint",
"time": "complaint time",
"status": "status",
"disposeTime": "processing time"
"title": "Title",
"type": "Type",
"name": "Contact",
"phone": "No",
"orderNo": "OrderNo",
"content": "Content",
"sumbit": "Sumbit",
"reset": "Reset",
"complaint": "Complaint",
"time": "Time",
"status": "State",
"disposeTime": "Processing Time"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"consult": "Message consultation",
"reply": "pending reply",
"replyed": "replied",
"change": "switch complaint",
"consulting": "inquiry",
"title": "title",
"type": "type",
"name": "contact name",
"phone": "contact number",
"orderNo": "order number",
"content": "content",
"sumbit": "submit",
"reset": "reset",
"time": "reply time",
"contented": "inquiry content",
"replyContent": "reply content",
"advice": "advice"
"consult": "Consult",
"reply": "Pending",
"replyed": "Replied",
"change": "Change",
"consulting": "Consult",
"title": "Title",
"type": "Type",
"name": "Contact",
"phone": "No",
"orderNo": "OrderNo",
"content": "Content",
"sumbit": "Sumbit",
"reset": "Reset",
"time": "Response time",
"contented": "Details",
"replyContent": "Answer",
"advice": "Suggestion"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"coupons": "coupon",
"no": "valid",
"use": "used",
"out": "expired",
"go": "To place the order"
"coupons": "Coupons",
"no": "Not used",
"use": "Used",
"out": "Expired",
"go": "Create a new order"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"create": "Schedule shipment",
"transport": "order transpotation",
"type": "order type",
"service": "Gether transpotation service",
"oversears": "overseas cargo",
"toRoom": "to door",
"exception": " abnormal pick up",
"noCotrol": "collection for non-onhold order",
"startCity": "departure city",
"endCity": "destination city",
"method": "transpotaion way",
"channel": "delivery channel",
"info": "product information",
"addShop": "add item",
"prodZh": "product name (zh)",
"brand": "brand name",
"num": "quantity",
"yes": "yes",
"no": "no",
"volume": "volume",
"works": "value",
"weight": "weight",
"material": "material",
"prodEn": "product name (en)",
"form": "form filling",
"box": "carton",
"prodAttr": "feature",
"packageUnit": "package unit",
"prepay": "prepaid",
"is": "yes",
"fou": "no",
"link": "product link",
"editLink": "edit the link",
"addLink": "add the link",
"fee": "deliver fee",
"clearFee": "clearing fee",
"noPrice": "not quoted",
"edit": "edit",
"delete": "delete",
"feeInfo": "fee information",
"total": "total",
"sum": "total cartons",
"sumVolume": "total volume",
"sumWeight": "total weight",
"sumWorks": "total value",
"proFee": "premium",
"sumFee": "total freight",
"sumClearFee": "total clearance fee",
"rmb": "RMB",
"doller": "US DOLLAR",
"naira": "NAIRA",
"quickNo": "express tracking number",
"auto": "Autogenerate",
"lined": "route",
"doubleClear": "double cleareance",
"conClear": "clearing by customer",
"myClear": "clearing by us",
"air": "airline company",
"ship": "shipping company",
"clearCard": "customs clearance certificate",
"clearRemark": "remark of customs clearance certificate",
"unpack": "uupack",
"nowChange": "Immediate transshipment",
"nowNotice": "Notice:Single carton,select ''Yes'', warehouse will ship out directly;Muli catons:selet ''No'',werehouse will schedule the shipment accordingly.",
"specialNote": "special remark",
"special": "special requirement",
"orderInfo": "order information",
"marks": "shipping mark",
"isCargoControl": "Onhold",
"customsType": "Customs clearance",
"myCustoms": "Agent customs",
"ownCustoms": "Self clearance",
"allCustoms": "Multiple clearance",
"date": "delivery date",
"levite": "Warehousing type",
"payer": "payer",
"consignor": "consignor",
"consignee": "consignee",
"consignorType": "recieving type",
"address": "recieving area",
"addressInfo": "adress detail",
"name": "name",
"create": "Shipping",
"transport": "Transport",
"type": "Serve",
"service": "Consolidation",
"oversears": "Overseas warehouse",
"toRoom": "To door",
"exception": "Collect anomaly",
"noCotrol": "Collection of payment ",
"startCity": "Departure City",
"endCity": "Destination City",
"dstCountry": "Destination Country",
"method": " transport type",
"channel": "Channel",
"info": "Description",
"addShop": "Add",
"prodZh": "Chinese name",
"brand": "Brand",
"num": "Qtty",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"volume": "Volume",
"works": "Value",
"weight": "Weight",
"material": "Material",
"prodEn": "Description(Eng.)",
"prodFr": "Description(Fr.)",
"prodTitle": "Description(Cn.)",
"form": "Form",
"box": "Box",
"prodAttr": "Nature",
"packageUnit": "Packaging Type",
"prepay": "Prepay",
"is": "Yes",
"fou": "No",
"link": "Link",
"editLink": "Edit",
"addLink": "Add",
"fee": " sea freight",
"clearFee": "Clearing",
"noPrice": "Quote",
"edit": "Edit",
"delete": "Delete",
"feeInfo": "Expense Details",
"total": "Total",
"sum": "Total CTNS",
"sumVolume": "Total CBM",
"sumWeight": "Total Weight",
"sumWorks": "Amount",
"proFee": "Valuation Premium",
"sumFee": "Total Sea Freight",
"sumClearFee": "Total Customs ClearanceFee",
"rmb": "CNY(RMB)",
"doller": "USD",
"naira": "Naira",
"quickNo": "Tracking number",
"auto": "Autogeneration",
"lined": "Route",
"doubleClear": "Customs clearance by EC",
"conClear": "ECB",
"myClear": "ECP",
"air": "Airline",
"ship": "Shippingline",
"clearCard": " Clearance Certificate",
"clearRemark": " Clearance Certificate note",
"unpack": "Split shipment",
"nowChange": "The order transfer immediately",
"nowNotice": "Note: If there is only one Ctn, the goods will be ship out when the goods arrive warehouse immediately, select \"Yes\", If more Ctns to be sent together, select \"No\".",
"specialNote": "Special remarks",
"special": "Special requests",
"orderInfo": "General",
"marks": "Shipping Mark",
"isCargoControl": "On hold",
"customsType": "Document declaration",
"myCustoms": "By EC",
"ownCustoms": "By sender",
"allCustoms": "By sender+EC",
"date": "Delivery date",
"levite": "Entry Type",
"payer": "Payer",
"consignor": "Sender",
"consignee": "Consignee",
"consignorType": "Delivery method",
"address": "Delivery Area",
"addressInfo": "Delivery Address",
"name": "Name",
"nameEn": "English name",
"choiceConsignee": "consignee",
"phone": "phone number",
"email": "E-mail adress",
"choiceConsignee": "Consignee",
"phone": "Contact number",
"email": "Email box",
"company": "Company name",
"companyEn": "English name of the company",
"companyEn": "English name of company",
"submit": "Submit",
"cancel": "cancel",
"noSelect": "non option matched",
"unit": "unit",
"aunit": "piece",
"confirm": "confirm",
"choice": "choose",
"add": "add",
"addConsignee": "add consignee",
"issuingMethod": "issuing method",
"dianfang": "telex release",
"zhengben": "original copy",
"payment": "Collection payment",
"money": "Amount of Collection payment ",
"idNotice": "According to the requirement of \"real name system\" registration for all goods warehoused by the Ministry of Public Security, the State Administration of Work Safety and other departments, please carry out real name system certification in the background of the system",
"busNotice": "According to the requirement of \"real name system\" registration for all goods warehoused by the Ministry of Public Security, the State Administration of Work Safety and other departments,Please contact customer service to upload your business license",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"noSelect": "No match option",
"unit": "Unit",
"aunit": "Pieces",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"choice": "Select",
"add": "Add",
"addConsignee": "Add consignee",
"idNotice": "According to the requirements of the Anti-Drug Office of the Police department, all goods arrive warehouse need to be registered with the \"Real- name\", please contact the customer service to upload your ID card",
"issuingMethod": "Order mode",
"dianfang": "Telex",
"zhengben": "Bill of loading(BL)",
"payment": "Collect on delivery",
"money": "Collection amount",
"busNotice": "According to the requirements of the Anti-Drug Office of thePolice department, all goods arrive warehouse need to be registered with the \"Real- name\", please contact the customer service to upload your ID card",
"baojia": "Related quotation",
"more": "See more",
"paynotice": "Please confirm the freight be paid by sender?",
"cnotice1": "If our company needs to package, please check the corresponding option. The payer and packaging requirements can be noted and supplemented",
"cnotice2": "It refers to the agreement between the shipper and the consignee that our company, as a third party, controls the ownership of the goods during the international transportation process; A transaction method in which the consignee can only pick up the shipment if the shipper authorizes our company to release the goods",
"cnotice3": "The export procedures for the goods will be handled by our company on behalf of us",
"cnotice4": "The goods are provided by the shipper with relevant export documents and entrusted to our company for processing",
"cnotice5": "The goods have two situations mentioned above",
"overSeaWarehouseTips": "If you need overseas warehouse services, please contact customer service, service hotline: 400-900-9962",
"other": "Other"
"more": "Check out more",
"paynotice": "Pls confirm the sea freight will be pay by you or not",
"cnotice1": "If need to our company help repack , please check the corresponding option, the payer and packaging requirements can be added",
"cnotice2": "Refers to the sender and consignee agreed in the process of international transport of goods, our company as a third party to on hold the goods; A mode of transaction in which the consignee can pick up the goods only if the sender authorizes us to release the goods.",
"cnotice3": "Our company is the agent for the export of the goods",
"cnotice4": "This goods shall provide export documents and entrust our company to ship it",
"cnotice5": "The goods have the above two status",
"overSeaWarehouseTips": "If you need overseas warehouse service, please contact with customer service hotline: 400-900-9962",
"other": "Other",
"choose": "Select",
"needCollectionAmount": "Collection amount",
"needCollectionCurrency": "Currency",
"customDrawee": "Customizable",
"billLadingPrice": "Packing list show the price or not",
"displayBillLadingPrice": "Yes",
"hideBillLadingPrice": "No",
"tips": "Tips",
"areaCodeAndDestCountryCheckFail": "The location of the number is different from the destination country. Please check",
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
activity: 'Event Details',
illustrate: 'Points Description',
maxIntegral: 'Accumulate the highest number of points',
date: 'expiration date',
activity: 'Promo details',
illustrate: 'Integral help',
maxIntegral: 'Cumulative Max point',
date: 'Expiry Date',
rulesIllustrate: 'Rule Description',
total: 'total',
integral: 'integral',
total: 'Total',
integral: 'Integral',
num: val => {
return `'total ${val} pieces'`
exchangeTitle: 'Redemption details',
activityTime: 'Event time',
exchangeOutlets: 'Redemption outlets',
exchangeType: 'Redemption Method',
address: 'Delivery address',
courierNum: 'The tracking number',
courierCompany: 'Courier companies',
courierTime: 'The date of delivery',
remark: 'remark',
exchangeTitle: 'Exchange details',
activityTime: 'Promotion Time',
exchangeOutlets: 'Promotion Location',
exchangeType: 'Method of exchange',
address: 'Delivery Address',
courierNum: 'Tracking No.',
courierCompany: 'Express Company',
courierTime: 'Delivery Date',
remark: 'Remark',
'The address cannot be modified after submission, if you need to modify the address, please contact customer service',
'The address cannot be modified after changed. If you need to change the address, please contact customer service',
registerLabel: val => `${val} points for successful registration`,
referralCodeLabel: val => `Earn ${val} points for each person invited to register and log in`,
shareLabel: val => `Get ${val} points per click after sharing on social platforms`,
orderRuleLabel: params => `${params.low}${params.unit}-${params.high}${params.unit} Get ${params.score}`,
to: 'to',
to: 'To',
export default {
"doc": "Document abnormal",
"orderNo": "order number",
"transport": "transpotation route",
"form": "place of departure",
"to": "palce of recieve",
"prodZh": "product name (ch)",
"prodEn": "product name (en)",
"brand": "brand name",
"doc": "Customs declaration",
"orderNo": "Order No.",
"transport": "Mode&route",
"form": "From",
"to": "Send to",
"prodZh": "Description(Cn.)",
"prodEn": "Description(Eng.)",
"brand": "Brand",
"is": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"formNum": "prefill cartons",
"levite": "warehousing cartons",
"volume": "volume",
"weight": "weight",
"number": "quantity",
"works": "value",
"customsType": "declaration documents",
"choose": "select",
"delete": "delete",
"remark": "remark",
"confirm": "confirm"
"formNum": "Ordered Ctns",
"levite": "Received Ctns",
"volume": "CBM",
"weight": "Weight",
"number": "Quantity",
"works": "Value",
"customsType": "Customs declaration document",
"choose": "Select",
"delete": "Delete",
"remark": "Remark",
"confirm": "Confirm"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"query": "Exchange Rate Query",
"query": "Exchange Rate Check",
"china": "China",
"Nigeria": "Nigeria",
"time": "valid time"
\ No newline at end of file
"time": "Expiry Date"
export default {
"old": "previous E-mail address",
"new": "new E-mail address ",
"code": "verify code",
"getCode": "get verify code",
"bind": "bind",
"bindEmail": "bing E-mail"
"old": "Original Email Address",
"new": "New Email Address",
"code": "Verification code",
"getCode": "Get Code",
"bind": "Bind",
"bindEmail": "Bind Email Address"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"see": "view excption",
"info": "order information",
"marks": "shipping mark",
"sum": "total cartons",
"orderStatus": "order status",
"consignor": "consignor",
"transport": "transport way",
"startCity": "departure city",
"endCity": "destination city",
"consignee": "consignee",
"company": "consignee's company",
"phone": "consignee's phone number",
"date": "deliver date",
"question": "question detail",
"exception": "exception",
"describe": "exception description",
"file": "attach file",
"money": "amount",
"status": "status",
"type": "type",
"toDeal": "process"
"see": "Abnormal",
"info": "Order Info",
"marks": "Shipping Mark",
"sum": "Received Ctns/total Ctns",
"orderStatus": "Shipment Status",
"consignor": "Sender",
"transport": "Type of Shipping",
"startCity": "Departure City",
"endCity": "Destination ",
"consignee": "Consignee",
"company": "Consignee Company",
"phone": "Consignee Number",
"date": "Delivery Date",
"question": "Issue details",
"exception": "Abnormal",
"describe": "Details",
"file": "Attachment",
"money": "Amount",
"status": "Status",
"type": "Type",
"toDeal": "Deal With"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"success": "New order successfully created",
"orderNo": "order number",
"transport": "transpotation way",
"lined": "route",
"list": "product list",
"address": "warehouse address",
"phone": "warehouse phone number",
"see": "view order",
"know": "warehousing notice",
"again": "reorder",
"notice": "To ensure the accuracy of warehousing information, please bring a packing list with goods when entrying the warehouse. (Packing list should contain: Product name, Number of cartons, Gross weight, Measurements, Branded or not)",
"saddress": "delivery address"
"success": "Order Placed",
"orderNo": "Order No.",
"transport": "Mode",
"lined": "Route",
"list": "Products",
"address": "Warehouse Address",
"phone": "Phone",
"see": "View",
"know": "Warehouse notes",
"again": "New Order",
"notice": "For accurate data, please bring a packing list (item name, quantity, weight, dimensions, brands) before entry.",
"saddress": "Delivery Address",
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"forget": "forget password",
"code": "get verify code"
"forget": "Forget Password",
"code": "Get Verification Code"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"help": "help"
"help": "Help"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"index": "home page",
"system": "system",
"notice": "announcement",
"dynamic": "trend",
"orderNo": "order number",
"marks": "mark",
"help": "help",
"consult": "inquiry",
"know": "known",
"delivery": "prepare shipment",
"order": "my order",
"coupon": "coupon",
"price": "price query",
"old_system": "Old Order",
"sea": "Groupage container",
"seaAir": "Sea&air Cargo",
"air": "Air Cargo",
"integral": "my integral"
"index": "Home",
"system": "System",
"notice": "Notice",
"dynamic": "Trend",
"orderNo": "Order No.",
"marks": "Mark",
"help": "Help",
"consult": "Inquiry",
"know": "Known",
"delivery": "Ship Now",
"order": "My Orders",
"coupon": "Discount Coupon",
"price": "Price Inquiry",
"old_system": "Old orders",
"sea": "Groupage",
"seaAir": "Sea & Air Cargo",
"air": "Air cargo",
"integral": "My Points"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
copy: 'copy',
info: 'my integral',
headerTitle: 'Honorable',
spend: 'redeemed points are',
available: 'The available credits are',
logPoints: 'points log',
logExchange: 'exchange log',
redeemGifts: 'redeem gifts',
pointsCampaign: 'points campaign',
pointsRemark: 'Redemption points are different at different pick-up points',
outlets: 'Please select the pick-up point',
copy: 'Copy',
info: 'My Points',
headerTitle: 'Valued',
spend: 'Exchanged Points is',
available: 'The available integral is',
logPoints: 'Points log',
logExchange: 'Exchange log',
redeemGifts: 'Exchange gift',
pointsCampaign: ' Points promotion',
pointsRemark: 'Difference Pick up location exchange difference Points',
outlets: 'Please select pick-up Location',
remainder: (val) => {
return `剩余${val}份`
orderMail: 'Confirm the order',
code: 'Get a verification code',
codePlaceloader: 'Please enter a verification code',
codeError: 'The verification code is incorrect',
orderMail: 'Confirm Orders',
code: 'Get Verification Code',
codePlaceloader: 'Please Enter Verify Code',
codeError: 'Code Error',
codeTimeText: (val) => {
return `${val}秒后重新获取`
remark: 'Please enter a comment',
submitOrder: 'Submit your order',
redeemType: 'Redemption Method',
activityTime: 'Event time',
textLength: 'Enter up to 100 words',
remark: 'Remarks',
submitOrder: 'Ok',
redeemType: 'Method of exchange',
activityTime: 'Promotion Date',
textLength: 'Enter max 100 Words',
totalScore: (num) => {
return `已选${num}件,合计积分:`
totalScore1: 'integral',
addAddress: 'new address for additional shipments',
totalScoreError: 'Insufficient points',
to: 'to',
gift: 'gift:',
Num: 'Quantity:',
total: 'Total Score:',
exchangeType: 'Exchange Method:',
deliveryAddress: 'Delivery Address:',
branch: 'branch:',
downloadTitle: 'E&C logistics APP',
totalScore1: 'Points',
addAddress: 'Add new Delivery Address',
totalScoreError: 'Points not enough',
to: 'To',
gift: 'Gift',
Num: 'Quantity',
total: 'Total Points',
exchangeType: 'Method of exchange',
deliveryAddress: 'Delivery Address',
branch: 'Branch',
downloadTitle: 'E&C Logistics APP',
"E&C Logistics currently provides major services such as shipping bulk cargo, shipping full container, dedicated air transport, sea-air combined transport, special containers, overseas warehouses, e-commerce consolidation, etc., and has gradually expanded to include Valuation Premium, On hold control, and Door to door delivery, financial services, E-Survey and other value-added services.Adhering to the mission of 'Making Sino-African trade more convenient', E&C Logistics continues to improve service quality, strives for innovation, and has built its own with the logistics tracking system, cargo owners can check the status of goods in real time, control/release goods by themselves, download bills of lading, and provide SMS notification reminders at key nodes.",
downloadTextTips: 'Download the login APP and get points',
downloadBtn: 'Download'
"At present, E&C Logistics provides the main business of LCL, FCL, Air line , Sea & air cargo,special container, overseas warehouse,small parcels from Alibaba, etc., and has successively extended the value-added services such as premium compensation, cargo control, door-to-door delivery of destination , financial services, and enterprise research. Adhering to the mission of 'making China-Africa trade more convenient', E&C Logistics constantly improves good service, strives for innovation, and builds tracking system, where you can check the status of goods , on hold /release goods , download packing list , and provide SMS notification reminders for key nodes.",
downloadTextTips: 'Download and log in APP to get points',
downloadBtn: 'Download Now'
export default {
"levite": "warehousing notes"
"levite": "Warehouse Notes"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"light": "volume weight abnormal",
"info": "order information",
"marks": "marks",
"sum": "total cartons",
"orderStatus": "order status",
"consignor": "consigner",
"transport": "transport way",
"startCity": "place of departure",
"endCity": "place of destination",
"consignee": "consignee",
"company": "consignee's company",
"phone": "consignee's phone number",
"date": "delivery date",
"goodsInfo": "product information",
"goodsName": "product name",
"formInfo": "prefill product information",
"brand": "brand name",
"num": "carton (s)",
"weight": "weight",
"volume": "volume",
"incoming": "Cargo Properties",
"box": "dimension",
"lightVolume": "Bubble weight",
"lastTime": "last operate time",
"common": "set as normal goods",
"processed": "set as prcessed",
"weightVolume": "heavy goods volume",
"weightException": "heavy goods abnormal",
"total": "Order statistics",
"rucang": "Transport statistics",
"weightAgree": "Agree to heavy goods",
"lightAgree": "Agree to Bubble"
"light": "Volume weight",
"info": "Goods Info",
"marks": "Mark",
"sum": "Recieved Ctns/Total Ctns",
"orderStatus": "Order Status",
"consignor": "Sender",
"transport": "Shipping method",
"startCity": "Departure City",
"endCity": "Destination ",
"consignee": "Consignee",
"company": "Consignee Company",
"phone": "Consignee Number",
"date": "Delivery Date",
"goodsInfo": "Goods Info",
"goodsName": " Description",
"formInfo": "Information",
"brand": "Brand",
"num": "Ctns",
"weight": "Weight",
"volume": "CBM",
"incoming": "Nature",
"box": "Size",
"lightVolume": "Volume weight",
"lastTime": "Last operating time",
"common": "Nomal",
"processed": "Processed",
"weightVolume": "Weight CBM",
"weightException": "Heavy goods",
"total": "Calculation",
"rucang": "Warehousing calculation",
"weightAgree": "Confirmed",
"lightAgree": "Confirmed"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"logPoints": "points log",
"logExchange": "exchange log",
"redeemGifts": "gifts redeem"
"logPoints": "Points log",
"logExchange": "Redeem Log",
"redeemGifts": "Gift Redeem"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"loginBtn": "login",
"textLogin": "SMS login",
"psdLogin": "password login",
"loginBtn": "Login",
"textLogin": "SMS Login",
"psdLogin": "Password Login",
"title": "E&C Logistics",
"forPsd": "forget password",
"code": "get verify code",
"register": "register",
"close": "close"
"forPsd": "Forget Password",
"code": "Get Verification Code",
"register": "Register",
"close": "Close",
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"msg": "message",
"read": "read",
"noRead": "unread",
"info": "message detail"
"msg": "Msg",
"read": "Read",
"noRead": "Unread",
"info": "Msg Info"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
info: 'persoal information',
name: 'name',
nameEn: 'English name',
birth: 'birthday',
sex: 'gender',
phone: 'phone number',
adderss: 'address',
department: 'department',
job: 'job position',
edit: 'edit',
girl: 'female',
boy: 'male',
secret: 'classifield',
country: 'country',
city: 'city',
confirm: 'confirm',
cancel: 'cancel',
placeholder: 'placeholder'
info: 'Profile',
name: 'Name (CN)',
nameEn: 'Name (EN)',
birth: 'Birthday',
sex: 'Gender',
phone: 'Phone',
adderss: 'Adderss',
department: 'Department',
job: 'Position',
edit: 'Edit',
girl: 'Female',
boy: 'Male',
secret: 'Confidential',
country: 'Country',
city: 'City',
confirm: 'Confirm',
cancel: 'Cancel',
placeholder: 'Please Enter'
export default {
"notice": "announcement",
"info": "announcement details",
"type": "type:announcement type"
"notice": "Notice",
"info": "Details",
"type": "Type: Notice/Announcement"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"name": "your name",
"nameEn": "your English name",
"noData": "no data",
"Idcode": "Please enter your ID number",
"Idtype": "Please select a ID type",
"Id1": "Please upload frontal photo of ID",
"Id2": "Please upload back side photo of ID",
"success": "Submitted successfully",
"loading": "loading......",
"newPhone": "new phone",
"edited": "Edited Success",
"company": "company name",
"companyEn": "English name of company",
"addressCom": "company address",
"remark": "company profile",
"web": "Plesse enter the company's offical website",
"stall": "Please enter the booth name",
"brand": "Please enter the company brand",
"title": "Please enter the title",
"orderNo": "Please enter the order number",
"content": "Please enter the content",
"type": "Please select the type",
"please": "select",
"lined": "Please select the route",
"numbers": "Please enter the express number, and separate multiple items with (,)",
"clearRemark": "Please enter the customs clearance certificate remarks",
"specialNote": "Please enter remarks for special needs",
"marks": "Please enter the shipping mark, start with a letter",
"addressInfo": "Please enter the detailed consignee address",
"link": "Please enter the product link",
"names": "Please enter the product name",
"transport": "Please enter the transport way",
"channel": "shipping channel",
"startCity": "departure city",
"endCity": "pick up location",
"marksIn": "shipping mark",
"marksNum": "Shipping mark start with numbers are prohibited",
"customsType": "Please select the customs declaration type",
"date": "Please select the deliver date",
"consignorType": "Please select the consignee way",
"levite": "Please select the warehousing type",
"consignee": "Please enter the consignee name",
"consigneePhone": "Please enter the consignee's phone number",
"foreignConsignee": "Non-Onhold order available for foreign consignee only",
"consigneeEmail": "Please enter consignee's E-mail",
"noEmail": "E-mail format error",
"creat": "Created successfully",
"shopname": "Please selcet the product name",
"isBrand": "Please select Brand/Brandless",
"num": "Please enter the number of quantity",
"unit": "Please select unit",
"number": "please enter quantity",
"works": "Please enter the value",
"add": "Added successfuly",
"delete": "Confirm to delete item?",
"name": "Name",
"nameEn": "Name english",
"noData": "NoData",
"Idcode": "Idcode",
"Idtype": "Idtype",
"Id1": "Id1",
"Id2": "Id2",
"success": "Success",
"loading": "Loading......",
"newPhone": "Phone NO",
"edited": "Edited",
"company": "Co. name ",
"companyEn": "Co. nameEn ",
"addressCom": "Co. address",
"remark": "Co. profile ",
"web": "Web",
"stall": "Stall",
"brand": "Brand",
"title": "Title",
"orderNo": "Order NO",
"content": "Content",
"type": "Type",
"please": "Please choose",
"lined": "Select Line",
"numbers": "N° tracking",
"clearRemark": "Clearance certificate remarks",
"specialNote": "SpecialNote",
"marks": "Marks",
"addressInfo": "FullAddress",
"link": "Link",
"names": "Description",
"transport": "Transportation",
"channel": "Channel",
"startCity": "Warehouse of loading",
"endCity": "Destination",
"marksIn": "Marks",
"marksNum": "Can't start with a number",
"customsType": "Document declaration",
"date": "Estimated Delivery Date",
"consignorType": "Collect method",
"levite": "Entry Type",
"consignee": "Consignee",
"consigneePhone": "Phone No",
"foreignConsignee": "Destination No Only",
"consigneeEmail": "Email",
"noEmail": "Email error",
"creat": "Create success",
"shopname": "Choose item",
"isBrand": "Brand",
"num": "No. of ctns",
"unit": "Packaging Type",
"number": "No. of pcs",
"works": "Value",
"add": "Added",
"delete": "Delete",
"notice": "Notice",
"newEmail": "new E-mail address",
"email": "E-mail address",
"bind": "Binding succeeded",
"phone": "phone",
"password": "Please enter your password",
"code": "Please enter verification code",
"chooseService": "Please tick the service agreement",
"oldPsd": "Please enter the old password",
"numPsd": "Password consists of 6~32 English letters and numbers",
"newPsd": "Please enter the new password",
"nextPsd": "Please confirm the password again",
"read": "I have carefully read and agreed",
"service": "User Service Agreement",
"contact": "Have problems? Feel free to contact our customer service",
"psd6": "Password cannot be less than 6 digits",
"different": "Entered passwords differ",
"nickName": "Please enter your nickname",
"contactPhone": "Please enter your contact number",
"address": "Please enter your address",
"department": "Please enter the department name",
"job": "Please enter the job title",
"moreKey": "B/L NO,Order No.,marks",
"reason": "Please tell us the reason for your withdrawal",
"sum": "Please enter the carton quantity",
"note": "Please enter remarks",
"oldControl": "Please enter the original controller",
"newControl": "Please enter the new controller",
"deleteSuccess": "Deletion succeeded",
"cancel": "Cancellation succeeded",
"delOrder": "Confirm to delete the order?",
"cancelOrder": "Confirm to cancel the order?",
"weight": "Please enter the weight",
"goodsSum": "Please enter the total quantity",
"operation": "Operation succeeded",
"openError": "fail to open file",
"noLined": "No route available",
"height": "Please enter the height",
"wide": "Please enter the width",
"long": "Please enter the length",
"nophone": "Wrong format of phone No",
"conNotice": "The number of cartons cannot be greater than the number of cartons that can be loaded",
"newControlTel": "Please enter new controller number",
"opening": "opening",
"volume": "Please enter the volume",
"intNotice1": "num must be greater than 0 And must be an integer",
"intNotice2": "quantity must be greater than 0 And must be an integer",
"intNotice3": "volume must be greater than 0",
"intNotice4": "weight must be greater than 0",
"intNotice5": "works must be greater than 0",
"easyPass": "Your password is too simple, please go to change it",
"newEmail": "NewEmail ",
"email": "Email",
"bind": "Bind",
"phone": "Phone NO",
"password": "Password",
"code": "Code",
"chooseService": "ChooseService",
"oldPsd": "Old password",
"numPsd": " password letter+Nos",
"newPsd": "New password",
"nextPsd": "Confirm password",
"read": "Read and agreed",
"service": "User service agreement",
"contact": "Please contact customer service",
"psd6": "Password of more than 6",
"different": "Different psd",
"nickName": "NickName",
"contactPhone": "ContactPhone",
"address": "Address",
"department": "Department",
"job": "Job",
"moreKey": "Order NO., PL NO., mark or consignee and phone No",
"reason": "Reason for return",
"sum": "Cartons",
"note": "Note",
"oldControl": "Original consignee",
"newControl": "New consignee",
"deleteSuccess": "Deleted",
"cancel": "Cancelled",
"delOrder": "Confirm delete",
"cancelOrder": "Cancel?",
"weight": "Weight",
"goodsSum": "Total qtty",
"operation": "Successed",
"openError": "Failed",
"noLined": "NoLined",
"height": "Height",
"wide": "Width",
"long": "Length",
"nophone": "Incorrect format",
"conNotice": "Exceeded the hold cartons",
"newControlTel": "New consignee NO",
"opening": "Opening",
"volume": "Volume",
"intNotice1": "Piece > 0 and Integer",
"intNotice2": "Quantity > 0 and Integer",
"intNotice3": "Volume>0",
"intNotice4": "Weight>0",
"intNotice5": "Value>0",
"easyPass": "Your password is too simple, please change your password",
"update": "Update now",
"close": "Close pop-up window",
"newVersion": "New version update",
"nowVersion": "Current version number",
"newVersions": "There is a new version to update",
"nowNews": "Currently is the latest version",
"startDown": "Downloading...",
"failDown": "Installation failed during download. Please try again later",
"contactKf": "Contact customers",
"isClude": "The order contains goods that are not accepted. Please check!",
"keyWord": "Please enter keywords",
"copySuccess": "Replicating Success",
"copy": "One click copy",
"newfile": "Upload a new attachment",
"close": "Close",
"newVersion": "New Version update",
"nowVersion": "NowVersion",
"newVersions": "New version available",
"nowNews": "NowNews version",
"startDown": "Downloading",
"failDown": "Installation failed, please try again later",
"contactKf": "Contact customer",
"isClude": "Not accepted goods, please check!",
"keyWord": "KeyWord",
"copySuccess": "CopySuccess",
"copy": "Copy All",
"newfile": "Upload file",
"upload": "Download",
"back": "return",
"upCustome": "Upload customs clearance",
"know": "I see",
"openFile": "Open File",
"saveed": "File saved",
"deleteFile": "delete the attachment?",
"customsRefund": "Customs refund, prepare necessary documents.",
"nofile": "The upload file format is incorrect",
"country": "Please select a country",
"city": "Please select a city",
"fullAddress": "Please enter the detailed address",
"fullAddressLength": "Enter up to 100 words",
"delAddress": "Are you sure you want to delete the address?",
"recommend": "Please enter referral code (optional)",
"saveAddress": "save Address"
"back": "Back",
"upCustome": "Upload declaration document",
"know": "Knew",
"openFile": "OpenFile",
"saveed": "Saveed",
"deleteFile": "Delete?",
"customsRefund": "Goods need to be declared, please prepare all the documents",
"nofile": "File format error",
"country": "Country",
"city": "City",
"fullAddress": "FullAddress",
"fullAddressLength": "Enter up to 100 characters",
"delAddress": "Delete address",
"recommend": "Referral code",
"saveAddress": "SaveAddress"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"order": "my order",
"search": "search",
"orderNo": "order number",
"marks": "shipping mark",
"see": "view",
"transfer": "transfer control right",
"lending": "release goods",
"seelending": "view releasing",
"edit": "edit",
"delete": "delete",
"cancelOrder": "cancel order",
"exit": "return",
"toDeal": "to processing",
"delivery": "to delivery",
"applyExit": "apply for return",
"exitOrderNo": "withdrawal order number",
"reason": "return reason",
"img": "return picture",
"isExit": "confirm the withdrawal",
"consider": "no,reconsider",
"screen": "screen",
"transport": "transport way",
"status": "loigistics status",
"endCity": "destination cargo",
"time": "time",
"reset": "reset",
"confirm": "confirm",
"lendingDeal": "release agreement",
"transferDeal": "control right transfer agreement",
"read": "read and confirm",
"cancel": "cancel",
"sum": "total cartons",
"haveNum": "remaining onhold carton",
"sumVolume": "total volume",
"sumWeight": "total weight",
"writeInfo": "enter the release information",
"consignee": "consignee",
"consigneeTel": "consignee phone number",
"num": "carton quantity",
"weight": "weight",
"volume": "volume",
"remark": "remark",
"code": "verify code",
"getCode": "get verify code",
"fenLending": "release in latches",
"lendingNotice": "release notice: Not more than 3 times,please confirm,will release according to the current demand. ",
"piece": "piece",
"isConsignee": "consignee",
"phone": "phone number",
"noError": "please confirm",
"oldControl": "original controller",
"oldControlTel": "original controller's phone number",
"newControl": "new controller",
"newControlTel": "new controller number",
"lendingLog": "release record",
"lendingNum": "release cartons quantity",
"operation": "operator",
"date": "date",
"allOrder": "all orders",
"form": "send out",
"received": "recieved",
"control": "on hold",
"uploadImg": "upload pictures",
"uploadNotice": "Upload no more than 20 images",
"statusControl": "On hold status",
"allStatus": "All",
"controling": "Under control",
"controled": "Goods have been unloaded",
"controlPartial": "Partial unloading",
"tidanNo": "Bill of lading number",
"toset": "Setting up a shipping password",
"controlNotice": "Choose between the control password or mobile verification code",
"controlUpload": "You can upload up to 10 customs declaration documents",
"controlLog": "Control log",
"addtime": "operate time",
"operatorType": "Operator type",
"operateType": "Operation type",
"member": "member",
"manager": "administrators",
"lendingType": "Parity",
"lendSussess": "Successfully released the goods"
"order": "My Orders",
"search": "Search",
"orderNo": "Order No.",
"marks": "Mark",
"see": "View",
"transfer": "Control Transfer",
"lending": "Release",
"seelending": "Release Info",
"edit": "Edit",
"delete": "Delete",
"cancelOrder": "Cancel Order",
"exit": "Return Goods",
"toDeal": "To Process",
"delivery": "Ship Now",
"applyExit": "Request Return",
"exitOrderNo": "Return Order No.",
"reason": "Reasons",
"img": "Return Img",
"isExit": "Confirm",
"consider": "Think It Over",
"screen": "Filter",
"transport": "Mode",
"status": "Status",
"endCity": "Destination",
"time": "Time",
"reset": "Reset",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"lendingDeal": "Agreement",
"transferDeal": "Agreement",
"read": "Read and confirmed",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"sum": "Total CTNS",
"haveNum": "Remaining CTNS",
"sumVolume": "Total Volume",
"sumWeight": "Total Weight",
"writeInfo": "Enter Release Info",
"consignee": "Consignee",
"consigneeTel": "Tel",
"num": "Qty",
"weight": "Weight",
"volume": "Volume",
"remark": "Remark",
"code": "Verification Code",
"getCode": "Get Code",
"fenLending": "Partial Release",
"lendingNotice": "Release limited to 3 times. Confirm to proceed. This time, goods will be released.",
"piece": "Piece",
"isConsignee": "Consignee",
"phone": "Phone",
"noError": "Please Confirm",
"oldControl": "Previous Controller",
"oldControlTel": "Previous Controller Phone",
"newControl": "New Controller",
"newControlTel": "New Controller Phone",
"lendingLog": "Release Record",
"lendingNum": "Released ctns",
"operation": "Operator",
"date": "Date",
"allOrder": "All Orders",
"form": "Shipped",
"received": "Received",
"control": "Control",
"uploadImg": "Upload Image",
"uploadNotice": "Max 20 images allowed.",
"statusControl": "Control Status",
"allStatus": "All Statuses",
"controling": "Controlling",
"controled": "Released",
"controlPartial": "Partial Released",
"tidanNo": "PL No.",
"toset": "Set Control Password",
"controlNotice": "Control Password or Phone Verification Code",
"controlUpload": "Max 10 customs docs.",
"controlLog": "On hold Log",
"addtime": "Release Time",
"operatorType": "Operator Type",
"operateType": "Operation Type",
"member": "Member",
"manager": "Administrator",
"lendingType": "Verification Method",
"lendSussess": "Successfully released",
"copy": "Copy"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"info": "order details",
"orderNo": "order number",
"consignor": "consigner",
"consignorTel": "consigner's phone number",
"consignorEmail": "consigner's E-mail address",
"consignorCom": "consigner's company Chinese name",
"consignorComEn": "consigner's company English name",
"consignee": "consignee",
"consigneeTel": "consignee's phone number",
"consigneeEmail": "consignee's Email",
"consigneeCom": "consignee's company Chinese name",
"consigneeComEn": "consignee's company English name",
"consigneeType": "consign way",
"own": "selp pickup",
"toRoom": "to door",
"consigneeCity": "consignee's city",
"consigneeAdd": "consignee's address",
"logistics": "logistics information",
"endCity": "destination cargo",
"startCity": "departure cargo",
"address": "address",
"transport": "transpotation way",
"channel": "delivery channel",
"basic": "basic information",
"marks": "shipping mark",
"formInfo": "prefill information",
"box": "carton",
"levite": "warehousing type",
"isCargoControl": "onhold options",
"is": "yes",
"no": "no",
"time": "delivery time",
"warehouse": "warehouse measurement",
"customsType": "customs clearance",
"datas": "Collection information",
"transInfo": "transpotation information",
"doubleClear": "double clearance YES/NO",
"singleWay": "issue way",
"air": "airline company",
"ship": "shipping company",
"clearCard": "clearance certificate",
"clearRemark": "clearance dcertificate remark",
"unpack": "upack YES/NO",
"goodsInfo": "goods detail",
"ordering": "order trend",
"file": "bill of lading",
"index": "serial number",
"prodZh": "product name (zh)",
"prodEn": "product name (en)",
"formNum": "prefill quantity",
"leviteNum": "warehousing cartons",
"unit": "unit",
"works": "value",
"material": "material",
"volume": "volume",
"weight": "weight",
"info": "Order Info",
"orderNo": "OrderNo.",
"consignor": "Sender",
"consignorTel": "Phone",
"consignorEmail": "Email",
"consignorCom": "Company (CN)",
"consignorComEn": "Company (EN)",
"consignee": "Consignee",
"consigneeTel": "Phone",
"consigneeEmail": "Email",
"consigneeCom": "Company (CN)",
"consigneeComEn": "Company (EN)",
"consigneeType": "Colletcion Method",
"own": "Pickup",
"toRoom": "To door",
"consigneeCity": "Delivery Area",
"consigneeAdd": "Delivery Address",
"logistics": "Shipping",
"endCity": "Destination",
"startCity": "Orig. Warehouse",
"address": "Address",
"transport": "Mode",
"channel": "Channel",
"basic": "Basic Info",
"marks": "Mark",
"formInfo": "Form Info",
"box": "CTN",
"levite": "Entry Type",
"isCargoControl": "On hold",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"time": "Delivery Time",
"warehouse": "Warehouse data",
"customsType": "Custom Declaration",
"datas": "Chargeable Wt/Vol",
"transInfo": "Shipping Details",
"doubleClear": "Clearing by EC",
"singleWay": "DOC Method",
"air": "Airline",
"ship": "Shipping Line",
"clearCard": "Customs Cert",
"clearRemark": "Customs Note",
"unpack": "Unpacking",
"goodsInfo": "Cargo Details",
"ordering": "Order Status",
"file": "Documents/Packing List",
"index": "No.",
"prodZh": "Descritpion(CN)",
"prodEn": "Descritpion (EN)",
"prod": "Descritpion",
"formNum": "Ordered ctns",
"leviteNum": "Received ctns",
"unit": "Unit",
"works": "Value",
"material": "Material",
"volume": "Volume",
"weight": "Weight",
"have": "Yes",
"none": "no",
"seeLevite": "check the warehousing receipt",
"seeBall": "check the pick up bill",
"seePack": "check the packing list",
"consigneeAndTel": "consignee's name and phone number",
"consignorAndTel": "consignee's name and phone number",
"goodsRemark": "description of goods",
"brand": "brand name",
"num": "cartons",
"size": "dimension",
"leviteTime": "warehouse loading time",
"ballAddress": "address of pick up bill",
"loans": "Collection of loans",
"none": "No",
"seeLevite": "Warehouse Receipt",
"seeBall": "Packing List",
"seePack": "Loading List",
"consigneeAndTel": "Congsinee and No",
"consignorAndTel": "Sender and No",
"goodsRemark": "Goods Info",
"brand": "Brand",
"num": "Box",
"size": "Size",
"leviteTime": "Entry Time",
"ballAddress": "Pickup Point",
"loans": "Collection of payment",
"showInfo": "Show",
"hiddenInfo": "Hide",
"typeName":"value-added services",
"objectport":'Destination port customs clearance',
"ourUndertakes":'Our company undertakes',
"customerUndertakes":'Customer Undertaking',
"externalWarehouse":'External warehouse',
"estLoading":"Loading time",
"loadingAddress":"Loading address",
"tidanPrice":"Bill of lading Price",
"noShow":"Do not display",
"createTime":"Creation time",
"inWarehouseInfo":"Warehouse entry information",
"quickNos":"prefill express tracking number",
"unitType":"Packaging type"
"copy": "Copy",
"typeName": "Add-On Service",
"objectport": "Dest. Customs",
"ourUndertakes": "Handled by EC",
"customerUndertakes": "Handled by Customer",
"creator": "Creator",
"warehouseName": "Warehouse",
"externalWarehouse": "Off-Site Warehouse",
"estLoading": "Loading Time",
"loadingAddress": "Loading Address",
"tidanPrice": "PL Price",
"show": "Show",
"noShow": "Hide",
"createTime": "Creation Time",
"inWarehouseInfo": "Entry Info",
"quickNos": "Tracking Number",
"unitType": "Packaging Type",
"is": "Yes"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"startCity": "place of departure ",
"endCity": "place of destination",
"name": "product name",
"transport": "transpotation way",
"channel": "transpotation channel",
"weight": "product weight",
"num": "number of quantity",
"sum": "total quantity",
"long": "length",
"width": "width",
"high": "height",
"fee": "freight",
"startLetive": "departure cargo",
"endLetive": "destination cargo",
"noPrice": "non quoted",
"forecastFee": "estimate fee",
"price": "query price",
"allPrice": "All inclusive price"
"startCity": "Origin",
"endCity": "Destination",
"name": "Description",
"transport": "Mode",
"channel": "Channel",
"weight": "Weight",
"num": "Qty",
"sum": "Total Qty",
"long": "Length",
"width": "Width",
"high": "Height",
"fee": "Freight",
"startLetive": "Origin",
"endLetive": "Destination",
"noPrice": "Quote",
"forecastFee": "Est. Cost",
"price": "Price Check",
"allPrice": "All-in",
"warmPrompt": "Reminder",
"notice1": "The above quote is for reference only. Actual charges will be based on the gross weight or dimensional weight after packing.",
"notice2": "Please note the channel selection. Different goods require different channels, which may affect the price.",
"notice3": "The quote excludes destination customs duties and fees for remote areas or overweight/oversized shipments.",
"notice4": "Parcel Compensation Method: In case of loss during transit, our company will compensate based on the original purchase value of the parcel, up to a maximum of USD 100 per shipment. For valuable parcels, please purchase insurance separately. No compensation will be provided for damaged contents if the outer packaging is intact. If the outer packaging is damaged, please open the parcel and inspect it before signing, and obtain proof from the courier for future claims.",
"notice5": "Our company refuses to accept items that are prohibited by law, such as flammable or explosive materials, drugs, knives, firearms and ammunition, obscene or subversive publications, etc. If such items are detected by customs, the customer will bear full responsibility for any resulting consequences."
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"auth": "real-name certification",
"comAuth": "company cetification",
"bindTel": "phone",
"changeBind": "switch bind",
"bindEmail": "E-mail",
"unbind": "unbind",
"tobind": "to bind",
"editPsd": "edit password",
"info": "personal information",
"companyInfo": "company information",
"help": "help",
"search": "exchange rate query",
"exit": "exit",
"startPsd": "Initial password",
"confirm": "confirm",
"cancel": "cancel",
"unauth": "Unauthorized",
"set": "setting",
"change": "Language switching",
"Zh": "Chinese",
"controlPsd": "Control cargo password",
"logOff": "Log off",
"offSuccess": "Logged out successfully",
"logNotice": "Are you sure you want to log out? After cancellation, all data related to the account will be deleted and cannot be restored. Are you sure to cancel?",
"vip": "membership tiers",
"address": "address information"
"auth": "Real-name authentication",
"comAuth": "Company Verification",
"bindTel": "Phone Binding",
"changeBind": "Change Binding",
"bindEmail": "Email Binding",
"unbind": "Not Bound",
"tobind": "Bind Now",
"editPsd": "Change Password",
"info": "Personal Info",
"companyInfo": "Company Info",
"help": "Help",
"search": "Exchange Rate",
"exit": "Exit",
"startPsd": "Reset Password",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"unauth": "Unverified",
"set": "Settings",
"change": "Language",
"Zh": "CN",
"controlPsd": "Control Password",
"logOff": "Deactivate Account",
"offSuccess": "Account Deactivated",
"logNotice": "Are you sure you want to deactivate your account? All data related to the account will be deleted and cannot be restored. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"vip": "Membership Level",
"address": "Address Info"
\ No newline at end of file
import notices from './fr/notices.js'
import auth from './fr/auth.js'
import addressInfo from './fr/addressInfo.js'
import boxException from './fr/boxException.js'
import changeTel from './fr/changeTel.js'
import companyInfo from './fr/companyInfo.js'
import complaint from './fr/complaint.js'
import complaintAdd from './fr/complaintAdd.js'
import consult from './fr/consult.js'
import coupon from './fr/coupon.js'
import create from './fr/create.js'
import docException from './fr/docException.js'
import detail from './fr/detail.js'
import ecash from './fr/ecash.js'
import editEmail from './fr/editEmail.js'
import editPsd from './fr/editPsd.js'
import exception from './fr/exception.js'
import forget from './fr/forget.js'
import help from './fr/help.js'
import index from './fr/index.js'
import integral from './fr/integral.js'
import levite from './fr/levite.js'
import light from './fr/light.js'
import login from './fr/login.js'
import log from './fr/log.js'
import msg from './fr/msg.js'
import myInfo from './fr/myInfo.js'
import notice from './fr/notice.js'
import order from './fr/order.js'
import finsh from './fr/finsh.js'
import orderInfo from './fr/orderInfo.js'
import price from './fr/price.js'
import site from './fr/site.js'
export default {
export default {
"info": "adresse complète",
"addInfo": "ajouter une adresse",
"editInfo": "modifier",
"consignee": "destinataire",
"phone": "N° de téléphone",
"fullAddress": "adresse complète"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"auth": "Authentification en nom réel",
"Id1": "ID1",
"Id2": "ID2",
"Idcard1": "passeport1",
"Idcard2": "passeport2",
"msg": "Veuillez confirmer que les informations d'identité sont correctes",
"name": "nom",
"Idcode": "code d'identité",
"submit": "soumettre",
"auto": "en cours de vérification",
"intNotice1": "数量必须大于0并且必须是整数",
"intNotice2": "件数必须大于0并且必须是整数",
"intNotice3": "体积必须大于0",
"intNotice4": "重量必须大于0",
"intNotice5": "货值必须大于0"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"exception": "excédent",
"exceptionless": "manque",
"orderNo": "N° de commande",
"prodZh": "description",
"prodEn": "nom en anglais",
"line": "itinéraires de transport",
"form": "remplissage de formulaire",
"in": "entrée",
"describe": "type d'exception",
"box": "boîte",
"result": "résultat du traitement",
"remark": "remarque",
"sumbit": "soumettre",
"reset": "réinitialiser",
"noshop": "incompatibilité"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"edit": "Modifier le numéro de téléphone lié",
"bind": "Liaison",
"setpsd": "Mot de passe en attente",
"code": "Code"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"info": "Informations sur l'entreprise",
"name": "Nom",
"nameEn": "Nom de l'entreprise (anglais)",
"address": "Adresse",
"remark": "Profil",
"web": "Site web",
"stall": "Stand",
"brand": "Marque",
"edit": "Modifier"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"complaint": "Réclamation",
"name": "Plaignant",
"orderNo": "N° de commande",
"title": "Titre",
"type": "Type",
"time": "Heure",
"status": "État",
"disposeTime": "Temps de traitement",
"new": "Créer",
"change": "Consulter"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"title": "Titre",
"type": "Type",
"name": "Contact",
"phone": "",
"orderNo": "N° de commande",
"content": "Contenu",
"sumbit": "Soumettre",
"reset": "Réinitialiser",
"complaint": "Réclamation",
"time": "Heure",
"status": "État",
"disposeTime": "Temps de traitement"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"consult": "Consulter",
"reply": "En attente",
"replyed": "Répondu",
"change": "Modifier",
"consulting": "Consulter",
"title": "Titre",
"type": "Type",
"name": "Contact",
"phone": "",
"orderNo": "N° de commande",
"content": "Contenu",
"sumbit": "Soumettre",
"reset": "Réinitialiser",
"time": "Délai de réponse",
"contented": "Détails",
"replyContent": "Réponse",
"advice": "Suggestion"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"coupons": "Coupons",
"no": "Non utilisé",
"use": "Utilisé",
"out": "Expiré",
"go": "Créer une nouvelle commande"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"create": "Expédition",
"transport": "Transport",
"type": "Service",
"service": "Consolidation",
"oversears": "Entrepôt à l'étranger",
"toRoom": "Livraison à domicile",
"exception": "Collecte d'anomalie",
"noCotrol": "Encaissement",
"startCity": "Ville de départ",
"endCity": "Ville de destination",
"dstCountry": "Pays de destination",
"method": "Type de transport",
"channel": "Canal",
"info": "Description",
"addShop": "Ajouter",
"prodZh": "Nom chinois",
"brand": "Marque",
"num": "Qté",
"yes": "Oui",
"no": "Non",
"volume": "Volume",
"works": "Valeur",
"weight": "Poids",
"material": "Matériau",
"prodEn": "Description (Angl.)",
"prodFr": "Description (Fr.)",
"prodTitle": "Description (Ch.)",
"form": "Forme",
"box": "Boîte",
"prodAttr": "Nature",
"packageUnit": "Type d'emballage",
"prepay": "Prépayé",
"is": "Oui",
"fou": "Non",
"link": "Lien",
"editLink": "Modifier",
"addLink": "Ajouter",
"fee": "Fret maritime",
"clearFee": "Dédouanement",
"noPrice": "Devis",
"edit": "Modifier",
"delete": "Supprimer",
"feeInfo": "Détails des frais",
"total": "Total",
"sum": "Total cartons",
"sumVolume": "Total CBM",
"sumWeight": "Poids total",
"sumWorks": "Montant",
"proFee": "Prime de valorisation",
"sumFee": "Total fret maritime",
"sumClearFee": "Total frais de dédouanement",
"rmb": "CNY (RMB)",
"doller": "USD",
"naira": "Naira",
"quickNo": "Numéro de suivi",
"auto": "Génération automatique",
"lined": "Itinéraire",
"doubleClear": "Dédouanement par EC",
"conClear": "ECB",
"myClear": "ECP",
"air": "Compagnie aérienne",
"ship": "Ligne maritime",
"clearCard": "Certificat de dédouanement",
"clearRemark": "Note du certificat de dédouanement",
"unpack": "Expédition divisée",
"nowChange": "Transfert immédiat de la commande",
"nowNotice": "Remarque : Si un seul carton...",
"specialNote": "Remarques spéciales",
"special": "Demandes spéciales",
"orderInfo": "Général",
"marks": "Marque d’expédition",
"isCargoControl": "En attente",
"customsType": "Déclaration de document",
"myCustoms": "Par EC",
"ownCustoms": "Par l’expéditeur",
"allCustoms": "Par l’expéditeur + EC",
"date": "Date de livraison",
"levite": "Type d’entrée",
"payer": "Payeur",
"consignor": "Expéditeur",
"consignee": "Destinataire",
"consignorType": "Méthode de livraison",
"address": "Zone de livraison",
"addressInfo": "Adresse de livraison",
"name": "Nom",
"nameEn": "Nom anglais",
"choiceConsignee": "Destinataire",
"phone": "Numéro de contact",
"email": "Boîte e-mail",
"company": "Nom de l’entreprise",
"companyEn": "Nom anglais de l’entreprise",
"submit": "Soumettre",
"cancel": "Annuler",
"noSelect": "Aucune option correspondante",
"unit": "Unité",
"aunit": "Pièces",
"confirm": "Confirmer",
"choice": "Sélectionner",
"add": "Ajouter",
"addConsignee": "Ajouter le destinataire",
"idNotice": "Conformément aux exigences du Bureau Anti-drogue du département de la police, tous les biens arrivant à l'entrepôt doivent être enregistrés sous le \"vrai nom\", veuillez contacter le service client pour télécharger votre carte d'identité",
"issuingMethod": "Mode de commande",
"dianfang": "Télécopie",
"zhengben": "Connaissement (BL)",
"payment": "Collecte à la livraison",
"money": "Montant à collecter",
"busNotice": "Conformément aux exigences du Bureau Anti-drogue du département de la police, tous les biens arrivant à l'entrepôt doivent être enregistrés sous le \"vrai nom\", veuillez contacter le service client pour télécharger votre carte d'identité",
"baojia": "Devis associé",
"more": "Voir plus",
"paynotice": "Veuillez confirmer si le fret maritime sera payé par vous ou non",
"cnotice1": "Si vous avez besoin que notre entreprise aide à reconditionner, veuillez cocher l'option correspondante, les informations sur le payeur et les exigences d'emballage peuvent être ajoutées",
"cnotice2": "Désigne l'accord entre l'expéditeur et le destinataire lors du transport international des marchandises, notre entreprise agissant en tant que tiers pour retenir les marchandises; Un mode de transaction où le destinataire peut récupérer les marchandises uniquement si l'expéditeur nous autorise à les libérer.",
"cnotice3": "Notre entreprise est l'agent pour l'exportation des marchandises",
"cnotice4": "Ces marchandises doivent fournir des documents d'exportation et confier leur expédition à notre entreprise",
"cnotice5": "Les marchandises ont les deux statuts ci-dessus",
"overSeaWarehouseTips": "Si vous avez besoin d'un service d'entrepôt à l'étranger, veuillez contacter notre service client au 400-900-9962",
"other": "Autre",
"choose": "Sélectionner",
"needCollectionAmount": "Montant à collecter",
"needCollectionCurrency": "Devise",
"customDrawee": "Personnalisable",
"billLadingPrice": "La liste de colisage affiche-t-elle le prix ou non",
"displayBillLadingPrice": "Oui",
"hideBillLadingPrice": "Non",
"tips": "Conseils",
"areaCodeAndDestCountryCheckFail": "L'emplacement du numéro est différent du pays de destination. Veuillez vérifier"
export default {
activity: 'Détails de la promotion',
illustrate: 'Aide des points',
maxIntegral: 'Point maximum cumulé',
date: 'Date d\'expiration',
rulesIllustrate: 'Description des règles',
total: 'Total',
integral: 'Points',
num: val => {
return `共${val}件`
exchangeTitle: 'Détails de l\'échange',
activityTime: 'Temps de promotion',
exchangeOutlets: 'Lieu de la promotion',
exchangeType: 'Méthode d\'échange',
address: 'Adresse de livraison',
courierNum: 'Numéro de suivi',
courierCompany: 'Compagnie de transport express',
courierTime: 'Date de livraison',
remark: 'Remarque',
errorMsg: 'L\'adresse ne peut pas être modifiée après modification. Si vous devez changer l\'adresse, veuillez contacter le service client',
registerLabel: val => `注册成功即可获得${val}积分`,
referralCodeLabel: val => `每邀请1人注册并登录获得${val}积分`,
shareLabel: val => `分享到社交平台后,每次点击获得${val}积分`,
orderRuleLabel: params => `${params.low}${params.unit}-${params.high}${params.unit}获得${params.score}积分`,
to: 'À'
export default {
"doc": "Déclaration en douane",
"orderNo": "Numéro de commande",
"transport": "Mode et itinéraire",
"form": "De",
"to": "Envoyer à",
"prodZh": "Description (Ch.)",
"prodEn": "Description (Ang.)",
"brand": "Marque",
"is": "Oui",
"no": "Non",
"formNum": "Caisses commandées",
"levite": "Caisses reçues",
"volume": "M3 (mètre cube)",
"weight": "Poids",
"number": "Quantité",
"works": "Valeur",
"customsType": "Document de déclaration en douane",
"choose": "Sélectionner",
"delete": "Supprimer",
"remark": "Remarque",
"confirm": "Confirmer"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"query": "Vérification du taux de change",
"china": "Chine",
"Nigeria": "Nigéria",
"time": "Date d'expiration"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"old": "Adresse e-mail d'origine",
"new": "Nouvelle adresse e-mail",
"code": "Code de vérification",
"getCode": "Obtenir le code",
"bind": "Lier",
"bindEmail": "Lier l'adresse e-mail"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"edit": "Modification",
"psd": "Changer le mot de passe",
"control": "Changer le mot de passe en attente"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"see": "Anomalie",
"info": "Informations sur la commande",
"marks": "Marque d'expédition",
"sum": "Caisses reçues/caisses totales",
"orderStatus": "Statut de l'expédition",
"consignor": "Expéditeur",
"transport": "Type d'expédition",
"startCity": "Ville de départ",
"endCity": "Destination",
"consignee": "Destinataire",
"company": "Société destinataire",
"phone": "Numéro du destinataire",
"date": "Date de livraison",
"question": "Détails du problème",
"exception": "Anomalie",
"describe": "Détails",
"file": "Pièce jointe",
"money": "Montant",
"status": "Statut",
"type": "Type",
"toDeal": "Traiter"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"success": "Commande passée",
"orderNo": "Numéro de commande",
"transport": "Mode",
"lined": "Itinéraire",
"list": "Produits",
"address": "Adresse de l'entrepôt",
"phone": "Téléphone",
"see": "Voir",
"know": "Remarques sur l'entrepôt",
"again": "Nouvelle commande",
"notice": "Pour des données précises, veuillez apporter une liste de colisage (nom de l'article, quantité, poids, dimensions, marques) avant l'entrée.",
"saddress": "Adresse de livraison"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"forget": "Mot de passe oublié",
"code": "Obtenir le code de vérification"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"help": "Aide"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"index": "Accueil",
"system": "Système",
"notice": "Avis",
"dynamic": "Tendances",
"orderNo": "Numéro de commande",
"marks": "Marquer",
"help": "Aide",
"consult": "Demande",
"know": "Connu",
"delivery": "Expédier maintenant",
"order": "Mes commandes",
"coupon": "Coupon de réduction",
"price": "Demande de prix",
"old_system": "Anciennes commandes",
"sea": "Groupage",
"seaAir": "Fret maritime et aérien",
"air": "Fret aérien",
"integral": "Mes points"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
copy: 'Copier',
info: 'Mes points',
headerTitle: 'Valorisé',
spend: 'Les points échangés sont',
available: 'Les points disponibles sont',
logPoints: 'Journal des points',
logExchange: 'Journal des échanges',
redeemGifts: 'Échanger un cadeau',
pointsCampaign: 'Promotion de points',
pointsRemark: 'Différence de points pour lieu de collecte',
outlets: 'Veuillez sélectionner le lieu de collecte',
remainder: (val) => {
return `剩余${val}份`
orderMail: 'Confirmer les commandes',
code: 'Obtenir le code de vérification',
codePlaceloader: 'Veuillez entrer le code de vérification',
codeError: 'Erreur de code',
codeTimeText: (val) => {
return `${val}秒后重新获取`
remark: 'Remarques',
submitOrder: 'OK',
redeemType: 'Méthode d\'échange',
activityTime: 'Date de promotion',
textLength: 'Entrez un maximum de 100 mots',
totalScore: (num) => {
return `已选${num}件,合计积分:`
totalScore1: 'Points',
addAddress: 'Ajouter une nouvelle adresse de livraison',
totalScoreError: 'Points insuffisants',
to: 'À',
gift: 'Cadeau:',
Num: 'Quantité:',
total: 'Total des points:',
exchangeType: 'Méthode d\'échange:',
deliveryAddress: 'Adresse de livraison:',
branch: 'Succursale:',
downloadTitle: 'Application E&C Logistics',
"Actuellement, E&C Logistics offre principalement les services de FCL, LCL, ligne aérienne, fret maritime et aérien, conteneurs spéciaux, entrepôt à l'étranger, petits colis d'Alibaba, etc. Elle a également étendu ses services à valeur ajoutée, tels que la compensation premium, le contrôle des marchandises, la livraison porte-à-porte, les services financiers et la recherche d'entreprises. Fidèle à la mission de \"rendre le commerce Chine-Afrique plus pratique\", E&C Logistics améliore constamment son service, innove et construit un système de suivi où vous pouvez consulter l'état des marchandises, suspendre/libérer les marchandises, télécharger la liste de colisage et recevoir des notifications SMS pour les étapes clés.",
downloadTextTips: 'Téléchargez et connectez-vous à l\'application pour obtenir des points',
downloadBtn: 'Télécharger maintenant'
export default {
"levite": "Informations sur l'entrepôt"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"light": "Poids volumétrique",
"info": "Informations sur les marchandises",
"marks": "Marque",
"sum": "Cartons reçus/Total des cartons",
"orderStatus": "Statut de la commande",
"consignor": "Expéditeur",
"transport": "Méthode d'expédition",
"startCity": "Ville de départ",
"endCity": "Destination",
"consignee": "Destinataire",
"company": "Société destinataire",
"phone": "Numéro du destinataire",
"date": "Date de livraison",
"goodsInfo": "Informations sur les marchandises",
"goodsName": "Description",
"formInfo": "Informations",
"brand": "Marque",
"num": "Cartons",
"weight": "Poids",
"volume": "CBM",
"incoming": "Nature",
"box": "Taille",
"lightVolume": "Poids volumétrique",
"lastTime": "Dernière opération",
"common": "Normal",
"processed": "Traité",
"weightVolume": "Poids CBM",
"weightException": "Marchandises lourdes",
"total": "Calcul",
"rucang": "Calcul d'entrepôt",
"weightAgree": "Confirmé",
"lightAgree": "Confirmé"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"logPoints": "Journal des points",
"logExchange": "Journal des échanges",
"redeemGifts": "Échange de cadeaux"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"loginBtn": "Connexion",
"textLogin": "Connexion par SMS",
"psdLogin": "Connexion par mot de passe",
"title": "E&C Logistique",
"forPsd": "Mot de passe oublié",
"code": "Obtenir le code de vérification",
"register": "S'inscrire",
"close": "Fermer"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"msg": "Message",
"read": "Lu",
"noRead": "Non lu",
"info": "Informations sur le message"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"info": "Profil",
"name": "Nom (CN)",
"nameEn": "Nom (EN)",
"birth": "Anniversaire",
"sex": "Sexe",
"phone": "Téléphone",
"adderss": "Adresse",
"department": "Département",
"job": "Poste",
"edit": "Modifier",
"girl": "Féminin",
"boy": "Masculin",
"secret": "Confidentiel",
"country": "Pays",
"city": "Ville",
"confirm": "Confirmer",
"cancel": "Annuler",
"placeholder": "Veuillez entrer"
export default {
"notice": "Avis",
"info": "Détails",
"type": "Type : Avis/Annonce"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"name": "nom",
"nameEn": "nom en anglais",
"noData": "aucune donnée",
"Idcode": "code d'identité",
"Idtype": "type d'identité",
"Id1": "ID1",
"Id2": "ID2",
"success": "réussi",
"loading": "chargement",
"newPhone": "N° de téléphone",
"edited": "modifié",
"company": "nom de l'entreprise",
"companyEn": "nom de l'entreprise (en anglais)",
"addressCom": "adresse de l'entreprise",
"remark": "profil de l'entreprise",
"web": "site web",
"stall": "stand",
"brand": "marque",
"title": "titre",
"orderNo": "N° de commande",
"content": "contenu",
"type": "type",
"please": "veuillez choisir",
"lined": "sélectionnez une ligne",
"numbers": "N° de suivi",
"clearRemark": "remarques sur le certificat de dédouanement",
"specialNote": "note spéciale",
"marks": "marques",
"addressInfo": "adresse complète",
"link": "lien",
"names": "description",
"transport": "transport",
"channel": "canal",
"startCity": "entrepôt de chargement",
"endCity": "destination",
"marksIn": "marques",
"marksNum": "ne peut pas commencer par un chiffre",
"customsType": "déclaration de document",
"date": "date estimée de livraison",
"consignorType": "méthode de collecte",
"levite": "type d'entrée",
"consignee": "destinataire",
"consigneePhone": "N° de téléphone",
"foreignConsignee": "uniquement N° de destination",
"consigneeEmail": "e-mail",
"noEmail": "erreur d’e-mail",
"creat": "création réussie",
"shopname": "choisissez un article",
"isBrand": "marque",
"num": "Nbre de cartons",
"unit": "Type d'emballage",
"number": "Nbre de pièces",
"works": "valeur",
"add": "ajouté",
"delete": "supprimer",
"notice": "avis",
"newEmail": "nouvel email",
"email": "email",
"bind": "lier",
"phone": "N° de téléphone",
"password": "mot de passe",
"code": "code",
"chooseService": "choisir un service",
"oldPsd": "ancien mot de passe",
"numPsd": "mot de passe lettres+chiffres",
"newPsd": "nouveau mot de passe",
"nextPsd": "confirmer le mot de passe",
"read": "lu et approuvé",
"service": "accord de service utilisateur",
"contact": "Veuillez contacter le service client",
"psd6": "mot de passe de plus de 6 caractères",
"different": "mot de passe différent",
"nickName": "pseudo",
"contactPhone": "téléphone de contact",
"address": "adresse",
"department": "département",
"job": "poste",
"moreKey": "N° commande, N° PL, marque ou destinataire et N° téléphone",
"reason": "Raison du retour",
"sum": "cartons",
"note": "note",
"oldControl": "Destinataire d'origine",
"newControl": "Nouveau destinataire",
"deleteSuccess": "supprimé",
"cancel": "Annulé",
"delOrder": "confirmer la suppression",
"cancelOrder": "annuler ?",
"weight": "poids",
"goodsSum": "quantité totale",
"operation": "réussi",
"openError": "échoué",
"noLined": "non aligné",
"height": "hauteur",
"wide": "largeur",
"long": "longueur",
"nophone": "Format incorrect",
"conNotice": "Dépassement des cartons retenus",
"newControlTel": "Nouveau N° de destinataire",
"opening": "ouverture",
"volume": "volume",
"intNotice1": "pièce > 0 et entier",
"intNotice2": "quantité > 0 et entier",
"intNotice3": "volume > 0",
"intNotice4": "poids > 0",
"intNotice5": "valeur > 0",
"easyPass": "Votre mot de passe est trop simple, veuillez le modifier",
"update": "mettre à jour maintenant",
"close": "fermer",
"newVersion": "mise à jour de la nouvelle version",
"nowVersion": "version actuelle",
"newVersions": "Nouvelle version disponible",
"nowNews": "dernière version",
"startDown": "téléchargement en cours",
"failDown": "Échec de l'installation, veuillez réessayer plus tard",
"contactKf": "contacter le service client",
"isClude": "marchandises non acceptées, veuillez vérifier !",
"keyWord": "mot-clé",
"copySuccess": "copie réussie",
"copy": "tout copier",
"newfile": "téléverser un fichier",
"upload": "télécharger",
"back": "retour",
"upCustome": "téléverser un document de déclaration",
"know": "compris",
"openFile": "ouvrir un fichier",
"saveed": "enregistré",
"deleteFile": "supprimer ?",
"customsRefund": "Les marchandises doivent être déclarées, veuillez préparer tous les documents",
"nofile": "erreur de format de fichier",
"country": "pays",
"city": "ville",
"fullAddress": "adresse complète",
"fullAddressLength": "Entrez jusqu'à 100 caractères",
"delAddress": "supprimer l'adresse",
"recommend": "code de parrainage",
"saveAddress": "enregistrer l'adresse"
export default {
"order": "Mes commandes",
"search": "Rechercher",
"orderNo": "Numéro de commande",
"marks": "Marque",
"see": "Voir",
"transfer": "Transfert de contrôle",
"lending": "Libérer",
"seelending": "Informations de libération",
"edit": "Modifier",
"delete": "Supprimer",
"cancelOrder": "Annuler la commande",
"exit": "Retourner des marchandises",
"toDeal": "À traiter",
"delivery": "Expédier maintenant",
"applyExit": "Demander un retour",
"exitOrderNo": "Numéro de commande de retour",
"reason": "Raisons",
"img": "Image du retour",
"isExit": "Confirmer",
"consider": "Réfléchir",
"screen": "Filtrer",
"transport": "Mode",
"status": "Statut",
"endCity": "Destination",
"time": "Temps",
"reset": "Réinitialiser",
"confirm": "Confirmer",
"lendingDeal": "Accord",
"transferDeal": "Accord",
"read": "Lu et confirmé",
"cancel": "Annuler",
"sum": "Total des cartons",
"haveNum": "Cartons restants",
"sumVolume": "Volume total",
"sumWeight": "Poids total",
"writeInfo": "Entrer les informations de libération",
"consignee": "Destinataire",
"consigneeTel": "Téléphone",
"num": "Quantité",
"weight": "Poids",
"volume": "Volume",
"remark": "Remarque",
"code": "Code de vérification",
"getCode": "Obtenir le code",
"fenLending": "Libération partielle",
"lendingNotice": "Libération limitée à 3 fois. Confirmer pour continuer. Cette fois, les marchandises seront libérées.",
"piece": "Pièce",
"isConsignee": "Destinataire",
"phone": "Téléphone",
"noError": "Veuillez confirmer",
"oldControl": "Contrôleur précédent",
"oldControlTel": "Téléphone du contrôleur précédent",
"newControl": "Nouveau contrôleur",
"newControlTel": "Téléphone du nouveau contrôleur",
"lendingLog": "Enregistrement de libération",
"lendingNum": "Cartons libérés",
"operation": "Opérateur",
"date": "Date",
"allOrder": "Toutes les commandes",
"form": "Expédié",
"received": "Reçu",
"control": "Contrôle",
"uploadImg": "Télécharger l'image",
"uploadNotice": "Maximum de 20 images autorisées.",
"statusControl": "Statut du contrôle",
"allStatus": "Tous les statuts",
"controling": "En cours de contrôle",
"controled": "Libéré",
"controlPartial": "Libération partielle",
"tidanNo": "Numéro de PL",
"toset": "Définir le mot de passe de contrôle",
"controlNotice": "Mot de passe de contrôle ou code de vérification par téléphone",
"controlUpload": "Maximum de 10 documents douaniers.",
"controlLog": "Journal des mises en attente",
"addtime": "Heure de libération",
"operatorType": "Type d'opérateur",
"operateType": "Type d'opération",
"member": "Membre",
"manager": "Administrateur",
"lendingType": "Méthode de vérification",
"lendSussess": "Libéré avec succès",
"copy": "Copier"
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"info": "Détails de la commande",
"orderNo": "Numéro de commande",
"consignor": "Expéditeur",
"consignorTel": "Téléphone",
"consignorEmail": "Email",
"consignorCom": "Entreprise (CN)",
"consignorComEn": "Entreprise (EN)",
"consignee": "Destinataire",
"consigneeTel": "Téléphone",
"consigneeEmail": "Email",
"consigneeCom": "Entreprise (CN)",
"consigneeComEn": "Entreprise (EN)",
"consigneeType": "Méthode de collecte",
"own": "Enlèvement",
"toRoom": "Livraison à domicile",
"consigneeCity": "Zone de livraison",
"consigneeAdd": "Adresse de livraison",
"logistics": "Expédition",
"endCity": "Destination",
"startCity": "Entrepôt d'origine",
"address": "Adresse",
"transport": "Mode",
"channel": "Canal",
"basic": "Informations de base",
"marks": "Marque",
"formInfo": "Informations sur le formulaire",
"box": "CTN (colis)",
"levite": "Type d'entrée",
"isCargoControl": "En attente",
"yes": "Oui",
"no": "Non",
"time": "Heure de livraison",
"warehouse": "Données de l'entrepôt",
"customsType": "Déclaration en douane",
"datas": "Poids/Volume taxable",
"transInfo": "Détails de l'expédition",
"doubleClear": "Déclaration par EC",
"singleWay": "Méthode DOC",
"air": "Compagnie aérienne",
"ship": "Compagnie maritime",
"clearCard": "Certificat de douane",
"clearRemark": "Note de douane",
"unpack": "Déballage",
"goodsInfo": "Détails du cargo",
"ordering": "Statut de la commande",
"file": "Documents/Liste de colis",
"index": "",
"prodZh": "Description (CN)",
"prodEn": "Description (EN)",
"formNum": "Colis commandés",
"leviteNum": "Colis reçus",
"unit": "Unité",
"works": "Valeur",
"material": "Matériel",
"volume": "Volume",
"weight": "Poids",
"have": "Oui",
"none": "Non",
"seeLevite": "Bon de réception de l'entrepôt",
"seeBall": "Liste de colis",
"seePack": "Liste de chargement",
"consigneeAndTel": "Destinataire et N°",
"consignorAndTel": "Expéditeur et N°",
"goodsRemark": "Informations sur les marchandises",
"brand": "Marque",
"num": "Boîte",
"size": "Taille",
"leviteTime": "Heure d'entrée",
"ballAddress": "Point de collecte",
"loans": "Collecte du paiement",
"showInfo": "Afficher",
"hiddenInfo": "Cacher",
"copy": "Copier",
"typeName": "Service supplémentaire",
"objectport": "Douane de destination",
"ourUndertakes": "Traitée par EC",
"customerUndertakes": "Traitée par le client",
"creator": "Créateur",
"warehouseName": "Entrepôt",
"externalWarehouse": "Entrepôt externe",
"estLoading": "Heure de chargement",
"loadingAddress": "Adresse de chargement",
"tidanPrice": "Prix du PL",
"show": "Afficher",
"noShow": "Cacher",
"createTime": "Heure de création",
"inWarehouseInfo": "Informations sur l'entrée",
"quickNos": "Numéro de suivi",
"unitType": "Type d'emballage",
"is": "Oui"
export default {
"startCity": "Origine",
"endCity": "Destination",
"name": "Description",
"transport": "Mode",
"channel": "Canal",
"weight": "Poids",
"num": "Quantité",
"sum": "Quantité totale",
"long": "Longueur",
"width": "Largeur",
"high": "Hauteur",
"fee": "Fret",
"startLetive": "Origine",
"endLetive": "Destination",
"noPrice": "Devis",
"allPrice": "Tout compris",
"forecastFee": "Coût estimé",
"warmPrompt": "Rappel",
"price": "Vérification du prix",
"notice1": "Le devis ci-dessus est uniquement à titre indicatif. Les frais réels seront basés sur le poids brut ou le poids volumétrique après emballage.",
"notice2": "Veuillez noter la sélection du canal. Les différents types de marchandises nécessitent des canaux différents, ce qui peut influencer le prix.",
"notice3": "Le devis exclut les droits de douane à destination et les frais pour les zones éloignées ou les envois lourds/volumineux.",
"notice4": "Méthode de compensation des colis : En cas de perte pendant le transit, notre entreprise indemnisera en fonction de la valeur d'achat originale du colis, jusqu'à un maximum de 100 USD par envoi. Pour les colis de valeur, veuillez souscrire une assurance séparée. Aucune compensation ne sera fournie pour les contenus endommagés si l'emballage extérieur est intact. Si l'emballage extérieur est endommagé, veuillez ouvrir le colis et l'inspecter avant de signer, et obtenir une preuve du transporteur pour toute réclamation future.",
"notice5": "Notre entreprise refuse d'accepter des articles interdits par la loi, tels que des matériaux inflammables ou explosifs, des drogues, des couteaux, des armes à feu et des munitions, des publications obscènes ou subversives, etc. Si de tels articles sont détectés par la douane, le client assumera l'entière responsabilité des conséquences qui en découleront."
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
"auth": "Authentification réelle",
"comAuth": "Vérification de l'entreprise",
"bindTel": "Liaison téléphonique",
"changeBind": "Changer la liaison",
"bindEmail": "Liaison par e-mail",
"unbind": "Non lié",
"tobind": "Lier maintenant",
"editPsd": "Changer le mot de passe",
"info": "Informations personnelles",
"companyInfo": "Informations sur l'entreprise",
"help": "Aide",
"search": "Taux de change",
"exit": "Quitter",
"startPsd": "Réinitialiser le mot de passe",
"confirm": "Confirmer",
"cancel": "Annuler",
"unauth": "Non vérifié",
"set": "Paramètres",
"change": "Langue",
"Zh": "CN",
"controlPsd": "Mot de passe de contrôle",
"logOff": "Désactiver le compte",
"offSuccess": "Compte désactivé",
"logNotice": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir désactiver votre compte ? Toutes les données liées au compte seront supprimées et ne pourront pas être restaurées. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?",
"vip": "Niveau d'adhésion",
"address": "Informations sur l'adresse"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ export default {
"weight": "重量",
"material": "材质",
"prodEn": "英文品名",
"prodFr": "法文品名",
"prodTitle": "中文品名",
"form": "填单",
"box": "",
"prodAttr": "特性",
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ export default {
"consignorEmail": "发货人邮箱",
"consignorCom": "发货人公司中文名称",
"consignorComEn": "发货人公司英文名称",
"consignee": "收货人",
"consigneeTel": "收货人电话",
"consigneeEmail": "收货人邮箱",
......@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ export default {
"index": "序号",
"prodZh": "中文品名",
"prodEn": "英文品名",
"prod": "品名",
"formNum": "填单件数",
"leviteNum": "入仓件数",
"unit": "单位",
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