Commit 52e3d4a9 authored by chenwei's avatar chenwei


parent 34046dae
<view class="activity_detail">
<dHeader :title="detail.activity"></dHeader>
<view class="container">
<view class="img-box">
......@@ -16,7 +15,7 @@
v-if="detailInfo.type == 4"
locale === 'zh_CN'
locale === 'zh'
? detailInfo.extraShare.activityDescZh
: detailInfo.extraShare.activityDescEn
......@@ -27,7 +26,7 @@
<view class="cell-content">
<image class="cell-image" src="../../static/img/score_b.png"></image>
<span v-if="detailInfo.type == 4">{{
<span v-if="detailInfo.type == 3">{{
......@@ -115,6 +114,7 @@ export default {
// 时间范围返回
getTimeRange(start, end) {
const formatDate = (timestamp) => {
const date = new Date(timestamp)
const year = date.getFullYear()
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ export default {
.post('/app-api/member/score-rule/share-record/create', { memberId: this.$,
ruleId: })
.then(({ code, data }) => {
if (code == 0 && data) {
if (code == 0) {
const str =this.getCopyText(item)
......@@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ export default {
position: relative;
position: absolute;
right: 6px;
right: 14upx;
bottom: 10upx;
padding: 2upx 12px;
padding: 6upx 28upx;
border-radius: 100px;
font-size: 20upx;
font-size: 24upx;
border: 1px solid #5382fe;
color: #5382fe;
export default {
"activity": "Event Details",
"illustrate": "Points Description",
"maxIntegral": "Accumulate the highest number of points",
"date": "expiration date",
"rulesIllustrate": "Rule Description",
"total": "total",
"integral": "integral",
"exchangeTitle": "Redemption details",
"activityTime": "Event time",
"exchangeOutlets": "Redemption outlets",
"exchangeType": "Redemption Method",
"address": "Delivery address",
"courierNum": "The tracking number",
"courierCompany": "Courier companies",
"courierTime": "The date of delivery",
"remark": "remark",
"errorMsg": "The address cannot be modified after submission, if you need to modify the address, please contact customer service",
"to": "to"
\ No newline at end of file
activity: 'Event Details',
illustrate: 'Points Description',
maxIntegral: 'Accumulate the highest number of points',
date: 'expiration date',
rulesIllustrate: 'Rule Description',
total: 'total',
integral: 'integral',
num: val => {
return `'total ${val} pieces'`
exchangeTitle: 'Redemption details',
activityTime: 'Event time',
exchangeOutlets: 'Redemption outlets',
exchangeType: 'Redemption Method',
address: 'Delivery address',
courierNum: 'The tracking number',
courierCompany: 'Courier companies',
courierTime: 'The date of delivery',
remark: 'remark',
'The address cannot be modified after submission, if you need to modify the address, please contact customer service',
registerLabel: val => `${val} points for successful registration`,
referralCodeLabel: val => `Earn ${val} points for each person invited to register and log in`,
shareLabel: val => `Get ${val} points per click after sharing on social platforms`,
orderRuleLabel: params => `${params.low}${params.unit}-${params.high}${params.unit} Get ${params.score}`,
to: 'to',
......@@ -10,15 +10,24 @@ export default {
pointsCampaign: 'points campaign',
pointsRemark: 'Points can be redeemed differently at different outlets',
outlets: 'Please select a location',
remainder: val => {
return `剩余${val}份`
orderMail: 'Confirm the order',
code: 'Get a verification code',
codePlaceloader: 'Please enter a verification code',
codeError: 'The verification code is incorrect',
codeTimeText: val => {
return `${val}秒后重新获取`
remark: 'Please enter a comment',
submitOrder: 'Submit your order',
redeemType: 'Redemption Method',
activityTime: 'Event time',
textLength: 'Enter up to 100 words',
totalScore: num => {
return `已选${num}件,合计积分:`
totalScore1: 'integral',
addAddress: 'new address for additional shipments',
totalScoreError: 'Insufficient points',
export default {
"activity": "活动详情",
"illustrate": "积分说明",
"maxIntegral": "累计最高积分",
"date": "有效期",
"rulesIllustrate": "规则说明",
"total": "共计",
"integral": "积分",
"exchangeTitle": "兑换详情",
"activityTime": "活动时间",
"exchangeOutlets": "兑换网点",
"exchangeType": "兑换方式",
"address": "收货地址",
"courierNum": "快递单号",
"courierCompany": "快递公司",
"courierTime": "快递日期",
"remark": "备注",
"errorMsg": "地址提交后无法修改,如需修改地址请联系客服",
"to": ""
\ No newline at end of file
activity: '活动详情',
illustrate: '积分说明',
maxIntegral: '累计最高积分',
date: '有效期',
rulesIllustrate: '规则说明',
total: '共计',
integral: '积分',
num: val => {
return `共${val}件`
exchangeTitle: '兑换详情',
activityTime: '活动时间',
exchangeOutlets: '兑换网点',
exchangeType: '兑换方式',
address: '收货地址',
courierNum: '快递单号',
courierCompany: '快递公司',
courierTime: '快递日期',
remark: '备注',
errorMsg: '地址提交后无法修改,如需修改地址请联系客服',
registerLabel: val => `注册成功即可获得${val}积分`,
referralCodeLabel: val => `每邀请1人注册并登录获得${val}积分`,
shareLabel: val => `分享到社交平台后,每次点击获得${val}积分`,
orderRuleLabel: params => `${params.low}${params.unit}-${params.high}${params.unit}获得${params.score}积分`,
to: '',
......@@ -10,15 +10,24 @@ export default {
pointsCampaign: '积分活动',
pointsRemark: '不同网点兑换积分不同',
outlets: '请选择网点',
remainder: val => {
return `剩余${val}份`
orderMail: '确定订单',
code: '获取验证码',
codePlaceloader: '请输入验证码',
codeError: '验证码错误',
codeTimeText: val => {
return `${val}秒后重新获取`
remark: '请输入备注',
submitOrder: '提交订单',
redeemType: '兑换方式',
activityTime: '活动时间',
textLength: '最多输入100字',
totalScore: num => {
return `已选${num}件,合计积分:`
totalScore1: '积分',
addAddress: '新增收货地址',
totalScoreError: '积分不足',
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