import config from './config'

 * Parse the time to string
 * @param {(Object|string|number)} time
 * @param {string} cFormat
 * @returns {string | null}
export function parseTime(time, cFormat) {
  if (!time || +time === 0) {
      return '-'
  if (arguments.length === 0) {
    return null
  const format = cFormat || '{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}'
  let date
  if (typeof time === 'object') {
    date = time
  } else {
    if ((typeof time === 'string') && (/^[0-9]+$/.test(time))) {
      time = parseInt(time)
    if ((typeof time === 'number') && (time.toString().length === 10)) {
      time = time * 1000
    date = new Date(time)
  const formatObj = {
    y: date.getFullYear(),
    m: date.getMonth() + 1,
    d: date.getDate(),
    h: date.getHours(),
    i: date.getMinutes(),
    s: date.getSeconds(),
    a: date.getDay()
  const time_str = format.replace(/{([ymdhisa])+}/g, (result, key) => {
    const value = formatObj[key]
    // Note: getDay() returns 0 on Sunday
    if (key === 'a') { return ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'][value ] }
    return value.toString().padStart(2, '0')
  return time_str

 * @param {number} time
 * @param {string} option
 * @returns {string}
export function formatTime(time, option = '{y}-{m}-{d}') {
  // 字符串格式的日期需要转为时间戳(不是纯数字)
  if (!(/^\d+$/.test(time))) {
    time = (new Date(time.replace(/\-/g, '/'))).getTime()

  // 10位的时间戳需要转为 毫秒时间戳
  if (('' + time).length === 10) {
    time = parseInt(time) * 1000
  } else {
    time = +time
  const d = new Date(time)
  const now =

  const diff = (now - d) / 1000

  if (diff < 30) {
    return '刚刚'
  } else if (diff < 3600) {
    // less 1 hour
    return Math.ceil(diff / 60) + '分钟前'
  } else if (diff < 3600 * 24) {
    return Math.ceil(diff / 3600) + '小时前'
  } else if (diff < 3600 * 24 * 2) {
    return '1天前'
  if (option) {
    return parseTime(time, option)
  } else {
    return (
      d.getMonth() +
      1 +
      '月' +
      d.getDate() +
      '日' +
      d.getHours() +
      '时' +
      d.getMinutes() +

 * @param {number} size
 * @returns {string}
export function formatSize(size) {
    if (typeof size !== 'number') {
        size = parseInt(size)
    const arrUnit = ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P']
    const baseStep = 1024
    const unitCount = arrUnit.length
    let unitIndex = 0
    while (size >= baseStep && unitIndex < unitCount - 1) {
        size /= baseStep
    size = size.toFixed(2)
    return size + '' + arrUnit[unitIndex]

// 不全静态文件地址
export function cdn(url, size = null) {
  if (!url) return ''
  if (url.substr(0, 4) === 'http') return url
  if (url.substr(0, 1) === '.') url = url.substr(1)
  // xs,sm,md,lg
    let matchs = /storage([\/a-zA-Z0-9]+)\.(jpg|png|jpeg)/.exec(url)
    if(matchs && matchs.length == 3){
      url = 'thumb' + matchs[1] + '@' + size + '.' + matchs[2]
  return config.CDN_DOMAIN + '/' + url	

export function desens(value) {
  if(!value || !value.length) return '-'
    if(value.length <= 6){
      return value
    return value.substr(0, 6) + '...' + value.substr(-4)

export function getPrePage() {
	let pages = getCurrentPages()
	let prePage = pages[pages.length-2]
	// #ifdef APP-PLUS
	prePage = prePage.$vm
	// #endif
	return prePage