"请输入整数或保留小数点后两位":"Please enter an integer number or keep two decimal places",
"请输入整数或保留小数点后两位":"Please enter an integer number or keep two decimal places",
"请输入快递寄出人":"Please enter an Courier",
"请输入快递寄出人":"Please enter an Courier",
"请先选择会员再进行操作":"Please select a member before proceeding"
"请先选择会员再进行操作":"Please select a member before proceeding",
"累计最高积分":"Cumulative maximum points:",
"指标类型":"pointer type",
"中文封面图":"Chinese cover picture",
"英文封面图":"English cover picture",
"首单":"first order",
"积分规则":"integration rule",
"活动有效期":"Activity validity period",
"积分有效期":"Point validity period",
"是否推送":"Push or not",
"展示平台":"display platform",
"英文规则说明":"English rule description",
"中文规则说明":"Chinese rule description",
"注:此说明用于展示给会员查看积分原因,请规范填写":"Note: This description is used to show the reason for members to view the points, please fill in the standard",
"请选择活动有效期":"Please select an activity validity period",
"请选择注册平台":"Please select the registration platform",
"请选择指标类型":"Please select the indicator type",
"请输入积分有效天数":"Please enter the number of days the credits are valid",
"请输入整数":"Please enter an integer",
"请输入中文规则说明":"Please enter the rule description in Chinese",
"请输入英文规则说明":"Please enter English rule description",
"请输入积分规则":"Please enter the scoring rules",
"请选择是否推送":"Please select whether to push",
"保存并启用":"Save and Enable",
"订单入口":"Order Entry",
"是否确认重置此礼品规则表单":"Do you want to reset this gift rule form?",
"注册平台":"Registration platform",
"等级名称":"User level name",
"是否确认启用此礼品规则":"Do you confirm to enable this gift rule?",
"是否确认复制礼品规则":"Do you want to copy gift rules?",
"是否确认关闭此礼品规则":"Do you want to confirm to turn off this gift rule?",
"单次积分":"Single integration",
"规则说明":"Specification of rules",
"最高积分":"Maximum points ",
"会员注册时间":"Member Registration Time",
"已兑换积分":"Redeemed points",
"已失效积分":"Expired integral",
"请输入关键词查找":"Please enter keyword search",
"以上数据格式有问题":"There is a problem with the above data format",
"积分记录ID":"Integral record ID",
"封面图片":"cover picture",
"积分来源":"Integral source",
"操作积分时间":"Operation integration time",
"导入失败:":"Import failure:",
"此操作积分可能存在到期积分, 撤销后积分将进行扣除,是否继续?":"This operation point may have expired points, points will be deducted after cancellation, do you want to continue?",
"是否继续核销回退?":"Do you continue to write off the rollback?",