"请输入内部名称-中文":"Please enter internal name - Chinese",
"请输入内部名称-英文":"Please enter the internal name - English",
"备注-中文":"Remarks - Chinese",
"备注-英文":"Remarks - English",
"请输入备注-英文":"Please enter remarks - English",
"货物毛重(KGS)":"Gross weight of goods (KGS)",
"请输入货物毛重":"Please enter the gross weight of the goods",
"提单确认件.xlsx":"Bill of Lading Confirmation.xlsx",
"提交佣金付款单反核销申请成功,请耐心等待审核结果":"Successfully submitted the commission payment form cancellation application. Please be patient and wait for the review result",
"客户档案未设置银行账户。":"The customer profile does not have a bank account set up.",
"反核销审核详情":"Details of anti verification approval",
"全部核销审核详情":"Full verification and review details",
"取消全部核销审核":"Cancel All Write-off Review",
"提交收款单反核销":"Submit payment receipt for reverse verification",
"输入金额不对":"Incorrect input amount",
"标签超过1000需要耐心等候标签生成,请稍候":"Tags exceeding 1000 require patience to wait for tag generation, please wait",
"首次入仓时间":"First entry time",
"订单{no}的放货箱数不能大于可放货箱数":"The number of delivery boxes for order {no} cannot be greater than the number of available delivery boxes",
"请填写合作开始时间":"Please fill in the start time of cooperation",
"请填写合作结束时间":"Please fill in the cooperation end time",
"境内外":"domestic and foreign",
"佣金付款单反审核":"De-approval of commission payment documents",