Commit 19580036 authored by 我在何方's avatar 我在何方


parents d4b5772f 7c854867
......@@ -780,4 +780,18 @@ export function getDestCountryByOrderId(params){
// 订单费用汇总
export function orderSummary(orderId){
return request({
url: '/ecw/orderCount/orderSummary/' + orderId,
method: 'get'
// 订单明细汇总
export function orderDetailSummary(orderId){
return request({
url: '/ecw/orderCount/orderDetailSummary/' + orderId,
method: 'get'
......@@ -3875,171 +3875,171 @@
"新增品名中文": "New product name in Chinese",
"新增品名英文": "New product name in English",
"{prods}等商品拆单总数据跟主单不匹配": "The total data for the split order of {prods} products does not match the main order.",
"入仓特性": "",
"剩余入仓方数": "",
"剩余收费方数": "",
"剩余入仓重量": "",
"剩余收费重量": "",
"是否需要一起预装?": "",
"请注意,预装反审后,全部提单需重新制作": "",
"请先处理完出货异常,再进行操作": "",
"业绩类型": "",
"普通订单": "",
"收费统计": "",
"公司中文名称": "",
"展示": "",
"无归属订单": "Unassigned Order",
"最多可放入{quantity}": "",
"可放入仓方数": "",
"可放入收费方数": "",
"入仓方数": "",
"收费方数": "",
"可放入重量": "",
"可放入收费重量": "",
"请选择提单制作状态": "",
"提单状态": "",
"部分完成": "",
"数量(个)": "",
"品名可拆数据": "",
"剩余货值": "",
"可拆入仓记录": "",
"已拆完": "",
"已放入入仓记录": "",
"放入货值": "",
"{num}箱": "",
"长{boxGauge1}cm": "",
"宽{boxGauge2}cm": "",
"高{boxGauge3}cm": "",
"方数{volume}m³": "",
"重量{weight}kg": "",
"数量{n}": "",
"快递{expressNo}": "",
"储位{location}": "",
"请选择入仓记录": "",
"暂无入仓记录": "",
"请至少放入一条数据": "",
"确定要清空放入数据么?": "",
"是否需要一起移出?": "",
"币种1": "",
"请选择币种": "",
"币种2": "",
"币种1 金额": "",
"币种1金额兑换币种2汇率": "",
"币种2金额": "",
"最后修改人": "",
"日志": "",
"例子:": "",
"例子:1RMB = 0.138611USD": "",
"最后更新人": "",
"修改前内容": "",
"币种1:": "",
"币种2:": "",
"汇率:": "",
"币种1不能为空": "",
"原币种代码不能为空": "",
"币种2不能为空": "",
"目标种代码不能为空": "",
"汇率不能为空": "",
"是否确认删除汇率管理编号为": "",
"是否确认导出所有汇率管理数据项?": "",
"汇率不能为0,请输入正确的汇率": "",
"核销基准币种汇率不能为0,请输入正确的汇率": "",
"期望收款汇率不能为0,请输入正确的汇率": "",
"广州市捷道国际货运代理有限公司": "E&C LOGISTICS LIMITED",
"美元": "",
"目的国": "",
"自编号状态": "",
"结算时间": "",
"是否结算": "",
"No.柜号": "",
"应收款(Accounts receivable)": "",
"received in + 目的国国家(目的地实收)": "",
"received in China(中国实收)": "",
"Discounts 折扣": "",
"是否重泡货": "",
"收费数据": "",
"订单优惠金额": "",
"实收总金额": "",
"已收总金额": "",
"应收运费": "",
"运费优惠金额": "",
"实收运费": "",
"已收运费": "",
"应收清关费": "",
"实收清关费": "",
"清关费优惠金额": "",
"已收清关费": "",
"应收额外费用": "",
"实收额外费用": "",
"额外费用优惠金额": "",
"已收额外费用": "",
"是否全部核销": "",
"订单入仓时间": "",
"订单装柜时间": "",
"上传新附件": "",
"您最多上传10个附件": "",
"附件仅限doc/xls/ppt/txt/pdf/jpg/png/jpeg/docx/xlsx格式": "",
"上传成功": "",
"确定删除附件吗?": "",
"实收总额": "",
"已核销总金额": "",
"是否重货": "",
"原收费数据": "",
"优惠重货标准": "",
"实际收费数据": "",
"入仓实测": "",
"是否重货/泡货": "",
"应收数据": "",
"实收数据": "",
"应收单价": "",
"优惠单价金额": "",
"应收运费&清关费": "",
"收款单优惠金额": "",
"总优惠金额": "",
"实收运费&清关费": "",
"特需类型": "",
"收款优惠金额": "",
"实收美元金额": "",
"优惠活动": "",
"优惠ID": "",
"优惠名称": "",
"运费优惠": "",
"清关费优惠": "",
"特价折扣": "",
"请求备注": "",
"请求内容": "",
"查看报关资料": "",
"费用汇总": "",
"费用来源": "",
"请再次确认运费由您支付还是收货人支付?": "",
"测量方数汇总": "",
"收费方数汇总": "",
"重量汇总": "",
"多个异常": "",
"提货方式": "",
"入仓记录放入确认": "",
"可拆出入仓记录": "",
"可拆": "",
"m³": "",
"kg": "",
"新入仓记录": "",
"确定要删除该行入仓记录吗?": "",
"请填写收费方数": "",
"请填写收费重量": "",
"请放入品名": "",
"放入箱数不能大于可拆箱数": "",
"{field}最少为0.01": "",
"暂无货物入库信息": "",
"多了": "",
"阶梯和价格设置不能留空": "",
"目的港码头": "",
"TIN NO./RC NO.": "",
"请输入TIN NO./RC NO.": "",
"CTN证书": "",
"COC证书": "",
"SONCAP证书": "",
"码头": "",
"保费币种": "",
"是否支持控货": "",
"默认送货上门": ""
"入仓特性": "Entry characteristics",
"剩余入仓方数": "Remaining number of warehouse entry parties",
"剩余收费方数": "Number of remaining charging parties",
"剩余入仓重量": "Remaining warehousing weight",
"剩余收费重量": "Remaining chargeable weight",
"是否需要一起预装?": "Do you need to pre install it together?",
"请注意,预装反审后,全部提单需重新制作": "Please note that after pre installation and review, all bills of lading need to be remade",
"请先处理完出货异常,再进行操作": "Please handle the shipment exception first before proceeding with the operation",
"业绩类型": "Performance type",
"普通订单": "Ordinary orders",
"收费统计": "Fee statistics",
"公司中文名称": "Chinese name of the company",
"展示": "show",
"无归属订单": "No ownership order",
"最多可放入{quantity}": "Up to {quantity} can be placed",
"可放入仓方数": "Number of storage units that can be placed",
"可放入收费方数": "Number of charging parties that can be placed",
"入仓方数": "Number of parties entering the warehouse",
"收费方数": "Number of charging parties",
"可放入重量": "Can be put into weight",
"可放入收费重量": "Can accommodate chargeable weight",
"请选择提单制作状态": "Please select the bill of lading production status",
"提单状态": "Bill of Lading Status",
"部分完成": "Partially completed",
"数量(个)": "Quantity (pieces)",
"品名可拆数据": "Product name detachable data",
"剩余货值": "Remaining value",
"可拆入仓记录": "Removable warehouse records",
"已拆完": "Completed dismantling",
"已放入入仓记录": "Placed in warehouse entry record",
"放入货值": "Value of goods placed",
"{num}箱": "{num} box",
"长{boxGauge1}cm": "Length {boxGauge1} cm",
"宽{boxGauge2}cm": "Width {boxGauge2} cm",
"高{boxGauge3}cm": "Height {boxGauge3} cm",
"方数{volume}m³": "Square {volume} m ³",
"重量{weight}kg": "Weight {weight} kg",
"数量{n}": "Quantity {n}",
"快递{expressNo}": "Express {expressNo}",
"储位{location}": "Storage location",
"请选择入仓记录": "Please select a warehouse entry record",
"暂无入仓记录": "There is currently no record of warehouse entry",
"请至少放入一条数据": "Please place at least one piece of data",
"确定要清空放入数据么?": "Are you sure you want to clear the data?",
"是否需要一起移出?": "Do you need to remove it together?",
"币种1": "Currency 1",
"请选择币种": "Please select a currency",
"币种2": "Currency 2",
"币种1 金额": "Currency 1 Amount",
"币种1金额兑换币种2汇率": "Currency 1 Amount Exchange Currency 2 Exchange Rate",
"币种2金额": "Currency 2 Amount",
"最后修改人": "Last modified by",
"日志": "journal",
"例子:": "Example:",
"例子:1RMB = 0.138611USD": "Example: 1RMB=0.138611USD",
"最后更新人": "Last updated by",
"修改前内容": "Content before modification",
"币种1:": "Currency 1:",
"币种2:": "Currency 2:",
"汇率:": "Exchange rate:",
"币种1不能为空": "Currency 1 cannot be empty",
"原币种代码不能为空": "The original currency code cannot be empty",
"币种2不能为空": "Currency 2 cannot be empty",
"目标种代码不能为空": "The target type code cannot be empty",
"汇率不能为空": "Exchange rate cannot be empty",
"是否确认删除汇率管理编号为": "Are you sure to delete the exchange rate management number as",
"是否确认导出所有汇率管理数据项?": "Are you sure to export all exchange rate management data items?",
"汇率不能为0,请输入正确的汇率": "The exchange rate cannot be 0. Please enter the correct exchange rate",
"核销基准币种汇率不能为0,请输入正确的汇率": "The benchmark currency exchange rate for verification cannot be 0. Please enter the correct exchange rate",
"期望收款汇率不能为0,请输入正确的汇率": "The expected collection exchange rate cannot be 0. Please enter the correct exchange rate",
"美元": "dollar",
"目的国": "Destination country",
"自编号状态": "Self numbered status",
"结算时间": "Settlement time",
"是否结算": "Settlement or not",
"No.柜号": "Cabinet No",
"应收款(Accounts receivableAccounts receivable)": "Accounts receivable",
"received in + 目的国国家Received in+items(目的地实收)": "Received in+Country of Destination Received in+Items",
"received in China(中国实收)": "Received in China",
"Discounts 折扣": "Discounts",
"是否重泡货": "Do you want to re bubble the goods",
"收费数据": "Fee data",
"订单优惠金额": "Order discount amount",
"实收总金额": "Total amount received",
"已收总金额": "Total amount received",
"应收运费": "Freight receivable",
"运费优惠金额": "Freight discount amount",
"实收运费": "Paid-up freight",
"已收运费": "Received shipping fee",
"应收清关费": "Payable customs clearance fee",
"实收清关费": "Paid-in customs clearance fee",
"清关费优惠金额": "Discount amount for customs clearance fee",
"已收清关费": "Customs clearance fee received",
"应收额外费用": "Additional fees receivable",
"实收额外费用": "Actual additional fees received",
"额外费用优惠金额": "Additional fee discount amount",
"已收额外费用": "Additional fees received",
"是否全部核销": "Whether to write off all",
"订单入仓时间": "Order warehousing time",
"订单装柜时间": "Order loading time",
"上传新附件": "Upload a new attachment",
"您最多上传10个附件": "You can upload up to 10 attachments",
"附件仅限doc/xls/ppt/txt/pdf/jpg/png/jpeg/docx/xlsx格式": "Attachment only in doc/xls/ppt/txt/pdf/jpg/png/jpeg/docx/xlsx format",
"上传成功": "Upload successful",
"确定删除附件吗?": "Are you sure to delete the attachment?",
"实收总额": "Total amount received",
"已核销总金额": "Total amount written off",
"是否重货": "Heavy cargo or not",
"原收费数据": "Original fee data",
"优惠重货标准": "Preferential Heavy Duty Standard",
"实际收费数据": "Actual Charge Data",
"入仓实测": "Actual measurement during warehousing",
"是否重货/泡货": "Whether it is heavy or not",
"应收数据": "Accounts receivable data",
"实收数据": "Paid-in data",
"应收单价": "Receivable unit price",
"优惠单价金额": "Discount unit price amount",
"应收运费&清关费": "Receivable freight and customs clearance fees",
"收款单优惠金额": "Discount amount on payment receipt",
"总优惠金额": "Total discount amount",
"实收运费&清关费": "Paid-up shipping and customs clearance fees",
"特需类型": "Special type",
"收款优惠金额": "Collection discount amount",
"实收美元金额": "Paid-in USD amount",
"优惠活动": "Promotional Activities",
"优惠ID": "Offer ID",
"优惠名称": "Offer Name",
"运费优惠": "Freight discount",
"清关费优惠": "Customs clearance fee discount",
"特价折扣": "Special discount",
"请求备注": "Request Comment",
"请求内容": "Request Content",
"查看报关资料": "View customs declaration information",
"费用汇总": "Cost aggregation ",
"费用来源": "Source of expenses",
"请再次确认运费由您支付还是收货人支付?": "Please confirm again whether the shipping fee will be paid by you or by the consignee?",
"测量方数汇总": "Summary of measurement quantities",
"收费方数汇总": "Summary of charging parties",
"重量汇总": "Weight Summary",
"多个异常": "Multiple exceptions",
"提货方式": "Delivery method",
"入仓记录放入确认": "Confirmation of placement of warehouse entry records",
"可拆出入仓记录": "Removable warehouse entry records",
"可拆": "Detachable",
"m³": "M ³",
"kg": "Kg",
"新入仓记录": "New Entry Record",
"确定要删除该行入仓记录吗?": "Are you sure you want to delete the warehouse entry record for this row?",
"请填写收费方数": "Please fill in the number of charging parties",
"请填写收费重量": "Please fill in the chargeable weight",
"请放入品名": "Please include the product name",
"放入箱数不能大于可拆箱数": "The number of boxes placed cannot be greater than the number of detachable boxes",
"{field}最少为0.01": "{field} should be at least 0.01",
"暂无货物入库信息": "There is currently no information on goods entering the warehouse",
"多了": "Too much",
"阶梯和价格设置不能留空": "Ladder and price settings cannot be set",
"目的港码头": "Destination Port Terminal",
"请输入TIN NO./RC NO.": "Please enter TIN NO./RC NO",
"CTN证书": "CTN certificate",
"COC证书": "COC certificate",
"SONCAP证书": "SONCAP Certificate ",
"码头": "wharf",
"保费币种": "Premium Currency",
"是否支持控货": "Does it support controlling goods",
"默认送货上门": "Default door-to-door delivery",
"广州市捷道国际货运代理有限公司": "E&C LOGISTICS LIMITED"
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
<el-form-item :label="$t('装柜时间')" prop="ldBoxTime">
{{cabinetObj.ldBoxTime?new Date(cabinetObj.ldBoxTime).format('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss'):new Date().format('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss')}}
<!-- <el-date-picker type="datetime" :placeholder="$t('请选择日期')" v-model="cabinetObj.ldBoxTime" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"></el-date-picker> -->
<!-- {{cabinetObj.ldBoxTime?new Date(cabinetObj.ldBoxTime).format('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss'):new Date().format('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss')}} -->
<el-date-picker type="datetime" :placeholder="$t('请选择日期')" v-model="cabinetObj.ldBoxTime" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"></el-date-picker>
<el-form-item :label="$t('出仓时间')">
<el-date-picker type="datetime" :placeholder="$t('请选择日期')" v-model="cabinetObj.ldOutWarehouseTime" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"></el-date-picker>
......@@ -585,30 +585,9 @@ export default {
const list = this.warehouseInList.find(item => item.orderItemId == orderItemId)?.orderWarehouseInBackItemDoList || []
return => {
let [boxGauge1, boxGauge2, boxGauge3] = item.boxGauge.split('*')
let labelArr = [
this.$t('{num}箱', {num: item.cartonsNum}),
this.$l(this.getDictDatas(this.DICT_TYPE.WAREHOUSING_SPECIFICATION_TYPE).find(dict => dict.value == item.specificationType), 'label'),
this.$t('长{boxGauge1}cm', {boxGauge1}),
this.$t('宽{boxGauge2}cm', {boxGauge2}),
this.$t('高{boxGauge3}cm', {boxGauge3}),
this.$t('方数{volume}m³', {volume: item.volume}),
this.$t('重量{weight}kg', {weight: item.weight})
if (item.quantityAll) {
labelArr.push(this.$t('数量{n}', {n: item.quantityAll}))
if (item.expressNo) {
labelArr.push(this.$t('快递{expressNo}', {expressNo: item.expressNo}))
if (item.orderLocationBackVOList && item.orderLocationBackVOList.length) {
labelArr.push(this.$t('储位{location}', {
location: => v.code || v.areaName + (v.locationName || '')).join(',')
item.boxGauge1 = boxGauge1
item.boxGauge2 = boxGauge2
item.boxGauge3 = boxGauge3
item.text = labelArr.join(',')
return item
......@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
v-hasPermi="['ecw:currency:create']">{{ $t('新增') }}</el-button>
<el-col :span="1.5">
<el-button type="warning" plain icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" @click="handleExport" :loading="exportLoading"
v-hasPermi="['ecw:currency:export']">{{ $t('导出') }}</el-button>
<!-- <el-button type="warning" plain icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" @click="handleExport" :loading="exportLoading"-->
<!-- v-hasPermi="['ecw:currency:export']">{{ $t('导出') }}</el-button>-->
<right-toolbar :showSearch.sync="showSearch" @queryTable="getList"></right-toolbar>
......@@ -179,6 +179,9 @@ export default {
form: {},
// 表单校验
rules: {
fuhao:{required:true,message:'请输入货币符号 ',target:'blur'},
statusDictDatas: getDictDatas(DICT_TYPE.COMMON_STATUS),
......@@ -228,7 +231,18 @@ export default {
/** 重置按钮操作 */
resetQuery() {
this.queryParams = {
pageNo: 1,
pageSize: 10,
titleZh: null,
titleEn: null,
fuhao: null,
status: null,
huilv: null,
aorder: null,
createAt: null,
updateAt: null,
/** 新增按钮操作 */
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
:key="" :label="$l(dict,'title') + dict.fuhao" :value="" />
<el-form-item label="币种2" prop="targetCurrencyId">
<el-form-item :label="$t('币种2')" prop="targetCurrencyId">
<el-select v-model="form.targetCurrencyId" :placeholder="$t('请选择币种')">
<el-option :disabled="dict.status === 1" @click.native="() => form.targetCurrencyCode = dict.fuhao" v-for="dict in currencyList"
:key="" :label="$l(dict,'title') + dict.fuhao" :value="" />
<el-dialog visible width="1500px" title="NG23022222L费用汇总" :before-close="close">
<span slot="header" class="header-title">订单收费汇总</span>
<span slot="header" class="header-title">{{$t('订单收费汇总')}}</span>
<el-descriptions :column="4">
<el-descriptions-item :label="$t('应收运费')"></el-descriptions-item>
<el-descriptions-item :label="$t('应收清关费')"></el-descriptions-item>
......@@ -24,7 +20,7 @@
<el-card class="mt-10">
<span slot="header">入仓信息</span>
<span slot="header">{{$t('入仓信息')}}</span>
<el-descriptions :column="4">
......@@ -37,53 +33,204 @@
<el-descriptions-item :label="$t('货值')"></el-descriptions-item>
<el-card class="mt-10">
<span slot="header">运费&清关费</span>
<el-card class="mt-10" v-if="orderDetailSummary">
<span slot="header">{{$t('运费')}} & {{$t('清关费')}}</span>
<el-table :data="[]">
<el-table :data="orderDetailSummary.orderItemCostDtoList">
<el-table-column :label="$t('序号')" width="80">
<template slot-scope="scope">{{scope.$index+1}}</template>
<el-table-column :label="$t('中文品名')" width="120" prop="titleZh"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('英文品名')" width="120" prop="titleEn"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('品牌')" width="120" prop="brand"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('入仓实测')" width="120" prop="inData"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('是否重货/泡货')" width="120" prop="isHeavy"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('应收数据')" width="120" prop="inData"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('实收数据')" width="120" prop="realData"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('应收单价')" width="120" prop="price"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('优惠单价金额')" width="120" prop="discountPrice"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('成交单价')" width="120" prop="dealPrice"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('应收运费&清关费')" width="120" prop="fee"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('收款单优惠金额')" width="120" prop="discountFee"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('总优惠金额')" width="120" prop="totalDiscountFee"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('实收运费&清关费')" width="120" prop="realFee"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('中文品名')" prop="prodTitleZh"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('英文品名')" prop="prodTitleEn"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('品牌')" prop="brandName">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
<span v-if="row.brandName">{{row.brandName}}</span>
<dict-tag :type="DICT_TYPE.ECW_IS_BRAND" :value="row.brandType"></dict-tag>
<el-table-column :label="$t('入仓实测')">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
<span class="ml-5">{{row.warehouseInVolume}}</span>
<span class="ml-5">{{row.warehouseInWeight}}kg</span>
<span class="ml-5" v-if="row.warehouseInQuantity">{{row.warehouseInQuantity}}{{$t('')}}</span>
<el-table-column :label="$t('是否重货/泡货')">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
<!--1 普货 2 重货 3 泡货-->
<dict-tag :type="DICT_TYPE.ECW_YESNO" :value="row.itemType != 1 ? '1' : '0'"></dict-tag>
<el-table-column :label="$t('应收数据')">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
<span class="ml-5">{{row.orgChargeVolume}}</span>
<span class="ml-5">{{row.orgChargeWeight}}kg</span>
<span class="ml-5" v-if="row.orgChargeQuantity">{{row.orgChargeQuantity}}{{$t('')}}</span>
<el-table-column :label="$t('实收数据')">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
<span class="ml-5">{{row.realityChargeVolume}}</span>
<span class="ml-5">{{row.realityChargeWeight}}kg</span>
<span class="ml-5" v-if="row.realityChargeQuantity">{{row.realityChargeQuantity}}{{$t('')}}</span>
<el-table-column :label="$t('应收单价')">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
<!--<template v-if="row.charging">
<template v-else>
:charging="row.charging == 1"
<el-table-column :label="$t('优惠单价金额')">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
:charging="row.charging == 1"
<el-table-column :label="$t('成交单价')">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
:charging="row.charging == 1"
<el-table-column :label="$t('应收运费') + '&' + $t('清关费')">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
:charging="row.charging == 1"
<el-table-column :label="$t('收款单优惠金额')" width="120" prop="discountFee">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
:charging="row.charging == 1"
<el-table-column :label="$t('总优惠金额')">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
:charging="row.charging == 1"
<el-table-column :label="$t('实收运费') + '&' + $t('清关费')">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
:charging="row.charging == 1"
<el-card class="mt-10">
<span slot="header">保费</span>
<span slot="header">{{$t('保费')}}</span>
<div v-if="insuranceFeeDto">
<el-card class="mt-10">
<span slot="header">特需</span>
<span slot="header">{{$t('特需')}}</span>
<el-table :data="[]" show-summary :summary-method="getSpecialSummaries">
<el-table-column :label="$t('特需类型')" width="120" prop="type"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('金额')" width="120" prop="fee"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('付款类型')" width="120" prop="payType"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('备注')" width="120" prop="remark"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('应收金额')" width="120" prop="shouldFee"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('收款优惠金额')" width="120" prop="discountFee"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('实收美元金额')" width="120" prop="realFee"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('确认收款')" width="120" prop="confirm"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('申请人')" width="120" prop="applyUser"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('申请时间')" width="120" prop="applyTime"></el-table-column>
<el-table :data="specialNeedFeeList" show-summary :summary-method="getSpecialSummaries">
<el-table-column :label="$t('特需类型')">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
<!--<dict-tag :type="DICT_TYPE.ORDER_SPECIAL_NEEDS" value="row."></dict-tag>-->
<dict-tag :type="DICT_TYPE.FEE_TYPE" value="row.feeType"></dict-tag>
<el-table-column :label="$t('金额')" prop="realityTotalAmount">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
TODO {{currencyMap[row.currencyId]}}
<el-table-column :label="$t('付款类型')">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
<dict-tag :type="DICT_TYPE.ECW_PAY_ADVANCE" :value="row.isPayAdvance"></dict-tag>
<el-table-column :label="$t('备注')" prop="remark"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('应收金额')">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
<el-table-column :label="$t('收款优惠金额')" width="120" prop="discountFee">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
<el-table-column :label="$t('实收美元金额')" width="120" prop="realFee">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
<el-table-column :label="$t('确认收款')">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
<dict-tag :type="DICT_TYPE.ECW_RECEIVABLE_STATE" :value="row.state"></dict-tag>
<el-table-column :label="$t('申请人')" prop="author"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('申请时间')" prop="applyTime">
<template slot-scope="{row}">{{row.createTime|parseTime}}</template>
<el-card class="mt-10">
<span slot="header">费用申请</span>
<span slot="header">{{$t('费用申请')}}</span>
<el-table :data="[]" show-summary :summary-method="getSpecialSummaries">
<el-table-column :label="$t('费用类型')" width="120" prop="type"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('金额')" width="120" prop="fee"></el-table-column>
......@@ -126,12 +273,43 @@
import {orderDetailSummary, orderSummary} from "@/api/ecw/order";
import {DICT_TYPE} from "@/utils/dict";
import Price from "@/views/ecw/order/components/price.vue";
import {parseTime} from "@/utils/ruoyi";
export default {
orderId: [Number, String],
currencyMap: {
type: Object,
default: () => {
return {}
filters: {parseTime},
components: {Price},
return {
// 订单费用汇总
orderSummary: null,
// 订单费用明细汇总
orderDetailSummary: null
return this.orderDetailSummary?.insuranceFeeDto
return this.orderDetailSummary?.specialNeedFeeList || []
mounted() {
return [
......@@ -140,6 +318,18 @@ export default {
// 获得订单费用汇总
orderSummary(this.orderId).then(res => {
this.orderSummary =
// 获得订单明细汇总
orderDetailSummary(this.orderId).then(res => {
this.orderDetailSummary =
<template v-if="charging">
<template v-else>
export default {
// 货币映射
return {}
// 运费
freight: [String, Number],
// 运费货币
freightCurrency: Number,
// 清关费
clearance: [String, Number],
// 运费货币
clearanceCurrency: Number,
// 是否全包价
charging: Boolean
......@@ -424,13 +424,17 @@
<!-- 报关资料 -->
<declaration-documents v-if="showDeclaration" :order-id="order.orderId" :order-no="order.orderNo" @close="showDeclaration=false" />
<fee-detail v-if="showFeeDetail" :order-id="order.orderId" @close="showFeeDetail=false" />
@close="showFeeDetail=false" />
import { getOrder, operateLogPage } from '@/api/ecw/order'
import {getOrder, operateLogPage} from '@/api/ecw/order'
import { getDictDatas, DICT_TYPE, getDictData } from '@/utils/dict';
import PrintWarehouseReceipt from './components/PrintWarehouseReceipt'
import PrintLadingBill from './components/PrintLadingBill'
......@@ -440,7 +444,6 @@ import {getReceivableListByOrderId} from '@/api/ecw/receipt'
import { getChannel } from '@/api/ecw/channel';
import {listByIds} from '@/api/ecw/region'
import WarehouseDetail from './components/WarehouseDetail';
import {getProductBrank} from '@/api/ecw/productBrank'
import { parseTime } from '@/utils/ruoyi';
import WarehouseAreaSelect from "@/components/WarehouseAreaSelect"
import {checkPermi} from '@/utils/permission'
......@@ -500,7 +503,7 @@ export default {
showLogDetailId: null, // 显示日志详情的ID,
showDeclaration:false, //显示报关资料
showFeeDetail: false // 是否显示费用汇总
showFeeDetail: false, // 是否显示费用汇总
......@@ -556,6 +559,14 @@ export default {
this.region = region
created() {
......@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
......@@ -716,30 +716,9 @@ export default {
const list = this.warehouseInList.find(item => item.orderItemId == orderItemId)?.orderWarehouseInBackItemDoList || []
return => {
let [boxGauge1, boxGauge2, boxGauge3] = item.boxGauge.split('*')
let labelArr = [
this.$t('{num}箱', {num: item.cartonsNum}),
this.$l(this.getDictDatas(this.DICT_TYPE.WAREHOUSING_SPECIFICATION_TYPE).find(dict => dict.value == item.specificationType), 'label'),
this.$t('长{boxGauge1}cm', {boxGauge1}),
this.$t('宽{boxGauge2}cm', {boxGauge2}),
this.$t('高{boxGauge3}cm', {boxGauge3}),
this.$t('方数{volume}m³', {volume: item.volume}),
this.$t('重量{weight}kg', {weight: item.weight})
if (item.quantityAll) {
labelArr.push(this.$t('数量{n}', {n: item.quantityAll}))
if (item.expressNo) {
labelArr.push(this.$t('快递{expressNo}', {expressNo: item.expressNo}))
if (item.orderLocationBackVOList && item.orderLocationBackVOList.length) {
labelArr.push(this.$t('储位{location}', {
location: => v.code || v.areaName + (v.locationName || '')).join(',')
item.boxGauge1 = boxGauge1
item.boxGauge2 = boxGauge2
item.boxGauge3 = boxGauge3
item.text = labelArr.join(',')
return item
......@@ -324,7 +324,6 @@
<el-form-item :label="$t('是否支持控货')">
<el-radio-group v-model="lineform.controlStatus">
<el-radio :label="0">支持</el-radio>
<el-radio :label="1">不支持</el-radio>
......@@ -862,6 +861,8 @@ export default {
this.serviceOpen = true;
this.lineform.lineId = row.lineId;
this.lineform.transportType = row.transportType;
this.lineform.currencyUnit = row.currencyUnit === 0 ? '' : row.currencyUnit
this.lineform.controlStatus = row.controlStatus
submitLineForm() {
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