Commit 204cad27 authored by honghy's avatar honghy Committed by wux

需求98 空运待出-可出-新增提示

parent c050efab
......@@ -585,12 +585,26 @@ export default {
// 设置可出
if(row.sumWeight>300) {
var a = "该订单超300kg,运费金额较大,请谨慎检查货物货值及货物内容(是否订制广告品,食品,家私等),考虑预收运费降低风险。"
if(this.$i18n.locale != 'zh_CN') {
a = "This order exceeds 300kg and the shipping cost is relatively high. Please carefully check the value and content of the goods (whether they are customized advertising products, food, furniture, etc.), and consider collecting shipping fees in advance to reduce risks."
this.$confirm(a).then(() =>{
return setCanShipment(row.orderId)
}).then(res =>{
this.$message.success(res.message || this.$t('操作成功'))
} else {
this.$confirm(this.$t(`您确定要将订单{orderNo}设置为可出吗?`, {orderNo: row.orderNo})).then(() =>{
return setCanShipment(row.orderId)
}).then(res =>{
this.$message.success(res.message || this.$t('操作成功'))
// 批量可出
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