Commit 39360559 authored by's avatar


parents ab2061ce 4b661a2f
...@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ VUE_APP_TITLE = 捷道管理系统-测试站 ...@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ VUE_APP_TITLE = 捷道管理系统-测试站
# 捷道管理系统/开发环境 # 捷道管理系统/开发环境
# 路由懒加载 # 路由懒加载
...@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ ...@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@
:key="dict.value" :label="dict.label" :value="parseInt(dict.value)" /> :key="dict.value" :label="dict.label" :value="parseInt(dict.value)" />
</el-select> </el-select>
</el-form-item> </el-form-item>
<el-form-item :label="$t('创建时间')" prop="createTime"> <!-- <el-form-item :label="$t('创建时间')" prop="createTime">
<el-date-picker <el-date-picker
v-model="form.createTime" v-model="form.createTime"
type="datetime" type="datetime"
value-format="timestamp" value-format="timestamp"
:placeholder="$t('选择创建时间')"> :placeholder="$t('选择创建时间')">
</el-date-picker> </el-date-picker>
</el-form-item> </el-form-item> -->
<el-form-item :label="$t('客户经理')" prop="customerService"> <el-form-item :label="$t('客户经理')" prop="customerService">
<el-select v-model="form.customerService" :placeholder="$t('请选择客户经理')"> <el-select v-model="form.customerService" :placeholder="$t('请选择客户经理')">
<el-option v-for="item in serviceUserList" <el-option v-for="item in serviceUserList"
...@@ -3588,207 +3588,207 @@ ...@@ -3588,207 +3588,207 @@
"选中父节点,自动选择子节点": "Select the parent node and select the child node automatically", "选中父节点,自动选择子节点": "Select the parent node and select the child node automatically",
"加载中,请稍后": "Loading, please wait", "加载中,请稍后": "Loading, please wait",
"注:若只有一件,货到仓库立即发,选“是”,多件需仓库集运待发,选“否”\"": "Note: If there is only one carton, the goods will be delivered immediately upon arrival at the warehouse, select \\\"Yes\\\", if over one carton need to be consolidated in the warehouse for delivery, select \\\"No\\\"", "注:若只有一件,货到仓库立即发,选“是”,多件需仓库集运待发,选“否”\"": "Note: If there is only one carton, the goods will be delivered immediately upon arrival at the warehouse, select \\\"Yes\\\", if over one carton need to be consolidated in the warehouse for delivery, select \\\"No\\\"",
"待入仓订单方数": "", "待入仓订单方数": "Number of orders to be placed in the warehouse",
"已入仓订单方数": "", "已入仓订单方数": "Number of orders placed in the warehouse",
"异常订单方数": "", "异常订单方数": "Number of abnormal order parties",
"待排单订单方数": "", "待排单订单方数": "Number of orders to be arranged",
"自单代报订单方数": "", "自单代报订单方数": "Number of self order reporting parties",
"刷新提单文件": "", "刷新提单文件": "Refresh bill of lading file",
"起运港": "", "起运港": "Port of departure",
"请选择起运港": "", "请选择起运港": "Please select the port of departure",
"截补料时间": "", "截补料时间": "Cutoff and replenishment time",
"VGM提交时间": "", "VGM提交时间": "VGM submission time",
"请输入包装单位": "", "请输入包装单位": "Please enter the packaging unit",
"下载提单确认件": "", "下载提单确认件": "Download the bill of lading confirmation document",
"没有此操作的权限": "", "没有此操作的权限": "No permission for this operation",
"请输入提单补料": "", "请输入提单补料": "Please input the bill of lading supplement",
"延期活动时间": "", "延期活动时间": "Delayed activity time",
"优惠活动“{name}”的当前结束时间:{time}": "", "优惠活动“{name}”的当前结束时间:{time}": "Current end time of promotional activity '{name}': {time}",
"请问您确定延长活动吗?": "", "请问您确定延长活动吗?": "Are you sure you want to extend the event?",
"活动结束时间": "", "活动结束时间": "Event End Time",
"请填写结束时间": "", "请填写结束时间": "Please fill in the end time",
"客户原计划掉入公海池时间": "", "客户原计划掉入公海池时间": "The customer originally planned to fall into the open sea pool when",
"申请延期后时间": "", "申请延期后时间": "Time after applying for extension",
"客户操作日志": "", "客户操作日志": "Customer Action Log",
"老客户经理": "", "老客户经理": "Old Account Manager",
"新客户经理": "", "新客户经理": "New Account Manager",
"新的预计进入公海的时间": "", "新的预计进入公海的时间": "New estimated time of entry into the high seas",
"老的预计进入公海的时间": "", "老的预计进入公海的时间": "The expected time for the old one to enter the high seas",
"新的预计入公海时间": "", "新的预计入公海时间": "New estimated time of entry into the high seas",
"老的预计入公海时间": "", "老的预计入公海时间": "Old estimated time of entering the high seas",
"客户日志": "", "客户日志": "Customer logs",
"新预计进入公海时间": "", "新预计进入公海时间": "New estimated time of entering the high seas",
"老的预计进入公海时间": "", "老的预计进入公海时间": "Old estimated time of entering the high seas",
"身份证姓名": "Name", "身份证姓名": "ID card name",
"身份证号码": "Card ID", "身份证号码": "ID No",
"请输入币别": "", "请输入币别": "Please enter the currency",
"请输入银行账户": "", "请输入银行账户": "Please enter a bank account",
"公账": "", "公账": "Public account",
"私账": "", "私账": "Private account",
"市场获客": "", "市场获客": "Market acquisition",
"设为空运客户": "", "设为空运客户": "Set as air freight customer",
"设为非空运客户": "", "设为非空运客户": "Set as non air freight customer",
"新老客户": "", "新老客户": "New and old customers",
"新客户": "", "新客户": "New customers",
"老客户": "", "老客户": "Old customers",
"导出明细": "", "导出明细": "Export Details",
"导出统计": "", "导出统计": "Export Statistics",
"是否确认导出所有部门业绩数据项?": "", "是否确认导出所有部门业绩数据项?": "Are you sure to export all department performance data items?",
"业绩明细": "", "业绩明细": "Performance Details",
"是否确认导出所有部门业绩统计?": "", "是否确认导出所有部门业绩统计?": "Are you sure to export performance statistics for all departments?",
"业绩统计": "", "业绩统计": "Performance statistics",
"审核流程": "", "审核流程": "Audit process",
"您确认要提交审核吗": "", "您确认要提交审核吗": "Are you sure you want to submit for review",
"应付款佣金": "", "应付款佣金": "Payable commission",
"应付生成时间": "", "应付生成时间": "Payable generation time",
"未付款": "", "未付款": "Unpaid",
"付款中": "", "付款中": "In payment",
"已付款": "", "已付款": "Paid",
"佣金付款单": "", "佣金付款单": "Commission Payment Order",
"取消核销": "", "取消核销": "Cancel Write-off",
"取消反核销": "", "取消反核销": "Cancel Cancellation of Write-off",
"请输入取消理由": "Enter Cancel Reason", "请输入取消理由": "Please enter the reason for cancellation",
"是否删除此条佣金付款单": "", "是否删除此条佣金付款单": "Do you want to delete this commission payment form",
"删除成功!": "Delete Success", "删除成功!": "Successfully deleted!",
"请输入理由!": "", "请输入理由!": "Please enter a reason!",
"提交佣金付款单反审核成功,请耐心等待审核结果!": "", "提交佣金付款单反审核成功,请耐心等待审核结果!": "Successfully submitted the commission payment form for reverse review. Please be patient and wait for the review result!",
"提交佣金付款单核销成功,请耐心等待审核结果!!": "", "提交佣金付款单核销成功,请耐心等待审核结果!": "Successfully submitted commission payment form for verification. Please be patient and wait for the review result!",
"提交佣金付款单反核销申请成功,请耐心等待审核结果!!": "", "提交佣金付款单反核销申请成功,请耐心等待审核结果!": "Successfully submitted the commission payment form cancellation application. Please be patient and wait for the review result!",
"取消佣金付款单反审核成功!": "", "取消佣金付款单反审核成功!": "Successfully cancelled the approval of the commission payment order!",
"取消佣金付款单核销成功!": "", "取消佣金付款单核销成功!": "Successfully cancelled the commission payment form verification!",
"取消佣金付款单反核销成功!": "", "取消佣金付款单反核销成功!": "Successfully cancelled the cancellation of the commission payment document!",
"取消佣金付款单审核成功!": "", "取消佣金付款单审核成功!": "Successfully cancelled the review of the commission payment form!",
"佣金请款单": "", "佣金请款单": "Commission Payment Request Form",
"请选择客户": "Choose Customer", "请选择客户": "Please select a customer",
"客户的账户名称": "Customer Account Name", "客户的账户名称": "Customer's account name",
"账户名称不能为空": "Account Name Can Not Be Empty", "账户名称不能为空": "Account name cannot be empty",
"结算方式不能为空": "", "结算方式不能为空": "Settlement method cannot be empty",
"添加未付客户款项": "", "添加未付客户款项": "Add unpaid customer payments",
"请选择客户未付款项": "", "请选择客户未付款项": "Please select the unpaid items from the customer",
"请前往客户档案编辑银行账号!": "", "请前往客户档案编辑银行账号!": "Please go to the customer profile to edit the bank account!",
"查看收款单": "", "查看收款单": "View payment receipt",
"查看银行实收明细": "", "查看银行实收明细": "View bank actual payment details",
"付款单编号": "", "付款单编号": "Payment note number",
"付款金额": "", "付款金额": "Payment amount",
"查看付款单": "", "查看付款单": "View Payment Order",
"不含税金额": "", "不含税金额": "Amount excluding tax",
"含税金额": "", "含税金额": "Amount including tax",
"输入税率格式不对": "", "输入税率格式不对": "The format of the input tax rate is incorrect",
"最后付款不能为空": "", "最后付款不能为空": "Final payment cannot be empty",
"付款单申请正在审核中,你确定取消付款单申请吗?": "", "付款单申请正在审核中,你确定取消付款单申请吗?": "The payment form application is currently under review. Are you sure you want to cancel it?",
"请输入申请理由!": "", "请输入申请理由!": "Please enter the application reason!",
"操作成功吗!": "", "操作成功吗!": "Did the operation succeed!",
"取消付款单审核成功!": "", "取消付款单审核成功!": "Successfully canceled payment order approval!",
"取消付款单反审核成功!": "", "取消付款单反审核成功!": "Successfully cancelled the approval of the payment order!",
"取消付款单核销成功!": "", "取消付款单核销成功!": "Cancellation of payment order verification successful!",
"提交付款单反审核成功,请耐心等待审核结果!": "", "提交付款单反审核成功,请耐心等待审核结果!": "Successfully submitted payment order for reverse review. Please be patient and wait for the review result!",
"提交付款单核销成功,请耐心等待审核结果!": "", "提交付款单核销成功,请耐心等待审核结果!": "Successfully submitted payment form for verification. Please be patient and wait for the review result!",
"提交付款单反核销成功,请耐心等待审核结果!!": "", "提交付款单反核销成功,请耐心等待审核结果!": "Successfully submitted payment order for cancellation. Please be patient and wait for the review result!",
"取消付款单反核销成功!": "", "取消付款单反核销成功!": "Cancellation of payment order cancellation successful!",
"取消反核销审核": "", "取消反核销审核": "Cancel Cancelling Write-off Approval",
"收款单银行实收明细反核销-未提交": "", "收款单银行实收明细反核销-未提交": "Collection Note Bank Actual Receipt Details Cancellation Write-off - Not Submitted",
"请输入理由": "Enter Reason", "请输入理由": "Please enter the reason",
"提交反核销": "", "提交反核销": "Submit anti verification",
"请输入取消审核理由": "", "请输入取消审核理由": "Please enter the reason for canceling the review",
"收款单反审核": "", "收款单反审核": "De-approval of payment receipt",
"收款单反核销": "", "收款单反核销": "Reverse Write-off of Collection Documents",
"提交反审核": "", "提交反审核": "Submit for approval cancellation",
"请输入地区": "Enter Area", "请输入地区": "Please enter the region",
"请输入From M No": "", "请输入From M No": "Please enter From M No",
"请输入BA NO": "", "请输入BA NO": "Please enter BA NO",
"请完整填写表单": "Fill The Form", "请完整填写表单": "Please fill out the form completely",
"是否确认删除提单托运人编号为{id}的数据项?": "", "是否确认删除提单托运人编号为{id}的数据项?": "Are you sure to delete the data item with shipper number {id} from the bill of lading?",
"是否确认导出所有提单托运人数据项?": "", "是否确认导出所有提单托运人数据项?": "Are you sure to export all bill of lading shipper data items?",
"调拨出仓备注": "", "调拨出仓备注": "Transfer out of warehouse remarks",
"调拨到仓备注": "", "调拨到仓备注": "Transfer to warehouse remarks",
"标签范围": "Tag Range", "标签范围": "Label Range",
"指定区域无可打印标签": "", "指定区域无可打印标签": "There are no printable labels in the specified area",
"入仓快递单号": "Warehouse Express No", "入仓快递单号": "Warehouse delivery number",
"会员": "Member", "会员": "member",
"后台用户": "Backend User", "后台用户": "Background users",
"填单快递单号": "Fill in Express No", "填单快递单号": "Fill out the courier number",
"操作人类型": "Oprator Type", "操作人类型": "Operator type",
"管理员": "Manager", "管理员": "administrators",
"操作描述": "Oprate Description", "操作描述": "pedagogical operation",
"【{name}】从【{orgValue}】修改为【{newValue}】": "Change【{name}】From【{orgValue}】To【{newValue}】", "【{name}】从【{orgValue}】修改为【{newValue}】": "Modify {name} from {orgValue} to {newValue}",
"【{name}】设置为【{newValue}】": "Change【{name}】To【{newValue}】", "【{name}】设置为【{newValue}】": "Set {name} to {newValue}",
"以下信息修改审核中": "", "以下信息修改审核中": "The following information is being modified and under review",
"异常订单": "Orders width Exceptions", "异常订单": "Abnormal orders",
"请勾选需要导出的订单": "", "请勾选需要导出的订单": "Please check the order that needs to be exported",
"导出勾选": "Export Checked", "导出勾选": "Export Tick",
"导出搜索": "Export Search Result", "导出搜索": "Export Search",
"异常单统计": "", "异常单统计": "Abnormal order statistics",
"重货单统计": "", "重货单统计": "Statistics of heavy cargo orders",
"退仓单统计": "", "退仓单统计": "Return order statistics",
"售后赔偿金额统计": "", "售后赔偿金额统计": "Statistics of after-sales compensation amount",
"报关数据统计": "", "报关数据统计": "Customs declaration data statistics",
"客户出货量统计": "", "客户出货量统计": "Customer shipment volume statistics",
"预付运费统计": "", "预付运费统计": "Prepaid Freight Statistics",
"卸货费统计": "", "卸货费统计": "Unloading fee statistics",
"归属客户": "", "归属客户": "Belonging to customers",
"移交客户经理": "", "移交客户经理": "Transfer to Account Manager",
"到仓影像": "", "到仓影像": "To warehouse imaging",
"添加时间": "Create Time", "添加时间": "Add time",
"可参与优惠活动": "", "可参与优惠活动": "Can participate in promotional activities",
"可参与优惠": "", "可参与优惠": "Can participate in discounts",
"国内": "Domestic", "国内": "domestic",
"国外": "Foreign", "国外": "abroad",
"结算周期": "", "结算周期": "Settlement period",
"价格优势": "", "价格优势": "Price advantage",
"海运优质资源条件": "", "海运优质资源条件": "Marine high-quality resource conditions",
"供应商优势船公司": "", "供应商优势船公司": "Supplier Advantage Shipping Company",
"海运船公司优势港口": "", "海运船公司优势港口": "Advantages of Maritime Shipping Company Ports",
"港口优势条件": "", "港口优势条件": "Port advantages",
"订舱优势条件": "", "订舱优势条件": "Booking advantages and conditions",
"拖车优势条件": "", "拖车优势条件": "Trailer advantage conditions",
"报关公司": "", "报关公司": "Customs declaration company",
"报关优势条件": "", "报关优势条件": "Customs declaration advantages and conditions",
"证书公司": "", "证书公司": "Certificate Company",
"证书优势条件": "", "证书优势条件": "Certificate Advantage Conditions",
"合作不良记录登记": "", "合作不良记录登记": "Registration of poor cooperation records",
"请输入合作不良记录登记": "", "请输入合作不良记录登记": "Please enter the registration of poor cooperation records",
"空运优质资源条件": "", "空运优质资源条件": "Air freight high-quality resource conditions",
"空运优势机场": "", "空运优势机场": "Airfreight Advantage Airport",
"空运优势航空公司": "", "空运优势航空公司": "Air Transport Advantage Airlines",
"航空公司优势条件": "", "航空公司优势条件": "Advantages and conditions of airlines",
"请输入地址": "Enter Address", "请输入地址": "Please enter the address",
"清关国家": "", "清关国家": "Customs clearance country",
"From M No": "", "From M No": "From M No",
"BA NO": "", "BA NO": "BA NO",
"包装数量": "Package Number", "包装数量": "Packaging quantity",
"清关要求": "", "清关要求": "Customs clearance requirements",
"自定义要求": "", "自定义要求": "Custom requirements",
"请输入自定义要求": "", "请输入自定义要求": "Please enter custom requirements",
"是否提供": "", "是否提供": "Is it provided",
"提供": "", "提供": "provide",
"不提供": "", "不提供": "Not provided",
"新增港口": "", "新增港口": "New Ports",
"与收货人相同": "", "与收货人相同": "Same as consignee",
"新增清关文件号码": "", "新增清关文件号码": "Add customs clearance document number",
"新增清关号码": "", "新增清关号码": "Add customs clearance number",
"国家地区": "", "国家地区": "Country/region",
"供应商区域": "", "供应商区域": "Supplier Area",
"会员控货下单要求": "", "会员控货下单要求": "Member Control Order Requirements",
"系统类型": "System Type", "系统类型": "System Type",
"请选择系统类型": "", "请选择系统类型": "Please select a system type",
"强制更新": "Force Upgrade", "强制更新": "Force updates",
"请选择更新条件": "", "请选择更新条件": "Please select the update criteria",
"内部版本": "Inner Version", "内部版本": "Internal version",
"请输入内部版本": "Enter Inner Version No", "请输入内部版本": "Please enter the internal version",
"系统": "System", "系统": "system",
"版本号": "Version", "版本号": "Version number",
"请输入版本号": "Enter Version No", "请输入版本号": "Please enter the version number",
"内部号": "Inner Version", "内部号": "Internal number",
"请输入内部号": "Enter Inner Version", "请输入内部号": "Please enter the internal number",
"链接方式": "Link Type", "链接方式": "Link Method",
"上传": "Upload", "上传": "upload",
"版本链接": "Version Link", "版本链接": "Version Link",
"请输入版本链接": "Enter Version Link", "请输入版本链接": "Please enter the version link",
"说明": "Remark", "说明": "explain",
"请输入说明": "", "请输入说明": "Please enter a description",
"系统类型不能为空": "", "系统类型不能为空": "System type cannot be empty",
"版本号不能为空": "", "版本号不能为空": "Version number cannot be empty",
"内部号不能为空": "", "内部号不能为空": "Internal number cannot be empty",
"版本链接不能为空": "", "版本链接不能为空": "Version link cannot be empty",
"强制更新不能为空": "" "强制更新不能为空": "Forced update cannot be empty"
} }
...@@ -254,11 +254,11 @@ export default { ...@@ -254,11 +254,11 @@ export default {
break; break;
case 2: case 2:
// 佣金付款单核销 // 佣金付款单核销
commissionPaymentVerification(p).then(() =>resolve(this.$t('提交佣金付款单核销成功,请耐心等待审核结果!')), reject) commissionPaymentVerification(p).then(() =>resolve(this.$t('提交佣金付款单核销成功,请耐心等待审核结果!')), reject)
break; break;
case 3: case 3:
// 付款单反核销申请 // 付款单反核销申请
commissionPaymentVerificationCancel(p).then(() =>resolve(this.$t('提交佣金付款单反核销申请成功,请耐心等待审核结果!!')), reject) commissionPaymentVerificationCancel(p).then(() =>resolve(this.$t('提交佣金付款单反核销申请成功,请耐心等待审核结果')), reject)
break; break;
case 4: case 4:
// 取消付款单反审核 // 取消付款单反审核
...@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ ...@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
icon="el-icon-plus" icon="el-icon-plus"
size="mini" size="mini"
@click="handleAdd" @click="handleAdd"
style="padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px" style="padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px"
>{{ $t('添加未收客户款项') }}</el-button >{{ $t('添加未收客户款项') }}</el-button
> >
...@@ -153,8 +154,8 @@ ...@@ -153,8 +154,8 @@
</el-table-column> </el-table-column>
<el-table-column :label="$t('操作')" align="center"> <el-table-column :label="$t('操作')" align="center">
<template slot-scope="scope"> <template slot-scope="scope">
<el-button v-if="scope.row.type !== 'total'" type="text" @click="addDiscount(scope.row, scope.$index)">{{ scope.row.discountTotal ? $t('修改优惠') : $t('新增优惠') }}</el-button> <el-button v-if="scope.row.type !== 'total'" type="text" v-hasPermi="['ecw:voucher:create:editdiscount']" @click="addDiscount(scope.row, scope.$index)">{{ scope.row.discountTotal ? $t('修改优惠') : $t('新增优惠') }}</el-button>
<el-button v-if="scope.row.type !== 'total'" type="text" @click="deleteListRow(scope.$index)">{{ $t('删除') }}</el-button> <el-button v-if="scope.row.type !== 'total'" type="text" v-hasPermi="['ecw:voucher:create:deldiscount']" @click="deleteListRow(scope.$index)">{{ $t('删除') }}</el-button>
</template> </template>
</el-table-column> </el-table-column>
</el-table> </el-table>
...@@ -412,9 +413,9 @@ ...@@ -412,9 +413,9 @@
<work-flow xmlkey="merge_order" v-model="form.copyUserList"></work-flow> <work-flow xmlkey="merge_order" v-model="form.copyUserList"></work-flow>
<div slot="footer" style="margin: 20px 0"> <div slot="footer" style="margin: 20px 0">
<el-button type="primary" @click="submitForm(0)">{{$t('提交申请')}}</el-button> <el-button type="primary" @click="submitForm(0)" v-hasPermi="['ecw:voucher:create:sumbit']">{{$t('提交申请')}}</el-button>
<el-button v-if="id==0||form.state==0" type="primary" :loading="saveBtnLoading" @click="submitForm(1)">{{ $t('保存草稿') }}</el-button> <el-button v-if="id==0||form.state==0" type="primary" :loading="saveBtnLoading" v-hasPermi="['ecw:voucher:create:save']" @click="submitForm(1)">{{ $t('保存草稿') }}</el-button>
<el-button v-if="orderData.inWarehouseState==207" type="primary" @click="$router.push(`/bpm/process-instance/detail?id=`+orderApprovalBackVO.applyingFormId)">{{$t('审核中')}}</el-button> <el-button v-if="orderData.inWarehouseState==207" type="primary" v-hasPermi="['ecw:voucher:create:see']" @click="$router.push(`/bpm/process-instance/detail?id=`+orderApprovalBackVO.applyingFormId)">{{$t('审核中')}}</el-button>
<!-- <el-button v-if="orderData.inWarehouseState==207" plain type="primary" @click="dialogVisible = true">{{$t('取消审核')}}</el-button> --> <!-- <el-button v-if="orderData.inWarehouseState==207" plain type="primary" @click="dialogVisible = true">{{$t('取消审核')}}</el-button> -->
<el-button plain type="primary" @click="$store.dispatch('tagsView/delCurrentView')">{{$t('返回')}}</el-button> <el-button plain type="primary" @click="$store.dispatch('tagsView/delCurrentView')">{{$t('返回')}}</el-button>
<!-- <el-button type="primary" :loading="saveBtnLoading" @click="submitForm(0)">{{ id&&form.state!=0 ? $t('修改') : $t('新增收款单') }}</el-button> --> <!-- <el-button type="primary" :loading="saveBtnLoading" @click="submitForm(0)">{{ id&&form.state!=0 ? $t('修改') : $t('新增收款单') }}</el-button> -->
...@@ -1185,6 +1186,9 @@ export default { ...@@ -1185,6 +1186,9 @@ export default {
this.opnotice = true this.opnotice = true
}else{ }else{
this.opnotice = false this.opnotice = false
this.$set(this.discountForm, 'discountTotal', '')
this.$set(this.discountForm, 'discountRemark', '')
this.$set(this.discountForm, 'author', '')
} }
}) })
}, },
...@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ export default { ...@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ export default {
break; break;
case 6: case 6:
// 反核销 // 反核销
paymentVerificationCancel(p).then(()=>resolve(this.$t('提交付款单反核销成功,请耐心等待审核结果!!')),reject) paymentVerificationCancel(p).then(()=>resolve(this.$t('提交付款单反核销成功,请耐心等待审核结果!')),reject)
break; break;
case 7: case 7:
// 取消反核销 // 取消反核销
...@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ ...@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
<el-button v-if="scope.row.status == 0" type="text" @click="editClick(scope.row)" v-hasPermi="['ecw:payment:detail:bankEdit']">{{ $t('编辑') }}</el-button> <el-button v-if="scope.row.status == 0" type="text" @click="editClick(scope.row)" v-hasPermi="['ecw:payment:detail:bankEdit']">{{ $t('编辑') }}</el-button>
<el-button v-if="scope.row.status == 2" type="text" @click="cancelClick(scope.$index,1)" v-hasPermi="['ecw:payment:detail:cancelDetailApproval']">{{ $t('取消审核') }}</el-button> <el-button v-if="scope.row.status == 2" type="text" @click="cancelClick(scope.$index,1)" v-hasPermi="['ecw:payment:detail:cancelDetailApproval']">{{ $t('取消审核') }}</el-button>
<el-button v-if="scope.row.status == 3" type="text" @click="cancelClick(scope.$index,2)" v-hasPermi="['ecw:payment:detail:cancelWriteOffNo']">{{ $t('取消反核销审核') }}</el-button> <el-button v-if="scope.row.status == 3" type="text" @click="cancelClick(scope.$index,2)" v-hasPermi="['ecw:payment:detail:cancelWriteOffNo']">{{ $t('取消反核销审核') }}</el-button>
<el-button v-if="scope.row.status == 3 || scope.row.status == 2" type="text" @click="$router.push(`/bpm/process-instance/detail?id=`+scope.row.bmpId)" v-hasPermi="['ecw:payment:detail:writeOff']">{{ $t('审核详情') }}</el-button> <el-button v-if="scope.row.status == 3 || scope.row.status == 2" type="text" @click="$router.push(`/bpm/process-instance/detail?id=`+scope.row.bmpId)" v-hasPermi="['ecw:payment:detail:approval']">{{ $t('审核详情') }}</el-button>
</template> </template>
</el-table-column> </el-table-column>
</el-table> </el-table>
...@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ ...@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
<el-input v-model="formData.externalVO.goodName" :placeholder="$t('请输入品名')" show-word-limit clearable readonly></el-input> <el-input v-model="formData.externalVO.goodName" :placeholder="$t('请输入品名')" show-word-limit clearable readonly></el-input>
</el-form-item> </el-form-item>
<el-form-item :label="$t('清关国家')" prop="clearanceFileId"> <el-form-item :label="$t('清关国家')" prop="clearanceFileId">
<el-select v-model="formData.clearanceFileId" @change="changeFile" disabled> <el-select v-model="formData.externalVO.clearanceFileId" @change="changeFile" disabled>
<el-option v-for="(item) in fileList" :value="" :label="getCountry(,item.district)" :key="" /> <el-option v-for="(item) in fileList" :value="" :label="getCountry(,item.district)" :key="" />
</el-select> </el-select>
</el-form-item> </el-form-item>
...@@ -347,6 +347,7 @@ import Selector from '@/components/Selector' ...@@ -347,6 +347,7 @@ import Selector from '@/components/Selector'
import {validatePwd} from '@/api/ecw/busiPwd' import {validatePwd} from '@/api/ecw/busiPwd'
import SuppliersSelector from '@/components/SuppliersSelector' import SuppliersSelector from '@/components/SuppliersSelector'
import { getDockPage } from "@/api/ecw/dock"; import { getDockPage } from "@/api/ecw/dock";
import { getListTree } from "@/api/ecw/region";
export default { export default {
components: {upload, AreaSelector, Selector, SuppliersSelector}, components: {upload, AreaSelector, Selector, SuppliersSelector},
props: [], props: [],
...@@ -457,6 +458,9 @@ export default { ...@@ -457,6 +458,9 @@ export default {
getDockPage({ pageNo: "1", pageSize: "10000" }).then((res) => { getDockPage({ pageNo: "1", pageSize: "10000" }).then((res) => {
this.allDocks =; this.allDocks =;
}); });
getListTree({treeType: 1}).then(response => {
this.treeList =
this.getFile() this.getFile()
...@@ -570,8 +574,11 @@ export default { ...@@ -570,8 +574,11 @@ export default {
}, },
getCountry(countryId, districtId) { getCountry(countryId, districtId) {
let country = this.treeList.find(item=> == countryId) let country = this.treeList.find(item=> == countryId)
let district = country.children.find(item=> == districtId) let district = country.children.find(item=> == districtId)
return this.$l(country, 'title')+' '+this.$l(district, 'title') return this.$l(country, 'title')+' '+this.$l(district, 'title')
return ''
}, },
delContact(index){ delContact(index){
this.$confirm(this.$t('确定删除此联系人么?')).then(() => { this.$confirm(this.$t('确定删除此联系人么?')).then(() => {
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