Commit 493f833a authored by 黄卓's avatar 黄卓


parent 55fc0b3a
const fs = require('fs');
const root = "./src/views"
let allFiles = []
function getFiles(dir){
let files = fs.readdirSync(dir)
files.forEach(file => {
let path = dir + '/' + file
}else if(path.split('.').reverse()[0] === 'vue') {
// allFiles = [
// // 'src/views/system/user/index.vue',
// 'src/views/bpm/model/index.vue'
// // 'src/views/ecw/financial/receiptDetail.vue'
// ]
allFiles.forEach(file => {
setTimeout(() => {
let data = fs.readFileSync(file, {encoding: 'utf-8'})
console.log('开始翻译:' + file)
// 找到 <template>([\w\W]*)<\/template>
data = data.replace(/<template>([\w\W]*)<\/template>/g, (template) => {
// 匹配标签属性 placeholder="请输入部门名称" 并替换为 :placeholder="$t('请输入部门名称')"
return template.replace(/ \w+="[^\x00-\xff]+"/g, (word) => {
const wordList = word.split('=')
return ' :' + wordList[0].substring(1) + '="$t(\'' + wordList[1].substring(1, wordList[1].length - 1) + '\')"'
// 匹配标签值 <el-button>取 消</el-button> 并替换为 <el-button>{{ $t('取 消') }}</el-button>
.replace(/>(\s*[^\x00-\xff]+\s*)+</g, (word) => {
return '>{{ $t(\'' + word.substring(1, word.length - 1).trim() + '\') }}<'
// 找到 <script>([\w\W]*)<\/script>
.replace(/<script>([\w\W]*)<\/script>/g, (script) => {
// 单引号字符串 \'(\s*[^\x00-\xff]+\s*)+\' ,其中(?<!([(=]))和(?!\))表示前后没有括号和前=用于防止重复转换
let s = script.replace(/(?<!([(=]))(?<!(\$t\())'[^\x00-\xff]+'(?!\))/g, s => {
return 'this.$t(' + s + ')'
// 双引号字符串 \"(\s*[^\x00-\xff]+\s*)+\"
s = s.replace(/(?<!([(=]))"[^\x00-\xff]+"(?!\))/g, s => {
return 'this.$t(' + s + ')'
// `字符串 \`(\s*[^\x00-\xff]+\s*)+\`
s = s.replace(/(?<!([(=]))`[^\x00-\xff]+`(?!\))/g, s => {
return 'this.$t(' + s + ')'
return s
console.log('准备保存:' + file)
fs.writeFileSync(file, data)
console.log('已翻译:' + file)
}, 0)
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