Commit 55f42d53 authored by Smile's avatar Smile Committed by wux

232 (生产)后台未翻译成英文的一些页面, 会员详情页面

parent cd985691
...@@ -740,6 +740,7 @@ ...@@ -740,6 +740,7 @@
"请输入邮箱": "please input your email", "请输入邮箱": "please input your email",
"设为默认": "set as Default", "设为默认": "set as Default",
"请输入发票抬头": "Please enter the title of the invoice", "请输入发票抬头": "Please enter the title of the invoice",
"请输入开票品名": "Please enter the invoice name",
"纳税人识别号": "Taxpayer Identification Number", "纳税人识别号": "Taxpayer Identification Number",
"请输入纳税人识别号": "Please enter the taxpayer identification number", "请输入纳税人识别号": "Please enter the taxpayer identification number",
"开户行": "Opening Bank", "开户行": "Opening Bank",
...@@ -4745,5 +4746,175 @@ ...@@ -4745,5 +4746,175 @@
"请输入免泡重量": "请输入免泡重量", "请输入免泡重量": "请输入免泡重量",
"出货撤回": "出货撤回", "出货撤回": "出货撤回",
"启用时间": "Enable Time", "启用时间": "Enable Time",
"等级": "Level" "等级": "Level",
"此操作将修改自动核销比例?": "Will this action modify the automatic write-off ratio?",
"请输入核销比例下界": "Please enter the lower bound of the write-off ratio",
"请输入核销比例上界": "Please enter the upper bound of the write-off ratio",
"银行收款明细对应核销比例设置": "Bank collection details corresponding to the write-off ratio setting",
"单位(%)": "Unit (%)",
"核销比例数值错误": "Error in the value of the write-off ratio",
"未核销金额合计": "Total amount not written off",
"核销金额合计": "Total amount of write-off ",
"金额合计": "Total amount ",
"实际金额": "Actual amount ",
"核销金额": "Write-off amount ",
"未核销金额": "Unwritten amount ",
"箱数/体积/重量": "Carton number/Volume/Weight ",
"关联收款单": "Associated receipt ",
"关联银行收款明细": "Related bank Collection Details ",
"最后修改信息": "Last modified information ",
"最后审批信息": "Final Approval Information",
"已核销本币金额": "Amount written off in local currency",
"未核销本币金额": "Amount not written off in local currency",
"基准币种({currency})汇率": "Base currency ({currency}) exchange rate",
"基准金额({currency})": "Base Amount ({currency})",
"已核销金额({currency})": "Written off Amount ({currency})",
"未核销金额({currency})": "Unwritten amount ({currency})",
"开票编号": "Invoice Number",
"开票状态": "Invoice Status",
"开票资料状态": "Billing Data Status ",
"开票申请信息": "Invoice Application Information",
"应收总{currency}": "Total receivable {currency}",
"已收总{currency}": "Total {currency} received",
"总核销比例({currency})": "Total write-off ratio ({currency})",
"开票资料备注": "Remarks on Billing Information",
"开票品名": "Name of invoicing item",
"开票取消人": "Bill canceller",
"开票取消时间": "Billing and Cancellation time",
"驳回备注": "Remarks on rejection",
"账单信息": "Bill information",
"订单号/提单号": "Order number/Bill of lading number",
"结算币种金额": "Amount of settlement currency",
"收款状态/核销比例": "Collection status/write-off ratio",
"收款编号": "Payment collection number",
"申请人/部门": "Applicant/Department",
"开票抬头": "invoice title",
"开票金额": "invoice amount",
"订单/提单": "Order/bill of lading",
"请输入开票编号": "Please enter the billing number",
"请输入收款编号": "Please enter the collection number",
"驳回资料": "Rejected Information ",
"取消开票": "Cancel billing ",
"提交开票": "Submit invoicing",
"修改开票申请": "Application for Amendment of Billing",
"驳回信息": "Rejection of information",
"确认驳回资料": "Confirm rejection of information",
"取消信息": "Cancel Information",
"取消备注": "Cancellation Remarks",
"确认取消开票": "Confirm cancellation",
"开票信息备注": "Billing Information Remarks",
"开票时间": "Billing Time",
"驳回": "Rejected",
"确认删除开票信息吗?": "Confirm to delete billing information?",
"确认驳回开票资料吗?": "Confirm the rejection of billing information?",
"确认取消开票资料吗?": "Confirm the cancellation information?",
"确认创建开票资料吗?": "Confirm the creation of billing information?",
"确认修改开票申请": "Confirm the application for modification of billing",
"确认更新开票资料吗?": "Confirm to update billing information?",
"请输入发票号码": "Please enter the invoice number",
"请选择开票类型": "Please select billing type",
"请输入开票人": "Please enter the ticket drawer",
"请输入开票金额": "Please enter the invoice amount",
"明细状态": "State of detail",
"删除开票备注": "Delete billing remarks",
"申请开票": "Apply for billing",
"导入银行收款信息": "Import bank collection information",
"环节": "link",
"生成路径": "Generating a path",
"合计金额": "Total amount",
"请注意:汇率已失效": "Please note: The exchange rate has expired",
"审核通过时间": "Approval time",
"基准金额": "Base amount",
"基准币种": "Base currency",
"流水号": "serial number",
"实际金额=含税金额-优惠金额": "Actual amount = tax-inclusive amount - preferential amount",
"核销误差兑额外费用主币种金额": "Write off the error against the amount of additional charge in main currency",
"本次实收基准金额小于上次填写核销金额总额,请注意": "Please note that the actual benchmark amount is less than the total amount of write-off filled in last time",
"填写核销金额总额大于本次实收基准金额,请重新填写": "The total amount of write-off is greater than the benchmark amount received this time, please fill in again",
"未填写核销金额>0 ,请检查": "Unfilled write-off amount >0, please check",
"本次填写核销金额总数大于实收基准金额": "The total amount of write-off filled in this time is greater than the benchmark amount actually received",
"请输入明细核销金额": "Please enter the detailed write-off amount",
"自动填写": "Fill in automatically",
"本次核销金额({currency})": "Amount of this write-off ({currency})",
"剩余核销金额({currency})": "Remaining write-off amount ({currency})",
"未填写核销金额": "The amount of write-off is not filled in",
"已填写核销金额": "The amount of verification has been filled in",
"基准金额{currency}": "Base amount {currency}",
"批量提交审核": "Batch submission for review",
"导入提示信息,请确认是否提交": "Import prompt information, please confirm whether to submit",
"银行收款信息模板": "Template of bank collection information",
"仅允许导入xls、xlsx格式文件。": "Only xls and xlsx format files are allowed to be imported.",
"缺少生成收款单的必要的信息": "Lack of information necessary to generate receipts",
"请先选择需要批量处理的订单": "Please select the order to be processed in bulk first",
"设置开票信息": "Set billing information",
"已选择订单/提单": "Order/bill of lading has been selected",
"设置是否开票": "Sets whether to invoice",
"批量设置收款单信息": "Set the receipt information in batches",
"批量生成收款单": "Batch generate receipt",
"设置收款单信息": "Set the receipt information",
"运输信息": "transport information",
"付款名称": "Name of payment",
"收款明细税率%": "Collection details tax rate %",
"期望收款账号": "Expected collection account number",
"开票税率": "Tax rate of billing",
"汇率有效期": "Validity period of exchange rate",
"收款明细税率": "Collection details tax rate",
"请输入收款明细税率": "Please enter the tax rate of the collection details",
"财务结算": "financial settlement",
"应收款(Accounts receivable)": "Accounts receivable",
"汇总 Total": "Total",
"结算币种 settlement currency": "settlement currency",
"额外费用(副币种) EXTRAL FEE": " EXTRAL FEE(Vice currency)",
"目的国实收": "Actual receipt in the destination country",
"应收款明细": "Details of receivables",
"应收款-原币": "Receivables - original currency",
"始发国实收": "Received in the country of origin",
"未收款明细": "No payment details",
"应收款": "account receivable",
"额外费用(副币种)": "EXTRAL FEE(Vice currency)",
"筛选合计信息:": "Filter total information:",
"未收款明细 Accounts receivable": "Accounts receivable",
"订单时间类型": "Order time type",
"是否泡货": "Whether to bubble or not",
"折后总金额": "Total discounted amount:",
"折扣金额": "discount amount",
"未收总金额": "Total amount not received:",
"折后应收金额": "Discounted amount receivable",
"已收金额": "amount received",
"未收金额": "Amount not received",
"应收": "receivable",
"批量处理成功": "Batch processing is successful",
"批量处理失败": "Batch processing failed",
"请选择需要批量操作的任务。": "Select the task that you want to batch.",
"批量通过": "Pass in batches",
"批量不通过": "Batch does not pass",
"审批意见不能为空。": "The approval opinion cannot be empty.",
"请输入审批意见": "Please enter the approval opinion",
"审批意见": "approval opinion",
"结算币种金额合计": "Total amount of settlement currency",
"实收金额合计": "Total amount received",
"收款账号": "shroff account number",
"结算币种": "settlement currency",
"汇总": "total",
"实收金额汇总": "Summary of amount received",
"营业执照认证状态": "Business License Certification Status",
"复制推荐码": "Copy Referral Code",
"兑换礼品": "Redeem Gift",
"积分记录": "Points Record",
"兑换记录": "Redemption Record",
"等级记录": "Membership Level Record",
"会员等级": "Membership Level",
"积分到期时间": "Points Expiration Date",
"推荐码": "Referral Code",
"匹配规则": "Matching Rules",
"会员等级详情查看": "View Membership Level Details",
"会员等级详情编辑": "Edit Membership Level Details",
"更新原因": "Update Reason",
"不降级": "No Downgrade",
"等级不能为空": "Membership Level Required",
"等级有效期不能为空": "Validity Period Required",
"更新原因不能为空": "Update Reason Required",
"积分信息": "Points Information"
} }
...@@ -463,16 +463,16 @@ ...@@ -463,16 +463,16 @@
</el-dialog> </el-dialog>
<el-dialog :title="levelDetailsTitle" :visible.sync="levelDetailsShow" width="50%"> <el-dialog :title="levelDetailsTitle" :visible.sync="levelDetailsShow" width="50%">
<el-form :rules="rulesDetails" :model="levelDetails" label-position="left" ref="formDetails" label-width="100px"> <el-form :rules="rulesDetails" :model="levelDetails" label-position="left" ref="formDetails" label-width="100px">
<el-form-item :label="$t('编号:')"> <el-form-item :label="$t('编号')">
<el-input v-model="levelDetails.memberCode" style="width: 50%" disabled></el-input> <el-input v-model="levelDetails.memberCode" style="width: 50%" disabled></el-input>
</el-form-item> </el-form-item>
<el-form-item :label="$t('等级:')" prop="level"> <el-form-item :label="$t('等级')" prop="level">
<dict-selector v-model="levelDetails.level" :disabled="levelDetailsCanEdit" clearable :type="DICT_TYPE.MEMBERSHIP_LEVELS" /> <dict-selector v-model="levelDetails.level" :disabled="levelDetailsCanEdit" clearable :type="DICT_TYPE.MEMBERSHIP_LEVELS" />
</el-form-item> </el-form-item>
<el-form-item :label="$t('等级有效期:')" prop="validityPeriod"> <el-form-item :label="$t('等级有效期')" prop="validityPeriod">
<el-date-picker type="date" :placeholder="$t('请选择日期')" :disabled="levelDetailsCanEdit" v-model="levelDetails.validityPeriod" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"></el-date-picker> <el-date-picker type="date" :placeholder="$t('请选择日期')" :disabled="levelDetailsCanEdit" v-model="levelDetails.validityPeriod" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"></el-date-picker>
</el-form-item> </el-form-item>
<el-form-item :label="$t('等级特殊设置')"> <el-form-item :label="$t('特殊设置')">
<el-switch <el-switch
:disabled="levelDetailsCanEdit" :disabled="levelDetailsCanEdit"
v-model="levelDetails.specificSettings" v-model="levelDetails.specificSettings"
...@@ -1002,10 +1002,10 @@ export default { ...@@ -1002,10 +1002,10 @@ export default {
this.levelDetailsShow=true; this.levelDetailsShow=true;
if (val == 1){ if (val == 1){
this.levelDetailsCanEdit=false; this.levelDetailsCanEdit=false;
this.levelDetailsTitle=this.$t("会员等级页面详情编辑"); this.levelDetailsTitle=this.$t("会员等级详情编辑");
}else{ }else{
this.levelDetailsCanEdit=true; this.levelDetailsCanEdit=true;
this.levelDetailsTitle=this.$t("会员等级页面详情查看"); this.levelDetailsTitle=this.$t("会员等级详情查看");
} }
}, },
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