"应收可能出现多个币种的情况,多个币种没法计算整个收款单的核销比例,所以增加一个中间币种,如果应收只有一个币种就使用应收币种,如果有多个币种就以美元为核销基准币种: 应收可能出现多个币种的情况,多个币种没法计算整个收款单的核销比例,所以增加一个中间币种,如果应收只有一个币种就使用应收币种,如果有多个币种就以美元为核销基准币种,":"There may be multiple currencies in receivables. Multiple currencies cannot calculate the write-off ratio of the entire collection note, so add an intermediate currency. If there is only one currency in receivables, use the receivable currency. If If there are multiple currencies, US dollars will be used as the base currency for write-off: There may be multiple currencies in receivables, and multiple currencies cannot calculate the write-off ratio of the entire receipt, so add an intermediate currency , if the receivable has only one currency, use the receivable currency, and if there are multiple currencies, use the US dollar as the write-off base currency,",
"实收币种与核销基准币种一样时,无需填写汇率,不一样需要填写汇率: 实收币种与核销基准币种一样时,无需填写汇率,不一样需要填写汇率,":"When the currency actually received is the same as the base currency for verification, you do not need to fill in the exchange rate. If it is different, you need to fill in the exchange rate.",
"是否确认删除信用等级编号为":"Are you sure to delete the credit rating number is",
"是否确认导出所有信用等级数据项?":"Are you sure to export all credit rating data items?",
"请输入规则名称":"Please enter a rule name",
"请选择规则分类":"Please select a rule category",
"请输入规则得分":"Please enter rule score",
"规则名称不能为空":"Rule name cannot be empty",
"规则分类不能为空":"Rule classification cannot be empty",
"规则得分不能为空":"Rule score cannot be empty",
"添加信用规则":"Add credit rule",
"修改信用规则":"Modify Credit Rules",
"是否确认删除信用规则编号为":"Are you sure to delete the credit rule number is",
"是否确认导出所有信用规则数据项?":"Are you sure to export all credit rule data items?",
"添加客户等级":"Add customer level",
"修改客户等级":"Modify customer level",
"是否确认删除客户等级编号为":"Are you sure to delete the customer level number",
"是否确认导出所有客户等级数据项?":"Are you sure to export all customer level data items?",
"添加客户等级规则":"Add customer level rule",
"修改客户等级规则":"Modify customer level rules",
"是否确认删除客户等级规则编号为":"Are you sure to delete the customer level rule number",
"是否确认导出所有客户等级规则数据项?":"Are you sure to export all customer level rule data items?",
"应核销总金额":"Total amount to be written off",
"导出账单给客户时显示的收款金额与币种":"Receipt amount and currency displayed when exporting bills to customers",
"实收已核销总金额":"Total amount received and written off",
"所有银行收款明细中状态为已核销的实收金额,币种根据实收币种分类统计":"The paid-in amount whose status is written off in all bank receipt details, and the currency is classified and counted according to the received currency",
"核销基准币种已核销总金额":"Total amount written off in base currency",
"为了方便统计收款单核销比例,将所有银行收款明细中状态为已核销的实收金额,转换为核销基准币种的金额累加":"In order to facilitate the statistics of the write-off ratio of receipts, the actual received amount in the status of write-off in all bank receipt details is converted into the amount of write-off base currency",
"总核销比例":"Total write-off ratio",
"总核销比例=核销基准币种已核销总金额/核销基准币种应收总金额":"Total write-off ratio = total written-off amount in base currency after write-off/total receivable amount in base currency after write-off",
"身份证审核状态":"ID card verification status",
"请输入 小":"Please enter small",
"请输入 大":"Please enter large",
"已实装箱数/总箱数":"Number of boxes already loaded/total number of boxes",
<el-optionv-for="type in this.getDictDatas(DICT_TYPE.BOX_SHIPPING_CUSTOMS_TYPE)":key="type.value":label="type.label":value="type.value"></el-option>
<el-optionv-for="type in this.getDictDatas(DICT_TYPE.BOX_SHIPPING_CUSTOMS_TYPE)":key="type.value":label="$l(type, 'label')":value="type.value"></el-option>
<el-radiov-for="item in this.getDictDatas(DICT_TYPE.BOX_SHIPPING_DCCUSTOMS_STATUS)":key="item.value":label="item.value">{{item.label}}</el-radio>
<el-radiov-for="item in this.getDictDatas(DICT_TYPE.BOX_SHIPPING_DCCUSTOMS_STATUS)":key="item.value":label="item.value">{{$l(item, 'label')}}</el-radio>
<el-radiov-for="item in this.getDictDatas(DICT_TYPE.BOX_SHIPPING_CHECK_STATUS)":key="item.value":label="item.value":disabled="disabledRadio(item)">{{item.label}}</el-radio>
<el-radiov-for="item in this.getDictDatas(DICT_TYPE.BOX_SHIPPING_CHECK_STATUS)":key="item.value":label="item.value":disabled="disabledRadio(item)">{{$l(item, 'label')}}</el-radio>
<el-optionv-for="type in this.getDictDatas(DICT_TYPE.BOX_SHIPPING_TRAILER_STATUS)":key="type.value":label="type.label":value="type.value"></el-option>
<el-optionv-for="type in this.getDictDatas(DICT_TYPE.BOX_SHIPPING_TRAILER_STATUS)":key="type.value":label="$l(type, 'label')":value="type.value"></el-option>