Commit 803f4988 authored by 我在何方's avatar 我在何方


parent abd58d6e
......@@ -709,12 +709,13 @@ export default {
if(val === this.showCurrencyId) {
rate = 1
} else {
if (this.showCurrencyId === 1 && val === 3) rate = this.RMBtoUS()
else if (this.showCurrencyId === 1 && val === 2) rate = this.NANtoUS()
else if (this.showCurrencyId === 3 && val === 1) rate = this.UStoRMB()
else if (this.showCurrencyId === 3 && val === 2) rate = this.NANtoRMB()
else if (this.showCurrencyId === 2 && val === 1) rate = this.UStoNAN()
else if (this.showCurrencyId === 2 && val === 3) rate = this.RMBtoNAN()
// if (this.showCurrencyId === 1 && val === 3) rate = this.RMBtoUS()
// else if (this.showCurrencyId === 1 && val === 2) rate = this.NANtoUS()
// else if (this.showCurrencyId === 3 && val === 1) rate = this.UStoRMB()
// else if (this.showCurrencyId === 3 && val === 2) rate = this.NANtoRMB()
// else if (this.showCurrencyId === 2 && val === 1) rate = this.UStoNAN()
// else if (this.showCurrencyId === 2 && val === 3) rate = this.RMBtoNAN()
rate = NP.divide(this.currencyList.find(v => === this.showCurrencyId).huilv, this.currencyList.find(v => === val).huilv).toFixed(6)
this.$set(this.addForm, 'rate', rate)
......@@ -200,6 +200,7 @@
>{{ $t('打印') }}</el-button
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