Commit 98202b95 authored by Marcus's avatar Marcus

入仓功能优化,增加箱和整板的入仓 / 后台入仓功能优化,增加箱和整板的入仓
parent 9f8dd866
......@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ export const DICT_TYPE = {
WAREHOUSING_SPECIFICATION_TYPE: 'warehousing_specification_type',
ECASH_INIT:'ecash_init', //e-cash
......@@ -82,11 +82,14 @@
<el-form-item :rules="tableFormRules.cartonsNum" :prop="$index + '.cartonsNum'">
<span v-if="tableData[$index].id && !edit">
{{ tableData[$index].cartonsNum }}
{{ getDictDataLabel(DICT_TYPE.ECW_PACKAGING_TYPE, tableData[$index].unit) }}
{{ getDictDataLabel(DICT_TYPE.WAREHOUSING_SPECIFICATION_TYPE, tableData[$index].specificationType) }}
<el-input v-else v-model="tableData[$index].cartonsNum" placeholder="">
<span slot="append">{{ getDictDataLabel(DICT_TYPE.ECW_PACKAGING_TYPE, tableData[$index].unit) }}</span>
<template v-else>
<el-input v-model="tableData[$index].cartonsNum" placeholder="" @blur="handleVolume($index)">
<span slot="append">{{ getDictDataLabel(DICT_TYPE.WAREHOUSING_SPECIFICATION_TYPE, tableData[$index].specificationType) }}</span>
<dict-selector :type="DICT_TYPE.WAREHOUSING_SPECIFICATION_TYPE" v-model="tableData[$index].specificationType" @change="handleVolume($index)"></dict-selector>
......@@ -362,7 +365,7 @@
import dictSelector from "@/components/DictSelector"
import {DICT_TYPE, getDictDataLabel} from "@/utils/dict"
import {DICT_TYPE, getDictDataLabel, getDictDatas} from "@/utils/dict"
import {getWarehouseLastUpdateApprovalInfo, orderWarehouseIn, orderWarehouseInUpdateApply} from '@/api/ecw/order'
import { getFeeTypeByOrderProduct, getProductBrankPage } from '@/api/ecw/productBrank'
import WorkFlow from "@/components/WorkFlow"
......@@ -419,6 +422,7 @@ export default {
return {
opened: false,
brandList: [],
formRules: {
......@@ -560,15 +564,17 @@ export default {
handleVolume(index, val){
const {boxGauge1, boxGauge2, boxGauge3} = (val === 1 ? this.tableData1 : this.tableData)[index]
let result = ''
if (boxGauge1 && boxGauge2 && boxGauge3) {
result = ((boxGauge1 * boxGauge2 * boxGauge3) / 1000000)?.toFixed(2) || ''
} else {
result = ''
if (result === '0.00') result = '0.01';
(val === 1 ? this.tableData1 : this.tableData)[index].volume = result
setTimeout(() => {
const {boxGauge1, boxGauge2, boxGauge3, specificationType, cartonsNum} = (val === 1 ? this.tableData1 : this.tableData)[index]
let result = ''
if (boxGauge1 && boxGauge2 && boxGauge3 && specificationType && cartonsNum) {
result = (((specificationType === 1 || specificationType === '1') ? cartonsNum : 1) * (boxGauge1 * boxGauge2 * boxGauge3) / 1000000)?.toFixed(2) || ''
} else {
result = ''
if (result === '0.00') result = '0.01';
(val === 1 ? this.tableData1 : this.tableData)[index].volume = result
}, 0)
handleSubmit() {
const orderWarehouseInItemDoList = [
......@@ -691,7 +697,8 @@ export default {
"quantityAll": "",
"unit": "1",
"volume": '',
"weight": ''
"weight": '',
specificationType: '1'
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