Commit 9e532393 authored by 邓春圆's avatar 邓春圆


parent 6eef906d
......@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
"手续费(RMB)": "Handling fee (RMB)",
"需要": "need",
"不需要": "unnecessary",
"元": "RMB",
"元": "Yuan",
"银行收款明细": "Bank Receipt Details",
"批量核销": "Batch write-off",
"添加收款明细": "Add Receipt Details",
......@@ -1396,7 +1396,6 @@
"商品链接": "Product link",
"编辑商品链接": "Edit product link",
"添加商品链接": "Add product link",
"元": "Yuan",
"通用": "General",
"价格有效时间": "Price valid time",
"交货地址": "Delivery Address",
......@@ -3898,5 +3897,254 @@
"可放入重量": "",
"可放入收费重量": "",
"确定注销并退出系统吗?": "Are you sure to log out and exit the system?",
"若线路价格为全包价,输入清关费不生效":"If the line price is all-inclusive, the input of clearance fees will not take effect."
"若线路价格为全包价,输入清关费不生效": "If the line price is all-inclusive, the input of clearance fees will not take effect.",
"新增潜在客户": "New potential customers",
"批量加价": "Batch markup",
"运费或全包加价": "Freight or all inclusive markup",
"清关费加价价": "Customs clearance fee markup",
"加价单价": "Markup unit price",
"加价申请审核中": "Price increase application under review",
"运费和清关费不能同时为空": "Freight and customs clearance fees cannot both be empty",
"收费箱数": "Number of toll boxes",
"加价金额": "Amount of markup",
"目的港清关": "Customs clearance at destination port",
"我司": "Our company",
"清关方式不能为空": "Customs clearance method cannot be empty",
"我司清关": "Our company's customs clearance",
"合作方清关": "Partner clearance",
"发货方式": "Shipping method",
"多票": "Multiple tickets",
"单票": "Single ticket",
"请选择提单制作状态": "Please select the bill of lading production status",
"提单状态": "Bill of Lading Status",
"部分完成": "Partially completed",
"查看代理商详情": "View agent details",
"实际二程起飞时间": "Actual Second Trip Takeoff Time",
"Shipper": "Shipper",
"请选择Shipper": "Please select Shipper",
"请选择航空公司": "Please select an airline",
"预计起飞时间": "Estimated departure time",
"航程": "Voyage",
"截止送货时间": "Deadline for delivery",
"到仓时间1": "Arrival time 1",
"美元": "USD",
"剩余货值": "Remaining value",
"放入货值": "Value of goods placed",
"是否需要一起移出?": "Do you need to remove it together?",
"送货地址": "Delivery address",
"请输入送货地址": "Please enter the delivery address",
"自提时间": "Self pickup time",
"自提地址": "Self pickup address",
"请输入自提地址": "Please enter the self pickup address",
"公司名称:": "Company Name",
",地址:": ", Address",
",邮箱:": ", email",
",品名:": "Product name",
",From M No:": "From M No",
",BA No:": ", BA No",
"过机状态": "Over machine state",
"顺利": "Smooth",
"敏感货": "Sensitive goods",
"重量误报": "Weight Misreporting",
"删单退场状态": "Deletion and Exit Status",
"提交删单退场审核": "Submit for deletion and exit review",
"机场误差3%": "Airport error 3%",
"超过误差10KG": "Exceeding the error of 10KG",
"过机放行-未找到重货订单": "Pass through release - no heavy order found",
"过机放行-已找到重货订单": "Pass through release - heavy order found",
"超出机场重量": "Exceeding airport weight",
"KG": "KG",
"请选择处理人": "Please select the handler",
"超重订单": "Overweight orders",
"请选择超重订单": "Please select an overweight order",
"取消删单退场审核": "Cancel deletion and exit review",
"新建合包箱号": "New package number",
"箱号": "Box number",
"订单数": "Number of orders",
"入仓数量(个)": "Number of Warehousing Units",
"装箱": "Packing",
"格式错误": "Format error",
"未装箱列表": "Unpacked List",
"已装箱列表": "Packed List",
"集运封箱标签": "Container sealing label for centralized transportation",
"编辑合包箱号": "Edit package number",
"是否确认删除?": "Are you sure to delete?",
"合包箱号: ": "Package number",
"批量移出合包": "Batch move out of packaging",
"封箱": "Sealing the box",
"封箱确认": "Sealing confirmation",
"请填写体积": "Please fill in the volume",
"体积保留两位小数": "Volume to two decimal places",
"m³": "M ³ ",
"请填写重量": "Please fill in the weight",
"重量保留两位小数": "Weight to two decimal places",
"kg": "Kg",
"请填写数量": "Please fill in the quantity",
"数量保留两位小数": "Quantity to two decimal places",
"移出成功": "Successfully removed",
"箱号:": "Box number",
",请问是否打印封箱标签?": "May I ask if you want to print the sealing label?",
"封箱成功": "Successfully sealed the box",
"立刻打印": "Print Now",
"稍后再试": "Try again later",
"扫码查看产品数量": "Scan code to view product quantity",
"批量装箱": "Bulk packing",
"装箱成功": "Packing successful",
"请选择需要装箱的订单": "Please select the order that needs to be boxed",
"待分拣订单": "Orders to be sorted",
"请输入待分拣订单": "Please enter the order to be sorted",
"已分拣单号": "Sorted order number",
"请输入已分拣单号": "Please enter the sorted order number",
"搜索已分拣订单": "Search for sorted orders",
"搜索待分拣订单": "Search for orders to be sorted",
"可出特性": "Extractable characteristic",
"已分拣订单": "Sorted orders",
"可分拣方数": "Sortable quantity",
"特性": "Characteristics",
"筛选后待分拣数量": "Quantity to be sorted after screening",
"分拣全部": "Sort All",
"分拣": "Sorting",
"分拣审核": "Sort Review",
"确认删除该部分及其已分拣订单?": "Are you sure to delete this section and its sorted orders?",
"是否需要一起分拣?": "Do you need to sort together?",
"请注意,分拣反审后,全部提单需重新制作": "Please note that after sorting and review, all bills of lading need to be remade",
"实际起飞时间": "Actual departure time",
"到仓": "To warehouse",
"过机重量异常": "Abnormal weight passing through the machine",
"机场误差3%以内": "Airport error within 3%",
"我司误差超10kg": "Our company's error exceeds 10kg",
"超过机场重量": "Exceeding airport weight",
"全部到仓": "All arrive at the warehouse",
"到仓箱数": "Number of boxes to warehouse",
"入仓修改 ": "Entry modification",
"完成到仓": "Complete to Warehouse",
"货物到仓数小于实装数,请确认": "The number of goods delivered to the warehouse is less than the actual loaded quantity, please confirm",
"合包列表": "Package List",
"分拣反审": "Sort Reverse Review",
"空运-排单": "Air freight - scheduling",
"空运出货操作": "Air freight shipment operation",
"合包": "Packaging",
"出货": "Shipping",
"出仓": "Out of warehouse",
"起飞": "Takeoff",
"直飞": "Direct flight",
"中转": "Transfer",
"供应商自提": "Supplier self pickup",
"数量(个)": "Quantity (pieces)",
"品名可拆数据": "Product name detachable data",
"可拆入仓记录": "Removable warehouse records",
"已拆完": "Completed dismantling",
"已放入入仓记录": "Placed in warehouse entry record",
"{num}箱": "{num} box",
"长{boxGauge1}cm": "Length {boxGauge1} cm",
"宽{boxGauge2}cm": "Width {boxGauge2} cm",
"高{boxGauge3}cm": "Height {boxGauge3} cm",
"方数{volume}m³": "Square {volume} m ³ ",
"重量{weight}kg": "Weight {weight} kg",
"数量{n}": "Quantity {n}",
"快递{expressNo}": "Express {expressNo}",
"储位{location}": "Storage location",
"请选择入仓记录": "Please select a warehouse entry record",
"暂无入仓记录": "There is currently no record of warehouse entry",
"请至少放入一条数据": "Please place at least one piece of data",
"确定要清空放入数据么?": "Are you sure you want to clear the data?",
"新建潜在客户信息": "Create new lead information",
"请输入客户姓名": "Please enter the customer's name",
"询盘信息": "Inquiry Information",
"创建成功": "Created successfully",
"请输入区号。": "Please enter the area code.",
"请输入电话号码。": "Please enter a phone number.",
"请输入客户类别。": "Please enter a phone number.",
"前请输入客户来源": "Please enter a customer category.",
"设置海运整柜客户": "Please enter the customer source before proceeding",
"设置海运非整柜客户": "Set up sea freight full container customers",
"业绩创建时间": "Set up sea freight non full container customers",
"目标值": "Performance creation time",
"目标单位": "target value",
"请输入目标值": "Target unit",
"请选择目标单位": "Please enter the target value",
"填单特性": "Please select the target unit",
"运费/全包价": "Filling characteristics",
"请求备注": "Freight/All Inclusive Price",
"请求内容": "Request Comment",
"打包人": "Request Content",
"打包时间": "Packer",
"无需打包": "Packaging time",
"打包历史": "No packaging required",
"入仓数据": "Packaging History",
"备货状态": "Warehouse entry data",
"打包前": "Stock status",
"打包后": "Before packaging",
"打包数据": "After packaging",
"打包后箱数": "Packaging data",
"打包后体积": "Number of boxes after packaging",
"打包后重量": "Volume after packaging",
"打包后数量(个)": "Weight after packaging",
"查看打包历史": "Quantity after packaging (pieces)",
"空运专线": "Viewing Packaging History",
"费用来源": "Air freight dedicated line",
"来自{source}": "Source of expenses",
"优惠详情": "From {source}",
"优惠ID": "Offer Details",
"优惠名称": "Offer ID",
"运费优惠": "Offer Name",
"清关费优惠": "Freight discount",
"查看母订单": "Customs clearance fee discount",
"变更出货渠道": "View Parent Order",
"开始备货": "Change shipping channel",
"修改备货": "Start stocking",
"批量可出": "Modify stock preparation",
"批量转异": "Batch available",
"可出": "Batch conversion",
"确认转异": "Can be released",
"修改报价": "Confirm conversion",
"全包价成交单价": "Modify quotation",
"运费成交单价": "All inclusive transaction unit price",
"清关费成交单价": "Freight transaction unit price",
"审核驳回原因": "Customs clearance fee transaction unit price",
"提货方式": "Reason for review rejection",
"申请泡货标准优惠": "Delivery method",
"现订单泡重": "Apply for standard discounts on bubble food",
"新订单泡重": "Current order foam weight",
"重货标准优惠申请": "New order bubble weight",
"泡货标准优惠申请": "Application for Heavy Duty Standard Discount",
"入仓记录放入确认": "Application for Standard Discount of Pickled Goods",
"可拆出入仓记录": "Confirmation of placement of warehouse entry records",
"可拆": "Removable warehouse entry records",
"新入仓记录": "Detachable",
"确定要删除该行入仓记录吗?": "New Entry Record",
"请填写收费方数": "Are you sure you want to delete the warehouse entry record for this row?",
"请填写收费重量": "Please fill in the number of charging parties",
"请放入品名": "Please fill in the chargeable weight",
"放入箱数不能大于可拆箱数": "Please include the product name",
"{field}最少为0.01": "The number of boxes placed cannot be greater than the number of detachable boxes",
"已有拆单数据,是否要重置?": "{field} should be at least 0.01",
"完成打包": "There is already splitting data, do you want to reset it?",
"打包状态": "Complete packaging",
"打包": "Packaging status",
"修改打包": "pack",
"完成备货": "Modify packaging",
"确认并完成打包": "Complete stock preparation",
"导出所选": "Confirm and complete packaging",
"备货": "Export Selected",
"备货订单": "Stock up",
"暂无货物入库信息": "Stock order",
"多了": "There is currently no information on goods entering the warehouse",
"订单重量上限kg": "Too much",
"快捷设置": "Order weight limit kg",
"*针对所有价格加价": "Quick Settings",
"批量减价": "*Add price to all prices",
"是否単询": "Batch price reduction",
"是否单询": "Is it a single inquiry",
"阶梯和价格设置不能留空": "Single inquiry or not",
"新建空运价格": "Ladder and price settings cannot be left blank",
"新建海运价格": "New air freight price",
"批量设置海运价格": "New sea freight price",
"批量设置空运价格": "Batch setting of sea freight prices",
"批量设置商品海运路线": "Set air freight prices in bulk",
"批量设置商品空运路线": "Batch setting of product shipping routes",
"暂无清关费设置": "Batch set up air freight routes for goods",
"查看更多": "There is currently no customs clearance fee setting",
"単询": "View more",
"查看阶梯价": "Single inquiry"
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