Commit cbf7af1a authored by Smile's avatar Smile Committed by wux

bug232 (生产)后台未翻译成英文的一些页面,请看附件

parent 278d770c
......@@ -1882,6 +1882,7 @@
"商品特性不能为空": "Commodity characteristics cannot be empty",
"中文标题不能为空": "Chinese title cannot be empty",
"英文标题不能为空": "English title cannot be empty",
"法文标题不能为空": "French title cannot be empty",
"商品材质不能为空": "Product material cannot be empty",
"添加商品": "Adding goods",
"修改商品": "Modify product",
......@@ -2205,6 +2206,7 @@
"添加广告弹窗": "Add Ad Popup",
"修改广告弹窗": "Modify Ad Popup",
"是否确认删除广告弹窗编号为": "Whether delete the advertisement pop-up number as",
"是否确认删除广告弹窗编号{id}的数据项?": "Whether delete the advertisement pop-up number {id}?",
"是否确认导出所有广告弹窗数据项?": "Whether confirm to export all pop-up window data items?",
"已核销比例\\\\n(已核销基准币种总金额/应收总金额)": "Written-off ratio\\\\n(total amount of base currency written off/total amount receivable)",
"是否要删除昵称为": "Whether confirm? to delete the nickname as",
......@@ -2218,6 +2220,7 @@
"添加帮助文档": "Add assistance document",
"修改帮助文档": "Modify assistance document",
"是否确认删除帮助文档编号为": "Whether delete the assistance document number?",
"是否确认删除帮助文档编号为{id}的数据项?": "Whether delete the assistance document number {id}?",
"是否确认导出所有帮助文档数据项?": "Whether export all assistance document data items?",
"请输入内容中文": "Please enter the content in Chinese",
"请输入内容英语": "Please enter the content in English",
......@@ -4954,5 +4957,6 @@
"上次根进时间": "Last Follow-up Time",
"上次跟进内容": "Last Follow-up Content",
"所报价格": "Quoted Price",
"厂家/电话": "Manufacturer/Phone"
"厂家/电话": "Manufacturer/Phone",
"请输入等级": "Please enter the level"
......@@ -200,6 +200,14 @@ export default {
computed: {
isChinese() {
titleZh: [{ required: true, message: this.$t("中文标题不能为空"), trigger: "blur" }],
titleEn: [{ required: true, message: this.$t("英文标题不能为空"), trigger: "blur" }],
titleFr: [{ required: true, message: this.$t("法文标题不能为空"), trigger: "blur" }],
bannerUrlWeb: [{ required: true, message: this.$t("web端广告图片不能为空"), trigger: "blur" }],
bannerUrlApp: [{ required: true, message: this.$t("app端广告图片不能为空"), trigger: "blur" }]
return this.$i18n.locale === "zh_CN";
statusName() {
......@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ export default {
/** 删除按钮操作 */
handleDelete(row) {
const id =;
this.$modal.confirm(this.$t('是否确认删除广告弹窗编号为"') + id + this.$t('"的数据项?')).then(function() {
this.$modal.confirm(this.$t('是否确认删除广告弹窗编号{id}的数据项?',{id})).then(function() {
return deleteBannerPop(id);
}).then(() => {
......@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ export default {
handleGoBack() {
.confirm(this.$t("是否确认返回"), this.$t("提示"))
.confirm(this.$t("确认返回吗?"), this.$t("提示"))
.then(() => {
// this.$router.go(-1);
......@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ export default {
/** 删除按钮操作 */
handleDelete(row) {
const id =;
this.$modal.confirm(this.$t('是否确认删除帮助文档编号为"') + id + this.$t('"的数据项?')).then(function() {
this.$modal.confirm(this.$t('是否确认删除帮助文档编号为{id}的数据项?',{id})).then(function() {
return deleteHelpDoc(id);
}).then(() => {
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