"为保证入仓数据准确性,入仓请带上一份装箱单(品名,件数,毛重,尺寸方数,是否有牌)":"To ensure the accuracy of warehousing information, please bring a packing list with goods when entrying the warehouse. (Packing list should contain: Product name, Number of cartons, Gross weight, Measurements, Branded or not)",
"姓名(英文)":"Name (English)",
"公司(英文)":"Company (English)",
"客户英文名称":"the customer's English name",
"请输入客户英文名称":"Please enter the customer's English name",
"付款人姓名":"The sender's name",
"请输入付款人姓名":"Please enter the name of the payer",
"公司英文名称":"Company English Name",
"联系人英文名称":"Contact's English name",
"请输入联系人英文名称":"Please enter the contact's name in English",
"发货人中文名称":"The sender's Chinese name",
"发货人英文名称":"The sender's English name",
"发货人公司中文名称":"Sender Company's Chinese name",
"发货人公司英文名称":"Sender Company's English name",
"收货人中文名称":"Consignee's Chinese name",
"收货人英文名称":"Consignee's English name",
"收货人公司中文名称":"Consignee company Chinese name",
"收货人公司英文名称":"Consignee company English name",
"显示更多":"Show more",
"订单包含不接受货物,请检查":"The order contains goods that are not accepted. Please check.",
"撤销拆单":"Cancel split order",
"新增品名中文":"New product name in Chinese",
"新增品名英文":"New product name in English",
"{prods}等商品拆单总数据跟主单不匹配":"The total data for the split order of {prods} products does not match the main order.",
<el-optionv-for="auditStatusItem in auditStatusDictDatas":key="auditStatusItem.id":label="$l(auditStatusItem, 'label')":value="parseInt(auditStatusItem.value)"/>