Commit fb1370b9 authored by zhengyi's avatar zhengyi


parent 68c40f49
......@@ -474,12 +474,12 @@
<el-button type="text">{{ $t("仓库") }}</el-button>
<el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown">
<!-- 入仓操作 -->
<template v-if="include(scope.row.status, [0, 2]) || scope.row.inWarehouseState == 208">
<template v-if="(include(scope.row.status, [0, 2]) || scope.row.inWarehouseState == 208)">
<el-dropdown-item @click.native="$router.push('/order/warehousing?id=' + scope.row.orderId)" v-hasPermi="['ecw:order:warehouse_add']">{{ $t("入仓操作") }}</el-dropdown-item>
<!-- 入仓补充 -->
v-if="scope.row.shipmentState > 0 && scope.row.inWarehouseState == 0"
v-if="scope.row.shipmentState > 0 && scope.row.inWarehouseState == 0 && scope.row.shipmentState != 307 && scope.row.shipmentState != 407"
@click.native="$router.push('/order/warehousing-add?shipment=1&id=' + scope.row.orderId)"
......@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@
[201, 202, 202, 210, 202, 211, 202, 214, 215, 216]
) && include(scope.row.status, [2, 3, 5, 10, 9, 8])
) && include(scope.row.status, [2, 3, 5, 10, 9, 8] && include(scope.row.airShipment, [0, 1]))
......@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@
<!-- 入仓修改 -->
v-if="scope.row.shipmentState > 0 && scope.row.inWarehouseState == 0"
v-if="scope.row.shipmentState > 0 && scope.row.inWarehouseState == 0 && scope.row.shipmentState != 307 && scope.row.shipmentState != 407"
@click.native="$router.push('/order/warehousing-update?shipment=1&id=' + scope.row.orderId)"
......@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@
) &&
scope.row.status != 11 &&
exclude(scope.row.shipmentState, [305, 307, 407])
exclude(scope.row.shipmentState, [305, 307, 407]) && include(scope.row.airShipment, [0, 1])
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