<template> <el-select v-model="index" filterable clearable remote reserve-keyword :placeholder="$t('请输入商品关键词')" :disabled="disabled" :remote-method="remoteMethod" @focus="onFocus" @clear="onClear" :loading="loading"> <el-option v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="item.id" :label="item['title' + lang] + (item.auditStatus === 2 ? '' : `(${lang === 'Zh' ? '待确定' : 'To be determined'})`)" :value="index"> <span style="float: left">{{ item['title' + lang] }}</span> <span style="float: right; color: #c76e6e; font-size: 13px"> {{ item.auditStatus === 2 ? '' : (lang === 'Zh' ? '待确定' : 'To be determined') }} </span> </el-option> </el-select> </template> <script> import {getProduct, getProductPage} from '@/api/ecw/product' export default { props:{ productType: [String, Number], value: [String, Number], disabled: Boolean, lang: { type: String, default: 'Zh' }, // 是否显示待确认商品,不传默认不显示 determined: { type: Boolean, default: false }, // 是否显示已有商品,不传默认 status: { type: [String, Number], default: null } }, data(){ return { index: null, list:[], loading: false } }, watch:{ index(val, oldVal){ let productId = val !== '' && val !== null ? this.list[val].id : null // console.log('index val', val, oldVal, productId) this.$emit('input', productId) this.$emit('change', val !== '' && val !== null ? this.list[val] : null) }, value(val){ // console.log('初始化内容', val) this.init() } }, created(){ // console.log('created', this.value, this.lang) this.init() }, methods:{ init(){ if(!this.value){ this.index = null return } let index = this.list.findIndex(item => item.id == this.value) if(index < 0){ getProduct(this.value).then(res => { this.list.unshift(res.data) this.index = 0 }) }else this.index = index }, onFocus(){ this.$emit('focus') if(!this.list.length){ this.remoteMethod() } }, onClear(){ this.list = [] }, remoteMethod(keyword){ let params = { pageSize: keyword ? 100000 : 10, filter: !this.determined, status:this.status } if(this.productType){ params.typeId = this.productType } params.titleZh = keyword this.loading = true getProductPage(params) .then(res => this.list = res.data.list) .finally(() => this.loading = false) } } } </script>