<template> <div class="my-process-designer"> <div class="my-process-designer__header"> <slot name="control-header"></slot> <template v-if="!$slots['control-header']"> <el-button-group key="file-control"> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" icon="el-icon-folder-opened" @click="$refs.refFile.click()">打开文件</el-button> <el-tooltip effect="light"> <div slot="content"> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" type="text" @click="downloadProcessAsXml()">下载为XML文件</el-button> <br /> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" type="text" @click="downloadProcessAsSvg()">下载为SVG文件</el-button> <br /> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" type="text" @click="downloadProcessAsBpmn()">下载为BPMN文件</el-button> </div> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" icon="el-icon-download">下载文件</el-button> </el-tooltip> <el-tooltip effect="light"> <div slot="content"> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" type="text" @click="previewProcessXML">预览XML</el-button> <br /> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" type="text" @click="previewProcessJson">预览JSON</el-button> </div> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" icon="el-icon-view">预览</el-button> </el-tooltip> <el-tooltip v-if="simulation" effect="light" :content="this.simulationStatus ? '退出模拟' : '开启模拟'"> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" icon="el-icon-cpu" @click="processSimulation"> 模拟 </el-button> </el-tooltip> </el-button-group> <el-button-group key="align-control"> <el-tooltip effect="light" content="向左对齐"> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" class="align align-left" icon="el-icon-s-data" @click="elementsAlign('left')" /> </el-tooltip> <el-tooltip effect="light" content="向右对齐"> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" class="align align-right" icon="el-icon-s-data" @click="elementsAlign('right')" /> </el-tooltip> <el-tooltip effect="light" content="向上对齐"> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" class="align align-top" icon="el-icon-s-data" @click="elementsAlign('top')" /> </el-tooltip> <el-tooltip effect="light" content="向下对齐"> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" class="align align-bottom" icon="el-icon-s-data" @click="elementsAlign('bottom')" /> </el-tooltip> <el-tooltip effect="light" content="水平居中"> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" class="align align-center" icon="el-icon-s-data" @click="elementsAlign('center')" /> </el-tooltip> <el-tooltip effect="light" content="垂直居中"> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" class="align align-middle" icon="el-icon-s-data" @click="elementsAlign('middle')" /> </el-tooltip> </el-button-group> <el-button-group key="scale-control"> <el-tooltip effect="light" content="缩小视图"> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" :disabled="defaultZoom < 0.2" icon="el-icon-zoom-out" @click="processZoomOut()" /> </el-tooltip> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize">{{ Math.floor(this.defaultZoom * 10 * 10) + "%" }}</el-button> <el-tooltip effect="light" content="放大视图"> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" :disabled="defaultZoom > 4" icon="el-icon-zoom-in" @click="processZoomIn()" /> </el-tooltip> <el-tooltip effect="light" content="重置视图并居中"> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" icon="el-icon-c-scale-to-original" @click="processReZoom()" /> </el-tooltip> </el-button-group> <el-button-group key="stack-control"> <el-tooltip effect="light" content="撤销"> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" :disabled="!revocable" icon="el-icon-refresh-left" @click="processUndo()" /> </el-tooltip> <el-tooltip effect="light" content="恢复"> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" :disabled="!recoverable" icon="el-icon-refresh-right" @click="processRedo()" /> </el-tooltip> <el-tooltip effect="light" content="重新绘制"> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" icon="el-icon-refresh" @click="processRestart" /> </el-tooltip> </el-button-group> <el-button :size="headerButtonSize" :type="headerButtonType" icon="el-icon-plus" @click="processSave" :disabled = "simulationStatus">保存模型</el-button> </template> <!-- 用于打开本地文件--> <input type="file" id="files" ref="refFile" style="display: none" accept=".xml, .bpmn" @change="importLocalFile" /> </div> <div class="my-process-designer__container"> <div class="my-process-designer__canvas" ref="bpmn-canvas"></div> </div> <el-dialog title="预览" width="80%" :visible.sync="previewModelVisible" append-to-body destroy-on-close> <pre><code class="hljs" v-html="highlightedCode(previewType, previewResult)"></code></pre> </el-dialog> </div> </template> <script> import BpmnModeler from "bpmn-js/lib/Modeler"; import DefaultEmptyXML from "./plugins/defaultEmpty"; // 翻译方法 import customTranslate from "./plugins/translate/customTranslate"; import translationsCN from "./plugins/translate/zh"; // 模拟流转流程 import tokenSimulation from "bpmn-js-token-simulation"; // 标签解析构建器 // import bpmnPropertiesProvider from "bpmn-js-properties-panel/lib/provider/bpmn"; // 标签解析 Moddle import camundaModdleDescriptor from "./plugins/descriptor/camundaDescriptor.json"; import activitiModdleDescriptor from "./plugins/descriptor/activitiDescriptor.json"; import flowableModdleDescriptor from "./plugins/descriptor/flowableDescriptor.json"; // 标签解析 Extension import camundaModdleExtension from "./plugins/extension-moddle/camunda"; import activitiModdleExtension from "./plugins/extension-moddle/activiti"; import flowableModdleExtension from "./plugins/extension-moddle/flowable"; // 引入json转换与高亮 import convert from "xml-js"; // 代码高亮插件 import hljs from "highlight.js/lib/highlight"; import "highlight.js/styles/github-gist.css"; hljs.registerLanguage("xml", require("highlight.js/lib/languages/xml")); hljs.registerLanguage("json", require("highlight.js/lib/languages/json")); export default { name: "MyProcessDesigner", componentName: "MyProcessDesigner", props: { value: String, // xml 字符串 valueWatch: true, // xml 字符串的 watch 状态 processId: String, // 流程 key 标识 processName: String, // 流程 name 名字 formId: Number, // 流程 form 表单编号 translations: Object, // 自定义的翻译文件 additionalModel: [Object, Array], // 自定义model moddleExtension: Object, // 自定义moddle onlyCustomizeAddi: { type: Boolean, default: false }, onlyCustomizeModdle: { type: Boolean, default: false }, simulation: { type: Boolean, default: true }, keyboard: { type: Boolean, default: true }, prefix: { type: String, default: "camunda" }, events: { type: Array, default: () => ["element.click"] }, headerButtonSize: { type: String, default: "small", validator: value => ["default", "medium", "small", "mini"].indexOf(value) !== -1 }, headerButtonType: { type: String, default: "primary", validator: value => ["default", "primary", "success", "warning", "danger", "info"].indexOf(value) !== -1 } }, data() { return { defaultZoom: 1, previewModelVisible: false, simulationStatus: false, previewResult: "", previewType: "xml", recoverable: false, revocable: false }; }, computed: { additionalModules() { const Modules = []; // 仅保留用户自定义扩展模块 if (this.onlyCustomizeAddi) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(this.additionalModel) === "[object Array]") { return this.additionalModel || []; } return [this.additionalModel]; } // 插入用户自定义扩展模块 if (Object.prototype.toString.call(this.additionalModel) === "[object Array]") { Modules.push(...this.additionalModel); } else { this.additionalModel && Modules.push(this.additionalModel); } // 翻译模块 const TranslateModule = { translate: ["value", customTranslate(this.translations || translationsCN)] }; Modules.push(TranslateModule); // 模拟流转模块 if (this.simulation) { Modules.push(tokenSimulation); } // 根据需要的流程类型设置扩展元素构建模块 // if (this.prefix === "bpmn") { // Modules.push(bpmnModdleExtension); // } if (this.prefix === "camunda") { Modules.push(camundaModdleExtension); } if (this.prefix === "flowable") { Modules.push(flowableModdleExtension); } if (this.prefix === "activiti") { Modules.push(activitiModdleExtension); } return Modules; }, moddleExtensions() { const Extensions = {}; // 仅使用用户自定义模块 if (this.onlyCustomizeModdle) { return this.moddleExtension || null; } // 插入用户自定义模块 if (this.moddleExtension) { for (let key in this.moddleExtension) { Extensions[key] = this.moddleExtension[key]; } } // 根据需要的 "流程类型" 设置 对应的解析文件 if (this.prefix === "activiti") { Extensions.activiti = activitiModdleDescriptor; } if (this.prefix === "flowable") { Extensions.flowable = flowableModdleDescriptor; } if (this.prefix === "camunda") { Extensions.camunda = camundaModdleDescriptor; } return Extensions; } }, mounted() { this.initBpmnModeler(); this.createNewDiagram(this.value); this.$once("hook:beforeDestroy", () => { if (this.bpmnModeler) this.bpmnModeler.destroy(); this.$emit("destroy", this.bpmnModeler); this.bpmnModeler = null; }); }, methods: { initBpmnModeler() { if (this.bpmnModeler) return; this.bpmnModeler = new BpmnModeler({ container: this.$refs["bpmn-canvas"], keyboard: this.keyboard ? { bindTo: document } : null, additionalModules: this.additionalModules, moddleExtensions: this.moddleExtensions }); this.$emit("init-finished", this.bpmnModeler); this.initModelListeners(); }, initModelListeners() { const EventBus = this.bpmnModeler.get("eventBus"); const that = this; // 注册需要的监听事件, 将. 替换为 - , 避免解析异常 this.events.forEach(event => { EventBus.on(event, function(eventObj) { let eventName = event.replace(/\./g, "-"); let element = eventObj ? eventObj.element : null; that.$emit(eventName, element, eventObj); }); }); // 监听图形改变返回xml EventBus.on("commandStack.changed", async event => { try { this.recoverable = this.bpmnModeler.get("commandStack").canRedo(); this.revocable = this.bpmnModeler.get("commandStack").canUndo(); let { xml } = await this.bpmnModeler.saveXML({ format: true }); this.$emit("commandStack-changed", event); this.$emit("input", xml); this.$emit("change", xml); } catch (e) { console.error(`[Process Designer Warn]: ${e.message || e}`); } }); // 监听视图缩放变化 this.bpmnModeler.on("canvas.viewbox.changed", ({ viewbox }) => { this.$emit("canvas-viewbox-changed", { viewbox }); const { scale } = viewbox; this.defaultZoom = Math.floor(scale * 100) / 100; }); }, /* 创建新的流程图 */ async createNewDiagram(xml) { // 将字符串转换成图显示出来 let newId = this.processId || `Process_${new Date().getTime()}`; let newName = this.processName || `业务流程_${new Date().getTime()}`; let xmlString = xml || DefaultEmptyXML(newId, newName, this.prefix); try { // console.log(this.bpmnModeler.importXML); let { warnings } = await this.bpmnModeler.importXML(xmlString); if (warnings && warnings.length) { warnings.forEach(warn => console.warn(warn)); } } catch (e) { console.error(`[Process Designer Warn]: ${e?.message || e}`); } }, // 下载流程图到本地 async downloadProcess(type, name) { try { const _this = this; // 按需要类型创建文件并下载 if (type === "xml" || type === "bpmn") { const { err, xml } = await this.bpmnModeler.saveXML(); // 读取异常时抛出异常 if (err) { console.error(`[Process Designer Warn ]: ${err.message || err}`); } let { href, filename } = _this.setEncoded(type.toUpperCase(), name, xml); downloadFunc(href, filename); } else { const { err, svg } = await this.bpmnModeler.saveSVG(); // 读取异常时抛出异常 if (err) { return console.error(err); } let { href, filename } = _this.setEncoded("SVG", name, svg); downloadFunc(href, filename); } } catch (e) { console.error(`[Process Designer Warn ]: ${e.message || e}`); } // 文件下载方法 function downloadFunc(href, filename) { if (href && filename) { let a = document.createElement("a"); a.download = filename; //指定下载的文件名 a.href = href; // URL对象 a.click(); // 模拟点击 URL.revokeObjectURL(a.href); // 释放URL 对象 } } }, // 根据所需类型进行转码并返回下载地址 setEncoded(type, filename = "diagram", data) { const encodedData = encodeURIComponent(data); return { filename: `${filename}.${type}`, href: `data:application/${type === "svg" ? "text/xml" : "bpmn20-xml"};charset=UTF-8,${encodedData}`, data: data }; }, // 加载本地文件 importLocalFile() { const that = this; const file = this.$refs.refFile.files[0]; const reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsText(file); reader.onload = function() { let xmlStr = this.result; that.createNewDiagram(xmlStr); }; }, /* ------------------------------------------------ refs methods ------------------------------------------------------ */ downloadProcessAsXml() { this.downloadProcess("xml"); }, downloadProcessAsBpmn() { this.downloadProcess("bpmn"); }, downloadProcessAsSvg() { this.downloadProcess("svg"); }, processSimulation() { this.simulationStatus = !this.simulationStatus; this.simulation && this.bpmnModeler.get("toggleMode").toggleMode(); }, processRedo() { this.bpmnModeler.get("commandStack").redo(); }, processUndo() { this.bpmnModeler.get("commandStack").undo(); }, processZoomIn(zoomStep = 0.1) { let newZoom = Math.floor(this.defaultZoom * 100 + zoomStep * 100) / 100; if (newZoom > 4) { throw new Error("[Process Designer Warn ]: The zoom ratio cannot be greater than 4"); } this.defaultZoom = newZoom; this.bpmnModeler.get("canvas").zoom(this.defaultZoom); }, processZoomOut(zoomStep = 0.1) { let newZoom = Math.floor(this.defaultZoom * 100 - zoomStep * 100) / 100; if (newZoom < 0.2) { throw new Error("[Process Designer Warn ]: The zoom ratio cannot be less than 0.2"); } this.defaultZoom = newZoom; this.bpmnModeler.get("canvas").zoom(this.defaultZoom); }, processZoomTo(newZoom = 1) { if (newZoom < 0.2) { throw new Error("[Process Designer Warn ]: The zoom ratio cannot be less than 0.2"); } if (newZoom > 4) { throw new Error("[Process Designer Warn ]: The zoom ratio cannot be greater than 4"); } this.defaultZoom = newZoom; this.bpmnModeler.get("canvas").zoom(newZoom); }, processReZoom() { this.defaultZoom = 1; this.bpmnModeler.get("canvas").zoom("fit-viewport", "auto"); }, processRestart() { this.recoverable = false; this.revocable = false; this.createNewDiagram(null); }, elementsAlign(align) { const Align = this.bpmnModeler.get("alignElements"); const Selection = this.bpmnModeler.get("selection"); const SelectedElements = Selection.get(); if (!SelectedElements || SelectedElements.length <= 1) { this.$message.warning("请按住 Ctrl 键选择多个元素对齐"); return; } this.$confirm("自动对齐可能造成图形变形,是否继续?", "警告", { confirmButtonText: "确定", cancelButtonText: "取消", type: "warning" }).then(() => Align.trigger(SelectedElements, align)); }, /*----------------------------- 方法结束 ---------------------------------*/ previewProcessXML() { this.bpmnModeler.saveXML({ format: true }).then(({ xml }) => { this.previewResult = xml; this.previewType = "xml"; this.previewModelVisible = true; }); }, previewProcessJson() { this.bpmnModeler.saveXML({ format: true }).then(({ xml }) => { this.previewResult = convert.xml2json(xml, { spaces: 2 }); this.previewType = "json"; this.previewModelVisible = true; }); }, /* ------------------------------------------------ 芋道源码 methods ------------------------------------------------------ */ async processSave() { const { err, xml } = await this.bpmnModeler.saveXML(); // 读取异常时抛出异常 if (err) { this.$modal.msgError('保存模型失败,请重试!') return } // 触发 save 事件 this.$emit('save', xml) }, /** 高亮显示 */ highlightedCode(previewType, previewResult) { const result = hljs.highlight(previewType, previewResult || "", true); return result.value || ' '; }, } }; </script>